Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 2, 1899, p. 2

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eccixln eiqunnluu on tuitilny ttlst fobru- nry tumr untl mrs james thomas scott a bou lord herschel dead mcnivith muitjs in toronto oa wednudiy lull lotb by ituv h h orslp dr j a monlv- ati of comber to mlis l j white of oakvllle wilhom-kino- t the methodist pasrfonage nasssgaweya uu wednesday february ssad by hot ur baanlan gsorgo t wilson of knatchbutl to ui bilse j king ot camp- duttviltw mophbk duck at tbe resldenoo of the brldai lather palorrut on thursday 93xd february by ituv dr strongman mr c c mcfbee of the modtroal heiuld to gertrude daughter of dr auboo buck vvilbon mccdllocoh attbo roaldoneo of the brides mother biqutilsg on st adnesdey fob lfltta by hot titorrid mr william wil son of hornby to alls lottie megullough youngost daughter of un hugh mocullongh d cmmolm at oakvllle on february 27th hobert korr cblsholm id hia 80th year aohkw id acton on saturday sath february thomaa agnow aged myoara and b days buitu in quelpb on monday 27tb february jobnsmltb tbe flrat mayor in hi- both year dawiob lanorral on saturday february ibtb matthew warborsgsd 63yesrs 8 monhr bcottat hia liouib lot s3 con 3 ein on wed- nesdiy march 1 james t boott aged 83 yeam allanid a uolpboo monday 27th february ellas liyder wife ot kobort allan aged m years cobban at bis home bower atenue acton od friday 34ch february jamea b cobbau aged oa years haiymondn milton on wednesday fab 93nd uuian afocaun beloved wife of ju harrison sged 60 years foxuiinsfl at banie on thursday feb 23rd francos e eldest daughter of john f full jamas esq darrle mccdllouqh in hsqueslug od friday fob 17th mly ana held rellot of tbe late hugh meoullqugb aged 70 years 9 months rotor in toronto on sunday 19th feb net tie levlna eldest- daughter of i w hoyoe and grand daughter of tue late iiaaerns par kinson ot eramoaa aged u years the british representative on the treaty comrnlsslon uled yee- terdny at washington after a few houfjtaujires wabuikoton marob 1 lord erschel tba british representative od the treaty commission which had been in ession at qtih and washingt the pant live live stock breeders the meetings of the dominion cat- tie sheep and swine breed- era associations months died suddenly hero at noon today his hlnesb was of only a few houra duration aud death was due to heart failure t m zit xm thursday maboh 3 1890 notes and comments mr j p whitney leader of lbs oppoel- tlon in tbe provinoltl lgilaturo baa given notlqeof an amendment to the elec tion law to provide that any man found guilty of bribing an elector at an election shall be aputenced to six months in jail after tbe let ot may there will be no more licensed drinking saloona in ontario every drinking plaoa must havsaooommo dalion for a certain number of traveller in other worda only hotel will bo granted licenses- to eell in email nnantitiss to be consumed on tbe premiee the conservatives win south perth sraod feb 28 mr nelson mon- teitb tbe conservative candidate was eleoted to represent sontb perth in the local legislature today bya majority of 80 votee ao far ae oan be learned here to night dominion parliament the house of commons will meet for business on the i etti inst orrawi febraarraith parliament will meet for tbo despatch ot basineas on tbdraday marab 16lb tbe earlieat data at wbioh it ooolil now beoalledbating regard to the convenience of the members this was decided at a cabinet ooonoil yeeterday at wbioh sir wilfrid lianrier presided jt i eipootod that the debate on the address will be disposed of before tbe easter adjournment quelphs first mayor dead mr john smith peaoefully passes away in hie eightieth year guauu feb 37 mr john smith the flrtljbajor an amendment affeoting the importation met vi fi o a p lonli ly enabling the farmers ol north dakota and minnesota to go into the tiaskatobewan conntry or manitoba to porobasa seed wheat especially in the time ef a blight passed the senate on battirday a traveller for an eleotrioal apply honas in toronto waa in town on tuesday and lobatantiateclthe statement rsoently made by contractor johnion that acton bad saved folly twentyfive der bent in making tbe contradjfor installation of the