Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 20, 1899, p. 2

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kknnby in aotou ou saturday 10th april to mrandmre wil konnoyadaugbter tounii at tli maine hornby on wednesday aniu maron to bov ot and mrstougbn son masmed llcasir 9oi kv iu bookwobd on tuesday lbthaiull iiyllov fatberoioanemrjaniea llokotv merubsnt mount foroil to miss johanna soanlanr ltookwood mc laoil iiawmm at knox jhuroj menso aoeuiui wodooaday evening ibto april lj jitr h a maopberaon donald eon of dunean mcorekor kan namegaweve to agnes daunt tor o ululate andrew lmoii aoton maouinebutonion at it joeepha ohuieh aoton on monday morning april 17th by kov potbrfonyair jamoquiry sob oj joa moouirojfcon kubrtd to hum jim ilutaioou daughter oftbe lata wmbotob- oonof oueuo mao boioat tae mtthodut vmmm bower avenue aoton on tuesday iso aprn by bov j a molaohlau m a ohallaa w mason ol johnstown n v son ol m siiodkaci aoton to rjelllo j boyd deugh tor of tho late benry m boyd aoton musmjtstiuiat hie resmenoj lj brlao1atbor np smstone av west mount montreal on monday mth april by sill llluiaj dv ofiariaa qouldlng son of mr william mmseilwnokieeleawi nlot to eva constancy daughtorof mr frank l8trwt d1bd urran at bis lata ratldmootralalgaron batnrdoy april mb w 0 utter in eli sjrd year y jvxtdnjfipcss thctbbjdax april 30 1899 notes a co lord roberta nays that the total abstln- onco movement in india io worth 18000000 to tha indian fineness lord roberta farther srild to mroaioe when iu oalonttv give me a teetotal army mr oalne and i will take it anywhere the bad roada that are now belnfi experienced iu the oonntry ahoulol certainly be the means of ordniing farmers and others to the faot that better roada are a neoeaelty and that aome better eyatam should bis deviled for their faprominent good roada are almost as essential to the welfare of the farming dftlrlsta aa good crops arid it ia a itranro thing that farmeri will plod their weary way throaath be mud almoat hubdeep every spring abd fall and pot ralaoja bowl iqud enough that thai legislature will awaken from their lethargy and enaot a- road bill that will transform our- highways into better thorough area rendering travel anil traffio over tbem a pleasure rather than a rauoidroaaedbeoaaaiiy undermined the mill serious damans by tho flood at aalem smeii aprllls the flood here did more damage than war expected whirs the watrr went down it was observed that the f onndition of gopeland 4 zsiglera floor mill was badly undermined and thla morping porta of the end and aide walla fell r the remainder of the end wall hiohjijieraubdreaieethlgb be very unsafe one of the rolls fell wlyb the laut crash the loai so far will be over iio0 venub cha t toronto w hi pontpnv third trial will tatka plana in that city tonorao april 15 the venue in the ponton caso baa been changed from napariee to toronto judge eobertson gave aooh a deolalon tbla morning ho stated praotioairy what he bad said before that ths aberiff did right in reading the blot aoi and that a fair trial oould not be held in napanee he oonanlted eight jndfjea and all bat one flavored the ohabae both oonnaal objeoted to toronto the oaae will ooma up in may probably before jndge btreel the experience of an e8tim- able you no la d y v her blood waa pporiahd watery 8 taf fared from ryofc haadaohea and falntlhb bpalle how 8ha resalnad haalth bloom 7bo baoordsr broekville on one of the flneat farma in v7olford townahlp orenvllle county reaidei mr andmcri alonwbmtb and family mr smith is perbapicjneoft men in thaondutyyjaiin ticwbilriit antaollom3 afjriorxltairl i aajliyemilottwoeitimiugbtari- the ttilinyfcvnleaw to a ootreapondant of tbibrvllla btemttfy who recently oallad at mr bmilhs mlaa minnie ebmltb the eldht daughter related the following aioryi about two yaara ago i waa lakau qoltelll i baiie