Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 23, 1899, p. 2

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horn ciiiiihiii kliuaalrig on friday j7tli fobru- nry tomr and mrafqstciliipu adaugbtor adautiiik at kalrvlowfarui nmbswoy oa tiamlivyutliinht tho wlfo of j w adam- null of a sou fukkman fkiiniikt at tlio colboruo btroot muitiortibt imvoiiftbo brant lord on woduos- tlnv 15lh kol inry by ilev ii j truleavon mr juiiidh i iyton froomnn to ida may diuiplitor of tlu fa to joaepb furiiloy o ac ton di aitono txsd at tbo rusldodcq ot tbo brldos ftuliur on nvodiisdny feb lit by rov dr hcuulun wo jlaniond son of wm dlam- o o jni i nit of nahuttjfweya l1el murran iu tyronoon monday otb february itoglua mooro wifo of jobu mutton agod 31 ytura fouiies at tlio liomo of bla par on u gburob htreot ac ton oil thursday ibtti february allan elinor ibrant son of william fjirbca agod 10 months iikhlikwatbli realdonoo trafalgar on wed nesday ifitb february john iticaue eldest noil ot tbo lato robert eallo toronto amiotat e vorton on friday 10th inat jortle abbott tn lior nfteontb year -datidy- riay 78 yoars dy at darby viuonasbagaweysvon bator y 11 tb february mrs bobort darby aged wellington mutual fire insurance co the annul meeting- held ontuoa- day february 14th tbe annual moating of tho wellington mutual fire imuran ce company was held according to advertisement iu tbo offloe o tbw nnmrany on tuesday tho 14th of mht tlan fttt xhdhsdaypebkyaby 28 1890 notes and comments hon xmwsrd blake will retarn to canada to remain permanently id may he will be given a banquet by the irish hume rulers on his departure from tho old laud mr blake says bewillaqt reeutor politics in canada a till la to be introduced id to the legislature which after reciting the faot that oitiee towns and incorporated villages have the ribt to regulate the erection and maintairibdce of telegraph and teleph6ne polea will aek that township be given bimilar power advices from dawson city say that at the unit annual meeting of the congrega tion of first presbyterian charch it was unanimously decided to become self inp- portinc from january lat 18o0 this is th first and only congregation of any denomination in the yukon to become belt supporting it will proceed now to take stops to call a minister mr andrew fattullo m p p baa introduced three bills wbloh sre of im portance to the people of this province the first provides that tbo ballot shall not be used in municipal connoils olt any kind he also asks that muniaipalitlea be pro hibited from bonusing manufacturing industries under any oironmstanoes two years agoanaot was passed reducing the size of town councils of 6000 inhabitants or lea mr fattnllo asks that this act now apply to all towns mr james tucker the patron member of the legislature says that the resolution passed in the hense a couple of cessions ago which expressed diisatibfactfon wilh civil servantb participating in eleotione has proved it moat inefficient and pro vincial officials are working irt campaigns without let or hindrance he htm intro duced a bill which provides that an official oonyioted of canvassing or working in provincial elections shall be fined 200 and forfeit office for four years february at 130 oclock p m the president george bleeman was moved to the ohalr jffbved seconded and carried that the minutes of last annual- meeting be taken as read dlbeotobfj befort the president oallcd on the secretary to road tho report as t ollowi asufrrlshbn your director beg leave to pre- aeut tbecsth annual report of the wellington mutual fire insurance company for the year ehiiingiesmbs the nnunber of policies itbued daring the 7ear was 1jh9 add tb number in force on deoeeaberaisi 1808 was a1bl inaurlog fs6v wjtt yon wiunotloe the amount at risk is lower than l ait year the deorcmio being caused by withdrawing agencies from the city of toronto and county of esses the business in these place- bsvttag proved unprofitable and they have ejao esaaed to write firm risks we have also laurjie doommt in tho premium nolo business having hid on account of the heavy fires ln october november december 1897 and january 1898 tb make a special call we have alio reduced our largest lines bo that we cannot lose more than ttyooo in any one fire and in the villages even lem we bays totbank our patrona vrho io promptly responded to tbo extra call and enabled oa tb wipe off our losses and also to increase our reservsi