Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 23, 1899, p. 4

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t j break i the rules accepting tree the aneodotes that appear from time to lime in the enropean newspapers america 1b a country whero queer thipge bappcu new york houiea are built tblrly etorlea high bolton merchants ride raoei on horaeback down state street herds of infuriated buffaloea invade chicago parka sioux ohieftaius break op aeapiunb of congreas with improvised ecalp danoes here ie a btory will bring back to your lisir the color of youth it never fails it is just as cure ca that heat melts 6now cr tsat water quenelles ore it cleanses the scalp also and prevents the formation cf aaodrubltfcedsndoour ishesf the bulbs- of the hair making them produce a luxu riant pwtb it ctop the hair from falling out and civet a line soft finish to the hair as well to havo a book u tlio mir and scalp which you luxy obtua xne upon request if you d not obtain all tt benefits eipfcled irom wijitian jfwtv nss ol now y or kcba i am b recent ly told by v frenob paper id the ceutral park there ib a very httie bear don which liea at a lower levc1 tbadtbegroand about u and la surround ed by a railing oon day a itradker while loaning over hit rat lost hla balance and fell into the pit ho btruok by the aide otm larue grizzly bear which at bco aejued tbo ma 110 icji iu ite raoqlb and coaiplotoly crashed it when the brur had bitten tho mnua letf nearly in twd lobe byatandere by the aid of rope and otuba baccetdtd in getting him but of the den he lay in a fainting condition ajt tbid point a policeman stepped up i plaoeyou under arrest- he aid to the wounded man v varat what for t gibped tbo vlctrtn for violatinft the rulen of the park btid tho policeman dont jou aee that algn over there he pointed to a sign over he railing to the bear den wbiob read it i positively f0rdlidk to fil the awmixs a good spring medicine tf fa- youbarht tortatte omolhidr lliia tpring to parity yonr blood and give you strength and energy notbinu will do so ninoli good as burdock blood sitter it will cleanao and invigorate your entire system and baniflh tirednees and weaknoee any man can mabo a apeech but the spoeoh is seldom the ranking of him the publio should bear in mind that dr xnomae koleotrio oil liaa nothing in oommon with the impure deteriorating class of bocalled medical oil it is eminently pure and really effioaoioub rellevlog pain and lameness btiffineabof joints and ma soles and sores or hurts besides being an excellent epeoitto for rbenmatiam oougbb and bronohial complajnta to0imeak to fx ew an ottawa lady relates her experieace for benefit cf others willi nobody has the right to bo a orilio tbe exception of ones own uolf itrt bo pleasant totake ibat obildren cry for it bul its death lb norms ot all klnia dr lows worm byrup price all dealer it fa no use ainglng grown him lord of all while yon go right on paying taxaa to the devil- man or bctiat i have found hagyarda ytillow oil la bo the beat thing for calloused lumpa and oats oa nun or beast it is a eplendid- all- roun remedy daniel brown bbnkb f o ont why she was sad it was in a little out of the way plaoe in tbe country and as tho raoent arrival paised lome one asked wbo ahe was bho ibrarbmlotjrwomiknwho hmhmn vrltbing for tba last tenyears that she- could get away from ihe trials and anxle- llei and bores and superficiality of society was tbe answer bat why is she so bad boanaa at last she baa sot away from them whatwould we do if god foreclosed on oa when wo failed to pay the intereat oa what be has loaned oa life was a burden thursday february 23 38d9 je dining jfalhs it aa down at tbo orpban aaylum oao day ttiot three littlo ranldaatt round tho flro each tulng tbo tbing abisbod or moet if sbo could only haro horbearta doafre id like a pony aaivbo aa inow said maud and id ride it each day of conn e and people wopid atop aa irbdealodp and eay look at that child