Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 2, 1899, p. 3

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the bank m hamilton charter granted 1872 t badopfjoe hamilton on t capital all paid up 1 25000000 reserve and surplus profits 80000000 total assets 1 200000000 j turnbull cashier savings department in p 1 added to principal vylthout waiting fpr pass book to be presented any sum ma be withdrawn by simply sending in a written order with the pass book no formalities no delay the government returns show that this ban gives to depositors four million dollars of security over arid above every cent due to the public farmers notes of responsible farmers discounted money loaned to feed cattle etc farmers sals notes collected promptly and advances made on account of same at a low rate of interestv- securitycourtesy fair kates every banking facility afforded which can be obtained in the city or elsewhere correspondence solicited georgetown branch eflfabjinw ovb twxntt ixabb j p bell agent the ne at home mostly of a looal character and everv item interesting tcattsa services at st albunu church special bervlcts are beld in st albane olmroli every thursday evening at 780 during lriint with addresses appropriate to the sesion speolal sermons will alto he delivered on sunday subjects the love of the attonement inlhe inorolng and ot different phases ot life in the two esteemed citizens qone mkt ltnrt vu 1xes thursday march 2 1690 little local brieflets whloh ca4ghttheeye8or of free praes reporters this week maroh has borne agaio 73oqnoll meeting next monday evening now for high wind rd completion nui htl meeting of eiqaeelng township ooanoil will be held on monday 27th teat the loe mens barveit i about finished they have bad three orops bo far tbfsaeeion mjss atkinson will engage in dress making over browne drug store the rlret weeklo march obi rflopay waa anpnk by a few pllussnsfor aulrnleslon to a snide show in owflbauonlsatiirdajnfghl ooqlrotor putl haa been goading ship limber here iba past week it is being ant to the old oountry ship yards mr frank huddell has boabht the farm of the late wm moore scotch block for 16610 messrs arnold brothers of the exoeleior glove works are arranging to nuiioteam powejr hv dtil silting of the fourth divio- ortpout will be held by judge hamilton nejt ffedjoayfal j8b bolopk rj3qoimoilipr flrown loat a vplnahip milk oo very suddenly by death on batnrdsy morning it appeared logood health the night before mr frank dowier the lluelph mer chant was in town on monday morning glosing bo porobese gf a flne horse from mr thomas oameron a gentleman in bluevalo wrote p ma o ovening hilton wants keller streets milton oonnoil haa introduced a bylaw providing for the iasno of twentyyear dfibenturea of 93000 to be expended in the parohaae of atone crasher and for the improvement of the atrieeta and roadways maintained by the town alao for the improvement of sidewalks on a more parrnanent baals of construction than here tofore xnarosse meeting totilghf a meeting of the aoton oresoent lb orobse olub will beheldin the town hall tonight at 8 sharp tho pbjeet of the meeting will be to organize for the coming aeaaon andto diaousa the advisability of entering the intermediate league in bale it la decided to enter the xeaguo our boye will have tpbattle with gait waterloo queiph and faria it la tobehopeda full attendance will be on- hand tonight aljwho are interested oome a year for stone throwing won boott an eooeotrio oharacter or a indatio waa laat thursday sentenced to one year in the ceotral prison for atoning 0 p r trains whiobj pass hla farm in fieverley near gait 8oott waa arretted gome time ago the reason assigned by him for throwing the atones waa beoaqtp the engine whistled at bim in passing sentence the judge did boopndltiopal that should the ljeqteuanuqoverqor aee fit he ib tube trannferrpotf root the prison to anaaylam death of mr thomas scott the death occurred yesterday