Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 16, 1899, p. 4

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do not think for single moment that consumption will ever strike you a sudden blew it does not come that way it creeps its way along first you think it is little cold nothing but a little hack ing cough then a little loss in weight then a harder cough then the- fever and the night sweats the suddenness comet when youhavc a hemorrhage better stop the disease while it is yet creeping i you can do it with i you first notice that yet cough lets the pressure on the chest is lilted that feeling of suffocation is removed a cure is hastened bypudogpne of j5i ayvcijerry pedqral plaster over the chest abook fiom it is on the diseases of the throat and lungs candidatea fbrparliameutry honors have in sootladd to ran the srsonllet of heak- ing lord glaicow pot the late one who at at buteshire bat hit elder brother when lord kelbprne was in the forties a candidate for greenook at several mntinna ho had been severely heoaled- by a member of the blaok eqsad otto nifiht meetldu waa oalled noniually early- ana lordkelbnme flattered ljlmaelf that bla rnercileae heckler would not be present no aooner was hit apeech over ibau op joraped bis tormentor black and grimy aa he came from bis work lord kelbarne aid he if yare aleoted to parliament whats the first thins je wed take tba dooty off lord kelbume hie eyea sparkliok at the opportunity bant towards the heokler and said soap you dirty raabal i mfyt 3ttjrkbb thdb8ayjmabghilo 1800- she ijortnn yolks 1p alf per ifoveryono were wise and aweet and everyone werojolly- and if every heart with glartneia beat and none were mehanouojy ie none ahould stumble or eomplain and nobody elftmld labor in evil work but eaeb were fain to love and help bla neighbor oh what a bappr world twonld be for yon and me for you and me t and if porliape we both aboold try that blorloue time to bnrry if you ahotild grow juat jouandl kinder and sweeter hearted that good time might set atarted then what a bappy world twould he for you andmo for you and rue i emma ctjdowd beatinc3 jack frost if windowa were iotended solely for ornaments pnrpoass no finer decoratloo for them could be found perhaps than the elegant apa graceful work of jaohffrosla arotio fingers but the admiration of the ehopkeeperfbrtbo frostwork on fcls show w it lemp by th uiusld that all that splendor of crteta4lustlon only serves to conceal the tbiuftrhe has to ell so aotlog upon the principle of holiness before beauty some chioago shop keepers have called the eleolrio fan to their aid lu the effort to keep the windows free from froat this devise auoossda tor tba reason that a oonunuoas current of air blowing on the panes of glass carries off the moisture before it can from hie plippancv we are pleased to leant of ihe new and eomplele life of alexander the great at theaamelldoelt will be hard to improve uus wards laai days r tbe grate was punklne but napoleon was punklnarrl alio wept beoauae there was no mora worlda to ecoope and then he took to drinkin h d liia ao in th flowini- bole and the flowiii bole waa too muali ifbr him he undertook to ulve a auake exhibition in hi biota but il killrd him that was a bad joke oh alio i one obapter at least ahould be devoted to the origin of the phraae smart alio and its firat appearanoe in pollto literature a aood shot 8tart at the bottom bov8 many a young fellow will turn op his boss at five dollar week job who will soak rjlalivlug out of the old folks for a year at a time waiting for a better one the man who faithfully performs bis ddty for 5 a week is right in line for the six seven eight nine and tan dollar jobs and be ia the fellow who gets them too no nan wants to hire a loafer employers lieurrally prefer to do their own loafinif if it mast be done cold ot ffee in