blori you feci the blood rutl tlongj but what kind of blood p that is the question is it pure blood or impure i bloodp if tho wood is impure then you are weak and languid your appellto is poor and your digestion is weak you can not olccpwcll and ibo room ing into you unprepared for th work ofmbe day your chectebro pale and your com- station h sallow you are oubled ttllh pimples bolls j i or come erupt ion of the csln why not purify your mood xst iioit wctt was thursday apb1l hlje onitg jolks tbis qub ol world it 1 qaeer bow things go by contraries hero tlselwaya toooold or too hot and tbo prises ne mlse you know always ep- i go bo bettor thin thoao tbat wevogot it is always too wotor too dusty and dry and tbo land la too rough or too flat tberoe notblng thats perfect beneath tho bin sky- but itsa pretty good world for all that somo people aro bom bnt to dig in the soil and sweat for the bread that tho j oat wblle somo never learn tbo bard meaning of toil and lire on the tblnga tbat are sweet a few re too rich and a fow aro too poor and some aretoo lean or too fat ab tbe hardships aro many that mon must ondure but its a pretty good world for all that tbo naao who most think envlos them tbat must be ever pounding and digging for mon audtbeman with the plok would bo happy if bo might play frith tbo brush or the pen i ah things go by contraries bora upon earth tifji i tflll mna f wpfr wt han begins to complain on tbe day of tola birth -but- its a pretty good world for all that an intelligent norse doator watktaa of mew orleans tells this story when be was studying votorlnary sotenoe ii was customary for tbe eliitlonls io wear a dlsllnbtlvb badge ode day white ha was out welkins with somo friends and wearing ills badge a horao llmpod toward them and alujiliuk him out as only weror o the badge in the party stuok its uoae auaiual ills brunvt and bold up its foreleg on exumlnatfou he found a large nail embedded in tho frog of the horaes foot tbo animal had previously been under treatment at tho veterinary hospital correct measurement cftaera is living in the town of newbury aratber ecoentrio old man remarkable for bli shrewdness in bueinesa a a pork bntoher same xoung fellows utered hie hop somo time ago and or a joka asked what his pork was at yard wvb ehui- inga promptly replied the uw feuow then ill take a yard said on of them where la jour money r iskw the old man the five hilling weit laid down the old man quiokly pooketedt therei and thu prodootd three pige sell with the unlet remark three feet make on yard honor an kmployas memory a mouuoaent has jail been eroded in dumbarton cemetery to the memory q archibald modlarmld who was in the employment of archibald mcmillan a son shipbuilders dumbaitoo for the long period of over fltlttour years and or fortytwo of theee oooupldbe reiponalble position of head foreman carpenter it la a bandaome obelisk of aberdeen granite about filteen feet high au has bees ereets4hjiteyribxhorttjullmt highly esteemed a natural question a knjghttejnpjaf end hie family were travelling over the mew york central- to attend last summers conolave in boston the limited train was rushing jong at the rate of siity miles an hoar when flveyearold youngster who was sitting at the window was startled by tbe rush and roar of a passing train and fell baok in his frght recovering himself quickly he looked op in hie fathers face and gasped papa did we swallow it i run down nerves nothing like paines cel ery compound for the nervous system it is the worlds best spbincr acbbloinb as far as the eiok and suffering are con cerned time is too preolooa id their eell- matlon to read any jong distention on their condition baaed on a medical or aoientiflc standpoint the suffering and diseased know well of their perilous and low oondition ofhealtb and sad heart yearn for release from the ohalns of deaths agents each broken down weak and suffering man and woman ahoold krjow that tho cause o their burdens and ailments appar ent in headaehes sideaohes baqkaobes sloepletsness dyspepsia neuralgia and rheumatism je a faulty noulllou of the nervont system the blood la pale watery and hampered in ita ilfea work by bnmora and beats the letter chains the latest and most ingenious collection soheme somewhat