Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 9, 1899, p. 4

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wphswhw mw liajll bad taato in my mouth tongue is coated my hei ootaei and i often feel dlny 1 bavo no appetite forbreikfmt and ht food i eat dltrete- mo i have heivy feeling m my stomach i tni mtnngve- vaak that sometimes 1 tremble and my serves are u unjtrttbi i am retting pile and thin i am tt redn the morning ti ikt nlhtr twfiatdoes your doctor saiyit yti are buffering from 1w irotaobyp ytttj ton most not nave conatlg pited bowels if you expect the- sarsiparilla to do its best work but ayers pills cure conatlpav tjon vpe have a book ttr paleness and weakness which you may have for tho asking white four dootmr psvaapa ton wonlu was toeonaolk eminent physicians about tonr-eondl- tlon tsmteuafroctralleliapartlenlarf ia yonr case yoawulrtceltsapresnpt considerate patients amutiug if apoorjpil etorlet r told of lbs extreme care for tho feeling of their pbyslatans diiplayed by soon patisnts ons auoh tenderhearted man saeloa bis physician ooming atodfttbo attest slipped into a doorway to avoid him why did you do that inquired hie i wa laid th ulau wh baalth bad been poor until wltblti a year itb eo long now since ive been slok that im really aabamed to aes him an luatanct of still greater delicacy le taoorded of a man whoso oaaa bid been pronounced bopeleee by bis phyaioian but who afterwards regained perfeot health ha met the droor on the atreet aoon after hit recovery aud the latter had difficulty in making hii former patient etop to speak with him whats the matter inquired tba phy- oioid blnntly why returned tpe other joo said imi dying and im aabamed to have you see ma alive and well booh tenderness ni thlt merits the approval with which a qaack is laid to have commended a bonsoisniiont shallower of bin medicines ah my dear air he said with strong emotion yon deserve to be 111 i l 3tjoit liie ybib thubsdat maeoh 0 1890 ffljf ottrtg jfalks xaiy it jlw there li a little maiden ivhobaa eh awful tamo fibe hau to fanrry awf ally to bet to eobool at nine bits hau an awful tesofcer her anma are awful bard her playmates are all awf ol rough whan playing in tne yard she has an awful kitty who often abowa her olawe a dog wbp jntape npon bar dreae wltb bba heu a baby alitor mman awf nlllttla nose with awful eunnlntfoumplee and anoh awful littlwtoee she hau two little brothara and they are awful boys with their awful drama and tmmpeta they malte an awful nolle do ootxib i pray thee cotntnon aenao i gome and tbla maid defend or elaa i fear her awf nlllfe will- bare an awfnl and dont forget that quitting a fault is the heat way tnwirvht hesyarda yellow oil onrea epraini brcliil sores wounds outs froetbltei obllbliins etlcge of ineeota burnt scaldi eontuilons etc price 25 ctnti wife should insist on an al i wlah here to eropbaaiza the faot whloh so many hoabtnde asjd wives nam to forget that marriags la on ona lids aa mooh abnilnsu oontraot aa any other partaarablp and demands exactly the same bueineis treatment the husband la tha earner the wife the dlilrlbn tor of oapltal and of oh of ths two ber work is really the mora complex and dlffioull hietotiljhra to ca onthle buaineaa partnerehip loooesatqlly in a flnanolal way end without frltlon pereonelly la to pot it ona cash baale it le right that the wife abould ihilit upon bating an allowanoe i think ttaia relnptanoa with whloh many a roan looks upon giving an allowance to his wife oomea not so muoh from a eel flab and sordid lose of the money itielf n from real mlitruat of ber ability to handle it wiaely hefo6liah raandoiibia her know ing lbs value of a dollar became ahohae naver carried oue helen watteraon iolocdyin the march litdict home jour nal effbuts of grippe and the common diseases that make people look so weak and deathlike paines celery pound c0m- the great disease banlsher and true health builder the writer a few days