eaid to make the bjarlara but in spuing time paines celery compound and diseased tbe prtoelesi gem it strange to bay the one that bringa the biggest pries hagyards yellow oil oures ipralns bruises sores wounds outs frostbites ohllblaioe atjoge of inserts burns eoalds contusions etc price moanla a hesd held upright may mean an honest mtn or only a boll an tbe neck dr lows worm syrup is a sate an re and reliable worm expeller aota equally well on chlidren or adults- be aura yon itet lowa the who downs talk has less do than the garrulous man- repining to individual milburns blsrung- headaohs powders cure the worat headache in from awe to twenty mlhutei and leave no bad axftar- effeotej one powder 60 8 powdewa loo 10 powders 36b who lives only 10 the hardest kind of the men bimaelrhaa to perform mybrnlne yearamr bamoel by an tbedford writes for- nine v years i suffered with ulcerated tores on my leg tppmfsi00tnbyafasis and tried every preparation i beard of or- saw reooirieoded f or auoh aistasvai but eoniagstnqrellef at vilaswvwwi reobmmsnded to give dr thomas eoleotrio oil a rial which haarbttilted sftetnaiogeighttxntleoalugltnrfnljr anljjtteriiaily in iiobmpisfsobrsfcj vi believe it la tbe beat modiolus in the world and i write o let oliiere know what it- has done for mr sprinai with its britbt annahine length ening days warm ralne and ita proniisea of a new jlfr in nature iafaat approaobinti and will bo hailed with true delight by the old and yaang who are enjoying lull hesltb end bodily activity to thousands ths bonalng bl epriue meads a fuller cup of agony and aoderlog it is a tfina when ths dark grave olaims many vletlrni when man and women are burdened with deathdealing eicknttaes auob as kidney ditease liver complaint blood troubles rtaeumatieno neuralgia and tba terrible after effeots of grippe spring has no oharms for them they have allowed themeelvea to sink into a oonditlon of miaerir and belpleaineea during the winter that mnat quiokly tarpnlnate life unlesa that frqs health and ufa giver peine celery compound be made use ot without delay the nervous system weekend nnrtruug meat be fortified tbe blood siugglsb i an w mn b m e fsttiflowing and svery organ of dlgettlon must be toned op to true health pitoh natures wonderfully- soooeesfol medi- eins pained celery compound doss this goodwork as no othsr ramady osn do it acu as a nerve and brain food it gives life to atagnanl blood it banlabsa permanently kidney disease liver oemplalnt rheuma tism dyipepsia and other troubles that make ufa a mlaery ths thootsnds of thankful lallsra rsotlved from canadas bast people are the beat and atrongeat proofs that painaa ceisry oomponnd ourss when your ufa lain danger do not bs misled by obmmon svarilsed rnsdlelnas aa many of them are daogeroassndnnssfs ask for ths kind thst has bored your friends and nelghborsthe kind bat makes people wblli the benpeoked husband never developes into a free thinker until bis wife goat away onatialt nothing looks more ugly- than to see a person whose bands are oovered over with warta wby havs these dlsfigsurmeota on yourjpenaon when a ore remover of all vrsi oorrisi ban be found in hollowaye corn cure people who prsy for the poor seldom do anything slaw for ftem a fhrenologlat speaka prof 3 w orboter writea from peuc- tangotehene i waa tronbed with palpitation of the heart whioh lrcanuvery aevere nearing of mitburiia hotrt and nerve pilla i determinod to try them and after taking thern foe about a week i waa onred it leudually the mn who onntiot rule hie own huuee who waute 10 adtniniater the atlaira of the earth thk death badoe la spared to many a home beoauae dr agnows cure for tho heart never falls to cure heart dleeaserellef in 30 minutes the pall of death has hovered over many a diseaaed heart looking for the laat illaker of the oendle and dr agnows ourefor jhe heart