Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 27, 1899, p. 2

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horn tuoai in guollih on sunday aard april to mr and mn q j thorp a dsugbtor gultnuyln aotoh on tiioaday bsth april to mr sudmra wllllan quruoy a daughter dibd lunniaat inroraoll on friday met april ira n harris fiilhor ot mr prank herrle aclou ftrod 07 yaara i3toatb31 wth court chicago iii april loth eiualla minerva only daughter of mr ami mrs a a beaton aged ynarav s montba and 111 days biumnunon tuoadsy april 11 at berkeley california wvd uroihorlatelloenaolnpeo- tor of tlio county of halton and editor of the milton klfipobmbn ljc tion ftti fiim thursday april 37 1809 notes and comments the canal advisory board appointed by governor roosevelt of newv yorky btee weeks ego sotebare- bond state engineer and surveyor and- john n partridge atate superintendent of pobllo works will inagbsate thejnveatigatloh of the oanal problem on miy ml if is their purpose to oomraenco their work by an inspection of the qanala of tbo dominion of canada they will investi gate tbo oonetrnotlou improvement and oommeroe ot those waterways our goodnatnred ootem the milton champion baa evidently determined that the time when patienoe ceases to be a virtue baa arrived and has determined oil desperate methods its iaane of yesterday contains the following somewhat startling announcement persons having flintlook pistols or blonderblusses or other aatlqaat- ed weapona wblob they are willing to sell may find a pnrohaser by nquiringatthe caamjilon offloe we dont blame tbo champion a bit persona who refuse to pay for ao good a paper deserve all tbo injury that oan oan be loflioteovupon them with aptiquated weapons we shall await with a good deal of intereat the result of the champion attack if it ancoestfnl thia great family journal will also require a supply qi flintlook pistole blouderbluis- es etoi brampton coiuertkifor the burlington qaieuc la keeping a olose scrutiny of the tntsreeta of the com munity and olalms to have found the city ot hamilton taking illegal liberties with county of halton property it says tbo gauut haa been informed from a reliable sonrca that the olty of hamilton bae enoroaohed upon our property to the ealent of 160 yards and the city authorities have aold lots belonging to halton county to hamilton oiflzsns for summer residences and in addition to the sum realised on the sale of the iota collect ten dollare per annnm rental for the privilege of bnlldlng thereon this la a matter of serious im port and it should be dealt with withont any further delay if tbo report la founded on faot let the county cpnnoil apply to the olty of hamilton for all monies real ized by the aale of these and all rentals oolleoted and it any objeotion be made to a businesslike settlement have the courts aolleot what is legally ours an important meetino to the edirdr of the pmtl puxse data sib the publio meeting to be held in knox oburph on friday craning under the anipioes of the xords day alliance ia worthy of speoiel attention by everyone anxions to preserve the day of rest for the working men of tbo country for some time the alliance has been doing earnest work in striving to resist the attempts of corporations and manufactur ing flrms and othera who may attempt to carry on labor on the lord day despite dominion parliament trio eetlmiteej brought dovyn inoreaee in expenditure of mllftla department the pacific cablh discussed ottawa april 20 in aocordance with the understanding with sir clmrlo tapper the resolutions in the matter of the paolflo cable and the pnrohase of tho drommond county railway will bo talirn up tomorrow the drummond oounty resolution will first he taken up it is not anticipated that tbe discussion on this snbjeot will be at all prolonged in either honse and if any farther argument in its favor were needed it would be found in the swelling rerenota of the toad of which the minister ot hallways will be able to inform parliament the senate is not likely according to onrrent report to repeat its opposition of two yeara ago to tbe ratification of the arrangement tueebtniatia toe tub ykab the finance minister laid upon the table of tbe bouse on