Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 30, 1899, p. 1

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volume xxiy no 39 aofojst oyt a ttait irflft price tulieu cents ijt qttan jfm press ib fodubixsn every thtjnsday morning xt tbi froorrcbbsteamrrlntlnrollco viimi street aoton ont tonus or boniaairtion one dollar per year striotw id all bubsorlptlona ditcon- jnzi rrbstronc tluao pud hi when tbo- time for which they bave been peua has quired the dato to whidh every subiorlptloulspaid in denoted on the address label ahvxbtiaixa ratestriuibloit advertise meats 10 cents por nonpareil lino for first in sertion 8 oenta per lino or eaclf edbtdfjijont insertion contbact rates the following table shows oar ratoi for tbo insertion of ad vortiso moots for specified periods in carriages and- bfa0k 1 t 6 ho 3 xfo 2mo unob vr aoooo 88100 8000 600 3500 9000 1100 sm aooo 1100 roo aoo 700 aoo bso 100 advertisements without speolflo direction will be laiertod till forbid ana ahsrged accord ingly tanaient advertisements moit be paid loaaanoe advertisements will be changed oncetosoh month- if desired for changes of toner tbn snoe a month tho composition mutt be paid for atregolu rates ohiiiffea for contract adverubemonta xnast be in the offloo by noon on tuesdays aoconnts payable monthly h pmoorb editor and proprietor wall er tjib traders bank of canada capital authorized capital paid up sloooiooo 700000 ijottrg cuelph branch wo are now iosultui money orders payable at par at any branch or oharterod dank in canada excepting tbo yukon district at tbo following sttsiittss 8irafcirp tohn m macdonald m d c m stjcczbsos to j f ubkn m r rvith ceilings and borders to match fine combinations all for 1899 we have the choice of the market at days bookstore guelph days aelfs cheap filuto 820 20tofiu0 eaotoeao scants joconto- lscants 14 coats eiqhest ouitbent rates of interest j aid po sums deposited of 1 and upwards ntertst allowed from dato of doposlt to date of withdrawal and paid or compounded half year advanoofl tnftdo to responsible farmoro on thlr own namos at tho lowest oarront rates no charge made orcolleoting sales notes if payable in guolpb a gonflral banking biiinesa tranoaotod a jf h joneff manager speight brady manufacturers of 0 m ofboo and robldenoe corner mill ft frederick btrectlaoton oxtleo hours 6 to 1030 a t to 0 pm m 1 to 2 pxn and tr 1 j r forster hdccehbon to dr a h elliott lato resident pbyaiolan and surgeon to vic toria hospital for sidle children toronto oraiob mill streetlately occupied by dr elliott dynamos electrjc motors water ifotobs aasolzme ami a as j ohn m bond co linoleum and matting department we have just received s1rte lar f hi castings to order repairing promptly done georgetown ont ttvr pryden j2tb eab thjioat ud kobb hook dooglat hi nearp 6 guelph onrxps houbb 10am to 1 pm and 3 to 6pm sundays 10 am to 1 pm dental li bennett lds dentist akobobtown owtxbjo jcoghlan dds1 ds a- dentist orkoabxruuydonls foiobb xodbuutb onrjqx ovan bnowna dana 8tobb boons evebt day fnof 9 to 8 cash paid for farm produce of those popular japanese mattings good variety of patterns this is a clean tidy healthy floor covering when you are in guelph call and see them butter eggs pork- onlons poultry etc apples wanted aikenhe ad produce co o parsons acton manager ont acton livery jm bell dds lds dbkt1bt bsooxviub honob oluduatb op tobonto tjhtvxxujitt work made satisfactory frioea moderate vibxtino datb monday afternoon oamp ballville tooeday acton ofqco olarka hotel friday bockwootl lxoaz m cleanamcleah barristers solicitors notaries oonveysutoers o private funds to loan offloe town hall acton wmamoluh jho a molkab busline thennderslgntresdeouallyiolioltathepatrod age of ttao publloaod inionna them that wall equipped and btfuih bigg can al waysboseotxred athiistablei a comfortable tins meets trains between 9 am and 818 pm oarefol attention glyentoevery order the wants of oommeroial travel- lersfnllymet john wjlliatts paofatbton john m bond co- hardware quwfr forget fs uskot if you want artists goods wall paper mouldings pictures frames canad for our canada strong fab and free wboie sceptre stretches fir tlioso bills look down on either sea and front the pouritar not for tbygreatneii hardly known wjde plains or mountains grand hut as wo olsjm thee for our own wo love our patlvo land god bleu our mlgbty forest land of mountain uke aod river thy loyal sons from strand to strand ffi sing canada forever wrapped in thy daeiung robe of enow we proudly call iheo