Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 20, 1899, p. 1

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volume xxivno 42 aoton ontario thursday 20 apkijl 1891 price three cents ib pubu8nej every t1juksday morning at th1 free press steam printing office ulliti btrbbt aoton ont tbiuib or suubaaiptioh ono dollar per year trlotlyln advance all subscriptions discon tinued when tbo time for which ihey have boon paid boa expired the date to which overy subscription la paid la denoted on the address label astbhtibiho rates transient advertlso- menta 10 ceata per nonpareil lino for first in sertion s cents per line for eaob subsequent insertion oontbaot rates tho f611owlds tablo shows oar ratoa for tbo insertion of advortlbomentafor ipoolaed periods stage 1 tb 6 mo s mo 1mo 80 inches 10 lnabm fi inches llnoh 60 oo 85 00 30 00 600 sso0 30 00 jaoo a so 2000 19 00 700 a oo 700 800 a so 100 advertisements without specific directions will be inserted till forbid ana charged acoord lngly transient advortuemsnte znust be paid la advance advertisements will be ohsmged once each month if desired for chauros oftoner than enoa a month tlie composition mast be paid or at rogolat rates changes foroontraafc advertisements mast be in the offloe by noon on tuesdays accounts payable monthly h pmoobe editor and proprietor pretty parlor papers perfect combinations hall dining room bedroom with borders and ceiling 8 to match our nice new papers are at auoh low prices as will astonish yoo bee the bfg value at days book store guelph days sells cheap sxtsiwjs directarp medical tohn m macdonald m dcm sdocbsb0u to j f urkn m d o m offloe and resldonoe corner mill fc frederics streets aoton offloe hours b to 10 30 a m 1 to 2pm and ttbopm d rrjr rorster bucossson to dr a 8 elliott late- rosldont physician and surgeon to vlo toria hospital for sick children toronto orioa mill streot lately ooottpled by dr mulott d r dryden eyb bab thhoat and nobb mclean a block douglas st near f o guelph orpica bocns 10 am to 1 p m and 3 to 6 p m bcndatb 10 am to 1 p m dental l bennett l ds dentist aiobobtowh omtabio jcoghlan d d s l ds dentist vt0ut cabbfoi1iy done fitfcbs uoohiuts omok ovje n bbowm a dnua btons houds e vbttt djlz tooii u to 6 jm bell d d 8 ld s dxntlst 1 bnoorvllu1 bonoa grtajjtjatb or tobonto univrbbitt work mode 8atiifootory prices moderate vxsitdfo dits monday afternoon gamp bellvlllbtaeaday aoton omce clarks hotel btiday book wood r leqal ltatclean a mclean buililera solicitor notaries conveyancers o private funda to loan omo0toira hall aoton w a molbaji jvo a moluk jr j ma uabbibtbeb bolioiton oonvbtaifobb ofiiob mill stroet in matthews blook upstaira jb moleod a binnutkb soiixoitosooinratanobn halnbtreoc georgetown money toloen at lowoit enrrent rates j monajbb jlerxvoorth division uonrt county or hal- on oonveyaiioeragont fire and life abanranoe ueal eitate agent money to loan ate ovjrios perrymauebloolt acttohi ont xzsoxllajnto vs hbsbx gjehbt ottawa oahasa bolioltor of patenta tot inrontlon ete pmdamappileationaforthe canadian amor- loanvand european patent offloe and or the tfittatlon ol trade mark bend lot pem- st ihlrtt two yean eiperienoo fy jt1ban0is ntjnan bookbtndbb ndlimnat oaelph ontario wynonam w 8tor aooount books of all kind made to order fteloolealbof etatydeearlptlonoarefnllybonnd ballnpneativiin promptlydona hivraebiaob lioensfcs- h p mo0bb jbbhiw qjmanntanb lioexnb prlaldfflo no wltnewo required inoel at ietmn in ttae erenlni free frees offloe aoton there are two kinds of men to be found everywhere those who are obliged to dress roughly while at work and those whose occupation in volves no difference in attire forthe laborer we have heavy substantial boots j for the business man comfortable sensible shoes for the boys and girls good knockabouts apd for the ladies the latest novelties in footwear our speing stock is now coming in and em braces goods sure to please our customers as to style quality and prices caxl and bed otjfe kdw t2pxb wioioaiahs miiil st spring has come and perhaps you want to replace your milk cans with new one of bright new heavy stock made to order and to your satisfaction we can give you just what yon want at very low prices e avetr oughing come in and see samples and let me quote you prices for eavetroughing for either your house or barn our