Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 13, 1899, p. 2

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gokpon in naaaagawoya on sunday april iuhto mr and mn jobb gordon aaou vim maiitjn in ksfiuaaldg on friday 7th april jghu martin auod 63 years dickikhon in tiruuiqiaou thursday qtu april ocorgw dloktoson ta hlifoth yor dn7jriiti11 at ouolnh on saturday april 8tb mrs william darneid formorly of kramow bkod73yoara andeiiaox in kiqumidb oo wednesday the 20th march jotoph anderson of nuuaga woya aged 06 yean r on iiuaito in ouolpb on prday7th april frauoli hotbor wife of robert aalbreltb aeod 77 yeare and fl niontbi kinnindat bor boma id keqaealog on tbun- day morning sth april elisabeth widow of tbe lato john klnnard aged 93 yean and 7 monthe ulje jutmt jfrief jbsa thursday april 18 ibm notes and comments tbe city or winnipeg voted lair week- in favor of mnnloipal control o the eieotrlo lighting plant followed aotoas example in wlsbomtn tbe state ieglalatnre baa adopted a joint reaolation prdrlding for an amendment to the oomlltation prohibit ing the die of railroad peieea aud telegraph and express franks by anyone i holding pnbllo oflloe violation lejnarip bribery the penalty also inoindlng forteltura jf ofqoe prime minister silvela of spain says beezpeota to receive the exchange of rail- fiotttloni will loon be eitabllahed with the united states and spain will immediate ly prooeed to demand of lite united btatea government the relaaae of tbe spanish prisoners hold by the filipino this being- provided lor in the treaty our muni batters the munioipm council the bualrtesa traneaotaci at the last regular meet inn at theregalar meeting of the oonnoll on monday evening 8rd inat reeve fraraon presided end councillor clarke frenols and murray were pressnt a oommnnioetlon from the lree library board showed the additioua to the library lor the preient year and requoeted a grant ot aoo for payment thereof and or current expenseei cheque for amount of government grant to be returned to tbe treasurer ot the municipality upon receipt from the provlnolal treasurer chairman clarke of the committee on finance presented tbe seventh report of tbe odmmitteo arid recommended payment of the following acoounta b w chlsbolm 4 co 10 tons eoal run of mine lor power house 96 00 j a hill ooal lor fire hall 1300 john harvey frelget and bxpreaa a 00 wpanaersonworkat cemetery 100 woo moved by j a murray aeoonded by i francis that tbe seventh report of tne committee on eiqanoo initread be adoptedoarrlea moved by john clarke seconded by j a murray that the treasurer ia hereby authorised to pay to the treasurer ot the free library board the aura of two hundred dollars being amount required to meet payment ot purchase of books and en eip oatri a gentleman who is thoroughly acquaint ed with the altuationi who knows the feeling in ontario and qoebec and alao fa the west aay a able year 75000 seulerswlu go into manitoba and the tarrltorlea and within the next air years there will be a million inhabitants between lake superior and the kooky manntutal the tide has evidently set in that direction the invitations to the peace conference which were confined to the duioh qovern- mont for dialributlon ha been iaoed tbe following governmentareoeive4lnri- tatlone r thronsh their mpraaentatlvee great britainnaaia germany ana trie fr lyttor fa denmark sweden belgium luxemburg sorvla eoomanla montenegro oreeoe switierlana the united states slim perala china and japan mr jes conmee m p p lot ajgome is at ottawa to lay before the verornant a request that in the lutritauojta ontario should have four irutartafctwo representatives mr- inmsepjmiout thatmow ontario hmimooosquara miles iif territory and ad ontario only 15000 anofwhlle new ontarios popular lion la riot urge now it is rspldly inoreas- ing bis idea ia to divide the dlatrlol into nipteaidg algoma