the bank of hamilton chakter granted 187a headoffioe- hamilton out capital all paid up 1 26000000 reserve and surplus profits 80000000 total assets 1 200000000 j turnbull cashier savings department interest paid at best current rates and bprlr book to be presented added t6 principal without waiting for pass i withdrawn by simply sending in a written no formalities no delay- the government returns show that this bank gives to depositors four million dollars of security over and above every cent due to the public 1 farmers motes of responsible farmers discounted money loaned to feed cuttle etc farmers sale notes collected promptly and advances account of same at a low rate of interest security courtesy fajreates every bnnkinp facility afforded which can bo obtained la the city or elsewhere correspondence solicited georgetown branch xbtidusued 0vmi twenty ykass j p bell aaent the ne at home mostly of a local charaoter and every item interesting america flrat vwelleu the aborigine of aroerlaa id the subjeqt for study in the bsptlst yonng peoples union on friday evening ii will be rented by rev ws jioalpine b a who will give an interesting sketch of the orltoa oba net nrl n fyi jubii fw ies thursday march 10 1899 little local brieflets whloh caught the eyes or bars of pros press reporters this week spring bommsnoea next tuesday irelands national day 16-tnorrow- xfookfor eqhinoxial gales next week wear the dear little shamrock on st fatrioks day the- days grow longer bright and warm again v regalar meeting of the council next monday evening tho flret thunder storm of the year took place yesterday t w l r badly- winter killed on the qlay land the blithe notes of the robin ring tbroagb the alrtheso mornings the spring freshet has keep people busy opening drains daring the week mr roart holmes drover chipped a oarro cattle and hogs last thursday potatoes ere likely to bring fanoy prloes this spring soventyflte cents is the present price john moaieer of the viotorlt hotel gaslpb was fined 3688 on monday for selling liquor on scnday the oommlltoo in charge bavo awarded the contract for the flit ores and wiring for knox church to a toronto firm the oonlraots for the obanty printing hate tjeen secured by the milton champion mulbit ciityoriner and the aoton fbee i mrvjohn j xtawson has secured iroaa mr michael kaley the oontraot for the eraetioo of a briok veneered dwelling on his farts on thbeeoond line eiquesfnfg lxnbx oharoh has made arrangements with prof ohas kelly and his daughter s qas t g a g o senos the indiana of amerlat alt the oloie a number of indian relloi wlil be exhibited the pablio are very cordially invited a pastors home llaraff araiect the daily papers give the following particulars of a burglars work at hamilton the residence of rev t albert moore of -2ieu- tabernadle was entered sunday uigbt while he was con- duotiug services in his cburob and a ladys watoh two obaind a bracelet and two rings all of solid gold and valued at 150 were stolen the watoh was a present from ulr moore to bis wife and contained the date jane 22 1807 also the words from albert to annie tiie ofii bate 4 atifes the grant of 12s by iboqoaoty obuqbil last tuesday io the 20th batl lorno rifles was given on the representation of tbeueputatibu of ofbodva that the- rqbney would be required to susisk lit defraying ihbexpsnio of providing the nqncommi- stoned officers and men of the corps with a regimental cooking oatfik and dining marque at the camp at niagara next june it may be taken for granted now that tho scheme will be carried oat and if so ths halton regiment will be the first canadian rural oorps to adopt the proposed hew system cwmilo jaar0acioaslconveaiiorjselcfaaigsi the triennial convention of the inter national sunday school association will jwheld jatatantaj qeovni on ths 20th jo 99th april tbo following delegation from ontario has been appointed to represent the provincial association dr j j msalaren alfred day aid rj score rev a o crews toronto rev r j m glssefnrd mr j a mocrea mrs mi willelt mrs j t golds gaoiph j h p mooro aoton d a molr b d and mrs moir walkerton r vv clarke mlllbrook a g and mrs browning north bay h c and miss momollsn piolon bev w f wilson and ai 0 birge hamilton f b and mrs holtby mitchell dr filley jowmsaville rev j j rsddilt tjxbrldge kev f b stratlooxittle britain another riopepr callod motno another old pionss r hast passed