Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 27, 1899, p. 1

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volume xxiv uro iil aoton ontabio thubsday 27 apbil 1890 price three cents 18 published evj2hy thursday morning free rreflasteamlrintlnkofflce ueiii stbhet aoton ont taamflor bodtoniptiokno dollar per year ttrlomyln ad van ad all subscription dtioon- tinued whoa the time for wbioh they hve boon ptld hu expired the date to wblob every subscription is paid la denoted on tho addreis label v asyflatibzna ijjpfk8trniient adtertue menu 10 qenta per nobparalt lino for first in sertion 8 cents per line for oaoh subsequent lnsertlqn gohtuot batkh the following table shows oar ntos for the insertion of advortisomentsfor peolfled periods bpaoe 1tb isiio 9 vo jlmo solneboa 10 lnahos filnabes 1 inoh sw00 3500 jooo 600 3900 3000 1900 850 0o h00 700 900 700 800 9s0 100 new combinations wall papers side walls ceilings and borders to match the newest and lilt est colorings and tones -thb- traders bank of canada capital authorized- capital paid up 91000000 tooooo 5em3 a roll advertlsemeats without sjpoclflo dlreetions will be inserted till forbid and cbarged accord ingly transient advertisement mnst be paid in advance advertisements will uo changod once oaob month if desired for obarjroa of toner than nee a month the composition most be paid for at regtilai rates onstage for oontraot advertisements mnst be n tbo office by noon on tuesdays accounts payable monthly hpmoore editor and proprietor hbtnm jirfxtorp medical tohn m macdonald mdcm 8ucck8sob to j f urkn m i o m offlce and residence corner mill fredortok suoetsaoton offlco hours t to 0 pm some special late now york papers the newest goods in the market at low prices sec them tis well to remember that day has tho best stock of fine new papers and he leads in big value days book store ouelph days sells cheap rocktasood at at b station b to 1080 am 1 to 8 pn and d r t j r forster successor to dr a 8 eejjiott torla hospital for sick obildreri toronto onriobmill btreot lately occupied by dr bllloti tr dryden bra ea thuoat and nose uolieans block dougles bt near p o gublph omen hoims 10 am to ijm and 8 to 8 pm scirpatb io am to 1 pm 2xbbtal xbeknettljs dentist a qioboktotra ohtaio jcoghlan ddsxxs a- dbntist work oabbrtnt donb pmoba koobiuts otfioz ovon bbowhs dbuo stobji bouna b vkbt pat took 0 to 8 jm bell dds lds i sxntut bbookvjllb hoifob gnadoatb of xobohto tjnitbmitt work made satisfactory prices moderate viutitfo datb monday afternoon comp- bellvllle tuesday aoton officio clarks hotel friday bock wood m clean a mclean i barristers solicitors notaries oonveyanoere o print funds to loan offloe town hall aoton wat a molaujt jrto a moliaii jk j mackinnon biiuubtxb souorron cosrvxyancaa ovsrtwmul street in matthews block upstairs rb moiiejod oabbxbxbh bouoixoa opirvataacnt main street georgetown mbnettolbabatloweatcorrentrates monabb jiarlcvonrtbisivlsion ooart oonntr ol hal- oagonteyanoeragentflreandljlfeaasnnuioe boalbauteaeant uonoj to loan eto olfloa perryroansblook actph- r ont msczllamo as fieliby gjbibt ottawa oakada j solicitor of patents for invention eto prepare application for the canadian amor ioananibaropeen patent offloe ml for tte isglitratlon ol trade barka bend for pern- prilet ilhutttwo veais experienea ki roibhpnan bookbineeb wrnditamsti aneiph ontario fi v ovarw s iraiooai books o altklniiama to jrjkr pemomeauof oterydeaerlpmonoarefiilrjbonna vbnlinraeasitddroinptitdona ksbiaqe licenses jwiout ofabbuoa xjoraaas pilateomoo nowitneuesreinlred issned at resldenoeln uio erening free frees office aotpn 4 iv m hem8tbbet iiiobisao aoonoaaia also ony ioan oir the inoat latotable omitand th lolresl irttoa ot interest in l5nnof5q0and jwardt otqdk o su3000 irbweiii owiiiutijal rmejnsiybanob pqwpany 5 jrtnahm1840- o i otjnbijgf owb i plan anj nr address w promptly j0h taytob agent qnelph kv t hsobinob on oaab and motatl ws leonllnnnioatlone forwarded toni e or telopttode mi wul be tended to t tig28s with all tte maehlnerf aevnu all npalra to meonln- tmmmzs nwon rwiwhmwaj m hlshast cash price for wheat oats peao barley bye buolc- wheateto for theooovanlenoe of farroen z irjll jcmp tbo following kinds of goods on nand wblch 1 filll sell at rook bottom rjoeipb prloes feed corn bbl and sack salt- ijaod ball dairy and cuelph branch we are now issulna money orders paysblo at pur at any branch of chartered bank in canada excepting