morning at his home on the third llnaarjueaing of mr thomas boott rjqder very bad ojrouav stahpet mr scott waa ajgioted a week or ab with bloodpolsoniog thought to bavp arisen from a wound on the leg earned seven years ago by the pnnoture of a oopper telephone wire while working with the oooatrnotlon gang everything medioal akill oould devise to oounteraat the trouble taa done bin withont avaij mr scott leave ayonog wjfoj who i prloally l and a waet flld labe the ympalhy of the cornmnnity ia extended to the bereft family jarries e cobban dies on friday morning and thomas agnew on saturday xho eprloqb and audden illnosa of mr jamea eoobban waa referred to itt lubt weoksfnke fnxss for only four daya waa hla framo ablo to withstand the paralyaia with whioh he waa atrioken he was taken home from hia dally labor on monday forenoon after the sadden attaok nd parly friday moralpg hli rplrlt tnnk coming and going visitors to and from aoton and varloueothor personal notes its flight mra i henderson and john t elliott who have known him lnimatoly for half a century closed his oyea upon earthly ecenea forever jumea e oobban waa a native of halton county having been born in trafalgar township in 1880 hia early days were epent in the vioinity of milton and in hia youth ha learned the tanning business in the tannery of the late william oonter at peru when a yoang man he and mr johnteuiott formed warm frlendehfpe and lived and worked together for yeara abont thirty yeare ago he married isabella daughter of tbelato duncan mokerraoherv of nassagaweya one of the drat elderaof kaoxxlhurch aotou sevcraryeara he eogsgeh in farming and came to aoton in 1b71 for the tweutyefgbt inleevenlng yeara be was constantly epgaged id the lannerira here with the exception of threo or four montha spent in glovesavilie n y he aaelsted in lbs planning and erection of the original tannery wbtch was uhe nnoleoa of the preaeot worka of the aoton tanning co in 1373 deceased waa a moat exemplary and muoh esteemed citizen a gentleman who has known him aipoa boyhood aifd to the fbkb paxaa thia week 4 never knew james oobban to do a mean thing in bis life he was a obriatian man and an aotlve worker in knox ghurab holding the honored and reeponeiblo positions of elder and trustee of ohoruh p at the tho fnaa puuaa invites ajl its readera to oon tribute to thia oolumn if you or your friends aro going away on a holiday trip or if you have frlonds visiting you drop a card to be fans pnasa 7- mr john t elliott was in milton on monday mr r d warren of the era w george town was in town on batnrday the wi w baye hen jofarraed that mrs gweeltn of tbli town formerly of brampton baa throngh the death of her mother at aah grove penrith englaud fallen heir to a large amount of money estimated at between 150000 and 00000 mrs- sweetena father was the founder of the eeurhb sj5jnw a large ppbliahlng establishment and ammud wealth very rapidly he died about fifteen years ago and by the termi of his will mrs gweefejria po eatp of her rflptper comes into possession of the above amonnt and will leave- for england we understand aloat the first of- april next in order to bepreaeat at the winding ap of tno c ana to reoetve her ahare thereof 4 ffajuue tkeddiog at lx jpoi htoiao aqajet wedding took pleoe on thqraday afternoon at palermo when mlas gertrude buoki daaghter of dr anson book one of t moat p m iu t cu was married to mr 00 mophee former ly of chatham anrj now pt te bnalneaa staff of the aontreal iierald the oere- inpny waa performed by rev dr strongman j of palermo mjss maljio h aj laj ga m w time of bis death he waa intereated in the snnday sobool and waa for some time a teaober there in politics he waa a conservative mrs gobbau and ft farfllly of one boo mr mitjhell pohban of the staff of the ottawa ciirn and three daughters misses maggie nettle and clara survive they ajl mlaskeenly the bompanlonshlp and obunbel of aliubband and father beloved 3he f nneral