eleotrio light plans tbree months afto instoad ot waiting until aprlnr the muniolpal counoll of paris has decided to give prisea to the architects and oonitruotors of the sir bandaomest bonsea that may be erected during 1859 the owners will be exempted from ball of the inoreased asseesment-foir-improvement-of- tba prouertiea fiftytw6 sets of plane have been banded in for a similar com petition held last year midland people are going to vote on a propoaltipn ahortly to givas bbnas of 150000 outright to the canada iron furnace go for the establishment of a smelter at that town tbe works itself would employ 80 hands lbs year round with abont 180 more in its connections at a pnblio meeting at midland on friday a resolotlbn was puaed favoring tbs grant ing of this bdnos a united slates eiobaoge says the horse market of ibis country la plokiog tip and good draft horses are now on tba op grade for several years farmers refrained from breeding beoanse of tbe low pribee now a demand has arisen in england for american draft horses and an order for 10000 has been plaoed with american buyers a good i draft hoss will sell rigbs the ooming year superintendent fltibngh of the grand tronk said in conversation with a toronto paper on monday morning that freight trafflo ccntlnnea very heavy while passen ger boslnsss fa rather light as ia usual at this season in going throngh the oonntry mr fitsbngh says hsnever saw a more favorable outlook for sua anpreoedentedly busy spring merchant farmers and manufacturers everywhere all say that a busy eeseon is ahead tlon ae a town died tonight at 8 oolocki in bis soita year his and wssan eltreme ly peacafdl one and be died as one passing away by the ordinary decay of nature he was one of tbe most pnblio spirited men quelpb hat known since tbe days of john gait he waa a printer and bookseller in england and oame to gnelph in the early days he founded the gnelph adoertlur which is merged in the mtrcuryadvcrtuer ot today he was also proprietor years ago of the elora obiervtr arid another paper out west he was one of the promoters ot tbe line between toronto and guelpb and on all questions of pnblio interest he was always to the front his wife and all bis children exoept one son roland editor of the oconto htrald wisoontin passed away before him the lata mayor w g 8mitb druggist wss bis ton very sucoessful rooetiur of the domin ion oattlo sheep and swine broodora awooiations was hold in toronto from february tthtoloth inolnslvo thomom- berehipeof the aiaooistions are at least iweotytlve per cent greater than at any jmviouepaciod ft- rfnm nf the asao neighbo news news itoma supplied by corroa- pondents and bxortanses milton citione daring tbe past year have been along the line of oheapar transportation at present between local points in onlays thoronjlibred stock in loss than car load lots is shipped at onebalf the regular tariff rate between ontario manitoba and britiab columbia the ratea are now to winnipeg 172 and to mew westminster 10c wtiero formerly tbey were to winnipeg slso and to new west minster j2s1 the privilege his been granted of allowing thoroughbred oslveb sbeep or ewine in lera ibau car load lota of over three to be penned off in one end ot tbe bar without beiott crated for a long lima this has been a standing grievanoe of the live hook mon throughout onttrlo tnterprovinclal trade in pure bred stock from ontario westward to manitoba tbe northwest and british colombia and gaat- ward to tbe maritime provinoea and new- foondland lias been very large tbis trade baa boon greatly aaisted by ibe aeiobia- tlons both by reduoed rates- and also by making up oar loads ol shipment already sold thus obtaining for tbe small shipper a oar load rate it i estimated by tboee who are in a position to speak advisedly that tbe iuterprovlnoll trade in pure bred took has increated live fold during tbe past year for the past two years the assooiatibnb have been advertising in the ontario agrioullural gazette the names of ibe members of the llvo stock associations glvingallatofaheatookeohhaejprsale these lista baye been plaoed in the hands of breeders throughout all canada and it baa been to a great extent owiog to these lists ot stock for sale that the interprovin- olal trade has