after tbe plan of tho endless ohain has befn brouuhe out in indiana by a couplo of local ohurohrs bolb of whorh aro workinu toward tho oreotiou of 8o000 aodltorluma they call itoaondar ii lsslailed by one lieroii in eaolt oaat who iteaunica hie tltlo of the year and paya eg anil eoleota twelve othera for the months vshoeaoli pay fl an i find four people who eaoh pay iio oeutaaud aaunielhe vreeka of tliu tnonllt they get aeveu people ait u5 oenta a plepu for the day aud ihrae seven oaolt suaiife twentyfour 10 oena each to omer iii hourt of the day the inlmtlea anil aeoomla oouhl also bd wurkwl on hut the ohaln i mopped oil the itoura lianh ehaiu run thus fait auooataiftilly will brmh io jmivu ovou 10ui ills miioli more aatlalnotory audliol q muoh rouble a the endleie letter clialn as allot the work is done by personal oauvaia a small potato a iniui tu tolanil oonn found a very inull fkvulo in bnt of hla pookbtiwiien lio oaraefrom hla worlt here ui ho lauulilug to a twelve- yearoldt who lived with lilm plant that aud yon thallhave all you can raise from u umu you are of age the blight little boy out the potato into at many pieces at there were eyes in it and plaulcd ii in the autumn bedug and laid by the increaie ot it and planted that the following spring neit year he plant ed the larger crop gathered the previous autumui the potatoes grew healthy and did veil and ilia fourth years harvest amounted to 0o buebels thttmirlildtoto ritealsl from his jhrtjain for he saw the boys planting wonloooterelrblslandr and yetitie qaite common to deaplso the day of e thin pimples on the face can be cored in three days by the use ot pr agnewe ointmedt however- im- poealble tble may aeem m fow appiloatioda will cohvlnoe many are cored who bave been disfigured for years try it today sold by a tbrown wast you tear yonreelf away sbo askad yes he answered struggling to leave his c jlt begina in look aa 1 must he bad been sitting on her ohewlnft gam bagalar action of the bowels ie neoeeaary to health laxallyer pills are the best occasional oatbartio for family or general use price 26 pents any druggist out of order refreshing sleep hiss margaret brown 627 colbome st lfondon0nt snys r my mother has boon affuoted with nervonirnees nndl general debility for a long time she snflered a great deal with insomnia and found it almost impossible to sleep i went to w t strongs drugstore and got nbox of milburns heart and nerve pills which flho took and derlvod bo much benefit from them that i bought another boxf or hor- they hayo dbno her a wonderful lot of good making her nervous system much stronger giving her restful sleep and reinovina many ether symptoms which provioiuty distressed her i can trnly say that these pills are great remedy for any ono snfferiiigfrom weak nerves genoroj debility sleepless- neh or heart trouble milburns heart and nerve iui are 60o a boior a for im at all druggists the man who forgete a favbr leldom forgivesan injury it ner plsapp people who are troubled with any disease caused or promoted by impnre blood or a low slate of the system may lake hodasaraiparllla with tbe almost oonfrdeoco thai its fallbfal uii will efteoi v bare juullons take it aa a sprlug raedloine beoaoie ibay know by eiper- ienne u is jost what the system heeds hboda pills are ibe best family oathsr- tic acdjiver lonlo oentierellable aure mr litchfield the art dealer when ex- hlbldgscrme panels of tapestry ulegrspbed for be relnrn of one thus send panel eight by tarypgspsvsiba adonis lltoha imparities the nerves oannol assimilate proper nburiabmeotno matter how muoh food is taken into the system when your oondition is enoh as we have desorlbed paines celery compound is yonr sure deliverer and resouer it qalqkly aroos- ee a hearty appstlte regolatea tho bowels and brings about a normal action of the ilwv t- at this season paines celery oomponnd frees the system not only of rheumatism eosema isltrhenm and other blood troub les but also of nonralgla nervous head- aohes dyspepsia and iddnsy disease lot the advent of spring be to you a time of oleanslng toning and repairing of your entire system paines celery oom ponnd will do this blessed work in a way that no other mediolno can do it is tbe only preaorlptton thai yonr druggist or