ours wo crown tlieo when the south winds blow our lady of tlie flowers t wu lovo tbiy rainbow tinted ikies tho altttaour of tbyspriu for ur thine autnmni gprgeoai dyos forubttfaysongblrds slog for us thy broodiogiummer wakes tho cornfields waving gold tho quletputaroa aiure lakoi for us tbelr treasures hold to as eaoh hill and dale la dear each rook and itream and glen thy scattered homes of kindly cheer thy busy haunts ol men our siros tbelr old traditions brought tbolr llros or faithful toll for home and liberty they fought on our canadian soil quebec to as is sacred still nor less la lundys lane long may a loyal people fill tbolandthey fought to gain saxon and colt and norman we haob raco its memory keeps yet oer us all from sea to sea n ono redcross banner sffottps long may our greater britain stand the balwarjc of the free but canada our own dear land our flrntlovei for thoet miu ai jfaciur fidcll kingston 1st prise jkaontroar witness competition ftikd jfamuy rniiing tbe id anthe jsew an easter tale beln and a obilda laugh ibrlll nndaweet outalretohed hand to weloomo bio and floated in with tbo snnibine ljirehrel with a amiie of pardon on her pare pale life i the whole air waa beating with life faoe but ehe wai in bil avrma before he life in ita ucwot moat attraotivo garb knew abakan with aoba ber obeek pruned stirred with i know npt what etranre and ainit bla brcaal and what waa lhlahe waters bros vnbroham strsfflst guelph new store stoves lleds dy elspbt1i 0 uohay mrs biuouir stood at a window jn bar pretty hoaae lelearely drawing on hep gloves she vrss waiting nolll tho first stroke of the bell for good friday aorvloe should full upon hoc ear nd in tbu meaotime she regfttded with langatd intereflt the people passing and repaasldg bef ore ber door tho ftir was fqll of ibe premonitions of iprlontb rilling with resplendent lunahino add tbs preludes of eong birds the wind brushed the bonjgbi of the maples somy together as thoogh to waken the palsing bods wjthfn the very faces pf the posiersby- hd been tbnohed by the as ma myiita hand nd inoiled batik bbmetbiog of the spirit of awakepiokhfe in nature bak tbat bright look was col to be seen on the face at the window it was pale insorotable almost haughty in its reserve and tbo alowmovlng gray eyes seemed to look oat apon the world with anreoogdiziog gravity an occasional amlle iometimas hovered aropnd the sad pro ad mouth bat it never reached her eyes and aronnd her whole person there lingered an air of inexpressible reticeaoe whenmre sioouir first arrived in tbo neighborhood her appearance had sxoltsd nnabaallntereet she had come qoite softened feeliot the plo face worked oonvalsively befalad its sheltering veil the resonant voice of the minister filled the ohnroh with echoes and in a oarious manner impsrfecl broke noff sentenoes forced their way into mrs sinclairs pre- oodqpled eard henceforth walk not as other gentiles walk having the qoderatanding darken ed being alienated from the ufa uf god through the ignorance that is in them hat ye have notaq learned obriet if bo bo ya have hoard him that ye pat off the old man which is corrupt od be renew ed in the spirit of your minds and that yon pot on the new man whiab after god is crested inriguteoasnesa and true holiness let all otherness und wratb and anger anoxolamor be pat away froni yon withal malice and be ye kind one to another tenderhearted forgiving one another even as god for obristd sake hath forgiven yon the voice ceasod again tbo organ resounded throogh the obaroh and once again the dear voice broke the silence pat off the old man which is corrupt pat on the new man whioh after god is created- in ighteoannebe in after yeara mrs sinclair was wont to ey she never heard tbatefrmon she sat qnite still and deqoroahly her kidolttd band resting on her lap but a carious emotion shook ber aoul to the very oentre for the first time in her self-reliant- life she was hpldiug up her own character for ber own inspection and aompring it with that of another the new maniever before had aha oriticined her own aotions dot from any want of courage or ourioslty but beoanae she imnglued them above orltibtam every action of her life was done from a motive carefully examined and approved her judgments were all deliberate and irrevocable and she jhergelf expected no more than was her duo but in t p revelat a waa orying forgive met ob forgive ma i ovtr and over again it was indeed for both of them a new life that began that happy eaatertido- westminster cbuel school