has stepped between tbe patient and the grim baud and nursed the sufferer baok to perfeoland permauentbaaub thos petrle of alymeri que bad heart disease for five years and was nnablo to work iths doctors gave him np to die many a tithe dr agnows cure for the heart gave him relief lu thirty minutes and four holtlea oared him sold by a tbrown 1 hard lonnd the way of the trahagreuor ia sbipetiinea even before he is ont cholera- morbus cramps and kindred oomplainta annually make their appear ance at the same tima as the hot weather green fruit ouoombers meloub eta and mspy perioos are debarred from eating these tempting frnltt but they need not abstain if thay have dr j d kelloggs uysantery cordial and take a few drops in water is cores the orampe and cholera in a remarkable manner and is uretooheok every- diatnrbanoeaofthe bowels a bsohelor aays that wibo married men are often as anxious to get opt of nastrimony aa bingle fools are to get in it- no ketd to sutler the aeony f itlieuniatiem bnialioa lombauo orneurnluia mtlbnrn ithen matlo pilla cure bu 1 ffcutively oiire after other remedion frico 50 cents all dealera holla slaapvared mr james elliott white p o out writea ltatfall while i wue ihreabiug i btoi rno troubloqwlth bjilr wblolt got ao bad t but to quit work i atarted taking burdock bliioil lmuora and before i had lliiiliid oi btitilo the boiu entirely dihuiipeured cuildreistoughs quickly cured hard to kiop iho ohililron roin catch- inff cold will run out of doors not properly wiiippm gtt wet foot kick the bod olothoh off ut night whats motbor going to do about it f mustnt neglect tho childrens coughs mid colds mitfht end in croup and croup end fatally or voukou tho lungs toirmg most mothors now give tljoir chlldron dr woods norway vino syrup itsriico t6 lake nnd euros all kinds of coufjlis mid coms more quickly and effectually than nuy roiuody known mruplmnnnlpartyspii i have tuod tit woiklhstirwny pino syntp for corichiinxijcohu of iiiyllfniitl tilna of my baby iqml nhvaya ciirei licold qtilcker thnri any othor coijali nlxtur- 1 cvor trlotl prlco 25c curoconstiation siolc houducho and dyspepsia lax1 iwpii every pill guaranteed porfoot ulwn an to q ritijout any grip- i w ing woakonlng or slokoning 11119 offecta 25c at alldrugguta beer many be fattening bat an overdoao makes atrno lean sfiainat somothlog sfived the baby dr powleri extraol of wild strawberry saved my babys life bbe wai cattiou her toeth and was taken iirwltn plarihoevve advised fowlers strawberry x got a bottle and it stopped the troable at once mrs jeter jonoi wrkworth oat a whisky drummer a whteky drummer wbo has sold the liquid rimmnatioir fur tweutytiva years pant stood in the cube hotoltho oilier dy and mtde a ape uu iht ought to mute every tempcranco nun hitke hunria with himsolf he said fn ibia seatlon of thu cmntry thu mtle of wliiaky in deurfaiiitt tvury cmr we sell icse and irsa of it witti euoh miooct tlinit year people have quit drinking it in no longer considered in liood form to nwill it adranken nittu ia a dmraop a tippler gati not bold a job unywhera tlitt is reapootoblo aud progreaaive the railroads wbut have blra neither will unyono otee tbo bentrmciit ia uotljotf stronger aijuinut it all the lime the toucher tho prenobf r and tho paper are ordating ssnliaieut arttiost hard driukiuk- lu twenty yeara from now tho whisky problem will have solved itself beer aodi water lemonade milk shake and other light beveraeb have crowded it out of the ealopn and drnr store into the medtoine cheat of the jootor ccniraua courier how dishes were named hominy is from anhumfnea tho north atnorican woril for parolied corn spoootiah ia adiah borrowed from the narragauaelt tndlanb and called by them raalokqaatash x3ancmftnge mearn utterly white food hence obocolate blancmango is sornetbing of a misnomer charlptte la a corruption