Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 27, 1899, p. 4

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many persons have their good doynnd their bad day others cro abourbalf elgk all the time tbey havo headache fcickacbt and arc rosileas and nervous food dabs not taste good and the digestion is poor the isin 13 dry and sallow and aiabgnred jjlth pimples or eropuojis bleep brings no rest and work is aburden youtils the csuao ol all this iropdra blood i vvnd thb remedy traini the voice beauty of uttaranoe in speach or sons la a mark of culture in all cood society arlatollershld it ia not only neosstary to have something to ray it ia alio netessary to know bow toaay it a well- trained voico ia a mars of culture iti all refined ioorety thin is a truoiu rpecilr 04 in song tho eame principles govern both but are even more important iu rotation to apeeob song implies a dlatinot art wbereaa speech la aolveraal modern civilisation extols parity ofapeeuh and dlatinot artioolatlon but tlanot enoosn thevoice ba bound and clear tie modulation that moat obarma the ear bit morrelt miokanzle aaya it if a mistake to think that speaking requires no speolal iralqinu aud eieroisfft even in ordinary conversation speaking ia au art and a difficult one for the olun woman aod the women of booiety not to spealally cultivate the speaking or conversational voloo isto bandlosp tbrri with adofe6t wholly unnecessary ti wellmodulated vole tneybe cqolred in aidult life but tbe preferable period of acquirement ia in oilldbood anovvonlb tho generality of mothers are not awake to the- beanty of ntteranoe if they iters ibay wool joohalder acqaiililon of a wall modalated speaking or conversational vcrioa nhoold go band in band with plano- plsyldg and singing if the cnltlvallon of the eerydayipeauna toloa bad ben glmn the attention and study that piano plsylpg baa received the dlssgrseablo element so often complained of in the inierioati voloe would have disappeared longago bporgeon eald i believe that everyone ahonld train bis voiee and body under lisome ayatemot elooottod first for the thtraffidayf xpbrirr 1899 ttlje gonttji faku there la snanya sorrow would vanish toihorrow and into darlroeaa depart did we hot worship apd onraalt thlsepsrow that orlavea onr heart tberelaxnanyatronble would bunt ilka a bubble dldwatintfnrnlab lhemseni bat alwayalntradloov rn qule brooainiy and batebiagmoat horrible dreama bolet ughtneaurted antfoheerj and pnt away borrow and oare iiet ob look for the sod and fromtronble run and novsrasad face weaur the doormat may hot ha a thing of beanty hot it elwayegeta there with both feet r- athletea bloyolleta and olbera ahonld always beep habyarda tellow oil on hand nothing like it for itlflbeaa aoreneeo ol the rnnaolm opitina nets sin ft nlnqn prnpinuitii will not stain clothing pripaw cents- health it oflorda second for its edqottlngr effoofa third for this- advantage it rivea 61 or others for oaaloloess the better half of the family never knows quits aa muoh about bow the other half lives ia ahe woold like to know whan a man gets into trouble tbi majority of those who ooll to sympa thise with bim are only after the particulars v true spring health pabieahjim the great disease bsmsher used by aoribodl es ajtd pre t and able fhydblanat palnes celery ooropoood rnakeapeople well in aprlnx time it la aa far anptrlor to the ordinary nervine saraaparlllaa and pills at atrength is better than weataeai paioos oalery oorhponnd as a ipring modi ene has i thsentlia oonfldenoe pl onr varleid olaaaea of canadian popqailon nothlor more deoletvely pro vea theworth popblarlty and onlveraal nae of tba great mrdlolne than the fact that it is now naetl by the wral thy people who formerly railed on the bwtihedical eklll pafne clooirjdnndf ln iprlng time bnildsnp the broken down penoaa