Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 23, 1899, p. 1

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volume xxi vnq 38 actolsr oittabio thubsday 23 mvhok ibftfl t ib pdbuflhed f every thursday morning attiq freepreassteamprintingoilice uuit fltrbet aoton ont thmsb of bubaonuvrioh one dollar por year striotlyln advance au subscriptions discon tinued when the time for which tboy have been paid baa eiplrod the date to which every subscription is paid la denoted on the addreaa label advamtisiko ratbh tiraaxibleqt advertise ments 20 cents per nonpareil line for first in sertion 8 oenta per line for oaob subsequent insertion oohnuorr bates the following tablo shows our rates for the insertion of advertisements for sjpooifled periods 3ne krbstr0ng in th s traders bank of canada es bxioa 1 tb 1 6 mo 8 ho 1 1ho olafihea awoo 8300 aow oo 3300 aooo 1500 aoo aooo 190d 700 900 700 aoo bw loo advertiiemonts without epeolaa directions wulbe ibiertad till forbid ana oharsed accord ingly transient advertisements muat be paid in advance advertlbbxaerjta- will be obanged onee eaoh modtb if desired for changes of toner than onoe a month the composition must be paid for at rogalai rates ohangesforoontractadvertisoments moat be in the offloo by noon on tuosdays accounts payable monthly hpmoobe editor and proprietor istall and 1- stmhuas sirextorp tohnm lacdonald m d c m b0cceb80i1 to j f ueen m d 0 m oooe and ruldenoa corner ulllfredoriok streetaacton bffleo boars- ttoopixi with ceilings and borders to match fine combinations all for 1899 we have the choicei of the market at days bookstore quelph days sells cheap capital authorlz capital paid up 9 1 000000 700000 frtrr guelph branch wo are now leaning money orders payable at par at any branch of chartered batfli in canada ozoeptlng the yukon tjiatrlot at be following ratoa uuderslo bconta iuto20 locento 20 to 0 19 cants 630 to w h cents 44- i mandscheuri x j- barley t a bit- rowed varlptfc imported from russia e to 1030 am 1 to 3 pm and itir l j r forster fldcomson to pb a b elllott late realdont rhvslclan and surgeon to vic toria boapltal for slok children toronto omcs mill streot lately occupied by tit elliott d r pryden era saw thboat and nosh and for earllneas ylefd and freeneas from rait tasuporior to all the barley heretofore grown the neada are about three inches long and very highest gurrbnt rate ofinteue8t paid on sums dopobited of 1 and upwardt interest allowed from doto of depoaltto data of withdrawal and paid or compounded half yearly advances made to responsible farmers on tbelr owp panics at tbo loweat curront raws no charge made for collecting salos notes if payablo in guelph j a general banking lmeinoa transacted a fmjones maacr john m bond co linoleum and holeaaa block douglaa st near f o gublfh orvioa horms10 am to 1 pno and a to 6 pm bunditb10aru to ipm ontario agncoltqral collego report sara among thirty vorlotica of barley which have boen grown in tho comparitlvs testa for tbo eoat five yeara toe uandaoboari standi at tba oad of the hat in yield of grain per store it is not at tbla station eslonn tbat tbla variety has done ao well bnt avll over the province generally it baa made an excellent record in no alngle teat wa it atirpaaied by another vari ety unr seed la an extra flno satnplo and very clean call or write for prices and samples also all other varieties of seed qrmlb qraga seeds etc we have just received another large shipment of those popular japanese mattings good variety ol patterns this is a clean tidy healthy floor covering when you are in guelph call and see them can f canada fair in tbe hour of thy uolng bright shone tbe day atar of hope from on blgb cradled and blest by tbe father allaeelng nurtured wort thou by the earth and tbo ky not tbo warweapon aa aceplre thou bareat oont to thy task of the nortblaud to tame itovellt and proad of tbo namaa that thou weareat uontoalm tod wolfe on tlia oreet of thy famo pborm queen of tho plnewood tbe lako and tbe i tlvor j daughter of aeaklngs and lord of romance triumphs of peace ho tblne heritage over free on tho pathway of light to advance oapsula fair hark i tla the voice of tho fgtun tbata oalllag fondly afar inthe dim ways of time i foar not tbo nations around tbee are falling dare and endare in tby freshflowing prime strong in lis hoitago of old that thou gaveat courage aublme for thy nsllllona to be itaureld and lovod by tbe hearta of the bravoat crowned by tbe atrongtb and tho will to bo free queen of tbo pinowood flyer daughter tbo lako and tho of l l bennett llds dentist aaoaostowk oktiiuo jcoghlan