away thp free librirv the list of membership continues to inorease each month the regular monthly meeting ot the free library board was liekijo tbe library on monday evening y members present j b pesrsoh chair man rev j a moliachlan m a rev j k goddeu fil a jobu oauierou ii p mbore aud rev h a maopherson mlaa laird rihrarlan presented- her report for february as follows t ijibrary books giveu oat duriog the mouth 201 j olttssitled as follows history 41 biography 8 voyuges aud travel 42 soieuue 8 general literature 8ft poetry 2 llctlou 110 religion b gabh receipts catalogues and cards 10 cents renewal cards 6 cents dues us oenta total 8100 less stumps 19 cents net total 8171 tho book committee arranged to visit the publishing booses on friday to make their selections tor the ourrent year board adjourned at 88c oblock coming and going visitors to and from aoton and varlousother personal notes death of mrs john r barber following a crltloal operation stjohna hospital toronto l laat tweaday ba ibeevenlng ofsst4r monday april j an advertiser writes thefaxs paxsa in the following kindly fashion most say i am maoh pleated with tho very tfdy olsan way yon print oar advetrlsmenl tdndotis good work cbe issrman medioine and conoerfe compaoy will appear at the town hall for six diayt oommenolng next monday solb lost free oonoerts nightly and qaangs of prbgramms eaeb evening consaltatioo ires with the medfoine man oltheoermanmedioida and oonpert company at the town ball from 9 a no to 5 p m every day from monday 20th inal for slxfdays free oonoert every night rw s orlffln pi p of toronto will preach in the methodist dburoh next srediy mornlog and eysnlng tho drs profirfosintheohnroh courts is well knowiwdhisablljty sis apreaohor this ofloirriwlhot highly appreoiatss rem sfj wrrfmp hebrew pstbnii xhflrimy bavs mneh livvfsjsllw twrlnlhslroolaninb bat of a v are odt prepared to make any rash rths mntinaaifon of j5vilcirsijkotmaa 0 swlrtsiumnswitlioatwstllon will 3pimltne itfilbifcjof 8itwvib waltoommrttee if they supply hls want the rnsrobaots of aylmer itariisosering prhws to sohool ohlldren fev ysimsnt this has awakened great nsritshrspubllshsd in ihe space ity lllmitofcv i whffa svfjionieli ipatsrir automatlo gv strip manuf sot nyed by i bv ai betrslhtrio planing ia ths parson of mrs wm mtohle whpi lived on the town line of eiqneslog and naseogiweya she died on tassday 7ih inat from paralysis following la grippe peoeaseds tnaiden- nbtnewaa ann ixianaagtqn she was bora in liitsr livingstone co n y in 1819 and oonaeqaently as in hsr met year for many years she lived on tho homestead and hsr husband ths late william mlobls was particularly well known by the early ssttlsrs one son malcolm on the home stead and four danghtersbelle at home maggie in hamilton mrs george miohle in nostagawaya and mrs arohlbald maddaogb qaelph- seryive her- the f antral took plaoe on thnrtday last to fairvjew cemetery aoton rer mr blair cpndnoted the servlceo the pall bearers were m chisholm j ohlshbim w hampshire d campbell j moglbbon and j logie a jfree trip to toronto for a month past edward sharp has been in st josephs hospital gaoiph for treatmeat for bloodpoisoning he re- tnrned to aoton last week and thursday evening wss in dr forsters snrgary havlngthe wound dressed when idoanly c1nnliihljiinnnllin iflrf hrtt dhring the winter mrs barber wife of jobn r barber m pp suffdred from a severe attack of is grippe which left ail ments of a serions obsraoter with a visw to relief mrs barber was taken to st johns hospital and on tuesday of last week an operation was performed from the effects of the operationmrs barber never rallied she gradually sank ontil thursday night when in the presence of her bearlbroken hnsbaud and ohildren ber spirit took its flight the remains were brought to george town and conveyed to the family rosidenoo on friday and on saturday afternoon one of the most largely- attended funerals ever held ib the ooanly took plaoa mrs barber was held in highest esteem by tbe people of georgetown and all who knew her sad the sudden death oarne as a severe shook to her msny friends pscessed wss a daoghter of the late frao- ois barolay registrar for tbo county of halton and had spent bar life in george town she was fortyeight years of age a family of three sons and two daughters sarvive ber and thsy mourn the loss of a devoted mother paring the foheral boar all places of