wbloh now amount to 830174 together with cur premium uote capital of 38ot0w net alter doduotlng all payments and oalla thareooi yonr dhraotoit refer with nnfelgned regret to the loessuitained by the oompany in the death of the venerable manager ur charles david jpn in ftbro last y adjuated and paid with the exooptlon of oiao which la now unddr lnvoatlgatlon mauyof tin nres from an- uukaown oauao wero no doulit duo tooarelemueeiand idoaudlarlani iteeiteutlully aubuiltiod biguod john aifobh iuapootor tho prcbidont then said it afford 8 roio sv great dealol pleasure to move the adop tion of tho report the affaire of tlio company are now iu a propporoue condi tion much more ao than a your ago when the reaouroob of the com pan v were aovorelv in the byeelection contest for the house of conxmoni in west huron on tuesday between tho pair of bobs- robert hoi mee ot clinton acd robert moleao of goderich our bob of the clinton new eraa pruldent of the canadian preee aesociaton was elected to be the front bob tbefsw 3pfikss oon- gratiilates mr holmes upoo hie elsction and the ridior of weak huron upon electing bo worthy a rspretsntsulve mr holmes is an able public man he is a fl a eoa o floe prs and his pnblio record is one worthy mifo of the sterliog character he possesses for five years id snoceuion- mr holmes has been mayor of his town we predict that he will make bis mark in the bouse of commons bannockburn the followld pupils earned poaitioraon tho toll of honor at the last monthly exam inations at this school v class alberu modboald myrtle yvatson iv glass james henderson bolston brown haggle kennedy ii claaa bessie manrj john mann annie henderson bandy mann sequel alexander mann 1 class wiggle mcdonald absent from examination fred hard- idg willie toiwson ethel cole ina den ny boy wat ion harold harding john dbbbie henry debbie evert denny badie gole mabel moff teas moffat willie dobble herbert mitchell shirley wat ao n ollie moffat george moffat p evklym mokioww teacher was the esteemed manavger oftfihi eompanyi and to bua careful psnonsu effort and pteralght hubeen due much of tbo iitcoess and popular ity of the company bis removal was keenly felt by your dlrecton as well so by many of those who have been clients of the eompauy daring the many years of ils management our loss was however wary much reconciled by the appointment tothe vaeaney of mr john davidson son of the deceased who has ainoe occupied the posltlgn to the complete satisfac tion of the board and the confldonoe of the pnblio during the year the oompany suffered anotner heavy loswln the deatblu march of mr wb fltorey acton who had been a director for four years he was a valuable member a man of keen business eapaelty astd was ever earnest in bis desire to further the interests or the oom pany afrh p uoore resident of the aame town was eiecied by the board to nil this taoanoy yonr director alio decided to further strengthen tbe oompany by a nbscrlbed stock eabltalof eiluooo and made tho necessary application to the lleutoovernor in counoll for prmlsalon to raise the lame which amount has been folly subscribed and 10 per cent of aame has been called up and will amouot to 18500 it is tbelr intention to invest it in dobenturea or other safe aeourltlear our capi tal will tnen shows large ratio to amount at rlbk- our losses for tbe year har all been paid bnt one wbloh is now under atdlaatment the financial statement inspectors and auditors report are attached hereto the retlrlor directors aare james g oldie john i hobsoo and john wlaaler who are eligible for reslectlon au of wbloh i rospeotf ally submitted gash statement for year ending slit deo 1606 to balance from last statement 43038 m beoelpts to fixed payments fflohh 03 aisessmeats 3180 90 cash prtxnltitua 17wa 13 bxtra premiums 653 interest 709 46 agents balances 1110 35 sills receivable 70 75 transfers and endorsements 61 8 belnsuraxtoe claims u9 it xoantradeiiabank 15000 0u 7s417 40 he who voald pass bis deolioing years with honor and comfort should whin ypung remember that he may one day become bid sind remember that when be is old that he has been yooog once addlscq the aecde of tbe philippine bean from the oonit near manila so closely resemble the quarts ipekblee among whloh they fall in shape sine and color luster hardiness and stratification ai to be almost indisting uishable j dlabursements byelalrasiof 180jffl6iqgof 1808 aiawixo m iulnsuranoe s90 ib