d dsids dentist work oabjirt7ut sonb poiosb k0d2batb omok ovili browni dana btobs hodob vkt pit fltoh 0 to 6 jm bedl bds lds dxmtlbt bnookvlllb hokob ohu04tb ov tobohto uhxvxbaitr work mado satisfactory frloea modorate vibitimo dayb monday afternoon camp- bslltllle tuoaday- acton omeo olaxka hotol friday bookarood seedflman 45 macdosnell st quelph- bring your custom logs in and fake the lumber home with you shyers lumber planing mills imdssakawoya john mfcjonddtco sptkldha and lords of romance triumphs of peace bo tblne heritage aver froo on tho pathway of light to advance canada fair trust not the false gleam of batebreatblng passion fireflaablog glory of aword and of shield guided by wladorn tfl pln 1 to fmloq deatinccdby flenlui to make and to wiflld thine be tbe wealth of thy plalna growing golden sunlit and waving from ocjean tosea trophloa of tbongbt and high deeds that omboldon dower of the years and tbe ages for thee quoonof he plhowood thp lake apd the riter daugbtar of seakluja and lords of ro- maneo trinmpha of peace bo ttilnn horitago ever free on tb pathw f hghn t jwnfm bard ware quqlph m clean a mclean bajrlslera solicitors notaries conveyancers 4c frittefaiidstoloan offloe town hallaoton wic a molmjin jho a- motjuh jmidalnnon 4 bahsutib souoitob cohvbtimcsb omios hill street in matthews block dpatalra b mcleod a biabutsbt bolioitob oomtbtanosn main street georgetown honevtoloanatlowestoarrentratos r j mxnabb olexk fourth division conrt county of hal- on oonveyancer agent fireandxjfeassaranoe real bitato agent money to loan etc orrxcs ferrymans block a0toh ont hxscsjllansous rriinbxaeist xi ottawa ouaiu solicitor of pateou for invonuon to prepares applloations for the canadian amet loan- and earcpeanl atont offices and for tbe ueglalratlon or trade marks bond for pam phlet tbirtvtwo yeara experience w banoishnnan b0okbinpeb wyndbam bt gnalph ontario orarwuhamafltoro aooobnl booka off all kind mada to order farlodloalflof etarydeaorlptlonoaxsfallyboond bauiirneaitbndpromptirdon iavaiam xioejsfbes moobe ibbttwi ov acajakzaqb ltoeataki prlatabfflofl no wltnauet nqnlrod iaauad at raaldoddo in tliaayanliig frao pre oioea acton 7 m hem8tbeet lloassapaootioaatji fortrie ooantlaa of walllnston and halton oraaralefrattnafbs pyiai oflloe aoton or at mrxealdaaq in aoton u1 be promptly at- adatofaebredaoeovto iioow6vl atsd mdnay tojoan tn molt f ayorabl anmaand aalba loveat ratal ol lntaraatin anmaofs80oandpwarda f 8od60bibkd b o u3000 the wellinoton mutual fire insurance company xptabuahad 1840 head offloe otnsiifh on p sayee8 proprietor has constantly on hand a full line ol lumber lath slilngleb cedar posts wood to custom iogs and bui stuff cut to order on short notice planing and matching done to the best of satisfaction prices very cheap and made to suit the customers pocket p savers sun safhigs and loan co head office toronto ont- a utharised capi fa 600000000 tenyear maturity shares are paid monthly instalments of 50c per share for z2o months when payments cease t6oo paid in maturity value 10000 money to loan at 5 straight loan o repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to rj mcnabb agent acton everton and eden mills i thbplac toyoor iha forget bs us not if you want artists goods wallpaper mouldings pictures frames waters bros wyndham new street store guelph canada fair john mae farlantifeif mount sndprlsoin montreal witness competition im bran middlinks chop feed c fori sale chopping every doy at everton milts and every tuesday thursday and saturday at eden mills always buying when no credit henry hortop cash paid farm produce butter onions vfoultry fork etci apples wanted aikenheai produce co a parsons acton manager dnt tmbuiuanoboiloaahanduntnal plan anj x oommanleatlona forwarded to my addreaa box l or telepboiwo will tm promptly john taixob agant guelph macliine and bepair shops v mrwiaanrowa proprietor illlltill sqalpped lh all tha maehlnort jol baoaasaryto aiaaata all repair to rnaenin impianianla and to do all l foruiad naehlnaor itnplornanj of any gntnmlnir and fllpbg done igan rs lparfornued rajpalf any iaca saw est jtiw lcmglh alwaja steipmiioai nmuoleatlo w bakber jbrs cjepfeglotor oint xbtmmnrt o machine flfiishid book papbr high 0baox v7uuut news the paper need tn tbla journal la from the above mill vmm babbbr rob pttp1i js wll vxj sunsehooi a ihoold not oterlooli the great adrant- 9 amofapraouoaleouraaof jatbruee je and ij rhessand cleau direct from the growers i carry the largest a took and am tbo only direct importer of all kinds of scud in gaolph others not in it three large warehouses