business in the town were closed the otalef roouroers were mr john ii barber m p p and messri frank bert land ray barber eons mr wm barolay of vtebrgstnwn brother mr r l hm- jsljifpjfsljiiii jjonjojianot y1im inrwjia bjftpnv blowing pbdfrvtbbotu jsrs- is raadlfy aped arid jjow that spriugs opening np it will ttfprsvlidwnirt of esltle horses ot b 0jjwranplngtiaiiie7trtiy 1lo eput imjioqti isflfsv lawns snd gtrt lnntbjilray ewdilhem inthe sprinij cond and sod are sof l apd interview took sharp away with him and hs was tsiben to torootb by dsteotlve moorth on tbe 1016 train- sharp is the basband of rose bbarpj who servedsix months in tbe mercer reforrristory for attemptfok to seaurbimbdeyander false pretenoe of supplying valuable informa tion to mr h r frankiaatl and mr william locntjq 0 candidates in the dominica parliamentary elsstlons two years ago it will be ramembered that while the woman was caught her hatband who assisted hor escaped and has sinoo elndbdoaptareths ohargo ogatast him is oonspiraoy to dsf rabd a has been working here for several monlss and living with his mother oh gaoiph street the family have moved 0 torontomtbls week nasbaoawbyay james harmer purchased a farm from john gookborn of posllboh add moved on thursday last geo t ramsay formerly of nasaaga- weya moved to his farm hear aberfoyls last week- jobn smith and family left for ths north west on tuesday we with bim saocess io his undertaking on friday evening laat a number of mr smiths friends and neighbors gave him a surprise by presenting him with an so address and a weilfllled parse and mrs bmith aset of dishes previous to their dsparturstjori- tho west thia shows ths high esteem in whloh they are held in the neighborhood a pleasant evening wastpent mr jarnoabooohsr of esqoeslag has rentectiho farm lately occupied by ik h wilson near knatohdnll and moved last wesk v 7 john clark- moved on the arm of wsji anderson near knalobbull last week mr geo t looker and family of knatohbull moved to aoton ou tassday isst he bat secured a position in ths tanbery there tbosprlng birds wore singina gayly on sunday morning an indication tbst spring is not far distant strest milton- brotherinlaw and mr john barclay of oakvllle unolo attaoh ed to tbe one oolcok train from toronto was a opeoisl oar io wbob were tfcs followlag gentleraea from the oity messrs robert end walter barber of toronto and pr barber of miinioo ooosins messrs s f mokiunon j f ellis jas dale 0 f mansell g e oballii jot williams riohard brown edward tront john waldle john fiett neil mocrimmon w b ryrie a nairn sfrank wilson r g molean lad k cameroo t j clarke e e flhepbard james mnrrsy atwetl fleming p a rose john pogsiey f denton r l patterson r brown and w stone and messrs w hi young o b patterson and tbos a reynolds of oakvllle ths faneral services at the residenoe and the grave were oondnated by rev h e mason pastor of the congregational cbnrob assisted by bev messrs perrin moalpineandveasy of georgetown and rev th rogers of east toronto a former pastor the heartfelt sympathies of all are extended to the family bereft tho fbbbiiixsb invites all itaveoders tooon tribute to this column if you or your friends are going away oa a bollday trip or if you have friouda vlsltlug yon drop a card to tboflubb fukss mr rolland rmith was home from gait fur a few days this week mr jubu sj kribbs left on tueeday for forlage la irairle alan mr p mugregor of toronto visited autou relatives last friday mr w waters london road is visiiing aolou fiitjudrf guelpb adovcale mr withers tovellwho is employad in 1rafalgir was borne for a few days this wcuk u kxguuuoillor deuuy was in korval lust week visiting his mother who has been very sli mr audurd p hsndurson m p went to aiiltou last friday to attend tbo funeral of a uieoj gguerai ajtupatby is ftit fur r aud mrenubia i alulaui m the death laat thurodoy of tbeir oiear luila oj 41 r a e nicklin arrived homo yesterday after a tea weeka baainess ttlp thruugh iba uruima uiovracos rev j a molnubisu m a n asstittug itov mr uoldeu iu apodal servioea on rookwooii cirouit tbis week mr p hendersou m p loft last eveuiog fur ottawa to be preseut at ths opeuiphf of tje house of commons uklay oounqillor murray has rbtarned from bis business trip to the maritime provinces he enjoyed hla trip sad met with saooesv mrpaid mokeown camelo autou last week to attend tbe f uueral of bis ooaslo ths lata robert