bebatoandabatemsnts 119 04 goads plans and revliiona 144 85 bepayment of loans 39000 00 commission and bonus 6898 29 fnal and light 90 98 inspectors expenses and ad- jnstmsntof elaims 063 81 interest 694 lfl statutory assessment 907 29 bent amd taxes 865 00 salaries directors snd audi tors feesm seo 87 postage telegrams szebauige and telephone 7bb 80 stationery and advertliuifi 670 11 balance h eo8063 60 11793 78 78706 38 abbet8 sabentarea of goelpb and ontario investment and bavlngs society 14000 00 cash on idepoalt tradera bankbeaervepohd 904174 cash on deposit tradera bank general account 990 09 cash on hand at head offloo 898 80 cub la centa hand tnpld imkumenu pnpld awwwnapti unpaid mill tmelnbl offlo famitttro and qomam puua v pmnlnoi notm lea pajrinent tbaraon 1431 sn 17 w 1678 is ms w 3u8 45 65300515 taxed owing- to tho heavy iobbos tho ooaoi pany austalned through numerous fri it was thought by the directorate that the beat mesne of getting over the difficulty would be to make a epeolal asseasmeanl which was done and a handsome sum real ized thereby being ajuffloieut to ptaoe tho oompany in a strong fiuandial oondition ft was ftlso thought by tbe direo tore tbaat to still strengthen the oompany more it would be well to shave some stock at the baokof it and this kas been oarrled jnlo effedt with the result that all of tho a took which it was decided to issue was qnlolsty anbacribed for and a large portion of tha oali thereon has been- paid tn although not yet doe before taking my scat i desire to thank the insurers who promptly paid their cavils when the speoial asseaiment was made john i hobson vice president seaondted tfas motion whloh was carried tho election of direofors was then pro ceeded with moved by j b wiealer aeoonded by h p moore that h qommer and j a boss act as scrutineers carried a ballot having been taken meaara james goldie john ihobsoo and j 31 vyimlir ware declared reelected moved by h gammer seconded by ii murtoo that tbo w saunders and alex maokenzle be reappointed auditors carried jobnjjhohaon executive committee had had opnslderasjle to do with the president and be could saay that ha went fully into the work of khe oompany and had made himself thorough- ly obovertapt with it in all its detnlls avnd tobim was due the thanks of the members for his earnest work during the year so would also include in these remarks mp snati ager and moved seconded by thomas qowdy a vote of tbanka be tendered be offloe staff carried moved by g randall seconded by t gowdy that a vote of thanks be tendesred thosorutineers carried mr oummer responded he said lie had always taken a great interest in bo wellington muttial it was an old estab ilibibd company wiih anbppqrablejreoord for prompt and liberal settlement its head office being here he looked upon it evs belonging to the city of guolph stud ehoald receive tho support it so greatly deserved it gave insurance at as low a rate as any other uretclas oompany wnd now that it had added si share capital to iu assets would take a place in ehd front rank he trotted that the same gentlemen would continue to be on he board and insure its continued ancceu moved by jamea witt seconded by h guoimert that a vote of thanks be tendered the soard of direotora for the able manner in which they have managed the affairs of the company carried h p moore responded io behalf of ahe xirootors and stated that they wro pleshsed to have the confldenoe of he public as evidenced by the resolution to kindly moved by mr james watt the company ie certainly such that insurers can have the utmost confldenoe in be same my experience as a member of tthe board has shown that tho business of the company is well looked after by the manager agents- end offloe staff sas will as by the executive and board of directors i find that all x- fhudltures are economical very carefal- ly canvassed and all applumlab f rilks thoroughly examined and none allowed to pass where there was the hgcht eat doubt as to their being eatlafaotowy today tbe wellington having very r no oeisfqlly weathered the storm is in mcach favor with polioy holders and the pobllo generally and is i believe on the eve of its snost successful experience george randall as the oldest director e a 16v he was very happy our position waa is very much improved he bad faith in tbe old company and expected to see them iu the first rank the meeting then adjourned ala sabeequent rneeliog of ibe dlreo- tors