psla and langoidandlf i undsr- took to do any 7wvrk abouijthe house woqldeaally beobure terribly fitigoedrl beoama tubjeot to hrribleajokhiiadbonai and my atoroaoh bemroe m tbavl loathadfoodivi jtrenlrtavyiiftijfihir aggravated by wajptoiiiai rfiai winter oranmmer were aeoold f aot it terned aa if tbewaano feeiteg iu themrtriedioverkiodaor rnto but instep ofhelplng me iwaagrowlog weakervdba oiyjnaiu fatherbrought home a toko dr w pinasiiisi taking pllli iarniiimma veiptiii the muni cjouffgil el8ottlotbtnoyn9ldflilitntlon presented hl firm puttln in a now plarit and dealro- hlaber- vices church street sidewalk ex tended oonnoll mot on monday evening keovu pearaonin the chair and all iheubernbera preaent 5a communications wore reoeived ishlr w ohlaholm 4 co ooal minora tnd dealers at buffalo stating that owing to the advance in freight from the minea to buffalo ol fifteen oanteiper ton the price of ooal would be advanced to that extent the rjompanv suggesting the entering into a oonlraot for a yearv iiupplyat 165at buffalo with allovffinoe for any4olino iu prloes doring the year eleq a fetter from mr w e bey uojda the oorporation eleotrioian tanderlng his resignation and asking to be relieved of the poallion a soon aa the vaoanoy can be aatiataotorlly filled k jche comrnittea on finance presented their eighth report and reoolnmendea pay ment of voponnuaa followa baoaalem general sleotrlo co anppilea u united bleetrlo co snppliea it 01 jblattbewwood 7 w oaorgo barlll oil eta beardmore belting co laoas 1 j moved by i franoik eoooded by j a murray that the eighth report of the fihanoe committee juit read be adopted carried moved by jamea clark seponded by i franoie that councillor clarke be lnatr not ed to makeoontraotfpr aopply of iteam ooalforeleotrioplant for balanoo of jrear 1899th8aaia 9oal to be ai mine run at i5 at international bridge with the underaunaing that ahould any reduction in prioe take plaoo the corporation is to have the benefit thereof oarrieo w p campbell addressed the oonnoll pleading tha heomaftyofa eonunuation ol the sidewalk on cburoh street weatward io the bridge at the oreek he agreed to build the sidewalk for the right to take the hay off the park tho coming seaaon tbocbonoil autborired the streets and waiki committee to enter into agreement with mr campbell and aee that the side walk is oonitruoted underjhe bupervlalon of the corporation officer moved by jamea clark seconded by j a murray that- tho resignation of beynolds who baa oharga of the eleotrio lighting plan t be aooepted as per terms of his letter to uke effeot whtn the position la aatiayabtorily ludartied council adjourned at nine oolock oenhro le acie8 hajrtttok april 15 the late mr hiram f ingleharl of tbla olty left property valued at 101s8 and in hu will which was filed for probate todayi the the centenary ohurob 3009 to the y m o a of this oity isooo i to the miaelonary sooiely of the methodist oharob in canada 1600 io the pnlverally- of ytctoria college and 11000 to the boper annuated ministers fund of the methodist oborob mrs ingleharl who preoeoeaaed her bhsbana by three or four months left about 90o with the following bequests to her win s f tooo to lbs womens missionary boolety ticdinft umioi- 1st choroh600 to the malhodist mission ary barfety for general purpoeee and 1600 to the melboditt mission in japan niwlo the dav li the big freshstiast week barrldd away- a large porllpn of the mill dam whioh kept the men bosy- until baturday night filling it up onr aohodl is again operand our teacher reporta attendance from tweutyiive to thirty whloh is very good considering the bad roads we underatand that one of our fair young ladies is about to give up bereingle blesednese some time in june miss kate sharp waa home for the easter holidays and has returned to her school in peabcdy ir- sutherland- left xjimehoase on friday