punishments faithf ser mrs fq do fontaine contrihutea to papers a plessipk ono of the southern aooonnt ot the relations still in many oaiee aubeiatidg between the wbite people of tbo south and their former slaves when she herself made a visit south tipt jong ago her old narso travelled one hundred and fifty milettoseo her and oho tells of a nbw jork gontieman one of a yaolitiog party who left hia companions in jadkson vllle forida for a day sod went off to find bin old black nurse whom ho had ndj seen aiube he was a ohild the old woman now nearly eighty hugaed and kissed the society man called him her blessed chile olemaaaa and other endearing names and fairly danced with joy und the man when bis comrades joked him about the matter on his retaro answered well i wouldnt have mieaed that pieasare and the joy itbrougbt to that old sop i for the entire crniac of tho fsithfnuuesb of the bluuki to tbelr roasters families daring the war mrn de fontaine gives several floe examples one family living ou a remote planta tion were told that thrir servants were holding nightly meetings in the kitchen it was feared naturally tbat ibey might he getting ready to desert to the federals two of the young ladies crept softly down stairs to hear what iheoonepiraoy might be tbolr ftars were quickly relieved the eeryants were all on their kneec while one of ttioui was putting up afervbut petition to tbelr fader in beben to bleaa mioils an do children particularly de ybnng mars in de war r a tinae of great distress and deatlta- realized with intense lurpnse and pain how far below the mark of the obristian standard she really oame she had ao prided herself on her unostentatioas rigbteodanesi the good deeds she so con- sinaallyand onletly performed the largo contributions laid upon the plate and in all these she bad honestly thought ohe was serving god in the beat way bat where had been tho bappinsas of her spiritual lire it life indeed ware there she had never had any her heart was cold and orittcal and oho harbored bitter thought- what spiritual lifo oonld thrive in auoh an atmosphere what was bjhtstlb- vhlte mans eyes filled should condemn the follies and frailties of aa heayoawar others the notes of the organ recalled her to onnioloasneaa the benediction was pro- nonnoed and aho mmde ber may homeward her veil wet with fears but a growing resolve in her heart made her foot quiok and firm she took the reiddreseod letter from her secretary and ahntting herself op in ber own room ehe read the pages through her dropping tears pear ran the letter give me one more oh anoe forgive mo i know- it is hftrd for yon to overlook the disgrace i onosbronghtaponyott yo strong at every point how could yon nnderatarid a mans temptations i do not exoubb myself at all bat i havo often wished yoa to know that i did not fall at the first trial ihatta hundred battles of which you never knew before i was beaten i coaldnot tell yon ofthem for yoa coald not anderstand it seemed ao easy for yoa o be good and with me every day was a part of a prolonred struggle but esther god is my witness that since that dark day i have not voluntarily diagraood yoq i have tried to livo a life yoa oonld look ut sod not ooddemn and if yoa never know of it enough for me that it has been so when you left me i felt that my life might welj bayo ended there but with the desperation of ft drowning man i turned and olang to god and i am a new man today for the help x had oonld you not forgive me too not fully yet i do not expect that i do not even hope you will let me see you only write one word and let me know yon dan recall me with loss bitterness than before and then in the future aqmstime perhaps when yon have proved me and found me worthy you may give me the old place byypnr side and we will begin a new life together if nqt if theie lines may never meet your eyes i shall still bo a better man for bavldg known you esther the lovely easter time has oome againdo yoa remember tbo ihtlfl obaroh at borne i felt i mast write you once more perhaps i keep saying you will road this letter tboogb yoa roturnodtbe other two but i- will not trpabla you sgainonly god bless yon my wife wherever you may go tbo latter fluttered to the ground for a mpmentpale and moved mrs sinclair atood gathering the last jtragmenl of ber pride around ber aod then let it drop foreyr she sank down tremblidgly upon her knees god be merciful to one a inner i burst from her softened bears the little maid kept rlnglog the dinner- bell do wuatairs wondering at her