on saturday waa very largely attended it waa oonduated py itevh a msgpbereon aaaisledby kevs r bc99k and j a mclachlan the remains were borne to the tomb by messrs p henderson if p john t elliott jarpes moore qavid fovel 4li waudfe nd wilm mobhail a polbcidenpe qt the death of mr oobban ia the fact that it occurred ja the twentieth annlvsrsary of the death of mrs cobbans father on batnrday morning after a lojig period of illness ftf ended the snffer- iogs of mr thomaa agnew boot and aboe rnerobanl mr agnew had been a familiar figure in aoton for- fortyfjve years though abept for a considerable interval during that time he was a oorriparatively well read man and followed olosely ths pnblipaffairs of the country as reported in the daily preas he was possessed of an even temper and those who know bim best esteemed him mo bgbly pfflluj agpp wag born ip connty armagh ireland in 1886 and whan a yoang man of elgbteen oame to oanada heapent a few months in toronto and waa employed in the lumber wooda his flrat wlntnrln canada hy the tathallnl mr alexander mann sr baa somewhat improved in health tha pavat week mr howard maaalaabaaso far recovered aa to be able to walk down street again miss nellie matthews of berlin spent a day or two this week with aatun frienda mr lewis soper of iditohell south dakota is viaiting friends in town and vicinity miss momaater of gnelpb haa been viaiting ber sister mrs j d mokee the paal week or ao mre thomaa eaaton wbo baa been very ill for several weeks fa all iu a very orltlcal oouditiou mrtwilllam and idiaa sidie barns of rook wood were guests thls week at the home of mr j fyfe mies jessie niokliu was tbbgueat for a aouple of daya tbia week wt tlia home o mayor nelaou guelph mr charles f bewrey of now york waa a gaeat at the home of hia opueine7the muses laing the past week mlas annie bozell wbo had be en viaitlug at ber home sitioe- gbriatmaa relumed to aoton last week poitmaater henderson of oeorgetown yialied the home of bis father d henderson m p on monday mra john agnew mabel and babe left oo tueadiiy morning to spend at few weeka in the old home at slouffvills exmayor john odiiuoghae of strat ford was in town on monday iattendfug i the funoral p the late tboapaa agnewi be y a- f hartiu qf rnoj qhqroh quelpb who haa been oalled to xion church brentford is couaidsring the oall mr and mrajm feruley stud family wbo spent a month at tue boms bfmr john matthews returned ao toronto last week during hia slay in aotpri mr- mohsrdy the avapgaliat was the gaeat of mr and mrs h p moore aud family at moore- proft mlas allis cising who has been vlallng friends in ranttord ap4 aawherp the mi wo m rstnrpeil home on monday exbesve kabrs and mr h a coffin of geprgetbwd were in town on monday attending tbe funeral of the late tbomaj agpew me blule martin returned lo her daties si johnstown n y last week after spending a month or so at her mothers borne here mr and mrs wm waldie left last week for their borne in cartwrlghl man after enjoying a ponple pt months with relatives in this section mrtbomaa 0 moore bad been improv ing is healthier several ifeekl but owing to a soraewtlit serious attack laat friday be i net so well this week mr andrew allan who waa home for several weeks owing to the illness and death of his brother at oaroribollvllle returned to towp m week mrs rev h a maopherson and mrs facts about health it la easy to keep well if we know how some of the conditions nooos- aary to perleot health tho importance of maintaining frood bcalth la easily understood and it is really a simple matter if we take a cor rect view of the oondltlona required xxi perfeot health the stomsoh promptly digests food and thus prepares nourish ment the blood la employed to carry tbls nourishment to the organs nerves tniinl nil hn hll r f ffr chas l nelles the wallpaper first greatessentlal for good health there- fore ia pore rloh blood mow it is oer- talnly a faot that no mcdlclno hsaa siich a record