beildos retail store which la the largest outside of toronto call and ace onr stock of d red clover atamniotaa clover ajatme clover lucerne clover roojetkhed timo thy orchard qraaa rod top grass otc soedoats soed perns seed barley seed rye soed wheat otc webbytne beat andaell at very oloaeprloea mangel seed only three woelca ont from france also sugar beet white carrot ac garden and slower seeds of all kinds at oat prices a cot indeed by uk uacuhbh he had demandfld that afternoon to be told the troth and the doctor hiroaolf a young soot had told bim plainly ibft he ooald not reoover and then ho hfxd ftsked aa one man speaking to aoolher both being bravo and honest men when he would die and tbe doctor thooght early next morning aboot daybreak said the soot with roaoh aatiefaotion aa if on tbe srhole be were content to die and muoli pleased u would heat the rislaii of lbs sqq if was a cbaraoterlstio typo of his nation ragged in face and dry of manner an old man who had drifted somehow to this enxlfsh oityand was living there alone andnowlis was about to die alone wlthont friends and in a btradfts land the nurse was very kind to hlru andher heart went on to tbo qalet iftlnoontbtned man she asked bioa oovenantlng tradition and the worthy son ol obvenantlng martyrs it wae s strange nhjeot of disoaeeion for a mans last hour but the man wbo oould be true to the jots and title of mi faith with pain of body and in faoo of death waalhosthltout of which sbiats and heroes are made he belonged to a nation who mlbt somotlmea be parrow and over concerned with soraplee bat which know that a stand must be taken somewbersvand where it took a stand was prepared to die the visitor was a wiee as wel us mraeious woman and grasped the heart of tho situ ation no up ihe aaid e will not speak about the ihlniti wherein we differ and i did not know the feellntf of the sootp pabout tbe singing of hymna bat loan understand bow yoa love tbe psalms and how dear to you ia your iqetrfoal vfirefon do you know i have been inthe bikblauds of scotland atid have heard the pealmg inoki and the tears oirae into my eyos at thesound of the grave sweet melody- for it waa the muiio of a strony and pious people 4a8 she spoke the bard old bootd face bejrjan to uoften and one band wbioh was lyiog ouleido the bedcloihes repeated he time of a soots pdalm tune he was again in tho country church of his boy- uoo t and saw his father and mother going into the table strata and beard thenrbingfrig r 0 thou my aoul bloas ood tbo lord and all tbat in mo is be attrred up bis holy ndmo to magnify and blosa wore than that i kubw some of your psalm tunes and i have the words fn tny hymnbook perhaps i have qne of the psalms wboh jqq would like to hear piv ys think tht ye oul aing tho twenlythirj psalm tbo lords my bboptaerd ill not want for i wad count it verra comforlio ye afao aaid i oan and it will please me very much to biugit for i think i love that paalrn moro than any hymn ft never runs dry murmured tbe soot so ahesang h from beginning to endln a low sweet voice slowly and reverently as ihfl had heftfd u ftuhg to uooilanoi l euluk thkjbi cents ge0jth0ep the only praouoal beeclaman in quelph- ttxnxsr sqnna ttacdotmxzj st havirijg decided to go into the millinery business i have secured the services of missmi8sicar of waterford who comes highly recommended havingt had several yearsof experience further notice as to opening show rooms oyer store m- lain 8tr 1 ltibrady mananktarert of xmramos jbmjtbic motors watsk motors sasozmt jitm oas xtroitaesbiu8sjntair castoictsto ojuuta repairing promptly done oeorketown ont m b potsnfmanaa and said that tho ohaplain of tbe infirmary was a good man a venae doubt ho is said the boot and that bis nieeuistratious wud be verra acceptable to edgliih fsak but ava never batlouy deajina wl eplaoopallani ha miobt want to read a prayer and i bodna abide that and mebbe i oodna follow the texts in bjs english tongue the naraa still jlogered by his bed be looked up to ber and assured her he was in no need of consolation saxty vear ago ma mllber gated me learn the wale onoioe portion o the biblf t and theyre oomin op ane by ana to ma memory but i tbank ye klodly as the nurse i want baok and forward on hsr duties she heard her patient baying at intervals to himself i know whom i have believed i am persuaded thai neither life nor death oboe again ahe heard him auboagh the moantalos depart ana tbe hills be removed but the rant she did not catob during the afternoon a lad came into the ward whose service to tbe lord was the visitation of tha sick a woman after the ty