tmrseoretsry aotiog as scrutineer a ballot was taken and oeorge bleenaad waa declared eleotrd president sud join i hob son vicepresident electbic ligh bills nearly all accounts now in for installation of tha plant revenues are now coming in the regular bimonthly eesalon of the municipal counoll was held mouday ovou- inf reeve petri on and counolttorb olark francis und clurke were prceent the beabjon was largely taken up with the oonaiderfttion and passing of bill in nnnnftntinn with trm wlwntrln llghtlnff plant nearly all of wbioh have been presented and pasaed the fire and light com mittee will meet this evening to examine and olasaify all aocqunts for ripendltarss in conneotion with the installation of the electric plant up to this point it has been a continual balgo but now the matter will take a different tarn the first payments for the supply of aloolrlo ourreqt will be due next week and collec tions will be made monthly thereafter in addition to thia there will beaoonaider- able amount received for wirlog lamps etc the fourth report of the committee on finance was- presented by finance minister clarke and recommended pay ment of tbe follovring acoounta wa jobnionbreotriocoanpnileb 2s8 x beardmoro belting oo belting 1h 45 p bayoni lumber for power honio 40 45 b w ohlabolm sc co ff 00 canadian qon electric co aupplloo hi 37 oarlock packlog co packing aud waate do 33 aoorgehatlllbupplios li 03 c lasby labor at power hoiao 10 05 h wallace for wood 7 00 acton tanning co oonl 5 00 wlwordon labor at power hquao 3 00 3 barvoy freight and cartage 2 60 btubbsandbtrutberb 3 arm ohalra b 40 a mason wood 2 00 goorgedilla labor 2 00 pjtlrkneob do 1 op w d andoraoa 3 loadssand 70 663 07 mover by i franoie baconded by jsvrnee clark that tbe fourth report of the committee on finaooe just read be adopted carried moved by john clarke aeoonded by i francis that the beevo and trees orer be andore hereby authorised to settle with the goldfe mooalloch co of gait for macbipery inpplfed io connection with the electric lighting plant carried moved by james clark seconded by i franolfl that the reeve and treasurer are hereby authorized to burrow from time to time sufllclent money to pay oar rent expenses of the municipality until the taxes become due and are paid and that laid money be borrowed at the lowest possible rate carried the counoll then a the shot that tells do you know what happens when one of our big thirtecniheh ehclls strikes a fortification it is fairly ifjled off its foundations this is the xnod- verrt way of doing things concfntra- s vting every otxpee tr t v of power anct en- m er ibto oiie tre mendous irresiati- 9 ble blow tliat siin- t ply annihilates 1 opposition this in the method that means success it in just the same in the war fare agninst diiv- while all aorta of half way coin pro- mtfllnk inedt- cinea in the hands of only perienced doctors make a feeble caltbre sort of resistance to the enentv dr pierces magnificent igqlden medical discovery with its splendid blood putify ingr liver-toning- strengthcreating poyer httrls the fortress of disease from its very foundations and marches and drives out the lurking symptoms of weakness and de hillty front every secret hiding place in the xtire physical eystcm of raanklr the work of thisgtand no right tq uqline3s 79088 99 lubilitie8 claims under adjustment 9000 00 dllla payable 7000 00 amount required to relnaare ail current risks on caih sjatem 6147as 83 balance of assets over xla- biliues 48310 47 a fishe trials exposure while at- sea brought on an attack of sciatica whfoh caused the moat excruciating agony- mr ieovv flbaw of sandrord kb follows the occupation of a flihermap and like all who porsoe tbia arduous oalt- ing is exposed frecoent1f to inclement weather some years ago ss a result of exposure mcr shaw was attacked by sci- aucarandttor rnonths suffered in tensaly- ha says tha pain he endured was some- thing agoniaipg aud he was not able to do any work for some months hisj hip was drawn out ct shape by the trouble and hedootor who attended him said that it had alio affected tbe spo after being ander the care of a doctor for sernral inontha withoot getting relief mr bbaw dlaoontinued roedloal treatment and resorted to tbe nse of plasters and lini ments but with no better reanltr he was advised to try dr william pink pills and finally decided to do so after using them for a couple of wetlu be found a deolded retlef smd lb