mistress tardiness 8ho had vsgae v notlona oi rushing upstairs to see what oonld possibly soooant for so rare a breach ot observance when mrs sinclair oame down very slowly and softly hon after the war an old slave appeared before bis former master with a lot of pfo- vialous uassa he aaid it nearly break my heart toseeydu an ole mlstlo in dla ole ehantyv but it would break iirely ef i knowied yoa was hungry and oonld git notbin ter eat but i oannot take these tblnga from yop said hia exmaster and leavo yon and yonr family to starve no danger ob dat peters used ter helpfu hisaef an dat massa you nebber oonld dp nor ole mis either with tears werad i may live to repay you peter lor ease massa youa done that already yons took care ob peter a good many years an ts sure its bin turp to take care ob you and olo mis a yonng woman who had already lost her husband and fortune waa suddenly bereft of ber only child a little girl shortly after her death old bea who bad been in the family sinos boyhood entered the room with a handful of white roses tbo mother sat beside the oooob holdlog one of the little hands in hers the bureau of education exhibited at tho atlanta exposition a set of drawjne to illustrate tbeorubl punisbmonts former ly iuflioted on the pupils in the aoboole of america england ahd other ooontrlea in new england sohobls the conviction prevailed that a body toughened by ferrule was the best soil in whioh to roar the tender thought eton in old england was as famoqb for itsflogglngsaaits schol arship in scotland the lawaev a leal her strap out at the end into thongs taught the young idea bow to shoot several of ttie picturea of this mbrul niiaeion exhibit are publtshetlini the new york suit along wilh explanations that nake the reader ab udder at the oraejiite once allowed in pablio sohoou a very soverp punishment reported from connetlout waa seating the anlprlt on the end of an upright log of wood the log by rtason of its email diameter formed a most uncomfortable aeat and at the ond of half an hour the seat became a poeltive torlure the same may be stid if kneeling on beans which waa reported as a school punishment in georgia holding a stick over the head with both handa gave tbe boy a very bad cramp in tbe shoulders a moat fatiguing purformanue wu holding a book oat at arms length this was posi tively cruel but whenever the boys arm dropped from its horizontal position bo received the gentle reminder of a bwitoh serosa the ifga which made him raiao hia hand tboweikbtof the band und arm itself is enough to bring the arm down to the side in a very few mlnotea but with s book boya have often auooumbed to ibe fatigue an indian teacher reported to the bureau a punishment in uo in indian soboola which consisted in making the boy atand on one foot in the wustcbabket ontil ha toppled over the punlshmenthof tho famous keate master of eton atabliahed a record that has never bean broken on one oocaeion a confirmation uervioe as to be held in thbjobobjndeaxhmoaurwareqaested resutfrectjon a humble plane tbla easter day is pushing forth iron out its tomb gods sunshine warms tbo mollow clay ilin gonial ahowors proparo tho way it lifts its loavos liko hands to pray qod answors it with bud and bloom 6 thou whoso lovo eooms but a tomb a struggling upward to bo xtoo who fragrance daroa not aalc nor bloom but pushlna eager through tbe gloom 6odks for moro light praya for moro room more than thou aikod bo answers tboo eugirdbd with a weight of oaro yet strugsllng upward through tho sod of thy environment by prayer with faith dovout and revront air bo comforted for thou dost bbtro tberesurrootlon thougbtof ood in bis good tlmp hell brealc tby night and loose from tbao the hfodertng clod if thouhaflt fought tho cbrjatian flgbt bolt call thoo upward io to tbp light and thou shalt walk wltb bm in white and live forever with thy qomi ibusinrss eteits csfirncr profit and loss to flod the profit or lpaa on ftooda where percentage of rame is known multiply tbe cost by the rate per cent and divide by ben said aho do you know that little mtao aliqe will have to be buried in a pine coffln i have no money to get any other mot while old ben iibe mis oallne aald tbo loyal old darkey no chile ob maree robert gwlne to de grabe in an ole pine box so saying be kissed the little white white bands placed the roses in them and left the room he went directly to his oabin dressed himself took an old wallet out of a wall worn hair trunk and started in a row boat for oharleatown when ha got there ho