been so large it ppseibls trariogtbe ooming year these lists will be to extended that they will be published in the maratime province and throughout manitoba and tbe northwest the associ ations baye already done good work along the lines of transportation and by adver tising tbe ontario stock throughout cana da it it felt that considerably more work along this line otn yet be done which will result in tbe ultimate benefit of this pro vince tbe provincial winter show hold in fofi lain thn mint nnnnnalul dr j cttrrique dentist hba gone to watford to prholicc dr robertaon wj armstrong e f earl and j h peacock of milton and r j allan of burlington attended the ftrnfl finnnoll of the royal templara at the campbellville mail bao the thief who stole it arrested down at cornwall on the 12 th of january a mail bag oontaining about 250 in nglatered letters wss stolen at campbellvllle statiod a despatch in saturdays dallies say a samuel derey ot campbellvllle haltou county was arrested npon a warrant issued by postcfttce inspector bnrnbam of toronto oharged with stealing a mall bag at cimpbelivllle station on january lath persy who waa loafing around tbe station for soma time preyioae to tbs robbery left immediately after it appears tbe mall bag la placed on a bock or arm so the matt clerks may oat oh it while the train wbioh does not stop at that station is speeding by the bag wat mlsed and derey was suepeated he was traced from the- walker hode toronto to belleville then to cornwall liliuwilut mumbaui w t o when wired bis man was there and had an interview with derey but could not get sufficient information to justify his arret at tbe time he was allowed to go and his movements have been watched by the tocal police and be was arretted on friday by dominion policeman chamber- hn derey admitted having seen the bag on tba track whloh cootilnod abont 1260 iq registered tetters end olaims he threw it back to tbs platform when searotaed i12s was found on his person inspector henderson and polioemau gbambertln left with the prlsousc for toronto crbwson8 corners the united states is waking up to the evils of liqnor among her soldiers the following order signed by beorstary of the navy has bean sent to be commanders of all navy yards and war vesesls alter mature deliberation the department baa decided that it is for ibe boat interests of tbataryioetbattheaileorisua toenlltted men of malt or other alcoholic liquors on board ships of the navy or within tbo limits of naval stations be prohibited therefore after tbs reoeipt of ibis order commanding offioers and commandants are forbidden to allow any malt or aloo- hpllo liquor tb be told or issued to enlisted men on board ship or within the limits of navy yards naval atations and marine barraoks except in tbe niodloal depart ment the provincial treasurer in hit annuel report of the working of the tavern and shop liaenae acta for the year 1898 just issued gives an interesting oomparltive statement cavering the period from 1874 to ha t ttl hqnnv hntn in halton as gleaned from this report is highly interesting and shows how largely ins licensee have been burial jed in 1874 twentybve years ego halton bad 61 tavern lloanaea and four shop lloeoses lut year tbs number was but 28 tavern llotnaea there has not best a ahop llcenae in the county for 17 jears tbs yeair pre vious to the scott act going into faros we had 43 llbsnset but during the un yekrs years since that act was repealed tbe nnm- bsr was never over 38 there ip a strong probability that the number this year will not axoted 21 tbs license last year ware distributed as follow aoton 8 borllng- ton 8 georgetown t milton 8 oakvllle 4 etqueaing 4 mmsanawsfatl yetwn o trafalgar 1 itit tary to tbe strong umrmrewcs mnltmsnt of bsqusalng townihip that willjin its bonbdarles there srsajmoatons bait of the iotal nnmber of lloenses lsned fn the entire oonnty acton i georgetown a in rurtlrdaowt4otsili a rapreaantatlva of the eomiaiits sislwelfinjotitlis rev mr harris of goelph preadhed in the mathodiit church on sunday tbot on soountof the inclemency ot tbe weather tbs atteudsooe was not so large as ntnal mr r oripps is aeouring tbemateriel for the new house be intend ereotlng this spring mr alti crlpps baa seenred a laige