work has been blgbly spoken of by our mady customers g aa pannabecker mill street aoton sun savings and loan go head office toronto ont autartfaerf ctpztmj s00oo0o oo ten year maturity shares are paid monthly instalments of 50c per share for 120 months when payments cease ffo o paid in maturity value tioo 00 money to loan at 5 straight loan o repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to r j mcnabb agent aoton everton amd eden mills kt7jl heh8tbeet k j iawaiboiooiioji for the oonntlm tt wellington ad helton toderslftlirampjab offloe aoton or jfr xffiyrffiaobuje is aoton will b promptly at- k india to fee4needto ibootpobiabmbajaib v alkjmonst to loan on the inostfarorebie sumstaslathe lowest rates ol interest to umbptsmoand p war da bobflqbibmds c w3ssw the wblahoton mutual r fib imsphakob company ibwuloatlorarwmo to my idrwi bob or teloslioie m nul be promptly attends to taylob agent eja onelpb kv aotom ilacliine and eepair shops aibbil eaotpu with ill the w iniisk maoblo- and to do ij tfrsssvr t v a iwpalr any make saw the place to go for the r bran mlddllnks chop fed cfor aale chopping every day at everlon mills and every tuesday thursday and saturday at eden mills always buying wheat no credit -thb- traders bank of canada capital authorized capital paid up 000000 700000 guelph branch wo are nm issuing money orders payable at par at any branch of oharterod bank in canada oxoeptlog the yukon district at tbe following rates under 610 boosts i0toq0 10 cents 490 to 630 12 cents 80 to 80o 14 cents hiqhhbt current itatkociuteilest paid on auma depoaitod of 1 and upwards interottalloivedfronidato of deposit to date of withdrawal and paid or oompoundod half yearly advaneea made to responsible fsrmors on their oyiu names at tbo lowest current rates no obargo made for col looting sales notes if payable in guelph a general banklogbutiooib transacted it f hjones manager jpqgtrg 75gkin wbj would dravv yoamattblntioli to linoleums oil cloths mattinc8 onh large shipment linoleums just in from europe one large shipment oil cloths one large shipment japanese mattings one large shipment cocoa mailings never in betler position to suit you than now coml and get an early choice in patterns john m bond co bakdwjlrt forget ts- us not if you want artists goods wall paper mouldings pictures- frames waters bros wyndham fibsh street stobe guelph main 8treel mills planing acton ont john carneron architect and contractor ilanntaotnror of 8aah doors frames monldlnss in all styles drsssnro matcmiia aac hsouldixo to order on short notice will aasortod stook on hand at prloo to sol 1 the times john cameron proprietor henry hortop w barber bros gbstslg own ont twabmcuwtpf ion obadl wkkiy nw8 f paperi the plmt died in ihfe journal from be above mill v7m babbbr bhob rwf the artistic tailors geg to announce to their friends and the public generally that fhey are now complete in their spring and summer goods consisting of tie latest novelties from the best looms of the world and styles that are shown in new york and london see our latest fashion plates to snow our goods is a pleasure call and see us fit and workmanship guar anteed sotef agents in acton for the celebrated bellwarp serge which does not fade or change its color in two years wear or money refunded a swe ggy whon my boy reuben long ism spring teased mo tor buy a bike for him tor ride ididnt kick good exercise i ilko thlsbloyolln does young folk good an its all woll onough ferrldod they don t want tor fix the roads or no loll stuff n m sol says llube my son ill see an later on i bought a slap up nlokol plated rig rood purchase too 1 thought but land i didnt know my bis when i put through that deal i vo bad tor run the bull blamed farm senoe reuben got a wheel i vvbon ho was learnlo fuat aloog hod eomo home bruised an ore an so used up i couldn t aak the boy to do a chore an no i done em all my sol f bat arter qui to a pell i sickened of it cause 1 boo it suited him too volt an thou ho joined a centobry club agd use tor go avay terrlde a hundred miles b gall i an not be home all day an all the work he done about tbe place wan t worth a meal of good oold vlottlea for a dorg eenco reuben got weeel inbayin time id go with him and wad start in tor mow an he d leave off ter get a drink an then fust thing yer know i wouldot soe him eomtu