tnoyakon district at the following rates uudor 1q 6 cents lotofao 10oonts 30toft30 lscents 30 gtrg 9 to 50 14 cents niohebt ctjbbbnt hate of interest paid on samsdepoblted of q and anwards- interett allowed fromdite of deposit to date of withdrawal and paid or oomponnded half yearly advances tholr own namos at the lowoat curronf made to robponalblo farmers i fates no cbargo made for collecting sales notes if payable in ouelph a general banking business transected 4 f bjonjs8 4 manager tsblesalt evertocand goldlespjonrostmsal snlpfanr chrntneal beans pot barley plsz and meal ouoekeoloyor and timothy seed f3ute saltpetre etc geo j thokp auxtra and rockvood acton iilveby bus line tron xbe qdderilgnedrespectfnjsoilcitsthepat ae of thapobllcaiia informsthem tbatt well equipped and stjliih rigs can al wftgfbjbeseoiured cktblaitablej a- comfortable- bus meats j trains between 0 atn and 808 p m- carefnl attention gltentoerery order trie wanuof oommeroial travel lers folly met john wtjlliams pnopbibtoa w b aeber bros paper makers qeoegrston out aunabnoiatttor machine iiioh qeadbttikiayniws ine paper nea in mi jonrnai ibfrom ifao above mills wm babber bios bring your custom logs and take the lumber home with you in ishyers lumber planing i mills nassakaweya p sayers prbprieitor has constantly on hand a foil line ol uimber iiath sliiiigleb oodar pobta wood icto custom iga and bill sjnff cut to orden on short notice planing and matching dona to tte best ol ssatisxactibn fricea very cheap and made to suit the cuatomera pocket p savers rhefe are twdkihdsof men to be found everywhere jthpsejwho are obliged to dress rquljiwhpei at work ahd tciose whose occupation in- vol ves no difference iri attire for the laborer we have heavy substantial bopts for the birfness man comfortable sensible shoes for the boys ardgiris good knockabouts atid for the ladies the latest neyelties in footgear is now coining in and env braces goods sure to please pbrxusmers as to style qdtyiridiprices 0ij aitd bbb our new ukkb m aad prsetlee ilyattbs 6 farm bells h6y handy and convenient to knovthat the minute the belncord is pulled every- body on the farm knows it is meal time now that spring ishere and the men may be in any corner of the farm what is more necessary we will furnish prices on application ii arid guarantee surprises john m bond co barswars axtelpr forget ps- us not if you want artists goods wall pagtjer mouldings pictures frames bros wyndham new tbxhv store fquelph en s tdiplorndcy sbo stood on the back verandah making dp tha butter the sloeres at her blue print gown were rolled up pas her elbows and her bends were yet red and swollen from the eoiljlag and obillibg prooeee suddenly there oame a sharp knooklng t the hall door and a tall starnfeatored woman tbrmt her head tbrongb the bath room window sshloh looked ont on the back verandah theres soma one at the door bessie he said and her whlper oould have reaohed to the bodae front the girl harried along the narrow passage anrollidd bar right sleeve as she wont whioh wae the ono to be presented when the door shoald be opened goodmornlns she said as serenely as oonld be eipeoted from one whose hopes bad been raised by a shadow on a frosted pane and haltering by the opening b the door jf nooodnxwnlo sa t esan a t speight brady maoufalijreri of dyxwos xtxctric motors watsr motors oasourrm atrv oas xnomss brassairon castwos to order repairing promptly done georgetown ont everton and eden mills the place logo for the r bran mlddllnks chorl feed stc for sale chopping every day at everlon mills and every tuesday thursday and saturday ateden mills always buying wheat no credit henry hortop uce butter 0nsn bgg9r poultry p6rk etc apples wanted- arkbmassmamce co o parsons manager cor mmandmalnsls i acton opposite clarks hotel headoff10b i tontomtc ont aathorkied ctpiul 0s 00000000 teiyear mstorlly shares arepald monthly jnjtalmenls 0500 per share for i months vhen payments cease jkio0 paid in malvirlly value lioooo money to loan at j straight loan 0 repayable in monthly instalments on appll- cation to v tbb snow message buggooted by reading a patltatlo atorjr in 1 pcottien magaalno in a great and orowded city whore the downward ooarse bas away i a alnfal woman dying dreamldg of the olden days henahappyolildsbe wsodered throagbtnewlldwood glad and free spying ouluis beauteous snowdrops plooklsg ttum wlthehlidlih glee liistenlog to the mavis stnglna sweetly la the budding