monday night just before adjournment bit main estimnteaior the flsoal year ending june 80 1900 mr fielding is asking tor a totti of 940380650 or a net deoreaao compared with the amount voted last session for tbe onrrent fiscal year of lo18080 the deoreeee in oapltal expenditure ia eatimaled at 121 77421 tbe incresse in consolidated fund expenditure 668486 leaving the net decrease e stated uxlxti1 incaeaseb the total increase of 1175000 in the militia dept ie explained by tbe following inoreases in detail pay and allowances 17296 snnoal drill 1100006 salaries oivll moooo military properties and riflerangwjssooo s stores flpo0 pro visions and aopplles 150oo transport 10000 miscellaneous 60o0 royal military college 915000 government oartridge factory s7862a defence of eiqolmaltl882600 monument for battle field 12800 klflo aaaociation grants are decreased i81o0 the d b a losing 5000 and the artillery aaaociation t8000 for artillery and armaments j886oo0 is asked on capital aobonnt an increaae of 104000 it ia proposed to drill the entire militia for ladayahext year the sum of 600000 is asked for the mounted police in this yukon an increase of 158750 and afnew vote ot 9108000 for a yukon mail service tint runts or aiiuium in answer toa qoestionby mroasgraln the premier stated that the lease of lbs plains of abraham woold expire on the 1st of may 1001 and the property would revert to the ladieo oi the tjrauline convent the government however were willing if tbe property coold be acquired at a reasonable ngura of taking into consideration the queation of its pnrdbaae oodbinohoubxra brabxtitnaioh mayor nelson of quelph mr e b bollort president to the board of trade i col maodonald mr j i maokintoah of the metatry of gnelph mayor thompion of goderlohr dan moailliouddy and others were here on tuesday and inter viewed mr tarte in regard to deepening the qoderloh harbor to twenty feet and extending the canadian paclflo from goderioh to quelph the mlplster of pobllo works promised to give tbo matter full consideration and staled that he was a oonvert to the aobeme couud0b jcttmob mr beittle givea nolloo that be will introddoea bill to determine the longth of the working day for workmen and labour- era thisls the eight honr day legislation mr j bon bobertspn will ask the government f they intend to introduce a oopyrlght bill tbla aeaalon evbrton the saw mill worked ohwly l last week tjofortunatoly an acotdunt huppened on monday and work wilt bu delnyed u fnw dayv- mr and mr josph bnhumh infant daughtor died on sal unit ynnit wae buried on sunday afternoon on lvirtty pvcniog mr vvm jlibb of 1z litjburkli suotlaiid arrived at the homo of he sunt hero mrs j oake we expect ho will be so aulted with free oanada ue to mako hie home here misa mary boya of nioho spent last weak with mrehnubridgo horo rev mr seytono mr and mrc g zioree mr and mta blaok er the young people from mr qnghes and misa pearln apcnt tnesday evening with mr and mra jae black enjoying maple taffy and rnasia its efforte many attampu have been made of late to enoroabh on this boon of the worklnrman and oven lavrimakara have to ba well watohedleat legislation he pasted weakening the already ilaok enough law on this matter wblloio aotonno very great amount of violation exltts domparad with some other plaoes the objects work and needaof thia naeful allianoe should be well nnderetodd by all wellwiabera of our oountry law doea not make a man keep tbe day holy hut it oan keep him from belog made to work the speaker of the evening being not only a mooeasfol son of acton but one in the forefront in moral and phllanthropio reforms ahonld in addition to tbe im- porlanoe of the subject attract a large andienoe yours truely aoton april 25lb 1809 cmzix w h comstock elected the llbral candidate defeated hon- pet vvhlte by 332 bnocumxi april ill mr 7 boom- atook is the new member of the house of commons to reprssenl brookvllle his majority in yesterdays by wleotlon over the hon peter white his conserratlre opponent is 284 literary notes the may number of tbe dtliealor hi allied tbe commenoement number and in addition to affording a blear proepeot of tbe whole field of faehion treata very lolly with illnatration and