back an when id hunt him up i d and he d gone off ou tbe wheel the idle vhlfleaa pup i hogotterba a scorcher too an raced dowo inter town allbeut up llkea jumpln jack arunnlu people down took all the oaah fer damage thet i ond make er steal it eoost me forty dollars oleau senoe reuben got a wheel all summer longl let blm ride an never opened bead but when twas winter then i set that wheel up in tho shed an rigged a belt aroon it tight an hitched it so twould draw aorost tbe room an turn a shaft that worked a crosscut saw an then i says fly sou says i i know ye ilko to rldo so git upon thet wheel on bamp or else 111 tan yer bldoj yore quite a sooroer aint ye well then scorch right off tbe reel i ive sawed up thirty cord er wool senoe reuben got a wheel i it 4 w bulletin ii familg juaing orrowed plurnes s mabel boscommon a bigb aohool teaob- er had pome to the arm for the summer vacation and to rest the disjoined sim plicity of farm life appealed to her orsd dally a passion of love awoke in ber for the little ordinary uietol everyday thins the needful work repeated at the appro priate hour tbe ohanglnr maglo of morn and noon and evening tbe restfnl distur bances of down and lea the intimate fore ground of hedge and orchard at first she read a good deal bat gradually more and more time was spent with mrs fry mabel followed ber in and oat to the dairy to feed the oalvet tooolleotlhe egg and the eyes of tbe faded middle aged woman grew tender though ber worda wen always the explanatory oommonplaoe or the monrnfnl biographical literature he quoted almost juoesasntly and when he was not quoting he talked of anthore of edition of style and of form how should the know that he had bis own dreams nhioh be managed to dfvguise nnder these quotations from the dreams of others f miss itosoommou was the first educated woman he had ever met and he seemed a anxious to lose no obanoe of showing her that he was not merely the foolish boy abe might have expeoted to find in the son of tbe bouse at the farm at first this sensitive insistent egotism amobed mibb boaoommon then it irritated her and at the end of three das bbe was as near hating bobert fry as bbs bad been to hating anyone even tbe leaat loved professor at cambridge yet after all it was not poiaible to mabettjnile to bate any one nor whs it possible tbat bobert fry should be quite hated by any one she bad a rnanlv vein of tolerance aqd he a timid appealingmanner which if not quite feminine waa at least childlike bat bis quotations got ou her nerves and tbe quiet charm of ber holiday waa broken it was un tbe fourth evening that abe spoke he bad been standing beside ber and snddenly broke the oslni of tbe great alienee to quote matthew arnolds lines tbe eea ot faith was thna onco at tbo lull and round earths shoro lar like the folks ot a bright girdle furled bat now 1 wieh you wonldu t abe interrnpted almost peevishly his bine eyes turned on ber with the appealing look a ohllds wear when one whom it trusts speaks with sodden harsh ness dont look at me like that she said ber patience and her pretty manners giving way together under tbe strain of that absurd appeal ita ouly that i oame into the country to rest and i see yvtr don t like me to talk to yon 1 am very sorry i never meant to bore yon its very good of yon to tell me straight out he raissd bia oap and tnrned to leave her ob dont 1 abe said sgoin i am so orryl 1 didnt mean to be rude but dont you feel it too 7 ono wants to rest from literature and all tbat sort of thing i am sure you feel it too only yon tbink a person from oirton wants this sort of entertaining she doesnt i assure you ahe just wants to look about and see things happen ete bow the flowers grow and what the pigs eat and how the sheep oome into ho fold and wonder how theobiokensknow whan its time to be fed he stood looking at ber still wlstfnlly loa are not angry with me are yon f he baid angry no ot oourso not and yoo mustnt be angry with trie it waa very bad tempered of me beoauae i know yon were only doing it to please me but yon wont any more will yon ite not neces ssry what am i to talk about tben i have an idea bhe said flashing a brilliant smile at bira let as never talk at all unless we have something we very xnuoh want to say he smiled baok at her bat bis smile was a little sad xet be accepted the new bati