Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 20, 1899, p. 3

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theank of amiltok ckartjir granted 1872 head offkioa hamilton on t capital all paid up 126000000 reserve and surplus profits s80000000 total aaats ib i 200000000 j turnbull cashier savings department interest paid at best current rates and added to principal without waiting for pass book to be presented any sum may be withdrawn by simply sending in a written order with the pass book no formalities no delay the government returns show that this bank gives to depositors four million dollars of security over and above evety cent due to the public r farmers notes of responsible- farmers discounted money loaned to feed cattle etc farmers sale notes collected promptly and advances made bi account of same at a low rate of interest i secrirartesyt fair- bates- every banking facility afforded which can be obtained inthe city or elsewhere correspondence solicited georgetown branch sstaxlvtmid pvaatwtitr xaams j p bell agent mbt6fcxt tbpbbday apbii 20 1b98 little lo b whloh caught the eyeja or blare of free proas rodorters this week ap da april days and april woatber fi clouds that qoat away together leaving bales 6 deepest bine morntngstairandotedlngegoldoo 13rlnaa message rare andolden jsyer told yet evdr now the lawns ate greening nloely spring ploughing has obrhmenoed gardening opsralloni are in order the farmera buy time has odme rolean op the back yards a well a the front the snowdrops and orooaaes are in bloom maple sagar patties are now being enjoyed v the wbitawabli truth has begun to flipflop egjs fell from i60 to loo on guelpb market laet saturday h aboweta and sunobirjo are bridlog irtikgreit op rapidly ii straamlotl alngitig so they go will sobnrui tnrrregh greasy msadows imoving time has oomo many houses obango tenants the next week or two honsewlvoe ara with the spring oiaanlng wblc thair basbands think tarns iaireryihiog- tjjiptj-turway- asolioneer vbemitreet bad a very aafnl isle ox toe effeota of tho late myacildnbanrday bevr t albert moore io zion lirjeraeoie hamilton will preach in the smielhoaisi chorob hers ea sunday solb ilfer f bfri h h wordeni who has been ronuldg tbo hotel at ospringe for some time hi mado ari assignment to p the jiiyp mostly oy a local character and eyerv item interesting a prosperous coiutregafion tho last number of the wutmmiur in iti oburuh new oojumn said the congregation of knoi churob anton la in 111 extremely prosperous condition and reports the largest attendance at sunday service la its history inceodes- oenl lights have just been placed in both manse and churob fifteen in the former and sixty in the latter the laaroaao club concert tbe xaoroase olob concert next thursday evening 27th inst will have a programme of an enjdyablo oharaoter provided by artists of merit and repu tation they will indiudo hiss nelson vooalist toronto mr ohas crowe cellist guelpb mr b b jackson baritone toronto a doable quartette of local gentlemen will render a number- of military selections incostnmeas well aa other popular selections miss clark ii the accompanist tho concert will be worthy of public patronageigeuerally tno wessons buldiaif operations the coming aurnmer promises to be a busy one among tho carpenters and build- era espeoiailwin the ooontry the fjuut puess baa referred to several oontraota already made mr john jiwans- oonirao- tor has secured contracts for tho carpenter work on the following a brick residence for mr robert vvatepn on the foortb line 80 x 85 two etoreye abrtck residence for mr williambrown aotou on bis farm in the sootoh blook ao 1 82 two storya with kitoben 16x80 story and a half a now rongheaat addition to mr d wbltloys rebidenoeinvssagasrfiya jtfore propetiy changes mr william j noble will remove to toronto where lour members of bis neighborhood news 8 1 loam smr james brown has shipped ten oars- febisswfjodaxjdolhor lumber to william ggrdqp