for mew york hia friends here wish him every saooees rockwood magilt ut b flnedjamesfarrelly of the townahlp of feel 100 and ooats for having an iiholt still in bis poaaesion j an ohio man wrote a poein entitled come backtomeiand it has oome baok to him tromaboutdfty editors to whom he sent it for publioation the result of the trial for libel chief hughes i the mootreal herald it a deelded vi for the gtrof id its effort to reform the dvio administration mrbobertwhitelaw the wellknown proprietor of vyhitelaws foinndry at vrualoob- had all thenngera on both bauds taken off in a buiwaw planer oh monday morning of last weak hxveypuipjviiiiw wonltt lilrba mrtstoiodrelltbedlrsotlourtrsvtollbw- ptrente hui buddlogintiihf juit- ml if m- ivtimy jwleattmofeoriii arjlliabliifea pale atndwmvln torfraoot wiib hesvt pairrfutrihe which fovarabiyyeadapmi gvirpwitimsi m then get oaurrhoaqne avhioh is neither a waahannff not ointment but odorous gas- whldb is oarried by air dlraqtly to the diseutsdrmrta it elrat wherever- ur loan go- a fansto ears have you alight aymptbrhs of oonsnmpliot f then t w ttsinhptbne ioutfit lioo rlample bbttla and inhajar iosoetits arvbyiajlvvrtiiacirti mahufaotured byjjo polauo a co aamplsy a single epigram may outlive a volume of maohinsmaie phuoaopby ikraveiviiqi rmyllttleglrl vforildgrind bar th so i esalbtwisjiisfcjiartjis tbra dotet of dr wi worm byrop iwbt scted vrftb goodeffect friee sjjo ffs i j asrnajiboy it always vary industrious syhenjiu lime for him logo tobtd ryivl jrttigrifa children like itwovma dont j fivery tn on swh room for a lot of improvemeiot in other men anutbsrgtmtdiaooverybaa pats mads 4i amtoejf by jljpittlsmrj miss jobannaspanlan of this place and mr jas pickett of mount forest wore married here by the itev j oloaneon tuesday miss b farrell was bridesmaid and mr mpipkeitsbppbrted the groom the nashville stadoqta gave a aeoond ooncertsn thursday of list week it was even better than the first one and tbey had a largeraudlbncewbo appreciated the autertajlnnaent very much lthokinga daughtera nouoert on tuesday night wts quite suoceaetul a visry enjoyable programme was given the old engliah oosturaes the uniquely printed programme in which old bnglish phrase ology and spelling were observed and the oldtime aongp etc were onjojed by the large audience which assembled the hocuses of the lee andrfiailway hotels have been renewed for another year neighborhood news news items supplied by corraa- nondents andexohanges aeorqbtown nas8aoaweya several of the farmers in this vicinity havacomrnenoed spring work tlr itoboy ficketv of hnslchboll was the first to oommenoe pjowlng the canadian band are out in ful force agan- mr emerson anderson and family of campbell vllle- moved into the house eoently occupied by mr robt col of snatohbull last week miss maggie a king of goelph spent a few daya with friende atrnsitohboll this week the heavy rain a week ago and the reoent thaw with it made tha river rise so high that it carried part of the bridge away on ihakqatohboll line aodalaoa culvert on the second line near jjden mills mr jobn marshall lost a floe horse a seek ago from indigoetlon his lose ia a heavy one crbw8 co the farmers in this vlolqlty have com menced their spring seeding operations kov mr mills of qaelpb will preach in tbo metrjodltt oburohhere next sunday tbia oommonity waa thrown into sodden sadness on friday when it was learned that miss lottie cann had neon lakeo sarl ill that morning and despiteail thatthebeoi medioal aid oould do she gradually grow worse- until hef life was aispairsd of on sonday afternoon dt howitt of oueipb was called in and a coneultatlon ws held by drs howilt and lowry of goslpb and the attending pbyslolan dr mckeague of acton and it was decided that the only hope for hor life waa- for- nor bsi iaken tothe unelph oeneral hoepltal and undergo an operation