went to an undertaker and said i want ter see de nicest coffin youae got suitable for a little oh tie ten yeara ole ho bought it and taking out tbe old wallet soliloquised in tfaia manner marsoltoberf nebber thought wrn be gib de ole man disjes before he gone to do wah dat it was gwlnter buy a oofbo for his little alice but i opuldot look maree bobert and young mlatis in de faop in do nex worl pf i let dat ohilsbe put in spine oofilb the old man bad the oofflo placed in his boat and rowed baok to the plantation with the fwliog that be had done his duty very annoying to send in a list of the candidates in hia form one of them wrote down tbe names en the first piece of paper that oame to band and whiob unluckily happened to be one of the hate medae flogging bills the list was pat into keates hnda without explanation he sent for the boys in the regular way and in spite of all pro testations on their part pointed to the roasters signature on the fatal bill and flogged them all then and there ood day a culprit who wsa due for pun ishment coald npwbtre bo found and the doctor was kept waiting some time in a elate of ooneiderable exasperation in ant evil moment for himself a namesake of the defaulter passed ibe door ho woe eelzad atonoe by keates order and brought to the block as a vicarious aaorifloe thedootor waa always moat oourteoas both before and after his exercise in wblob be was usually assisted by two oollegiavna who held their com pan i one on the block prior to 1880 tho most oommon punish- snauta were rapping on tbo knuckles with a rolpr shaking or obcrning as it waa called earpolling and bumping beads anotber publahment waa forcing a boy to lean over and hold hi8 head under stable soaovero ww i p that ibn arttata example find tbe profit on good that coat 81c0 and are lobld it i 25 profit 9150 multiplied by 25 eqaals 83750 937 50 divided by 100 equals 37 cents profit per yard example find the loan oo goods that cqbt 92 50 and are bold at 10 loan 9250 multiplied by 10 equals 325 00 92500 divided by 100 equals 25 centa loss par yard to find the aehing price of goods to gain a stated percentage add tho percentage ts 100 multiply tho aura by tho coat and divide by 100- example fiud at what price goods mnet be bold to gain 15 if they coat 9130 100 plus 15 equals 115 115 roultipliod by 9130 equala 914050 914060 divided by 10 eqnale 91495 or ojiolliiiinilloer i to find the selling price of goods to lose a stated percentage subtract tbo percen tage from 100 multiply the remainder by the oqbt and divide by 100 example find sit what goods moat be sold to lose 12 j if tboy cost 10 cents 100 minns 125 equals 875 875 multiplied by 10 equals 870 875 divided by 100 equals 875 or 8 cents selling prioe to find the percentage of profit oq goods when coat and belling price are known subtract tho cost from tbe selling price multiply tho profit by 100 and divide by the cost example find tbe percentage of profit on goods which cost 20 cents and are sold at an advance of 5 cents 25 mlnua 20 equals 05 05 multiplied by 100 equals 5o0 600 divided by 20 equals 25 or 25 profit to find the percent ago of loss on goods when cost and eel hog prloo are known subtract tho selling price from cost multiply the loss by 100 and divide by the cost example find tbe percentage of loss on goods which cost 15 cents and are sold at alosrof 2txtllbt 24 minub 125 equals 025 025 multiplied by 100 equals 250 250 dtvidod by 15 equals 100 or 108 loss to find the cost of gooda sold at a profit or iobb when the smonot and percentage of profit or loss are known multiply tbs amount of profit or loss by 100 and divide tbe produot by the peroentage example find tbo cost of goods which are sold at so cents profit if the rato of gain ia 16 80 multiplied by 100 eqnals aooq 8000 divided by 15 equals 9200 cost of goods example what is the coat of goods which are sold at a loss of 25 coots if tbe rate of loss is 5 26 multiplied 100 equals 2500 25 00 divided by 5 equals 9500 coat of goods i a j maokinnon babjubtxb soliorron convetancbb oinioe mill fltroot in matthowa block upstaira tinware b mcleod a basuibtkb bowciron oonvxtamoash main street qoorgetown money to loan at lowest ourront rttea eavetroughing r j mcnabb clerk fourth division court county of- hal on conveyancer agent tfireand life assurance ueal estate agent money to loan eto orrios rerrymans block acton ont miscellaitsops ja bury grist ottawa canada solicitor of patents for invention eto prepares applications for the canadian amer ican and european