Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 16, 1899, p. 1

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r volttme xsrv isto h7 a ontario thursday march 1 1899 pbice thkjee cents lbttion pteeftts ii f dbiiibssd every thursday morning at tbb free presbfl team irintldr office uiie btbeet aoton ont taoata oyudtfaiuption one dollar per year trlotlyln advanoo all babboriptlons dlsoon- tlnaoa wbon the time for which they have boon paid baa expired the date to whlob evory subscription la paid is denoted on the address adtjibtibino iutbs trftuiloiit advertise ments 10 cents per nonpareil lino for first in sertion 3 oente per line for each ubiequoo insertion jontbvot iutsb- the following table shows onr rates for tbo insertion of advertisements for spootaed periods jllzb mrbstrong in baby es -thb- traders bank of canada capital authorized 9 1 000000 capital paid up r 700000 ftattig -and- wall bfaok lral fixo 8 mo 1m0 munches- flinches unci i 6000 b5o0 2000 8o0 s500 00o 1800 iuso aooo 1300 700 aoo 7o0 800 atso 100 advertisements without peolflo directions will be inserted till forbid ana charged aooord- lagly transient advertiserpents mast be paid nsdvnoe adtwtliementa will bo changed oneo each month if desired for changes oftenor tban anto a month tb6 composition must be paid for at regnlai rates charigea for contract advertisements matt bo in the offloe by noon on tuesdays aoobnnta payable rhonthlr hpmoobb fiditor and proprietor with ceilings and borders to match fine combinations all for 1899 we have the choice of the market at days bookstore guelph days sells cheap sjrafnm totetdstp tohnm macbonald md cm 8uccbbboe to j f urkn m d 0 w- offlee 1 and residence corner mill frederlok streets acton offlco hours 6 to 1030 m 1 to 2 pm sod tto8pni 0 l 1 j rorstefc acccbsson to db a s elliott iiate resident physician and bnrgeon to vic toria hospital for blolc ohlldron toronto offtck mill street lately occupied by dr elliott w barber begs papermakbrs georgetown ont m axx a sfbcultx ow machine finlstibrf bwc papers guelph branch wo sure now issuing hbnoy orders payable at prat any branch of obarterodfiank in canada excepting tbo yukon district at the following rates under 910 boonts- 810 to si 10 oents 30to s30iacontj 980to 8fi0 la cants highest current bate ofintehefit paid on sums deposited of 1 and upwards interest allowed from date of deposit to date of withdrawal and paid or compounded half yearly j advances mado to responsible farmnrs on their owu names at tbo lowest current rates no ahargo wado for collecting satea notoe if payable in guelph a general banking butlncbb transacted a f j0nb9 m i manager john m bond co linoleum an jtfattingdepartmejit an elect pair he was tb gallant engineer oj a giant dynanto bbe sang to trie wires the wbolo day long with a chorus of hello he lovod this telephonic maid till bisjqeartbvlbrsting plate was magnettsed and polarised ata mllllsmpsrio rate his love ho wall ejtpresmd in ohms and ampberes or efsn in volts in voltaic phrases and dynamo figures or cnrrotiti aro lights and bolts bald be ly the great broken circuit or more by the buhmkorff ooll yonrnegitlto answers will drlrenbe to bomo subway under the soil not a spark of lndootlre affection not a poaluve yes bare i bad im afraid tho wires hate grounded in favor of some other lad then regret lllte a galyanometor or an astatlo needle it smote her and bbe bald of lote i have loni as atrongr as sm bdlson motor bo be opened the qlrcnlt and olasped ber in arm- atnra end bold her there and bbe was the belle electric of this tberuaoeleotrio pair electric journal aloon was yon r fathern enemy i hoped yoad flkbt aganit it what did i do then same as yoa would l shed been your mother i had to tell her all froit bad said and agree to ooaok berip when i cast ray ballot i tell yon it seemed something mora tban a f litis bt of paper when i thought of father and mother and nellie beside my eel f bo how you know wby t voted no hoe die and gut half a dozen other fellows to do the same mrs o w boott in conneptioat citixtn wit and wisdom dttl family hiazktng high okadewkeklv news tho paper used in this journal is from the above milla wm bapbee bros b r dryden brilbab jflbqat khv