derorlptlon of appropriate gowniug for commencement add graduation wear the literary features are thoroughly eojoyable and the household and sooisl diaoosslons ortsp and piquant the departments jtnd fancy- wbtk rmges aro foil of agreeable iuforma- tibn fanoy stitohes and embroidery by emma haywood th dreas tb miillner iraitling orochellnjlaoaimavlug the latest bmka at orte provrfronm tbs iooalagentfor baltetiokvpattarns or adilreaetbo jeflmor pollahlng 6o of toronto li 88 blohmond st wesv li 1 l lt 5 tt 8lr w tanrler mr w doogall that tb oost ot uklng the pleb- laolte bad been 9180604 to date there are still some outatsridlng soooonts 856416 wasoolleoted during the lut flaoal year in iobaooo duties mr- molnnes of britleh columbia has introdooed a bill to amend the ynkon territory aat the object of which ha explained was to give mlnirs the right of appeal from tbe deoielons of the recorder of claims snd tbe oold oommlaaloner the fenian tbaidmedals are expeoled from england shortly bobbed theurare a startling incident of vihlob mr john oliver of philadslphia was the subject is narrated by bim as follows i was in a most dreadful ooodltlon my skin was almost yellow ayes sunken tongue coated pain oontlnually in my sides no appetite gradually growing weaker day by day tbrea physoians had given me- np fortonately a friend advised trying eleotrlo bitten and to my great joy snrprlse the first bottle made a decided improvement i oontlnued their use for three weeks and am now e well man i know they saved my life and robbed the grave of another violim no one should fail to try tbem only 60 cants a bottle every bottle goaranteed at j d mo- keoa ball1nafad tho annual meeting of balllnafad foot ball team was held in theiiall jast wednes- evening and tbo otob was reorganieed for the soaaon the officers eluotod are as f ollows hodpres a v tuompeon proa f w betto viee j o shorllll captain t brown seotreas g 0 campbell committee a sfln- dlehnret j yemen w near h webster quito a number of our young eporta have pcrohased wheels this seasob from our local aganferjur betta moat of our farmers are bnsy seeding at present miss garliey of georgetown was the ftuost of miss e oook on sunday mr john mckeohnle lost a valnable borse last week rev mf milne was nhable to preaob on sunday ao mr fowlle of erin took obarge miss hattie thompson is home on a short visit mr joseph bbortill has returned home after visiting friends if jyindon the editors wife the lady suffered terribly from rheumatism her joints began to swell and twist out of all 8hapedeath would have been a rollofdr williams pink pills restore her to health fronithe barrbton tribune after long consideration and fnuoh hesitancy about having her name made publio mrs john a gojtajand wife of the editor and proprietor of tbe harrlston tribune has rebplved that the world ahonld know how wonderfully her health was restored by the timely nee of dr wllllame plok pilla tor pale people par repre sentative interviewed mr oopelaud and the following labia statement of the case whilst we were- living in toronto at no 80 mogill street my wife took ill in the autumn ol 1894 and bad snob racking pains that she oould hardlytjlr una of the best specialists in toronto was sailed in add be dlagnoaed tbe cue one of aonte inflammatory rheumatism his pre sbrlptions were given and be said that the ease was a very severe one and it would be a wonder it her joints did not become mlssbapsn what tbia eminent pbyslpian predicted oame true at the end of a month my wife waa worse than ever and ber wrists and unnokles were twisted greatly out of shape she was ao disheart ened that she would weep at tbs slightest provocation she waa loath to stay in bed and had to be assisted tosriae and dress every movement giving her intense pain during all tbe ensuing winter this state of thing continued she gradually hannmlng wnrse in spltn nf the strong that book agent toronto oat sbbtoriptlon prloo of the xwlnrator 100 per year singls oopiss is the pastor good morning bro bobarta what makes yon look sad thia morning bror i bave oome io say goodbye mr brown for i am out o employment and most go baok to england the pastor go back lo eogland to gat employment what noosanse i