Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 23, 1899, p. 4

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vvfcji and is it not due to nervous exbaustlon things always look so much brighter when we are in good health how can you hare courage when suffer ing with headache nervous prostratldn and great physical wesknem would you not like to be rid tula depression of spirits how by removing the cadse by taking of iff it gives activity to that carry away useless poisonous materials from body it removes the cause your suffering because it moves all impurities from yoi blood send forourbooki nervousness to keep in good health yon mutt have perfect action of thl bowels ayers pillccure esof stlpihon and biliousness tvwia s osefsm parnate yon would llks to eol uma eralnant bbyaleuuie aboat condition itieawrlta as freely oil parttcnlars in your case too wlh oolve a prompt nptr without oast address tm j o a1wm ancvl youxjagjtgiy ht jtciott jfittt rm fljt ifauiuj folks thj5 street calke uv and by the street called br and ily mb smooth and down a lit 11 it wlndetl and be who start its orookod way muoh caro for trouble flpdoth jbot at tbe entrance la a sign bero pat away endeavor for down the street called dy and by loads t the honso called never i the boase eauied never stands below grim and gnaathly tower whose broken windows shattered roof and ruined tuireta lower vh tie from the casement gaunt despair a warning shrieks takohoedl the street called by and dy leads to tho homo called never i what matter though the street be fair and flowers tempt my strafing though strife be bard and rest be nwoet and easy tho delaying if at the end i sorely find that hope and i most sever when down the street called by and by i reach the bonse called never l eva lovtum independent getting even ii b not atwayti easy to pnnirh a boor without lobina oneti temper but a london paper telle how a bot loud of aaitdra on vhar leave from a mttu of war did it good naluredly and without violence ad ibey journeyed ap the roadway into the corn 1b h village a gentleman s wamou ette passed one of the tare thoughtlecbly opt gic orf there i abouud tlie couebman and beiog a curlih sort of fellow he lashed the sailor viqioualy across the face with his whip that wan enough in an instant the other eleven blnea bad closed round and stopped tho trap the boatswain route in command tention cried he and mention thero was dla- moqnt the gun i ho shouted and u seemed aa though every blurjokot carried a whole oarpenteri ontflt in three minotee they had taken the wfgonette into one hundred and icveoty- ifo pieces sjnd that withool ii moan aa aoratohldr one bit of paint or losing a solitary sorew they laid them all out neatly on the stony road and the bcit- wain a mate after tabpeotfog be job owed gopdi dlaraies 1 no nerd to sutler the agony of hbouiunfiani bniutuja lumbago or neurulkia mil burn a itlieu malic piiib oure joti elteotitcly oure after other remochua prion 50 ceitn all dealers boy made of good stuff sir laid a lad coming down to one of the wlurvas in boston- and add re is to ft a well known merchant have you any berth on your ship i want to earn some thing whit can yon do asked the ren he rn an loan try my best to do whatever i ago pat to answered the boy whit have yon done i bave sawed and split all my mothers wood for nljjh on two years what have yon not done asktd the uaspwlo wm a oueer sort of qaeitioner well sir answered the boy after a moment pause i bave not whispered in lofaool once for a whole year thats enough said the gentleimn yon may ship aboard this vessel and i hope to aee yon master ot ft some day a boy who can master a wood pile and bridle bia tongue must be made of good to the man who dosent tell bis love may please every one eioapt bis sweetheart it gives true life jth mattfln aa 1898 paines celery compound indorsed by physicians as the best spring hedicine women are always looking in tba tilaaa tin m leak id on w t i il in it every cyollat should oarry a bottle of hagyards fallow oil- ik has no equal for taking out inflammation rednolog swelling or relieving pain fries 25 oenta whan ofdoea