tstobk moiane block donglai st near f 0 guelph oririoh houna 10 aimto 1 pni and 3 to 0 pm b0wihtb 10 am to 1 pm ij bennett ldsbentist owoaaatpwm omtabi0 jcoghlan dd s jl ds dontist wom cabbstjlly dohi paioeb m0dkb1tb owirsax oraa bdowhs dbdo tobb hoobs bvsbt daxntok 9to 8 -acton- livery bus line the undertlgnedirespeotfnllyiolioiutbe patron age of the pnbllo and informs them that well equipped and btyllih riga oaa at ways be beoored at his stables a bomfortable bos iueew trains between 9 am snd 8r36 pm carefnlattentlongltehtoeteryoraer the wants of commercial trarel- lenfollymei john wjxliams paopjiivtoa we have just received another large shipment of those popular japanese itlattings good variety oipatterns this is a clean tidy healthy floor covering when you are in guelph call and see them john m bond co hardware jm beiii dps lbs dxhtist bbookviiulb u0nmi obao0atb ov toaowto jjkvnusbt wotkm4da8tlafmto7f friawmodente vwitijto xatstmobdfty tf tisrnoon gamp blvaia tomdy aaton olnc0lkik hotel blltllle tandy i ffuutj book wood leoax w olean4mclean barristsbouoltors notaries conveyancers e private funds to loan offloe town hall acton wh a moilux jho a moluh v j mupkinnon babnisisb spuoitoii oonvetakokh onici- mill street in uatthews block upstairs j b moiieod baxuusrrsb bolioitob cohvktancbb llaln street acwrgotown money tolbanatlowost ecurent ratos x jmonabb eikfoorth division court county of hal- on ooavoyancer agent fire and life assorance beal flstate agent money to loan etc onriost perrymsuiablook aoton ont- miscellaneous henry grist ottawa oahada jisoheltor of patents for invention etc isparek applications for the oanadlsn amer- jean and bnrppean patent otoee and for the beglstratlon of trade afarsts send for pam- faii i i v iii jjpobstrkali 1 bookbihdbb- wjndlihii st j aaelpb ontario owwflllmbtor aoooraftfiookl b4ukindi me to ordsr paloalealam arry dmorlptloooanfolly bound balldrnwtfproinputln abeiaoe li0bnbe8 to p lioqb t plrlvktooinoa mbwltomhanqalnd imaed atrmldnpe la til nulng r viiipsai cfflcaoton 0 jr jihbmbtwebx 0lttvt1otmlof wdllnitoa m halton ordnlrilttllf pmmi obo aoton or mijsftsm jamb aiwmonl fo loin on tri molt fitormtl qnunot th lowoii rtei ol lnun1 in iomlot50pijid pwariji gobboalbalb tflssfioo rjewbiivftqtbnmwi fire inponancb company notfbahcb on oub and jcnliul ptan any rodtnamdlntlon rorwwdod to my addrtm mtoxwk or tolepbod 88 will t ptoraplly nttandm to r johntaiiiobtagnt oaolpb a0t6h line g eepaii shops 1s9fcs8 wliialppd wllb ill lb mmblnorr tomittu polropiln tonshln- puxmjntom intplismlrtiulta bonilkliiindi itrttkjrplrmr bonilkliifindnai mm mmtipttntd wjlka fell iwnji cash paid for farm produce butter bee pork onions poultry etc apples wantibd aikenhe ad pfioducb co o pabsons acton manager ont stoves tinware eavetroughing the latest designs in coal and wood heating and cook stoves easy mansgo easy on fuel tlnwaro in profusion of bast quail at low prices orders taken for bavatroosfifhg to he put dp when desired call and go prices loners jobbing promptly done q a pannabecker mm secorda blook acton- main street jcjthiv on arohltept and contraotor icinnlmtaror of si poor ftadim moaldlns innlllu jdrjessnro itatcbnro mad hovlzuno toordvbn ortnouob wuumrtmtoolc on band tl prloci toinl johncambrpn see what you can gel at roberl cobles flo iilfrwitsi8it- best family flour norval brand pare manitoba queen all kind of mill feed all kinds of chopped grain baled hay oil cake another car corn jut in bxqbist prxcxs casb fob joo000 busbxls xacb xxnv or oltailf we hereby ijlldt yoni palronagt and would like to buy your grain fvhitcrlis ttkrlkobft special sale fancy goods class china celluloid c prices away down fine finished crokinole board complete 660 boblty sloo framed pictures 50o etc etc te reason why i dont mind telling yoa why i didnt aastrny flrst ballot for the saloon if yob want to know it wasnt conuetis fan it that ididutvoto that way for be oirib into the shop with mony in his pocket yec sir 1 o yub dont know how fliey watolruii joufiitfullows i they know when were twoutyone almost woll at our mothers dn well its been iikm times at oor hoaae for bkoodwiille and ive been about dia- oourajved yoa know how it is first a cat down arid then