Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 20, 1899, p. 4

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piv perhaps you have bad thi grippe or a hard told you may be recovering from maitrla or a slow fever or possibly some ol the chil dren are just getting over the measles or whooping cough are you recovering as fast as you should has not your old trouble left your blood full of imparities and isnt this the reason you keep so poorly dont delay recovery longer but ll will remove alt impuri- iksfrom your blood it la dso a tonic of immenso value give nature a little helpatthlatlnifcaid her by removing all the product ct disease from yoilr blood ii your bowels are not just right ayers pills will mate them so send for cur book on diet in consti pation writ la aaromton tvo liaro thaaxtolaatye ser of aomof taaumtsittutatb p jifntt ipeas thursday aprlfc 90 1899 8jt outig folks j a diamond in the rough la a diamond sure enough and tisoqgh yet it may not aparkle it la ixode of diamond stuff of oornrseyaomo one must find it orltwul nsverba found and then some onemnst grind it or it mill never be ground but wben its found and when lta ground andwiien lta bnmiabadbrigbt that diatnonda everlastingly just flssblng oat its light o teaelier in the banday bobool dont think yoovedpne enough that worst boy in your olasamay be a diamond in the rongb ferbapa you think hae grinding yon i and possibly youre right bot it may be yon need grinding to oonlahyoa up bright her fi 8q i have oooked a little enrprlse tor you my dear aaid mra honoybrlde an almond souffle for utter dinner i got the receipt from that new oookery book that oame as a wedding present and the in structions are really most clear handy isnt it a book ilka that i im eurothe thing will turn out a auooeas edwin smiled a dubious sort ofabyssin- iahq6ld srnllo and temporized aboot the nooeaa as be looked at the souffle oanl aay i like h ho laid after the flrat mouthful bare you got tbe inatruo- ioda right darling it tastes very funny ob yea responded angelina with taara in ber eyei i can aay tbem by heart from the book just hear me and she reaohed down the volume take ball a pound of grated al mond v right interrupted edwin following with hli finger rfooo pound of castor anger mix well with tho whites at three fresh egge correct aild her spoon as the continued breathlessly add two ounce ot whito pepper pepper great goodness t said the unhappy men as be turned over the loaf two large oarroli chopped into dice a spoonful of mustard four ohopped obiona and stopl stop i you muet be wrongs im aure why ray dear i thought to you are muddling up almond souffle with irish stew- youve forgotten to out tbe leaves of ibis blessed oookery book washington star all pro vi dental evertbing happens provident said the old oitinan i had two males to die on me laaysar bat ibeyledjnet tan minutes fore the sheriff drlv op to levy on em then my boon boras down at the very minute they was oomin ter tell it for baak taxes and right long boot that tlme yer undo james took and died three days attar the inanranoe man had given him a life polio fsr 16000 1 evertbing le provi- dental in this worl an happen for the beat wqmans influence has made palnes celery compoimd the great home medicine the laok of money is the root of a great many avila belief in six hours distressing kidney and bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the south amerlesn kldnsy v onre this naw remedy is a great surprise and delight on account of its exceeding promptness in rellevlogplln in the bladder kldneye beck and very part of the orlnary paatagea in male or female it relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost immedliateiy h yon want qotpk relief and euro thie ia your remedy sold by a t brown o a man la apt to have decided views when his wife decides tbsm for him tobacco heart mr w j- judson ourtiabt st thomas oct aays t hid trouble with my heart for twoysisrs caused byexoesiivs use of tobioco i need one box of milboroa heart and nerve fills and have not suffered frorii palpitation alnoe as a bpring bexnedy it meets the wants of women in bvery sphere of life when weakly alok and broken down woman are seen to gala health and vigor from day to day from the nee of painea celery compound no room for doubt is left to the moil ekeplloal indlvidail mediqalsolenos devised palnes celery compound a raedioiaa uniformly luooees- folin