yaterji porldaa the bteed ratjnlatei and perfeolly tones the whole digestive syiteno givea a reliah for food and bestows all needed vltajaty and bodily atrength painea celery- oornpoqnd today li pre- r pifx1 a by theway lome rneo ool yon wonld think tbey were potting in ejl their time trying to itespttiriii jsflj- 7 r anilona niovhers ftniifcljowla worm byrnplne keat roedlpina to rpel worms ohudrsn u lwbrms don the tongb uabool tho only mnaala loading weapon that has not been k rf bffbctp werewonid brfol ll bad bean tronblad for years with pains io my aides and kidoeya and bad aobes in aji parte 6t my boxly owlna to atomabhana livtr ironblee i began taking hooda bartaporilli r its effeots ware wondtafol in a short tuna i atlrtlyironis oiainglbp ayiahne toronto oot hoods pille are nonlrritatloa and the only oathartlo to take with hoods barssna v c kxperienosmobee people a fot of things they woold rather not know 7l ft barry bored my obudofa dlbwhrtbaihtgh rnoaianaabmedii oomjoiaiowbt bbudrm- h htb1taieybnt its probably tna iondneaa otbls apparal tbatnjaltheioyijrsal andyattnotayondth tovtnld5duvaiouthlla i njrttinbbu tbebonetarifa in tbatbriawlstiobr magoloalaellafaddonrtmir maiffi5iism rnmaoarwrbw demqpilotiaiiftsisplo ovartbsvch inlqnlwand after taking tlairfdliif hamtllh sttlliftawl biiii sail ths dlatrelnuamptonis andaaffaringk mmbnt at draarovitbre iwwrla wwsa browbv i i v tr- of kidney and liver troubles it a ovarj- sblyaoeoeeafol in itaworki making men aod wornen well when they have failed wilhberrnedioinee v nowuthetlma to bae the marvellona obinpbbndftyoo deielre hew bloo new itrengtb and new life for the work and otlee of approaonlng aorhmer palnee lobpminnd baa done wonders for yonr friends and neighbors yon need the same heverfalling niiedlof oe for yonr oaie if ybd woold bs bored do not bepersoaded to try a anbstitola catarrrvhokbd him ineldlowal daooseatod relentless disease bound to vanish under the dr annow0 catarrhal powder tretmentbeller in ton minutes mr berijmln f- wonob 81 mcgeo8t surontovsays i was troubled with that tnaidiou djievae- aatarrh for many years it bfohine very deepiieated and waaraitidly grqofiagrorse wilhdibgoatlng rilohargea from my nobtrite aud the dropping iu my throat almoat ohoked me at limo i triud a riptjnao0illed ourea wituout any relief bubufier ultf a few bottle of dr aguewu ottturrhtl powder x was completely restored and x believe permanently obred from ibia loathsume disease bold by a t brown the eerm0lhat la born iu tbe prcoobera heart roakea ilaelf at home in the beirera wors than war hundreda are killed in wr bat haddrede ot thousands are killtd by eonsnmpiioh there would be no deaib at all canied by ibii terrible diaeaee if people oonld be made to nndartand tbkt bblloba coogh and consiimpliie cure la a spco remedy if taken in the early stages 88 dents io eepts and i00 a bottle drugglita will refund tbe bjobbv if oure ia hot sffeoted jlove ia the one nhiveraal badge of tbe chrlitlab bbenmatlbmr have yon tried all ibe iremedies you ever read or heard of hoping for a oarey if youre afflicted still take bsilbdrns bbenmstio piils tbpy never fall guaranteed to- ours or your money baok prioe 60 oenta bellgion and reason never disagree mrs joe coty port gilbert it 8 eays my little girl woold grind her teeihreo i oonolnded ibe had worms i gave her three doses pf dr tibwa worm syrnp which sated with good effeot prlcoaso tho above is tho nnmo nnd trado mnrk of tlm original kldnoy pill tho only reliable kldnoy pill tlioy wore plncod on the market by mr jniuoa bonn klngsvlllo ontfob- 1imry i885ongbofore other kldnoy rills worq tlioirglit of tholn puononionttl aiioooss in su pnrtsof tho world rn won us in ounadu lias brought forth roiinylmltotlons toko nothing tlmt lrts a name that looks or soundu ilko coants always oak for boajfb kldnoy