i oan gatlota of workfora yonng man like yoo in this oonnlry bro b well i have honied high and low and can get notbldg to what am 1 10 it doti the pastor i tell you what- yon oan do bra robert take an areoey for a good book for ibers is money in canvaar- iog bmb hn ynn think t wonld stoop intdlolnes and tbe lotions that tbe doctor prescribed for her we tried in vain the message treatmentaad the eleptrioal treat- ment my wife wonld moan nearly all night with the pain she was unable to hold tho baby and even could not bear to liave a person point a finger at her 1 feared that the apring wonld see my wife ander tbe sod and you may be sore i was terribly affected by it all this time we continued to- give her doctors treatment stud medicines until finally my wife stoutly refused to take any more of tbe drugs from that online began to improve and one evening i was aatonlshsd td see ber obm log to meet me when i arrived home from tbe offioo why i said the doctor is doing yon good atyer all not at all she said and smiled then she produced a little round wootien box and bald it up j have a great secret to tei yon she iaoghed unknown to you i have been taking dr wullama -pink- pills and ibis la tfae seventh box they are tapldly onring me naturally i was overjoyed and almost wfptatthe ibonkhtof bow very near ioame tbloaing her she oontlnued taking dr williams pink pills and beforeaha hadflniahed the eleventh box ebe was quite well again and today her varlsts and knnbkles are as shapely aaevfr- several of onr neighbors lu toronto knsw bow siok she was and oan oor- roborate every word i have slid either myself or my wife are wlllng to awearto tbe truth ofthese ataternenle mr copeland has been laughed at for tbe entboilaim with which be has anng the praiaes nt dr wllllama plok pills bot he believes that anything ao valuable to mankind ihould get all the praise it deserves mrs copeland was aeenat ber residence on king street harriiton and aha cor roborated every word her hniband haa said she relootantly gave oonient tohavs ber name poblkbtd bot said that she tbonghtll proper that the efflpaoy of these pilll ahonld be mse koowb tftowaa7led to use dr wliliamtpink pills through aeeing the aqoonnta of onres in the news papers dnews neigh nowa i tome supplied ijy corree pendente nnd exphannea iyitttdn the inquest on the late wihism prad- ham wahadjunrnod until the 6th may to permit of theaualyeia of the ooutenu of the stomaoh the counoil u about toomptoy a night watahman andcurfew onlaer water taken who fail to pay their rates will have- their service shut ofl aftor ftfleeu days notice a sunday buhool convention of the deanery of halton will be hold in graoe gharoh on tuesday 0th may tho town bad eight nmbrella men canvaasing the citizens one day last week the milton baseball olub was reorganiz ed for the couiiuk season on friday evening the following officers were elected geo bume honorary preeident j w klllott preeldebt e earl vloe- presldent c ft johnson aeoretary john campbell treamrer a duff manager ni patterson qeo storey and j d moglbboh managing oommltteo mrdavld oordirigiy of trafalgar sold a heavy draft horse weighing 1700 pounds for export tobootladd last week for 186 the shoe factory has been running over time for several weeks tho spring show will be bold in the agrioultural grounds today crewsons corners tho fall wheat has been badly damaged by the severe winter and consequently will orily be half a orop in many plaoes a number of tho young men of this plaof have organised a sunday sohool prpheatra and will play for the drat time neat sunday it will be a great beip to tlio sunday school mutlc and will no doabt beappreolated by all next sabbath rev h w holden will preach a sunday school aormon here and the offering will bi in aid of the school bey mr mills of 0uelnh preaohod a yery inierestlng seripop hero last sunday bev f wluford a former pastor of tbo disciples qburob in aolon who- is now in new bern n oi is evidently meeting wiib aucceea in bis new field of labor his many friends will be pleased to- see the following copied from the chrittian trihne of richmond va irev f w loxford jajjitill jirawlng lsrffaurowda in new bern his bnooess in tbia old conservative