Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 6, 1899, p. 2

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n au in georgetown on tuesday fllst mrdb to mr nod mr aoorgo ii nosr a daughter woiidmn in erin on iuonky maroh htb kdward vordon agodvflyoar mcciillum in qoorbotowd on monday urd april will lain macolluid agod fij years ilaimiri at hock wood etvrlv tttuiter rutiday inuriiliik apri bug3nf yor itondelf in erfiicalng suddenly on tc ui april tlio vwfo ol francis kuddoll imedbgyoan kmabbotvy at tho hotnti of andrew mam ksa kriu onthursday 30th uarou hyria kdua daughter of edward kingsbury aged s year aud 3 weelta sivaobat tno residence ol mr b hnewman owou hound on friday marob slat martha pirtli beloved wife of liar win savage guoljih aged 70 yearn i taosdey eiq house of commons serious charges triads by sir hlbbort tapper of corruption irs tha yukon mr sifton makes effective reply t tiait vc rss thtjfcsday aerie 6 1899 notes and comments the government hat aunounoed that it will impose a tax on all mining oorpore- tlons dealing in properties outeldo thle province who sell atook in ontario tola it a blow at bo mo of tha british colombia companies mr andrew paltullbm p p has passed bis bill making it compulsory for municipalities to take a vote at tbe annual election or any other timet on all qoeellons of granting eiomplions to manufacturer a twothirds vote for the elebtora will be neoebsary the attorneygeneral iotrodboed an amendment co the muoloipalael by which a town that haa bean robbed of an industry by another town nay tekopro- ooedings to quash the bylaw by whiob indbcemedts havebeen extended to the raauufaatarer heros a new way to make engagement with a teaoher at the laat meeting of the milton bobool board if wn moved by thoe mcdowell seconded by d m harrison that mile edna barber be engagadto teaoh the primary department at a salary of one dollar a day for each teaeblog day and carried the death in rookwood on sunday of mr john rloherd harris baa been remark ed as strikingly oolnoldent with tba keen loss aoton suffered a year ago in- the lamented death of the late w h btorey both were selfmade men tbe founders of important mannfacturing establishments aterilug in their business probity and honbredby oomninnitlea ia wblobrnhflr lives had played enoh important parts stayner ia evidently nuking satiafaqtbry progress towards the consummation of lie munloipal waterworks sobeme the isiif says everything in connection with the waterworks fioes on flourishingly the water baa been analysed in toronto abd the seoretary of the provincial board of health has written thai it is remarkably pore in every particular the words of tho first advocate of the system have come true in the two moat important particulars t the contract bae been let for lees tban the nnni specified in tbe bylaw the witter haa proved lb be tbebeat in the country ontario leads jn reoognlaibg the valne of agricultural eduoatlon a bill introduced into the legislature by dr boss rnlnister of education making the teaching of agrioulture in the pnbliciohooli oompnleory after sept 1 1890 is now a law ednoa- tora in canada are oonvlnood thatrnobh good will oome from this step and feel that a substantial advance has been made school boa rdsareauinorlsed to employ qualified persona to teaeb sgrloolture iirmlhl hy lifn rnlrlj a ottawa april 6 the feature of the week has been the ewoepiog ohwrgee hy blr hibbert topper iu a auven hours speech last tbnraday- of maudnnnlstra- tionantl corruption in tbe yukon the ohargea were upon general linee and reliable proora were not given mr tupper explainioif iht to give of inror- mantawoald let prejudicial t the bunlnera intereajs of tboae oonobrned the apeeoh created quite a furore bnt the failure to give proota and the departure of mr tapper for britlih columbia before the minister of the interior had opportqbldty to reply bat discounted its effeol very inatrrislly hon mr bit ton replied to the charges in a sixbout speech after the faster reoess on tuesday he mads m strong defenos of the