Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 23, 1899, p. 3

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the bank of hamilton charter gkantbd 1812 head officii hamilton on t capital all paid up 1 260000 oq reserve and surplus profits araooooooo total assets 8 1200000000 j turnbull cashier sanutjfs department the ne at home mostly of a local charaoter and every item interesting stricken with paralysis wbllo engsgedat bit work iu the yard of aatou tanning co on monday moroing mr james e cobban was suddenly btrioken with paralysis on the right aide for a shorttlmo toe was rendered uncon scious bul soon rallied and watoonveyed tobisb f t p t day th baa been very little obange inhitoondilipc he had not been very well for severs week but was out to the anblvereary services in koox cburoh on sunday and folt quite equal to his asual work on monday his speedy recovery is ainoerely hoped for by all tfio sadden death ol ulna untitle coot bev b b cook returned from the funeral of hia granddaughter at palermo on thursday evening her death waa very sudden- she waa never very robnat in taealtb but waa going about as ueual the day before- and retired at her nana boar a bister who passed through the room at hlnobolopk tpoketo her and reoeived a jetting reply she failed to come down to breakfast next morning and when her mother went to her room aba fonnd thatber spirit had peacefully lefl the mortal day she was twentytwo yeare of age and a bright happy chris tian young woman her friends feel keenly their sodden bereavement the special servioes th la week the evangelistic aervloea in the metbo- diet onnrob have proceeded during the week with a growing interest and larger attendance the earnestness of evange list mohardy and bis interesting and impreseivedisooarseehave bad a manifest effect in sllrribg op obriatlana and awakeoiogainhers the methods adopted are thorough have the fullest sympathy of thestarandwprkeraandahbuldgive permanent reanlts a prayer meeting attended with muoh power was held at 945 sunday morning and the servient at the- sunday- sohool in the afternoon and with a large congregation at night were very fruittol the ttrvloes are announced to continue until nut tuesday evening the aubjeot this evening will be opt of the hire into the olioir tomorrow evening sonl suioido sunday morning absoluts surrender evoning the men who misted it at 880 on sunday afternoon mr mohardy will apeak on the pleasure dance by regueat anotherhueeommtal anniversary the anniversary of knox cburoh held on sunday end toeiday evening was another marked snnoaas bav itir neighborhood news news itoma supplied by corres pondents and exohanses bverton mrs geo tyndsl of guelpb is visiting relatives here ro tyndal and family purpose going weil in marob it seemed like old times to have mr and mrs john mckinnon of ooelpb with us oo buuaay xuey were the guests of the misses boberteon miss black who haa been aperidlng a month with her lister mrs a tovell eljrla ohio arrived home on saturday we are pleased to hear that mr g wells is improving though very slowly mr dmotaviabonr aged frieud nar osprlnge is also improving there waa a very large attendance at the funeral of the late gertie abbott on sunday afternoon the dieolpleacbnrqb was filled servioes were oondooted by bev w b beytone jrerlie was nearly fifteen years of age and will be very ronob missed in the home the fliral offerings were beautiful the pall bearera were four of her obusinfl coming and going visitors to and from acton ana varlousotherporsbnal notes tliti faaa pbkbs idtum all ita retdori to oon tribute to thli ooluma if you or your friands ato going awfty oq a holiday trip or it you slav frionda vialting you drop a card to tbq fbjub pom mr john h worded of oiton w in town yoiterday mr jolio baunyue of georgotowu lwitd-atm- on s left prostrate weak brief run dawn with heart and kidneys in bad condition raitorttd by hoods saraaparlla i wit veryj much run down having been alok for several months i had boon trying different remedies which did mo no good i would hsvo severe spells of coughing that would leave me prostrate chas l nelles the wallpaper pays to buy at bollerts it pays to buy at boiler ts man quelph announces that 1899 will be a banner year in new papers and window shadrs ststsf mmm these figures represent the number of samples we havp received of suitings interest paid at best