metohant stratford djgtqo laatweek of so riqillrl dreamer bas rented the jtiniti farm mr alex holmea arm and mr james bouoher yarsyinnaiia jatnes warren surveyor will be is any parlies desiring t mjohn brpm ijeotoaoops with bdlsona pldrev in new hamp itflind oiiieavto go aadiehoes fjibeirajrornpt and generous treat- fbensflotarles under their polleies verierijleatpranoeootnpany iwipeoul- fprawlatloti here i fas paxes stops when the yssr or is soon thereafter as it is arainlhattbe aubadriber oly fntenijvijjrinf- hsfsyoo toe tnoiksresrv 1 j ims6opi4vco are pole im nltlhahlgijsrs foundry of id hw msuufaoture odrnell r titntfnuvbio mnapbjsif ing oornell snglnea ispacdalty wrile er advlsbi xlonh try to iivtrstibla imband the boya mil ojijibtoalsep if you do bsjm at ittoo long to begld u llks working aroand risen igjs applei and p alksajaad proddde cp aawtcsatfp j at sstf jiistuil youf ijamjiba tiqbw buakoo towi0 40 vkyb afa 3nuoltorv aaorge- 1 1 i usrfa rieb lady oorod of he itjipumija uiihsiby pr tnaiiltrtsimtbafdsifwpis fsdininiw fitmlly are employed aboal tbe flriiof may ha hai told fait dwelling on oborch stteet to mr thorn i gambia for f 700 mr ptvnl 8 kennedy has pqrobuad th homefllcod lol 25 cod 6 ietqaeldgt from bo eauits of hii ftbor tho lt alex kennedy tbe farm oomprltei 100 aore and baa one of tbe finwfc barna in tbe bounty on taoday wro homatreet negotiated the bje ot tho vgiibo farm from mr jamlu baaaell to mr hab wallace of naaaigaweya mr wallace will move on the plaae in a few weeka la doing good work if a jpopnlar paator a rood looking ohoir and one that can ilog well too bfg colleo- t tons and large eoofcregatlom count zion tabernaqle if doinr good work pleasan t anniversary services ware held la the tabernaole on banflsiy eev dr snider of milton preaofaed twice dr snider is id old paator of zion and a popalar one too so rev t albert moore tha preaenl pastor said when fatrodaotlng him tremarerwilltam mnoarthy presented the finanolal report of the irastee board for tho paat year which showed that 9208100 had been raised from the envelope and open oolleotiod and a floating debt of 9100 was wiped off darior tho year hamilton fferafd an april wedding a protty wedding was oaniammated a be josephs ohnroh on monday morniofr when rev father feeny offiotated and two happy hearts wsro anued in the bonds of holy wedlock the oontraotldg parties were mr james moqalre of kilbride and mfss ellen hntoheob daahterot the late wm hatpbeon oaetio the bride who wa very pretty in her bridal robes was aooompanled by her slater miss mary hotdbtooa of gtielph and mr daniel moqalre sapported bis brother the srooto the wedding marobv wks playsd by miss iimb and daring tbn aervle the ohoir rendered several appropriate anthems thfl happy nnnplft irft fnr the wins hy thn an event of muob intereit to the members of the bible olasa of the lirok church oaiminated on friday for nearly two years mr w v gray has been teaober of the olaas and tha evening tho members to the number of over thirty drove to- mir qreyu retiidenoe near orewaona goroerr and presented btm with the following address whloh explaice itself tomrw o gray teacher bible olaai i 61 loam sunday banool pbait teacnun tliouuomburaol your ulblo olasa have aaasmbled ijer tbla ovenlug to exproaa to you their appreciation of your inter- eat in pur olaaa amoe yonr appolntinout aa lis tomebar nearly two yoars vour punctual and rsgnlar attendaoee bavo in tbemaelvoa iniplrod ns to emulateyoarexamp1ofor wa knowhlint your interest lu the work aa well as in tbo wel fare of the olaaa aa maalfeatod by your proaonoe hasoften been an lpoonvenlonoa to yonr aolf bht it baa been yoaroarefal preparation for theleaaon atufly sunday after budday which has been of greateat valaotoa you hays invariably qualified yourself by tbla tudy and roaearali ito impart ti ua biblical knowlodge and scriptural tintba and doctrlueawbicb bavo helped n 1q our efforts to understand inorb fnlly godav word and will and