ago enjoyed a half hour walk with a wellknown phyaioian on one of monlreala orowded bnaineae atresia meeting with a great many pals and eallowfaoed man and women young and middleaged the writer asked bis pbyei- otao friend the qusetion doctor w are paaalng aoorea of sick looking people does tbla prove that we are deteriorating as a pawipla in haallh ajnrt phyln riaplnp valnt and diary spells are exceedingly dangerooi batter tako a few boxea of mllbome heart and nerve pills and onre them before they become too aerlone mre geo naab 183 colborne st tiondoti oat eaya abe had frequent attack of dizziness but theae pills cored her oompletaly co centa a box a young man b never so moot surprlaed as when be icarne that other yoang men think bis sister li good looking borne pebpio ref nee to work today beoanie they expeot to draw a prize in a lottery tomorrow every spring mre maggie barns lonenbury n s writes i have taken b b b every spring now for some years to purify my blood and keep my byitem in good order and canboneetly aay i do not know of its equal anywhere keeping tbe mouth ehotli one way to keep the heart pure contba w constitution undprmined by nervoua complloatlona south american nervine worked a complota cure neryonsproatratibn snd liver oomplfca- upns 10 afsioted j w dnwoody oon- traotor oampbellford that pbyaioallvhe wasaloioat a total wreck hii drngglet rsconihiended south ameriosn nervine a few doles gave him great relief induced aoand eleep and a few bottles built him up and oared blaa bo that today ho is as strong and hearty as ever sold by a t prown dont waate tddays etredgth fighting lbmorrows battles sorofula salt rheum and all dlpesies oanbed- by impure blood l oared by hoods sareparilla whloh is amerioab greateit medioine heart wiidom is ahead of book learniok if your children moan and area reatleea during iloep oonpled when awake with a- lose of appetite pale cbontenanop picking of the noee etp you may depend opon i that the primary oanee of the trouble ia worme mother graves worm extermi jnator effectoally removee these peats at onoe relieving the little aofferers thb presidents messaqe the meeaage which president clerk aehti in ibbl to his christian kndeavpr koatt ii repeated by him tide year arid heobnldf not have cboien- belter words of obomel than ihoae he uttered fifteen years ago wheu he eitd in part tholast dozeir years have been years of peculiar temptation to young people tbsstandanta of muy churches in regard to worldjy aihaaementa have been lowered manypraoticea whioh a dozen years agoi would nave been utterly ouudemued are to day admitted in some christian circles the stralo put upon many young cbrla- mans by thia aonformity to tbe world sir arbhnd thenoi has been almost unbearable and aome alai have yielded to it look his matter of worldineaa iquarely in ths faes deoids what you ought to do ai a yonng obristlan do not be laughed brv browbeaten out pf your conviotlone lift up your banner and aland to your colors wo gladly give these words wider currenoy both because of their worth sudj becauae their are applicable to a larger oonsiiipenoy ahan thai eyen which is bompriisd in the mighty army of obristlan endsavor dont envy your neighbors look envy hit pluck if anything exoellent seasona exlit why dr thomm boleptrlb oil should be used by perioni tronbled with afledlions of the throat or longs sorei npon the skin rheumatlo pain corns bunions or external injuries the reasons are that it u peedy pure end nnobjeetionable whether taken internally or applied outwardly dont expect yonropinloiii to fit if you obtain them ready made hsgtarda ysllow oil can he applied externally or taken ioternally a medi cine cheat in itself cures oats burnt bprajni qatbsridgs lumps bora throat oronp quinsy kidney complaint etc prloe s6o all dealers the hvpocrite is potting bills in olronlationwlthoulapeolo in tho vaplts dr lows worm syrup li a safe sure and reliable worm expeller aots