wilson he left hero on thursdy for tho paupbiupldlriot lutbo northwest r mri alfred enstoh who sims borne last week to visit hie mother then oritioally ill returned to chicago on saturday improve ment iu hr uoudition bavibte beeu marked during bis weeks visit rev j w rao will visit guslph presbytery on the 28hinst as a rtpre- sentative rom toronto presbytery in relation to the- oall of rev r atklusob berlin to toronto messrs d headersun ii p george havill wardeii jobu warrao ex- warden j john a mograii mr and mrs g g clark robert scott sad jobn and joseph aguew attended be funeral of lbs late mrs john r rarber on saturday oroiiritleel upon real merit tjnrtr know hood sarsnparllla absolutely and permanonuy cures when all othorn fall hoods strsaparills la not merely a simple preparation of sarssparllla dookstll- ungla and a little iodide of potassium besides these excellent slterattvosit also bontilns those great antibillons ana chas l nelles the wallpaper liver remedies mandrake and dande lion it also contains those great kidney remedies uvt ursl juniper berries and pipsissews nor are these all other very valuable curative agents sre harmoniously com bined in hoods barsaparllla and it is carefully prepared under the personal supervision of a regularly educated phamuolst knowing these facts is thosblding fsitb the people ave in hoods barsaparllla a matter of surprise you can see why hoods sarssparllla cures when other medicines totally absolutely tail hoods sarsaparilla is tliebeswin fact the oub true blood purifier bold by all druggists six lor a hnnrla dili i iooq8 r iiis on 14 ojgesuon ilm srlan it pays to buy at bollers it pays to buy at bollerts new quelph announces that 1899 will bo a b hr n p and window shades our new store on upper wynd- ham street will have the finest wal paper show room that can be found j d mokeb the drug gist aoton will dgaln be our agent and show all the samples at guelpb prices lace curtains irts buying is pouring in upon us from the best markets j a fpp from uritarr franco gerrrriny the united states m n trad0 corrndctlon will the best markets enables us to do businors most advantageously our first shipment of 10 cases and 2 bales has come to hand from great britain they comprise hues of dress goods in the most select style also spring mlllinerv of london and paris novelties these goods arc being marked and placed in stock at a very close margin of profit we find that the grent rrlnjority appreciate and prefer to patronlre a store where choice and reliable goods at a fair price abound and it is in this way that we draw customers from far and near i our jiilinei-y- and pressmaking departments are now in full operation miss manny our head milliner has iusl aeturnedfrom new york where she has been for the past ten days seenrinc the latest american idbaa and bought the choicest lhin which the new york market aftords in the way of millinery v llf 6u dressmaker has also returned froni new york where she hejhi gup hempstttractlvestylesand designs for the spring trademd has kryxesryork 0ur cu3 hi8 prmil vill be served with 1 new goods arrivinc daily e r oliert fe 25 aud 27 wyiwiham street guelph window blinds mr iiaohlan kennedy of winnipeg has been the gaest daring the wcei of aotou- blends h is en rbuli from or walters banltailum in pennsylvania where he hod been spending a few weeks mr kennedy is always a welcome visitor to ths old home tbe following friends from a disuncs attended the laneral of ths lata bobsrl wilson lost wednesday mr william ovens and mr david mokeawp moan forest ths misses mokeown toronto mr obarlea bobh elora j and mr qallovay qnelph and all irianrier of house jfurnishings to make the home- complete and comfortable at a very small cost to you is what you are invited to the ooldqnllpn at riiplpri tn assiirp yftiirsfilyfts 1 mpunimp nswtiiiqjiiuo at psrossfwtbirty oaye x prodaos oo crbws c0 mr yra farm in xtqueslng latl wsek hs has rssldsd in tbliwoinlty for the pout three years end his depsrtors will tie ranch regretted by all- thmaqyfrlendsofmlts addielssby will be plsased to lesrotbat shs has reoovered from her recent illness mr john ooleman was in hamilton lastwstsv p mr bobsrt olbbons has been ill duriog ihspatl week ho is slowly recovering mrs bobt h allan of aoton visited at mr j gambles last week v many an rgnorant man is orsdlted with surhrrlorinmlllgsnos simply btosuss hs doesnt try to show