of conversation iu the first day or two their talk tost in bulk bat in quality it stained then mies boscommon awoke to the fact that he was talking a moon ae but one day it was the day wben mita boscommon first churned the butter mrs fry sighed and said my little alloa would ha been abont your age if tbed lived t pwn i should ha dearly liked to ha taught ber to ohnrn it was that night tbat mabel kitted mrt fry when sbe said good nlgbt and almost wished as she crept between jbjsjsold lavendered sheets that the had bean born a farmers draghter wben bobert fry oame home tbe only son ot his mother the farmers wife- mabel shared in the glad basils of prepar ation tbat heralded his corning he waa in basinets in london bat bs was oomlng horns for the holiday his mother said bat he bates the basinets she went on he got a scholarship to go to oxford for hes very clover my iear bat it was not enough to keep blm there and it was the year we did w badly stllbr tbe wheat so father oonldnt spirt enoogb 10 let him cooper sl akinsso bo then bob gave la and said all w w right ill go into buslnsm for i dont want to stay at farming so bia uncle took blm into tbe mantles whr ha might be doing well but 1 wish hed never gone tosohool for then hed bean content to stay and help bis father about the old place thats belong ed to tbe frys no one knows bow long ton oan see their nsrusa in the church yard it was in the ohurchyard amid the moss grown headstones that mist boaoommon not only saw the names of many of ths many dead and gone frys bat made ths aorjualntanoe of the newoomar he oame to her across the field tbat lay between the home and tbe oharofa and the oould see bis fair hair ahiulng in tbe son he waa tall andbaodaome she thought my mother tent me to mil yoo that tea is ready yes ive just oome down it all seen j very beautiful after iiondon doesnt it r i ita so beantifnl said mabel that i am beginning to wonder hoar iahall pver bs able to leave it he walked betide her for awhile in allenoe tben he aald w at o my mot te cooper a akin8i main st aoton jurs1ol mufotfup motors wlh motom aaoxjm jum oas xnazrnfsbiussazrarf h oastbraaro makk repairing promptlydone aeorktpvyh orit me dont yon find ibh sort of thing strange after the stirring intellectual life there j bhe laogbtd a little i dont think we were very intellectual then sbe said i feel so roach all i have missed bs said if only father had not sown wheat tbat year tea abe aaldi know it was vary bard she was interested in tba boy for thongb be waa of her own age ha aeemerl to her infinitely yonng bis naive blrradsridi anxiety to l tr mlwlipiwjih abont the inulleotoal lfs bl rvpaot ber f qlattomajfmtn balinl prsienos miopmiesiir wisretf of lit at n ilj prorolswmfallllef he i ii j- 1 u- v f i went to london i was a fool bat it wao for you beoause i have dreamed of you all my life now ive told you and ile all over what are oa going to do shall ou go baok to london her voice was low and not quite ateady no ive had enongb of tbat i shall atay here and help my father to work the farm tee i ahall have booka i know yon deepiao them bnt ibata beoauae yoo have got all you want of ihem i ahall helpso farm the land and look after my mother and read and try to forget you he had risen and atood looking down at ber bbe rose too they atood looking at each other he was no longer a boy in ber eyea be waa a man and hor maater she peroeived now how the afteotations tbat had annoyed her were not part of the man bat merely the trapping he had put on foolishly vainly put on to aio her approval she thought ot hie life alone at the farm she thought of her life alone in the orowded hluh schools she raiaed her eyes to bis uud tier eyes were fall of tears 1 dont be unhappy about me he said eagerly i ought never to have told you and it is not ao bard really aa if i bad never known yon for tben j ooald never have eettled down here n here i really be long and have done my plain duty i bbonld have wandered all over the world looking for you now 1 eball have the memory of yoo to keep me company aud i can do what i ought to bave done long ago and what i should have wanted to do bat for wanting to find yon ton are not to be unhappy i ant not i am glad her tears brimroed over and fell this then waa the nature he had thought too poor to abow her tbie the soal he had oovered op