banishiog the troubles thstsfblot the great majority of women and honest phyaiqlans are always pleased to reoom- mend it it is s well known fact that all the womsn who have rooered health and strength by meine of painea oelerydbin- ponnd were induoed tooia it throogh the icfloenos and persuasion of other women siatetrs mothers or friends in the spring time when women are weak overworked nervous bavo tired feel ings dyipepalebaokiche sldeaohe head- sbha nsnrslgli hlwvi troubles or say of plruliles u tlie face can be cored in three daya by tbe uee ot dr agoewa olntmeut however im possible tbie meyeeem a fow applloatione will oouvinoe maravapurod who havo been ditilkored for years try it today sold by a t drown the fleeting smile of the world may be purdbaied at she prioe of eternal toare ilrnrt dheiuo relieved hiiio allnutes dr agnena oure for the heart glvoe perfeot relief in all oases of organlo or bympatbetio fieart dlaeaie in 80 minutei and ipeedily effeots a oure it la a peerleie remedy for palpitation shortness ol breath smothering spjlle pain in led bide sod all lymptorai of a diseased heart one dose oouvlnoei sold by a t brown religions worship is dying oat people too ofteu go to ohurob to be entertained younguotliora croup is tbe terror of tliomandu of young motbera because its outbreak li io agonising and frequenlly fatal sblloht cough and consumption cnra aots like msgleindmeobof oroup ll has never been known to fsilj the wbrat osbeb relieved immediately price 25 oeutp 50 conta and 100 tbe seorel cluiatlan wll either fail- to be asecret or ho will fail to be a christian rfvtular action of the bowels in neoessaiy to health lalallver pills are tbe best pooatiooal cittiartio for family or general nee price 25 oents any druggist thy kingdom come will not be answered till you let it oome in your ownheart impuro blood always cleansed purified and enriohed by burdock blood bitters mrs john douglas fuller p o out says i have need bj3b for impure blood pimpleecn the faoe and aiok hoaducbo four bottles made my ekn clear and free from eruption and oured me ccmpletely might have been worse mr gfbbe went to an eotertaiomeut and by mistake sat on hs neighb6rs silk hat reduolug it to a ebapeless mass the owner of the hat waa naturally indignant and brestbed threats of yengeanoe sir said mr oibba palmly i srn very sorry and must sdmit that i waa awkward but he added complacently it might have been worae fl donl- seorbew it could have been roared the viotim ob yes it could i said gibbs i might have sat down on my own jiat hagyarda yellow oil ourea all pain in men or boaet t for sprains outs broniob oallous lumps swellings inhamtnatiodv riieurnatim and neuralgia it is a r it is better to go horab on foot than to prison in a palace osr ttieyteadi th kid j mr conrad others opinion doans kidney pills noonu onn bo hcnlthy fflth the kldntb- in a tllaonaod or dinoruoroj utato tho solaonoutt urla acid ivhicli it la tlieir uty to illtoi outof tho lilood la carried into tlio hjiitoin liml iiritl iiioeheuraia- tiaui huiulachih ijucliiifhya and hixn- drcda blhlltinrtdtttilitmjtilhr aiiyono who has tho ullghterit suspicion that uio klditoys are not noting right fchoulil takp dojuib kidney r ills tbioy aro tub most fltcctivo kidnuyromody known mr con rut buyer tit es jct sjiydirs shoo store bovlluont uih out when lio hhvb anyone siiittn i ir v ith itldnoy troublefl x ennnot do bolter tlmn tuko downs kid ney pills for they ourcd mywifo who bns lioon nfilktod with pain i a thoiltck mid othor lildiioy troubloa for a iwfiff time thoy hnvo helped n groat many of ray acquaintance in this town and i must say thoy aro the nlcdioine ttint breach tho kidnoys irlth tho befit effeots some raeq will pot worship god becapae god will not worbbip them do yon know oonbumpuoq is preventable boience hav proven that and alio that negleot is aioidal the worst oold or ooogh can be oaradwiiilbilqhioanrh-and-oonatunp- tion care sold on pobltive guarantee or over flfty yearn a boo let y ntleman ia often a man with white bands and blaok heart 8wallowinq a farm tb in paragraph han been flouting around in tho papers fov anpie time it qoniuins much for joung mmt to tlilnk ubout and aa it was written by robert j burdctte one of tbo jttxma uornm contributor it will no doubt pobicbb interest to our rend- era my boroeleii friend whh tlie obromatio nolo whijfl yoyjtcp blirring up tbe mijar id a 10beiurlaae of