to emnlato the bavipura example v as aolasiwebave appaooltod your aerylcea and id oonvonaubn with etch otbpr the put week or o nnamlmomly conclnded that itwaa doe to you that we in some alight manner ahonld give tangible proof of our love and esteem aa aofaolars nndar you aa well as by aeknowledgelng onr indvbtneaa to you perhaps sivsybn enoqnragentflnt in tbe good work in which yon have ao cheerfully engaged we therefore request your acceptance of this teachers bible and tbeae works by bev mr sheldon tbo popular how religious writer and trust that they will be found of value and interest in your future work oarearneit prayer la that the richest bleaalog of oodmay res noon yea and yonr family and that you may longbe spatad to continue teacher of onr olasa fov we assure yon your labors have not been in vain fa the iiord coming and going visitors to and from aotbtt ano varlousotheirpereonal notes afternoon train sadden death of a mau carrier mr wm pradhomt atsge driver and mail oarrier between xowvllle and milton died very suddenly on saturday afieraoon last under rattier mysterious elraum- stanoes he osma to milton on time with tbe mail and aeennsdl to be in bis usual good hsmor retarnlog at tbe ragalar hoar daring the afternoon he was taken dr jones who was with deceased at the time of bis deaih not being aaliifled as to tbe oanee notified dr moooll coroner who went oat on monday and opened an inquest upon the remains dr jones slsomsdea post naortsm examination bnt found all the organ of tho body in their normal condition the inrjuest waa adjourned ofiui fridytrwrser bepplly weddet tmeidmy stent nt a quiet weddiok was celebrated on tues day evening at tbe metbodiai parsonage bower avenne when the bonds ol holy wedlock wera entered into by mr cbarlea wmaaod oljohnitown ny and miss nellie boyd daughter of the jate henry m boya aoton rv j a molaoblani if a- performed the oereniony the bride and groom are well known in aetonj baying grown tip here both are ykighly esteemed eepwlally among the young ipso jle in town jktitvlaiiw vn active worker in the ppworlh liagu and mrmaaonwa until hla removal to johnstown iofebrnary a valbed member of ths mothodlsj sunday bonool orohsatra he hss aeootfd stpermsoent slloaunn in oneyf thoglovefactoris of jobnstpwnijnd hat ajiromislng fainn before hln tho happy young cole tbe early morning train yesmrdiryloethsir borne in tbebaat the beet tslsliea of their many aotonfriends foliowjtharn wtt benofdv iffofrfofan besfsas m w riuynoiaswho has been in ibamploydf tboorpbralopstnoo the inception ottbe ibslallatlbd of tbe slectrlo tbe presentation in fact the gathering of tbe yoodg people at his home was a genuine aorprlso to mr gray in respond ing ho said mx sub yodno raiehos tbeie presents and address are snob a aarprise to me that i cannot express lo words my gratitude to yon for your kindness bat i assure you i shall never forget this and many other expressions of the kiodoeis you have shown me since i have been your teacher my associations with you have been a pleasore tome and your attention study and devotion as a bible class and also as epwortbiiesgaera have been the aodroe great inspiration to me in my christian work and liier while i feoltliat i have notrlsserved this kind expression of your apjiuteolatidn for my services ambngat ypd for tbe two years nearly completed i alaoerely hope and pray that wtf may be spared together to learn many lesions from the word of god and when done with tbla life of loll tbst we may be gathered ao unbroken elaas at goda right hand to dwell with jesuo ohrlut forever tbe address was signed in bebalt of the olaas by brva ijambsrt wesley murray bberk johnson ida murray and julia johnson and waa read by miss bertha leslie the bible and books being presented to mr gray by peter murray a very pleasant evening was spent vocal and instrumental musld and eoolal conversation being enjovod by the opm- p tbe pass fnsaalnvltee all its readers tooon ulbute to this