thnnder bay and rainy river constltnenclea bradiireeiv quarterly report on 1st april lays canadian tallnre statist point to the njoyrnw ol favorabjr busineaa conditions by tbejibnainsea mono the dominion the total nrimbar bt failurea for the quarter being only 8m and the llabllltlea only 397iiw9 a alllcg off of ss per cept in nuniber and ss per oerrt in llabllitlee involved irorh a year ago while aa oompared with 1b96 tbe number of failnresnd involvedater only about onehalf as large president harper of tha tjntvsrsily ot ohio30 makea this months ooritrlbullon to the diaorwaion ol the- edootjoriu rjneatiori whioh the cfomrpoluahtqtfifimt has iieen oondaollng durinpj thputiwo yearttbbimjwkdajrtisf college edooation7doss ikbdooatiitflbe broadeaf and moat llberil faebf the term is not need aa preaidemt harpeta iheme he oonflnes hlmeril jnub consideration of tbaskns whioh nniverattiesr boar theooratry md jo 4be people proaldent harper i one of the men who seem to desiretoje broad and liberal vlewa olthe subjeeferioatlpn people who may be ireaswnably charged with iniuring their town are claaslfled in i eight spsaiugoor those who ajetemtwly onl of town to do their ahoppingj iknd tboae who are oppoiod toabj lotemenu j those who prefer a qolsl ftiwn to one ol paab and bntlnemfqiirti those who think they own the tob i nl tbom w areajwayeaerldjtrj jiubiloanmvmb sixth those wb oppoiiveamovamnt thatdoeinotarttoberft then the counoil than adjourned acton trbb l the boarrl contlnuee to make efforts wltloh bntrahder a qrowlrip- interaat in th library tbe monthly meeting of the free library board wa bald on monday evening members present j b pearson chair man berbh a maopherson and j a molabhlan m a meaara john cameron thomas t moore and h p moore the llbrariana report tor the pait month showed the membarebip iooreaeed to h6 a total ot 890 booka were takih oat during the month inolndlng m in hit- tory 11 biography voyeges and ttav els isclenoe and art 109 notion anj 11 rellgtona the ciah reoeiptator the month ware i13j the committee on finance presented t tlx report reocmmendlpg payment prthe following acbohnta btaodartaae ibavenaeaofbookobmmlttee 8 eo the tan ksouja for moo eupple- medtarxeatajogoealabelaeto 11 00 v- j asivs moved by rev h a maopherson aeoonded by johp cameron that the sixth report of thai committee on finance joit read he adopted carried moved by john cameroo aeoonded by rer j a moliiublan that the report of tbellbrarian rormarob be reoelved and adopted carried moved by rev h a maopherson aeoonded by h p moore that the stand iog oommltteea lor the oorrent year be tbeamaas last year carried t book oommlttee reported that thay luiijoe4s tba smnrial purobaae hi books iaolodlng the pyclopadla of canada at a mtexpeoditor of 18600 tba bbairman and treasqrer had appllsd to tha coonoll for tbe sum of 300 for the new booka and current eipenees the board adjoarned al9 oolook a dibao duty the looal board oihaath called vperi to p a nualanoe a apedallneetlngpllheboardol health saaa l fmar e w b trtaioay obairinani beevs peareon oleik koore md meaara robert wallaoe and j h maltbewa the fall board- wire ttejsautt yftfi delegation ol oilisens from that section of the town known aa mount oampbeu attebropbn the board to prosel iairnrt the obnuriuanoa of a piggery on charih street by mr adam cook in oontraten- tion ol the pabllo health aol and preja- dloial to the health of residents cl that jajlljr- hvidenoe waa given by meears rw p oarnpbelli john hlsoock adam stewart wmbdmletori and others to ahow that lert over thirty phis tbesldse a notnber ot hci bqlidiwsilaatpalrtlyon tbatreet and leeatbaaality lest from adsrelung tqd thai thebdor irujing i rem the- premiaas wasterydraatwueudtdatada nom- bat ot dwallloga and ibelroooapante and 8ri tha the oerlna id the proxltnlty of tbe sjacamtwaiilnteniati rockwood the kings dfbghtere have