of the old english word oharlyt which rowans a diah of custard and charlotte ruaie is hiabtan oharlotte sdaoaroni is taken from a greek deriva tion tvblob means the bleasad dead in altciioc to the ancient ouhtom ot eating it at feasts for tbe dead many an irrational rumaffcomiur from a bright source baa been overlooked because tbobo who beard it thought that they were unable to appreoiate 1 cnstortta is for inllints aiid fwdraiu is ft iinrmlobs substitute for castor oil paregoric drops nnd soothing syrups it contalixb ndltlier opium morpuine not other nivrcotlo substance it is pleasant its guarantee 1 thirty years iiao by millions of mothers castorla dchtxoys worms and alldyfl feyerlsh- lichh castorla cures diarrhoea and wind colic castorla vllevcs toetiilng troubles cures goiistlpatlon and flatulency castorla assimilates tho food regulates the stomach nnd boweln of infants and children giving healthy and natural bleep castorla is tho cliildrcnh paiincieo tlio iiothers friend oastoria csiatorlit is an excellent medicine for clilurcn imblliers have repeatedly told me pf its good eflcct upon their children da g c osgood lowelt mais gastorxa cjitorila up well adnptcd to children that recommend itaa aupcriof to any pre- bcription known tome i h a- ajtchrh m d brooklyn y the facsi mile signature of appearsqrreverywrapplir ii ta quila a oolnoldenco when boosv beitsr jodjtemeilt peraaades one not ftokeeb an appoinlmsatiat baa taari fbrgollen bya the raou who made it themi8 pinch a wallkuown archbiahop o dabiis jwss toward ihe end of hia life afflicted by bis abaanoe ol miod ibai led often to atartliog developnieots tbe moat devnpt of meiutj tbo beat ot baabwdda he fignrrd in ona ancodote ibat inlgbt have xota leas wellr known pietist in ironble it waa at a dinner given by tbeiiord lieototaaut of irelnud i in the midst of ihe dinner lbs company waa etartjed by seeing the arobbiahbp rissj from bia teat looking pale and agitated end orying it baa oome i it baa oomo i what has cime yonr grace eagerly oried half a down voioes from different parts of llo table what i hae been vipeiiling lor aomn years a stroke of psralyaie aoleisniy answered the atohblabop i have been pinobfng nijself for the last wo noidiites and find my leg entirely withont aenss- tiod- vy pardon me my dear arcliblabop said tba boateaa looking np to birh with a cjnlasiosl smile pardon me for oontradtot iog yon but it lime tbat yon have been pinoblngl mr conrad beyers opinion imm i the framkoess with which a nyeatold girl rtfaas to herself aa an old maid oartiuiy amoiing mrs joaeph lingtry brookvillo ont saysii 1 iistatisjid eir- fciwworni j3yrnpandxoaneaytualthaa dons my ofalldrsd good it nsrsf falls to i0 promptly prioeajsocnte doans kidney pills no one con be healthy with the kidneys in a diseased or disordered state the soisonoui uric acid whioh it it their uty to filter out of the blood ia oarried into tho system and prodiipes bheoma- tlsm headiibhes babkuuhea and han- tlreds pf uuasid ailments any one who has ths slightest suspiolon that tho kidneys ore not noting right should take doans kidney pills they are the roost offeatire kidney reinedy khownr mr conrnd beyer at b k snyders shoo store borhnont bean this ont when he says 1 kidney troubles cannot do better than take boons kid- noy pills for they cured niy wife- who has been afflicted with pain in thehook and othor kidney troublos for- a long time they bare helped n grent mnny of my acquaintances iqthls town auid i snnst any they ore the medioiaethnt reach the kidneys with the best effeots bailway time t aiab ltau tuiik ltillwt ioiko wkht iqinci kafit mall 10 c2am i nxiinfh irasan kxprob nsiiiui iixprchb 10 f0m olall i 1u ui i aiuu g 14m i mixed lotaitm timu of cloblntl majlli gold webt 1 40anl and 0 c0pnl going east 30 25 am and 5 go pm tliia lima tabla wont into covct on mouda may 