with borrowed plumes forgive me be said again i ought not to have told yon but i never tbougbt it woald hart yoa like this believe me r eball be glad all my life tbat i have known you and all the farm and the flelda aboat will be dear to me forever now ton will do me good and not evil all the days of yoar life she made two btepa toward bim and laid her arm on bis ebonlder and her wet cheek to hia i will please god ahe said the borrowed plamea had fallen away and there was nothing now between hie son and hers 8kctch some curious horseshoes the sale of a heart ever ahd she more than ever and how abe began to peroeive glimpses ot tbe real man of the passionate love of all things beautiful that had lan beneath bis veneer of cheap oullure he talked no more of literature and art nor did he talk of himself bathe epoke of his father and abe respeoted him he spoke ot bis mother and the little desd alster and something like tenderness began to soften the retpeet she saw how the pastoral peaoe of tbe old ptaoe held hie son and abe wondered bow be oould ever have torn himself from it to go into the mantles i bnt thin was one of the thiogs of whiob be never spoke her time of holiday was nearly over before sbe learned that he wrote verses trembling and yet happy be read them to her on golden afternoon in the orohard and they war good verses they eooen- taated ber cariosity as to his choice of a earner the two were now so nearly friends tbat abe dared to peak her wonder why she said yon mast love lbs country in yoar heart or yoa ooald nevsr write like this i loo make dear little pictures in yonr verses i oan i think why yon aver oboa to go into business instead of living here he flushed hotly and began to pnll the dry graaa from tbe roota ot the apple tree i didnt know he aald i had no idea what business meant i thought that in london i should bav some chance of meeting intellectual people thats a hateful phraae rhe aald sharply tben ill change it he said and the voice was a voioe aba had not beard before i wanted to get to london beoansa i though i bad ao obanoe here ot meeting yoo oh of oonrse 1 dout mesh mlia mabel boscommon bat yoa dont suppose i have never dreamed of a woman like yon a woman who knows all tbe things i want to know and never had tbe obanoe to know awomanl oould worship a t worship yon my soornfal lady f hia voioe was bard defiant and bsr yea ware bard and soornfal she waa vary angry and ao yon tnougnt yon would meet rue or my ilk among the young ladle who serve in tbe mantles thank yon von arent a auob really he aald quietly pleas dont talk ilka one just to annoy me it was bard bitting the gloves off on both aides each drew a long breath the level abadowa of ths tree tracks lay thick and black across tba orchard graaa ton dtpphe me ha said dont try to make ma deapisa you hot that yoa oould i know yoa betler than yon know yourself how oould i know what ohanoe there was for ro in london t i have foond yoo and found yon here if i bad tons to oollfge if my fathar bad not town wbsat tbat year i should be yoar social stbantlf man vtou have good deal of faith in oxford aha aald with oold rnallos wonroiloa sbwjrtffejtwljra be u the ball la over io a pretty boudoir lighted only by a taper and tbe flames that flloker on the beartb tbe belle of tbe evening recalls ber triumphs she has wheeled tbe easy ohair wllbln the circle of firelight and its fitful gleams reveal ber wraithlike in the white ball drees that is scarcely whiter than the face above it an hoar ago one ot a brilliant throng ber glanolng feet kept time unwearied with the measures ot the lateat waits aphonr ago yet the cheek that is pressed against tbe downy onshions baa lost its bloom gone ia the sparkle from ber eyes and tbe crimson roses on her breast are drooping dying bbe holds in her hand a jewel oaekel and slowly with balfrelnctant admiration lifla from their satin neat a string of glow ing rubles laying them agaloat her baro w i r 1 fit for a princess she murmurs bnt whst a prioe to pay i am to trample my heart underfoot forsooth and all tbat tbe world my world most prizes is mine to be admired oonrted the observed ot observers is as the vary breath of life to me why do i hesitate with bit name hit millions there fen no height in the tools soale that i would not dare and yet what did 1 read in the bold gaae