medical advlaer can honeatly reoommend no other remedy can take the plaoo of paines celery compound for yonr ease the use of one bottle will brln quick con viction to the greatest doobters ac a clab meeting where the- members thoagkold men wraugled like io many schoolboys this scene occurred and the louiavlile commercial reports it a feeble old man whose yellow com plexion indicated liver trouble offered a resolntion his opponent got op and exoitedly ezolalmed mr chairman mr chairmau the gentleman is ontbf order and therefore cannot offer the resolution 1 the old man replied in an erjaaily eioited manner mr chairman the gentleman is right i am out of order the dbotor told me this morning that my liver was all onr ot order bat mr chairman i should like to see the clause in the constitution which says that if a man isalok he cannot present a resola- ti ttie old rellow is still wondering why his hearers laughed blood thf bast hamtrdy for sprlnc wsyithtr wakns what is cjiihttiiln l lur ilifliuts itmr olilwron ouatorla in a lilllhilkmn miuntltut for oostor oil porofjorlc droph iiiki rsikitlilnu syniph it contnliib ltoltltcr oilni imdvpliliui nor utltot nnrtiotlo- subutanco it in mcusmit it uiiiiruiitoo is tltltty ycuvrb two by billlipiih of mutlmirm oiihtorliv rtomtroys worms niidnliayh yovcrlhli- nohh oohtorln euros dlivrrltooiv onel wind colic ctihtoria viiuvcih taotlilnn troubles cures coustlpatlon ttittf ilittiilcttoy clihtorln tihhliiillatcs tlio rood rctrulittch tho stoiimcli mid bowels oflhivtiits and children riving itonllliy mid natural sleep castorln is tho childrens piiiirtcea tito motliers friend castoria caatorll ia on excellent medicine for clillilrcu miittiers lime repeatedly told me of us lood crcct upon their clillilrcu dk ti c osgood mnveltt man castoria castoria m so well nil iptnl to clillilrcit tlint i rcoiiiincnil it an superior lo nny pre scription known tonic ii a anemia m d mrwtlyn v y the facsimile signature of the best is the cheapest bss mcrtuilens poulttr nettings aro unequalled in quality and their ifaatrttctnred sad sold by tmcontario vyiri ftnoinq co l meton ontario fencings are the best prices loirt hardware merchants sell these goods and can supply you if they fail you write the manufacturers at plcton x the b greening jfl i fe co c9mbrkl hrkiltonkho kcbnts 7utomthi3m sold also by camdlanhardvare jobbera appears on every wrapper tkt echtauh commnt tt mu atwsttt n yowk pity a health resort i the healtbfuldeis of lyntoo a aumraer reiort id davoa enklaod is advertised by this story beoeotly a visitor begun to talk to an old man at lyntnu and asked bim hia age whereupon lio said i ana juat prer eventy well said the vieitor yon look an if you had a ood roauy years to live yet atliehat jgedid0 1 ijalj father dead aaid the roan looking borprieed futher iant dead heanp- stairs putting randfather to bed i tbe r children have been very unrnly today aald wr heektons wife vthey have relaied to mlud me several times i ctoodpesh raoloab i exclaimed he abien t minded ly well theres one thing certain tbeydoauake after rae the hoosier poet a woman at a literary reception in london said she had heard the amertoan hosier poet read at ereter hall how oarioua that a hosier eboald become your poet laureate in amerioa i she aald tho american to whom she spoke did not know what she meant until raid that her favorite amonglhe faoeier poetv poems waa when the frost ia on the pumpkin then he eaolaimed that it wna riley the hooaier pbe o you americans have euob a queer way of pronbnnorng things said tbo woman yen bat mr alley is not a hosier be is begau the american bnt ehe out the explanation short with o x see it is a joke then you americans are so fanny i aappogo you think wr riley is ablae stookink and so you call biro a hosier argonaut by faajuttnsieatearinjr or aaffarrl in ihe world are the ldnayioh peopl toleaee tvam dlaeaseco cures brlfflitaj duseaao rat the laararest army or tbe ouped onesi attribute thola othe armat south amerloan kidney- oure oarea dlabetoav cupoa oil bladder ailment a jinshtlad olerk sen 1 on the meusr- to tho city of lllohaeid and received lh rejjyj ho sooh nrm- aa venos a adonis known here trv elaaiohaeter tliertaft5 thie conditions whieh the blood is poor yhcn