thorn when his naavtla aonghe warbles aiadionte tu the smiling morn andatevontideorgloamlng f as be trlllabls roundelsy blltheaomeatlll and all nnirsled at tbooloslng of the day on her grimy pailet lylbg dreaming thus of days gone by boaree he beaded one who entered one wbo cajnowltb purpose blab in her hand a banoh of snowdrops brestblug of the woodland sweet bow tbo10 dainty sylvan beantlee vlsloni of tbe put repeat all unheard nor kindly greeting heedleu ot bar praaenoe there ijay the woman alowly dying in borroora so blsak and bare onoo again among the hedgerows of heraunaygtrlboodahotne for a wblte bar fanpy lingers whereber footsteps oft bad roamed as the lady leaves tbo snowdrops on tbo pillow by her side boon bar fingers grasp the emblema tbat bad been ber glrlboods pride to berhoart there eamo a ipnglng for tbe purity of youth with tbo inowdrdps eame a measago game the words of lore and truth waab ms and my sine will vaolsb- i sball wblter be than snow thus ber heart reoeiveetbe mpesafle while her teararepentant flow oer ber faoe sbore ateala a oalmnass smootbenlng out the lines of sin for the glad and holy message qolokly wrought a ohange wltbln and when deatb bad oiaihied bis vlotlm in ber band the euiblems lay r of the purity ahd sweetness of a bygone happlerday 0 n sfur4 yatmlp juouing doorstep and hie eyes smiled crookedwlse tt the knocker whioh was the axaol spot where ber faoa was aooordlng to his foous tgrbod morning i i thought maybe youd like some peas theyre qulyonng and fresh and ive jnsl pulled them weve juilrot some said the girl john always ooineai on a salnrday i tbooghl roajbe youd have ibsm said the young man to the knookar but praps ypod rather bare flowsrs tho door was jerked bsok and another doe appeared above the gtrle aboolder the yooog man moved his eyes to a hole that btd been made for a latohkey good morning mrs stoart be eafd eagerly i joet looked arouqd to see if miss bessie wouldnt ilka some fresh young peas i bad a good orop of am ibis time r why of oonree bessie will said- mrs stnsrt and jhes very mooh obliged to yon for en arein yoj bseslo yes mother she skid but tbe words stouied to ooms thibewnd sliat teeth what are yon going to do with yourself on 8nndaybdo r aaked mrs stoart i reoton im jnsl going to ttaya4ome by myself saldthootjirman but an anxloos shading tole into his enitla you might as well dropiosnd take a clip of tea with nw 3esaeaod i will be alonr said mrs sloarl herbaturaf grlm neas ollmbing over her blandnees thanks he said with alacrity i dont mind if i do when tbe ball door was closed the two women took their way to the beok veran da i dont want bis peas bessie said i hate them no you dont said her atepmothor in ber oloarout voice yon want em and youre going to take em and loore golog to behave civil to him when he oomeslon sunday im not eald tbe girl but weakness slrskaovnrbleej dont be a ninny said her mother youll have him kben yonro aaked and youogmoallliters gone to western australia sunday was nehered in with the sloalng i believe i left the oanaryton the dairy wall she said andatood up ifever mind ssaid ben rieing to tower above ber but the hosgaitpes she faltered never mind he said agein dropping bis head to her level aud blurting out a passionate love word into her tar no no ho i she said youre shy i he said now areult you ob bessie i do love yon so a tail farmer emired from the door vvay bhynees soou wears off said mrs stnarl i idppom ben stevens yba meetf stealing my girl hanging over her like that i love her laid the young man when did yon think of getting mar ried asked mrs stuart sopns as ever bessie likes said ben tbond of tbe month ud be a good time said mrs smart wouldnt it bessie the girls face wae in her hands a muttered word oame through her fingors then aflbe end of ihe month said mrs stoart and now youd better say good night tbe rirls a bit averoome with the beat oood nigbt ben oome again tbintorrow ben strode beyond her will you marry me bessie he aiked eharpiy letahear you ssyit yes faltered bessie with a roaming look he anatobed her in hie arms and kissed her in the morning bon waa at work among his oahbagee and peas and the remem brance of tbat kis was on hfm as be worked that evening there traa a glorious dask wtb a eoutb wod den sawlog wood panted with bis crosscut saw half through a plepe of timber and drew bis horny band aoroia hii forehead ho was so far away that hoqoito started to heara light