town is quite remark- able for verily it is a bard field he proppaes organization of a mens licagne aoon which no doubt will be great help in holding the men in tbe lineot active work mies lottie fjarro returned from the quelph general hospital labt vhnraday arid la alowly regaining her former healtb she epeaka very highly of the treatment she received while there her many friends will be pleased to see her around miss mlna gamble la recovering from a severe attaok ol la grippe mrs john h oripps maple grove retnrued home last week from brantford where she had been visiting her brother mrqolenjanj who baa been very hi bnt la recovering she also vlsitsd her brother mr raundera coleman of gait j mr and- mrs george berry of erin spent sunday at mr george oanns miss fithel gaon who has been visiting friends hero the past weet returned home with them it takes some people so long to find out what tfiey want that tbe nebeseity for the sgll wanting iceesies to eist neiore tney get it thatthroblng iieadache would pjolokly leave yon if yoo oaed dr kings new life pills thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for sick and nervous headaohe hey make pnro blood andatrong nerves and build upyour health easy to take try them only 85 bente money baok if not oared bold by j d mokea a big bead doeant always prevent a man from oomlng ont at tbe email end of tbe morn a fri bl will often oanae a horrible burn scald ont or brnise buoklehs arnica satye the best in tbe world will kill the pain and promptly heal it gores old sores fever sores ulcers bolls felons corns and all skin eruptions seat pile oure on earth only 15 cauls a box cure guaranteed bo1dby j d mokee in order to mennttbe ladder of fame an orator mnet win round after round of applanae wpwid vale flair sick woivlen are invited to coriatilt dr r v pierce chief consulting phynlciotl to the in valids hotel nna surgical institute buffalo n y by letter without fee or charge of nnylnd dr picrcc ia a apeclullat in the diucascnof women he hns treated over lmlfnniillion women for libcasch of tlie woiunnly organs and ninetyeight out of every liundrcd women he hits treated have been absolutely nfld perfectly cured every letter received bydr licrce istrenteil ns u purely sonal anil private coiiitmhiicntioil anil itfl contents gunrded ns n nncredcoiifklcnce all nnswemto tlltsc letters nre sent in scaled envelopeb beariilu upon them no printing- or advertising whatever write to the dartor it is no use fbr aickavoiiien to write ton man uuless he ian doctor it ib no use to write to n woman unless tlio woman is a doctor write to n woman about cqolery or nny branch of housekecpiiik hecause she is a womaimnd knows but it is of no use to write to n wonlnu about disense unless she has a doctorb tmiiiiug nnd cliplbiua a woman who isnt a doctor is jualaa dan- geroua as a man who isnt a doctor when she nndertakcsto treat disease there is o qualified woniun physician ao far as is jcnown connected with liny proprietary medicine put up for women even tlie heanied wbmau the mati who advertises write to a wonioh not a qualified pliyrlcion and stands too much f n f ear of the la w to clahiitlint lie i s there ia no other pliyslclnii mole or female who hue dr pierce hna drecord of over thirty ycirj na chief cpnsultinp physician of a well known luatltutioii makine a specialty of the private treat ment of womens diseases write to the doctor dr r v pierce buffalo n y women realize dr pierces ability when they read his great work the com mon sensemedical adviser jpp8pnjje8j gent free fi receipt of stamps to defray post of customs mid mailing only send jj one cent mumps for paperiboiind edition or 50 stamps for claui address pr r v pierce buftalq n y uptodate builueis afothoda and practice are ttvagnt tboroagbly at tbo qljeuph business college and shorthantl institute indlvidqal tuition va piauai stuaontaulty enter any ttma if you avo lateroatod in any way write for circulars j sharp prinolnal loijplays cllekriisg skl6 of boots and shoes george stovel has purchased the premises and boot a shoe business of the late thomas agnevr and for thirty days is offering ggght jn pl lnesqf bopls and shoes coll and see the goods the prices will