current rates and added to principal without waiting for pass book to be presented any sum may be withdrawn by simply sending in a written order with the pass book no formalities no delay the government returns show that this bank gives to depositors four million dollars of security over and above every cent due to the public earjmers notes of responsible farmers discounted money loaned to feed cattle etc farmers- sale notes collected promptly and advances made on account of same at a lovrato of interest- security courtesy fail bates every banking facility aftorded which can be obtained in the city or elsewhere correspondence solicited georgetown branch tairranwanbd ovsn rwasxr tkabb j p bell agent t jlctoit fttt xts ihbbbday febbtjaky 28 1899 little local brieflets whloh causht the eyes or bars of free jpresa reporters this week mady bitizena are atill ia the bonds of blppo- ra taste of spring weather haa been eiperienoed tbia weebc the berlin telegraph waa deelroyed by are on monday afternoon oas 18000 sprink fever has hsen raging this week bnt the straw hat has not yet been resurrected the hew granolitbio pavement ia in mttoh favor with the boys for their games of marbles see that your draina are opened op damage bylpyirig freshotcj when they come sfother earth was almoat bare of anow until toeaday nights atorm oovered her again to the depth of six inches the hoar 0 service at the disciple charon haa been changed fron 8 p m to arn bnnday 8ohool 10 arn some men reaomblo postage stamps they stidk tb one thing qntil thoy get there bat yoave got to llok them first mr adam oook haa purohaaed tbs new dwelling in cooks survey recently ereoted by mr john koe conaideration 800 sabsorlberal are yoo aware that you can secure an extra oopy of the fbbje pbiasto be sent to any addresa for one year for sevantyfive oents everybody seems anxious to be in style people hereabouts inaiat that they have had about aa muoh of the oid- fashioned wiotsr as they oare about for oneeeason eleotrialsn reynolds thoaghttulness in lurnbift on the lights at 40 tuesday afternoon owing to tbeprevaillng fog was appreciated by all patrons it la rumored that mr j p molten baultnafad misa sawyers of erin frlenda of this place last week nftss edith campbell has gone to viait herbrother in london mrs peter fergnaon haa a ssvere attaok of la grippe h shortill ia ereotlng an addition to bis lions whloh will make qoite an improve ment a couple of oar young sports attended the ball in brookvllle hall on friday night and report haying had a good time miss hodermld of georgetown visited hia slater mrs belts of this plaoe iobi week j is hbpnt to retire from the commercial hotel and go into the saloon basioess in hamilton mrs mnllene brother sir gavotte of detroit is 16 succeed him mr william bwaokhamtner haa purobased theiarrn of mrs benj aoderaod in nasiagaweya for 8000 mnanderson has porphased thelbriok honse on church owned by mr swaok hammer for 11200 the iktao were strongly inevidenca at koox ohurch anniversary aervioesi thsre were maophersoh the pastor mcdonald the preacher molntosb the leolnrer molaohlan of the methodist oharoh and mohardy the evangelist from the milwanksa sentinel via learn of the destruction byflro of the port waahingten wis obaln gos f aotory and warehonae on sanday night loes 8w000 mr alfred a farmer a vformsr acton hoy wsu aaperidtendeat of one of the departmenta of the big establihhment a foil line off nab groceries at e b collins produoe taken in exobaogo fresh oysters haddies and oljooes at e b collins a few sets ot seoond band single harness to be sold obsap jons miitasws harness maker 4yrmb freeh eggs apples and poultry st the alkenhead produoe oo acton highest prioes paid for fdrs to rnsdia rich lady ourad of tier dauness and nolsei in the hpadby dr nioholspna artlnoal ear df amrbarssnt 41000 to hia ioiiuum so that deaf people unabfs to procure the bar drums may bars them free apply so pspartment k kflths iostiiote flongobtt gunners bory ijbndon w england v any one reqolrloganythlog in marble or granite raonnmsntsu work or oemetery stork ot any should plaoe their orders at once to seopre tbs diaoouol with jih hamilton of quslpi who bal the ispotatton of dning the oflit work in ontario and at prices guaranteed right write at onosfor termi to thosb about to fviarbv voung men or old men who intend to marry will be pleased to learn that the risw