stock of loga at bis shingle mill tbis season and ttfemlll is ibw ronnlng every day mr d ryder of gnelph has purchased mr ja carries farm lot 8 oon 2 erlu he is now bflslly engaged ill erecting a fine new reildnoe on it from the daily monitor of moberly mlsourl of feb lotb we copy tbe follow ing mrs anolee orewion wife of wil liam orewson died yeeterday evtning at her residence on north william street of pneumonia shs leaves besides her hus band her father and mother two alalera and three brothers mrs crewson was tbs nleoe of meaars john and morgan of his plaos and her hosband and all their friends have the sympathy of all their friends here in their bereavement stratford last week at the laat meeting of thn town council chairman hemetreet of the streets and walks introduced a bylaw providing for the isbqe of debentures for the pnrobase ot a etoneorueber and to put down permanent pavements on the oveningof wedneiotay marob 8th in place of the regular prayer-meet- inge of the methodlt and presbyterian churches mist charlotte e wiggins of toronto freeident of the toronto christian endeavor union and provincial organizer for the w 0 t tj will sddreas a pnblio meeting in kndi chqrolf sabbath bohool room at 8 oaluck on the subjrot of christian oitlzenablp short addrraaea will alio be given by resident ministers and a good programme of musib rendered rockwood fourteen oara of ablp timber have been loaded at the btation here lately and ahipped to the old conntry rev j a cranton and part of tbe methodit choir attended tbo eden mills at homo sooial last thoriday evening miss annie fassmore of toronto ia visiting at mr joliuya she expecta to return to her home iu toronto on satur day k missminnie totten returned home laet saturday after an extended visit to friende in hastings county mra- jajmugray hsb been called to the pains in the back are usually tho rosult of imperf not working of the kidneys those oan only be restored to trtelr normal condition by a fair use or dr williams pink pills mr albert mlnlli of woodstock out now engaged in tho lnbursnoo biuineee is well known in that city and surrounding oonntry some three years ao mr mlntie was living at south river parry boun di nj wh there xaa yet held in 1801 there were 81 entries in 1898760 the provinolsl winter show is not held for the purpose of paying mon ey to prize stock it is the intention that this object is being catered to exhibits in all departments are judged from the consumers standpoint two years ago in the swine department prizes were offered for export bacon bogs judges being repre sentatives from tbe pork paoking establish ments laat year in addition to ibis a block test was inaugurated the above gentlemen doing the judging this was tbs first block test in canada at the show to be held in 1809 prizes will also be offered in the sheep department for well- dressed carouses the judges ot wbioh will be practical men of experience in tbia line of work a speoial lecture hall will bo provided at the show where dreskedoaroes- es of both sheep and swine will be on exhi bition and lectures will be delivered by the judges pointing out the roerita and demer its of the varloat oarpasei in ail depart ments of tho show an additional prize will be given to exhibitors eopplylng data giv ing full information as to how tbe stock exhibited by them was bred what tbey were fed and tbe method of earing for tiniu tllit data w b publl during the summer of 1699 oooperative experiments in swine feeding will be carried on with farmers throughout tho proyinos the pork paokers and railway oumpanfss will sasist the plan the aaaoclatloua in their work bhoald receive the hearty ooopsration of ail who have at heart the welfare of igribolture and tbe live stock industry in ontario p w hodsch bearetary everton mrs m miliard who came to the funeral of her sister gertie remained with the bereaved family antit friday last when abe returned to her home in winterbonrne mr and mrs 3 tovell of uamaaaus apsnt a few days with their relatives snd frlsnds laat week they returned borne on saturday rev t baker wasiu the village abont two hours on friday- tbey oame tb the funeral of mrs bakers father and were obliged to return ta illinois baturdsy mrs7 rav w o charlton it eneodlng a