as it waa thought that ahe waa suffering frorh an attack of appeoaioltis bbe was removed to that inshtotlou on sunday night and we are pleased to state that ainoe then she has taken a turn for the better the trouble has been foond to bo an internal abscess and an operation was deemed nnheoesaary although hot out of danger she ia improving and it ia the earnest hope of all thalabo jnay soon rooover her former strength and vetorn hoino tigain mr john crewson jr who has been under the doctors rare for the past two months is able id be around agajh miss ethel cannof erin ia spsndnjr a fw days at her fathere home here mr george oann apprroiates very rhnbh thoind ayrhpatbyand offers of attistsnes tendered by scorea ol neighbors doring the serjoneillness of his daughter and extenda hie thanks to all for this manifestation- of viauu thev paperhsngdr finds business when it drives him to the wall he fooled the sqrfepus good all dootora told ibtsolok hsmlhon of weal isfiersoo 0 alter suffering sighteen months from rectal fistula would idle oovtiisi a ooatly operation was performed j batiba eared himself with flve bosescf jjuoklena arnloa balve the ssrest pile oursou earth and the best salve in the world s5 oents a box bold by 3p men may be bribed bnt you cant induce iwdmeti to ukehuah mooey r rati is envied by all poiorttyapeptios whose slomaoh and liver are oni of order v all jsnnsaboaltl kilpw ihsitrdfrkltigii ufew llfjlile the wohderlul atomtoh and a splendid appetite souria drgeellqn and alar bodily bablt fthafinsui perfeol health apd great snsrgy only m oenti at j d mohees bvanly hbpttldnideap soil ison ao uujtaiifnseaamagui r-a- fowsbtjpitefph 10ornamipnjatlp fills theysver iisjtijjoinr prypur money the roads are improving- if weather permits the road machine will be put 6n the 7ib line thit week the apriux llooda havr washed away oulverthand damaged many others in this dlstrlot the fall wheat is begineiug to improve but the proapecta are not very ehpeuraging although the roots are not heaved yet large areaa in thelieida aeem to be dried np and dead at the roots no ploughing has yet been done but the farmers are getting ready obd are waiting anxiously mrs buasetl and hsr daughter of eden near bteetsyllle have nioved into tbe village i l w brooke has oarrird on a suoiesiful tailoring establlabmeut for aevsratyears here hts secured an excellent positlpu as traveller for a firm on the american aide and leaves this week to begin his work tit harold holmes assistant book keeper in mcbeaps left last week for tbrpptoto take a position injflatons sir lovell of olbsob millar co has left forut marj mr theo cook hat rnoved from bis farm dn the 10lh lino to reside in the villsge -i- msss bauney daughter of dr banney died last friday and wasburled in george town cemetery on subbatb servlm was hold in hti owrges oburcii since the sudden dealh ol mrs boddell the entire famliyv with one exception has been infferlng from the measles but all are now improving tho bo v oi- avmitoholfcisatbratitford this week as one of the conference extmlners of the yoang proaohers at the annualisxamtnatiuus mromitcholl and mlaa mitohell are at taronin ttpn4ing the welding of miss ines mitchell in st thoroasobnrch a kint neiohbor the kindeat and most jjtlghborly thing one woni- iiifn cap do- for another iu sof slckneseib to tell v she heraelf wits brought t of trouble and distrcsi and urge her neighbor utobeekthe same rem- vedy huiulrcda of -thousand- of mothers have cause to bleas just this ennic jiul neigh borly spirit which nctuai- el mrs win b vollmer of- concord cabarrus co north carolina we moved here to con cord vt c over a mouth ago she hav fn her communlcatton to dr r v rlcrcc or nurnlo- ny allttlcrlrlherewnsimlrcadrul licalth we told her toltca abottt dr fierce medicine i knewwlmt they bad dntivfor tiit her parents bought a bottle of