obluuxn if you or yonr friends are going awsy on a holiday trip or li yon have f rionds visiting you drop a card to the pan puaaa mr bolsnd o perryman has secured a situation ti toronto miss barbara warren is viiiiiug frisuda in toronto this week miss duffleld rookwood was tbie guest of mrs nooh ststhsua last week miss busy graudon of berlin was the gueal of mrs junnio bmiib this week mr bert mason o meadowvale speut a day two or this week with his relatives hers mrs 8 moqibbon of georgttown was the guest of her blator mrs joyoa dnriog tbe week mr n weber of quebec spenta ooupte of days ibis week wrh former acton friends jntrs ga maloneyol oamlaobie is the gneat of her sister mrs frank harris maria btreel mrs wm noble sr of qeorgotown waa the jfueit of aoton friends for several daye ibis week- v mrs jj varayand mr w a varoy of toronto were guests at the boms of tbos ferryman jr during the week miss ads clark of st marys and mrs aldous of georgetown were gdasts of tbos perryman 8r during the paat week mrs deacon was in ingersoll last week attending the funeral of her brother the late mr allan who had beau an invalid for abool 25 years mrjormcr mr willism bomervllle who went to manitoba a ooo ol months ago has t yexampuris better noi kvjiat ott say fat hh6icmfs sarsaparilu does that tells fhe story thousands of testimonials tare examples of luhut hoofs has yfone for others and whatfctutirdofcryda dyapepsia i was weak and had fainting spalls nyspepsla suid indigestion in severe form troulilod mo five bottles ot hoods saranpnrlllo made me well and atrong mas wituah vaitvalkncboaas whitby ont a ooocl mecflclne wo have taken roods sarsaparular in our family as a spring medicine end used hoods pills for biliousness and found both medlclnoa very tfbectlve for impure blood wo know hoods sarsaparillp is a bod medicine swwfltnbllsber bee atwoofl ont noted 01 tba store una palace and milton messrs w a lawrance and k cblsholm had horses at the toronto horse show last week whloh were moon admired by horsemen the ladles aid of knox church will gtyee 10oent sopial in the sobool boom on tuesday evening next befreshments rnusio and reoitations will be the order- of the evening p fal offias e lighting system five months ago tendered bis reeignstiob tbiioonraiibsa been nsxiessiyy iji f aiel tbs masat vjknvoi4 oai of stsjrinf with wbwmrixijbolis s ela y r d fotusbctlii imfp isntai elmvavlii jratapbotl ifdnrlngblkstavirial rjt tna4embyfriib ilriniens pf larlmportauldallaf jpi tbiioipj benia- wwp ap tbe year lit tbe regular rneetlng of the jspwbrth league last week president a hlgginbolham vioep residents b b bews mies galbrallh miss hollinrake and miss a dioklo cor secretary miss little i beoordlng seoretary mr f mckay treseurer miss fiorenoe bhepberd the base ball team was reorganized on friday evening last milton will likalyhave a strong wheeling olabhlb summer mr geo andrews left on tuesday or winnipeg to assist his eon wesley who has a large farm near the prairie city j the many friends of mr e dixon wlll be glad tolearn thai he is gradually im proving a very accommoiltlfntl apeiaty in adrertising for an eleptrlcian- to take ebargs of aoton munldpalplanl a oiauae in the advertisement reed married man preferred among the forty applicants forthe position is one ready to accommo date the oonnoira wlibos he says in his applloatlon ii a married man has any better pbance to get the position let me know and i will get married at onde if my application is otherwise acceptable coapnnr binnerno torne ribei the flrat annual dinner of no 8 com pany helton battalloo will be held at agnsws hotel on friday evening 39th intl all members of the company are invited to be present tjnlform will be worn and inay be prooored at the armory on any monday wednesday or friday evening in preparation for the apdbal osmp whloh opens at nlagsra on the olh jane the company will parade lu drill order on monday evening let may at 8 oclock and eaob enooeedlng monday