short hoars ill yoa dont he was a mason feel se though you ooold afford to eal mother wsssiok id be winrtr nwl r waters bros wyjtoham stheer qudlph twomkirijptj there are two kinds of men to be found everywhere r those who are obliged to dress roughly while at work and those whose occupation in volves no difference in attire forthe laborer we have heavy substantial boots for the business man comfortable sensible shoes for the boys and girls good knockabouts and for the ladies the latest novelties in footwear our spring stock is now coming in and em braces goods sure to please oar customers as toy style quality and prices oaix amd sdh ottr new lines looeheip 12 varieties for 26c take your oheioe toll alsod pickets vflabtadlbs ordsrby nnrober 1 beet bolipeef round jt sgypfclan natroond a fsrttjsrtbrnnswlek 5 carrot lialflong nantes 6 oxbeart or ouerande 7 caonmbers obloago pleklln g 8 long green ooelery white plnma 10 bsrbsvasgsv 11v aavory mayoram naee early ourled sllesia h danvers market curled 15 lloskmelon extra early nutmeg 16- water malon oubao iffconlpnsv largs red wetbersfleld 18a ft ttyeuowrlobe danwers sobadlsh waneh breakfas m rosy 8s sqosab ban 18v ulxto j jfrsmcb breaktastr air rosy gem white upper ss sqnub habbard s3 tomato extra early atlantic 91 dwarf ebarnplon floweits fla abtsrv znlxed 90 hlgoonettev sweet s7s aasy mixed aepitanla mixed 0 ksstaruonjbmuftd utl 80 bweet peas obe mixed 81 ytu flower garden field mix free pf mall postpaid on receipt of price stitonlijprop this oonpon is oaf jj 1 cotonf sad sent to as with an order for u packets for sflo postal note or sllvst se will ineltide one packet show fairs pomp- lnprloel5e freeof obargeto aoton faas pbbsi iqbscrlbers ae0jth0ep bceahunui ouxlv he tba little irao utr alwaf faa to have more or leu extra done lor her 80 when connell ked me 111 wanted to earn ten dollars next tuidy by dqlnn tb right tbluk of oobna i koow wht be meant and all ho follow knew four o t were golngto out onr flril ballot and be wanted n to go lor licnio well air i wanted the money i didnt m any thing bnl that audi it lobtud larre i tell yon v l one of ai four win fro a fallow who hold hlmulf prtty high h- qolte a ddde abbnt teetb and flngernall 2nd oeok- tiee even in the ibop and goet to obarob every sunday but till you oauit help liking him he got a way of aayiog good morning that make yoa think belter of yonraelf he waiinad clear throogb beotuae connell binted t a prlo what doe be take n for ho thy aay tber twentyix thouaand ratar io tbi state that oan be bought for five dollars aplde l that 0 what the world oomlnr to 7 i take it that ray blloti myself on mention day and i dont aell rnyaelf at any prloe ioaloqlatethal wbati i rote for i what id fight fori d what id di for if twaai the bow la it yoa dont have to pay any fare f asked an upiopbitlioated youth of a promineht employe in railway officio tbi city a th two o rub in from dotr- born otfon of qornpiny trafna the other morning the boy bad aeveral lime noticed the railway man ou the traib and always observed that the con ductor siodded pleaantly bat neveraiked for a ticket his psatcral curioaliy was roused and ha decided to learn why soon apparent favora were auowu yiiy im a mason answered the man who held a pasr in a oonddontial matter qosh i its a good thing to be a mason isnali hayes lots of fweteh t wlsli ri was one well you seem 10 be a pretty deoool sort of afeilowand i doot mind pntliug you od 0 that you will be able to ride free too saidthe railway unto of opurse be added in an undertone its againat tbe rtlle of olaadnrytq rlivula tbo seorets but t kuess you wout uive mo away ihe youth pledged bih 1iouor that he woulil keep it asvorit till death all riitht thfii lim nxi time you oome in im oohiiiik 10 iutroit tomorrow morning broke in the ituillabie individual his faoe radiint with joy thist no well when the conductor ab you for your liuket jub raiae your the thats what stoat said and what ha aaked me as we walked homo together after work i never mean to vote for the aalpon aye i but thing are ao mlisd yon se i oinl count but one frost seemed to read my mind and aaya he will youre sbaky i otnt jot you go this way and he slopped short on the corner