footfall close beside bitn he looked around and there dawned an astounded expression and then a raptorous glow on his face v besiie 1 be exolaitned besslu i ho put out bis arms vykt more perfeotlynataral than tbat she slonld slip into them but she only smiled and shook her titad ive oome to have a bit of a talk with yon beoahe said and new oonaalous- nes of her power over ibis big hulking fellow armed ber with a strength whioh was only born for tbe oooaeion and which would have brought a amilo tobsr step mothers faoe vi dont qolfe know how to begin she said but i dont believe you care extra much for me yet do yon ben t not astonishingly maoh vdont i though t he burst oat look here bessie would ybu believe itive thought of you every moment of this blessed day my word i bbe eel her month then if you oare for ine that inuohi oan ask you to do something for tue jlany mortal thing my little girl you oonld give mo op oouldot yon couldnt you oh ben im that miser able till you give roe up and go and tell my mother that yoc dont want me i bbt oh ben dont let her know that i told yon ft- r n fr t he knew him and you dont want me then do yba jast ssy yon dont jatt say i- dont want you beaele he said ii after her meohanloally watoh- ing her hands iwitobing nervelessly at his shirtsleeve i dont want you be said and good ness i wont have yon bessie if its agen your will she stooped her beitd and her warm lips pressed a grateful kies on bis earthsoiled wrist hetold hermotherabout it his sirnas rbsmtpg rseuesily about the parlor of bessies home on sandaybetsle went to bhuroh and wore ber big lace bat and sal beside her mother ben was on the opposite bide of the aisle and farther down the bhorob hot he oonld have looked at her it he had wiahed ho never onoe turoed his head and bessie watched him even at prayers when tbe servibewas over he stood tip head atid shoulders above every one and it appearedtobtslle that his eyes wore oertaloly on the door he raised his hat and paseed od holding his bead high an onoonaoloni diplomatist presently she saw blon striding dpwn the road aa ibongb it all belonged to him as well ae the home 00 he side two months went by ben took np his measure of days and dealt with them as well at he was able bat tbe evenings when tbboabbigee and the peas were carrying on their lives without him when his washing op was done and the wind was stealing in tbe darkness arouod his home then he staid to wonder bow he waa ever going to take tomorrow into his bands heaiwaya took ii however and it was slways oomlbg wed bavo bad a ore of an evening he said two months after he bad given her on- t there mwboed a tremendous amoant of irony in oultlpg firewood to hlr simple mind v av light footstep soodded behind him he started and there dawned kb aitonnd- al expression then a rapturous glow on hie faoe v of ioousta a oloadlaas bjbe sty idroppm i ron lbs heights to lbe a bll- slde of v grim gvima etoodstatk j is if benombed by the rnallltude of voloee filllog thealrj il bessie put on a whit mnelln g and waikijwithbef ymi twj bat was broad bdinmsd aoadei dowh oisr her fscethe laoe toabbhbf hs sod beejgssr seeming to belopg to her as tbvtliflf vvv beh btavsnsvfatoned hsr ibroath the servlosbiseihlding tbeettof his ttuahoy that his half torned head would bts isvo rfs he walked down the road with tbetn bessie i bs rxolaiiaed beulsl she tried to emits bulher faoe wae whit and afraid and her lips quivered ive oome ive oome to see you ben she said and was so unobnsoloas of her power over b that she trembled tsnppaeehp suppoeett est yob dont erw yon dont oare a bit do ycin ban r what do you want plagolog me for he burst pot cant van let me alone aie jorr wanting me to lie over agalo t i wajot the truth ben she whispered london tvfotoia im glad to see yon out sir said the thin man te the fat man whowai leaning his whole weight on him in a orowded l train tbo other day i goess youve made a mlstske havent yon asked the at man after studying the others faoe for a moment 1 ob my hoi replied the thlo man i knew yon the moment yon oarae lq the oar how does the weather suit yon sir well pretty fair hot im aore youre a perfect stranger to me yes sr thats true bat im well acquainted with you tbls is tbe first time however that tvotad tbe pleasure of speaking to you doing to itay opt now i suppose yos im going to stay out of ooarse answered the big fellow with a look of perplexity i havent been obnoned to the