there is ytiakness othe v tjiisre is bhc cure that is vstfdtts emulsion 1 1 cbn taifijs the best col- livwoii emulsified or di- the finger of destiny is undoubtedly oo the hand ojtfate the swbep anp th acnostic a oonvarted avfeep who waa peaking in sin open air meeting in england told the following incident i was talking to an agooatlo a little while ato and tbld him of mv intention to ttend an early mornlok prayer meeting at 7 oolook pooh i said the aunoello yonre a fanallo yoore oraokeid i i know im oraoked said the eweep and throush the jiraoi th light of tho jeye of god bines in and shows op the oobwebs for infciita ajtaonudreii whatfi mi avcrsgi 7 tbe qlaas seemed io be nbod ho little girl held pot her lmndekrlyir it srhat sheii ujebiiuson bawlldermenl followed but ihe rnile waa jntillrd by the isason book in whlob was wriilsn the hen lays two hundred rgi a year on ajn average catarrh rtllet irtlo lo 00 lllnutrs one khbrlpnff of the imatli throngh the blower supplied with caoh bottle of dr aguews catarrhal powder dlffustn tbla lowder over lb surfaca of the nasal patsaee painless arid delight el to oae se jinsjaintly and pernl ansntly cures oalsrrh hay paver golds- head aohe bore throali tonslhli korldealnees 8oldbyat drewn tho blood is the very essence of life as it courses through the systcmitcarries wilh it if pure and rich nutrition lo every cell in the body if impure it spreads disease if thin and watery it fails to nourish hence we have weakness debil ity and decay it ip the wonderful power 3bb has in purilyinjr impure blood making thin watery tlood riclinnd red that is at the hbltomof ilh marvellous success in curing disease those who nro pale thin weak troubled with blotches pimples or erup tions of any kind should talobbo it makes tlio liaio chick rosy tho skin clear and smooth and infuses new energy lito weak worn run down shattered constitutions skin i beg to state i have used clear burdock blood bitters for im pure blood plniplos on the face rc nncf derived great benefit from it mskln isnowverv clear- and free irom nil eruptions i only used four bottles of tlij b it u nnd enn strontrly recommend it to any ieruari sufhrlnp from impiiritiea in tho blood orcrantions ofthaskin mks g b- hbxwork spenccs ibridge bc tt-erw- i have taken bbbevery spring spring now for- stomo years to ipurify my blood- and keep my kvkicniinifoodorucr and can honestly liy tiit i do not know of its equal anywhere mrs accik basnhs lunejibnrg tts kidney diseases oro tho most in sidious of all diseases common to humanity within the past few years medical science has made wonderful strides in coping with ita ravages south american kidney cure has proved rich in healing power and every day testimony ia piled up forits great curative quali ties vhcre kidney disease exists it is generally indicated by certain changes in tho urine such as mucus scdlmentalbumen brick dust acid and blood pain is not necessarily on accompaniment which only oggra- tbei vatcs in he insidious nature of it test- imenting haa disclosed the passing through ingiand experimenting has disclosed thn fart that the passing thsse organs of tho solid particles ia the ordinary courso of circulation do in a remarkably short while clog up grind out and impair them so that the functions of these organs are not performed and disease lays hold on tho patient with a ruthless hand kidney diseases require a solvent south american kidney cure is a sol vent it is a kidney specific claims to bo no more it has been tested by eminent medical authorities oh kidnoy diseases andprovcd and testified to by them as the surcstand safest cure for alldiseascs oftho kidneys and bladder its a purifierra healer a hcoltii builder efficacious alike to man or woman good news fromthe north aleantry- b urpees seeds grow uud sfl alvrayi the best that grow u proictl u tlioim in is of tri ils al ot rja ous eordiiook 1 ms i i uil131 trial crouuda in aiikrjti j urpees farm annual for l8pp mailed free to all a handsome new book of 176 page- tells the plain inili ibit sh1k ituludliik rare novclttcjt xvliich niittt lnj n atwliarc beautiful col iriil jil itt n l inimlrcd of illus trillions frtim 11 niifl j i n jir nllcahnform- tlon of reil i1iil l 1 l b 1 would rnlse the choicest