week or so with her mother wo under stand that one of ur wells daughters is there also mr weill is improving in health miss nellie robiuson of orsngeville ia visiting bar brother mr a robinson there will be a wedding up the hue title week will give particulars next week bedside ct her brotherlulaw lawyer col line at exeter mr collins ia a eon of mrs murray sr ot this plaoe tbe doctors have little hope of this recovery tbe revival servioes in the methodist church will alobt next sabbath tbis is the fourth week of the aervicea they have been well attended and quite a number of tbe young people have professed oonveruonl rev b w holden preached missionary sermons on the erin circuit last babbatb and his pnfplt waa ably supplied here by rev geo bmltherman mr hannahs daughter badie is down with scarlet fever we hope that she may soon be better attacked with severe paine in the back at first he paid but little attontlou to them thinking that tbe troublo would psse away but as it did not tie couaulted a local physioian and was told that bis kidneys were effected mediciuo was pre scribed but beyood a trilling alleviation of the pain it bad no effeot io addition to the pain in tho back mr mimie waa troubled with headaches and a feeling of ltaaitudo he was forced to quit work and while in this condition wesk and deepondent he deoided to try dr williams pink pills he pnrohaaed a half dozen boxes snd was uot disappointed with the result before tueywere all need mr mintio wsa feeling almnstas well bb ever be had done the pain in bis biokbad almost disappeared theheadiche were gone and he felt greatly improved in strength two more boxes oompleted tho cure and be retiirntd to work hale and hearty as ever mr mintio aaserto that bis return to health is due entirety to dr williams pink pills and he still occasion ally usee a box if be feels in any way out of sorts the kidneys like other organs of the body are dependent upon rioh red blood and strong nerves for healthy aotlon and it ia because dr williams pink pills snpply these conditions that they oure kidney trouble as well as other ills wbioh have their prigin in watery blood or a shattered nervooa sy bo by all e are offering big red tions in black and colored n ass aoawevat the townbbip clsrk reglitered fiftysix birth eight marriagea and twentynine deaths last year for which the council paid blro81000 thetnek pbebb extends congratulations to mr and mrs george t wilson of enatbhbull whose nuptials were consent- atedlast week may success and happl- neas be their portion tbrougk life brief reference was made in the fast pbbss two weeka ago to the death at her home in nassagawsya on feb 12th of dinah watson wife of robert akins who for 40 years has been among us she by her christian graces nd kindly dispo sition won the love and respect of a largo circle of friends she wad born in tbe township of nagaa- gaweya 51 years ago on tbs farm now odoopied by mr grummet and haa lived all her life in the neighborhood she was a consistent member of the methodist church and fried faithfully to merit the blessing pronounoed on the peace maker she left a family of six three tons snd three daughters who will sadly miss her wise counsel she was a offerer for many years but bore her sufferings with a p b to y the remains were laid st rest in the ebenezar cemetery there to await tba reanrrection morn bev dr soanlin improved tbe obcasion by a wisely oboten disconrsa in which he exbdrted hia hearers to live in the faith after paying a high trlbots to tbe departed be exhorted- the friends to take oemfort in serving the master in the hope ot meeting in that land where there are no ptrllogi and no tsarg limehouse effects were wonderful i hid been troubled for years with pains in my sides and kidneys and had suites in all parts of nay body owing to to atoraadh and llvsr trochlea i began taking hoods barasparllla aud its effects were wonderful in a abort time i wss entirely cored mrs- franoke 809 osington avenne toronto ontsrio hoods pills are nonirritating and tbs only oatbartlo to take with hoods baraaptrille halt the knowlsdgs people acquire by experience thay never uss workino nioht and day ths buitsst and mightiest little thing that ana was mads is dr kings nsw idfs pllis every