governments policy and the opnduot of iu oflloiah in tbe yakon and look up the ohargol ntabycf them indefinite made by mr tapper serlatum and answered thein with oonyloalng facts andprobh blsspwbh hi saldi tbe- floyern- menl is reiponsible for tbs administration of the tnkon with reasonable jndgnvent promptness ancidillgenoc it does not claim to be pemeot nor to be omntiolenl it does not claim to be able to see into tha bearti of men working in aremots regibb to be able to judge not oiily of their actions bntbttbelrthopftbti and motives but it does claim to have exercised care fore- tbodght and iillgbnbe in the selectlorj of ofbbiali and in tbe framing of plans and instructions cobjtldoa joxtxkpi the election for the domlcloq hon se-in- the oily of winnipeg will take place on aprtfadth theqovordmedt bat under oonildera- tlon tbe withdrawing of the greater part of the troops f ronji the yoken there are sos bffloere aid men on the oodtingent about 78 wlllllkelybe left at dawson and tbb remainder recalled 0 guitar solo ik daett rockwood our foriembst oitiseb is gone and this oommnnity monrns the iota- of our most prominent bnsinesa man and employ er of labor and of an upright houeal oonalatenwobrlauin man john rlohard harris is dead mr john b harr the well known i inbaiideaeent hglit hy similar legislation is contemplated in tbe united scatea and ontarioa praotloal application of this law will be watchrd with intereal american jgrleuunrm newport kl provinci par the session prorogued saturday afternoon by llful-aover- normowi tobohts april 8- the ontario leglala- tore was pforogoed h batarday afternoon by sir oliver mowal the prooeedlngs wore of a veiy formal obaraoterj and ware witneated only by a oomparatively small number of peraoniv his honor olad in bis gnberoatorial nniform rrired with characleriitio pnnbtualily attended by hia private- secretary tmmanderlairi and hie a d 0 lisnt elroslsy of the boyal canadian spragrasblr wrwit mowal appeared to have lumoat reooared from his reoent spell of slclrnjbh supported bltnself as be walked in and out of the ohimbe upon a vstobtvalkibg stiok hli honor was rsoeivea at tb main entranb to the- parliament bniidings by a gturd orhpnori oontpoeed of loflm from the i8th highlanders undsr the oommand of oapt mlbhle creacent lacro club the- lrjhaibivvira intenttonsoftka club the comin ssa tothccuixattfaiion i- the minagement of tha creacant ijuitosse dlobwieb to inform yob in brlaf of the eland tbey are taklbg in patlinj oor team in the oa b forthe- bomlng sasson yonr support vis intend tbat yon ebail have implicit oonfldenoe in tbs ability of lbs management to carry the club tbrongh a auooasaful oampalgn we and tbas dnrlpjg tbesommer months onr town wobld be a dojl place wltbonl whoieaomet of some kind end kdowinjfthat we bays the material fcere t win and thai aotonfans are lovets of onr natlonaloanw we hmelobbrrad the reepouaibilily of bringing forward tein aud hope tb alii th atippnr nf oltlxen j x we intend tbat lbs creacents shall be an honorto aclod and with ihle end in vlsw the team shall be managed under strictly xowdylimiwearing or immoral oouduot of wnymvitljinowvi luporti wllibe pabllsheodbblhly in the i fsx paxas sboirigtheflnanow standioii of the eiuh anitnbobki- will l bpenat all times fb rneiiiilri -seoreiaryi-piaos- that e as ji proprletor of the eookwood woollen mills died at bis home here early easter banday rnorning alter an illneat of several weeks the deceased bad only been confined to tbe bouse about two weeks and thbngh it was evident from the first that he ooold not reooter all the relief that the beat medioal kill ooold devise waa procrtred the oause of death is soppoaed to be the resolt of grippe it settled in his head and he was paralysed and nnbonscibbs alnoe fri day morning tbe whole commnoity baa felt atnnned at the death of this useful and uniyeraaliy esteemed resident mr harrle was a native of eookwood born there in 1s97 and waa the eldest son of tbs lata john harri who oame to canada from oonoty cork ireland and settled at bookwood away back