marriage aot is made sjulls simple by applying to h p moore itaner of marriage tioeoaeeatthefabs passsoffios call a fewdays before lbs ciersjmobyand have the matur jsxplalnad jpjrttbmos all 1 banrissesirlotly private and oonddsntial at rssidsnos in eisnlngs bu ths bns mdbolib wadnmey olgbi togalh jlth llbead of tttfxb kad vmltn3ryvlt iovared by unoranoe in be v7fxu irtrt are tbs worst kind of snemiss mcdonald of beafortb whose ripe experlsnoe and soholarsblp are well known preaohed able dleconroea on sunday in the morning bis text was ps 87 8 glorloua tbinga are apbkeo qt thee o city of god the glory of the oburob of god on earth was very impressively set forth and the sermon was helpful and enoonraging to a high degree a congrega tion larger than that of the morning assembled for the evening servioe from naasagaweya erin scotoh block and town old friends and new gathered to bear the reverend doctor the opening exercises were oondooted by mr macpher- on after which dr modonald preaohed the sermon from mark 10 21 his voice waa in excellent trim and eoabated interest inanifesled by all in tbe crowded oharoh showed that the central truth of heart servioe was making deep impraaelon on the hearers generally tbe social ud leatureon tnesday night were well attend ed the night was nut by any meanfl favorable bnt the ladleav aid under whose auspices the gatheriog was held were well pleased with the proceeds tea was served in the basement ot the ohnroh by the ladles of the congregation and every naraoh did inatioe to the ample supply pf good ibifiga at 816 the ohalr was taken by the pastor who made a few remarks appropriate to the oooaainn tbe first number on the programme waa an anthem by the choir whloh was well rendered as were also the other numbers after alng- ing bev mr molhtosh the leotnrer of the evening was iatrodaoed after a few pleasantries be plunged into hie leotore on whats wanted the lecturer emphaair- ed 1 that man are wanted- 9 that what la wanted is quality and not so muoh quantity 8 that true men are wanted in every place in the oharoh and in politics the lecture waa enjoyed by all and on ita oonolnaiori a vote of thanks was tendered ihe leotnrer on motion by d hen derson m pi seconded by mr william mophall the bey mr forbes of the congregational ohurob kindly romsmbered the oboir and the ladles for the parts performed by them in the entertainment ibis waa heartily supported by mr molntoah tbe procsedlngs olpsed with the doxology brookvil1e a meeting pf th halloo farmers institute was held here last thursday blmpion ronnie mtllked and 3 e orr frnltland were tbs qovarnment deputa tion at ihsafmrurmn sesslpn mr orr gave an address on spraying an apple orchard there are joat three stated times that oan be mentioned for spraying 1 1 just brfora the trees pome bnt in bad before the blossomt open 8 after the blossoms fall for the pro tection of honey bets a law has been pasted forbidding spraying while the trees are in bloom after three sprayings a farmer must use bis own jodgmant the solution rscommended it as follows copper salphate a ibe lime fresh 4 lbs parle green eos wtter j mr bonnie gavean address on thf importanca of fall cultivation plow shallow immediately after- the prop h taken off and harrow to encourage germi nation of email seeds and then plow again before winter and moil of the small seeds wil be killed mr hehnla follows an eight year rotation of orops at follows two years olover one year oastcre out- year peat one year fair wheat one year oats one year roots and one year barley and seed down with clover a moglbbon esq iteevs of katsa- gaweya oooapled the chair at the evening sstiioo the hall was orowdtd to ths doors there being about five hundred present mr bsnnlt spoke on oar country put end prstbit and mr orr 00 the common ineeott atlaoklng frolt and foliagt aad now to destroy them the tjdressee vrerelpmrtpsraed with mnelo vocal and ibitrunmntal forty two namts wsre a4d to theim lltl at the mtthlog wblob jbrlngt tbs membersbp up to tbs iiargael oumber it bat t vk y jijfrr iisiuvtygvttyb not balmtlban yopr bni frjsnds imtglcs too mr howard price loat a valuable borae last week while driving home from aoton it dropped dead mlsa qoodall ot toronto ia the guest of mies yemen xhe concert- given in thesohool last friday night proved a grand auooeaa and was well attended from georgetown apton erin and caledon mr