then i says but we oana get nolleeris in tbi oity anyhow kb rommlu put in lots of money and these bard time make an x look larger than common i tell you it seemed a thongbt i ooutdnt see anyiblng but that will say frost if jou was one of a jary and a murderer waa on trial and von knew he watgniuy would you vote to lot him i go free of oburse i wooldnt says i well then look out what yon do ay frost the saloon on trill and ita gallly of ten iboasind time ten tbonsand mardrr and yoa know it youre on the jary limt as i am and if you tola tb let it go free youre say inn it all right 0 no i says im no friend to it if i ooold id stamp out the whole boslnetv von know bahv aay frost no man who aaya that and volet for lloeo to meads it maybe my small ballet von count for muob bat it all rvgol and it goes on tho right side andlttmpmlrv t- prhapa wo atood thtre live rnlnntes talking and whio we parjsd i aaya to myself hes made ihat th dollar look tmil if jbonnil thlok hes goingio boy mofor that muob liaamulaken and than theres the jary bnalnass i j rhaii mor thboghlf jnmy mind thit ouht about the reeponibiilty of voure than i oould vritwnt ini dayj htranie everybody doesnt stridy i tap asfnmt ba well after sapper motbarspalui np qniet uksi and say aba jwiii youll be for voting neit waits wont you v ymtn mother always acted moil afraid to talk to mo siooe i drew ap ive let bar know xbat i oonjd tiike ear of tnytelt bol the been good to me will yqull wot tgalnrllonte wonrydnttahssaye i aont know why a fellow waute to lormenilhebum uiat- think jib mot of hloo but mmstbinii ugly atlrnd qad df me and isys oidonvknowj j one vol wont make muoh difftrtrabal ion ought tpvo seen my mothwa face joat then she idolud a hoogli id slrook her she iwkbd out both her bands and vaysi would you oast your drat vote for lbs saloon f i goes twas tba devil within me that ay 1 til ge ten dollars i do and w need it awful bad tbat hard tlmea a felow must look onvfornumrje ooe v molr ai lirand ioid j h molldpkbutfornornr twol iv took oar of you will all u yrare and alleolhs therriotbjr poor mud of to bsal- fal ijr thumb straight behind you and wink the ye slyly he will pss on xi10 tip waa hintrated by the joker the victim practiced it all the way into the oity aud innumerable times after he arrived the following morning the newlymade mason was one of iho first to board the inobming train atpearboro the man with ttia pas aw him 1 tba condnptot ws dalled to one side and pdtnext heres the fare for tbat chap said tba perpetrator of the jcko 0 you will not get into trouble over it whan tbe train slsrtedlgtfae young man ocoupled a sdat in thefdrward eoaoh and tbs railway man aatin the rear of the oar frwentlj tbe door opened and theoonduo- tor hooted tipketsi the youth straightened up ani prepared blmaelf the menlnoharge of tb train ws eoqu at hit aide he held out bis hand for the fallow ticket and up went the laltara light arm like a lever and h wioked- the oonduolor torned abruptly toapaasenger adrov ibe aiaie to hide the smile that wreathed hia feature the maebne bosom dwelled with satisfaptipn the map svjtb the pas draw hi morping once upon a time a mneblrd piped bl lay very esrly in tbe season thereupon number laid aaldo their wintor underwear and accordingly fell ill unsanitary piping remarked the doctor acutely for there was unnaiatakable aymotio syrnp- torn this fabls show how important it ir for alnglog to have a sciontlflo basis detroit journal tbat woman showed wouderf ai presence of mind when her borse ran away is that what yuu oall it bbe threw down tba reins and yelled i know she did and tbe horde ran straight down the street if aha htd held on to the reins be would have doubtless steered him iutp tbe feuoe iudiaoapolia journal a gentleman in a rural dlitrlol drew dpwo npon hia head a atprra of adverse oritiotsm bymarrjiug a aeooud wife shortly after tbo demise of the aral two of those good ladles who look generally npon tbe surface of ibitiitp and who are j over ready with oondtranaljon wero j discussing the disgraceful vffir why iny dear tbereabi poor wife hardly oold in her grave and be fcoeo and marries another dreadful deolared the other i never beard of euob a thing i should