aboal two months time every fcrtce of thotronbie bad disap peared and he has not iripoe been troobled with any illneis mfii ioualjy t any ndtsjua roo itil wlib pf0b jrjsmjtsi mwaiaii auditors bepoet to the directors of the wellington mutual fin josurtuioe oompany dzarxlhmaa your auditors beg to report that they have oompleted thelx audit of the books account and youobers off year secretarrtrs nrer for ti year endtos ust dseember 1893 scd tutlenliur exhibiting th nuasaal neatness and psrthmlsjrly in tbe keextlog of the various aeeountsc tbe bajanea at tbe credit of the den airslaooonotat tfas end of the year h 4fls9j39 j aha willi nf ih rmrti fnnrl 9041 add the balanoe of caih on band was 801 b0 maklnga total of 11708 71 tfaeeaah balanoe ot soso bss been deposited in tbe traders bank to tbe credit of your com- paoy all of whloh is resdeetfallv sobmltted signed twos w backdbiu ammu ixackmvtin altdltcts inspeotons nbpobt to tbe president end directors of tbe wslllni ton miitstal vlrelimdrsiimpsuy asktubhsm i beg to report that during tba put year fll flrss occurred eatulng a toes of the woman who is lovely in face form and temper will always have friend e shut one who would be attractive must keep tier bflaltb if she is weak sickly and all run down she will be nervous and irritabtlr if she has constipation or kidney trouble her impure blood will cause plmplei blotches ekln eruptions and a wretched complexion eteotrio buters is the beit rcedloine in the world to reguiate atonoioh liver and kidney and to purify tha blood li gives strong nerves brjfibt eyes smooth velvety skin won ooin- plexlon it will make a goodtopklsajt oharuilog wornu of a rundown invalid only 25 cents at j d mokeea entire physical system of mankind irk of tnie- grand discovery it gives th h that fa the atrcngfa titat ftolfti and niiuv atantial and lasting not flabby fat not fav stimulus but genuine complete renewed vitality and lifeforce i hod been a rufferer tor fideen years nearly all the time aaya mrs sarah b taylor or bureks greenwood calcan in a fricntflylctler to dr pierce in august 1806 was taken with severe cramping pain ih my stomach the doc tor here said it was due to gallstones he re lieved me for a abort time and then there waa a hard lump about the sbceof a goose egg formed in my right side xt became so sore i coula scarcely walk about the house and i had no ap petite i consulted the beat doctors in town aud trey said medicine would do meno iroodu i gave- up all hope of ever getting well agmlu vyouadviieametotalccyourgolden uedlcal- diacovery sud pleaaont pellets which t uld according to directions- i began to feel better and my appetite came back now it is a little over a year since i begun to do my own worts i am stronger than 1 have been for five years canadas eqq product interesting flgrures presented tho dominion statistician by ottawa teb 17 the dominion sta tistician bas been looking into the question of tho lion as a revenue producer i find he aays that there aro ubout 14000000 ho ub in cauada they yield about 80000000 dozen fkb a yettr at twelve oente a dozpn tho vutuu iu qtoao to 10600000 jbe ravenue rfurlvgil hy ihn pftrlwl government frutn taxation oh ppirits and wines beer malt and malt liquor ia 1400000 leaa than the value of the hen fruit the yearly expenditure on educa tion iu canada is 1800000 leaa than the value of the prodoot of our noble hene frugality id a fair fortune and habits of industya good estate hoods saraaparilla never disappoints it may be taken for impure impoverished blood with perfect confidence that it will onre comfort long la tedious when it lasts too the globe toronto canada the leading newspaper of tho dominion the dail1 has over 12000 more regular circuit tlon every day than it had in 1807 and nearly 4000 moro than one year ago it oiiowb sxcidsb it pebib it has all the news every day the-baturday-ilhj8tratkd- wlthtrs or 8 pages every saturday ita uluatrated suppumeue ta many apeelal tea- tureasbort stories and bke tony articles besldm having the current newa of tbe day bap become a ationg rival to the best monthly magailnes it 3 canadas greatest newspaper you can have the tiliobb every day and tbe batobdat xixusttutbc lor about tbe aame srloe as yon have to pay for many of tbe smaller allies the weekly globe has bad lereral new features added has all the news of the week in codoibo form and keeps its readers in e lose touch with every part of the world and