graham deserves muoh credit for the way in which he bad the eoholera trained crew8on8 corners after the continued cold weather pt the past few weeks a february thaw is muoh welcomed next sabbath bev james harris of gnalph will preach in the metbodtiqminroh- here qoitea number from here have attended lbs aptoial services in tbo methodist ohnroh in aoton daring the past week mr tbos ingram auctioneer conducted a very auccessfot tale for mr j jiborn on monday wo are pleated to learn that mr john cripps who bald his foot severely injured some time ago is recovering mr jat modonald of eloro spent a few days last week at mr jaa gambloe mr x boper of dakota visited friends here last week tbe funeral of the late bert orewson took plaoe on wednesday laat from his fathers residence and waa largely attend ed the service waa conducted at the honse and grave by revs soy tone of everfon and crawford of aoton the pallbearers were messrs john coleman bobert crlpps james and john damper rockwood the concert by the minstrel olnb was yery tuaoessfol a fall house greeted the performers and the audlenoe expreseod themselves as well plessed with the enter- tainrneui the programme waa as follows i 1 overture by orohestra miss lee planlste messrs dnmeld plotober and doff vtollnlsu i solo and ohornsitso tratibllng daok mr john taylor 8 solo and double quartotto poor old blavo uthot brooks soto and ononis lt6sa ijee hrjobntotten 5 solo and ohorus i want to sec the old home air john fltraoban solo and ohorm old shady mr b wauon t solo and chorus njust ons girl mr hiiee 6 quartette ibld kentucky home messrs brookii btraohan j totten m totten t solo and cborai folks that put on airs mr u taylor 10 bole bweot refrain mr john straohan- u 80i0 and ohoras angels if set me mr nferrler is 80i0 leader of de oompony mr roy hrooks 13 solo and ctoonu old black joe mr it totten overture by orohestra h stump speeeh i mr j btraohan 15 faroe 16 bonnd and aoodnlght0borua all the boys ebnatoted with the event per formed their parts well special montloi most be made of messrs dufbold fletohei anddhif for their work in the oroheati and mr boy urooks in the tinging and mr jphn btraohan who oondooted the entertainment and miss f iiee the pianist bpealai meetings have been held in the methodist cburoh here for the past couple of weeks whoh have been well attended simon grieve have been ocmnelled to return to the guelpb hospital and has nndsrgone another operation from whloh he is slightly icnproved mrs bobinson of kingston is at the homo of bev wm bryere for a short visit mrr harrington of winnipeg made a short visit at the methodist parsonage this week mine 0 mcphail returned her place in the publlb school yesterday after several daya illneaa from la grippe mr jno v hill who hat been confined to the hpute with la grippe the past three weeks is slowly recovering miss maggie mcoonnell returned last week after a pleasant visit to friends in georgetown and eiqsssiug mr j h mattiea was a delegate to the annual meeting of the grand lodge a o tj w at torobtolaat week mr thomas and miss boby campbell of toronto attended the fuuertl of hit nephsw baby allan d- forbes last week mr edwin frauds who is attending the british american business college toronto was home this week for a days mr j e perry of london and bis sister mrs a molean of qnelph were the guests of mrs jennie smith the past wseji mrs william williams who went to tyrone to attend tho funeral of her sister a couple of weeks ago is expeoted borne today mist ida monabbrrstalatantsurier intendent of the emergency hospital toronto arrived borne on tnetday to ipepd a week here mr anson smith and master wallace of glautord are guests at sunderland villa the old gentleman atill looks hale and hearty and bis aoton frleuds are pleated to have the opportunity of meeting him again mr lawrence swaokhamer ton ot mr austin bwaokbamer who went to minnesota last september bat been accepted as a probationer for the ministry of the methodiat episcopal ohurob there and is doing well on a circuit at mountain lake minn mr hu mann jr son of hu man i was told that my lungs were affected and my heart and kldnoyt were in a bad condition inkftct it seemed as though every organ was out 61 order i felt that something must be done and my brother advised me to try hoods saraapsrula i procured si bottle and began taking it before it wab half gone i felt that