think not indeed went on number onoraiirrityrmarrying wife after wife like that why the mtus a regular polyglot vcoriihm maqatinc youknow aaid the colieotor ratller plaintively yon asid that you wbold pay me if i came today well answered mr bildow you moat boar in mind that human uatnre is ltumin nature the bolt of us aomotinios way tfiiim that we are aorry for polite policeman the boiton herald tells of a bravo policeman who i sapeoially attentive to tbo want of uttlu woman who want to oross the streets it is seldom that kiml- nesa makos an error but in this osse the pplloemaua goodnat helpfulness was 8tranoe capture of a wildcat ooone of the last days of lait kovember nets thompson seolion foreman on the railroad near si rejl montan atarted out with hia men nn a hand oar their work lay alongitbe day blnfte eaat of 81 regl itdnqding a curve they were oonfronted by a wlldoat which orouohed on the traok in front of them snarling vlolooaly v tbe srst fmpulae of themou was to ride npon it but they decided that this mlult not b safe they slowed op and prepared to make war upon it with what weapons they had and then they peroetvod that the anlnuil waunabeto oiff tbe traok tbpmpsoo soon saw the reason directly below the track flowed the st begta lliver ita banks wero firlnged with ice the day waa freezing cold aud up the bankof the railroad led awitt trail from a epot- where the ice was broheu this showed that the wildoat had iwim the stream and iheii climbed op the embauk- ment pbasirily he had sat down a moment on the traok tdliaten at any rate his wet pawa bad promptly frozcu to the eteel rail there he remained aa fast aa if oaubt in a trap the gravel between the raila showed tbat the aulmal hid atruugled to froeitb9ifrbqthbbeen hfa strugitles only brought his free feet againet the rail and a water wub pouring downhis furry aides along his legvhl rmalolog paw werealso freezing to the traok taking tho ohaboea of the wildoata getting loose at tho last monien nela aeixed a orowbar from tho htuloar ruabed up to tbe aulmal and with two or three blowa ended iu life a atronu pullby all the seoiionmhii was required tudetoli the wildeits frozsn foer and pieces of tlesb were left upon tho rail tub ian a ltoyond tbo ulo ot wtfatetuouao where slipshod point is now there uaod to bo wbou i waa young tbo land of auyhow dont car was king of all tblbroalm a orua king was be for those whosorvod bim ulthsood boart ho troatodahamofully i wlion bbya and elrla thoir tasks would slight- arid cloud poor riiotliors brow hed say dont caro t ue good enough i just do it anyhow but wbou to after llfo thoy longod to rnakeproiidfortuno bow ho lot them nnclibat fato noorsralloa on work done anyhow j for be who would the harvest roapi must learn to use the plow and plteb his touts a long wa from the laodpf anjbowl wuhiikss gittns bomev promissohv notes a promisabry note is a written promise to pay a ipeoifled sum at a time oertafo i e on a bartatn fixed date or at tbe happening of an ovont which moat ocodr a note may be signed by two or more parttea in wbioh osse tbey would be jointiyor jointly and severally liable as apeolfiod when a n reads i 8eeinq the point paper peters bis face and vaiuly endeav ored to repress a burst of laoghter in ihe evening the two took the train at the depot this lima iho youth took a sett near tbe doer and his instructor at the other end of the car tber waa- a different oonduolor on and tbe railway man knew there would bo f on the ticket puncher asked the young man for bis iran portatlon ts soon as be entered the ooaob again bis arm shot up to bis ahoolderand he winked ss before i want your tloket said the conduotor in in annoyed tono the same taotlc on the part of the mason were gone through again he bellsvluf tbat tbs man of the punob did hot detect tbe sigh whats the matter with you t are you oraiy angrily asked the trainman im adxasen answered the youtb and tbe passengers iu the nearby seats smiled audibly idonloare what in ths you are yoaupayyoor fare or get off tbls train the railway man was 16 a paroxysm of laughtac on the other end of the oar but the conduotdra face waa flashed with anger the youth had not aottit and be so informed ths brsmbutloned man