in the ahlrtiea the mother of the deoeuedwas jane weatberald a slater of the late bev william wethemld fonnder of the pnee famooe bxwkwood academy mr harria er died isyeara ago last deotmber tjilrtytwo ysars i sgo tbs bookwpod woollen mill were setabltshedb deceased in partnarsblp with two brothers in 1887 he became sole p sad has cbndnot ed the bnsldeeswith tbs asslitance of hli sons slnoethoniih tbs atvlabf the grrn haa eastbr m conobrt knox churoh pilled to the doore oh monday evening at their ilret visit to aotoiiluoonneotlou with the gaeteruonctay qunoerliii knot ohnrob prof nnit alias kelly were aooordet a moil cordial reoepllon llie bhurob being niled iu the doori with un appreciative audience in their varlobe numbera llie aeleotipna wure varied in char- auter and all pleasing ojr george hyodi in bis neual bappy manner presided after eiuging the loug metre doxolosy and prayer by the paator the following programme waa given by prof kelly and hie sifted daughter i song will utile wlii prof kelly 9 duett mandolin end guitar mies kolly andprof jtolly 8 ljodgtbe march of the oamoron men frofkelley 1 oni tar solo prot kolly 0 duett ouitar and uandolju rrotand alius kelly s bongtbe old oborah beugultaraoootn- panment kelly t duett uandolln aud oultar mlaa kelly and prof kelly 8 eons- im getting old im tblnklns prof kolly bpanlsli betreat prof kolly 0nltar and afaddolln 1rof and aliaa kelly ii bong a hundred years binoe i was a boy at 8eeprof kelly in addinn to the above prof and hiai kelly responded generouely is repeated enbqree the recallln each case being very graoionely ooroplied with mr kellys reputation as a batto soloist ia wellknown throughout the provlnbe and his numbers were sail enjoyed but it was thoinatrn- mental dnetta and solos whiob most com pletoly attrsoted the andlenoe mils kelly is certainly mlitreaa of her beloved mandolin and her ikilfol and aoooropliahed njltltpnlatlons of its atringe and the sweet harmoniea which resulted won lbs tdmiraffrhi and eprebtatibn of every one present prof kelly in bis aooompini menls on the guitar proved blmself an adept on this partfoular inetrumeut hia splendid rendition of the spanish betreait wasa masterpiece and brooghl down the house j the committee deserve tbe espeolal thanks or the andlenoe for providing a inoeioavl entertainment of eo high and enjoyable a olaea at intervals in the programme rev 3 a maopberson gave a brief but interesting address upon mnslo and mr h p moore in a short ipeeoh oodgratulated tbe oongregatlon upon the introduction of tbe neihb0rh0od news news items sudplled by corres- pomdents nnd b juimahquistri mlia joiiiilii hiniopvlho ruluriioil irum a vlhlt inruluilvih in riiitdoit on tuveilay tile aula itf iiom und cituls bulullging to thoeiiateof the lata tlionms boon lust thurtdav was wrysuoooaiif ul auolloueer hemttrest secured very satisfactory prioss al around and especially for tbs atook the lime kilns are busy and turning out limo in ootiaiderabla quantltlee au intcrettlng eiptrlmout ofbsruing lime with opal it being tealed mr aud mrs thonue somervllle who have both been iii for some time are ablo to be abont again 4 milt nowlon vialted aotoo relative on good friday mr frank moore atlouded the easter mondty coooort in aoton on monday night evbrton beautiful eleotrnliers and flxtpres they had eeoored and the committee upon the manifest success and pleasure of their easter monday conoert he also em- phasiised the feelioga of goodwill whloh prevail among the various congregations intown alwaye apparent in their genarpas iotetmliigllnic on occasions of special interest in the respective ohurohes political cartoons ever remained harris a ob in all bia bntineat oareerbe was known for his atriblr integrity and in his soolai life he waa beneboent and worthy of tht ocnfldanoe imjxjesd in him md the high esteem in which he wasbsldt by all hlsscqnaintanoes though be wanotavpubilotnsntand did nolactlvsly bonneptblmaelfwith pblllipal be mnwpal life he sraa 4t all times able to give an intelllgenroplnion on questions agitating the