announoed their enterlalnmeot for tho lbih inat a oolbrisd troupe calling themaelvas the nashville students kvo anentertaiument here on monday ulght wbloh vraavbry good it aoneieted of longedenooe and a cake walk probably the beat ot the programme were the male quartettea and the oake walk tbe performance ia not in anv way vulgar nor ooarse the troope expeoa to retnrn here tor thursday night they will present a different programme tha health inspector was around laat week removlug the fever plaoarda and fnmhieting the bonaea that have been infected a number of new booka have been reoelved at the pnbllo library and will be leaned ahbrtty mra rfohardon haa gone to flint mioh or the benefit of her health she expecta to be away for a month mr thomaa waters who ia in new mexioo tj s for the benefit of hit health ia doing well the appeal in behalf ol the relief of the st james metiiodlat ohnroh montreal wiaa made by bev s i w holden laat sabbath the olrouit anbaorlbed between boanisilto mr and mrs clarkson leave thla week for islington tbey will be greatly missed in bookwood general sympathy ia extended to mr and mrs bamhal allan eramosa in the death ot their eightyearold child after a ebbrt illness there being only a lew hours between the death ot mrs allens atber mr george diokleson and that ot the child beau tbe klondike mr a o thomas of marysvllle tex baa found a more valuable dlioovery than has yet been made in the klondike for years he offered untold agony from consumption aeobmpanied by hempr- ragaa- and waa absolutely oured by dr kinga new dlaoovery or gonaornptlon donghs and oolda ha declares that gold is ollittle value in oompariaon with this marvelpnaonre wonld have it even it it ooatia bnndrad dollars a bottle asthma bronohltis and throat and lung affeotions are positively cared by dr kicge new discovery for cpnsumptlop sold by j d mckee begular aize so oenls and lloo guaranteed to euro or price refunded neighbo news news iteme sudpllad by corres- pondenta nnd bxohansee milton the btvceta nd walks committee is determined tu have the atresia tu town lookluk more tidy thla lamnur iban usual to tbia end they are already moving in that diraotion the town undi the ourew hylaw more eaiily enforoedhe longer ia is in operation and tbe ourfew omoer deolarsa it to be a good thing for the town the membership of the royal templera of temperance here ia now 980 twenty- six members have been inuted within the past rhohltu rev d w bnlderenjoyethedlstingalth- od honor p being elected as one of the canadian apeakera l the international epwnrlb league conventiod wbloh la to be held in indianapolli in july next aa mr o norrla waa drlvlog down martin si on monday after dinner and about turning out on main st one tire 61 hia wagon broke and oame off rhnntng into and smashing a plate gteea window in thayaoant store belonging to the bmith eitatebebrwiet iv- the mlaies deacon have been enjoying themselves at venice niceflorence pisa and rome the pait lew weeks rov a mahaffy b a preaohed the annual sermon to tha royal templars and womans obrletian temperanoe unlon lilt hnnriay evnnlng it is easlerto make- a record or l tji i i t m a good living fountain of health vawdnewijfl paines celery compoundlisjn the mightiest and host eflfefitlve of all known sprtng medi cines tia an brainent phyalolans preaoriptlon edward epbelpe md il d a leading profeiaor in the eeiebrated dart mouth medical college drat prescribed whet ie how known in every home of the olvlliaed world aa paines celery opm- ponodrapbiitlvaonrelor tbsoommon ailmenta and dlseaeea of spring suoh as toot there will be a sunday bohool oonyen- tion of the deanery of halloo in qraoe gonrah sohoolrpcm on tuesday may oib tbe bishop of niagara is expected to preaoh and tp preside at the meetings 3prino medicine it ie absolutely necessary to cllve some attention to the blopd at this season