hunt for men to fill them tbey generally seleot the worst noodles in town mrs joseph langtry brookvhle ont seyst i have used dr lows worm syrup and loan say that it baa dodo my children good it netor fails to aot promptly price 25 cents love may be blind but ths blindness is not oontaglooi it does not retob the neighbors milburvs sterling eeadaobe powders oure ths wont beadaohe in from five to twenty minutes and leave no bad after effect one powder so 8 powders 10c 10 powders 35a shonld that man have bean discharged for stealing a satehsl on lbs plea that he bad ths grip dr lows worm byrnp is a sale anrs and reliable worm expsller aote equally well on children or adults be sure yon ret lows thoss who epssk of ihe limit to human possibility forpjst the great inversions of tbe past hundred yesrs the docto co ation told mr hih he was a dylns man bw south american nervine cured when hope was aban- doned the records aud history of modioloe point to faines celery compound a the moat aaooeaafol remedy ever given to aick and suffering humsnily it ia indorsed by tbe cnsdioal faonlty beoauaa tbey know its formula and bava confidence in its life ftivfotf virtoea painea celery compound works glorious and tnirvellona corps this is the secret of ita anooess and aooounta for ita world wide acd enormona sales it is in the spring time this very month when men and women are wsak nervous rheometio nanralgio dyspsptfo bave headache kidney and livsr troubles and blood that is slujtglah and im pure that tbe great medicine should be need to restore nervous energy rich blood healthy digestion natural appetite and aweet refreshing sleep ihb winter has been time wherein men and woman have stored hi health instead of keeping tbe body sound clean end fall ot true life the nervn blood snd digestive orgsns must be fed nourished and cleansed by paine celery compound if trpo and lasting health is looked for at this time we honestly urge the use of the modiolus that has restored thousands to foil and robust i health- after medloai skill and ordinary medicines failed one bottle or painea celery oomponnd will convince you tbat yon bavs found a true friend and helper many a man thinks be ia a martyr to nppleaaant duty when he ia elmplr doing wba he legally snd morally is obliged to do tils tbe ssfe plessant and effectual worm killer mother graves worm exterminator nothing erjneale it procure a bottle and take it home tho result of n postponed lnoioatiori to be oharitable la always the erae a l g prof j w croutsr writes from pene tangulabene i was troubled with palpitation of tba heart whloh became very eevere hearing of milonrud heart and nerve pills i determined to lr them and after taking tbem for about a week i was oored n ths prebent ia oure bnt while wo are deciding what to do with it the future cornea and atiatohea it away from ue chronic derangements of tbe stomach liver and blood aro speedily removed by tbe aotlve principle ot tho ingredients entering intothe composition of farmeleea vegetable pills these pilla act specifically on the derauged organ etimulsting to aolion lh dormant energies of the system thereby removing dieease and renewing life and vitality to the afflicted in thia lies the great aeorel of the popularity of farmeleea pills beautiful bcenery is seldon very good tor agricultural purposes itja the doad flat monotony of tbe prairie that gives the food supply of the world saved the baby dr towlers extract ot wild strawberry saved my babys life bhe wss cntting her testh and was taken ill with diarrboea very badly my elster advised fowlers strawberry i got a bcttle and it atopped the trouble at once mrs fster jonea warkworlb ont the poor mafces no new friends- lose the old ones prehistob1c mammoth they aooordiog to the latest mall advioea from djiwsou a marvallous discovery hss been jnide on dominion creek klondike a prehistoric mammoth weighing 80 tone oj the 8th of itebruury august troleon a swede and bin partner while working their claims on dominion oreek came aoroaa the mummy remmua 40 feet from the aurfaoe tbe mammoth ia similar to tbose found la ruaaia but perhaps is the only one ever