powib mind he eepacially interested hlmarif in the bpckwbod pnbllb bohool board and wais for tbenf teen ytars peuitimoelaplivememberandsjwayion tbesjsrtmproiddatbebestpoielbleprpor- tptlee for the seooriog of a sound ele mentary eduoatlon to the rising generation of the oommbbliy x mr oonsto obrlsilan man and an etroesl and gener- ousoptprierpflbbburoh of his fathers llwbiiitetycf fhendfcvthvc of bu ue gave mars muuestalto lbtsitor mjlhlt earished fjsns of pre- vious years were oobaummatad and be lived tbjseetbebpeilbganddedl teinilf nl bmfevis itntf blkltom moeri and oimvsnient in w iu nfs jaid to rorablptb opndootpewnaliyibsservloesw severs mootbsle hooee ofgbd will rtaoo in the future ytare aaa monumeqa to bis faithfulness and iwnsrona nae of tha mesne with wbloh- god entrriited lilm for the bnttdingwas erected ind forufahad largely vrith mosesprovlded by hlmialf and family this lihle oongregatlpn of wprvbirrswiil aver revere tbe name of jobn blohard harria and honor hlrn wi th etmfiumws ytmr widow of deoeased and fbnr sot grown op and well trainrd in tbs bpalness of their fatbsr ibrvjvs inv toeaonswnilsnoobarlasewsrd blcbar tyars vroyyonngrneriand tvyiwtjfafcj fitbu blaased lb ibelr eiperlenoed hsqds the bpsipeas interntt wilt con tlbae without jatifaptiajr i- tbe foneral on tnesday af tirnoon was attended by the foomrnunlty sb roasee androanyfroni hcmv notlped the montreal daily star is pnbllehing a set of cartoons entitled thebytown cooda that are atlrmoting r worldwide attention they are unquestionably the mbi artlatlo nrpduotibna of the kind that haveever appeared in any paper in oanayla allhongh for tbe most part tbey are skits on the mioisters the merobere of tbe cabinet have langhedpyer tbem to their hearts content as being full of fun and humor as no cartoons of the present day have sir blohard oartwright and sir henri jojy have been particularly amoaed hy these striking oarloatnrss and bare looked forward with keenest interest to every new iseue the dsmsnd fprthenttai thp hasbeen beyond the publlabsra ahility to suppl and hy on batarday about aevtnty invited guests gathered i at the hopio of mrand mrs dongsjd roberuon to oelebrate tbe- 2jtb anniversary of their wedding tbo tea was exoellpntand beautifully arranged presents were nomeroul and a pleasant and profitable evening was enjoyed by all we wish tbem many happy yeara loitetber among the vliltort aeea during easter holidays were mr and mrs simpeon and family of trafalgar mr and mrs duncan robertson of oakvllle mrs rmcfee of sloant forest mr b simpson of toronto at mr marsbklls mrs watson of toronto mr j abbott teacher near guelph mri john smallhorn who has been very ill for eome time ia improving bnt alowly j we are wiebing for warm weather so that tbe winter tbutins may get out in the sunshine and regain their nanal health a lerije number from this yloinity attended the foneral of tho late john b harris at bookwood on tuesday a depressing season iphlklfmetl the entire set of oertoona lire being published on line paper under special oovera to riieet tbo demand tbo publlihers are letting the pnbliohave them eomplete for ien cents as far as tbe supply will gbj the sum of ten oents in stamps prvsllyersbnt to the pnbllibers of the montreal ster will we onderstand seoore a complete set of the bytown coons aa they are now publlihed tbb bytpwrr goons have already had a circulation of opwards of a million it is just now people feel most the hffeot of long months of indoor confinement winter is the most trying season of tbe year so far as health is oonoerned con finement indoors and overheated and impujre air makes even usually strong people fel dull languid and generally ran down rtffitttk nfeeded to assist nature- in regaining lost energy april is the month of ell months when a ionia is of the moat service dr williams pink pills for pale people is the only true tonic medicine jthey do opt purge and thus farther weaken the enfeebled conititntloo these pills make riob red euorgyglven blood and trsnsform listless tired and wornont men and women into