in the springtime the blood needs attention the ohange of the year pro- duoeain everyone whether oocaolona of it or not some little heating of the blood some people have pimples a little eoseme or irrltatiou of the akin others eel easily tired and depreaaed and have a poor appetite a tonio is needed and the beat tonio the best spring medioine for man woman or child is dr williams pink pllla for pale people these pills do not purge and weaken like other medicines they make riob red blood build up tbe nervea and make weak deprsased and sully tired people eel oheerrulraotive- and atrong no other medicine in the world has offered suoh undoubted proof of merit and what dr williams pink pills have done for others tbey will do for you if given a fair trial miss ella m kelly norlhweat harbor 8 aaya rl oan eheerfolly reoommend dr williams pink pills to any person soffsrlhg f roin any form ot weakneasaa i have proved their worth in my own oaae remember that piukeolored pills in glaaa jars or in any loose form or in boxes that donatbear the oil name dr williama ink plls pr pale people are not dr williams no one was ever enred by a eobalitote sold by all dealers or dlrool from the dr williams medicine co brpekvillr ont at 60 cents a box or six boxes for 1260 seventh tbd who ppyvartmjvsnt jtbar does riot qilginate with hamsfhttr eighth those whpvare jeous of ihilr nelghbora and seek to lojure tbalr credit or repnleliop4 iil mr amophail and fainlly who ban lived bsretmswlnur moved fast week to a farmln bastrfismboro ownsd by mr mooreavgaalpb with vhom he haa enga lis year vivi the measrahortop went tpaoelpb on mondayi to attend the fanerml ol their grandmother mrs wrndtunsld the bjaiwas inurrsd in the den mliis oamiiotryi- tbe dlaolplea mission band met bonday afternobb k itiassffli worship lmtjuijfpr slnvbewm ukanjillwlih the grippe on theflretof ii0im0irh thejhoeeririend were atorw tin th a as aa a th badrpwifrrsntfkerroobjahom ratoiinianj vymf mr james grlndell left on tuesday for tbeweai ibilsei oooldnobeinduoad to rant them thla iirdpirioi iiv moyadbyj ppearapni aeoonded by t h mmtbesrs that the obairman and riantraryhn w au upeo mr oook that if toe oolsanes eon pun of iatnot r mondiayj 10th insvactlonrwni ba ojterihtfpawiah mbdainrilid r to ensure tha dadalf jtvtlesjjiii and with that md in vlssriiteraa moved by jh wallabathavnooe oiti thngbithafpsttohavetw priasscisarsdotthswjnuvs ilotiavtod par in a eeiisfaotory aarrilary eoodljo balors tbe 10tb c may wbea lbs iaafcai faspeollonwui take plaos itoabbir1 that adjenrnad iittjjii irouoies juaney and liver dom plaints dyspepsia nsrvous diseases deuralgla and rheumatism as asprlog medioine paines celery compound now occupies drat place in- the estimation of medical men it haa been ieetdby members cf tbe profeaslon in oaaas vwbsre ordinary preaorlptiona have failed and in every lualance the wonderful oompouhd has maintained its claim and banished dlarasei the aotion of paines celery compound on the nervous system in spring time is marvellous in health produelng reenlta it quickly purines the vitiated and impure bloodj braces the nerves rebnllds the tiasaae adds to flesh and weight inareaaea the appetite angmente the powers of aestoilailoo and keeps the whole dleatlve origaniam in proper repair pinva celsry compound baa done a grand work for millions in the past pbraiy thia ia the beat gaarantee for thoes whparonowaning and pbjfaleaily broken dowp every city town and village in this vast dominion oan tarnish its proofs of ihevirtoes of paines celery compondd vliattmtedcrires a few bbitlsspf the great epring medl- men buy red paint by the bottle bat woman purobaae it by the box brave men fall viotime to storoaob liver and kidney troubles as well aa women andall fasl the rssnlta in loss ol appetite poisons in the blood backache nervousness headache and tired listless rnndown feeling