found in a perfeot state ot preservation tbere were no eoieutlats in duwson to make a technioal report of tharemaina bnt the editor of the daweon newspaper gives the following description the huge mouater oonld not be lifted from ita ancient gravp for it weighed from 25 to 80 tons it measured 44 feet 0 inohes ita right tnak was broken but its left tusk wis perfeot so that the right roust have snspped off in tbe fall whluh caused its daath the remaining tuak meaanred 14 fejt 8 inohea in length and 48 inobos jo airoomteronce tbe fleah was covered with woolley hair about fifteen inohes loog and of a greyish blaok color the hindquarters of the mammoth were wsighed in a fashion the improvised koales showing 8040 pounds tbe neok waa short limba loog and atout feet short and broad with five toea irs geo shall ht forest ont considers laxallver pills the best remedy for biliousness if yen have one real good true friend odo la a good many castoria tor infenti and children one- nfter another is coming forwaid and speaking a word in favor of the now family medicine laxallver 111 fa mrs geo small sligo road mount forest after giving those pills a thorough trial thns expresaes herself laxa- livor pills are ihe best remedy i over took for biliousness and as a general family cathartic thoy aro far superior to anything in the market fortlint purpose loxa- liver pills are mild in action harmloaa in effect and do not weaken the system they act promptly on the liver tono up the digestive organs remove un healthy acodmulauons and out short the progress pfdiseaso prlo 25c op woods curoa i severest i u coughs and colds of norwfly splllo young or old quickor than any other re- syrup ttody p 2flo 13 my blood pure tina is a question of vast imporlanqo to all who wibh to bo well if your blood is i npure jou aannot expeot good health unlurs jou bejhi tabling hoods barsapa- rillu at on o this great medioipe makes tho b ood pure and puts tho system in good bealib ouroa sprinj humors and that tired foal it g hood a pills care tiaunea aick head ft cl bllliousness and all liver ills price 25 outs a good ohuroh supporter is not one who upholds it for ins own alvantage jrippesjlegacy shattered nerves and weak ened hearta st jobn lady tells atout it mrs john qulgley who resides it 30 shonffst st johnn b stfttea bonio timo ngo i was nttackod by a sovoro cold which entleil np in a bnd nttnek of luo grippe since tliat time i have never regained my health tioingneak nervous and run down r al euftored very much from indiges tion accjipiiittfitfpn of gna in tho stomacn bnd wnsiirrrimobtrconatantdistrcas i- doctoi cd with some of tho best physician in tbib elty hut got no rohof until i bogan lining milburns heart and nere pills nnd am plonsod to say that they havo completely cured mo my appetite is i ostorod my norvous system hns been toned up to its oldtime condition and i havo no naoro trouble from the indigestion and can eat any thing i choose i am only too glad too tebtlfy to the merits of such a marvellous remedy as milburns heart and nerve pills for the cure of nervousness henrt trouble indi- gesfeionreto pnco 60c a box all druggists when look furnishes the danoera aro always numerous a practical joke children ujfirooiate a practical jcke qb koeulyaa thoir elders a ohicaso father tells of a game recontly discovered by hib httlo glrla which illuntratca this f int one night labt week thoy had auhildrens party at hie kouso and ho wub upstairs keeping out of tho way when his uttontion was attracted by a plsrciog scream follow of laughter ho listened and soon heard another ory of alarm followed by the aarao hilarious uproar his curiosity being aroused ho prooeeded to investigate and found that a aeorot booiety wub being formed and that tho now m wero being inltititod ouo tit a time by tho ubo of a boffiaienrjy potent faiaword ha taiued aocoae to tho lodge room and found tlireo httlo girlii seated m a row on cbiira one bad her left foot curled up under her and jubt aa ho entered tho grandmuattr was was pinning io tho edge of her skirt a black htookintf btuftad with paper with the foot enoabed in tbe blipper tuljen from