house with isny sickness 1 guess you are badly mistaken about knowing me my friend oh bat i assure you i do sir i yes im glad to see you out we were all glad at home to hear that yoqr were out bat look here i and we bade bet up onitlnterropted the thin roan i bet ray father 15 tbat ybu wonld come out and atay ont and i see i have won the money qlad to be out arent you why certainly im glad to be out 1 snapped tbe other 1 toll you i havent been eiok not a day this winter whats your name please my names smith air very common name ient it well mr smith i tell yon youve made a mistake im as tnuoh of a stranger to yoo as you are to mo but im positive i know you airdead positive persisted the little manfrom bis unoorofortable position would know you anywhere ob yoa would eh probably yon could mention my name certainly i could air youre tbe groundhog who hibernates all winter and obmes ont about this time to crowd the life out of people in these trains j then tbe thin man lost himself in the crowd before the fat man could gel his bands on him mutually unpleasant only three many a man has gone to a drunkards grave because he oonld not say no daniel and bis associates dared to say no and would not drink a glass of wine to please the migbleat king oh earth thooght they ware captives dependent oh his moroy and bis bounty what was tbe result xhey were blessed and honored and their names are known tbrongb the ages while lbs timeserving wloeblbbers are forgotten long ago he who stands for the right need not fear what man can do nolo him and honest men will respect honesty and consistency when si a brigadier general clinton b flak wae id command of lbs military district of st iioois it became bis duty on one occasion to officially reoolve and welcome to that lty an eminent major- general coming to lake command of tbe military department geu fiek accom panied by an alddeoarop met bis 00m- tnnrfr nn th 1 h nt tk ri fh was no bridge then and escorted- him with hie aiddeoamp aoross lbs river by ferry and to the hotel in which he had engaged a suite ot rooms for him as ebon as they were wltbln the parlor at onoe assuming the plaoe of hott and ready to treat the other officers at his guests the major general ordered a servant to bring tour wbiaky pnnchei only three if yon please general excuse me promptly and- ooarleontly apokeglenpisk youll not refuse to drink with me will you said the superior offloer if i should drink now it would bo tbo first time yob would not advise me to begin now woold yon general no god bless you i long may joa wave i was ibe gracions and gallant response long has he waved slnae then and long will ganerala and governors and merohante and ministers and bootblauks and laundry- menmenand womehand children of all aeon i and conditions thank qod for the genial and helpful influence with jen fisks bright cheery words and waya bavs shed upon tbeni the ckrittian dont snub thb boys dont snub a boy beoanie he wears shabby clothes when edison the in venjor flrt entered boston be wore a pir of yellow linen breeohes in the depth of winter dont snub a- boy beoanee of the ignoranoe of bis parents shakespeare the worlds poet was ihs son of a man who was unable to write bis own name- dont snob a boy beoaose hs homo la plain and anpretendlnr abraham llnoolns early borne wag a log oabln dont ennb a boy because be obooaei an humble trade the author of the pilgrims progress wss a tinker dont snobs boy becaaso of dullness in bis isssons hogarth the oelebraled painter and engraver was a stnpld boy at books dont snub a boy beoauss be stutters demosthenes this great orator of greeoe overcame a harsh and stammering vplos dont snilh him f aanj-tiiaiaiii- only beoaose he may some day outstrip yoa in tbe moe of life bot beoaose it is neither kind nor right nor obrlsllan many are the trials enoountered by the unfortunate man who in time of domeitlo turmoil la forced to vioit an intelligence offloe my dear said mr roberts bis yootbfol face flushed with beat aud eymptome of irritation in his voice i i really should prefer to do the cooking myself rather than go to that ioteljigenoe offlce again have i eeoured a cook be went on no i have not mrs boberts i otoaped from one dreadful oreatnre who even aakedmae whether bur house was owned free or mortgaged andes i turned from ber i new a respeotable looking woman who had just entered tbe room she looked comparatively pleasant so ietepped up to her and asked meekly