on tba a now white horao l- said alice id like toowqa ship and id aall oloar round the world i gueeo and bring back preaenta for all tbe glrla and a beautiful crntib for dear little bess 1 thou llttlolamodoas with her gentle toico said looking around from one to tbo other iiii wish for tbo ioylicit tblngin tba world that overy ona of na nilgbt bare a mother t till mrs lampman used palnes celery com- pound after a man b bob it himself he always wonders what drew snob a fool drowd for over 40 yeairg dr fowlera extract of yild strawberry has been the great remedy for plarrhoea dysentery orampi and polio- alwaya get tbe gennine imitations are dangeroua sin may bide us ating till the grttve puis yon oomf reach of the remedy hagyarda follow oil is prompt to relistekod sure to care doagbi obi da- sore throatpain in tbe chest hoarseness quid ay efo price 2i5o mrs william a iiolmoh 530 con cession st oitnwa ont tohtifloh its follow for homo yours piiht i was groutly troubldd v ith wouiciicbh belli of tho jierveh and honrt my lionrt would boat very if regularly hometiinob throbbhig mid ntofhur times huumiug o go up into mythroiittlui8cnuhigateitlblo8mothor- inrtunhhtlon finally igrowhoweak that i could not how although i tried many remedies i could obtain no rollof and was nltuost hi dchpiilr of a euro l4 ihonrdofmuburna heart und norvb pillsand began to uao them and am now hotter than i have loon for years i work right nlong now and the pains and puliltntion have loft mo nmoh to my rolltir my blood adems to bo enriched audfiillbf vitality dud my oiitlro bystm is in oheoltliy and vigorous state to turn a new leaf ia np enough there mnat be a now lire to make the record when heart fails lifes charm varilbhe8no case or heart dlseaao- dr agrtewe cure fdr the heart will not relieve in 30- minutes and permanently cure tbob petry of aylmer que bays that for about five years he was a constant aofferer from acute heart derangements endured untold pain wae unable to attend to bis daily work any exertion canaed great fatigue he waa reooro mended to try dr acgnewa cure for the heart one boijtle i did himgreat benefit four bottleb drove etery by mp torn of the trouble awa fromhim sold by a t brown the safety vaults of your heavenly treaaures may bathe bauds of thoneeily how he gained courage a youth- pt eighteen who was in the trenches at el oaney carrying a gun waa eo badly frightened under ibe lire that be went flat on bis fdeo aud waa roundly kicked by hie companions general ohaffeo came along arid culled to bin wolli youre a fine aoldierl them be looked at the boy i eh fnce of the kid and his face softened i tufpofe you cant help it be said it aint eo much your fault rdliketo get hold of the fellow that tuok you in tbe army by and by be put hie baud on ihe bojd bboulder there isnt en much dauger uh you think for said the general now you get up and t ft le your guu und fight and ill stand here by yon tbo boy got up uhakiu like a loaf and tired bia flrat bhot pretty jioar atraight into the air thats pretty high bufd the general kef p cool aud try itngaiu in tbreo ruiuutos the kid wae fighting like a veteran aud cool aa a cucn ruber end when he eaw it the renerulstarled ou youre all right wow m boy ho paid youll roake a good soldier god bleea you eir uaid tbe youngster you euved mefromwurkathau death and he was pretty oiobo toaryibg when be said lt altera while the order came to retire from fho trenob and eoldierbbad to colur that kid and haul him away by tbe neck to get him to retreat with his company and at tbat hed got a bullet through the fleshy part of his aboulderjm hour before in the rest of the fights there wasnt a better boldier in the company what is ciihtorla is for iufauts iid children cnstorlft harmless hutstltuto for castor 6ll paregoric drops mid snotliiiigr syrups it contains neither opium bloilililno nor other inivrcotic siibstanco it is pleasant its iiiiraiitoo is thirty years iiho by millions of motlicrs