undoubtedly attract you the custom work and repairing will receive the same careful personal attention avhprptofpfb george stovel v muv st acton 4 otivb bolioltarfl wmatod ovorrwliore for jx tho story or tho pbllippines by fit u tat hiittn4 oommualoued toy tbe government aa tksbtc olaoo on tbptulfto with qenefal u taotpiula at honolalq lo hong k amerloii bredole at hanui in tb oainpsa with agdlqtdo on tqe mm at bn piap- afai mrjitt in tba oiain in u at maniu aaalqatdo on olympla with dewy and in tba roar of battle t tha fall of manil bbnanxa for asenta srimfol of original plotqrea taken by eottro ininhqtograpljoriqq tlio ir l iw jutol btar insaranoe bulldlas obioago t-lru- for 3 the fat man and the tall man the lean man and the small man the youth and the boy who is not as tall as a man are interested in this announcement we have procured a special stock of tweeds patterns confined to ourselves in many instances and invite every man who would have his suit made to measure at readymade clothing prices to inspect this showing on view in our window some of the goods are shown in our window with prices attached this is certainly an opportunity not ofteri within our reach for obtaining fine clothing at down to date prices every garment will be cut by firstclass cutters made by expert tailors and trimmed inthe best and most approved fashion our stock of readymade clothing was never so well assorted mens waterproof goods at quarter less than we ever had them boys and childrens suits quick sellers good fitters the frank cbwler co cuelphs greatest store fiths btirriiseiiknts boy wanted one acoubtbmort ip iiotbdb and willing td mtiku liimatiir gouorally ubuiui apply at ouoeto 8 a sickbaoue md fresh mtlk cow w waited at my dairy a frosh milk cow james i1auky dressmaking the mihsi hoarthur lately of erin barfr opened droflsmaldng rootaa over hnlnurii tore oppoaito knox church and will boplouoi to leooivoordou from tbe ladles or acton and vicinity apprentice wanted to learn tbo art of printing roaltby bov of 14 or 15 yoara who baa paiaod tbe bjgh bobool kntranco oxatninatlop apply at once at tbo fbee prks3 oppiob aotonj carpets our btoclc la o complete and comprehensive as to aatlsfy every possible demand as we carry them in stock you can have them matched while you wait complete stock of swiss nett and nottingham lace curtains at lowest prices laeev curtains 9- cloths furasriskiisra black and floral patterns large stock to choose from new cloves in black cream and all new- at shades gopitppigo rvv mill st acton best family flour man i toba flotj n seed peas seed babley ail kinds of grain all chopped grain bran yshqrts tkmo clover seed another cargottn baled hay binder twine best laroe stock at robert nobles mih st atsron mkngbl eed evanv improtd mammoth saw lor mangel golden plained long bed mangel mammotb long bed madrel grabdlotormodlate yellow mangel champion yellow globe mangel intorniadiaiebeduanbel alao improtod daniab bogardeet white bllmlan ed top beat tbe ontario agrioauaral collego report aye among twontyaeton varieuw of mangels grown for seven ytaw lniadeenlon at tbo agrionltoral college gaelphtbo evavb maic- uarnqiwloaluxqru oeooplm lint plaoe in arerago yield oi roots per aoro- the pabllo are warned gainst dealert offer ing brans saw iog v angel bead for sale as i am tbe only seedsman in gnolpb that yon can parobaso this seed from takb no otixbb yon wast ths best mokey ijd jcoan now la tba tltno to rednoo your tntnrmit bave money to loanon farmand vlllasa property in imna ol 100 to 810000 at a 64 and 6 pereeot mo communion bjmonabu h0kses clipped by h p akinstclabb bone ellppltw- eatllt baa been eeoured and bonea will be clipped any afternoon at reasonable obargei jaueb baby acton tbo dairy farm bfiick house to bent that comfortable briok bonaoiva arthur treet has aeven rooms with pun try ball r woodibmsnotbtablfir ai 1 wood wotlc nbwfy 10104 and gralbod hartjcand eoft water ir uambto who baa parobaara a bobee for blmielf motea abont tho flnt of may when poeaoseloii can ue had apply for paxtlcalan to kjrmonabb farm to kent in nas that wollkdown farm vast half of mia eon 7 nassagamya eomprialdk mo aorea batwmd 60and70aores andor oaulvasvin tba plaeo is