patent omoea and for the begisbratlon of trade- marks bend for pam phlet thirtytwo years experience cibanoib ntinan i bookbinder wvndbambt ouelpb ontario oterw aeoonxit books of allkirids made to order periodleals ef every desenptlonoarefally bound baliov nsaciv and promptly dons tbe latest dotlgus in coal and wood heating and cook stoves easy manage easy on fuel tinware in profusion of best quail at low prices orders taken for eavetrooahlng to us put up when desires call and go prices general jobbing promptly done j a pannabeeker mrs secorda blook aoton see what you can get at robert nobes flour feed store mlli street acton m abriage licenses n r moobe jusmen oraliaitzaab idoxmsss private qffles kn witnesses riulred issued at lesldeone in the syanlng frmprtsa office aoton w m hbmstbeet llobmbbd auotlomksb for theoountlsf of wsdllnirton and haltcn orderslef tat the faas fasss offloe aetob or stmyresidsnoelnaoton will be promptly at- andadto feaaredaoadto toopfobf also imouet to loan on the moat favorable aomsand at tbs lowest rates of interest in auttaof sjkioand p wards best family flour norvol brand pure manitoba queen allklridspf mill feed all kinds of chopped grain baled hay ohcake another car corn just in hxqbxst fbipxs cash r or 100000 bvsaeis jsacbkdw or oraik we hereby solicit your patronage and would like to buy your grain fhhrris itnniiabr bubbcbnucd s c 1mooq the weluinaton mutual f1r insurance qqmpany batabllahad 1840 qotslph ont hatd offloe eommanloallodi orwardwl tomyaddrm vox na or talpboiia ofly will be promptly attended to tattob agent qnalpb v mocliiue and repair shops bbnbvobtndbiilitroprletor a bb a aanppaa wltt aj the mmblnsrr main street plamm john cameron tresh and clean direct from tbe growers i carry the largest stock and am tho only direct importer of all kinds of 8ekd in ouelpb others not in it tbrke laitgk warbhousbb boskloh retail storo whloli la tho largest outside of toronto call and seo our stock of red clover mtuamoth clotrer ajsjjre clover lucerne clover recleaned time tby orchard qrss red top qrss etc seedoaia seed peas seed barley seed rye seed wneat etc w buy the beat and sell at very olosqprlooa mauiffol heed only threo weeks out from franco also soger beets white carrot c oajwsn and flower seeds of all kinds at out prices geojtaoep the only praotloal seodaman la auelph- marketsq and macdonneli st new h aving decided to go i nto the millinery business i have secured the service of of waverfo who comes highly recommended having had several years of experience further notice as to objjning show rooms over store architect and contactor neoessary tofxaiute all rspalra to caaobln- lplementaandtodo all lorsssboslng and genera ry and agriealtaral mplemenla and to do alt aamtungboibboangandasneral bins woodwork repairs perfonned ifaotory manner vie oaa repair amy or implement of any mase gnmmiiipadd ullng dons allotjiotbbaaiidauiiiui v jittitijrjjfcoji wooasla vlpiiv yirr ail kind of wwir in atookaiid prouptlj dutd toanrpartomhetownt faoni t iardwoodaoaalali ontatoto length lwyi oppam-i- j uanafatqrer ofsaah doofi pnuna afonldiugi lnalltjlw drbssmo matonmo nut kouxdino to order on abortnotloa 711 aiiorted- atook on bana avprloea toanl llium john cameron praprletor imawwutlmmslmluw uptpdftve boilnau vltbpit and prutloe antaagbittaoroqahlalui 14 ealioa itfwtf bae 3ros par isitakbbb machine flnlstiad book papers iiioil obadk wkkk1v niws tho papor need in thli journal la from the mbova milla wm babbbr buos alone and bad rarniabedone of tbe pretty terraced homes in tha locality euia alwaya draaaed io lllack yetnot in widowit wela and for tome time goiaipa war bnaywilh her name where did aha oprne from was her husband aiva and if ao where waa he none of tfaea qaaatloni raaobod urf binolira eara her manner forbade rapid intimacy and even thoae who annooeded in saining friendly aooaaa to bar homo never cijolred tho alighteat know ledge ot her earlier life oradaally tbe wonder died ont there wai nothing ecoentrli in mra sinclair to keep it alive she lived very qnletly ihdeedi and only her rellgioni dotica bronght her at all nnder the notice of other people tn tbeaa ahe waa mosteealoaa and nothing kept bar from attendldg them in rain or aonabioe ahe waa to bo eeen in her pew op sabbath and on the weak day often ainonr the dwelliogi of tbe poor yet none of thoae dntfea aeeemed to ilkht op with any happlneii that pale ineorntablo faoaj tba poor people aha viaited looked op lobar with awe and gratitude bnlrarely confided to her their alrnplt