more especially our own country subscription rates and fall particulars can bo bad at the onlce of this dealer or postmaster or send the qloi1b toronto canada ire ewriter aotivb bolloltors wanted everywhere for tbe story of the philippines by marat offlolal historian book was written story or the philippines by mnrat lbloued by the government as to tbe war department the halatead oouimlsaloued by the government ss depi mps olseo on thopiuunbwitf aiww uu uierwuno wiuiuenaiwwxt hospitals at honolulu in hong kongvls the american trenches atafanllaln tbe insurgent camps with agnlnaldo on tbe deoac of the olympla with dewey and in tho roar pf battle at tbe fall of- manila bopansa for agsntsi lirimful of original pictures taken by gwero- iiientphotograpbsrsontbe spot harsjce book jow prloeb big profits frelnbt paid credit biven- crop all trashy unoffldal waur books utflt free address c t babbbb baoj etar insurance building chicago price 5600 v islbla writing in addition to ai the advantages of the j12000 machines the ostv typewriter manufactured in canada iscreiiv cyrtrhnteed circulars and icstlmonlaln write for thera tfis wllllamsmtg co limited iaiipll stocfctaklaig bairgraiiis v fyfe are offering big reduc tions in black and colored ress- goods -also- cottons flannels flannelettes a sheetings boots and shoes etc crocerjes new prunes canned goods marmalade choice teas and x coffies mill st the careful repairing of watches is th hobby of phih6le the jeweller quelph the ins and outs his long experience combined with his practical ability and- close attention to the details of that part of bis business makes him the best qualified person in guelph to do any repairs to your watch spectacles the same careful oversight is given to the proper fitting of spectacles any defect of vision is carefully examined and if spectacles can be found to aidthe sight or stop the headache pfingle will supply them no matter whether you want an interior or an exterior view of yonr home or one of the inmates we can insure you a pretty picture one that your friends will admire and carry realism of your home to those absent we take photos either by sunlight or flashlight photo khtist hcton ceints slkt6r shoes are the proper thing if you are not in line better look into it now ualcar of tbe mfebratod new wllllami bowing afaoqlau 8 stores weill the shoe man ebtadiishee 1843 e otise fburuary 22nd of itln bforliacnunta wanted co all bis inltton makornlusldoand out also two dlroiik loila for tannery altnold bhob ac to l residence for sale anew brick rentdciico with fluo larnorodma bpleudld collar under whole bouao com modious btublo and driving homo hard and of t wator nlco garden great bargain for qulok sale for lurttior particulars apply at aiflffnitrivcinmh coal business changed j c hill has purchased tbo coal business nt mr john mcqueen and is prepared to deliver fliat- olasa scran ton coal iu furnace btovo and nut altee promplyandto tbe satlafactlon ofcuato- njem generally i have alio purchased tbe weigh eaalea aud will give prompt attention to all orders for tboir use j 0 hill important notice the celebrated indian doctor george w hill and partner will be a agnews hotel aotpn on tbq last wed nesday of every month until further nqtloe ootnmenclng with weoneoday 96th oetobe 1808 all chronic diseases suob as conauuvb tlon catarrh liver complaint kidney diseases rbeumatlstn dlabptes o are ciiredby indian bemedlea mediolnea sold by the quantity patient given up as incurable are eapeolalfy invited patients under treatment to other doo tors are not sbliolted consultation free- per- manent address bbantfobd p 0 ont execi0bs sale valuable farm and villaoe property in erin and a the ucderslgnod executors of the estate of tbe late lira jbiiaabetb lamond offer tor ale tbe following properties 1 the farm lots con 4 in tbe township of erin comprising 10o acres more or leas on the farm la sreotedt a small houae the place la well watered and well adapted for a erasing or grain farm tbo property will be sold subject to a lease held by sirs jane bussell which expires april lat lwo- j a- that wellknown lou 8 and 0 in block 17 in the property comprising vinigft of acton on wbloh is erected a large twostory brick bouse suitable for either a private residence or a donble tenement 8 vulage lot no 69 in toung survey on mill street e fine building lot and longood location r tinxs or bilhmado known upon applica tion to the exeontore