bat tksssena aesd to feel like ibst tilatsn tn j w gardner idavllle ind he aaya eieotrlo bitters are jnst the thing for a man when he is all rundowh and dont care whsther he uvea or die it did mora to give me new strength and good appetite than anything i oonld take loan now sat ahythiueand have a new lease bnllfe only 60 oenta at j d mokooa drag store the married actress often tries to make a bit by posing as a mias bed hot from the unit was the ball that bit g b bleadman ot newark mlob in the civil war it canaed horrible ulcere that no treatment helped for over so years then booklens arnica salve oured blm cdrea cote braises barns bolls felons corn bkin eruptions best file bare on earth 26 oents a box core gaaranteed sold by j drmokee love turns the crank and wealth lubrl- wfffaynhm cine nesdsl thla time willrlve to every mahaodwoman the bleaalng they are ao aajrnsatly sseklrigirna health it ia easier to all in lovo than it la to brawl ont of it what la jblloh f a grand old remedy or ooogb colds and opnaarriptlon r knpwn ihroughootths rimldjfor ball a esntnry has oured nnnmerabls rsea i bl cioclr sumrhlobsisnd relieved- many laad vanesdiugsa a wyoa are notsatlailsd aththe we wlli rsfand your nionsy price- 86 oente 60 oents aud 1d6 0v- than a ooodjlepor my mother watroswedub rbsn rswlw tbotamenjorilfoslttr xlngalonj o tha fo 4ranbd the mopsilsr position rwihl wf4sbl lwia f lift oanl kvj jitaiahhraebottlskt6vh hoods pills ouranttisaasekbsahache blliousnssa lodlmtlmoobatipalion ffgfm meinsnifamptbsulbiinot zpimk lui fljwtegtojif- stetmsne lack of cash oansts more povsrty sy j twrallmrtb m bougbner laamai lvfor about two y ears i wwiwilnjinwardpllawbntby rigsriilaiwaoomplalely eoinjsnbovfoarj s luautb h oct r jrvrbieleea pills are sntlblilons and spbatorlhecareoflivs dotsrdalntsi dyspspsia ocellveass sosliefstov seerilots4rad remove sjibill4atwtiisr the sneoasa of many great man la doe to ibeir om of otfaerrntnfal brains if 8hllohsfeovnf oooanropuob the troubles of bar neighbors- trouble a woman more than her own bleepiaeaneasia due to nerroua exolt- msnl the dalloately oontlliated the finnnlr the lualrtiiea menyvand these whose- peouriu6nm msoul strain or worry all safer r mere or leas from la bleep is lbs gnat restorer ot awbrriadhnsnd olr thatstomavfrcmi impbrilleswithti few doees ptparnesayasab gelatine eoaroontainmg no meroory and are gaarahietd to give aatlafabtion or the mobey wui urafondad v the work of a farmers wife is never ended but it is wholesome enjoyable productive woalr that is plcnauralilc if tils rnmicrs wife i it well womnn the work becomes wenry drmlkery when the wottinit is sick tile wort drags and the womans pride is hurt her ambition is to dons much and bettor work than her neighbors it la a distinct tri umph if her butter is gener ally regarded as the ttneatin the county but fine butter and bad health dont go to gether mrs w r kid der or mil dole farm kiioxbiirby vt writca to dr v fierce iluf talonvl dur- laf the past year i fouud mat i was to become a rnotb- er andthat xwae la rapidly fatllngfieami 1 aliftered dreadfully from- bloating and urinary difficulty j voa growing perceptibly weaker each day and ttiif tered much- sharp pala at tttuea -i- hod tig n eaavrompt reply i foir rd muctiaharp pala at tituea up my work and i felt that aotriethtni i- hod to irlvc miut lc took twclve- acriptlou ntd also followed your hyreiiic inatnictlons ibcsnu to improve imroedlatelyuiyhealthlwcatpe ex- cellcut end 1 coulddo all yay work we live oil o stood deed farm x walked andtvde all i could sad enjoyed it i hada short easy coofiuement and have a healthy baby boy the one medicine that gives prompt and sure relief is dr pierces fnvorite prescription it it a tonic and purifier that works on one opecial set of organs and puts them in a perfectly vigorous healthy condition it quickly soothes in flammation and stops