smiling healthy bappy workloving people e slme of the salvation army kings ton writes at the ijtne i ordered some of vonr urwilliamb pink pilla i waa physioilly ran down 1 felt a isck of energy and alwaye had a tired feeling after using your pilla for a time i felt as wellaseyer i did thoqiauds some of them your neigb- bora pave been inade well by dr willlama pink pills bnt yon mnat get tbe genolne wbich are aoid only in boxes the wrapper around whiob bears the full name dr willlama pink fill for pale people sold by all dealers or direct from the erwllliame modicine co brookvllle oct at go centa a box or six boxes for 1250 rbturnino youth i nm seventy yenrt young cnid oliver iwtndcl holmes when they naked ilia nge trite enough ho wiis young becnurro bin licnrt 4vi h yon n i ills step wna linn ilia eye wiih bright bin i n ii g h wni clear a n il merry lilh npixitlte whs shove all mi wnti iiih tio mnu mliouhl he old liefprc hia time- hecqiisc of a wenk ntntimcli hlitglhti liver slinky ncrvca nptl flabby imihclfh there iano need of it dr iicrcer golden mcdicnl dlacovcry ciifca iiicm- tlti tigs it hrliiira hnclc youth to tlr- feeble bechtise it brlnga linck keen appe tite ami good dlgcfltloit it tonch up lilt- liver puts oxygen ami life into the blood and solid strength into the flcnli and muaclea it contiiina no alcoliolto inebriate or create a tiiorhld appetite or craving tor stimulaiiti i have never felt better in itiy lire thnh i li ow baya charlca utiaivlck or itbunx mnto co mlcfijn reronrknble letter to dr k good and illjctlou now nays charlca uunwlck or tbunx mneonili co mich tnaremarlcnble letter to dr k v pierce of buffalo n- v 1 hlivc liikcli lr pierces qoldcn meitlciit discovery rlfflit ntniig i can now walk quite well with a cane anil iiri- iff tbrow even that away before ions mill an j liave bad to us crutches far nearly two years 1 think i am doing flue rdo not coiigh now and icati cat and bleep like n school by i think i will have to change iny millet alkiiit patent medicines aa1 never had much faith in them but you must know that 1 have been treated lit two hospltabiflnd bythrec doctors benides and received no benefit so i think your iitcdiciiie is the ouly mediclncfor mc there is nothing in the world for constipation like dr pierces pleasant pellets they should he taken in con- junction with the discovery when- evdr any disease is complicated with thnt dangerous condition nothing else that may be offered in their place will ac complish what they will and their rcr lief is permanent write to dr pierce for free advice evidences abound on every hand of the ujeriority of our dress goods and millirtery ask the well dressed ladies of guelph and two chances to one ypu willhe told they buy their dress goods at the frank dowercos if you dont wish to ask come in arid see the stocks compare qualities styles and prices and we arc sure of your trade aweddlhg our execution of such orders has been so prompt and satisfactory that more and m ore is being done every season obnoeilacdponfidenooare bothoftbenr oheate the first always j jinposee on itself the seoond frequently deceives otbersjv bismarcks iron nerve was the resolt of bis splendid heallb- indcmitale will and tretnondbua energy are not found where stomach liver kidneys abd dowels are on tof order if you want these qualities and the soboess tbey bring nib dr kinds new life pills they develops every power of the brain and body poly us cents at j d mokees qash paid fory farm produce utter pork onions poultry apples wanted aikenllj at pbpiixjeb co o pae80ns blariager gor mill and main sis acton opposite clarks hotel having decided to go into the millinery business i have secured the services of i my confidence it pays to buyy6ur dress goods at the frank dovler co it pays to buy your millinery at the frank dowler co it pays to buy your wedding trousseau at the frank dowler co it is a satisfaction to get your mourning at the frank dowler co bqlsrjjlkgo cuelphs greatest 8tore iur stock this season is lar ger and better than ever before having been selected