oanyonnlllhe position of oook in a family of four she looked at me as if shed like to whither me with one blighting gianoe and said haughtily i am trying to fill that of ooabhman in a family of two i think you wonld do if yon have proper reobrnmendh- tlone youths companion her sweet mistake a short time slnoe the daughter of a inillionalre tdrbve up to the door of a jewelers shop went in and eelectrd a turquoise and diamond ring valued at 1250 she made out her obeok for that eum and paased it to the proprietor who glanoed at it and then looked enquiringly np at the yooog lady and aald there la eome mistake here i think the young lady flashed and asked if the oheokwas not for the right amount she was told it was but bat what bho exolalmed frigidly doyoo mean that my obeok la not aoeeptable the jeweler aokoowledited that be knew quitewell who tbe yonog lady was but exolalmed that theobeok was uot made out justasitsbonld be and be liandedlt bkok tbe girl ran her oye ovorilaod then lamed a deep crimson oh she exolalmed i seel and then ehe proceeded to make out another oheok she bad signed tbe first one your own sweetheart jessie felt he was strong a brilliant yooog man thirty years ago waa beginning to form tbe habit of indulgence in the wine oop he knew that other men wore drunkards bu he felt that he blmaelf was strong and would never he anything bat oiesreyed and strong of nerve and firm of fleah the years went by he has had honor and position he has become si drankard with it all and his honors have been for nothing whisky and wine have done for him what they have done for all tbo rest and what they will do for all who are foolish enough to be deoeived by them- if he oonld he would deter younot men from following in hit footsteps bat he will not iofluence them they will think of him simply as an old drunkard arid say that ha was a fool not to have oontrblled himself a little and they will follow him on to death htrm and presbyter qhttinq an opening a man had a story about a gun which be delivered himself of upon all occasions at a dinner party one evening he writhed in his chair for over an ihour waiting for a chance to introduoe hit story but no opporlonity presented itself finally he slipped a coin into the band ot a waiter and whispered when yon leave the room again slam the door the waiter slammed the door as direot- ed and the man sprang to hie foot with the exolamatioh whats that noise a gun ob no i resumed his host is was only the door ah i- see i well apeaking of guns remlods me of a little etory eto liver pool mercury a useful errand bertie is a little boy who had a bad way ot saying i dont oare one day aunt nell eald io bim bertie will yoa do an errand forme ob yes maam i orled bertie what i ittv takeyoor naughty dont oari away op in the garret and hide it bertie laogfaed and then looked eobar then he said i will auntie nell and away he ran i think he must have hidden it very carefolly for be hasnt toond it yet selected mr wannamakers advice teeny w feelers teony woony iltfollors bas no fun at all juawbon oy is playlu bardoa hears aomobody eall jobnnleeeoeeea i yoauuuu jobnnloh6qo gomerlghthomeismlblt awful aggorvatld aint it has tostop our play an igo home eoa ma can toll us dont go far awar i dess niakoe me lomad i tony weeny lilfoliers pas fa awful queor jos as soon aesupporsovor hosly alius hoax johnnleeeeeeeoi ybuuuuu johnnie- oee bunawaytbbednowl ken pa patehla overcoat od bayatoina dontwait t have togo downtnctieoiuban beckon ill be lute dosa ulakoa me so mad teepy weeny jjil felloro dont oy got it tbougb 1 wbat a time oy baa fflt alsters- spbesly when oy go ma real ob ma mat malto jobanleeooioo oomorlgbtupbtalrs p blatera aliays bollors at way when oy hoe a boau non tbo beau dont givo no nickels oanso ua makes ua go dess makesmo so mad teeny woony iil follors bomotlmos cant koop well bpeably if oix blggoat brovor he starts in to yell jobnnieooeeee 1 pidyonsemysbavlnbrusb toblaokyoorabooajuawalt teliatobyoujobnnieoooe i ats tbo way wif blggoa brorora uvoryflag ate did flios right off an goes to work an ulames it on tbo kid- does makes mo so mad baltimore american sasttttas ewttts tborttir par when capital investmont it the basis for proportioning profits and losses among several partners the proportions can be determined by dividing amount of profit or loot aooordiug to the percentage of each partners investment of the whole capital example in a partnership business a