pe of barnabas apd mary ft bethany when she heard of the old man lllnees and his loneliness whom no friend cams to see or com for i she went to bli bedside you are very ill she said pay friend am deeln be rep j led with ihe exaot- nessof his natlop which somswbat falls to nn d era land the use of graceful oi roam lo cation and gentle phrases is there anything i cao do for ypu would yoa wish me to sing a fev veraosof a by mo 7 some alok people feel rno6h comforted apd soothed by alnginatt 79 would like i think to heuvltbcabf age fc she sat down by hla bedside and opened her book while a pitlent bayond who bad canght what she said raised bis bead to enjoy the slbging yere vsrra kind mem and sim muolile obleeged to ye but am a boot fend yere engl lab and ye dinna onderauod a ma days hev i been protestlusgalnsl tbe ose o namsn hymns in the prslsso god ave left three kirks on that acooont and raissd nia testirnony in pnblip plaoes and noo wod ye send me into eternity wl the soagh of a hymn in ma ears 7 for a moment the visitor bad do reply for iu the course of all bar exptrianoes daring wbirh she bad oome across many kinds h men and women she had never yet chanced upon this klod of scot tbe patients in the inflrmaay wire not dislin- gaished by their religions sernplci and if they had some prejudices they turned on large ant fallblooded dial loot ions belwseo protsstant aod cat hollo bat never sintered into sabtidtlss of doctrine yeil excuse me mro for im no an- gratef ol be oontlnaed aod 1 vsddjlke to meet yir wlshea whin yate beep spkiqd to me tbedootor aays i canna llvsijfong and its posaiblalbat ma trsjigtli ma sona fiire was boi ail tell ye what am wllliu to do f the visiter waited anxiously to kuow avhat rervioe ho was gnlng to remder hsf stndwhatopmtya but botii hijlfmip- ffas lang si reason critldart joined in no word but ever kept time with his band and with his heart while his eyes looked into the thiugi wbfah were far after she ceaaed repeated to himself the two lat lines and in gods booao for over moro my dwelling place shall be thank ye tbank ye he said after a little paaif and then both were silent for few minutes beoansa she uaw that be was in bis own oountry and did not -wish- to bring bim baok by lit r foreign sooent mem yeve dune me tbo greatest hind- nei ony christian cud do for anitber as ho itaodapn the banks of the jtordan for a minute he was silent again and thoohe said am gaein to tell ye somelhin and a think yqh understand ma wife and roe wes married thlrtyflve years and ilka hlobt of oor married life we sang a psalm afore we gaed to rest she took the air and a took the bats and we tang lbs psalms through frae brjglnnlng to end twal times she was taken frae mo ten years ago and the nioht afore she deed we sang the twenty- third psalm ave never sung tbepaialm since and a didnajoin wi ye wi bet new jn oor fathers hoose the mornins mornio wbar therell be nae niobt nor partin evermore and this is how one english woman found oat that the boot is at once the doaresjt and the tendereat of men briiisji weekly the lieutenants pit mr kdmondeirko writing the atlanta constitution relates an anecdote wbiob was told to bim by one of general grants staff offioera the occurrence took place early in the war in south wait em arkan sas while grants trropi were on a march through tba wilderneep and were really bartering for food this etato of thiari lasted two days then a few soattered houses were passed and foraging wus in order on this day lientenant wickfeld of ao indiana cavalry regiment ooitirnanded the advance guard of uiubt buudred men about noon be oame upon a until ftirm home wbose appearance indiaated ihat there might be some food on the premidec halting bis rqqad he dlhcrioaiited and and with two ubordinate officers entered the dwelling aasuming a stately demeanor he accua- tedtbe rnidtress of the house with a demand for food for bimsolf and stuff to her enquiry ae to who he wae he answered brigadiergeneral granr uod at the sound of that name all the members of tbe family flew about serving up all they bad in the honae with profuse expressions or loyalty they ware all women the men being away with the body of oonfederates that grant waspanaiofi thu lieutenant and bis equad feaated to their hearta cootent and tben demanded what there was to pay nothing said the mintreai of he honse wbo protested ihat a1 a loyal woman ebe ooold not think of accept ins pay from fco defenders of her eoontry with tbls xleotenant wiokfleld and hi staff went on their way rejoiolng general graet bad halted bis forces a few mites back for a brief