cnstorla destroys worms and allays fevcrisli- ness castor la cures diarrhoaa and vind colic gnstoila cllcycs toctliiner troubles cures cpnstlpatioii ami flntuleiicy cnstorla ahsimllates tlio food regulates tlio stonuicli and bowels oflnfmlta and cliildrciifflvliiijr healthy and iiatimil sleep castorla is tho cliildrcus panacea the mothers friend a iooal band waa one day playing at dunfermline when an old weaver oame up and aeked tho bandmiator what air they were playing that ib the death ot nolaoo replied the bandmaater eolemnly ayrnionrepliedthowaeryehao rieb bjm an awfu death competition may belhe life ofbtieinebb butit ie the death of the oburcb clearly defined into the only mediolne tbat gives true strength and keeps the body nourished- letter that tells op trials anq sup- ferinqs a wee girl who wae vliillnff br grandpapa bad to ba reproved for diaotmy- ing at the table and finally was removed toa boat in another part of tba loom after bitting in alieuoa for soma time ahe called out in hembled tones now grandapa if youll be good ill coma back an agreement was soon entered upon by whioh jalle was roinatatod by her grandiatberb bide biok headaohe however annoyioi auid dietresbing ib pobitively cured by xaxa liver fills they are easy to take and never gripe tbe infidel reviles the bible wbile be reata aeonre under the protection of its laws enforced by believers of the world worms bothered baby my baby suffered terribly with worm i used one bottle of dr lows pleasant worm syrup which abobmpllahea the purpose for whioh ii was intended and oared him mrs w m meeeeotr wat ford ont anew and joyoui exlstanoe ex perienced after trie use of the wonderful mediolne mature supplies all bar obildren with brains but sbe cant oompel them to use tbem unable to work mr job currier vtotorla harbor oat writes i had rheumatism in my knees feet and elbows so bad i was unable to work nothing did me any good till i got milbnrna bbeomatio pilia one box and a half completely on red me the proper meanaj of inoreaslng tbe love wo- bear our natlvei oonnlry is to resids some time ina forelinone nerves paralyzed mre m e lampman of woodstock ont writes as follows regarding her reioue from onfforing and agony after mrious consideration i think it my doty to acknowledge the great good that i have derived from faints celery compound no living mortal can imagine the sufferings i endnrec for four months that demon la grippe got fast hold of ujo i oeoameoertoti8 and was so pros trateid that i oould not sleep ntghtor day i waia reduoed to a mere skeleton and life beoauie a burden lly alppeiite was very poor and i was so eitwrbely nervons that i ooold not bear to have anyone in tbe room with me one babbath afternoon i read one of your books and found that ptinea celery comppand bad oared many people thought i would try a bottle end bought one that afternoon and commenced to take it acoording to dlreotfons the relief waa almost instant i continued tbo ose of the compound with the resnll tbai lean now sleep well all night and feel rested when morning cornea my appetite is good i am gaining in flesh and feel like anew person i cannot find words to express my gratl tud for yoor great painea celery oom- pound end for the wondeilol odre it has brooght about im 78 years of age and can now walk five miles without feeling tired i wish yqn nnboonded snooeu and hope tble may be read by some one who is afflloted and anxious for relief the olaaa iu ancient history filed the b0s8 at the frbut the firofesaor on the rostram opened a boolc mr terwilliger be said turn ing ad tbat ha faced the young man three eeata from the middle aisle will you tell ns tdinelbing abont ibesyatetn of marriage that prevailed among jhe early orebkb g i ius iu greecu he began a man was allowed to take onto himself but one wife quite right nodded tbe professor andnow mr terwiliigerwillyou tell ns howhe greeks defined their marriage system what thoy called it the brow of the youog man