hit cjohlen mcllcnt llkov- eryand of favorite prescription nud one of r the patient bns fiuirovl womlcr- tulhafter taking these medlcluea i wtni every- body knew the great virtue of dr pierce medidncs x liave been using them iuiuy laui ity for three years nud nlvnywlth succeaa iwlh be pledaed tolmve mstletter publuibed irperaoimwijihlnir tokuow more atibut the grentbeaefita we have received from uiiiug dr pierccs medicine will write enclosing stamp i will gladly answer every mother of children ought to possest dr pierce grand book the peoples common sense medical ad viscr a magnificeht thousandpage ilhuv trated volume it teaches mothers how to core for their children and themselves it is the beat doctor to have in the house in case of emergency over half a mil lion qoples were sold at is ench but one free ocray in papr covers will be sent on receipt of 31 one v cent stamps to pay tho cost of customs and nulling only 1 or send 50 stamps if- you prefer a heavier handsome clothbound copy address tho publishers worlds dispen sary medical association ho 66j main street buffalo n y rqoksatoop qdatlorlu if youttkvbonta4n povderi juv flrtpdwdor ffcllw tho mond klnu ofbodftohft from ftnycmifo lih tlvely h-vrmltii- duagrceniiif ill j aax j prejimva thtxfpr2 th itotrwmbrf co afaifrmwatmjrv h ibhait cash prtoe for wheat oau peas barley rye buok- whetvtbtc for tho oonvenlanptfi ol iarman i will ktep tho followjde kinder fiooda on band wlilch i will isll at- rojjr6ottom oueipb prloei feed porn bw apdriaak bait land baji datry and tawebfkvertpn ftoriabldtoi pjouoatrooal oorittnell beoniotjjarloy flax and heal oilcake clover and timothy seed sulphur balti btltpetro etc geo j- thqep ouelph and rockwood new 1 ustnuxiiji t jym cash paid butter bnioi istggb souitry vork ie apples vyantod alkefssskce co o t arsons iiaabr cor mill and main sts acton ojpposile clarks hotel best famijuy lour man jtdba flour seed peas j- seep barljey tall kinpttof grain alcw chopbed grain timothy glivdver eakeorn est laftqe stock y at fstfwvmsfgsggbmsmfm store nowa is very plentiful just now new good a coming new goods j iwd the increase of trade and opening up of new goods leaves little time w talking actions spcalt louder than words however and it you visit our store as thousands are doing you will boo what we mean new house furnishing good lace curtains mattinge etc arc all ready for your inspection our shoe department is doing a great trade with the new gobdr and the bargain tables with odd fines at half price and sorpe first class qualities with t per cent off mens ahd boys clothing therenevernasbeen such a stock in the frank bowler cos store there never have 1wen such prices there never has ben such a business bring along the boys the young men will come themselves cuelphe greatest store j ideiu 3liiijertiisnunls boy wanted one acoustomod io uorscc and wlillog to niaka bluieolf eonarally uaoful apply at 01100 to b a moksaqubmo money to loan now is thetlmo to reduce your mroitl i have xnonoy to loan on farm and village proporty in auina ol 100 to j 10000 at d 04 and 6 per oentt nocommisilon it j mcnabn aoton horses clipped by hand power api bbtclabb borao dipping been secured nud lionet will odtflt baa be clipped any af terooon at reasonable ob arena james raruy aotou tho dairy form mick housje to bent that comfortable brick houao oa artbut atrriet has botod rqoma with pantry hall woodaned ad itable all woodwork newly alotd and graldod hard and aolt water tr qamble who bai parebaaed a honstj for hlmieir inotti about tbe first- ol may vhou iplv fotvnartlenlara to it jijosabb poaaeaalon dan be bad app tur stock this season is lar- ger and better than ever before j having been selected from all the leading can adian and american manufacturers we have the finest com binations of canadian and ssfefesap having decided to go into the millinery business