rest but be soon resumed bis marab and eboat the time that the lientenant was out of sight fas rode up to the house and inqolrrd if the good people there would cook him a meal jnocaoae from the gruff female volof from tbe inalda of the cloned door- gen- enerai grant and his staff have jast been hpre aqd eaten op tj ma had in lhhan r tberell be wrinkles on my fored and i wont have no balr and wont have no toetb sod ill have to wear btore hoir an false teeth and and whats the matter with a glabs eye and a wooden log observed a bad wioked roporter sittlog at no upper window by way of assisting the fair damfol then there was a iabean a stifled scream some profanlry in a bare voloo and two persons moving down te street fn a way that would hve bankrupted a carriel raoe spraying orchards the fruit growers of ontario bave buffered very great losses in recent years owing to the prevalence of ileitruotive inseote the beat means for combatting this evil has for some time engaged the attention of the provincial department of agricnlttire and moab has been accom plished in hfs direction by extending among farmers a knowledge of tbo spray ing process wbiob has been found to be the only effective remedy we have jnit received the report for 1898 of mr wm orr bnperlntendent of eiperlmontal spraying which comprises detailed rsporta of experiments oondnoted at thirty points throughoot the province affordiog moob ioformiatori of practical value to the ownent of orchards these experimental sprayings are inornasiogly popular aa evidenced by the fact thai the attendance last yetr numbered 3538 or over 70o more than that of 1897 while it was aboat doable the attendance on the spraying held in 1896 the applications of farmers to have experiments held in their looalitiea were rnnch more numerous than oonld be responded to as a means however of bringing clearly and oonvlnoiogly before a large nnrnberpf the peoplo the completely aaosfactory reanlts of the spraying process s largo exhibit- was pat on view at the toronto jodustrial eihjbition iholn sprayed as oon trailed with ooiprayed frait the respeqtiye quality and condition of the awo showing plainly the advantages of the sjysmm the tent caterpillar aphis oodllng moth and other wellknown bat little appreciated tnjnjffodsjn mnqbip evidence last season and wrbaghl fearful havoc in uneprayed orchards in those abject to the apntyiog treatment on the oonlrary the frail as a rule was clean njftmlf ptftiptijjbiti the heir of iy v oond s0d tttraollva in appearance it was all aobjsoted to rigid inspection and after all in tbs slightest degree damaged was discarded the rssnlt in many cases vowed from 00 to 100 per cent of the drop in nne oond it ion such tests should be snfibleni to convince all of the need of ejjraiyjog as an adjonot to successful frail growing and if this conviction oan only be brongb bottie to the farming community as a whole the gain in prod uoi ion and in the statu of canada abroad as a frait producing ooonlry will be itnraense arrangements are now being made for spraying experimerits for the current year and everyone interested can obtain a hal of the orobards and dates on apphca- tlowo mr wm orr saperlqtendeptof expsrimsntal spraying frnuland onu all progressive farmers ahbuld bave a copy of his report wbloh they will find full of sugbjesiioh it can be had by wriling to tlis depairtrnent of aghoaiture toronto 1 tsdflrlmmt kiioqa aleo to pahlish shq in- forhiaop onoenlpg osjitmf except one punipkin pie indeed said the general what is your nama belvldge replied the woman now venturing to opepthe door well madaiii i want that pie sild grant tossing tbe woman a halfdollar please keep lb for me i will send for it tonight the woman took the money and grant rode on some fifteen miles to where the army was to cam p there the various regiments were notified of a full parade at balfpaat six- this was so aoaenal that it created a decided sensation and many believed that the enemy was open them the parade was formed ten column a deep and nearly a quarter of i mile fn length and after the usual ceremonies the aseistsntadjntantgeueral read the follow ing order headquarters array of the field special order lieutenant wiokfleld of tbe indiana cavalry having on this day eaten everything at mrs belvlges at the crossing of the fronton and pocahontas and black river and gaps glrarpean roads except one pumpkin pis lientenant wiok fleld is hereby ordered to return with an fouehuodred c aud put th pie also us glakt brigadiergeneral oomraandtng at seven oclock the lieutenant tiled out of camp with his hundred men