tbat followed me everywhere to night not love passion admiration it may be love wears not tbe guise ot a eerpsnt seeking its prey ah i well he wishes a handsome figurehead for bis eatabuehment i long for wealth and position a barter one aees every day so aball it be th haines die onl npon tbe beartb and amid the gray ashes a single ember glows tbe woman shivers marmariog how cold it has grown i i seem to see phantom fanes on every side bia face ss i saw it ysstarday one moment bia yea met mine as my oarrlage whirled by and ob the reproach in tbat glanoe t enough of this i will ring for my sleeping draught and drink oblivion her hand seeks tba ball to roasa tbe sleeping maid she hesitates tben lifts to her lips the flowers drooping on her breast bend baok o me one little rose be said tbat i may know i nab hope ab robert my love my own onoe i thought the world well loot gazing into yoar earnest eyes i it aeeme so long ago that happy sum mer do you remember dear as i do that qufetoountry lane where the wild roses ran riot t and tbsra was the lilaosoented gardeu wher oar mornings wars patted and the lake where w gathered water lilies i was marion to ybu never the aoolsty butterfly though yon wooed not boldly i wei know the words yon longed to apeak and often i pictured another and a better life wben l should place my band in yours and ws should go forth into the world together bat tbat is past why dally with fatt bleep la not for me this night until tbe words that seal nay destiny am penned injpn most ot the hnreea are hbod with btraw even the olumlieat of oart borsee wear straw shoes whioh in iheir cases are tied aronnd the ankle with straw rope aud are made ol the ordinary rioeslraw braided bo as to form a sole for ibe font about half an inoh thick these soles cost about a halfpenny a pair iceland horses are ahod with sheeps horn in tho valley of tho upper oxui ihe antlora of the knouutain deer are used for tbe flame purpose the shoes betug fatitoned with horn pina in the sondsn the horses bro bbod with eoolte made of oimeld skin in auatstralia hordbshoos art majo of oowhide a german not long ngo invented a horseshoe of paper prepared by saturat ing it with oil turpentine and other ingredients tbin layers of snob paper are glued to tbe hoof till the requisite tfalukness ieattained and the shoes thus made are durable and impenetrable by moiiture bad case of shrinkage on of the coolest frauds that hab of late attempted to do business in detroit ia reported by a property owner in tbe norlh- weetern part of the otty i wantod to put a root on my barn be tella and waa called upon by a man who wanted to furnish the shingles he guaranteed them all right and i agreed to take 10000 after tbey wers delivered and paid for tbe man who got tlie job of roooug informed me that there were only 7500 bhldglea in the lot i lost co time in hunting up the fellow with whom i bad dealt and demand ed tbat he make the ahortage good do yon know anything ab6ut lumber f he inquired coolly of conrsa i do i wbb raiaed iu tbe country and at ono time ran a aaw mill for the purpose of alearing up some land 1 had bought then yon must know that green timber will shrink in the process of seasoning certainly it will what aro you tryiug to get at only thia when i got thoss shingles i coontedtbem myself and there were a few over 10000 it was a good strong measure if there are only 7 600 now ita beoausb tbey sbrank and im not respon sible for that did you tbtuk i was workibg miracles or only selling lumber speoialtiea i waa so domtonnded that be had lime to get away before i could answer him and ive not had the ooorage to pursfie tbe matter further ive charged my lose op to fool tax and only wish to let the sbarperknowluaoine way that i do not believe those shingles evapnratml detroit frrt preu the wife should have free access to the family purse tbo huaband and wife are parloere for iff if btioli a partnership does not go aa deep as the ppoketbook it is superficial indeed tbe intelligent bonbemotbor under stands the household needs a no one else doeb ahe oan therefore do the baying aud selling for it with greater economyond more aatiafaotorlly than any ono else oan the father who in insibted on bating hie daughters nlothss himself and dreased them all alike in apite ot radical differeooea o a figu eemeaitrer ma