of ourea as hoods baraaparilla it is literally true that there are hundreds of people alive and well today who would have been in their graves had they not tavken hoods barasparilla it is depended upon aa a family raodlcine apd sreneral regulator of the system by tens of thou sands of people this is becsuae hooaa sartaparllla makes i the blood pure thla is the secret pt its greet success keep yonr aystem in good health by keeping yonr wood pure with hoods barsaparllla wnlori absolutely cures when pther inedl- olxieb tall to do any good whatever man guelph announces that 1809 will be a banner year in now papers and window shades it pays to buy at bollerts it pays to buy at bollerts 3dsys 3dhys unnda plllc onlyplfls to take u ta t rttlihoodisaprtii our now store on upper wynd- ham street will havo ther finest wall paper show room thnt can be found stlte j d mokeb the drug- gist aotoil will again be our agent and ahovy nirthp samples at guelph prices just now wc are bftering the newest weaves and best values we have ever shown this means money- saving for you because there the- wanted-every- day sort of goods they include reallyspleridid and not often met with qualities in whfte coiton sheeting a pillow cotton ticklng table linen a napkins- toyelings sortings vflanneletdtes and pkints that will pleasantly- surprise you as to theirmeritsandthe nnnsuallylo pi y need to pay for vqxfg chqice one priceand that the lowest mjiiihery furs d e m acdon ald a 8ro golrjen ijuon guelph thbsar to farmer8 and stock raisers i we have decided to devote three days to the clearing out of the balance of our blaakets and comforters and at the end of that time do not expect to have one left as we would much rather take net cost for them now than carry them over until next season we have only a few left here they are 3 pairs extra fine lamb wool blankets worth 500 for 350 2 pairs all wool blankets worth 400 for 300 4 pairs union blankets wprtlvspsso for 290 3 pairs union blankets worth f 275 for 165 5 extra fine satin lined eiderdown comforters worth 705 for 600 v 4 sateen lined comforters worth 450 for 250 2 chint lined comforters worth 135 for 100 this is the lot at the same time we will offer 13 colored counterpanes worth 135 for g8c and 11 white comforters worth 125 for 75c e ksbpllert fe 25 and 27 wyndliani stveet quelph co henderson co we will inaugurate agreat- clearing sale our stock is much too large for this time of the year and we take stock this month when it is desirable to have stock as low as possible to accomplish this quickly bargains will be the order of the day in all departments in miens and boys suits overcoiats ulsters cmafas pfhttts boots shoes dont wait but bring your cash at once as there are many choice sriaps thatare sure to be picked up by the early buyers the harnesa he is advertising intbe pais pbsss wllh a view to purohaaing mr prank b webber olqaslpb who wjaf or a llrpo jo butineas in aoton has been bppolpted mapager of tpe massey- x h wm sdpt exm p of barrle he oame to aoton in 1855 with bis brother robert preseot proprietor of the dominion hotel and daring the period wjen the lumbering puslrjesii was booming in fftqneajng apd apron waa peadquarterp pp4 aalar ai the last meeting of fisqhaslng iobootllfthsijisurjrbfihetraaaurer waa increased by 110 per year aa compensation for the extra work entailed in keeping tbe new atalulory treaaurera book mr w stark iha looal representative olthek 0 filearna bicydie ooi xoronto haa kindly haodad ths faaifsua a half tone souvenir cloture of the toronto school oadeta who reeeully took a trip to tampa lsai the remaiua of mrs robeat allan djpghterof flajvjd yderj flq flaeipli khq dleu afr a vpry brjef illneejs pq mqnaay were brought to aoton yetterday morplng and interred in oharohui osmetiy four weeks ago john tbe nineteen year old sen ol peter gibbons bsqueaing waaoperaied upon by dra uren mcdonald and nixon for appandloltla he was in t t ttos 9nli n9w ias