wjtieiiliufinii i nmi hfiiiillfuulowtra writs a postal cord 1 o i w atleb brarbft coaaphuaitclpllia persiatic sheep and animal persiatio sheep dip la the most highly ooaobntratetl and allrbnad atlafaotbxr dip in the market for oaring akin disease lo oatue and deatray- ingvermln itli poworful without being baiab and lmtaoduta in- effect without anv irritating results cures sores braises bboar oats blngwormi gsasrene bod lice skin worms and scab qalokly tida tbe animal of all vernain mr g- a brodle bottaesda ont saya i used it with great inooess in castrating iambi tho wash healing tbe wounds rapidly and keeping tbo o3tu i shal pe w itndonsldomtrthebostprer ration of its itlndla tbe nfarket orfromtnomakors the pichliardt eeiiifrew coximited stouffvllle ont you can a parlor suite a sideboard a bedroom set an extension table a lounge a stand a mattress and springs or any other article in furniture requirements at a livikq profit only alt goods delivered underiaking in all its branches ajttun machinist in s largo manufacturing con- com in northern ontario fell a victim o tho ilropilcsl form of kidney disease dirourh at mospherlo change in follovrlnehli dtvjy labors lio continued bli work until almost commnndcd to quit by tho physician from wliora hebad been receiving troatnjent ha tltiled toronto and consulted an eminent authority otl itldney dis- eases thodociorsent hlrohomowltliashopeful a story of himself bi he couk fftve bur wrote privately toiho youna nuns physician that it wssonlrsmatterof time with him until death would claim another kidney victim when he began to realize for himself that his ease mis hopeless hptook hli case in his own hands do- tormined to firiht for ills lift ho experimented with many socalled cures without relief south american kidney cure was brought to bis notice and like everything else ho tried it to his nstonishtnenthe began to feci better under ita use lie continued lo gain strength ho took nix bottles nnd today that same young man can bo fcund nt that same lathe working for that tamo eenooxn bale and hearty as tho first day he went there- kaglvcsa ijjo credit to south amerloan fcuro south american nervinhia a nerve healer whlob are foreninnersof nervoiiicollaptcs south american rh6umatic curb- use who have not been free front sn tiering for year dr aonbws oinmunt caret lund bleeding itching or ulcerating pua lnfromthrco lo 6ve nights 38 cts 6 kidney c cures indigeitlon and all stomach troubles has lilted men oct a bed of pain after a fow days sold by a t brown prlseo nttiionryn frying trtrnaati yonr lot more oomfortable bat i and it very difflcall to raise money oounterfclt thais eaay enough pard drlou sue tenner and ill raise ii to a irloi llou- 100 l l 1 finds jaxallver jpins a perifmit i cure for sick headache v ihilly nlnoty pop coht of the women of tjls country suitor from slok headache llrer disorder uud constipation are at ihe uottoui of the trouble lanuyerplllscurothe hoadaeho by eorfoctlngthe oftuso xnd do their work easily and portectly without any gripe pain or ajelwnlny llut ho hamilton judy w referred to c her jams ls john tornllnson her fddross is 107 btpven st north ihlriiwhatahasajiii i being troohled with eerere head- ihesa wmnitlaedhrsimdto judge yon are charged with stealing a trunk what ia yonr defence prlaloner yoor honor there wsti a sign la front of the btoto that aald sample trunks so i took a aampls and started home there never waa and never will b a anltersal panapeain one remedy for all ills to which flesh la heir ths very nature of many eotatlveh bolng suoh tniat were the erms of other aad differently seated diseases rooted in ihe system of the patient r relieve one ill in tarn would aggravate the other we have factsever inquihlnewine when obtalnedira saound unadulterated state a remedy for many arid griasons ilia dy its gradual jodlolons qseythe frallestsystefaif arei led irsto oon yalescenoe and streniith by the iiflaeooe whlbh qululne exerts on natares own restoratives it relieves the aroopln aplriisof those with whom ehrqnio tat of mdrblddetpoxideair and laok of interest in ufa is a disease anil by trancallislng the nerves disposes to sound and refresh ing sleerivimparta viitor to the action of the blood whloh being stimalated eoarses