it waa helping me i continued lto rue and lb hkt made me a new woman i cannot praise it too highly mas bummsb- vilib 217 osslngton avenue toronto ontario get only hoodo beoauso hood sarsaparilla is the bestin fact the one true blood purifier sqldbyall druggists 1 suforib our now store on upper wynd- hnm street will have tbo finest wojppaper show boom that can be found hoods pillsrfe55sjc j d mokeb the drag- gist aoton will again bo our agent and show nil the samples at guelph prices overcoatings for our 8pring trade and pan tings they represent one of the largest cloth and woollen houses in great britain just think of it thresthouaahd seven hundred nndfour samples to choose your spring clothing from they comprise every shade and stylo that could possibly be desired fp clothe joan wo will have tbem on ex- hlbltion all this week taking orders far spring clothing for tbe purpose of mmr mmm we are offering the newest weaves and best values we have ever shown this means money- saving for you because there the wanted-every- day sort of goods they include really splendid and not often met with qualities in-r- eiq one of onr esteemed oltisent paid a flying visit to bit native town on saturday after an absenoe of over twenty years in manitoba and british colombia tbs west has evidently agreed with him both phytloaliy and materially hit business engagements were such that be found it necessary to leave by the evening train for the west mr and mrs judson w cook and two obldren of bpokans wash have bseu ths gneatt during the week of ltev b b cook mr cook it enjoying tbe vitit to ibe home of his boyhood days and bit former soboolfellowaaro glad to see him agaio- he haa by his energy and perteveranet won suocess iu bit far western home and it superintendent of the washington mill co aa well as being a member of bt oompauy tbe marriage look plaoe on wednesday evening of last week of mr jamea clayton freeman formerly in bueinett aa a storekeeperbn terrace hill to miss ida may fernloy aister of mr j m feroley of toronto formerly of this oily bev b j treleaven performed the ceremony whloh was a quiet one and took plaoe at the bolborne street parsonage many friends will wish mr and mn freeman ailhappinesrbrantford courier the toledo ohio papers of saturday speak in the highest terms of a high plata conoert given by the high bobool orches tra under the leadership ot mr ohaa h hlllgrandton of cbas t hill esq aoton the toledo see pays this compliment mr bill cannot be too highly praisad for the results of bis leadership by which a perfect modulation and oadenoo were attained and be aeems to poetess the rare faculty of making individual playert merge themselves into a unit of barmonyi white cotton sheetina pillow otton ticking table linen napkins towelings shirtings flannelettes and prints- that will pleasantlysntprise you as to jl their merits and the unusually low price youll need to pay for your choice one price and that the lowest henderson co we will inaugurate a great clearing sale our stock is jnttcbtqqjargfiforrjiistimeof the year and we take stock d e m acdonald bro golden lion guelph 99 wyndham st today and every day during the week there will be on exhibition at onr store the newest styles in uptbdate spring hats we direct special attention to the following leading lines of hats tbe henry carter the wokef leld and nelsons special these hats are high grade and guaran teed both as to quality style and color any manwearing one of this pbbnlar mako ot hats may rest assured that tie is in the front rank of fashion and also that he will get absolute tatlshtctlon our prices for these hats are 8250 and 275 we have hats from 100 to 22s as well but we call special attention to above line as they are the best makera of english hats apd are strictly uptodate see them and be convinced r ei nels0n cjlssaxd osipricx jaapojkant tailor qublph ointmf rmnisher nas a very pretty wedding took place at the residence of ibe brides father mr james llnd of iknaibbbull on wednesday feb 1st when mr wm g diamond eldest son of wm diamond ar was united in marriage to miss agnes a llnd all of naasagaweya the rev dr soanlan tied tbe nuptial knot the bride was the onl it reclpleni of many usefol itld ovjitty presents there were gusts present from st marys berlin and preston as well as from the surrounding neighborhood we wish will and his bride a happy and prosperous married