amid the cheers of tbe entire army this escort returqedto camp about midnight report ing that wiokfleld had eaten tho whole pie and bad appeared to relish it trees anp electric wires in the old frtys of overhead electric llghting we ued to have a great deal of troublu with the tree question eppecitlly alonii auhurbtn rodi remarked a central station man i remorcber one case where it was imperative tbat our line run down one side of a street- heavily- planted with fluo ehdde treed it was in h reaidenne joohltty that was pretty swell aud all tho property owners iu that locality were- par ticular about their lawns and especially i heir trees we wanted toy run otir pole line an much concealed as pmafbte and found it absoluely ueoassary to trim a number of tbe treep we sent a man down to visit the property owners and fop ad that i hoy abiolutely dcolined to allow na iatouoh thetrees tben wa started ou a now tack and tried to bny the treen but not a single roan would atll one our maanuger itoally hit upon a eobeme that proved to be a winner he inqoired around until be found a professional tree trimmer this man was equipped with a horse and wagon ladders and cutters of various sorts our manager employed htm to tackle the residents of this partica- lar street this tree trimmer was a man who knew his boslnesi tbcroughly and was more persuasive aud snavo in hie arguments than a liglttning rod anent he started in at one end of the street and at the end of tbe week tie bad peraaaded all tboee obstreperous property holders that there was just ono thing they lacked in this world and th htng tl a wlioo ou my day of ufa tho night is falling and in ttto wind from unauunod bpsccs blown i bear far volooe out or darkness calling my feet to path unknown thou who bait mado my home of life so ploaa- ant lieavo not its tauantwhoii tho wallj decay 0 love dlvlno o holpor ovor yroapnt ha though my btrodgtli and stay ibonearnio when ull oibo from mo is drifting barth sky homos jilcturob days of bbado and shine aud kindly faces to my own uplifting the love wbiob answers mlno 1 havo bnt tboo o father liot thy spirit bo with tbee to comfort and uphold nogatoof pearl no branch or palm imorit nostraotof abinlnggold bniqco it if my good and 111 uurookonod and both xorglvoo through thy uuboundfug grace iflndmyself by hands familiar bqokonod uato my fitting placa some bumble door among thy many mansions some sliolterlng sbadowhoto sin and strlviag coaao i and flows forever through boavaas groen ox- nanslous tho river of tby peace tboro from tbo mnaio round about mo steal ing i fain would loaro the now and holy song and find at last bonoatb tby trees of healing tho life for which i long john qretnuaf whlultr weithen im yourm they stood in tbs moonlight under a largf spreading elm the elm stood near a corner and its broad branches completely hid the window of a secondstory room in the corner bo nee the weather was exceedingly warm and the windows were all open the moon was op and it was a beantlfal balmy haodredaodteojnrtbe shade sort of an evening tbey came along tho sidewalk and stepped under the large elm tree it was very late and the porohea in the neighborhood were all deserted tbeyataod nnder the elm tree and leaned op against tbe fence they were talking very earnestly the youth was speaking of tbe way tbat the whole world would be a blank to him without her beside bim and how glorious wonld be everything if she would only obbeqot to become hia wife george aaid she tenderly george will yoa alien love ms in this way wont yon ever get sick of me and go to loyln somebody else no mary- i wont never love lioboly else bat yoa well tben im yonrn she exclaimed and there was a noise of a live cent cracker ai tbey- fell intf each others arms pretty soon she straightened np and stood a f evr feet way from bim eyeing bim intently then aba said george are ypusars youll allere- love me george protested tbat he always wonld woll then im yonrn i eald the maiden and- ifasir was another embracer after a moment she backed away and said george theres lots partiern i be and dont yoa think that some day youll love somebody else morn yoa do me 7 george protes vwhwmwntly ththa ittjhcvi a valdaolfl addition to the which will prove available liter never wonld well then im yourn 1 she said em phatically and their was another tableau pretty soon she stepped baok and said george i dont spoae ill alien be as party as i be now wben i get old therell be wrinkles 0u my forehead george and maybe id look real ugly do yoa sposs that youll love me then just tbe same george his solemn protestations