acton feb 21st 1899 qwonak hxvxll k notice to cbedit0b8 in the matter of- the estate of peter mann late of the tovvnsjiip of esquesing in the county oi halton farmer deceased- notice is hereby given pursuant to b 8 o 1b97 cap 199 bee 88 that all peraods bavins any claim against tbe bstate of tbe above named peter mann deceased who died on or about tbe 13th day of november 1808 at the said town ship ofeaquesing are hereby required to send by post prepaid or deliver to tbe undersigned solicitors on or before the 97tb day of february 1899 their names and addresses together with panlcolara of tbelr claim or claim and the nature of the secnrlty if any held by tnem and notice la hereby given that after tbe said 97th day of february 1899- the executors will proceed to distribute tbe assets ol the said estate among tbe persoos entitled thereto having re gard only to tho claims of which notice bas been received and the said executors will jaot be liable for tbe sesete so distributed or shy part thereof to any person or persona of whose claims they abaul not have received notlcev quthb1b watt a gutbbib quelph solicitors for executors dated 37tn january 1899 excursions to ther est will leave toronto via north bay etb15 pm andojmnm eaeh tuaaday during bsaroh and april if anfaclemtbublness offers colonist eutsrcito oabs for passengers with ordinary baggage will be attached to train l to ami w wr through to winnipeg oolohnrr sisbfpmo oabsf or passengers trav elling on same train aa their uto stock will be attached to train leering toronto at 900 pm and will run through to winnipeg bjuttiuwill te mum- in these cars and can be seonred by passengers on application to grand trunk agents ticket rate and all information from agents of grandtrunk hallway system h 8 holmes agent aoton mo dickson diet pabflr- agt toronto hamiltons favorite shopping place bbimfuii of inteee8t toa11 80rt8 and condiliona of shoppers are our daily announcements always but economical people find them especially interesting just now when every department glistens with golden moneysaving opportunities worthy seasonable goods are marked at clearing prices in order to make room for new spring merchandise prove us on these hems r thbj oakput bax13 to ileal cecil persevere in ones duty and ba is the beat answer to calumny ninety per cent of the people are afflicted with soame foron of humor anil this causes a variety of diseases the reason why hood 0wtpuibqrea whan all others fail li found in tbe faot that it effectually eipti the humor boorfoie sail rheum boii stud all eruptions are permanently cured by thie great medicine itoodv tilli are the best family thartiondlivsrtorilogenil ure bflwarootbim that la alow to anger for when it is long coming it ia the stronger when it comes and tbe longer kept abased patience turns to fury do you know consumption ia preventable sdienoe bss proven that aud also that neglect ia suicidal the worst cold or cough can ba cured with shlloba cougb aud co dm ca ption onre sold on positive guarantee for oyer fifty years larbcelvinc is most gratifying juany hundreds of yorda bawe already been bought up by wise people who recognise the moaeysavipg feature the patronage our jtebrnary stale of carpets jreeelvlnr is most gratifying juany hundreds ofyorda bawe already been boasbt up by wise plsw bla apt baob prloessu these would be impossible during tnaxgulat season h will pay you to anttetbaternturereqalremeots bb8t bbtj8bbu8 o arpbt8 forujsrty vxjsjpsrvard ho wo bflttjibtltv oabpbtfl vormsriypaottewryardrnowtoc formerly slipo per yard now 80a oorrmpondin8rmaoti one in other lines ribbons rbduobd quite a large lot of sinob fancy itlbbons in plaids stripes and polka dots suitable for ties and girdles are oitetins st prices like tbeast fanoy ribbons ip plaids and stripes former ly 8flo now 93c two other linos in fjsnoy plaids one was fioo per yard now 85o he other was 83o now 15c fsvnoy cheeked ribbons formerly iso now 93c polka dot ribbons lb green pink and yellow wltn black dots formerly sso now 93c mbn8 rabnishmos ueoa3olowdprlntbbjrts open back some with sepauote enfts and some vrtth euffa attached variety ol pavtterna eboeks andl stripes slses is iaudl7fcmnaorlyunnowo hens colored print bblrta opso front kttaoh- ed cuffs sjseeietudltiformssrly 7flo now coo fcurlnhand ties in a varletyof patterns and shades formerly 35 and see now iso bow tfas in light and dark oolorfngs various patteroa formerly 