lfe la grippe has left hi marks in this violnity by taking sevsral from amongst us whom ays loved and esteemed it is onr sad doty to reoord the death of mrs bobert darby of darbyville who died on saturday morning lllh inst at a good old age dsoeaaed took the grippe knd bronchitis which wars tho oiuse of death the funerar took plaoe on tbt following jloqsay 1 the bbsnsser iesryjthertaviid family have the sympathy ot tut oomraunliy the ground hiat or woodobuck has madsiiappearanosagaib whloh ia an mlpatipnpuptlng ft-vv- jslifiijjf3vji w psndiofi w ibndt id pilbprdrrslurned flftfishlpsnearbialcbbuli samssiliiwifss jff it indleesuon and too eaung ajper feet remedy lor dbuinets nautt ihpwil ress bad taste in the mcqthj coate toogoa vujialjliaiitm juguhuib bowels fsmfki- manin mnn pom nmthwloir substitutibn tho fraud of the day sec you get garters ask for carters insist and demand cartels li li great works art performed not by strength but by psrseversnoe his l1f was saved mr j e lilly a prominent pltltan of hannibal mo lately bad a 1 wondsjrfol dtlrsraooe from a thghltbl uaalh io lelilog of u be lays s i wat- uktn si ith typhoid fsvtr tbal ran into pneumonia uy lungs beoams hardened iwts to wtak that ioooldni even titup luhtd nrtnldghlpriiii i tipsetsb soon dlt bfoonsbmbhbbiw nhhxbflv great relief lobollnut to otelt and arn ndwiwsllmdwflvvr niqdn ruliiiprtoi v tbiiillrtsjlouij btdloiosiwrtsvsndri in lbs rotlia lorallibwivivlbijajl irobblsi ami mywv mokset dng store bvetyc botllt guar anteed i flsted we have a graduate optician who is thor oughly competent to fit the most difficult case savage co obwelters cublph lip it an article of neceaalty to every fmlly in ariyin f ihe past years tomb of uur famlllea have been con- some pi tent with an ordinary loaf which is qieiilread bpf ftwlifelt r ilho templing artlclb which can be had today bres making has during tbe past few yesriv been reduced to a sdenco tndrorisiatlt westons mppbbakery t anitttelatrjpbiiour best material the best of labor the tesulbbeljpjhe production of ths to osij iera bow to or sags ntwurrxr have for your hens a comfortable shelter and give them dr hess poultry panacea a posttivecnra autdprevebtative of disease among fowls to destroy parasites on horses cattle sheep poultry etc we have dr hess instant louse killer m odougalls sheep dip elllbti8 3eep dip littles sheep dip english sheep and cattle vwti8h lri8eofcpbvyder f white helebbrei a t browi nbiat tend now gentlemen this is a rare opportunity foryou tqchooseyourspring suit it will enable you to makea choice altogetherdifforent from the ordinary run of clothing and at prices that will surpass nnythlng in the trade our leader will be a r suit made to order in firstclass style for 1550 n 11 11111 the goods will comprise a incline of english worsteds in black blue fawn and brown also nobby scotch irish and canadian tweeds our plan ia to secure your order now i ypu can take tho clothing anytime before the 2thof may tsr come while the opportunity presents itself 25 and 27 duairi street guelph this month when it is desirable to have stock as low as possible to accomplish this quickly bargains will be the order of the day in all departments in dress goods millinery mantles furs mens and boys suits overcoats ulsters cottojhs prints boots shoes etc- dont wait but bring your cash at once as there are many choice snaps that are sure to be picked up by the earlybuyers hbnpehsun dt go mill street agton sssrr will be shown in our window somoof our figured satins we have also a good range o a3 well aa 1 vv iwslinsretc v we have speciral valuesjn tnese goods just nowand those wishing to get something real pretty in this lino should conie before they are picked ever lwu vfeip y-uttrrlye- labrador and lalt harem herring by jbtvoayv ill bhibprstaqptlbruary in the store now occupied by louis flntclasi nlock of groceries prmylsioiis me ths best goodt the m ket pos will be offered tit prlcpsipre to atfract custo- mertiiia vlrumhbturev op tbbboslnsss- wfll be lbs iiwitiidiilbprt gtwcrjkffli home and trntribatflritbtr o bwlnpat ijijajblfflfiwvji opjfsisthotel ribw book rf 17a biwsliu jthsbont seeds liicladmsr rare whlchieannpt til had clsewmre celorcd plates and hundreds of lllusr iromuatan gives practical inibrma- ocrintvatn8 toall whowould raise the vsss tosay t 4timbtmjtctrbludelpnl

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