wednesday and friday evenings at lbs samsjhonr ae it is exdeocu that he work tb be taken up at tbe next osrbp will smbrabs a- great deal ot ballallon and brigade drill as well as field msnoeavree it rty v goodsifaatioa for a year at oak bluntf about alteon miles from winnipeg mr jpaaph grahath who owiog to poor health was obliged to give up his work at- tbe aoton tanning ooa works baa gone to copper cliff sudbury district where ha formerly had a- situation mr and mrs andrew ford who have been respected oilbsehe of aoton for a nuqiber of years left yesterday for durham mr ford baa leased a farm in grey oounty at tbe twentyfourth aunual mtetihof the canadian mauufaotnrors association at toronto this week mr w a storey was eleoted a member of tbs tarriff committee ol tbe association owing to continued 111 hsaltb bev j k godden m a of st albana ohnroh has been advised by bit physicians to uksa teat hie vestry baa kindly granted him throe hionlbsmoavo of absence bev father feeney has been honored with an invitation to be pretent at tbe ordination and inatallatioo of thv rs bev denis oconnor o s b d d as arobbishop of toronto next month bav a h ocojtjy of dyer biy yiaited aoton friendslast week en route to brantford to attend the oooferauoe eiamlnatloni there on thorsdsy eviniog be addressed tbo prayer mealing in tbs methodist oburob giving sin interesting review of mission work in the bruce peninsula prior to her removal to st catharines miss basel mann entertained the girls of her olasa in tho booond department of aoton public school last friday evening at her mothers home the olaas presented miss hasel wltbr a parting address and pretty farewell tokens intending snivel napkin ring pair vaiea eta 8hs left tor st catharines on tdesday najjauealrhwrillittirumwrltstlassd tlth uoad awlrilu clover and timothy seed cloverand tirnothy seed is plieap this yenr examine oil r samples before you buy special in binner bets s only 97 piece dinner sers white and gold traced regular price 9rooo special price 7 00 5 onry 97 piece blue and pink dor othy regular price 1350 special price eio 00 5 only 97 piece royal green cromar illuminated and gilt pays to buy at bollerts it pays to buy at bolterfs on thursday apuil l3 9 a we commenced a 10 days sale of m and 1100 brown 700 5 onlyro piece pink tjopand rose big snap 10 gross tumblers regular price 30c doz for 26 full assortment of toilet sets at all prices a mccrea mangetsand sugar beets we lmiort onra direotrfrooa france thoroughly ireeb and trua to name mammoth xong red bawxiog gate poet champion el intarniodiato goldon tankares yellow globe etc xfiolh dlbafor lo0 bed or white sugar boat at lb a ibaforei danish bogsur beet goo lb in paokagea ron- nlesbrandr- short andfonewhlta carrot soo to oc lb trneatoek lot of clover timothy and ibaed grain still on hand garden seeds of all auudardklade only ho a paojtago and 10 for fi5o bemomber we import direct geo j tfloep tho only prtcuoal seedsttan in guolph tafankxtsq and macdomnciix sr the careful repairing of watches is the hobby of prhhslf the jeweller auffilph his long experience combined with his practical ability and close attention to the details of that part of his business makes him the batqualif1ed person in guelph to do any repairs tp your watch spectacles tbe same careful oversight is given to the proper fitting of spectacles any defect of vision is caref ully examined and if spectacles can be found 16 aid the sight or stop the headache pringle will supply them- readytowear olothing to which we want to draw your special attention the offering is the result of a weeks bujin at recent forced sales in montreal by our mr scott several manufacturers in financialstraits were compelled to sell off mr scott figured around among them and for spot gash secured some wonderful values in firstclass clothing these we propose to rush off in a 10 days svfmainiblo the lot consists pi mens satin lined dress suits mens elegant worsted suits mens tweed