pills tho pllla that -qntowy- and thoroiighly oiivo nil kinds of kldnoy ills nf orothor remodloa fall every man can tbluk of at loast a qvrcn builneesehlerprlbedbetier tlimn blaottb- qpljo and kiddcy difliouh mr 3 w wilder j p- jfafargsvllejj v writes lam sobjeot to severb attacks of oollo and kiduey dlfllonlty and and parrnelees pills asord me great relief i while all other yeinediea have failed they are tbe beat medlolne i have ever need in fabt so great is tbe power of this medleino to pleanseand pnrifyis dibeaees of almost every name and nstgre are driven frorp tbebody nobody ever etea a f rarnvyithout wondering where everybody is goiog hollowayjscorn cure is the medlolne to remove avnhlnds of oornaand warte end only coib the small earn of twenty ft eilsv ci- he wants an easy place ohtbsts ttiyoavrant air easy place do you 7 ohvyec tuuderlanil you tiiy boy i have beru i iuhit ulpng there myaelf i travelled over iiini rood many ycara aito wbeoi wufr probatily about your huc so perhapp you will prrinic tne to offer a word of advlcb bjut you think if tielug hii eilitor liora lawyer not h merolutit dnut im n mtobanlo avoid all uliops anil hturca iliu army dnut want you the navy imu no uo for you dont uinicrtuko tho pructlcu of naedipiue keepouttuf politiowv all kinda of public apcaking alid oratory let severely aloue dont undertbko to tvrlto for tho papere dont doui my 1 dont you ever tbiuk of being a farmer never do you eoll yoor little hands with work my boy avoid all aludy dnut reivrf dont think tbeie are all- bard tiub ia a busy world you havo goi iulo yonng mau and it has uoihiug but hard plaoea for you i iu foot the only riatlat euy plioe the world liaa for a man is tbe place of a deadman uh yon have mouey aiiii noblo parent age have your- that imakea not the alikbteat difforenoe litou moat build up a character of yoor otyn young man- hams horn burning ovs from ice 4 oorreapoudent of saietw deaoribe9 an intsrestlng scene reoently witneased on a skating lake near baltimore white bpota resembling airbnbblefi were noticed in the ioo and one of the akatera bored a bole into 8qb a babble and applied a mettoh to ft whereqpon a fjame buret oqt at the aorfaoe portlier expertnehta showed that srhena small hole was bored down to die babble a long thin jet of flams oould be obtained wbioh would last for a couaider- mbl6ttmei the bpublenere duo to accumulation of vocetablo matter at the bottom of the lake the correspondent oggeata that scab sppplies of marsb gas might be otilized for the illumination of i akating ponds f t ngfat dubl8 death knell dueling ii passing oat of france be oently a paris news manoffondod a fellow by orltiolam and in a letter rreelvedj this- ion are belowmy level bo xairopl aeud yon a cuff on tbe ears by mail i m in response thla waa eentthank yi for the stiffs in ret urn i desire to ahobl youiwjth tummlleta by mall conildei yonrselt dead y steal1 t bait an amusing little comedy is reported tbj htve taken place in pbiladelphla sbowingjb that the demure qbaker msiden is a matom f or tbe astotesl new york advertlier it awema too bid to ring the curtain do bjfqre tbeboal soene bntwbsreumptednl tba mansgefabf averv populsriand wldeji ly advertlaed moatrnm so tbe story rons hateheinin the babirbf rewarding their t with a one xearnlog thlsfaet onr bright girls indite an sffubive letter tolling of thslr years thlssry untlla dear friend who had alapl had a similar aad story advised a trial bf the mlrsoolous tabnlea since tbat day health and happioaas have been a dally eiperisnoo and now aloraya koefij on the bureau a anpplyeto to tbts naive epistle is signed the name of tbs family servant or a ootltlous one and in ooorse of time the ekprtssinsn bribgatbsj obveted ornsmeht of tbe mantleplseftl bet not niokel has been ppent for ubulesl hardware alerchants sell