bluedera in taste not to aay graoej their mother oonld never bave been guilty of boouomy and aatlbfoolion lubricate tbe household machinery ideally and so save rnncb wear and tear on nervb and maaole particularly to the housemother it goes without saying that a man oan expend for barn and field and orohard more vilely tbau nia wife because they are nnder hia espeoial oare tbe fair minded oan easily make tbo applioation of this axiom to tbe wife and the honse tbie real partnership ot huiband and wife eaoh having oharge of special branobe of the bobiuea woaia be im possible without freedom on both sides in handling the money eoonoroy and comfort arc important bnt they are trnall in comparison with independence and selfreaped for her own sake for the sake ot ber family for the- sake of ber ohildreus children tbe housemother should be ibe moat indepen dent ibe most aslfrespeoting member ot the household to tbe ond tbat the may be the most loved and honored independent and selfrespecting aba can not be as the head ol tbe bonte it aonstraldad t work wltbwbatever it supplied by pne outside of bee sphere and pat on an allowance for persona xpensea like a pblld or worse alill and mbre oommon made to beg for every detail ahe wanta from a new gown to a waper ot pins mr wann advice tomkins good morning mr wanua- maker i have oalled to aee it yon oan give me a position in your establishment i oan turn my bapd to almost anything mr w no we are full in every depsttrpent and yon are the twentieth man i have related to day why dont yoa take op a line iu whloh there is lose competition add better pay 7 tomkins id only be too thankful if yoa can put me ou traok of suoh a poii- tlon v mr w- when i was twenty year of age i waa a atrsnger in a strange land with neither work nor money wlen a friend of mine a lawyer advised xne to w a hnnk agniiv saving bg had ednoatad again har hand is on tbe bell i then laming ebets herself at tba eroritoire tb trim thald who enters noiselessly in answer to tb anmmons marvel much at tba carereaanesb of her mistress as har glance falls on a oil sin of rabies trailing its glittering length upon ths hearthrng and with ths crimson rosea resting above her heart the maiden writes thats over and so ttiata over dear all right aud you havo eavod too aituatlou at what a trlulog coat a alight flirtation i you dant ilko being callod a lllrt wboro was tbo harm i mo hearts wore broken woll mlno has just a llttlo hurt for tokon but tbcra i know your taudor lioart you oould not hslp a bnillo ot greeting it was not tbat oauiod me to start xtopoatlng ttioso atalo old worda i was your frlopd itsaddonad you to hud anotler treading tbat wollworn path to end your brother flatteirod and fooled load my bay and you your sorrow overriding showed tno tho doop abyss tbat lay dividing you might have stopped jt all but up 1 asailao i browsdd awbllo in olovor now i m tnrnod out again and ao thatb over irih hall aazilte wusmws fftma tforner a talk on advertising an interacting aud profitable lecture on advertising hy a m mackay ib reported in the hamilton papers in commencing bia leoture mr mackay pointed oat that advorthuog was a practical subjects for stadenta the bookkeeper who asn write advertisements can command a maoh higher eslary tbsn bis rival wbo has no knowledge of tbe bubloeaa a great deal of money ia thrown away on iojodioious advertising bote money apent on proper advertising is woll spent a sign over a door is ths most natnral kind of advertise ment xfswspaper advertising is after tbe aatne idea only it bringa tbe advertiser oiobrr to tbe people tbe psper being admittsd into tbe home a good advertise ment will acquaint tbe readers with these things what la for aale where it may be obtained aud from whom it may be obtained tbata all any advertisement contains bnt there aro varied ways of telling these things an advertisement ahould be interesting acoarateandoxplioit- tbe oold type must answer to tbe reader many riubbtiona which naturally arise dishonesty in advertising ia dishnoebty in living and should be avoided people appreciate boneaty no superlative word or phrased should bo uaed an advertise ment should not bo funny people who want to laagb will bay a paper containing jokea no oatch line shoald be aasd that baa no relation to the matter iu the advertisement in bonolaaion mr