wall watorod liaring a neror falllns spiide and a good wall thorn an air buildings alboanorobard ontbaplaoa taseaalon rltn lat april apply od tba premises to huob motavibh or addrsaa blm at aotoia p o valuable be8idence iff acton for sal or t rent that bahdiome sew roaldeuoo on willow streets sown rooms with tnodorn arrange- tnonta of arobwaye eto with halle pantrr flasete and woodshed bard and aoftwmier inew- y vapored with ingrains and the ifootlwors grained the property iasltnatod la tbooeafent ol tbo bnalneaspart of aotoa within lea the one minutes walk of tbe post offloe ftalaflrepb telephone dootors drug stores ana iieaa than ave minntes from all uk obarobea and ten from tba school and railway station and withal juat far enough ofl tbo pobllo thor oughfare to make it a moat deslnble and eom fortable realdenoe for particulars apply te mim jknkisi bimxia aoton p o or to k j monabb aoton mann tttb 1899 the glebe tana in aotonv f sal owing to ill health the nndenlgned bae deolded to sell fail farm known aa the glebe farm on main street aoton oomprialdg ml acres well fenoed mil ondar eblowation ezoept a low sores of woods there is sw vary comfortable hoase on tbo property newly paint ed and papered a rtable imall barn and driring bed good orchard hard and soft water for terma and partlonlara applyto jxmeb eusseilt oh the miaes or to aoon p o the public health otttzgwa i the ins and outs james hewer 46 ilaodonneu st- qdelph ojiiaiibaiiiriliingartiri- jc hill afient acton htmftjc ches h yish ildmiwiih niieaaaoua jowoon a simple prniv i tlonigjjaiatijm poaiujy fiuriii- less apooioo fsroll klridsor uoiidaobo a liad ea at hu lima h sxpsrlsnae shqald b a warnlok to tbosa poople wbb want it now a tlio topgnta coald not cxprass ibs rsptqre- of annia esprlpkfr of lam howard st phll- adalpbls pa when sba fonod that lr klogansw dliootery or oodsnrnplloo biaj ooni plately oared htr of a ataokluft oooghiljal fci many jrsara bad mad ius a bdrisn all oihv ramadlas and dootors ooold jia hr no blip but sba ssys of this flojral cars it soon remorsd tbs taiiiom tohui and i oan- do sleep xiikpravjfjj itsjimlkrs tuughbut tbljnlam 80 ihtirtiwwlio irlrt prvklaii mow call nd ata the new welland vale bicycles at the bicycle livery tbo per fact garden city and dominion ar tbe leading grades while the perfect chainless has merits which will be apprecliied by all wheelmen it u an nn dupated fact that the welland vale wheels cost leas for repairs than any other wheel tbe single hece cranks are- the beat attachment ever adopted the new de parture automatic brake gives the rider complete control prices right for purchaaera who meaii bpaineas j chill i tro otcatbanw dotlibttjotlo bnt toitln in iiittlrcomif fiiey rtllave sour moimnii sold bydrtttatsj irerrwliro in loc vnydopea and a ixura 7a ifoltnian dray co drldsaburvt out ftiiiy l new no matter whether yon wnril an interior or an exterior view of your home or one of the inmates we can insure you a pretty pfclpro one that your friends will admire and oarrv realism of your hrjmo to those absent we ake nboloa either by sunlight or flashugiii h rtctucshttcslie phot tic9iti bcton having decided to go into the mijlinery businesa i have sttdsyjfeeisgcesjvof m fasiw or watertord who comes highly recommended having had several years of experience show rooms over store to aompiiyswith the fublio notidb is bereby given that all reamanta o actpnareraqairedrortbwltbtooleanuialr oellars drains yards put styes water eloaets and ratballdlnga and premises and remove tbantrom all dirt manors or otnar sabstanoa which tnaretulaneer the pnbllo boalthaod to have tbe aama oomrjleted by tbe 10th day of ao pvehlblttai tbe iweplniol boaa between tba lith otatay and the litotsaiusomt raoept in peas ial least 10 fee tram any dwelllns bonae and3 fwt from any atnet or lane with the floors kept fraa from standing water eoid nan- larlrojeliaadwlllbeatrlouyenforoed ap oiuaans are earnestly requeued to leap upavmlasaoonatetnuyolead and thoroughly j 11 reabson of the muhtoipallty ioton april utb leoo five parcels of valnable property ia acton for sale taffifeyesno srelfora aamuil- lots on tbsooraarof ohnrobandonelphatreata belodblnis tbhr now of buffalo la 1 that