suits m mens serge suits ms sprir mens winter overcoats f mens spring overcoats- mehsblcycle suits mens odd coats mens odd vests mens odd pants mens waterproof coats boys overcoats boys reefer coats boys j pleco suits boys j piece suits soys blouse suits boys odd coats boys odd knickenv boys sailor suits boys linen suits boys waterproof coats boots a shoes lower tbsn ever for ib tblity daj a w tiilo see them at kamosibaos aoloo ililvaiv cleaiiijig is full swing with the advent of fine weather antflthere arernany wantsto be supplied in the house lhcp crurtslns thisspringwe imported4ll our lace curtains direct from england- andthe result is- a large range and better values and better styles than ever before our line of nottingham lace 3j yds long and 69 in wide at 1 00 per pair will surprise you j- iri- wools unions and tapestry good values and pretty patterns we expect to have the fiiir range of samples from a large mill in a few days when bur customers can have as large- a range of patterns to choose from as they could getanyplace ollrjlcithe in all widths and good clean designs aawrflinillaalinsswisacurliilii muslinajn great variety 7kuil st kcton the large bills contain price quotations remember the saleopens on thursday morning at 9 oclbclc and the usual rush which greets bur sales will make short work of our stock so please come iri good time what welsaywelto 25 and 27 wyndhani stoeet guelpfl witf-a- pf our daily sales shows a healthy growth fin- every department of our business but for thisx season the increased number and value of sales in- theres no room why of this it for iijrvrj is particularly gratifying ffor questions regarding the simply proves that iri placing our orders import we selected jfhe right fabrics he ttgh shades ef cler j flfiii right gslfjrinixlares at such small costs as allows us to under- sell our competitors have you madeyour selections for sppng i ftonain dbrcl li owsaary that as rnooh tqoad nd mtnppny drill as roitlblo bsparfornved ay jo rnnaiyhaaoauarlers the above rnejno w0m istthatihas ititiea jwf theyalaor indlfiotaiidn feet tcoaoafi ibrj ricsbidtailn5 ilnith substittitipn tho fraud otthe cuy see- yiauicarters askrgariters n insist and deniand n irter5ijttllivffr dcrhmill aclon call and see tbe new welland vale bictxict at the bicycle jjvegri ftct voardeh citytttid pomtalon m ttiti pleading grides vvfhileilb perlbet cadnlesanlia xnehtt- whlchvwptib appreciated by all wheelmen liti nii disputed fact that the welund vale hieu costless for repalra thtan arry etherheel tbs single wcrtttlnv ihfi nttachment overaxloea11isrlevsa parture automatic brtlce gives the rider complete control v j ipricps right fp pnrohssmswo rneaui bnslness vjx v hitia iisiiisj fbr nextthiiliday8 inactona have commenced a clearing sale for the extthirtyjrtys u if you want stout wellmade boots or shoes we can supply you with very suitable goods nt low prices r 11 something lighter in neat and attractive style we have a wide range and have confidence we can please you j i if you desire rubbers for the w weathero stock will supply rhe want if abontto take a trip nbrtfi south east or west we have a good variety of trdnks land valuea at prices lower than you are accustomed to have quoted to you the goods of reliable manufacturers as we have a reputation for ionesigjowaad square dealing to slistaln our puices are always right custom work mtf jtfpajrirw netuy mml promptly demo m umumj xwmrr bxos actoh 13 jnavbatauwa saaaroql ontvllbaetfiwibaia sueaaariui hswisgiw wpunoa rajlnl aaa teisns the s-bst-ijepara- a-t3-r-a- smsm- ffimm ajfat collars ora white neck ties blacky wool or cotton colored flannelette hose or underskirt tweeds i jp -etc- or anything to make you look well ybu cah get them at vr-tf-at-s- at par b bams evening wear rtllflnd in imfltreti styles ts mteriala and make a ttds mcefrohi sm maei ai35 olyour inspection q ssssif ssitivlr ht ivs ii i jfsmm gd

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