tho bidden foot the next applicant for membership wna solemnly ushered in and tom to gra9p tho left fodt of fluoh of the three girla aud ive it a pull the first two received hearty ugp but the third leg came off in tliespplioante hands who after gazing at it far an inataot in horror dropped it with asoream louder than the one whloh attraatcd tho mans atlonuon and so it goes fair to hobeon kissed 478 women at day mpnday a newspaper chorus of men on tuesday- little fool i baout kissed any womeu ut all hobnontf interview in weilneudtiyd news papers chorus of womeu on tlmrsiay hob- aonta littlo fool a perfect remedy forconslippg tion sour stomachdiairfrer wonnsconvuisionsfcvbrjsh ness and loss of sleep mr w j hill a wellknown man in braoebride out suffered for years from liver trouble dtipepsia and nervous weak ness hs lays h jtrled nearly every remedy in the market whloh claimed to meet hfs case without i access he was told by a physician that he was a dying man he beaan taking booth american nervine and found almost immedfale benefit from it use he coo tinned using it and today says he woe id stake ma life on this great remedy aa a care for all like sufferers to myeelf hold by a t brown if yoa have to be rid of a man loan hltn money bells disappeared mrs james elliott white p o ont writes last full whltn j was threahliig bwoame troubled with b dlr which ros o bad i bd to quit work i started taking burdock blood bitters and before i bad finished one bottle the boll entirely dieappesrad first love can never come to man or woman a second time too cant tell yon dont know when the bough will atop the ooogh of consumption has just aoh a beginning take ssotte emolstou now while tbe dough is easily managed if virtus were practised by all who admire it we should bave a world ot angels hagyards yellow oil care a sprains bruises sons wounds cute frostbites bllblaiiitritidbfinmotbrbiiifiw7boaidfl contusions etc price 25 cents tbe man who fails and does not pay may uvo to fall another day t k i i why is it that nearly all aged persons are thin and yet when you think of it what could you expect three score ytjars of wear and tear are enough to make the digestion weak yet the body must be fed in scotts emulsion the work is all done fhat is the oil in it is digested all ready to be taken into the blood c body rests whtjelthe oilfeeaiund jioiir- jjkwi tv istl ff we were as sure of our neiithbors itoodness as we are of our own our neighbor would be almost as rood aa we are tbe cuakhidb and whetzmg of persona troubled with bronobltis or asthma is szceuivaly haunting to theirmlas and to others dr thomas edlsolrlo oil tbratt i often think tbst fata gives n mocb that we dont expert in order o deny ua seniethink tbas vre really waut take twill purify tea sjstamtjlte jrop atrsnfth aad assrnr suot for and wlltnl eii mrfly- epeedlly and la a baulftn remrdy ismeneeiaore injurlea piles kidney spinsl troablss ik is quite likely that if whisky masqueraded under tbe name eilraot of urain it would be admitted with favor to many more houaeholds deaths olobb n for twenty years mrs roadhouss waa a stibjsot of dread heart olaease dr asrnaws ours for the heart uava her relief in teeethan half an hour very few people escape the enervating influence of spring ncather there is a dullness drowsiness and inaptitude fpr work on account of the whole system being- clnggcdupavith in tire itoadbouae of v71llloroft ont la fiftyfour year old for more than tweply yaarssha bad beau a great sufferer from heart dlasass the pain and ptpitt llou at times lasting for ave hours snrl so acuta that often aha wished for daath that tbe night find relief from liwsaffertnsi si wtrsbfe sejdl puntlcs accumulated during the winter months the liver is sluggish the bowels inclln- d to bo constipated the wood impure and the enllra organism is in need of a thorough cleansing or all spring- medicine burdock blood bitters is the best it stimulates the sluggish liver to ac tivity improves thonppotito acts on the bowels and kidnoya purifies nnd enriches the blood removes all poisonous pro ducts and imparts new life and vigor to those who are weak and