from all the leading can adian arid american manufacturers we have the finest com binationsof iix and wi 51lig mantxiacturers wall and ceiling- with narrow and wide bobdebs to atgh that can be secured anywhere ilfta bbtttistmints money to loan now u tbo time to reduce your interest 1 i linve money to loan on farm tad village property in auma of 100 tp 10000 at 66ft aoa s it j mcnabi acton horses clipped by ha p afiiibtolabh bono ellpplur outbt has been aecurod aud horses will ho cllpred any afternoon at reasonable charges jambs hannv acton tbo sairy farm farm to rent in na98aoaweya that wellknown farm woit balf of lot s3 ooo 7 kauagaweya comprulug 100 acrei between 60 and 70aerea under ealuwatlpde tlie placo u welt watered iiavlrjff a nefer failing prlng and a aooa wall there are fair building alao an orchard on tbe place- loeste4lon riven lit april apply on tho preidlgee to buoh mctivibh or addreiablm kt acton po tho glebe farm iu acton fo sal owing to ill health tbe undahlgned bai decided to mil bli farm known a the glebe farm on main btreat aoton comprising ml acres well fenced all under enltltatlon exocpta few acrmof wood there is a tery oomfottalile booon tbeprcderty ed and pperd avruwe emaji barn sad driying shed good orobmrd bard and toft water for terms and partlcultira apply to amub8 on the premises or to aoton p o valuable eesirenoe m acton for sal or t rent tbat bandsptne new realtlnoe on willow street sevea rooms vltb modem arrange menta of archways etc wltb bavlls pantry oloaet and woodabed bard and soft water new- tirll ol tha baslnstm prt of aoton wltbln lesihun one minotetwallt of tbepmtomco t ly papered wltb ingrain and tbe woodwork grained tha ttroperty is si tasted in tbo centre sa -nlamlhan- telopboiie pocton drag store ind dentist lea tban flro minntea from all tbo eborbbe and ten from tbo school and railway station and withal jnst fttr anoogb off tbe pobllo tbor oogbf are to make it most desirable and oom- fortable resldenoo for partionlaxs apply to misa jxmnib stkxl acton f 0 or to b j mcnabd aoton march 2fitblh99 notice to cbed1t0b8 notiobls hereby given pdnnaht to b 80 1887 chapter 110 and amending aote that all persoos baloft olslou aualnat the estate of jamea tbotna boott iste of tbo town ship of esqneainff coonty of haltobmman deoeated wba died on or abont tb fust day of sf arob 1699 are required on or- before tbe twentytilntb day of april 1600 to aend ly poet prepaid or deliver to tbe nnderalgnod adntfnlt- tratrlx of tbo eatcte of tbo aald james thomaa scott or leave tbe tamo wltb b j mcnabb at hi offlee in aoton tall partloalara of tbelr claim doly rerifled by affadavlt and tbe nature of tbe seourfty if any bald by tbem aud nouiielshere gtdn tt alrnlnlltra- trix will iftortbe said twentyninth day of april 16d9 proceed to dlstrlbnte the aaaeta of the said estate among tbe parties entitled there to baring regard only to such olalme of whiob sbe shall nave reoelved credit as aforesaid dated at baqoealog tbla 8rd day of april ad18to- ingrain papers who dr losr4 worm byrqp is rsoognind by mothers aa tba bast remsdy thoy oan give their children it is slmpls sals and cffwtnal fribe 25 cents for diarrhosa of tha iofadt or adall there is sib mats safe and reliable notably than dr fowlers ealraot of wild straw berry bafoaelmltalloas theyre dsokor- obs fthiso two dsslrabls qaallflosliona pleasant to tbe taaleand at the same time uftblual are to ba found in mother graves worm issterntlnator ohildren- isiifc- y cwinnihijajr an maaas- ontildaypciitit satbbg jmsiif frk l mk arthor lyoos fiookbltl out writes as follows x waa laid op with stiff joints andcpold ret no relief ontll -1- nsed hagyarda tellow oil which oared ms prico 2s cente 8toitlstopiti dont irnalue for a mlntlte that a ooogh amounts to notbing thonsauds ot people are in thsdr graf as tbdav wbo let ji ooagh lsksittoa btbp thatooagh at oboe with sbiuiha consbmption oors whlbh aji droits ssll at mbts iso ou and lcoabpttle if ll alls to help you yonr noy will be ref ubdtd wiiiitwontv h a i h ji hobtit unnolng- bamahd j w kubcnr