gin let me give you a fact to wash it down with you raay say yon have longed for yearb for tho free ludependent ufa of afurmer but you have never been able to got euoujib money to buy farm but there id whero you have been mistaken for some years you have been drinking a rood improved farm at the rate of a hundred eqpare feet at a nap if yuu doubt this atatomeut flgurd it out for youreelfb an acre of laud oontalna 48 estimating for convooietjo the laud at 4350 au acre jou will bee t hut it fringe tbe land jtut one mill per square foot- now poor down the fiery doeo and imagine yoq are nwnll6winfi a strawberry bed now call jstlfour or five ofyour frienda and have tliem help you to gnlpdown that five r foot urdfu get on a prolonged aprie ioune day aud cee how long it will tako to swallorr a pasture land large enough to feed agoodoow put down that glass of rin there ift dirt in it tthyee hundred feet of good rich dirt worthsasgg per acre very nice eating the etory goea that when li hnug obang was in england an admirer bent him a specially fine bullterridr intended to watoh over the veteran statesmans dcoliniog years the following letter bo the story goes rwaa rooeived in acknow ledgment my dear tvhile tepder- iog my besvtbanka for yonrdog i beg to aay that as for myaelf i have long since given np tbe practice of eating dogd iieali bat my attendante to wbbm i handed the creature tali me they never tasted -any- thldg aonloe ybnrdevoted l a she cai custorla its dr samuel pitchers preschption for infiints aud obildron it contaias neither opium morphine nor other narcotic substance it is a barmloss substitute for pnregorio drops soothing syrups and castor oil it is pleasant its gtiarantco is thirty years use by milllodr of mothers castorlft destroys worms and- allays foverlsiihoss castoria prevents tomltingr sour curd cures diarrhoea aud vlnd collet 3aatoria rlievt tecthinfit troubles cures constipation and flatulency castori uflslmtlates tbe food jceffuhites tho stomach and bowels firivlnur liealthy and natural sleep- castoria is tho cnlldrons panacea tho mothers friend oastoria vcaatorla la on excellent medicine for clilldreii mothem hove repeatedly told ttie of its good effect upon their children r ia o c osbood lowell afass oastoria caatorlais so well adopted to children thntx recommend it as superior to any pre scription known tome u x archer m d mrooktyn n y the facsimile signature of appearsnev iifiix sftiv-wft- v5s3 the beat la the cheapast natora it stopmolber mother and habit ia tbe i severe diarrhoea drtovibia of wild straw- berry oared my pbild cf a sevtrn attaok of diarrhoea an i highly reoommebd it to mothari aa tha bait medloln for bowel ooroplalnti of ohlldien mr oflyod north ylloy ont imitation ll not oonaidancl tb atnoereat flattery at tbs rjatent offlca pan t tall anyb if no odo ahoold tell yon abonl ll yon would hardly know there wai oodhrr oil in boottaenmlalod the taste ia ao nioaly- oovered ohlldren like it and the parenta dont objeot it seems qoior that a playwright ihoold f nqaently gat a play wrooj bbennutism tared in a day south atmrioan bbtomatla cow for ehoomallsni and naoralgla radloally onred in one 4o uirw daya tl action ppon iuiaayaumlataiaariwblamd-rnjalarlooai- it rediovea sit onoe lb canae and the djasaw immiaiateiy dlaippeara tha flrat doie sraatlybeneflla 75 oeoti sold by a t brown many nameleai ills from which tbey aoffer in afladm painea oelery compbnnd will siiokly baniab all daogara and lnffrrioin will impart that strentjth health and vlvaoity that mika women womanly and admlrad vv painaa celery opmponrid ia at preaant oarryldg on this joyous tranaformauon work all over canada and women yoanu and old ot all ninka and oondltloos blan the roeimory of dr piolpt who oonfernd sooh a hlimlni od their aex daar women of odr oxndtry why oon- tlnno in miaery and anffrlox when snob a friebd aa palnes celery compound la within anob mujynieh and raady to do foryon all yonso mnoh dealro do hot be dtoeived by any of the many nervine bitters saraaparlllaa or advertlaed plllaj tbay cannot bestow that pearl of gnat prloe flood health palnoa celery compoond baa risen new health and ufa to yoor friend i will not fall in yoor partlonlar honr of need bear in mini that pafnea celery oom pound matin aiok peqpleweil men are eeldom aa good aa tbey pretend tobe oraa badaa they areaald tobe clad anyhow i bagyqor pardon i thought thla wat mr ohnokaley i