famished voooo b 110000 xbe profits being liooo what was eaoh partners share 18000 eqoalo a of 11000 9 of 11000 equals 160000 aa share 10000 equals j of 10000 j of 44000 equals 250000 be share homely o tbe proud father is always anxious to give his first baby aweigb the sacoess of the man who fails for a million is souietblng phenomenal a fiabermin has plenty of leisure lime in which to think out scaly stories some meb are ofno more- oonseqoeooe than a tbermometer on a pleasant day there are times when lbs almighty d w ud g aafai a little politeness qoto the aunt thou eluggardoonaider ber ways and keep away from yohr anole after a woman reaches the sge of 80 it is impossible to oonvlnoa her that the good all die young the undoing of the work that satan finds for idle hands to do furnishes employment fbr a lot of other people he obeyed instructions tbecoi ikoman tells an smnsing story of a party of women who recently visited pikes peak a youth still in knee breeohes altbbumh he wore a ooilarot extfaordinsry height and stiffness wat their guide but his knowledge of the points of intereeteeemedto bo slight every few minutes he stood up and shouted the names of oertsin bowldera and streams when wo were nearly at tho top he balled ont on the right i the lions month i why is it called tbe lbne mouth asked a akeptioal lady who had pestered him with why all tho way aw i duunov said the lad tired of being asked for information i waa told- to holler- these nauios i dunno why nothin its my job to holler and so i- holler on every bottle ineffecti pro benbyihe fodryasiold member of the imirttoawhy he hcnsehold oat it bowled and used vlolsot an un8uitable room a german lady arrlviogjortheflret ilmo in isngland drove to a first class london hotel asked for a room and was shown into vary small soantlyfor nithsd one she said in a determined msnner and in very broken english i wlllhot bare this room no maam said tho porter and broug in the first box man lt repeated the lady emphatically twniiiotftayti r- no said- the porter and mbesxev stjiisiitgblm iawiittjjffitmw tbttsason of lbs psrtistsijtvtnhhwowiaiist alwtwithateriajetlnblnese ilttsr lliiiili lifrbww i v 8mw 0 tomklns aood morning mr wanua- maker i have oalled to see if yoo can give me a position in your establishment i ban turn my hand to almost anything mr w mlowssre fall in every department add yon are the twentieth man i have refosed today vyhydont you take up a hue in which there la less tomklns id only bo too thankful if yoa csnpbtms on trsokof eaoh a posl tioo mr w when i was twenty years ot ge i w a stranger in a tt l with neither work nor money when a friend w ntinie a vlawyer- advised me to laksa bcoli tigenoy saying be bad edooated himself by canvassing like drowning men graspalstrawsitook his advlos ahd id flvwnrtatrfooondtbthlssuiit stsrlsdmyptiwnjt business it is jnsl fiftyiyeantago soday that mr bradley tbefoohdsr of the tresenti kirm of the bradlbyqsrrelaon company limited pt toronto sent me my first book- prospectus and to his ibeaoliful utters and good advloe i ows much of my prsssht euooess yet young man if you btvs anytlrlog in yoo there le just at tbbanoifor you today with ibis- old establlebsd hoote as tbsvwat for 4hsm and see w of sbiiohs consumpliob curb is this- guarantee all we ask of you is to use twotbirde of the oontenls of this bottle faithfully- theuif yon oarreay yon aronot benefited relarn the bottle to yoor druggist and be msiy refund the price paid prioo 25 oente 50 cento and 100 a bottle teaiarfwvasiajrt isjtgmlmwjp thsn1ibui onaumbera and melons are fbrbiddeo fruit to many persons so constituted that the least jndulgenoe is followed by attscks of cholera dysentery griping eto these persons ars not lndalge to their hearte oonteot if they have on hand a bottle of dr j i kelloggs dysentery cordial a medicine that will give immediate relief and is a pnr nmrnarmmplalnl tritlmphs and successes when the dlaitiond dyes are tjsed beware of imitations and adul- taraioddyeb they blast your expectations and dostroyyourqooder imhaljooght tobe ioriiia sp j j sssssssssasnssssssssssjbsssbssssm v t i v ftifvi if- thousandapf pleased and satisfied women write about their sooossses and vrlnriphs with lbs dlainond dyes mrs mrtcwfetf it 4tlnreasure that i tell you ot mjoof ifc dlsmond djee a fsw e w djthsjreenlt wat marvsllooely dgajijlsinlfabtory v- v ifisttispfisisil yiiii

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