these goods and can supply you if they fail you write the manufacturers at ficton mo 7sffor4thbhl- sold also by cabndiah hardwamjohbers m a marriabj man oan tell his overoost in the dsuk by the holaainthe pookau iaapireisiood always oleanaed pnrifled and enriched by borilook blood bitters mrs john doogloi poller p o oot says i have uab3b fbr iinpora blood plmplss on llrtfsandalokbsadambe ponro made my akin elasr and free from erpptlon and wiri ffiii vk considers laxallver pills- best remedy for biliousness ssmpeopleoomplafplng that there is no aoliabfa awlatyfor thetn when they fchi idren vti h oiilsd wal ykais lesi bllbttt6bldi in polltlosand bourtehip athlrd psrty ia nsoslly andealrsbie v that aohlng bead oan be njisvtsd it jbiyw mllborna burllngheadaobs powders phe after another is coming forwad and spealtlng a vohl in favor of tho now family medldlnoloiaijivor pills mrs goo smnll sltgo hond lounl forebt of lor giving these pll is h thorough trial thns expresses herself -r- lnxa- liver pills ore the best romody i ever took for hlllouanoas and nsa goricrnl family eathartib they nro far superior to anything in the market forthntpurpoo laxaiilvor pills are mild in action harmless in effect and do not wenken the system j they ttlrt promptly on xta liver tone up the digestive organs romovo lj- hoalthy eooumulatlona nnd eut abort tho jiogremfdisitsepiibo2e coughs and colds of yonng or old quicker than nnybthorvrer medy price 9bo if snya oodseit affliction baa been a bridal to check preaamption hsgyards lellow oil onres all pain in mtpmbjtast ipirjaprains buis brulaes osjlbps ibnins awelllngt ludamrnaiion rbeomailim and neuralgia it is a tpeolflo ii v- vt j ainao is apt to drink mineral water when ho falls rooky i a postmaster gets abybodyra1setep an editor 5 at aridruga1atit3bo a box r 1 how vain aw inal ootnplainu ot tbe fhovesms whose ktomaeh sarelbe abodes nm3sssfiww toal aranswoysiieusiar- r a jc howloq0 bow lans will they buffer eteumrttswlw rlshwhuig for rlalnd tbsbervrwr tiiay diet and dootor and trypiwdsm anhlaamj01airarturmanrof all ojdiatraaiiwtlbiarcareifor tha friiht stoinai feii kua mjr htari besjaietasil- twill aarliy the ayatamiilva yes vl -aergy- a ovonnsn thinks if she repeats gossip jast as aha heard it there can be no harm there never waa and never will be xas nnlversai panacea iooneremedy for ills tor which flesh is heir the very nature of many ontatlvoa balpg suoh that were the norms of other and differently seated diseases rooted in the system bt the patient what would relieve one ill in turn wontd aggravate tbe other yehvei however in quinine wine when obtained in a sonnd unadolteraled state a remedy for many and grinvooo ills by its gradual jadlolqqp asethefralkeatsystems are led into oon- yalesceooe aod strength by the lofloenoe irhloh qoluine erte on naturer own restoratives it reileves the drooping aplritebf those with wbbmaehrbnloblato of morbid depondenif and lack of intereat in ilfo is a dlseaae and by tranqnilllng the nerves dlsposeslo sound knd reirosb- logsleep imparts vlgorto the action of the blood whloh belog stlmuuled oogrses tbrongboot the yelns atrengfbenioj the healthy animal funollona of the system thereby making aotlyltyaneoeasaryreanlt strtibgthbning the frame sind giving life to the dljeatlve brgaps wbioh nstbrally demand t increasbd sobstanoe reaolt im- proyebl sppotite korlhrop at vlymsni of toronto have given to the pnbliq their qnioloe yfine at the nsniti rate and gbagecl by the opinion of scientists this wine ajproaohei nearest perftwilonof any the market all drosglsts sell it we cant anderstand why any man will sell out for tbe sake of having lime to loaf ifepeonleieacapethbeneryatlng influence of spring weather there is dullncaa drowsiness and innputude for work or aerniiiit nf th iholeayitera bngetoggcdup jiith lm- inirllles