maohay pointed ou the advisability of advertising iu the pspsr that goeb into tho homo where the peoplb have time to read advertisements aa well ae uewa itcma his teacher influence not many yearaagoa boy wabsentfrom his home in tbe west to new england fitting sohool he waa tno only bod of rich and influential parents says tbe yontha companion and bad unfortunate ly been little restrained or controlled tbe rout years he rpent in ihe fitting school were apparently woraethan wanted agaiu aud kk the head master called this unruly boy to bia btudy and gravely antugently reproved aud admonished bim sornelimeb ho prayed with tho wayward boy all waa to no purposo then the lad wont to oallcno and continued his ihougblleba oaieer for mora than a year umerjv a ureat chango oame some one noted the fact tbat tbie chaugo waa coincident with the death of the head matter in the school whore tho hoy bad fitted for college after about a year ot self training the yoong man timidly asked to be allowed to prepare himself for joining the chnroh strangely enough he insisted npon going back to hib old aohool ihe seme ot bia boyish extravageuoes and fooly and there joining tho church he bad once openly scorned wben aiked why he did so bo answered with unsteady lips and swimming eyes there was a good man i hnow bim and ho la dead he haa helped many a wayward loul and he baa helped me ill used bating hor3eflb8h in paris the consumption rf horse flesh ia grow ing in paris to 0011 an extent that it ia proposed to ereot especial abattoir far the hlppopbagists at present ha slaughter ing of horses for brunan food la oarrled on at nitlaja and laatvsar 15187 animals ittoiudirw7aohltys yradnamd the ma aralatwt b7700 ktloa th oonfamptlon ojhoreefleah is of ooarw no dsw ftblnglnfranoe the first- bora aliolkwtibooee was opened in 1bss htshagltt olblm tbat brwili 1t mltmdlwrlthiug thtrftatiy other animal tbe obvious objtollob la haithtahimb killed ln jparlfaiw asnioraljy old wornout haob or horew liiittsllltasowils himself by oanvaasirig like drowning men grasp at atrawt i look bit advlo and in fie years saved 15000 and with this snm started my present business it u just fifty years ago to day that mr bradley th founder of the present llfni of the bradleygarretaon company limited of toronto not me my first book prospectus and to hit beautiful letters find good advlor i ow mnoh of my present suooess xs young msn ii yoa hat anything in you there la just a good a ohsnoa for you tdday with ibis nld established homo a thtr was for bis writ thtm and tee what ibava to offer tomkins i have seen jha advsrtlse rornt of tbie firm tor jujsnta for year boktj4 have olwn thpdjiht of writing tbem bat hivewer donvsot t will writ today i and i am very thahkfulto yoa mr wannamaker for yonr good advice i ri if yon havo had the grip tak hoods bariaoatllttjitwill braoeirou up parity yoa bb3aod overborne all bad affects of us j utltatnai whoulool johnny have i ever had tho measles mamma 7 mamma no johnny johnny or the mumps mamma no johuny you havo never beenslck hosnhj- not oven tbo whoojviog ooogb mammaynob even tbat johnny wuy catft i never have any thing that other children bava 7 cheap why is it that ydur melancholy looking neighbor alwaja haa so many iroubleer aaked a sqrborban resident ot knottier beoaone he can borrow them theres a man that will borrow youf paper every day before you are through reading it and then get ginmpy on your hkeda if you oult taking ik you oan bet yoar lite that it he bad to bay trqublejio wouldnt have any holfw tovdress well by using the never failing j diamond p t woman can have two or more dresses of the newest colors at trifling cost notbslp being an opllmlsi writhe ifms women who desire to drssa neatly and well find tbe diamond dyes to be their best and raefhslpsr one or two package acwdlng to weight ql dreas will rearsate shy faded or diaoororiiilw or akltl tbat baa bean oaat aald a slibs aud th ooat will not okoeed 10 or so ofot i instead of having to depend noon one drssa for strtel and pharob wssr ny thrifty tand bandy woma wltb itaobalp of diamond dyes osn havsttwp or nor dresses iobtyllab colors always rmdy tor donotflryourdrsss wilb imitation orsdalterattnljdyesi too tbat yoar dealer gives yoo ifflflnmohd dyes wbsu you oak for thtm kj

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