oaalphv llir mbtrie it p jjbismoss t william i hortop eden uffl b p mootr laclolislib tstiltai jijl -i- torbnv and c siblinijlib aooorombdi toamiw rloeiai konthifige rf friend from ig- viudiniu to iftlioaissiiiblkl fsmthr sbilkrrjplnv i- piiwttpiititftgotti sliliobs oqnsompllon oure will sitter jdtsyoartigbptwooronettbr otherann trj ilaod see if it ours lb droggist aarpii the money you payifor it if liaont onre tbe drngtlat kltsbaok tbs money every boltle carries ai bolua good lor ooasonoptlod ooogbs ooidi orodp bronobllle and throas troobles jenerally an astr oretont for thomi whohata tbonuhl that oatarrhi is lomrabls ind to whom the eooatant pas- p nbtbieidurrhos6bbanimakbre abdtaltibtrbyiais bribrunleddr throat send for ourrhosovs and be aid41pfiau6iteytii jj o- polmn ba womb brisket what oan i aend yon op to day mil 8 lee r mrs 8 seed ma a leg of motton and be sure it is from a blaok sheep mrs 8 tea we sirs in moorniog yon know hi8 lif was saved mr j e ujljr a prominent oltlaen of hannibal mo lately had a wonderlbl delireraooe from a f rlghtf bl deatbt lb telling ol it he aayi i was ukeb with typhoid feror that ran into jpnenmonle hy lands beeame hardened i was so weak i oonldpl even alt np in bed nothiog helped mo i eipebted soon to die of consomptlon when i heard of br kings sew discovery one bottle gara great- relief i obn tinned to nse it and now am well e5d strong i oant say too mneh in its -praise- this marvellous medloine is tbe sorest and qoiokeat qnrefn ibe world for sail throatand ijang trooblo 60 oenla ndl0o at j d mokees every bottle goarabtwd johnny p do people read the news- pipers to gel the news f j pa ho my aoa they merely read tbem so that tbey wons have to listen to other loiks who bav read tbem no rioh f o uq tha woman who la lovely in face form and temptr will always have tr lend bat bnwhowooid attraollvemaeikmpher heallb if saisweikj slbtiysnfisiirnn downaltewllll fyriopliaiiiibit ibeiweksledlyand 111 rpn down she wl jl be nerrons ahd irritable sbs has ixinstinitlpn or wdney troable her lm blood jtlli oapplmpe8 nibtohaii skin a wretofied pomplsjiod leolrlbbiiten la the- rtmsdtoine lp theworld to rargnlatostomsbhl liver kidneys and to porlty tba blooid jl gives strong risrvsswgilayesemooth velvety sslbr-rfbn- eansxlbni jftijwljjiii ti oodlobkldg of ttr down invalid only bents at j d- tdiksesv comes highly recommended haying had several y ears ot experience show rooms over store main street img wehaye all the latest colorings in ingrains with friezes and ceilirigs to match the side walls the effects produced with these ingrain combinations afe unexcelled for richness elegance and permanency haye you seen our samples if not why not t toey are worffi seeing busam bc30tt administratrix executors jiotioe to c in the matter of the estate of thomas agnew late of the village of acton in the county of halton mer- chant deceased notice is hebbby given pantiant to k a o wen ap iso aec epthat all per sons having olaima against the bttete of tbo baldtboniasasiiawwbodied on or abont the sstb day of febrnaxt a p jbw are reqoired to tend byjwat prepaid ur to deliver to t agnew hotelkeeper actop p 0 tbe b ofthebwtate of the said thomas agnew before tbesith 5ay of aprtl i6w tbelr pott prepaid or to deifver to bobert hotelkeeper aetop p o tbe bxeontor oftbeatateof the said thomas agnew on or before tbomtta day of april 189 tbelr names addresses and descriptions a full stetcment of their elaima end tbe nature of tboir teonrlty lf any bold by tnam after tbs said day tbo i if any btld by them duly ccrufledl and that after tba said day tbe said 1 ceed to dlttribnte tbe i bxeontor will pro- of tbo deoeaaed easter gloves easter veiling vssfi5sv i among tbo paxtea entitled tberesto having regard only to tbe elalms of wblob be shall then have notice robbbt agnew bxacqtor of stiatenf tbotaas agnow dated tills 96th day of lfarobl- all parties indebtedo tbebiute of tbo late tbomaagnw are to pay the same et once to jboheifcjlgr esgrrftsssaieslssas 9wpm blnesaoffel ootmtift tiiiatnna cima for psjtsenseni wltb p