were renewed well then im yourn i said the maiden then followed another explosion followed i by a grleilybear embrace in a moment i she was atruok with another thought her soul waa barrassed with another doubt george said she wben i get old i spot ill look awfql therell be wrfnksa in my fored an maybe i oot have bo heir and ill have isf wear slors hair george and switch do you think yon will love me tben george gtofgh answered that he woald weiltwlm yournl she eald wltlt determination and there wae another vary loud oiculatlon end a tableau witbtwao lights ifn a mbmen ii 1 d6ntiw olhiitimibs be vtry hortld grge just only think trees trimmed ton cau rest assured tbat the way those trees were trimmed provided us with a clear pith for oor line and the fanny part of it waa that the repidents wbo might have madetsoroe money oat of ae actually paid money to the tree trim mer tor catting onr path through their trees speaking of tree said another eleo- trlo light man who overheard this conver sation reminds me of an experience we had in our town one time a crusty old millionaire owned what was probably the finest tree in town it was a large spread ing oak and- was probably more than a hundred years old we bad to ran our line down the side of the street on whioh tbie tree grew and went to see him about catting a path for ihe wires through the branches he of coarse refused then we offered bim 1500 for ihe tree bat he woald not sell finally one of my line men without informing me of- the fact went down to the station and made a copper nail aboat eight inohes long out of some heavy wire he filed a point on the wire and hammered up a head tben one dark night during a storm he trotted op to tbe millionaires place and drove thu wait in i ca hiding the bead with a pleceof baikfaaten- ed on top of it with a spall taok iu abouta week the leaves of the tree began to tarn yelow and the tree had every appearanoeof dying then thdold fellow oame down and offerod to sell the tree at oar price of 300 we declined to bay it as we thought it was got ay to dio then the lineman came to rneand told me what bo bad done as the damage had occurred i thought i woutd await developeraents after several calls from the millionaire the tree in the meantime gutting worse and worse in appearance i finally bought it for 50- theuthe lineiniah went around andpulled oat the copper naik we rot oar path through the branuhes aod the irjftjyaroe baok to life this was to me a newwsrto kill a tree bht- the lineman asaared me that it would work every time he said the oopper coming in oontaot with the sap poisoned the tree anyway we got oor right of way through that big oak at a low price avcfrjc icofcw snsiitaisje tm barmr drafts or inland and foreign exchange a draft or bill of exchange u a written order by ons peruon on another for the pay ment of a specified som drafts are made payable at sight on demand or at a certain time after date or after sight drafts are usually presnnted to the person on whom they are drawn lor bis acceptance he accepts by writing across the faoe accepted with the date over bis signature a draft when accepted in the same as a note and the lawa gove on gove the other bills of exchange may be foreign bills or inland bills foreign bills are those tbat are drawn or payable iu a foreign oonntiy inland bills are those drawn and payable within canada every bill is on its face an inland bill on less it purports to be a foreign bill when a bill contains words prohibiting transfer it is valid as between the parties thereto bnt is not negotiable a bill payable to bearer is made negotiable by delivery a bill payable to order is negotiated by tho endorsement of the holder completed by delivery an indorsement in blank specifies no indorsee and a bill so endorsed becomes payable to bearer a speoial indorsemont epecifles tbo person to whom or to whose order the bill is to payable an indorsement is restrictive wbioh prohibits the further negotiation of tbo bill or wbioh expresses that it is a mere authority to deal with the bill as thereby directed and not a transfer of the owner ship there of ab for example if a bill is endorsed pay d only or vpay d for the account of h qr py n r wrwr fftf mr wannamakbr8 advice tomkine fgood morning tir wanua- toaker i have called to see if you can give me a position in yoar establishment i can turn my hand to almost aoytblbg mr w no we are fall in every department and yon are the twentieth man i have refnied today why dont you take np a line in which there 1s less competition and better pay tomkine id only be loo thankful if you can put me