equally well on children or sdulta be sore yon gat uparra- no man can discover nsss lands without pntllngoiioim tnentf tbs phyeloiaus answer was vary ranch sb follows a i large number of siokly looking and halfwell psopls have passed us today which i am sure has prompted your queetion you must remember thai grippe has been epidemio throughout the winter and has left thoussnde in a sad oopdltion of health then there aire other common oases of sickness that have been operating iqoh as insomnia headaohes digestive dlilorbances blood troubles rbaumatlim and kidney apd liver fcilmente all ttsio have oontrlboted to iloknsii and doalha this ysiur and those we have passed arebnta few of the viotims the same conditions exlit in all oonntriea and t would not oars to state podtively that as a people we are deterloralibg in tree man hood and womanhood early attention to and sensible oars and treatment of present weakneeeea will bring all back to good the olaas of tick people to whom the city phytlcian referred stand in urgent need of paloei celery compound if they wonld qblckly rsgalo nerve force and powas weigh t in flsab frseh blood and sound bodlit is nothing known to phylolane of the moil eixtensire practlos sqpal to painet celery compound for bonding np ths weaksnsd body whan thegrsit ooroppupdjsneod ejiwealinessee toon btobms things of ths pail and solid hsltb rsffwhlng sreap natqkr appelfts ami vivacity of disposition make lifs s plaasure the oburoh that doea not gather in poor thuti its king outaldo the door the ent life bnowrtnrrlee of trouble do notexiinguieb tsturipflpve v writsmiittlaa mrj jimsrkleiw tantdownsa toronto briiage bontriotor was cured by hiibuwirtfmuieat of bhiumatiam whloh laid hltn up in bed f w hf w tel y cure if you writs hltn thsaslflabnsas tbatlhnlsla the candle tight shnu oat the aunahlne vhv m sprajn tire itihcbflirolovcr your ner1i ricair muscles becom- ined jcnovv the the knots o troable in the oord of mark yonr vessels progress ton weak s f erhsps it la your throat or your bronohlsl lobea if yon take cold earilly bcotts emulsion it checks any take tendency in ypar ayatsm to sirioni lung trouble e tbv oo- workers together with god son dont know when diarrhoea or dyesnfery mayattaok you sotalsstysbe prepared lib check tbtin at onoe by having o h dr gowlersealraet o w vontompation lion for yca tried all tho pills and pur- gattvef you evcrhenrd or read or without getting any- mora relief than the one doso of the memcthe afforded then you were left worse than before bowels bound harder than ever tbe con stipation agrgavatcd instead of cured all tho miseries of constipation head- ache sick stomach biliousness pimples eruptions blood humors blotches piles and a thousand and one other ills crowded back on you again with redoubled soverity wouldnt you consider it a blessing to be cured of your constipation so that it would si ay cured so that a repetition of allthesuiteringyou have endured would never come again burdock blood bitters can cuni you euro o that tbo euro will be permanent thats where it differs from all other remedies it makes a thorough renova- lion of the whole intestinal tract tones the bowel wall acts on the liver and stomach and causes all the digestive and secrtftorvorkatistoso vorkjiarmoniously and ycrtonn thr functions properly and perfectly that constipation with all its attendant sickness sufferingandill health become a thing of the past missarabllaj61ieiivingat99carrieo street montreal que bears but air we say lit regard to tte i burdock bjocki hitters in curing constipation per manently thif is her statement x for over a ei i wftered agteat deal- froth jpenistent constipation and could only ppet temporary relief from- the r ivftricnisrentedfefl triedj uslnjf hurdock blood bjttr- fullt say lha this remi has completely and mincntly ctircw ine have had no tfturh fhe consttiktfiom the spring horn lis a to moat likely to find yonr blood fmpuro ajid lacking