atnmr ohaokeloy then i am glad tb tlnd that when i thonghtl was mbtalien i waa mistaken in thinking i waa miataken hay i say when i thought i waa mistaken i waa mistaken in thinking i waa mlataken and being iuulaken in thinking i was mlataken when i wasnt mlataken i wail glad to find 1 was mlataken when i thonght i waa mistaken or rather i waa mlataken when i thoaght i waa mistaken and ao i aonldni have been miatakon well at any rate im glad looks aa if we were going to have spring now doeant it i the trouble with the bora ia that he never troubles jblmaejf that aohlog bead oan bo instantly relieved by taking one of milbarna sterling headcho powders 1 powder fa 8 for loo 10 for 25o the man who wante to work for god doaenl have to go to an employment mnoy tamahow her health oame back fot infimu and oliildnu plfsttmjl t p o a g oompanynatr orally has a light inootpe j tbla la understood to be posltlrelv patlla farewell appaaranoe aa a bride we nave no hesitation inaaylng tbatbr j d kellogaadjaentety cordial la wlth- ont doubi the heal medicine vr intro dooad for dyeeouty diarrhoea ohouraand ji ebmisr mplalni aaiokna ato itptbmplyglvearelief and never falls to ibeotapoeltivacora mothara thoold never bawllhont a bottle when their ohlldren are teething there are too many womon ivho snifor dreadful bnolcaohes pnln in tho sldo and headaches who nro woak ons and run down whoso ifo onorgy and animation boom gono heros a lasjy who wob cured- by mltuhn heart and nerve pills mraforybordenu king st clintlinm on t4 jays por some months i havo been afflioted with- nervousnoss and general debility going npatnirs would prodadea great shortness of breath and a trred exhausted feeling rhaapalpltatton end iluttoring of tho heartf havo not boon well or strong tjntl i took mllbarns heart andnorve pills i almost dobpnlred of a enrffi hare only taken ono full box and nowfeel bplendld my nerves are strong all the heart troubles are oompletoly removed the shdrtness of breath has vanished and tho ooniuint tired out all gone fooling is s thing of the past it is needless to sajrthnt i esteem this remedy the best in thovvorld for heart and norvo troubles imbqijns heart and nerve pills are toaikg box or 8 for 125 at all druggists oil what a boon to many a man or woman if this wore litrfally so how many spirits are brokon booaute this particular organ itihacklod by diseuo and yet how many ilmn has dr ajnawii cure for tho heart bruhod ajalmt thfr grim reaper and robbed him of his victim discwa o the heart are by far the roost trjaicherotis of ailments which afflict humanity ruthless josldious but violent for when the heart fails the whole system sattcrs violence discussing causes here will ralt console tho suttering one thitdnc gtcat ycarnof tho heartsickened patient is howto get relief and a curt dr agnewo ouro for the heart stands pre eminently torday as tbbstnr of hope to sufferers from heart trouble and so far past iho cxperirrjcntal period that thousands today proclaimin no uncertain sound the belief that were itnot for this grot remedy they world have long ago passed into tho great beyond most eminent doctors whom heart cases have baffled hava tested dr agnews claims and today they prescribe it in their practice as thequickest and safest heart remedy known to medical science what orb the symptoms palpitation flut tering shortness of breath weak and irregular pitlsc swelling of feet and anlilcs pain in the left side chilly jensntionsi fainting spells uneasiness in sleeping dropsical tendency and as many more judications- that the heart is deranged dr agnews ouro for tho heart is n heart specific and no case too acute to find relief from it inside of thirty minutes a powerful cure mrs tho fitipatrick of gananoquo ont after havinff been treated bcmlncntpbyslclans for heart disease of favovcars standing wda dls- charged from tho bospliul as a hopelosa incurauls shb suflurod from acute pain and palpiiatlohhor feet and nnklca swqjlon and there was every tendency to tho dropsical form ofheartdfocase hut thelady pro- curcddrienevvscuro for tlio heart as tho declared as a last hope one dose relieved bcr of a very acuta spasm in less than thirty minutes and three bottles cured her not a symptom of tho trouble remaining coductorvtutam g locas of tha n wrr and living at hagarstovrn m j- suffered for years with acuta valvular ibnn ofucart disease cost lilia manyalstofffiom his dly duties on thq