contracted then bis ftos lighted up and he replied wlthgusto they called it let me think abyei they called it monotony air detroit jvee prea- the pernicious habit grumblino do not 1st ybhtebild acquire i the habit of tumbling stop the first beginnings and i will nevarbeoome a babit if there is just canes of complaint try to remedy it if there is no posiibillty of improve ment teach that silent endurance ia the best way to meet the inevitable it is never wise to atay in a place and grumble if the things you dislike cannot be altered ohanga yonr environment if on refleotion yon decide that balancing one thing with another you would rather bear the ills that you know tfaain fly to oihori ibat you know not of bear them in silence febrnary jjadlu jpfflg journal p6f salt rheum mm rmwikmm- handaomo ia that hand- somedocs ia theold theoreti cal adage but after all its the skindeep beauty thats attrac tive it would take a big lot of handsome doing to com pensate for a sbin that ia diseased and whoe appcar- lincetisdiatastelur to 511 sco it and the tonherit of tho patient whoso daily burden it ia to bear it about dr acnews ointment is a won- dorful cure for all sorts of skin diseases itcliing burn ing stinging sensations wbijh are accbrnpanimenta tetter salt rheum scald head ring worm eczema itch ulcers erysipelas liver spots and all eruptions of thoskin one ap plication allays the irritation and perseverance in its use results in a speedy cure for blind bleeding itching and iilccraunspilcs its a magical balm one application gives comfort and relief in an instant and in from three to five nights tho trouble disappears price 35 cts castoria cuatoria is on excellent inchciiie for cltltdrcn jlotliers llave repeatedly told ic of ita good ertcct tipoii their children dr g c osgood lotuell mass caitorlss jfl so well atlnptttl to cliildren imt i rccoiuincnd it an superior to any pro scrlptlqa known tome a akchkfe m d brooklyn v v the facsi1viile signature of elafisyryjiafsabl both have 7 bearing ihrr plates 1hef springs idshakefeed prind fine and fasi ivlth least power always guaranteed a trial given hundreds in use oold shapely otmuirco limited brantford ont london indy hnd ecrcma for years so badly bcr face una neck ftcro o dlifigurod she wvnt into alifo of seclusion and tho kinging pain of it was bo interna that to uao her own wordshewaitnoxtbliigtoinaa sho tried many olnttncnli salve and wuahes waa treated by tpcelallbtaon aklndlsuakca without getting any lotting benefit she bousht a boxof dr aahkvt oihtwkkt one applientlon cavo her a toronto ecntlcman llvlne on dovcrcourt itond eont a small fortimu in tratniuiita ana remcdlct for nllcs in their very worst form wo trcatod by electricity vrlth temporary rollof only and had decided to to ontho opcrmlnc table and bavo a surgical oporilion purfornicd but was uinthrkt one bp1 ccufort and totlay after uhlng three boxes her intfple l he did so- the first application of it relieved iholntenkodlslrckh hoprrblstcd in its uso and today hes rewarded- with a euro after years of suffering 1 relieves smothering palpitation and fluttering a regular wo saver in cases of organic heart troubles aonbws catarrhal- powder relieves cold in the bead into nilnutcs- cures hay fever end catarrh m oh i gjmlj hr tnnlhiinlni hrrrr rrliy plrawnl skin is as clctrrand pink as a babys db aflnews curb for the heart- dr pq anmua iivpo piimnr lltlhtaose oses 40 id a vial 20 eta sold by a t brown narvoua prostration so 8overe loat power of hands 8lda and limbs but south american nervine beat off disease and saved her minnie steven daughter of t a stevens of the bleveni manufacturing co 0 london was stricken down with a very severe attack of nervons prostration whioh resulted in her losing the power of her limba she could not lilt or hold any thing in her handb and other complloa- tlonb showed tbbmatlves her parent had lost hope of her recovary sbe began tluting south amerioan nervine and after taking -v- twelve bottles hs was perfeolly restored and enjoys rood health today bold by a tbrown human aelfisbnasa lost ua eden but divine selfforgetful dob bas given ns heaven l r when the children are hungry what do you give them food when thirsty water now use the same good common sense and what would you give them when thejr are too thin prtthe best fat forming food of course sornehbvy you think of scotts emulsion at ohcci fora quartejr of a there is only one day in a year tbat la today mr t j hdmss colombia ohio writes i have bewh afflioted for soma time with kidney snd liver coroplalnli and find parmeless pilia he beat mediolne for theso dlsessos those pills do not oabts pain at- griplniaha ihotjlctbe nsed whan a oalbsrtio is required thsy are oalatlnis coated and relleti la trie flawrof lioorlce to preserve ibolr pnrity and give tbem a pleasant agreeable taste its only tha coward wbo finds it neoeiaary to bsoroel iim for iiiapti and chlluwu hss theirnan whn bson ibe-wildest-ia- the permanent cure after per- rnancnt cure that is being published j week by vcclc lias placed burdock biqod bittors far above all other remedies in tie estimation of the jsick and suffering even the severest and most chro nic diseases that otlier remedies fail to relievo yield to the blood pufifyinfj bloo j enriching- proper- tiesofbbd r y salt rheum or eczema that most stubborn of skin diseases which causes sucli torture and is so difficult to cure with ordinary rejme dies cannot withstand bljbs healing soothing power the case of mrs j as sanderson emerson man shows how effec- tive bbd is in curing salt rheurri at its worst and curingit to cured- this is what she wrote bck bitters ciiredmo of a wdttackorsaltrheum three yearn ago i it was bo severe tbnt my finper nails crime loft i can truly say that 1 know of no 5 in the world than bbb itcuredmocqmplstoly and permanently as i hnveneverliad a toiteh of salt rheum since i onatomer do ypo suppose yon oaniake etopdniijiureof niaf photographer i aban have to auawer j66 in i the negative ia after arpw with bia wife who violently expressed is wish that ho was dead an irishman said its a widow youre wantiu lobe is it oh ill takq good pare ypnre no widow aa long as i live tbere never wbb and never will be a universal panacea in one remedy for all ills to which flesh la heir the very nature of many curativeh helot euoh that were the sjerma of other and dlferehtly seaied dlseaaes rooted in the syatem of the patient what would relieve one ill in torn would aggravate the other we have however in quinine wine when obtained in a bound nnadnlterated state a remedy formany and grlnvons ills by ita graaal jodtolona oae the fraileatayatema are led- icidoon valescenca and atrepgth by the inflaenoe nbiqh- qninine cierts on nfttrirssown rcatorativea ii rollevefltboc illrits of those with whom a ohroplo btate of morbid despondence and lack ol intereat in lif is a diseas and by tranqulllzing a map of family borub ihear you have taken a wife to youreclf sniithera whom did you marry srnithera dejeot- edly uilly jones her mother her step father and two maiden aunta ibis is tbo way of it the glycereno in sbotta emulalon booihey the rough and irrltablo throat thehipophovphltra tone up tbe nerves and tba coditverollhealb and strengthens the tnuamedbronchlal tubea and air cells words often shake our seldom overthrow tberai conviction but ibe nervesdisqoswlp soundend refreshr ing sleep impart vigor totho action of the blood wbioh being allmulated oouraes througbbot the velpe atrengthenlng the healthy animal fdnotioos oc tbs byaterxiv thereby making activity a necessary result btrengtheolng the f ramf and giving life to the digestive otgana whioh naturally demand iooreaedaubilanoerebnlt im proved appetite northrop 4 lyman of toronto have givep to the publio their qninine- wine al the usual rate and rusged by the opinion of j solentlau this wine approaohss neareat perfeoiloa of any n the market airdrasgrsissell