it and poif tbabat mtuofw6torr are forntlni a rm acj id obmbine is pretty ursmoamoioitbfad tyferto wfiswt mr william newton delivered a flno tborooghbred dnrhsmr ball to mr jamee mooalloab rooknbod on monday the animal had a registered psdigree and brought a good figure mr newtons repntatlon stock breeder is widely known last week ho received a loiter from antlgonlib n 8 where one of bis animals had gone last year asking if bs could anpply another of equal merit what might have been a very serious accident occurred to mr john niokell while felling a tree in bis fatbort bush last week in lomo way the tree while falling oaoght mr nlokoll under it when taken out be was unooasoloas aod rsmslned so for two boars at lbs time it was thought he was badly hart hut after farther examination it was found that in some way be hod esoiped with only a very badly bruised shoulder miss motavisb who has been visiting at hsr uncles mr paul kennedys has rstorned to her honpe in iowa lately bar little village bos pat on rjalte as bnsy a look as any of pqr neighboring towns with tbe lime kilns at work and gating lbs largo ship limbers drawn to the ststlbn ready for shipment and a constant string ol pooplo coming and going to bar new grocery store managed so well by mr modermid things do look busy all we uterx to make it oomploto is a good factory of som kind for whloh there is a good its and water poweri now standing idle on thursday miss mary llndisy gave 1 afternooo tsa to jhe ladles of the foreign missionary sooiety qalto an enjoy abls afternoon was spent we arc sorry to report the death on maroh of mrs george proolor of this plaoe although shejbad been an it valid for some years she was never heard 10 complain she was a member 0 tho cogliihcbarofa georgetown and a con stant attendant when able mr john lane is not improving as fast as wsi would lko however we hope to see him around again soon the farmtrs in general around here looked more cheerful last week with the good sleighing xhsy spent a bnsy week drawing in wood to ths kilns o and be convinced of the great saving in dollars you can effect here- one price and that the lowest d e macdonald fc bro crockery will open a crkte as well as staples and fhnqydrycqqds c f abdlfelte co they also relieve isstreosfrom dyspepsia bbuoasiidto6hrtya aper fcrt remedy for diwlncst kauseo crowti nets bad taste in the mouth coated tongas pain in urn side torpid liver they regulate the bowels turef vegetable mall pin mall dove mstll price substitution tlio fraud of tho day sec ypu get carters ask for carters insist and demand carters little liver phls cured op rheumatism by thb ohbm bb swoek sutuiitrx i hrroby state andsr oath that it have besn rheomatlsm for years and for ihe past sfx noonlhs was ooablo to got out bpmy ohalr wllhout the aid of orotohes i was persasded to try the german remedies sad after nalng ths hsrbt and oil lor three weeks wntable to silk wiliioui my orutoheo a id do my dally work oerman remedies hays done lor mo what all others falrid to do fktsb btksi 8sklrk0n sworn and subscribed before me ibis 97ihdy of jqty vsi jiaaamiidbsujp vypsiyialtlont is hotinjfdop1 in prassia women do all ths ploughing and harvesting says an ucbanga lit this oinntry womsn do most of ths sewing and oradllor robbe the o a startling incident of whiob mr john oliver of philadelphia was tbe sobjeot is narrated by hlro aa follows i was in a most dreadful condition my skin wss almost yellow eyes sunken tongus ooated pain continually in bock and sidss no appetite grsdoally growing weaksr day by day three pbyslolans had givenrae 1599 we continue daily to ojpen up goods of the latest novelties for spring attire new bliack dress goods our range bf black gpods excels past seasons ah wwl 6qndr 5c peryardtn oo new black sateen ribbons and gloves newest patterns in prints extra value in sheet ings pillow cottons and muslins carpets large variety in wobls tjhibns and hemp carpet new floor oil cloth in i i j i i and 2 yd widths extra value in lace curtains art muslin scrim gents furnishlnjs latest shapes in englishahd itvrrierican hard and soft felt bats newest novelties in ties braces and collars leadership in groceries wj j- i n ijjp 7g pmrft sadies oxford shoes a patr regular price 9 fl 715 stylish pat tip and plain toe quality equal to any 8200 shoo reasons for selling they are narrow for the average loot 8 stores neill the shoe man guelph