road snd bo spent a emalf fortuno in rcmcdlps snef treating with heart a4ureand all ended in disappointment until a good friend who had been jtm arnewi ciaro for ibfl heart ho tried it aqd fbundlt gavo him relief and ttombrt slmost immediately he continued its use until a few bottles wcro taken ana today bos well and tronjbuauyvteuiwbmrt wbercn this great remedy dr aonbws ointment cures eczema salt rheum tetter scald head and all itching skin diseases cures pits lrilbreo to five dlithu ascents dhi aq powd n1u in ih hi tuii bect 8tbet ssiiisi mcpiifeultry naigs are nnequalled in quality and their thi ontario wibtt fenoinq c30 l nstonc iadlmubrfr fenoin ozitaito abb jiafejbest pri6eslom hardwaro merchants sell these goods and can supply you if they fail you write the manufacturers at picton railwat time table mall express mall uuani turk uauway v aoinq webt ooinoka8t 10 c2eni i express u 2p pm express 7 15 pm mall mixed o dfl gar 10 coau 6 hptn 10 os pbl tiwk of czobisu mailb golpg weft 0 iqam ando c0im going east 10 25 am and b 60 pm tbla tlmo tabto wont into effect on mondn may ldtb 1608 -acton- livery bus line the undorblgnodrospoetfallybolioltstbojatrod age of the publlo and informs thorn that woll equipped and stylish riga oan al ways berseourod athlsatabios a odnrfortablo bus meets trains botwoon 0 amand 818 pm oarofuluttontlbnglveutoeveryordor tho wants of commercial travel- iorifnlyinet fuhn wtlliams bring your custom logs in and take the lumber home with you ssvers lumbeiplanlng mills nasseiraweya p satees proprietor has constantly on hand a full line of lumber lath shingles oddar foattl woodj to custom jogs and bill stuff cut to order on abort notice planing and matching done to the beat of- aatisfoctlon prices very cheap and made losuit the customers pocket p sayers 30 days the b greening itflris co cenbrhl kcbnts hrihilton hkd wonthbhl sold also by canadian hardware jobber ours moil atubbont and long standing catarrh cum quickly and permanently dr aanbws uvbr pills euro constipation biliousness sick headache lonld lirerolcar tlio akin odosoa tecenxa j a sold by a t brqvra anyapoortnan wbold ba glad wblapera have bat a brief hand to month sxlstno if jthier is a hstoiybf weak lungs in your family tokcott8 emulsion j it nourishes vand invigor- atesvv f sit ensbltybu- to resist- the lisea8eenourbjh arerfalrlls if loikiiaszfcjs yu- t rr o pa nils a oonalntly rauelvlox letters almlllar to lhafolloiitlihlob eaplaloa italf mr john a baam watrloo ont wrlu loevr osert any tnadlelrja that can tqoal parmelna fllla for drspapila of and kidney ooroplalntaf jltt- ipsriood afiar oislng tbro viaa wonder- wk jafrrjlyntrijlefo kr- rnaleea vegetable pllll osn be silvan in all rvqrsirintfa osthartlo the woman who shows her teeth and anatlea will attain ber object muob qalolrcr than tbe one who ahows her teeth and growls there never was and never will ba a unlveraal panaocn in one remody for sail ill to vrhiob 6eah ia heir tho very nature of maayouiativeh bcinte soah that weare the fterrne ofother and differently aeatod dlaoawa ropttd in the yatetn of the patient rwliak wonld relieve ono ill in tarn woafci aggravate the other we have however in qqlnine wine wben obtained in a aonrad ahaalteratedatate a retnedyfor maay andgrlavboelliftrby lta iradaaljadlnlbaa nae the frailostsystemi are led into oon- vleskenpe and arength by the iaflaenoe which quinine exerts on natures own reatoraurea it relltvsa the drooping spirits of those with whom a ohronlp alate ot morbid deapondehyoand laok of intereat in life la a disease arid by tranqailixlnfr the nerves diapoimto ioand and refreahi- ing leep imparls vigor to the action of the bipod whloh being stimulated ooursea tbronsbont the vslna trodgthenlng the ihaauhy apinsal fnnotlona of thflayatem thereby making activity a neoeasary reaolt strodglbenlng the frame and giving life to the digestive organ which naturally demand inoreaaos sabstsuioo reaull im proved appotito northrop a lyman of tdronto havo given to the publlo their qoinlno wine at the aaual rate and gugad by the opinion of lolentiata this wine approaches neareat perfection of any the market all arogrlita sell ii when a married man tarns ont bad his mother teya his wife didnt understand him and hi wife aay hie mother spoiled him ljothrjon qnx yoii can a parlor- suite a sideboard a bedrobm j5et an extension table a loiingej a stand a mattress and springs or any other article