i haye secured the services of miss massacar of viaiitorford who comes highly recommended having had several years of experience show rooms over store waiiii and qeiling- with narrow aiid wide bobieks to mktoh that caln be secured anywhere evans imprbvsa mammoth baw log mangel qowonfloabea iongbod mangel uammothlionbbad mabael qrand ioteormadlata yellow mangel ofaajnplodyellowaioba manfisl intermediate lied uangal- also improvad darilab bagar lteau wbltobllaalsn bed top beat tfao ontario abrlcdharal oollefla risport says l amodg tweotyeven varlbtimot maosela town tor a van jr ears in suoeeaslon at tho arrlpultiiraloolleb guolpb the evans miu- isiryrbruw loo maif ear ooonplaa flrat plaoe in averagojleldof rootsperaero the pnhlio aire warned ajalrist dealers osor- idb erena saving masiel baed for salo aa i am the only seedsman in goolpu that yon can purchase tola load from taaaso oraan t i l xoo wat in bst we have all dieiatest cbioririgs in- ingrains with friezes and ceilings to match the side walls the effects produced with these ingrain combinations are unexcelled for richness elegance and permanency have you seen our samples i if not why not tkey morth seeing mill atrot acton sssssssssssssssssassssssssssssssssssssssssssj easter feloves easter veliilhg sr james hejtver 46 maodonneu bt oueilpb tt w4j p oomea from dr p b oargils 61 ytjiy p botllea olblatrjo bitters irasvour mrs b ijolitifotiiaa eans hersafiirini forrsijtrewoieisoswoqlflbr 00ibsrliafi and laoa and tbs kesl doctors jite1j ptatojluriiwtjivjsimoalltnt attsiwhvttnbosafadshtprbvfd ilksdafejllifrtni 11- wtyiiitifcii jvbiotsb ww thai a dlvorek ttvisiifllts t i iswc apd whllo others i havo asiicorhraled mymergies bntljls department- p hivnotfeslectedrrknow i have bead more than umally for- is ittjaqspaiing the deroantis of th most critical ol shos biyrs tunalei enough has beeii said an done t enophijzeour position in dress g opds sellingtnot a single statement in this column concerning our dress goods and sijka has been overestimated qur wellassorted and uptodate goods easily discount anything ever shown intown ttl4tf0gpoo wo have made a decided improvement inthls department so that tbls yearwenre able to discount our best pnlvionsrtahs new sheettoga pillow cottons lawns swiss muslins embroideries bed sreajd ble js l libbsh i p in lr40siktv wo are sure values count at our store ss we handle nolhldg but he best and the increase of salr in thudeomtjproyeai ha new designs at rbctlttephce cuius from ii up to lsot nice curtains 3 yda tlong vrfdevfwthspecw 75c v jssjjxtxx in nas that welmtnown farm weat bait of lot aa con 7 nasaagawoya oomprulur 100 acres betwean 60 and toaorea under cultivation tba placo la wall watered bavlnr a never falling bpiidtfand agoodwelltborearefairbnddlnba also an orchard on tboplaoe roaaeiaion riven lit april apply on tbepretntaoa to- hudh motavisb or addreia bim at aotoa po the glebe farm in actoil fo sal owing to 111 health tho underalgnod baa decided to eel 1 tale farm known ai vtbd olebefarnai onmain s tract ao ton oomprlaioc 9 acres well fenced all nnder enltlnuoni excepts ferw acrei of woodi there is a vers oomfortablo home on tbeproportynowly paint ed tod papered artable axpul barn and dbrlpe bod good orchard bard and itrft water for terma and partionlan apply to ja11eb bubbbltj on the premises or to aotoap o valuable eesidence in acton for sal or t renf that bandaome new residence on willow street icvon roomi wltli modern arraose- ments of arebwavb etc with bai pantry closets mod woodebed bard and soft water naw y papered with ingrains and the woodwork grained the property la situated in tho oantrs ol tho bustfneta part of aoton within lewibaa one mlnntei walk of tho poit office teltftaph v telepnbne doctors drug storoe and senust leu than cto minntea from all tbe chnrotaea and ten from tbe school and railway tauon and