in the red corpuslei whloh enable it to carry nourishment to tho norves and other organs there ore you fcol weak tired aud liitleia and aru troubled with upring hqmoro kelie is yivea by floodu sarsaparlllia which t un and vita l hluoil mailed lowell hobda tills core billiousnugs for 25 cents by 0 i hood fi go mass life ia a boherae of plying off our debts to the past by 1f ts to tho future vvecrnh need nttfer from those terriblo side nchoa hack aches head aches and the thotihnnd nnd onp other ills which mako life full of misery most of thoau troubles nr6 due to impure lmporilmriy nltorud bloofl tho kidneys nro not netitik right aud hi conhoqtipnco tho system is being loiaontil with impurl- tios doans kmey pills dro daily proving thom solves worn mis groatost frlond nnd honnfuctor ho re is an instnnco mm harry fleming st marys nb bays tho ubo of doaue kidney pills restorod me to complete health the first bymptomg i noticed in my case wore bovero pains in the small of my back and around the lqlns toprether with general weakness and lose of appetite x gradually became worse until hoaring- of doans kidney pills i got a boxfroinourdrugglst i am pleased to testify to their effect iveness inoorreeting the troubles from which x suffered v a weakminded man oaght to marry his oppoaito a strong minded woman bnl if ho does he will regret itr a kissing nation tn uo other part of the world la kissing so much in veguo na in itubsla from time immemorial it hs boon tho national salute indeed it m raoro of a greeting thftu a careas in public affairs aa in private tho kirs la an oatabllahcd custom fathers and bongkis ol r tiohea klaa whole regiments kins the emperor kisaea his ofioera on a review ing day there are almost as many kisses exchanged as shots fired if a ulliputian oorpn of cadets have earned the imperial approval tbe imperial ealuto id hestowed npon the bead boy who passes it on with a hearty report bo h turn to tho next and so on through tho wbolo jovebile body qa a holiday or fete day the young and delicate mietreao of the booae will not only kiaa all her maidservaota bat her man servants too and it tile gentleman doea not venture above ber hand ahs will stoop abd kiss his oheek to atao from thegaluteo the matrimonial bond in high oi roles moat be one of interrupted folioity a gentleman eoaraely leaves or entew the room without kusiptf hii wife his maiden speech ava recent metid in connection with the bailors strike in glasgow one of the speakers an old scottuh salt in the course of his abort address to the men to remain firm wound up in a rather heated speech with the following ill tell ye atraight mates if ye still go bri standing alane yell bo wreaked wv combination we oan perform impossibilities thae baild- ing o tbe oceanic at belfast wud bo nae- thing like it bae mind ye bo pathetic ally wound up tjuion is powerfal if wedlnna stand tegither riobt ye araio well ba left what the british eailor wants is mair work an less o it pond oheere solarrby a trbrovfti ratarted strawberry belying on virtos it rtleing on ths troeaj philosophy in hit yegtabla plllt dr parmolse haa riven to ths world tha frqllt oiloor ralnabla dlseorsrlsa never tarmkooan to rnvi5rtaiioiiriio oonitltoloojparliatpii aoa ohtiimfitahjin in arntll dose ths tt is ri jwlf and a itlrnhlabl mildly sioilldbtbs tjlcretlone of tbs body ulslng tooa and rigor j the christians home invitee lhv world to the christian beaveu ojne laxsiiiser pill every niflht lor tbirlydays nmkrampfcta onrs of bllloaaneee and oonillpalion that la jott 25osnts to beenred wedrja deed from impulaf and then try o oorjtinoe onrtelvee that we mtant todo 11 those who any they love their cbnntry not leia but peaoe more probably love tueir own opinion most of all there never was and never will be a nniverial panaoea in one remedy for all ilia to whlobflebh is heirthe very nature of many cniativea beinit anoh that were the cerms of other and differently seated