debilitated jtlf r mr h hpbum writes oils from centralis optr u can ntiii blood mrx l ntclrte on the sited boljs come but on my bod ordnmmewaa mueb omr rl nnl b bnl it w the postmaster in a little country town aaabes more traneledt aorrow or happlnesa than be wonld oare to remember there never was and never will be a universal panacea in one remedy for all ills to which flesh is heir the very nature of many ourativea being euoh that were the germs of other and differently seated diseases rooted in the ay stem ot the patient what would relieve one ill in tnrn would aggravate tbe other we have however in quinine wine wben obtained in a sound unadnlterated state a remedy for many and grievous ills by its gradual jndiolous use tbe fralleatjyatonn are led into con valescence and atreoflth by the influence which quinine exerta en natures own restoratives it relieves the drooping spirits ot those with whom a chronic stole of morbid despondence and lack of interest in life it a disease and by tranqniluing the nerves disposes to sound and refresh ing sleep imparls vigor to the aotion ot the hood whloh being stimulated courses throughout the veins strengthening the healthy animal tunotlons of the system thereby making aotlvlty a necessary result atreogthenlng the fra a giving ufa- to the digeative orfjans whlos naturally demand inoreaaod sabatanee reanlt im proved appetite northrop a lvman of toronto hvo itwen to the pnbllo tbair quinine wine at tbe uual rate and guaged by the opinion of scientists this wine approaohea neareat perfection of any n tbe market all rirunaibta aell it in most things it takea two men to do one mans work one makee the other sells that thh ifacsimile signature of- promotesdieuonciieeirius nessandhestcontalns nelthef oprurrtmorptilne nor mineral not nahc otic xbvecfotdxsiimvapaxmm xmjam sat- is on the wrapper of eveey boirjlltfi olf soold shapely tvmuir co limited fbrantford ont and a complete line of tarm implements and all kinds of repairs t my absence mr john t elliott whe resides on the property will attend to the wants of customers john mcqueen you can get it a parlor suite a s if a man thought as ill of himself at 10 o olock- at night whon be uoeb tb bed as be does at 4 in the morning when he awakea hed never go to sleep therhs always hope brtshts disease arttt kindred klcl- ney troubles have lost theur terrors south amerloan kid ney cure wastes a suooeasfol war the above is the nnmo and trndo mark of tho oriftltml kidnoy pill tho only reliable kiduoy pill thoy woro plnood on tho ranrkot by mr james donn eingsvllle ont feb ruary 1885 long before othor kidney puis were thought of their phbnomonnl suecoss in all parts of tho world as woll as in canada has hronghtrth many imitations tnlco notelngftfiaffliab anamo that looks or sounds like d0ans always ask for doans kidnoy pills tho pills that quickly and thoroughly cttio nit kindn of klduey ills nftor othor remadlos fail a bedroom set an extension table a lounge a stand a mattress and springs or any other article in furniture requirements at a living profit only all goods delivered undertaking in all its branches calls day or night attended coffins delivered prices to suit every ones needs railway timb table iuimi timmt uailvtat noma wfbt rail 10 2 i3 u flfi p aoilta ast mull 7 1c p ul rximsb fcs 6 ss rr w1 o upm 10 os p ni tlmk or clobina ua1lr going v crt 0 40 a tn and 0 co p m going cult 10 2uam ands 60 pm tbli tlmo tablo wont into octcct ou monda may lotll isoij acton- livery bus linp ipootf ully soitoits the patron rand inlomqs thorn that the undoralgned jd ago ot the pud well equipped and stylish rigs can al ways be secured athlsbttablos a oomfortaula bus mfieta traizu botwoon 9am and 818 n m careful attontlon given to every ordor tho wants of qommerolal travel lers fully mot john williams fnopiuetob main street planing mills acton ont john arcfilfect and cameron contractor manufacturer of saab doors frames moeldlnga in all atyles dressing and moulding to ordor on abort notice will asiorted atook on hand at prices toenl tbe tlmas john cameron proprietor stoves tinware eavetroughing tho latest designs tn coal