with the colored lantern tbera wad violent jerking of the ball cord and there waa a sqdden slop four miles from dearborn the maaon was sstlaled none too gently to the ties below and walkad tbe rmain- dsrof ibedlalance to bid borne taking a ahcrt cut ibrdogb the oelda th next evening he and the railway man met on the strmt in detrboru that we a nloe job you put op on me tbotbrdayald the yoolh sheepishly why what themaltor asked ths man who had wltnesadd lb amnalng inoldent of the night before the oondaotor put me oo and i had towalkfour rolls be enswired thats fanny what did yoa do i did jaal the aame as yon told me and it want all right going io but it wouldnt work oomlur back there was a ow man on are you sore you mad no mistake 7 wdljuatth same both tlmas my right arm and wink ah now is you illy fellow yon abonld have used your left arm and left syeoomlng baok then sgaloho might not bav been a mssn detroit vouraal pats answer a boston sphool supervisor ha tba reputation of bslng a very widely infprmsd mp and muob of bit loformaiion bss bsen gathered by th simple method of aaklng qaettiona of tbd man ncarwt him wherdver it happen to be ood day the sbpervlapr wis passing sbnit of b large eottonrnilltp fall b4irierlrinsmrbjbj idas that tb walrpower waa need to rao tberoibotto mak sors ba adppud bis ttlthpvpjf ipjerson in sight it phshoed to bo first ni itra my man said the ropsr- toolirasiil asld tnsy mistaken the pleasant wealber had bruughl out a orowd of choppers and anioug them was a pretty little woman who aeemed to be in terror ef moving aorosalha alrpet she stood 00 the odrner and gsxsd st tbo passing throng nndmindful of the many admiring glanced osat si her a oar passed th orossing and- waa dlosidly followed by snotbpr tban ahe ran into the street and the policeman saw htr jut aa she loft tbo side walk the second par vrai coming slong ttudor right of way when ibo officer railed bis band and seized the little woman by the arm she was eo light that he almost lifted her out of tba way of tbe car and dashed in front of a team on the other side landing her aafely on the opposite sidewalk there youre all light he said aa she stepped up 60 the walk and turned to faoe him she shook out her skirls straightened bur bat and amile1 sweetly at bim as she replied 1 yes im sll right bntl ran opt to take that first car i didnt want io oome over here now will you please eacorl me annus r the following story is told of a phila delphiamilliouaire who ha been dosd for a boys unselfishness here is an incident which dhows hew a boy oan be both highminded and unselllbb f or tbe sake of another jamie pettigrew and willie hunter were the briitbtest boys in their aua and were each contending for the prln examina tion oame and jamie and willis wen jolt laat in tbe field jamie missed qdedtlon after question which willie answered and so got ths prise at th close of tbe school says tba teacher i went home with jamie and instead of being osat down at losing tb prias be seamed rather lu be glad- i oouldnl understand it why jamie i aaid yon could have snawsred some of tboas questions i know yon ooniov of oourss icoold he ssid with a langb then why didnt yon i aked he wouldnt answer for a while but i kept pressing and pressing bim till at last he turned around svllb such d strange kind look in hid bonnie brown eyes look bare he said how oonld i help it therss poor willie his mother died laat week and if it hadnt been xamlna- lion day he would not have been at school do yoa think i was going to bo so mean as to take a prlae from a poor fallow who had just lost his mother t j jamie wasoeruinlya noble thoughtful boy v thb oirls sound ioqic an irish priest wsw walking to chapel meditating on the tamptallon of his pplewhsn tbe yonng women of bis ipsbpdjssdhlm hsknewlhem to bo wellmeaning dlffldent girls and- beoamo sombalalarmed onleetngtsat a gaoil- man bot for aoepiloal mndsncles popped to pk tothm he tbrdore qulokansd bis step in order to hear tb oonvereation and immdlatly nalph any keplioal tubhingfrpnilbdrainiofbtsrlsn loners af tr iltlsblng to the folbwlng howsvor bs felt that f ortber rsmsrk wra snpsrflndu i good nnorning girls is it to tba ohapel yourt going whtharmll borne to