90c now loo wb but floose feathers if yon bavotnty good live gooee feathers write us about thorn pay as good prices as anyone for the right kind wb pay thb jbxpbjbss orfretgbt to any railway atsuon in ontario on all mall orders soununktotvkworoversuidenaiwresanaemon king st east cor- rlughabri 8t- biaasc tagins hamilton candor iint lha brlnbteiil nam ot oritl ohm dlarall volcanic eruptions paiaatwavb wiboxnforwilii ddt1ogtfipr wmliadlamadlolnioor una wan malted bjr atilllran wllta natshai i fliaa wafa atatua bf mmoi inaamlarfam xmaiffjamr itraairna atartad b uunpa ixm9ktu ilraa war taiud j lljliloloj i hwrv wtwwtommjv noi ot aajolnlo auw wb htb wollr lanvuiaiati 4re iirand bal bkia erapllooa 10b lit ol jar bnoklbpa arnloa salva onru tbm alas old boooidk and saver borau tjioat dolla flona coma wart cui bnbq darna saaldt chpped hand clitliblaina paat bla oura on rili pilvaf oat aobea aud flna only us pasta a box para kiariduad bold xduokce a droent provision for lbs poor i iroo teat ot olvlllmtlim you mot croap ia tha terror ot thoaiaoda of yoniik mptbera baoaou ita ontbnak jaao agonizing and frequently fatal snllolia ooorb and- oooaaniptlod oar aou ilka maslo in caua of oronp ll baa nayer bean known to fail tha won oaue relieved immadlktely pripe m oani 60 oanta and tlvoo olevernea 1 aaryloable for everythiof anffioient for nothing w 18 it oatarrboiona la a llojnid fragrant aod oleanaing wbloh rapidly vblauliaea arben inhaled wbat ia it for it ia an abeol ale neverfallldg onre for catarrh of tha throat or natal paaaagea ia this trot we are ao aoro that it will core jot tbtt we will tend yon prepaid a fret atmple of oatarrhoaon an inhaler if yon aehd yonr addreaa within one week write da n o polaon 4 co kinaton oot while they last wowillsell lilio huron trout j bbla at 4jo every fish guaranteed lake huron herring at 5425 labrador herring at kioo green codfish at c lb we also carry a full stock of haddlo clscoes blqatoraand oysters grecker epartjent are you going to get married t if so call and examtneour stock of dinner tollat and teswaro- we arooffbrihg exceptional value are you going to make a wedding present wo have some beautiful pieces ofchlna suitable for either wedding or birthday presents just received a special line of 97 piece dinner sets at 44 jo 1000 lbs good pried apples wanted thlsweek nted at jjv- ance over gipodqtfatitty pltlce 3kt talbarera r jut as bad as tale mikara v bismar iron nerve wamthe reanll of ble fpleudid beltb ioddmluba will and tremeudoua aneraty a bot found wbere8tomah llvat atiiiiejfriabd rxtawji oot- l otoltr if you want these qoalllk and poclivand borfy only u a man endowed with great perfection without good bmedlnr is alike one who baa bis pocket full of gold but always waola change for bit ordinary oooaaisna bleat the atomaoba woware pleavainlly and poaltlf el healed by dr von staus plbaappts tableu tbay m npodsind dlgejlthafood prevent fermsputkwi mud alldlalmlsw pf the tloaohbonlient rflctortjia jstpavxiftp hwo the free press has just laid in a large stock of firstclass white envelopes in 7s and 8s sizes and is prepared to supply them printed in large or small lots at a very small advance over the cost of unprinted envelopes every person whether in business or not should have their name and address printed on the corner of their envelopes so that the post office 1 authorities may return undelivered letters to the writers instead of sending them to the dead letter office ask for samples and prices onn hvfe rcton ont look here 12 vahietiks for 2bo taire rour ohoio fauttitid ptoktu vbabtablks ottasrbrnnmbar 1 bmtbotlpsea round su8runawtok soanot halmonbhaiitee osbearter queranae 7 cnoumberaoliteago ploklink oelary white pldme lorhnbe aaga is mayorem is lattaee early enrled elleala 1 danvert market curled u ilutkmelon extra early nuunen is water melon ooban ltonlosa larm ran wethentleld 1j- yaoow rlobe danvers is parmlneibollow erown so badlib prasob bnaklaat sl roar gam white upper ss sqnub haobard ss tomato extra early atlantic st dwarf ebamplbn plowbits as aetata mured ss ulssctilt iireet s7 t amy mixed ssptnola mixed ta haatartlnalb mliad tall so hweetpees na mixed si wild tlpweruardtn bald mix free by mall potpald on reealpt of prioe orujpaekeajfor see ipohatnotj or ellver we viniaadnepaeaetbhowralrapamp klnraewsotrmoloharga to acton lass paasa anbterlbaii geo j thorp 5 v otjiupk ivlex

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