10th 180s speight fc brady manufacturers of oyirallos klbctbic motors wjltfm motors qasoline aho oas sxoines brass iron castings to order repairing promptly dpno deorgetown ont everton s4jnq eden mills the nloce to go for the best flour bran middlings chop feed cissi for sale chopping every day at everton mills and every tuesday thursday and saturday at eden mills always buying wheat no credit henry hortop son savings arid loan co headoffice toronto ont authorized capital 500000000 tcnyear maturity shares are paid monthly inalajmentsofsocrper share for 120 months when payments cease fooo paid in maturity value sioooo money to loan at 5 straight loan o repayable ua nuontuly instalments on apphv cation to r j mcnabb agent acton it isnt what a man owes but wbat ho pays that makea him poor yo cant te yon dont know when tbe oongb will stop tbe ooouh of ooriadmptlon baa juat snob k bsginningl take sobtte emolelou now while the oopgh is sssily managed the knowladiie man doeant pwaiaa al4yoropa ont whoi a oliild qaesttona hfm what is scotts eanul- siqn v iisi the best codliver ij partly digestcdy and qna bind ith the hypqpiio phites and glycerine viat fym y i t the poor blood of the anaemic jifivciierv6q8ftnwg itoawjfcfcaiikii ths seat aliark blleta maua leg off bat alswd ahrknnly pnlll it at a aafa distance wa dp not besltatle in saying that prito flghtsrs are sm better than they ahooh be jlr thpmas ballard byraonse n x writs i have bed afflloudfpt neatly a yaaj with pain and wans of sleep and after trying almcat everytblog raconiipd sd i tried ons box of parnieleaa vegelable pllll i am now qsariy well ana believe tywliiooro roexwonld not be wlthoot idsmforanyirapdy some mop are so interested in ths monkey stags of their evolution that they btninble all throoghoday there never waa and never will bs a nnireraal psnaoea in one remedyj for all ills to which fleeh is hair this yerynatare ofpiany curatives being aaoh that were the gorma of other and differently sealed diseaaei rooted in the ayttem of the patient what would relieve one ill in torn woald aggravate the other we have however in quinine wine when obtained in a sound unadaitarated stsfe a roimedy for many and grinvons ills by itmradaal jndiploas sie tbe frsueatayatems are led into eon- vslescenos and atrengtb by the inflnenco whlob qdinine eierta on natures own restbrmttves it relieves tha droppiog spirit of thpss with wbonja achronio staid of morbid despondencr and look of iotereit in life ia a diaease and by tranqalllzlng 1 lie nerves dlspoaoa to aoand and refresh ing steep imparts vigor to theaotlon of the blood whioh being atlmqlated oottrsss throneboot the velne itrongtheplng the heallby animal fnnotloni of ths syatom thereby mahngsotivltyv neoesaary result alrengthoning the frame and giving life to the digestive organs whfoh nalprally demand inpreeiod anbauhce reault im proved appetite northrop 4 lyman of tprobio haye glvan to the phblio their quinine wine at the canal rate and guaged by tho opinion of j aoientlats this wins aspparoaohes nearesfeparfeotion of any n the market all droaglsts sell it a giant utrabtaav good dealof atttenlion bdtsiosliiifalwart n almost in utsjialr my wife auffercd with pain and dlatreea from an affeotlon of ibasliroal oanaed by impure blood bhs was almost in deapalr of ever obtaining a but sbs flnslly probnrwsvbpitls of hooda 8araparllla ariftilitvjb biboia6llnl inshlolne abs was ooraplslly enred john wrcknar qsltohlarlo that d mreas afler sstf ng is preven tad by ons or two of hoods pills they dont vmiwppoiifldersp apolosy aohaap mi itm rhati at there arotox jnsiy wohipi who snffor droadfulbaoknohcs pain intheaide nnd wohes ar wodknerri vj ufo inergy sndnnlmotioriseom sane heres e lsi1ue npfsffil4i bahlwevsiiribies eemmtfmw npsislrsj would everybody loves a- lover with the poaalbleexdepiion of the old msn and