fine brlek realdeneeand tw offered for sale at lowr prices and easy terma 0011 of ohu boms orobard ondgood garden contains 8 rooms bard and soft water splendid m from tj to faaoai a tbs brlek bonse and lot on obnroh b has seven rooms soft water good- stable paaosi sgood building lot as x 193 on qoelpb street next to alex rtmihwa nsw reatdsnoa kuozu 4the store and dwslllob on uu1 street occnpled by unrncy oroa who can a general botlneea is in apl oentnl and oonvenlens paacmijstliree sood building lota at the oomerofyonngand sini btreeta a splendid iltefor a danntaetnringestablltbment owing to its proilmltytoa ttt depot for teams and paruonlanenaqlroettfcoofflae wry a oomtloi wh denky l young st aetoo jjfi all eiilds ufseed in bulk tot faum and ebtaolishbo 1843 e arurl 26th 1839 hamiltons favorftk shopping place t read hls store news carefully hsiriterestingbecaum it tells truthfully and plainly of some of tho bright new rnerchatndise that await you here no exaggeration or mlirepresenintlon juat plain fads all our omparlmcnls are now brimful of now goods and fresh ahlpmenls arriving dally till up tho gaps made by the very heavy selling of dowadays your evfery dress need hasbeen provided for you dont have lo chase and hunt around for what you require weve dotte that for many montbs past weve been bnsy ij pufs infornotlnenoataltuatedaaltls inths the hunting grounds of hutoe it is rffioh oy vjij tvi wateraof td thenoebyateaoier fairy and r- where every part of the lakes by means of tbeleie ig ijalariyjllflnd tblt y f sxlstsrfor rwehltti wm pa an sen aef be muuils t abondanoe of apeokled trout aa tnkreraltf la hotels ana brdlng- s nufvjss 5 ajl lefbrmauort from m riaenta or write h s holmeb ajent apton dlstpab8ragt toronto eents a provinc rep harolllonsharbloworka gnelph is tbs soene of ry tla operations at present he wlllhlptnirtly lnioonissfor erection at barnla bldjstowoi london berilffhanilltensltatfora gall and other points no better indication of iht snpsrior work and miutiarsbppijd by rop sndsotbhgranlujbasjaibo and innlonas a wmnsrnf ittsrsi jlmmtitid ci to book osnraesloa i ths pastor somewhat warmlj stoop to canvassing i boiler melt than yoo haem0vased- i pot myself tbronah college with book prospeotos and i knmjyiyjlqjjcejajnlniml wjjq gotthslr starilln life s osnvaasers my yoongael eon wii oanvaasing i now sod tiq niakw enough at ib bnalnaea to pay ubla- eray at the rjuireraltj i iqdnstd a njantrho galled in borfnese to take hp oaavanei og and ihsimade auongbvmoney to star bflslneaa analn j avs the satdf adflos mpimentandhslaoow prwpsr fflbllaner wbjr soma of ihsbiigeel rnao ijjvj inrttiry iofmfi garden turihpmahost lawitoiuss xtd for finrmvlrtay your trees and j4wfmhsibitv jikijjfbbxx xtc 1 piavsryforany tronbleorthsvlliroat jvarirtoroheslfpjioa0osnuiabai00 iijjtckiti every bottle vgnaran- v l wri ivii- i xm iliali ihtintfoiartrtii arnll iuovmimy- hobs luixs books ovts riys lmajuots xtc iy montbs past weve been bos gathering the ihlngs our long experience has taught us need this spring we think youll find them here flow yortl while to come and see anyway u 1 f i t ijtrftt nxwbttks laditlshbjnijrroroslfs in this bandkertbiefdpartment yoo ntaei bqy an irlih juwn banmmble for op raer gel duoheeselaoe one mayobooas from aeoree of pt toot it complete these 11 todays annoaneement f new and beet la bilks ient dependeble a goodly junrair of whats n is shown in tblsdmrtm ajloybllkiin nw oheou stripes and other new sffees alyllab ehtdlnge at from too op 1etimmiimmtwjitgl8o joiwrai are being- largely lised we have a groanas nee tpwrtiv bfsek gauue bnohee wldeapealel at 66o blaatwaettrataloitiobeewidett5 llaoksatini svtra valoe gf tpenes wwa at rae and m i lrefeida boteilua alnrtooloredyeltetenihteiblbj agjfeommsdvt ffiiiissaiw r what you require youll be likely to iwxas at jijaf only lijlsforpf unlaadsred t4qsn handbsrtlilai broldrea itrlaondrl- spcotsler iss onlaunderm bandf three left v wo have ony three bicycles left and have jfletermlnod to clear them off at giveaway vtoas they were sold at mo yonhvi your choice today at i30 remember ihete sfefe5 asiii twafi trebii ifltfyforniaiwhiri miciojtofiajisna

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