throughont the veins strengthening ihe healthy aniieil fuiintlnni of thsaystern thereby mailing activity a neoessaryrssull jsirengthehltig the frame and ivlns life to the digestive organs which natittrally demand inoreawod abatanosresaii im proved appetite northrop 4 lvcoan of toronlo have given to the pnbllo their jqlnins wins at the nanal rate and gnaged by the opinion of scientists this wine approaches nearest perfection el any n the market a1i rlrouglsts mil it in real old fasnloncd families the onion is venerated next lo the blbler- l wxsavsakejha fwe are loadetb p r p with a rultlttock o vvyeths tmlettt rrs the roitr limd howbvcr i ltj iiiotmerbl itlilhcbcat- i tonic 1rodficcs n cobii7ia cu x1 izllk and strenglbcna llle whol j l ul ciilldrkml lca ic lltue ones beitltiiy ana strong iytfcajgpfl it rcicalilnjr loncberer aire nlvlnir mfenrth rrf loe in thesjtear and thus hetpinir lo i ov ti tho illnets of vynatever nature it may lc it rnxluccan rellihfor food acts u n cmvealivc uti fortluca and strenattneno the system fulid2rv cooo a t brown ohsmist druggist i rvciaysjsass calls day or night attended goffinsdelivered prices to suit every ones needs j jl speight fc ocx cton job printiiig in the free press job department you can get- anything from the finest wedding stationery to the most startling poster every order receives prompt careful attention railway time tabiib iitnn tilt k uahway ooiku west ooino tiht mall 10 02alil exriicab d 05 sn- exrroa 2 ss pm kxprces lo 0 sts mall 7 is p in moll ii hpm i mixed 10 cs fb timk of clobiko mahfl going wcft 0 10 am and 5 lo pm oolus eloat10 25 ain and 5 60 pm tbls time table vent into effect on mbbda tlayietb 1s0s speight brady madufacturcrsov dyamos electric motors water motors qasoloje and oas engines brass alrorf castings to oiwer repairing promptly done georgetown ontl w barber beos paper makers georgetown ont uu a srcoiaxtr or machine finished book papers hiqn grade wxeklt news thojpaper need in this journal is from the above mills v7m baebek a bhobj rqckjbiood at a rjj station highest cash pnoe for wheat oats i peas barley ryo buok- 7 wheat etc for tho oonventenee of fanners i vlll keep will sell at rook bottom gaelph rniecsr lorn bbl and saek salt land bait dahy al table salt everton and qoldlosplouroatmt- cornmeal beans pot barley flax and heal olleako clover and tlmotby seed bnlpbnr salu saltpetre etc w horttfioepy ouelpb iml rockwood stoves tinware eavetroughing tbo lateet dealgna in ooatanl woed haatlnk and cook stoves easy xnansgeoaayonfael tinware in profusion of boat qnail atlowprlcea is ordors taken for gavetrouoblbg to b5 pat tip wben deelred call and go prloee general jobbing promptly done r g- a pannabecker mrs seoords blook aoton mm two kinds of men 1 here are two kinds ot tnehi to befoundyjiereu those who are obliged to dresaja roughly while at work an4 those whose occupation iniji yolves ho difiference inattire forthe laborer we have heayyl substantial boots j for thea business man comifortabley sensible shoes for the boyis and girls good knbckab6utsf and for the ladies the latestl novelties in footwear otir spring stagk is how corning in and erinl braces goods sure to pleasef our customers as to stylejl quality and prices oallakd 8bb otjb kdw linia w a s hnm n a lends money to his riends its k wlso pedagogue that pours whale oil on ibis trouble waters heart dlstaae ittllercd in 80 hlnntes pwaiidsys cure for the heart gives petfeol relief in all oases ol organic or byrnnth4o haart dlsase in 80 rolnutss ikssjsriewe v prlesa way oj paipitiiilod ghortnesi of staiiflm6iirtias lalt arii one dose ooovlnoss of a piseamd sold by a kvws vyotot afshqkt st0w vrj in luoudon liio contiinlng conddnsod wistlom fur tliousinds a hakor living nt 257 dundas stroot lsondon ont goo itoborts by nftnio reoornmunds doan 8 kidnex pills because thoy cured him he had pnlrt in ihe unokt his urlno was red colored arid painful in passage the onre through doans kipnrv pills i wauojulokandcomplete thatg how they alfeaya act maple laf mt i sizes or anv i has isverr ha sin 4 alile rr entnton f rtmss inbjrat lonui sr sofdlnr qnseieioavdway rtrsuaal mm beaai theyre pprkldoysonly ili was ifa asulrco j loitothefy 3 vitiaiotvap- srwr3 tnitw iiir ratttitririm 1 an ire