pill i a sngarooatsd globuls of health that obangea weakness tnto strength into ansrgy bralnfsg loto mental power theyre wooderlol in bqlldlng up hsaltfa only a oenu par box bold by j d mokes in an emergsnoy tbe average person does lbs ysry worst mijng wobip th an war yigwh in wsr bat uflrsre killed by bsrsjwddld be no deaths i disease if thomas romsrville was granted 14 for twotblrds value of a sheep recently killed by dogs by ths esqcestng council mr john moore went to anion on saturday to attend the funeral of ths late james boobbsn jobn lane of the sixth hoe wbo has been very 111 for ever two weeks is slowly imprnvlog hia wife and his aon jonathan who wars also ssrlously ill ars around again tbe farmer have bean very busy hera- abouta the past week or so getting in their ice snpply ths monthly meeting of the toropto lima co was held in the oompanys offloevaeralyularday mrs john r xindeay who bu been ill for over a month from ths effects of la grippe is able to be abont the hoots again robert wheeler jr who oams boms from tbs north tvest about ohristroasi will leave for nartnoy mm next monday soma peoples virtues areharder to get along with than other peoples vices bbat8 th klo mr a c thoma ot marysvllle tex baa found a more vloble dlsoovery than bss yet bean made in the klondike for years ho soffred untold sgony from con sumption accompanied by hemorrhsgas anil was absolotely oursd by dr kinga new dlsoovery for consumption qbagba snd colds he dsolares that gold is ot littls iralos in ooropirtson with this marvelous oure attbma bronohllts and all rtrosit kali luog feotiou sre positively cured by drkjngs haw disoovsry for qopinmpribri fflrb3f o jtttii tliw itarried happinbts is dependent upon the health of ths wife more than on- any other one thing if s wotnad is troubled in t distinctly feminine way tbe most delicate nerves of her body are in a state of chronic irritation she bu headache and back ache she is listless and spirltleaa she is erota and blue she feel that life is not worth hiring and her temper reflects the condition of her nerves poor suffering wife poor dis tracted husband f the luiflband in a cheerful good humored ninit- lie will sympathize if he ts nervous tired and irritable himself he will probably go off to the club er seek elsewhere more cod- genial company a sick woman is tobe pitied because abe is miserable and because she has not yet learned that dr pierces favorite pre- scrintion- will make her well the favorite prescription was de- velopcd over thirty years xln the reg- a practice ieir dr r v- vpierce who is jrf wsa then chief eonstuv ingp1iyalcian to tns iuva- lids hotel and- surgical insti- tute at lluf falo n v since then it has been used by mllliona of women and- has brought health bapplncas and contentment to as ntsny bomes hywlrewuslck fo over elihtytars writes albert ii pull ban of alumont grundy co tenn she had uterine diactfte add was treated bytwo nhysleiabb addjptjtie relwat last f read about dr pierces favorite prescription f botueaua dealers or sent poapaid at 60o a box or six boxes for 1260 by addreailng tho dr williams medicine co brookville ont if yon value your health do not takes substitute ihlu btifrflbemeniia residence for sale anew brick rnbrlcrco w flno largo rooms biilondid collar under wtiolo houto com modloui itublo and driving liouso hard snd aoft water nloo garden 3k net io for furti fubufilkss oflloo croat bargain for quiak bmo for further particulars apply at tho jr coal business changed j c hill adsp cottons flafm8j vfiaiitoev sheetings 4 shoes etc groceries new prunes canned gooobt marmalade choice teas and cobies mill st dont deride the vanity of others lant modesty that oreateaa censor on ev bo of shilohb oonsamptlon oare is this guarantee all we ask of you is to nse twothirds of the contenta of tbis bottle faithfully then if you oanaoy you sirs not benefited return the bottle to your druggists snd he may refund tbe price paid pride 25 oentr 0 oents and 1100 a man wbo never makes a klok should not get the worst- of it but be always does somethi for nqthinq a trial bottle of cstarrbozone and iohtler prepaid sent free to anyone who sends bis adrass within one week oatarrhozone is a sure oure for- catarrh bronofaitis irritable throat