debilitating drains on the arvstem talcen regularly durintr the period of gestation it greatly lessens the pain and danger of childbirth although sweet to thetaate it contains no sugar which often disagrees with weak stomachs nor does ft contain any alco hol or opium in any form and theref ore does not induce a cravlno for shninlstita keeps peectly in any climate cooper akin s fkasyv arti8tib tailors geg to announce to their friends and the- public generally that they are now complete in their spring arid summer goods consisting of the latest novelties from the best looms of the world and styles that are shown in new york and london see our latesttashion plates to show our goods is a pleasure call and see usl fit and workmanship guar anteed sole agents in acton for the celebrated bellwarp serge which does hot fade or change its color in two years wear ornhoney refunded cooper akins main st actpn new having decided to go into the milljnerybusihess i have securedvthei sewces of af the frank dowler co family footwear has always been a leading line of our business at no time have we handled a better assorted or more uptodate stock of ladies fine foot wear or gents fine medium and heavy goods and childrens school shoes svthen theres lines where some sizes are sold out these must be cleared as far as possible we have placed these on tables at prices that are a real saving toybu it is your opportunity to save money on what is a necessity if you xant get styles and prices to suit you corne here if you have not seen our stock and prices you certainly have not seen the best wwei0sq cuelph8 greatest store eeeesesgsa r jur stock this season is lar- ger and better than ever before having been selected from all the leading can adian and american mariufacturers twe have the finest com binations of with narrow and wide that can be secured anywhere irsffr w imiorsiy who comes highly recommendedj haying had several years of experience show rooms over store yhxrn8rpet we would draw attention x linoiieums and nine large rolls linoleums jsmfrbimteiirbper 0ne large shipment oil -gi6thst- egpn i oni large shipment mat- 3ijrmbl in better position tti cojttb and get first choice in pattern we have all thef latest colorings in ingrains with friezes and ceilings to match the side walls the effects produced with these ingrain combinations are unexcelled for richness elegance and permanency have you seed our samples tf lint wiiy not thfly are yyrth jwetog mim mill treet acton easter gloves easter veilrng fitto bbertismerit8 money toti0 an t ow is tfto tlmo to rodiioo ybar intnreit t i s hovo loonoy to loan on farm ana vlugo propartv in buixib ol 9100 to 910000 toth and 6 por coot no cgmmlfleion itjmonabb acton horses clipped by ha p afiitbtolabtf borso clipplna outfit bu boon secured and bones will ba clipped any afternoon at reaaonable obargea jambb barity acton the dairy farm farm to rent in na6 that wellvoown farm west balf of lot 23 eon 7 nuaagtweya oonlprlaldg 100 acrm betwmn 60and7oaara under oaltlvauoq tbe plaoo ta wait waterod bavlnfi a neyai ailing apclog and a good well tbotiuje fair bouttiogi rnlao an orobard on the place loaaolon ffhen lit april apply on tbs promliea to huoh mptavish or addreaa blmu o aoton jp o the qustie farm iu acton fo owing to 111 health the udaentgned ba deolded- to vhii hla farm known aa tbe glebe farm on main btreel aotonoomprlalsg est a m njg oulutauioji imatf vox ibubbbitj on the prmtiiaf qytoaetpn j o m 91 acrea well feooedj allc under oulm except a tew aoree of wood tberetafy comfortable bonae on tbe property mwly punt- d and papered si itable amul bawand drlrlbg bed good orchaud bard and krft water tor termaandparucaianai j yaluable iitesilfflb jjak- for sat t rgnt that bandaorao- newreaidenoe oiwiljow street aeven roome with inodtariiarraige mante ol archwayaeto with hllifpaatty cloaeuanawoodabedbaiandsaoftistott