beep ipid ppd hi friends ra delighted tilsv1iiinsibiatenswrliaaar the burlington 7aae tbe new journal pstablishad to aoobeed the ruord wbloh ytmtmtoio- milton s ft ppy waildpisd ptper apd appears to be wen flualflwd 5fctujtpr iutersata of tfte fewltwteisrpnr ro1lhgjaxsnes4 nesnpaper mitopfthi nuiiinw and jlter ths tsrobwit iwrt-ot- the meouatiiihi in thecromheiulrof be engine at the power housioikidvloose pn saturday evening iuagtlorjis fpf arvor abiind thaooal oil iarnpa were fcrmiahtjlniq rcqqwtlon for the time aoaldentawiil happen occasionally the unit nlgbl ths people of qualpn who use go in the east side of the rlyar haul their niiiiylpulhr hrldearflalde whllp the bpidfgroorn was aupported by hla brother mr a c mophee the new york representative of the globe only the immediate frienda and relatives of the oonlraotlng parties were present mr arid mrs mopbee let by the pvenipg train for montreal where they will reside the methodist ffpeoinl servlcem mr eobt mohardy evangeliat who has beep asiooiated with the pastor of the methodist church in the apeolal aerviqasj new in progress te tiruj ifepk aald fare wel pin- ussriay evening she sprvloe iiavp beep well attended prip ifr mprf4yl irppfeaelye barrnorysril faryept axhorla- ions bavp heop very effective in building up the membership of the ohnroh and in influencing a considerable number to lead christian uvea mr moflardys methods are rational tbonghtiol and thorough and his sermons are logical sfld oppvppog oospel jlappptaea quring hit stay in aplpp b made my friends numbers of whom will loogrsmsmber his earnest esorls n their behalf the evaogallat left on wednesday morning for bis home in toronto whers be will spend a few roy prior tboommenouigbertoeb aideaseronto ifke ftlectrlo light pimnt taken over and the ahlpplug point for p number of saw mills he was one of the busies men employed in 1s71 lie removed to haliburtbh where he remained for alxuea years relprpflj to aoton and engaging in lbs shoe baafuesa twelve years ego during his resldenoe in hliburton ho wss for eleven years a member of the monloipal counoll and the laet year of tho term wgg reeve nrgppw loft no children two died in infancy bptjtfra aguew ia left alone and has pot a blood relative ip canada though hp l left fairly well provided for she will keenly mlsa her partner in life mr agnew was an adhoreut of the preabyterlan churbb and rev h a maopherson oonduoted the faueralaervloeg on monday afternoon mettrs duncan taylor john j 8 robert mobrejfohn mitten john dunn and r v jchnioq were the pall boarera aroh mcxavash were delegates from rinox church to tbe annnal ueetlug of ho w pm at oillladt wtall r lkr rer jp elliott of iha milton sfaprfgnfjavbred ibpvma tastes with a plpaiapl visit laat friday mr b uiol bprittat arid the sugar baah the first of march ia hero and the warm spring snnshine will incin tbaw ool the bdgs rpafkws andoausetbe ssp to flow those of oar farmlpgfrlends who purpose doing something in tbe way of sqgar mak- l it- j iiia t log will begin o tpin opt the aap bjtphetei he thir day jawloolrwmn spiles and take a troil tp ths oamp to see what has to be dona in the way of getting ready for aotlve opera- uons one who spent hlsboyhood dayton the farm says when be reoalla thieogarlcg off occasions of early years the woodland sffmn hggs apples and baitrym to alkpnhead sroduos co aoton highest prices paid fprfqrs r tostbnwee s a o antfatiniir fitreet on baibrday evening iluiirthi watch and ohaipfitborois attaohed finder willbe tawfctefvmm wh 10 anyone rsqalring anylhlbg in marble oiirailiin9nurodtal work ipr oemetery i ssilaijl uiidli ilftiili iplm l bririonbs topeoure the diiooant with ji0fmiiion orgbslpnrwlio hat the v pdolbg the best work in ipnlipjoipliavprlowgoata ljijig vrti8ta mabhy old inpn who intend to vai ao la rpadeqpltb simple bf stci t call a oiieoli7pf lighting plant allqwwtbjriha- yf- a- tofc sop fllejtrip rip tarmfnalgd on monday pod that ngh t tbe mnniolpal