fetid breath and kindred diseaeea how can we afford to do this beoauae we know a trial of this pleasant and offloaoiona remedy never fails washes snuffs and ointments have proved unavailing bat catarrhozons will oora you write jj o polaon co kingston ont dont attempt to talk it your mouth is in full or your head empty brave men fall victims to stomtpb liver and kidney troubles as well as womsn and aj feci the results in loss of appetite polions in the blood baoktohe nervbueneia heidaobe and ilred listless rundown feeling bat theres no need to feel like that ftiaten to j w gardner idavllle ind he says eleotrio bitters are jnst the thing for a man when toil all rnndowh and duul care whether he lives or dies it did more to give me new strength and good appetite than anything j could take i can now eat anything ad have t ng leass op life only tj oents at j p moseee gvery bottle guaranteed we are dressing our ladies show window with the latest styles of eootweae for spring the i d king shoe takes a prominent part you will find our prices very low melil the shoe man we give trading stain p8i quelph watcltes the careful repairiog of watches is tha hobby of prhbu the jeweller g1jelph his long eaperlenco corabimd with hl practical ability and close attention to the details of that part of his business makes bim the bestqualified person in guelph to do gny repairs tp your watch the banae carefuf oyersgbf if gvcn tp the proper fitting of spectacles sdjr defectof vision is carefully examined and if specioclea can be found to aid the sight or stop the headache prlngle will supply them the ins and outs we- laki 1 ssalfc iiii no matter whether you want an interior or an exterior view of yoar home or one of the inmates we can insure you a pretty bctflre fiat ilhaf youjr ffjends will admire bdrryfvrp rfftrbu w f wap photos either by snnjight or h rktvtshklnz aphotobpctlist lctqn ebtabushep l1j hamiltons favorite shopping placb bargains abound in eveiy department of this fayorabld establishment make use of bur mail order department it will pay you we prepay the freight or repress to any railway station in ontario on all orders amounting to tsoo or over silks department 10 nlecas oolorsd bilk moiro fdniioily loo now s pleoeaflaln batlnln old rose sapphire and moas formerly s10 now s pieces faneyblik grenadine forblontes formerly 76e now pieoea plain brireb in brown mahoianrr tso soo coo too pjapl8rfmljq90gn pink and maars fornwly l now 1 plane blafjk and whit marralueni for- mwlj llm pqw v 00 j pfaoo 8eridroq uorvollleq frnjorlr looir mmmmt 1- 41looh amimo cloth llnoh sad an oloth sldob bmpnaa cloth stlneb btapraaa olotb ent td thedruft atore ot one bottle- firgt domffave case andaleep she had any for thrc night bdnartnre that care her i aent tor flve more bottle and when the wii bdnax rare that ft wmii he had taken the atxth bottle ihwma aound and whi- venowliateal1aeoybtoarhaaev the pa rpr contains no alcoho and- no pp u ilh uu and is perfectly hannleas fa any d4aiflti of tha system aojbodt oan gel credit oduis it u tbe man who li aotqally haogry red hot prom the gun was tbo ball that hit gb steadman ol newark htobv in tbo civil jvr it caoiflfj horrible uloen that bo treatment belpd for over twenty years then bqciuns arnica bale cored him oares oatfi braises boros poiti felons corns skin bf options best jplls bare ob rlb 80 otnle bo care guaranteed sold by j d mokee h tiurobueu tna cual pu u m joti moqneed and is prepared to dollvor flut olua borantoq coal iu furnace btove and hut uei promplynd to tbe eausf action of cmto- n sodoraliy i have also purcbaaed the weibi bcates and will stvo prompt attention to all orders for their uaa jonill exe0tit0b8 sale valuable farm and v1llaqe property in erin and a rphe undexblfiood executor of tbe ottau of x- tho late un elieahoui lamond offot for sale tba following properties i 1 tbe farm lot b oon i in tbo towmhlp ot erin oompriilnn 100 acres moro or lets oq the farm is erected a small bouse the place is well watered add well adapted for a gracing or graln-fann- the property will bo sold subjsotto a leassheld by airs april 1st 1000 i jabollusiell wbioh expires that wellknown property comprlilrjg lota b snd 0 in block- 17 in tho village of aoton on whloh is erected a large