buw tyontditav attjom havent been to obtpel in two yeara and i iwslgb tstp hnndred poanda this day and one of slid three answered i you havsut been to chapal in two yiara yrr say and yer weighs two hundred pounds sure me father has a jaokasa that never went to ohapel in his life and ha weighs four huudrkl pounds i batn y holisr 1 sudden for him poor bummsrtan who stutters like a oornpopper but who can sing passably mummaramlm tbthn thlrlysmllh mummommsud i lollullul i lullol- iql-unl-lnl-lnl- jllsaodtbiilysrrjiib egging him on toot sumnnrloo saudlng hi allpptry track mnnjmouiblad dud-lud-dar- mngj lumul i ove dudlavolsly jwlljxhn bj mjs tblrljsmllh laiperalsly sing it iiffla yeara a young man auna tonbim one day apd asked pecuniary aid to start in business do you drink asked the millionaire ouceiu a wblle stop it i step it for a year and then 03me and eee tne the young uian broke off the habit at onoeand at the end of a year came to see the millionaire again ido you smoke askod the euooessful man now and then stopltj stop it for a yaar and then oome and use me again the young man went home and broke away from the habit ii took him some time but finally he worried throogb the year and presented himself again do yonobew aeked tbe pbilan- throplsl ye i do- was the desperate reply stopitl stop it for a year then come and see me again the young man topped chewing but be never went baok again wheii aaked by hi anxious friend why he never allied on the the mililonslrssgain be repllad that bo knewexaotly what th man waadrivlng at hed ifava told me that now t havn stopped drinking and smoking and chew ing i must have saved anoagh to start myself in businsas and i have koufae b7ojnpanlda twenty ciqarettes kll-t- forty froo8 that the cigarette is a deadly poison i nauepiible of proof a few mouths ago 1 had ail the nipotipe removed from a oigarette making a solution of it i inject ed half ihsqasntlty into a frog with the effect that the frog died almost instantly thdother half waaadmiuistered to another frog with like effect both frogs wars full grown andpf avsrage sine theoonoluaion 1 vident that a single olgarette oortuins poison enough to kill two- froga a boy who- smoke twenty oigaretleaa day baa inhaled enough poiaion to kill forty frogs why doestho poisonnttklii hiin7 it does kill him if uot immediately ho will die sooner or later of weakhearr bright dissass or some other malad which eclentlno phyaiolans everywhere now reoognfse as tbe natural results of blirouip niootlno poisoning in place of the often beaniltul rrisny times wiekedlyobodne pictures whioh pigsrette mannfaoturera often uae in odn- nsdtlohwltli their paokages or often a a premium every package of cigarettes ought to bear adkuli sod orosaboue and shduld be marked deadly poison like rough on rats atrloknla and other deadly drugs dr j h kellogg wit and wisdom of innocents fouryearold barbara went to oboroh with ber two sisters and bam bonis dry ing vviist i the matter withvyoo dear inquired her mother he preached a whole blerrrion about mary and mar tha aobbed barbara and ncevr said a wword about me mother oh you dirty child jutt se the dirt4meojj- allle butlm made of mud jnamma there must be a leak somwhdre eight- jearid dont you know that th dun is svsr so muoh bigger than the aartnblxyaaxold then why doesnt it ke th iiu o earle bad beard hia father say that dog- days would begin the next day according to ibis be seated blmaelf on the front atsp next morning whsnhe had been there about an hour hit mother aaked him what the trouble was rply im just waiting for thtr dog to cam along i want to get a fiowfoand- land feminine diplomacy he why it it nellie that i never bear von ask anyone if your bat is on strait ad i as i so often hear other women do she wby dear its becaun i love yon rnuob he but 1 fail to see what that hat got todovtltnvlti- bbs4jul think how dugrsoefol and linmillallng it would bb to yon were i to caliabyopeektulitlbn toabal ivo woto iwotpi f ms snnday aha iwitiltfvh very latest oreallou ot tb jlolns money ctp boy ot 6knerjiimsandalmani rtasjandytroublsajshoodsbstwinirillfc prbmiodtotpay and is signed by two or moro parties it is doomed that esoh party ib liable for ths full face