qvwt jy papered fltlx lograine and tbe woodmrk grained thepropertymtaatediiitbo oa ol tbe bnilhei partoraotoavwlttiln eai i one mlnatai walk of the foat office tel telephone dpotora drug btorea and l leas than flte miantet frxmll tbe ohnrobea aeajm aaifeans e a ajalimtl avaji a aflaaee m ktafttaai andten acbool and railway atation and wltbal joit far enoogh off the pnbllo thor- oagdihn tomiiafcamoatdeiirabeaiido fort able realdenoe por partlodlara apply to iubb jiemu btxbis aoton p o or to aonmrchi9thlbw notice to cbiwtoriy notiobu hereby riven pursuant to b 8 0 1s8t chapter- waikllinjamiuni acts- tbat an persona havixttola1aajialii8a-tlie- rftisg mr 4ftl estate of jareee ttabmari ship of saqnastnff ooontyor wtovvaoi deoeaaedishodlmerieviwottttnenm ot maroh we are mqolred onor r twedtvciquiajof apruuwto- prenald pir dellvertotbeiirjuaraijne4j itrliot too rttotetoioaatitams seotti or leave tne safflarwith xjojatrsat bla offleajuiaetontjall olairmflnly of trioseoqrltjr andthajeatnr rt jtthejd tintlas ts hsreftrsntentrtst tni sslfl ftilnilblstra trlz will attar xhs aald ftwentjnlnth dayof apru 1h praisedtetauwiidl the assets of the said estate among the parties enttued tbare- teliavlstfresardtenlrtesaolielalrftia ocwnleb be auhav reoelved credit as afrmaald dated at eiaueilxs tbls rd dej of j april 80iabombffv the pubxi health fev l ooniriiai uitenotlev act prohlbl tlmlilhbi in pens atl ana fie feet tloors kept free from larlr eleaiaad will be strfour aft cltuaris are eareeatltrnsetsd to luep coiiatauyeleasaaatwnnglir tbelrjnsmlaeio dlatnfeoterl jbpbab80n ry beeve the monlelpallt aoton7apntllhi7tabi7 j enough has beeia said and done 6 emphasize bur positibn in dress goods sellings not a single statement iii cjhis column concerning pur press goods andsilte hsis beenj overeshmated our goods easily disebflhfe anything john m bond co- we have made a declded4mprovemeot la this department so that thla year we are able wdlicbtmt opr beat preview effshcthevrvslieellngs pillow cotlont lawns swiss weajxstire valumconnt at our atoreaa we handle nothing best and the increase of sales in lkudermentprxrve r val execotobsotige tocfratv3iiy in the matter of te estate bf thomas iagnewv late of the village jof acton in the couhtjy tnlmer- chant deceased notjob ib hhbbbv oiveh paragant to a a o mn osmw seeavnat all par aoos navtolalxasasa t aald thomas agnevwh airursotsltkeeptx aotoi eebtygagel fflssfaousrirrs uanvlhsleu alt uaaald air invaalir bimotor will pre esea to duwbnu she aesatt ii tba dseeaesd among th parties antluad thereto havloe ragard enlv to tbiolaima of which neaball than navesotte against tho be tate of the r whqdlad on o aoonttth r aotonp pihe j timitssl new designs at rock bottom rcmtortolnsfrorrlsse pair up to joo nice cartaina 3l yds long vrfdei width spoclal 75c utviyiii2ilissicli cor mttswlx acwm oppotlte clarks hole j r eoetifalsniik- twonmklri i orowrianj mm iqw osalsrsv il- lejsiistjws jhtir s mjisigi mas com e and jperhapi yon want to replace your vmvl4jv4 j aciiaii- wib new ones of bright new heavy stock nr satlajactlon yon rlwt yc want at befirrfasiiiyl r f seed ba aee rumtlleaj and lat me yftffflng fcr w kkmi sjmfjtjiner easaj paseengenwlth jjalll be attached to train jeav- rlutorae cuss for laaseinsislivi fwul ralfc kinds of grain all sbogffep grain bran navy coaling serge allwool 41 inches wide regulnr value 350- for shdtlqalrea n a large aaaortment vliootlvlowwirai pif yard special at regular value oc fine navy serge french dyed all- wool 50 inches wide regular value sorry we havent room to enumerate taore 1 of the rnbst ferriarlrablo vsluesinc alltvfsrfllvlfadfwlirlslriandwm gait pilot of vwefilkdiagoua hj 9m ali eniulrles tnd oridsra by poat t wv sl si eabri i t i jtrl 1 fflgjji iiin fis j r hs js trlai itspeti i may elitvyine rjbfjt rviriqbstbck

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