ths dog faguod pat none bat those who bays beeome fagged out know what a depressed mlaeratlo feeling il is all strength is gone and despondency has hold oil the anfferera thsyrssirsirnho0jih ppthldhfp tits for there however la a care one bor of patmeleea vegetable puis will do woodera in raatorlng health and strength mandrake and dandelion are two of the tolb snterlug intu ihe vutiijusuiotrdl parmeieos plisj ivvioeiwceia 72q bottles this tsi good many but as itis f wyeths j wont last long i wiir8im mo fr81 it la the beat s tonic troducea u cmus flow of milk and i strengtbena the whole svstem i chilphfm makes the little ones iscalthy and strong a stnvaupsl t fm refreshing tonic bever- ase nivlntt alrength nnd lone to the system and thua helping to- ihrow og the illness of whatever nature it may be l it produces a rcllih tor i food acta as a olrcitivc and fortifiei and j acnogthena thesystcm full dozen s300 a t bown ohemlst 4 drugglit 0caisvoa girls hovsrgivs birthday partiei after they arrive at fifteen one lajtafilver pill every night for thirty days makea a complete core of bluouaneie and oonatlpation tbat ia justus ceuts to be enred the man who keeps his month slmt nsysrbsstosslanv prow bring your custom logs in and take the lumber riomewith you luni ber planinar mills nassakavveya p sayers proprietor has constantly oh handa fuji line of lumber- lath shlnpies cedar poats wood ito custom logo and bill stuff cut to order on short notice planing and matching done to he best of satisfaction prices very cheap odroade to suit he customers pocket psayers a isedropm set an extension table a lounge a stand a mattress and springs or any other article in furniture requirements at a livikg profit qtf ly aij aopdsdbuveilbd undehakihg in all its branches calls day or night attended coffins delivered prices to suit every ones needs p home woi for nsn nd woman day or svtnlifi jt to wvcekly no cftnvtcmlujr or petince needed plain itittrucuonr wtrktnilltddnappucauoii rmdrtolake nirnuln pi 1 i roorpwiitoi j x spek3bht7 fc gos actoii ahenpeoited husband has not innph lo orpw ovtr every cyollst should carry a bottle of flagyarda yellow oil ii has tap equal for taking ont inflammallod reduoiag swelllog or rellovlns palp prjoe 1 85 cents he svlio lives only to beaeflt himself dlea to benefit pther people p doctors said he muattjia taut he bafiiw onclak8outrt arriorloan kts6iiyhdr dlabsita was ibaidlsitwiyctfrsiel-r- rx vrri aprtrrnlrient lettal llibl in a canadian vsfkisfajiil anfl rah ippdalrigocl ivirrltaungjwater mrs a kalrstssd snider ut h b tslli how her little boy suffered snd hoar b bbyoured hlmperrpanently ftpgfotir there is not a mother in this land who has a child suf feripg from skin dls lose in jtuy all jm ljut nyl wllllhnnkmrskelr- stead of spidermt nb forlpins of theremarkable man- per in which her boy freddy was cured pfpnopiho aevor ritedby keihstsad tt and rnost tortur insf of skinr diseases bythe use of burdock blood bitters i and rot only relieved and cured for tha time ja m n ihediuatt haa shown no sign afrtturnlna the followlpir is mrs kciratcsofs idler 1 1- with irratltude i can testify to the wonderful curative powers of burdock udid blllcra elchtyenra ago our llttla aoptreddy wnanfhiclctl with salt rheum and wnpln a dreadful condition his leg from ihe sales of his feet to his body tvero entirely row and ran a bloody water which appeared to burn and itch until bo was pftun inbrcotairony after trylntraevoral remedies ws no- 1 astgqrbtvi nrffliudewejrawouryetaajeejk dsstau3hntfw tthasiievdriisd a t a bricht business man may say that he cannot explain news paper advertising but he wih find it harder still to explain it away it is here and doing profitable work ft is for yotj to determine what it may do for you iv iyfe 4rfs- rv l j v 1 oft im s if

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