trooblm tha phildren never dared io tonoh hr glovall aithongh ibe imilad lomelimaa invitingly upon them and ber paator often vrondered what lay behind that oalm look which apoke of atredrtb lot never of reatfolneaa the flnt atroko of th ball vibrated throngh the air bat mre blnolalr did not move the poitrnan bad left a lei tor at her door and tbo oconrrnoe waa ao nhainaltbat tha nlart little maid atole a fortivo glanoo at the writing- before aba banded it to ber mlatreai when aba withdrew a corloua qaivr paaaed aoroaa mra blnolaira face again abe aald there waa both oontempt and reatrained paaalon in her voioe foiling off her right rlove aba teated hereelf al a little eoretarjr in her room and eoorlng ont with preolee blok llnee hor own addreel ahe wrote iteadlly another in ita plaoe in tbe aame oartfal way alia wiped her pen alipped tbe letter into her deak and drawing on bar gloves onoe mora ibe made her wa ont into the nnhlna bnt aot1vb solloltora wanted everywhere for tba story of tbabulpplnaa marat halsthd oomjn lailoued by tbe oovernment at outorjratiftvvvrrtmntti a gnat of andden paaalon waa weeping oyer ber aoul bow dare tie write again 7 ahe asked beraalf does be imagine loan overlook the paat or ever iron him again t onoe fallen alwaya down there waa not wanting another voibe more merciful to which in the aame way ahe replied i am glad if be is aorry yea oertaloly i have completely forgiven blto ball can never trail him him again and i want to forglv hlmhih i to forgot all the tannling paal ab i it it not ao fay to forget ae ahe aupped into the pew and knelt deooroaaty idowhin prayer the pest knooked at ber heart for admutanoa and woald not be dedled a voice ibe had loved eonnded once mora in ber ear and a oe ever the dearaalin tha world fluted before btr loner eye bat the reeolotely tried ipj birilh thwe raemorlea jljibaitiywe droway with tbe ragranct of llllire and high np where tht rich windows ware juora aha aaij lrre is a letter i wlah yoa to poet at once i will not need yoa ri dipper very well maam dora aald vfonder- ingly and dora went on mre blnolalr aha bad aealed heraelf and her faoe waa averted wa moil begin and pal the hoaae in order for 1 eipeol a vltiior aoon perbapa tomorrow dora forgot hr mannert completely and alood gaping at the doorway mra blnolalr inroad to her ai tall a faoe tinted with tha color of love albeit bar eyes were fall of tears he may oome tomorrow dora aha aald ultly it is my boiband you ooold have knocked me over with a feather dora aald afurwarda to a friend ma a never knew her holband wmllving 1 and ahe aald ii that voltlike end happy it waa eaay to see ahe llilnka the world and all of blm if very likely haa bean abroad l a fortana for her ii wautha even- lug h andrtt b jnolelr itme hpmt fba mwoia4wjihb anliahejlilkaarlyytlmidmr oped tofleotlyebimb vlfe f hi bad plotnred btr alandng with an englishman travelling in maryland had ocoaalon to inveillgate the running time of traina that through the email plaoe where be waa stopping care fully learohlog a tlmatable he found apparently that there would be an upraia doe al four oolook that afternoon thikngiiahmanwaaon lirna with hit grip and to waa the exprtas train the intending patlenger watched ii approach and thnndorpial ibe nation at f nil apead the traveller waa annoyed and tornlog io a colored man who atood near remarked the train didnt atop flfo air replied the colored citizen oheerfully didnt evtn heataie 4 a tr incid in a oerlain town in north dakota an old itmalanotrman aettler oame lb thi nour mill anq asved to gel floor on credit well stid tbe mlllbwner youre a atranger to me and i oant wary well lei yon have it have yoa a friend here thai will noommend yon j yea eaidbt vi have a friend will who la yonr friend why nld the ofd fellow ood la my friend he jot the floor and noodfeee to y afmrward paid in fall model fainted while the drawing wti being made among tbe moral pnnlihmenta praotioed io pnblio eoboola in aome paarta of the country only a few yeara ago were foola oap and forcing ibe delinquent to stand on a table faoiok the pnpila where if the aobool waa a mixed ooe he frequent ly bad a ootnpanion of thooppoaito se the abame the boy feelaat being foroed to stand in view of all hia oonnradea- with a girl and the embarraaement of the- latter were reported aatartmore effective puniaih- noeotathan the die of therod or thofermle a natural misunderstand- inq whata the matter hero aekod a man who bad jammed into a orowd in front of a pbytialana office loo