twostory brick house ml table jor either a private residence or a double tanetttent 3 village lot no 60 in youngs surrey on mill street a fine building lot and in good location tkdus or baib made known upon appllos- tlon to tho executors gbobqe hivxu1 jas l winnxm f executors aoton feb 21st 1830 rogicawood elector jlt a r rista tzoit hlshest cash price fjor wheat oats peas barley rye buck wheat etc for the convenience otyarmera i wllpkesp tha following kinds of goods on band whloh i will sell at rook bottom gnelph prices feed corn bbl and sack bait land sale dairy and table salt everton and ooldles flour oatmeal oorntoeal beans fot barley flax and heal ouoaks clover and timothy seed sulphur baits baltpetrw ete geo j thorp ouxlpb and nocjmood twfllva jibv- go to rnaasfupthe stearns product for a ptodnct that in point of variet1t elepjinin and eerfept vvqrk in pvery aetail r bloye to be jyithgut ptif dont buv an inferior whebt when yoa can get a stearns for tho same money or lets 3jtfvstipcfvlk kctol- hobnt usssast excuf23toms jiths will leave toibntb via north bay at 819 ptn and sxort eacfftniklar utcrtnl haroh aha eulngutiaiae train aathelr hvoratock will be atuchod to txalnjeavlng toronto at d00 pm and will run through to winnipeg bjwthbwiu bfrvjuc in these oars and oan be seonred by paseeogeri on application to qiraod trunk agenta h b helmtji agentj aeton m0diok8on dlstpaosragr toronto s wo aixo 113 dress trlmmingb afaby lines of fashionable dreaa trlinm- inge ars selling at abont bslf- prloe assdv eoulasraoly lass than half prioeu ui3s5rmofr3lmrjrijtimvly5js 93 and jo per yard b6wh sllstbraldjtrlmmlngs formerly sloo- i0e silts ana sl now neauledneta rermerly as pei beaded nets formerly asio per yard now ei75 soo 1m mmammi while tttey met we will soli lake huron trout j bbls at i450 every fish fruaranteed lake huron herring at 84 25 labrador herring at vfioo green codfish at 5c lb we also carry a lull stock of haddle pwe fllef n4 pjsfsfs grecker jepartfflt are you going to get married ii so call and examine our stock of dlnhor tqiiet and fivii wo arc offering exceptional value are you going to malts a wedding present wo have some beautiful pieces of china suitable for either wedding or birthday presents just received a special line of 97 piece dinner sets at t45o m in real oldfashioned families ths onion is venerated next lb ths bible dyspepsia groans for what mature alone provides for this atomsoh ours dr von stsni pinea pple tablet are nelores pantoea for all stqmtcb ills pleasant and positive oure for- boar btbmaob dtslraa alter estlosloes of appetite wind on the stomach bisalossihsussa iaotwfblooqraorjrttierefbnded i hljuilvlrwsfe gtr i r and lvtvfnlrte 4jlrbi yborslf to dsttb in order to i alugshdlgeftivs brfisns 88 oenu mm tjasijijrluj byatbroui good lotilljty plain white led printed at onceover jkw tosi vtrmsticv pttlmtlnc the free press has just laid in a large stock of firstclass wllitp envelopes in 7s and 8s sizes and is prepared to supply them printed in large or smqlj jpts at ayery stnall adyanpe oyer the cost of imprinted envelopes every person whether in business or not should h ve their name and address priritedbn the corner of their enveldpes so that the post office authorities may return undelivered letters to e writers instead of sending then to the dead letter office a for sanipjes 9p pniips 1000 lbs rood dried apples wanted tbis week j a ottblfi m s fjf u vahjexflbb ob b take row ohoit yriiiitaitptift ordarby number t n oiht skbbasawinsatadt 1 atttart brunswick 0oarrot humonahantea s orbeart or auarands 7caonmbershloagoptoklink s- opbdraso 8- elssim jtbettnoe early ouvled tlleala jj- denvers market eurlad lbuoakmelqn axtra early nutmeg itwater mslon oubsn itonlona lares red wstbersflald jfl- yaflow globe danvers 19 parsmlpe hollow orown sobadlab franoh braasfaat jj- rosy gam white tlppar ttgqoaab hubhard 9s tomato extra early atlantic st dwan ehamplon fioweiuj sutsweel ed naatnrtlfimsmued wl togweetpsaa floe mixed slwudl ploafer oardsu held tnli rna by mail postpaid on reoeipt ot prlea i fleoyjytso t4wtv 9wit bwbbblbbmbbaaaaabmbbaaaaaaafbhbab fi i fi ifbim mjjmfjmff pfitrfmbt j iirtaxxf iii j jrsajftrskblra tfcjtj

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