on track of each a posi tion mr w wheo i was twenty years of age i was a stranger an a strange land with neither work nor money when a fxisnd of mine a lawyer advised me to take a book agenoy saying he had educated himself by canvassing like drowning men grasp at straws i took bis advice and in five years saved 15000 and with this sum started tny present business it is just fifty years ago today that mr bradley the founder of the present firm of the bradleygarret son company limited of toronto sent me ray first book prospeotna and to bis beautiful letters and good sdtloi f owe mnnh of myprsssntsoooas yet yonng man if you have anything in yoa there is just as good a chance for yon today with this old established honse aa there was for- me write them and see what they have to offer tom kins i have seen the advertise ments of this firm for agents for years baok and have often thooght of writing them bat have nsver done so i will write today and i am very thankful to yoa mr wannamaker for your good advioe the mini mistake this story is told of a prominent preaober on a hot sabbath as he was preaohlng hs took from his pocket what he tbought was bis handkerohltf shook it ont and wiped bis face intently talklog all ihe time to bis sarprise a broad amlle appsard on every faoe in his audlenoe when he discovered i that what he put in his pocket for a ndhoafchlet was a pair ofbla ilttto thllds drewers the legs ot wljoh sqiivaibie he wiped the pmplration from mi face- ifrfjft u given by hcod sarfaparilla which feeds the nervet toriss the stomaolt and en res all dyrpeptio symptoms n collection a bil is not invalidated by reason only of its being ante dated or post dated or tbat it bears dato on sunday when a bill is not payable on demand the day on which it falls dae isdoterminad aa follows tbreo days called day a cf graop are in every case added to the time of payment as fixed in the bill when a bill is pay a bio at sight or a flxi d period after eight thottmo begins tb run from tbe date of acceptance the aoceptanoo of a bill is tho elgnifioi- tiob by the drawee of bis assent to tho order of tbe drawer ao aoceptance is either general or qualified a general acceptance ansenls wlthoatqiialifioatiotis to tho order of the drawer a qualified houepiaiioo in express terms varies the effect of the bill as drawn when a bill in dtlly preaoiited for aocepthiico and is not accepted on the day of presentment or within two days there after the pernoit present iug it must treat it asdikhonored by noil acceptance if he does noi the holder shall loao his right of recourso against the drawer and indoraeis subject to ihe provfhions of the bills of exchange act a bill must be duly presort ed for payment if it is dot so presented the drawer aud indorserti shall be dfs charged a foreign bill of exchange is usnally drawn in a eel of throe of tbe lama tenor and date and so worded tbat- when ono of the sot is paid thejbthcrbeqpme void- tlie rate of exchange is the rate per cent wbioh is computed on the bills of exchange and- this percentage varies aocordiiig to the relative condition of trade and commercial credit at the two placts between which exchange is mado to flud the cost of a foreign blfl of exchange reduce shillings aud ponco if any to the dcoimal of a pound fterlingand multiply by the rate or exchange example find tho coat of a foreign bill of exobanne in london for 320 ibs od rate of exohange being 9180 320875 multllplfed by 480 equals 165945 plus ooil of bill a youthful pessimist a new england schoolteacher preserves among her treasures the oom petit ion of a former pupil a boy of twelve it has its pathetio side as to tbe moagreness of the boys ilifeae may be ooujootured from his words the snbjeot givon waaautiaipatiou do yoa enjoy it as much as realisation 9 dictionaries were diligently consulted and tbe general vote placed anticipation en a high plane of delight not bo wrote the eolemufaoed boy of twelve anticipation is wben you think about things beforehand if it having teeth out tbatisot mnob fun and if its sunday school picnics you aant help worrying about the weather bealleaiion is when tbe things yoavo thouglikabous beforehand happen having yoar teeth out is a little worse than thihl ing about it sunday school picnics would bo nice if it didnt rain but when it rains they put thorn off and thun the day they have them generally you cant go jausabnown oue lua- liver fill every night for thirty days makes a complete cure of blltouauem and oopsitpatlou that is just 95 cents to be cared isisi iiykfe

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