in furniture requirements v gl0hring skje j ofbps antv shoes george sto vel has purchased the premises and boot shoe business of ho late thomas agnew and for thirty days is offering qjmt at airvinofropit oniy all ooods delivered undertakings ikll its branches calls day or night attended coffins delivered prices to suit every ones needs in all linear of boots and shoes call and see tbe goods the prices will undoubtedly attract you the custom vork and repairing will receive the same careful personal attention as heretofore greorge stovei vmitl st acton many preachers ibink they are brave beoaoae they whip gods aalnta and let tha devil alone l- ninety rexcent or tba people are afflioted with lorn form ol bumor and this santaa a variety of diaeaaes the reason why hooda baraaparllla caret wben all otfasra fall is found in the faot that it effeolnally if yon ooorrt yoor meridians from ohriat yoh may wander where yott will- how 10 core headaohe some people aoffer untold misery day after day with headaohe there ia real neither night or day untir tbo nerves are all unetrong the cause is generally a dlaordered tomaob and a care oan be etteoted by nslng parmoleea vegetable fill contain ing mandrake and dandelion mr finaly warki lysander vjq wrilsa i find parmelees pllle a drat glass artlole for billoaa headache j a speigbtt fe coctpai jdfl frjrittrtg it la the goodness you are looking for in others that will fill yoor own life a ahort road to health waa opened to thoao suffering froni ohronlo oobgha asthma bronchitis catarrh inmbago tomora rheomatlam eiooriated 3ijpea or inflamed breast and kidney complaints by tho introdaotlon of tho loexpenslve and effective remedy dr thonaas eolectrfo oil v fis mm the phrepolohlat always has baalnraann tbe brain i j ichapjivlmi l ia tiiisioeniii of iijw when tha vigor- jvbeti mst shriajil nelyoong and ipuwrlljlnln ssaik ttst nu for telling of thoremarkafale man ner in which lier boy freddy was cured of ono of the aever- rnfdbv tcrirstuu est and moat tortur- i inrrofakln dlaetasaa by the use of burdock blood bittera i and not pnlyrellovjed atnd cured for the time bclntr but mark you afltt tight ytm thtdntasi hat thmn no lignof returning tha following is mrs keirsteadv letteri with gratitude i can testify io iho wonderful curative power of burdock i ljht yaraago our tuv aorbjrrwdjvuiatlilctcid with t rheum years ago out n irwtajvrauiianiictrid wltssifl and wnvln a dreadful condition hkrlegs from the soles ofhls foot to his body were entirely raw and nth a bloody waiter which appentod to bumnd itch untue vvbsolicriingreataffony v mmissrj- eipele tba humor scrctfnla bait rhsnm boll find all eroniiona- are permanently cored by tbla great medicine hooda fills are the best family oatbar- tlo and liver tonlo oenlle reliable sore tllttir10ughs duiiciay cuitei tha man who is isarning by bis mistakes will be a busy atodent and soma day a wiawone there i nothing equal io molhsr graves worm exterminator for destroying worms no article of thla kliid bat given sooh sallsfaotlon w no matter how much a man wants ha ia ootnpslleil to put up wllb ins little he ctaasrru helle in 10 to 60 hlnntes op jto rts9 tea hard to koep the oljhlroii from ontch ing oold will rati out of loom not properly wrnpped got wet feet kick- the bed olothob off at ulght whata motlior igojiig to dbobout it f mnstnt neglect tho cltlldronls coughs- and colds might end in omii nnd croup end fatally or vonkon tho lungs- for ufa moatmofliera notf glv4iteirchlldren rr wodlnorvroylo it nice tp fate nnil otireai ail tlnds of conglia lind coiils limro quickly and effectnallrthnir t n mniilplroniprrrnnilotiuirrte ihorruwdroodsnornnjrinosjtapfot oamslia anil golds af cuier hud nuo ot lanjrbatr t bud it aliraja etitwi a cola quicker than aiay ctl0raraniuutaniavsr tried prlaeevr jtotfr n 1 grevonstistltfnbtie in the free press job department youcanrget anything from the finest wedding stationery to the most startling poster every order receives prompt careful attention a r moore editor a prop acton ont mwvj i maple leaf iw or s jatnolo wo-nuikoav- rtxmkt lolxottoam atxpntb sltwtmr inajnrrri doiialbfhis jriadualo betioev o nulnrnliu saehalarsis i arnotleanwaterwetlra ijatton n bimlnncl water worka asjse- tniveyors abmiatloo asaoo llanbez am rot civil bnalnsrn -iliw- ii iw nik tin bi dml monrmvmiii jmjjuuitio bjilomc wjikimrrhs mt m

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