cppnoll ga the plant the severest potblble test with every available light in town turned pp the teat was in every respect asllsfaotory to reeve pearson and bit colleagues as well aa to eleolrlolan reynolds iho dynamo ran in perfect papditon tbo load varying from ioq towougbtp showing no perpepllble variation of the hrllllanoy of the light and the ooo trolling initrumenlt on tbe awllohboard were irneand poslllve in thtlr rsgnlstlon at the oonolpalon tit the teal in which the plant was sabeoted to every condition wbloh oould naturally arlsetbegoqnch rptt ip pesalpnat the coonpll ohamber and instrpated the reeve and treasurer to pay over to the w a jcbnapu eleotrlo co iba balanoe of money doe on the oonlraol tbia has been done and a bond aecorsd for the satisfactory running of the plant for two years the relations of the council with the w a johnson eleotrlo co dflripg iha this ffipqhlfl wkpri plpi wa being in tailed were most agreeabls and plmsanl hisry part of the work of installation waa carried oat up to apeolnoatlons and where improvements on the plans adopted were deelrable auoh were made without regard to the extra work entailed tbe prevailing purpose of the oompany apparently being to put iu a plant which would give jnire satisfaction thp rperflberi p the ooanoil feel thtt they have now in their poateaalon a plant well adopted to the wants of the town and nptodate in evsry respsol for its efflolenoy and the ojlspatoh with wbloh it vrmjinsuljepiqolioredlt is duo to aormrinfanapnthprd and his oblsf astlti anu messrs j4rfletmokeoirianrfleoree jbonntfiptr hers avquwtjfibtot jfor iulr eylip4 the toprlebut flavor of maple syrop corpta haok with a relish ot oubho telloacy we think also of the expltementof tree tapping he says and how the ooaing sap trlokled down into the wooden trough then the boiling to the right point oarrrlng the syrup to the house to be boiled down tomolaasee or sngared off and baited for fatnre pie the climax however was readied when book wheal cakei apd maple molasses formed oraplyaiotjrifpr lnipiop the evening meal and what seemi peculiar about the thing is that the boys of todav are jpai as fond of tbe baokwheai oakeand maple eyrup for supper now as in the days of yore has much faith in the f otnre of the standard mra p mogreflor ol toronto ind mrs alpiepder of toronto mrs lowry and i i obriatle of guejnh ware in town on saturday attending the funeral of iba kale james cobban mr j cbroddy traveller for messrs w hi sttorey a sou arrirecf from the sorthloet yesterday allernoon he bad a very aqgoeaifal trip mr w t smyth if expeoted home todsy mr and mrs mitcball oobbau uf ottawa wero called to acton tbroagh the illness of mr cobbans lather- ho retorned to the oapltal ou monday mrs cobban will remain hare for a taw weeks mr lidward sharp wbo was in bt josephs hospital for traaltnant for a trouble resembling anthrax is improving mr alex sharp whp was- being treated for the same- trouble ratnrnad bom last week miss may tjrqnhart jot oakvule has passed with honors bar primary examlna tiona at iho conaertatoiy bl mualc toronto miss alloe treadnold bramp ton mlas annie e noble norvalj and mrs bennett maudson of georgetown were alao taooeasful in their different j departments srajidnnf i miss bene henderson daughter of mr thos hehdersbn of milton baa rebelved the pdiltlon of superintendenl of a hospital in vernon british oolpnobla bbe is a oompetint norse hsvlng gradaated from thetorouto general hospital a little over a year ago her many friends wish her soootaain her new field bbe leases for the west on friday of thla iweek standard va is notalways the biggest loaf- westons fancy bread is a product desired and secured by those whose delight is a gooa table article homemade bowtooktxoos of wintkr havo for your hens a comfortable shelter and give them hess pou itpy panacea henderson go mill street acton eureka wholewheat and brown breads are now shipped to ail parts of the province and