j mtt train leav- georjkej stcwel has parchased tbepremibea and boot 6 shoo buainea of tho late thomas agnew and on y 8aturoay next 1st april wuibpen a clearing- sale at prices in many sse below cost call and see the goods the prices will nndonbtcdly attract you thegnstomiworlc and repairing will receive the same careful personal attention as heretofore enough has- been said and clone to emphasize our position in dress goods selling not a single statement in this column concerningourrdress goods and silks has been byerestimated bur wellassorted and uptodate goods easily discount anything ever shpvvii in town 0eorge eovei milltacilxttfv we have made a dedded improvement in this department so tbat t hia year we are able to dlscoant our beat previoue effbrta new sheetlogs pillow cottons lawns swiss musllpebjrdsjrleaijaiig we are sore woes eonbt at bur store as vje handle nbthlng but the best and the increase of sales in thu department prpves ibe slatemeint new designs at rock bottmilfprices cnrlains from ac pair up to i500 nice curtains 3j yds ibog wide width ipschll 7jc ingtorontb at au5dm aad win rantthrodgh tovumlpas ooiiotast sl oass for paeaeosiers trav- elllogeo tba same tralna tbelr lire took will beauaobea to train leaving toronto at 900 p mand will rem through to winnipeg baarss will be max in tbaae ears and can be asenred by p on application to grand xroak agents tiekata rates and all information from ageau of the grand trunk llallwar byatem h 8 holmes aatenbaoton modiok8ow dlst pmm agti toronto after seflonsbl the heart and nerves araief i weak and bloc is thin and watery at tnla lime jllibord a hear and nerve pills ahobld be saaenra sti iba hwff and nerioua vaiem enrjeh the blood and rapidly rettoro the heallb so cents sill deaiere hamiltsfayoklte7sipingplulce l v best family flour manitoba flour seed peas seed barley all kinds of grain all chopped grain tivbran shorts tlmothy vgl5ver seed another gar corn baled hay binder twine best laege stock irat robern0i3itis jdltlst ractol than vnnlageouily im oorsenllmenu onr ihooghtsoor words lose rtbtlitide on entbridg oertaln mlnde as atloka planned into the water look bent cored to 6uy c its a wonderful reoord ol permanent ioitsvilsboittbrs rib rtjvrtnjlig lslaabse ire glwen df snob serloas diseases brr1drsabdihandigpb fllwslw yssrs sgoind 1 dlsesmss jhdam do fsnsjtif tetarolng mmvosiwl ctasssjrjjoe h l 1 beearise were dberlng most unusual bnrgalns inslylfah new dress materials a few of which we give below the goods viere bonght at a big discount on regular prices thats why we can sell ihem at such prices as these vi thills a rare opportunity drfiftrnlsiit allwool casbihere 43 inches wide in cardinals greens and browns regular value 35c per yard our special prleeajch allwopr cashmere 44 inches wldo in varlopa good sbadss regular value 40c special at 30c allwool french serges in navy and cardinal regular value 50c per yard special at 350 44 inch allwool tweeds regular price jee special at 35c another llbe of allwobl tweeds 44 inches wide regular 75c for 40c allwool tanan plaid dressgoods in a large variety of pretty patterns and colorings 38 price 50c roecutlal 33c another line otaii- wool tartan plaid goods 50 inches wide in large assortment of prelf reglarwiltmililas special at 00c 10j asrjecullinobfbiack glpi 4 wool at tfie yery special price 40c conelallng inches wide regular of pretty patterns and shades 1 price 40c r auid black sowls all- stihsvpaaea wtiliriivlwoliiiei widei irviifeipj kxeklobsawjblibs r of these bnusual 4iorde liiu ib slnre you can gat ibe benefit tpsesbmplea and prices dmsqrirjtom tsk anowxita i oajrrjr thi largeat sleek and ani that only direst importer of all bands of sbko in oaielph mthessnoilujtvv ri thbbb fiibqb waitbhodbeb baeldes betall btora ubicls is iba largest ontsldaof toronto oall and see bar stoek of jtrstaniou clortr tifamuijitovwr aofaancr jltinotir orcbani ortaaar ifdtip ortmm ate bar site andsallatvi jwjttviarrrtoaebalees iswwft a i fowawbiw- i mimm rrmltij

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