withal jnat farenoagb off tbe publle tbot oogbfare to make it a moatrdeairabte snd com forlable realdenae for partiaalan apply te miss jkinox stxbz acton f o or to 11jmcnabb aoton march ftotb 1hto notice to creditors notice leberebyglvon poranant to b 0 o 1b87 chapter 110 and amending acta that all persons bavins claims against tbe estate of jamea thomas scott late off ablpot esqueeing ooanty of haltoojoi deceased who died on or abonttbeflnfi day against 1 ccthavownv of afarofa 1899 are required oh or before the m alntb day of april 1890 to tend by p or deliver to tbe nnderitgned adcnu twontyalntb day of april 1890 to send by post s repaid or deliver to tbe undersigned admiois atrix of tbe estate of the said james thonqjua rity if i by givet tar the i beott or leave tha ammo with e j llemabb at bli oxdee in acton fall partlonlart of toair elainoa dqly veruedbyaituatitandufaitatare of the eeonritr notice ia beretr trtx will after tbvsaid twontynlntb day of april w09 prooeed to distribute tbe asteta of tbe amid estate among the parties entitled tbere- to having regard only to anph claims of wbloh be abjulliave raoelved odtleo as aforesaid dated as bsqotslng tbia rd day of april v susaklwott administratrix the public health act xtotiobtsberebrsiven this al rekmsnta ot xv aefeon are xtmnlraa forthwith to clean tbeir oellan drains tarda via- aires water eloasu aaa tu andf premuea ana remova tberefroman efrtsnamue or other sabatanea wbiebmayeddasgsrthe jpnbllo healtharid to r have tbs mwaroomrjateaby the lotb day of uarnextonwhlebaavuie aeltairjruspaater win eo asaneral impeetionana farttm take nottoe that theseouon of the pohltohtth ant prohibiting the keeping of hogs mtwean thalotti of maranathestothdveoiber eiopt lnrjmsaasleaastofeelftomantdweluiii honaa andiofaettroin any street or lane with the noera hsnfraetrom stanrhnawatet ano ratd larlr cleeiued wlirbe atrletly anforoed ell cdtiseasare earfleaatreoaaatedto keep tbelrjpnmlsesoonatauayeleao and thorpnghlr jbpbab86n beevoofkhomoowpallty aoton april 1kb 160 tyt7 five f sxtim ofrinable x- i fand outs april aotii 1899 no matter whehw you want an inleribr n exterior viewgfil your bbmo or one of e inmatetiw cininaure you a prelfy rttue pne that ybjjr friends will sdrnire d barry reallsni ol your hbnie to those iflha hamiltonrs favorite shopping place avas i wes0syb mihinerinfppwetoiwllal stocklofcllinery gdbds of atlkjrids such bring bigvbnness v we eacit tnat are really marvels of rnillinery art at these priced oar supply ojf qntritnrned hats and 61 all sorts of helps for hbmeht rriarringfsucfivas fb foliageis varied enough to suit everytaste anjthejgrideswinalwayslfoo be imost reasbnable wedontgive a list ol them in thisadverdsernent that would be impossible wiowitfymspsi that 3 udt wli at y bn waiit ia heimb v r v- s stock of mourning millinery in trimmed hats and bonnets andj in trimmings stearin adom inchesde- tavlauw por terms aaa aejalreattbaofnoe ivfenj ih of horri agnewidiifil the vijlagiei pop of litoh f qhantdcefmed- babqajdts itt drcss e in navy and brown 8 iwr 70c per yard forsje dabhojlffer ilotings all wool neal brown grey 1 41 incti auyool tpfer itjches allwool in tjic4im3 jii- rmtnikvr h laches regoi sr 46 inch popllne allwool ip various good shade very stylish and extra good values regular 60c forpc xjffjutpisftsoflv rqlylrti une at ae cvluchcresm table darosilrtargeya ofgtterrsranglnglrorm to ft psrfyarai v v fxsutij j pwnpulowcotg hwki 10 absasaautria- 7ainchnain bleached sheetings- good vqusuaiop jbasbaimnxdawxajt irwcbwck cajhmjite hose with iiblacv caahmere tcneifsst dye seant- jtvi- ibuivsowi heel- and afee vr psimi islublloqti s- rel railway s4v- eaabkusthmtoi irii olalmsorbiohhaballhleu lwaillivjv 1iwmoasew5f siautedtthbifuei jdorl if 3kh ewlufieausst jap naoa wits bsrawmosj rjsam am

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