sstbfaotory dip in ths market for caring skin diseases in catllo tchi destroy- inrvermlri it la powertal without bains harah and immediate in effoot without anvr iniutlog resnlts cures bores hralses shear outs- lllniiworin oangrsns bad ides skin worms and scab quickly rifts the animal or all vermin mr g a brodie betbosdn out says i uet it with great lueceas in easlraung iambs ths wash bsollog tbo wouoda rapllly and keeping ths nagsotsaway i shall never be wluloa t it nd consider it the boat preparo- ratlua ol its kind la the market mkoker the pickhardt renfrew cm limited 8touftvllle ont up forlnnstely a friend advised trying eleolrlobitters sad toray greatt joy ana surprise the flrtt bottle niaas a deoldsd improvement i oonllbned their nse lor three weeks ana am now a well man i know thsy saved my llfs and robbsd the ttkit of another victim no 6ns ahoald fall to try ultra only woenis a bottle every oottls guaranteed at d mckeee drogltore parents should send their naughty children to ananlioal tralulns sohool a thou t oonldnot eiprsss ihs raptor of annie bpriug of naa ho st paui- dolphia psv whsn shs fboad that pr kings nsw dlsoovsryot oonsniodtlon had oough that for tnsny ys tiniads jits a burden all other remsalssanutktors oould give hsr 00 help boisbs says of this royal oars it soon rsmovsd lbs pain in my chest and i ean norblsp soundly somsthing lleitfjsrllji rsmembertlold wtincismxsvsiiil lljfiic iiig its praise thronghoot lb nol 80 will everyone wbotrlttjdrkrnitjl discovery for any troabls oatb obast of iinogsj so otntsr a at j d uoksat drug store bwry bolil gutranlsed to thosk about to marry i f a fiixboww wint aodforuunemyifd sapwior lo ll h burlajr bentofora arown thmbuwom tin about tfareefaebm lodgana ery btyitnpoitad from bnmlk fd nd frmdmi frdm rait oomp6t ontario anvfricalturml ooug report mvrm birtrwitliitbriej wblob bara in tba ompvritlva tmta for the aniodi bean grown pmt flva yaaii tbt fefandaobanrl lunda liaaoftnallitlo a jriaw of grald par ia not ahiilipuuon alona tbai thia variety dona wivelu 4ntauovartb0provlueo irailyltiitamada aaoar- it baa dona w tmiu pa w feannrally itntvi mada an xoallanl reoofd in no aingle tm wu it anrpaaied by taotbar tart- ty ooraeed li tq axtr fine taitiplt and t elaan oall or write for prlooi and aunptm alto all otbir of bead oraln onaa baadis oto fani rt james hkwer 40 maodohneu bfr ajiblpli wlbfice guti ohimapa1aob glpyet wid timiptijjrseed clover snd timothy seed it cheap t tils year examine oursamples before you buy miifatffeivi ttaewwisi isiidr i yobliii njn or jiojrl tttsrij wio- ifli marrjwillibw tt nimrlaot ilutjgifa m ivanlos- ijjpiets only 97 piece fclii tier sets white and lid traced regular price liooojtpeclar pttv v v af i- 9 3 only 07 piece blue and pibtpor by regular price tiajo spebialpt yi v- vji i i i i i jilxfix onlyvojf necor6ysd oreencti- lumlnated and gilt hnk wfeto ttorlwv uuassorltnehtor toilet sels a ill steams product for a prmijqfthat in point of variety elegance arid perfect work in every detail i believe to bo without a peer telhsviorld dont buy an inperior whkel wkeltfcangelstearns for the same money or less ziistjitlk kctok rcsbnt p haying decided to go into theiljiijiery busjhessi i have ted the ces of f who ibprfies highsy reconirnended having had several years of ixpeiwilfelrth notice w all the latest canadian and american dbsigifs all the popular shades and ney patterns in ingrains see our samples the ins ani otjts the careful repairing of watches is the hobby of his long operlence combined with hit practical ability and close attention to the details of that part of his business snakes him the best qualified person in guelpb to do any repairs lo your watch o4meairefuroyw liigiwn to jflevjsion carefully examined and if pwubiscanb6 sthvineauicaie prteglewwnppiy iii no matter whether you want an interior or an exterior view of your home or ono of the inmates wo can insure you a pretty picture one that your friends will admire and carry realism of your home to those absent we take photos either by sunlight or flashlight phot jtfttist rcton cooi akins jv e are going to malfft jsms up at a big reduc tion dating this v month in order tomaice room for our sprjng stock so if you need a suit or overcoat now is your opportunity this month call and inspect our stock- prioes will be right and all worlc guaranteed first- class arid up to date cooper os akins main st acton