it d3 woods -ts-h- i v 3ttadownicriinltcntoto bs youth oanooi stand tha ivasl indtoation of tba asms traits in his boy no psraoo ahpold go from home without a bolllsof dr j pj kellbgtta dysentery oordlllo their powesaloo as a obange6f watery oooklog ollroate eto frequently brln on summer oomplslot and there it nothing like being rsady vrfh m remedy at baud whioh ollenllmea saves great inffering and irerjoehtly valuable livs tlrisdordlallisa gained for llelf a wide sprawd- rrpcflsflonj for atrordlog relief from all iommer cnmplalnt thaaaioon was born of evil hat exists b osnso good men totetalr it dyspepsia and indigesllon 0 w snow et f3o svraonae n x wrllnr please send ns teu gross of pina we are sellluu moreof lrmelee pill tbn any fiputllpn for he ppre nf dyapensla and uveroprnpainis r 1 mjmwwyaari headaobe but tbsas bilwnwearai bar j b nre forifea rotji and roltltnl aiscuacs ilcollug nad toulltliig in it potion mfiaant to tnko pronpt rid troa- tual li is rtisuitt mr own johnson bear illvor k s writes 1 waa i troubled withkoarauuess nun sore fhnint whioh llu tlobtor pru- iioancotlbmnehittsuidrtieonnuouiludine to try lr wpode nonvny in bvrup i did oand after ualnp threo bottles i tna eutl ciirod ff r tte a tax il iverplu before reur- ing vtmllwjrit whllyou with i1rll 9t paincpring whouaneas epiistlimuon tlokiihifadaolia anddyapep- in tha luoiiibtilfriea ffljaj many a man will alain the door in the devils faoe and open the window to let him in when you feelvisak run down nervous unable tot work or think aa ypo plight lake a box or two of milbarnl heart and nerye pilia theyll buld up yodr health jand give you strength and energy price no all druggists infidelity plooks the flowers and aoolla at the gardener lostant relief guaranteed by using mil- burns sterling headaobe powdera no depressing aftereffecl friw mi tiraacrt litbllirjftgrltrw however itlsthebibt h ocwces n copious flow or milk and graffbeas tbbwholc sslcm mates ihe little ones healthy and- strong nrvamjcrndt it l refresh lrr tonic bever age giving strength rrd tone lo the aystein laadlliuahelpingto li ow tj the illaesa of bfitcver nature it may lc pkjpatayrictl i it rmduccs a relish for foodcts aa a dlucstivc zrj fortifies and strenslheria the aystern a- t brown ohomlat 4 dxuggslt rrvaavavavfiv jofln mcqueen agent for the above has changed his ware- rooms to building on w esmiths property john street where mny be seen rost a vtoodbjnsers and mowehs and a complete line of farm implement i and all kinds of repairs t my absence mr john t elliott whe reaideson the property will attend to the wants of customers john mcqueen you can get it a parlor suite a sideboard a btid set an extension table a lounge a stand a mattress and springs or aiiy other article infurniture requirements at a living prqpct only all goods delivered undeirtaking in all its branches calls day or night attended coffins delivered prices to suit every ones needs railway time table mall expro4b mall ii 23 tn 1 if lilii 1uim tsiivk uhlwat o0in0 wltut goiko kakt 10 c2ani nximhb flanan- hxincvb 10 co aim moll r ti mixed 10 ci iim t1mtj oitciohiku 1ia1ib going wept 0 0 am and 0 fio pm going knat 10 25 am and 5 go pm this tluio table went into uffect on monda may lfltb 1808 stoves tinwal eavetroughing tlio latest deafens in coal and wood ncrtidt and cook btovca kov mouago eaoy on fuel tjnwai0 iu profubtod of beet fiuiili at low prices onjora takou foreavoirounbiog to bo put up whcd desired call pricos uonoral jobbing promptly olono and rb g a pannabecker mrs secords block acton bring your custom logs and taka the lumbef home with you in- shv6rs- lumber planing mills nassaera woya p sayers proprietor has constantly on hand a full line ol lumber lath shingles cedar posts wood hi to custom logs and bil stuff cut to order on short notice planing and matching d tn h hit satistaction- prices very cheap and made to suit the customers pocket p sayers cooper akins the tailors w e are g to make