discaecb rooted in the system of the patient rwhat would relieveone 111 in tnrn woald agxravate the other we have however in quinine wine when obtained in a sound nnadalterated atate a rernedy ormany and grlnvooe ills by its ffradnal jadlolotta ale the frail eat systems are led into con valeaesooeandstrsnitth by the lnllaenoe whipli qninine exerts on natures own reitoralives it rellovoa the drooping iplriti of those with whorn a ohronlo state of morbid- despondence and lack of interest n life it a disease and by tranqaiiliinj he ncrvei dlepoees to aoand and refreih- ng alesp imparta vigor to he aotion of ths blood whloh being itlmolated ooiinss ihrpdgboot the velnl sirengthenlhg the healthy animal fanotiona of the lysten thereby making aotlvity a psaestaryrssolr strooiilbening tho frame and riviugllft to thei diiaitive organi whloh natdrally demand lanreasod tnbatanoe rssnlt im proved appetite northrop dt ityman of toronto have alvon to the pablle their qnloine jvineat tbsiaanal rate and iiaagal by the opinion of j irteotiete thli wine approaches nesreit perfootloa of thy n the mirket all droislsti sell it there woald be fewer blaakgnardi in the world if oertain nisn had died p3or we mean their fathers wa are loaded 11 3 witita riili arock or j wyeths i adciallt e3ktrac3t i trs thb rldttt kino however istlrmmowoth e 1 it i trie beat tonic produces n cortlotis flow of mlllcand atreagthenathewholc system chqdbfn malc tbe little ones ecuhrandauonff it in rrcfreshini tonic bever aurefflvlnff atrencth find lone to the system and thua helping to tiirow oi the lllnem of whatsvernatufe ttmay bt iyalleptice it produces a rellah for foodacta aa n dlpcativc and fortifies ad btrvobtlienatriesystem full dozen s3 so a t brown ohsmutt drujgut the salopnjelob may appear harmless gp mpjojiru cant mvyjpintmbnti mcl tlieftsai ttrongglvo yon vltnllty nnd energy j lnvlgorala the heart i enrloh the blood j make the pale cheek roty its mllbttr heart nnd lorro pills mrs uohlenbnohor who urea at 20 ann st berlin oat tnnde tbe following bthtmbntitikvebnreredfroni nervous prostrntton rtitdl- jrenernl debility fortho wtjsiritttiftithm despnlrlatr of ircnre smil bve token mllbdrns hcnrt andi -a- in hsirohingfor tiieans to sh end we often orwet the ebd up a bt- without hearlnaroatarrh induaes deafnesadr agnava catarrhal powcler qlyea quiok relief w erneit lonli ol woit flambore wat sio bad with obronlooatarrh thai hit hearing seemed permanehtly impaired dootort treated spsolallsts tortored for dye months bnt hit ljearing grew worse he was recommended to try dr agoawi catarrhal powder one application rats blm great relief and a oonple of hotllis cured him permanently bold by at browti yon may vote to let tho saloon alone baa it will not metyoa alone parmeleel filft posiets the power oif aoting spaoially upon the diseased organs atlonnlatlng to aotiorj ihodormant enrrkles iol thv syetetiisthrabv remivlng disease in faot so great i the power of this medioine to olsjnie and purify that disesses of althoat evary name anl nature are driven from the body mr d clrewoll oarwell p o out writes i bava tried parraaiee pilli and inl them nexaalleni medioine and one that will ojajli castorlti is dr sarutlol ptteherb prejicrfptiw pf ijrifents and culldron it contains ucituor opliim moiplxlno nor other narcotic substance it is a barinloss substltuto for paregoric drops- soothlnir syropswidc p it la pleasant tta gnarantco 1 tlilrtjf yean nso by milllotts of jmothora castoria destroys worms and allays reverlslintjbs- castoria prevents vomiting sour curd cures ptarrbjoett nnd wlndoollo castoria relieves teething troubles cures conbtlpatloij and itfttulency castoria mslaulatiis tbe itros stomiuh nnd bowels giving healthy and natural sleep castoria is- tho childrens panacea the mothers- friend cflrstoria castarja is on excellent medicine tor clilldrcn wothcra have repeatedly told me of tta good eftect upon thelr cbtldren da o c csoooo lowell