late to bee what badooourred oh juat a llitlo borap aumo ouo replied bhl what about queried the ouriooa man will aa near as loan gather wld the other it waa thla way a young man jntt railing a red mooataohe oailled to oonaolt the dootor who uvea in there yet well the younk man had a terrible bad oate of dytpepnia yeliiee being a dyapeptio you know he wai naturally touchy of oouree wel after he had told the dootor aoi about hia trouble and ao on he eat back and polled al hit red mooataohe and waited foir ibe dootor to prescribe bxaotly i underatand and whan the dootor told him what to do theyonng man iterted to light aod ibsva all there iiaboat it vbal aee heraaalled ibe onrioaa oaae as tbe other alerted to walk away tbe doctor man have aaid eomethibg io offend tbe young man with the red mouitaotae didnt he oh yea of conrae bnt ha didnt moavn it yon know when he told him to inhaja the fame front the red the ypang mate wouldnt let blm lay any more beoauta be thought the dootor was referring to bla fn p pmit wat absent minded paj xwg happy bbzib illng happy belli of batter time i tbewprld 1 glad io hear yonr eblme aoroaa wtd of metldg tnow the winds of auramaraofily blow aod birds and atreerni repeat tbe ohlme of baatar time itlag happy twlla ol baitarlini i the world takes apyour obtunl sabllme the lord it tlten v the night ol fear htt pataed away and beavendrawa near we braatbi the air of that blalt dime atflaamrtinie blag nippy belli of baiter time i our beppy heart glt back year ehlmel onrljord lirlaenl wdiinomonl heopntwldlh htattnly door 1 ilmawui oi whit tobim weollnib at baatertlme v j 1 lucy larcom lioolarly loaqhy io he promptly knooked ibe dootor oyer and the aorap enmed the dootor waa merely referring to tbe bottle with a red wrapper lying on tbe table bealde him sallaflad now how did you loam all thla atked tbe inqoiellive man smiling im muoh obliged for your information and for yonr hint as to the new way- ot oaring dyspepila perhaps yond like to know that im ibe dootor abd thai i havent been in tbe faonae for three hourw i received a telephone meteago down town that they had bad a email are bat not muoh damage doue and thai ia evidently what has oaoied the orowd aroyou laliined now i ihlnk yon must have eomelilngvworie than dyspepla and with thli parting iho the inqnlaltlve cntp who really waa the dootors walked into thl hqutf the man away routlering ar be did ao might have known be wai a doctor from hlibibotnlug hag oingbl mafrettynloia illlnol try to work any- bodlyitllitway again believe i did amell inmfi-c- j iy t j a tiwlll ion la temporary inapenalon of vocation it ia aaid ihut the extempore playing of the great beethoven wat raarvellona but he waa entirely withont tile ooblneaa and bolfpolaeanou rpquired bv a performer who wiehe to render written oonapoeitlona with accuracy aud noih the same fault was found with bla condudtiog the oroheatra even before bis deafnoat heoftdu ooufuauilthe playere by hia aoddon geeturct at ono timo he waa playing one of bis own beautiful concertoa for piano and oroheatra during a long paaaage by the proheatra while tha plana waa eilenl be forgot hit pohttiou and fanoyiog himaelf oondnotor for the moment be threw out hia arms al a oerlain ohord knocking both the oandlesofmbepiano they were ploked op bat when the paange waa repeated- and the lond ohord recurred he forgot himself again and the aooident happened for the aooond time the audience in apile of their great admiration end respeol for the muter maiioian were oonvnlaed with merriment whioh ao ditgnated beethoven that several alringi of the unoffending piano infferad the oonseqoenooa of his irritation whioh expanded itaelf in a prodigious thomping om k why why itnl toaloty human natnra on drees parade v why iani a herello a aort of mugwump why lant a weather pnignoiitioatar a atormioenler why doet the man who gays in advance pay aa be goat why oant wo hear the bedtick in tbe allenl watcbea of the night why dotent m woman rotemble a piaoo of moilo when ahe ii composed why la it always difficult to find exouees for other peoples rolatakei why arent two persons with an understanding botwoen ibein bnl half witted why are the druggiata profits ao large when hie block is a drug on ibe markal why does the man who ii alwaya talking of himaelf diellko to hear othera talk ot ihemael vet ilia bettor to preserve health than to onra dlseaie tbatefora keep ybar blood pare with hoods sersaparllla and be well mmsmimsmt

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