of tho note in case tho qtber maker fails to pay his portion a note is negotiable only when it is made payable to bearer or to th order of the payee an endoaer of a note is one who write ble name aoros the back of it and by so doing ciuaranteee its payment to cot a good title to negotiable paper the bolder most have taken it in bod faith and have given value for ft wban a note is endorsed it becomes nepessary to protest it on the day it matureby-olherwiae- the liability of tbe endoreeroeabes a protest of an endorsed note id formal s by a nota public that aaid cote was presented and payment demanded bat refused bank discount ib the simple interest paid in advance for the number of days the note ha to run must notes discounted at banks do not draw in tercet bnt if the note la drawing interest the discount isreokoncd on snd deduoted from tbe amount dne at maturity example findbank disooont and nat pruceeds of a note for 80m0o dated july 71b payable in 00 days and dlebonnted july 7th at 7 00 pint 8 equals 93 03 days dt 7 eriaala 81c20 bank discount 68o0 minus s1220 equals t07ir0 prooeedsof note to find the bank dleoount and prbceeda of a note at tbs given rate from the date of disobunt to tbe dsto of maturity for the proceeds anbstraot tbo discount from the faoe of the note or if the note bears inter est from its amount example no 1 find tbe bank dis- count at 1 andnet pruaeods of a note for tomoo drawn at 00 days ooplass equals 93 03 days at 7 equals h220 bank die- count j081oo minus 81220 equals 107180 proceedb ot note example no 2 find the bank dlscoant at 7 and net proceeda of a note for j084 00 drawn at 00 days and bearing interest at rate of 8 face value of note 1684 00 add 03 days interest at 8 18 01 00791 bank diaopunt oil dys at 7 12 45 not proceeds of nolo 1085 40 stenography the nioat extraordinary aiteopgrapbio feat we have ever heard of was performed last year by mr red su ngllbman in the aittinga of the opiiim commission in iudit ho recorded acourately anil after ward read over tbo evidence of two brah- mans of tthwe imiiguage he kpewuotbing and whom tin hiti never eeeii before ho took down the moandi as ihey oame from their lip rfcircsuniiiigeiioh sound by its phoiietio ohtmcter tho new york christian adeocale adv islng young mon and ybuoit women tu learn this art in order tosavb tiins ahd labor inpntiingdbwn tbiogs that are worth preserving says a s recent oommenoement of a school in bugland not ot stenography sir henry howorth in responding to- the pretidenas invitation said be was one of a olaaa who deplore the faot that they were not taught shorlhsnd when they were young ip writing his books bis great diffibnity had been in copying verbaiim in ordinary longhand the material pertinent to the subjeol shorthand would have spared his eyes and saved both time and temper he felt so strongly on the subjeol that hs was insisting on having his own boy learn the art he had travelled in daogeroas and dimcult oouutrie where he found that one of hit greatest difficulties was our oombrons writing wo urgs par ents to oousiderthoproprloty of adding stenography to the edncational opurse whlob they mark out sapeoially for their boy and indeed it would be a valuable accomplishment for girls pitiful cases of application to do oopying bave oome under our notice here where employment pould have been mad prompt ly if tbs applicants bad been accomplished stenographer but they wished to do the work in longhand noonehss any work of that kind untesa ii be the oopying of legal papers into the public records one of the leading bank of the world has recently decided that all boye who desire toeuterjts tarvlce must take short hand a part of their preparation ooo what mikes that new baby at your house cry do much tommy touimy indignantly it dont cry so very muth and any way if all your teeth were but and your hair off and your legs 0 weak you oouldnl stand on them i linoy youd feel like crying yoprsslf was diplomatic but why on earth did yon introduce me torpor aout as mrparllug did yoa forgot tba jlwmraimsit hot jop bid goo bqt iiknow ahovr- hsdlrdmooairypudarlidbiaiid i woqldnt hvbrtlilnkrws spooney for all th iorw

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