constitute he chief article of consumption in thousands of toronto homes do not fail to try this bread received fresh every morning at acton agency hilt street a positive cure and preventative of disease arnong fowls to destroy parasites on horses cattlo-sbeepr-poultry-etc-we- have dp hess instant louse killer x modotigall8 sheep dip elliotts shsep dip littles sheep dip engl ish sheep and cattle wash ryf pf- lafreah supply white hellebore 99 wyndham 8t tobayandeverydayjuringthewcek a t browjn there will be on exhibition at our store tho newest styles in uptodate spring hara we direct special attention to the ioliowinr ieadinglines of hats the henry carter tho wakefield and nelsons 8peclal these hats are higli grade and guaran teed both as to quality slyle and color any man wearin one of this popular mafco of hats may rest assured thnt he is in the front rank of fashion and also that he will get absolute salislaclion our prices for these hats are 260 276 vvc have hate from sloo to 226 as well but we call special atlentfon to above lino as they are the beat makers of english hats and are strictly uptodate see them and be convinced gst bprlngtidp brerjeo will aoen epjpyed the dealers are retting in their aappl of ep buokets spiels pans etc the alkenhesd produce company ii doing quite a business in farm prodape the fine reaidenoes of meaara alex beoord and john a mograll are now lighted with eleotrlolty the ipiltllatlon waa oompleted pd tho current turned on laat week sigh of the best resldenoes in town now have electric light ranging from twelve to twentyfive lamps each an amalgamation has ben effected between the toronto eleotrlo motor co and the w a johnson eleotrlrfop wbloh latter firm pot in otoussuolrlo lighting plant the name of the new oornpauy wii be theuelted eleotrlo company mr vf- a jobosoowlll bo preajdeot mr 4- thompson seoireuryiftesisprer the oprppauy will pperattholh exlallng factor v- v a few sets of second hand single haroesa to ha sold cheap jornt mtthiwb bvpeksmiiktr tneyalip feet iwnedy jxtakfluftlim nets bad tsatomtr moo th coaled toxtgap painlntrsmevrojlpp jeiwatji jii1 substitution foe fraud of tho day sec you get carters ask for carters insist and demand cirtervlittlc xiver tested we have a graduate optician who is thor oughly competent to fit the most difficult case savage co tjfvorjkii there are two kinds of men to be found every where those who are obliged to dress roughly while at work and those whose occupation in volves no difference in attire fprthe laborer we have heavy substantial boots for the business man comfortable sensible shoes j for the boys and girls good knockabouts and for the ladies the latest novelties in footwear our speingr stc3k is now coming in and em- braces goods sure to please our customers as to style quality and prices fl a bm oito ww xot r e nelson cash add okb fbicx merwnant tailor qublph gents furnisher mtutiws heawulontne plrst of february open in the store now occupied by louis gnrorsky a firstclasv ntock of jipiserios trovteiojis etc the bos woods hr ket possesses will be osered at prices sure to atlrict ensto- mevri a vie5aai feature tit the bwlnew vtll be ifmbaxdllrtgiind curing of pork i 1 lllm actro weu thmi havp wlurned teffimywww oiitartoess vvtr- yitifemijfri4 f ortp impofftajjt notice the oolwhrated indian sootor wul be shown in ourwindow tprneof biir figured saitin s we have slab a good rapge of jriiirislitins as well aa artmuiiinsy etc wehave special values la thesi goods just now and thoso wishing to get something real pretty in this line should come before theya re picked ever e f qm rzzsz zmm on thelaal wed afns per- bbarltfobd p 0 on to ins daur a rlph ldy oursd of her dsaf neia and iojsoa in iho eukd hjr d r ikohplsop artiooal bar prqrishaseenl oory loudon wbnglod atqrow tttonannsflii of tvliils at onr fhmons iliedfkilttilill fe fcbdwphiudeiimiiii smiimmiimmmk if xmmimm mmmmd

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