and wood hsatlntf and cook btovos easy manago obyonfaol tlnvraro in profusion of best quail at low prices orders taken for avo trough tug to b put np when desired call and k nrloes tjoneral jobbing promptly done mra j a pannabecker seoords blook aoton cooper akins the tailors j a speight co acton r a yonng man atnd in for the rnlhl and the son of a wollknown asstern merohant dropped into a drug store and in a vary discouraged mood said to tbs proprietor i am quittiog my studies and going homo to i know nor what my physician says i bave brights dlseaae and can pot pursue my studies that drugglet knew from experience the almost miraculous oure in his own oase made by soui h amerloan kidney oore ho recom mended it to the young man and in less than a month he waa baok to his atudies asan a perfeotly oared man south american kidney oure is a liquid kidney spooiflo bold by a t brown the fellow who isnt atrong enough to kill his competitor alwo hsa for his motto liie and let live fever aud aoue and bilious pcraiiko menta aro positively cured by the uee of parmelees fills they not only oleanae the atomaoh and bowels from all bilious matter bnt they open the excretory veeaels aiualns tbem io pour copions effusions from the blood into the bowels after whloh the oorropted maas ia thrown out by the natural passage of the body they are uteot as a general family medioine with tbe beat results w e are going to make suits up at a big reduc tion during this month in t make r of ou spring stock soifyou need a suit or overcoat now is your opportunity during this month call and inspect our stock prices will be right and all work guaranteed first- class and up to date cooper a akins main st acton pieasan 1 fror fleii i nd t rome work nd woman day or evening t 36to 4ts weekly no canviwsiiifr or ex perieuce needed plain ins ructions tod trorl mailed on pplication address- mbnoftlal company london ost k mpaifarcsskgamwtuisvab twmt maf la taka nctwi rlrim rrtta mr mutaw iw bj alumina tklmmtti at iwq ma who ever hoard ihe riillintf atone oomplaio because it atbored no moaa is it not proud of its beautifully rounded hape and certainly no one ever called it a moieback tbe tact which we nas in our doaliogs wltb ethers isn t io b compared to that whleh we have to exerohm in order to be op good terms with enrselves cholera and all summer complaints are so ijoleh in tbtir aoilon in their action that ths oold hand ut death is upon victims before they are aware thai danger is near it attacked do not dehtyl in itaitlbg the proper medioine- try dots of or jj d kslluans oyaantsr oordlslaod yob wfll net immadlaw rtlief likutjtsvith wbodtrlul rapidity kud never wis to tfleet a cure i i we8re koadcd i i switm a rutl stock of wyeths adnjt extract 1 its tub rj0ht kind however wpaum motbiertb it htbe bet ic lmidiitc3n ccplm ittluw of nlllc and reoglhens tho yitiola beaten ctllldiatr jt mcs te tittle ones utajuiyani atroas bwyalmpul it lii rcicalilretonlobeter- lisje olvllnr strenrlh nrd inp to tbe system yand thua heilns ro vt ow or iho illneaa of wiwtever nature it may le jjwa1pbsftc t it t rakec j a relish for if jfeoahicte ws a rllteslivcand fortlles and i ft vjanjrjbena aho syttem vi rutu dczen eaeo hi is t bsovnr bsbut dmsguy a bright business man may say that he cannot explain news paper advertising but he will find it harder still to explain it away it is here and doing profitable work it is for you to determine what it may do for you 7 v i w to 5a jrlasmrmseisirbua jhietbroaewayl rwrnvfauril you want th mcmulleus fenclri fchcapeat sbd nettings oom- s no others do these two qnafftles enclnirs at speclsl low trices all dahellee cheap mcmullens are be inttdualsd for poultry yards trellie iwn fences ask your hardware mer it for momullems goods if you cannot ofblwrrttetotiie manufaclurers at ton out w to ttiif b oinmimwilif evuxients montreal cragentfortuilway fencings- luvern ai smii iskaten or mei zm fjnmv pouorrons qtfl mmhanfcmt jnrinfnt tqirtsehalo dehool ft rut tn t u liaebt nitatxtw amoctrllnn inniosn wsttr assoeut0tt w th dit v aur m pct hiir iiaebtlenta

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