suits up at a big reduc tion during this month in order to make room for our springlstock so if you need a suit or overcoat now is your opportunity during tliis month call and inspect our stock prices will be right and all work guaranteed first- class and up to date cooper it akins m ot i heme work for fleh tntl woniaui j day or cveaing 16 to ia wectly no tuvauliid oi ex- 1 perietiee needca plain inaiructlonatindl work mailed on application audrem mehoriax towpanv london oat j a speight cojlctpn pimply yoot h what makes yon hate cigarettes so they are not half so ilangcroui as people say ive smoked am lor years and they havent killed me yet crusty clllean thats why i bats them moans revenue and profit to the merchant or business man securing it irlvetei for uekding harness butinq ttc i ml israelii 1 1 1 1 lniiiifss rumnn 1 1tiflrr rthldl iiiijninntiboli lar rivet kfoailhlmllliitf art lrl ever lnirhliif attiiii wtlta forietlalprlta aiid itiriuorj ehiupahe iuhtc ca t0k0ht3 ont caxa eanoii ootoroaato w3wi vvcmenneed vlbwir ril wf wat jiknally snch a louxbind tlreaotssdocdtnsnir ills not opposition without but apathy within thatbindsrt i 2d men entrenched j j from the inroads of dreaded catarrli what dr atrnewe catarrhal powdaar did for mr leblsno hs proves will do for othere alfred irfblauo of til jerome ique waa a kreat sufferer fpr years with catarrh of a very severe type dr agnssre catarrhal powdsv mrauad lbinv tabsu ererylhlng elst jld flled today whan be goes to urn lumber camp with hi 135 men tbia great reinsdy ia oonaideied aa muoli a ueoeasiiy to oorafortablsoamn life lajluajslsewitla ravaojjthe head in ten rnlnote pratyt iba grpwlpg tif catarrh jgarnis auul wtieu they- are aown llcureitheoi bold by ai trirbwoi from thoso torrlblo sldo ncltos httek nolios lioad- nchos hnd tbo tliouxnnd und oho other ills ivliich mnko ufafull qfiulaery most of tllubo iroublok nro due to lmpitio imporfeotly fllterod blond tho kldnoys aro hot nellng right mid in coiisoqtluuco the systoni is heingpoltioiuitl with inipurl- tlca downs mm wlls are dally nroviag thomiilvoa wompns grentost friond mid honnfnetor horo is nn liistnncoi mrs iinrry flomliig fltmarye nb snysi flip uso of douitls kidney pills rostorod the to coniplutu health tlio jfilat sypiptouis i notlcinl inmyenaowero severe pains in tliu mmill ot my hack and nroiuid the ijhis lofftillrer with gonenil weakness innl inns nf niipclllo i grruliiolly boomne worse until hearing pcmnjakldnoy pills i opt a bo trotu ourdrrirglht i am ploused to testify to their oltoot- ivoness in correcting tho troubles from twhloh isubared i if god judged da wsharihl ai we do odr fellowa we might wonfear f0o r 1 means expense and disappointment let us bring you revenue and profit with the good quality of printing we turn out 3 jl- wtojoroatlntlbooka lnsa1it- prt htupand rhowrroti nra sivjndloa sendubarengtislterea or modtlotjour liivontlonorininrovoniont mitt wo wlll you rree our opfnloti on in wltothec it is probalilt pn wo lnttko n highest roforoncos f tirnlhhcd ubiore it karion patxnt solicitors it xxpxtxm cirri a ateehanleal rninniers dmrliimm of the folrtoehnlo eetiool r iirlmilitr ilaehore la applied scleneea itrn li ivrniliy uorauera fatenl law sadoclnlinn t iran walerwcksks aaaoclallon hw rnulntl vntir avnrhs absmm p q suiverors abfoelutlnti asboo xlcmur caul boafltr of tflvll knuinvitb emua4 uf bldo momthu you want the best and we cheapest mcmullena fendnsa- and nettings com bine these two qualities no others do- hog fencing at special low prices all vother varieties cheap mcmullens are the ionly good nettings sold in canada thej sknq unequalled lor poultry yards trellis etawnfencea ask your hardware mer- chant for mcmullene foods if you cannot boy of hlrn write to its manntaclnreni at picton qnl or tn the b grbbmino wr oco ltiiepi marulto and montreal i general ajs icppper monrei general agent for railway fencings tts8j tth

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