mats castoria coatoela la ao well adapted to cbtldren that i recommend it as superior to any pre acrlpuon known to roe ii a akcbbb m d mroaklyn if y the facsimile signature of wm9 iarlorsuite a sideboard a bedroom set ah extension table a lounge a stand a mattress and springs or auy other article in furniture requirements- at a living phofit qwiy all qopntl dblivbred undertalking in all its branches calls day or night attended coffins delivered prices tp suit every ones needs j m mem gosifefcon railway time tab1b bam timxk auaillay qotno wktlt floing labl mnll 10 02 fttu fxpttin bxprob 9 25 pm 1 xi rcib mall 7 1g pm mail tlili of clohtsu ma1ih- going wqft 0 oftmaiid 0 60 pdi going east 10 25 am ana 5 co pm tlil tlmo tablo wotit into effect on men da may lgth 18118 ac-tgn- litery btfs lijje tho dndorslgnedrebpeotftiuyboliolutbd mtron ageot thttpnbuo and taformb them tt woll equipped and styliah rlgfj oao al- r waybo secured kthlbbukbtef a comftirtabio boi meeti tralnfl betwpon 0 am and 818 pm gftreculattontlonsttadtoovoryorar thowfthtoof commercialtrayoi- lore ally met john wjllia1s see what you can get at robert nobles flour feed store mill 8treet acton -besr-family-flonrrnorval-bran6v- pure manitoba queen all kinds of mill feed all kinds o chopped grain baled hay oil cake another car corn just in h1qbest prices cass for 100000 busbels eacb kind of irahf we hereby solicit your patronage and- would like to buy your grain f5 hkrris mxnnoar stoves tinware eavetroughing tho lteat dcatgni in goal njia wood heatidij and cook stoves kair manage eapy on fool tinware in profusion of bnt qnill atlowptictw ordorb talton for eatotroughlbg to be t pat op when desired ctu mid r1 prloes tioneral jobbingpromptly done g a pannabecker mm seoorda blook aotoa- cooper akins r t vt r the tailors a e are going to make suits up at a big reduc- tiqn ding thia month in order to make room for bur spring stock soifybuneed a sultbrl overcoat now is yourl opportunity during thisjl month call and inspect ourc stock prices will be right i and all work guaranteed nrstj class and up to date cooper 4 akins main st acton la it heoante we oipoot too much or btoaoas we dont get what we aro entitled to that mikes oj dlssjtlsuet borne work for runtnd woman dayormnldj so to 9iweek1v no osuvanlus art perieu6e needed ptain itwirbcuonfi work mailed on aplmoifc adj tujumafs midr w lihtmlintm tmmum aimm f kftxlub ik rvitby iiohfet a bright busin ess man mdtxiew you oan make water run ap hill but it rtijnlrei a lot of pnrnplog no ons need sat obplsra or any eammer ooraplalute if they have i bottle of dr j 1 kallovits dybsptery cordial ready for ots it correct all loosensat of ilia boweli promptly and oaosse a bealtby and natnril aotion this la a medioine adapted for ibeyonnn and old rich and poor ana it rapidly becomlug tht moat popular midloina j for oboists dysenlary elo in tbenxatkat f rom a false polui of view even truth llilf will alstayf beem futee- j v- iwl iipsiiiljriblihjv oiprlll ittnistiaton roor blood it imwhii xfjiiij often colds sottlo on tho throit nnd bronchlnl tubes nnd mnko tho voicb jtoarterirld hiisky and an offbrt to sponk subtrebsiiin it niny bo raducotl to a wblbpor or loat entirely for a wlillo in oases- of this kltttl nothing will po aoon give relief and restore tho volco aa m tr- ivla ritohi v may say that he cannot explain news paper advertising but he will find it harder still to explain it away it is here and doing profitable work it is fbr you to determine what it may do for you this isvhattbm i smltlidaledoalai wc sbtlteair awr s i ll a verjruetiiiuold- jflileli settjnl on tnrlnnsjsand thrtiat- 1 sot so it li iriml smratoeuh mettlrlneijlint set erjr little 1 ss5 ajausnsilialt bottle of bv vl i v m i imimmmwm i liliii tx mcmullamsj iblds tbestvtw ihiiapaat jsfhers do hcltlnllsaiarar ifards j mo na i tatanublo ifirfufifart fttia li iftt rtojhhpfrjj 71

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