accumulated during tho winter months i y the liver is sluggish the bowels inclln ed to be corijlipatotl the blood impure suid the enire organism ib innced of a thorough biibnsing rorali meacmes rloobittariilirthvhess itatumuialos the- sluggish liver to ao mvitr irnprovos urn pptju acta bet- the rifet j ailnoya porifles aatt enrlchea illie icjaraiwinlr iha a woman thinks a honse isnt well kept nplesa she cart pot her bashande slippers awsy where he dpaevt want them ilegnisr sbtlou of ithsbowsie is necessary 4o nbaltbrliayaiivrrpills itre ibe rbeat oooabional catfasrllo for family or geueral oto price 25 bents any druggist love snd coins are tometlrnes teeled by tho ring abarbjobpvrrs mans lice tvley no mater fibsliiht beard be hse to make mofam1lyllljyii a heavy one boold be without jarmelees vegetable pills a few doses taken now and then will keep the iilter abtlvo cleanse the tomaoh and bowels from ail billons matter and prevent ague mr t l prloe sboala jjartin oo ind writes libave triod a box of parmeleoa pills snd find them the- best medfpins for fever and atgnei have ever asad castorla la for ljiftuits and olilldrch cdstrin la ft harmless substitute for castor oil paregoric droi nnd soothing syrups it contains neither opium akorphlnc nor otlacr narcotic substatice it is iletiat xtigttnirnntco is thirty years nso by mjuioiis of bkotltcrs cnstorht destroys worms and allays 17everlli- jicss castorla enrcs dlrrhooa and wfdcollc chetosiu s teething- tronblcs cures constipation and flntulcncy oatorla asaliuutttes the food regulates tlio stduutch aiiil bowels 6flnfitnts and childrcii giving- healthy and liatitrnl sleep castorla is tihocbjidrcuit tniucea the mothers friend oaiatoria psaltoria la an excellent medicine for rlildrciii mother have repeatedly told me of its good cuect upon their childreu dk g c oioooo imveu mais castoria caatorla la to well odapta to children that i reconimcttd it aa aupevlor to any pre acrlptlon knowir to iiib it a ajacuaut m d bnoilr- vv the facsimile signature of railway tiub tabzisd wuandtbunk ulhway ooiko vest i aotna ist mail 10o2ttm i exprosb 6 sfifejr iroib fl sflpiu 2xprebb 13x1 mali 10 60 aa 6- hpm io oaiitu j jtlmli of cloaimu 1ia1ib going weft 0 joam nnrl 0 50 pm going east 10 aanm ondo 60 pm tbl time tajo wont into offoct on mouda may 16th 1896 spring hasgome and jjerhttps you want to replace your mrilk dabts with xev ones of bright new heavy slock made to order and t6 your satiafaction- t caff give yon just what you want at very low prlcea liaistrpuiiig or gonroio arid 5ce samples and let ma- quote you prices for eavf3troughng for either your bouse oir barn ouriwork fiasbeed highly spoken of by our many customers repjurs promptly attended to c a pdhriabeok mill street aotroni malnbtreat appears on evepy wk tmistvstmtasjsi comhafsr tt mulllwr itmtt hstr vomhottv jrt am sykf is tho cheapest m lul rras0ibm0bbt a parlor suite a sideboard a bedrpoiii set an extension table a loijrige a stand a mattress arid springs or any other article in furniture requirements at a i pk all goods pelivbjbed undertaking in all its branches dallsday or night attended coffins delivered prices to suit every ones needs ipi plan sfwh- actofl ont john cameron architect and contractor manalaoturor of baah doors frames mbaldtu s lii all styles bflsiisnro matcbzko v 7 and mouldino to brdor on aubrtnbtlce ivill aaaorted aloes on hand at prlooa tbaul thetf john caimeron kjttij cooper a artistib tailpps geg to announce to their friends and the public generally that they arevnow complete in teheir spiy summer goods consisting of the latest novelties ffotohe best looms btthe world and st3rjes that shovyti ihivsiew york and london rseeiar latest fashiori plates v to show our goods is a pleasure call and see us fitand wprfctnanshiri guari anteedy- l i sole agents tljnacton fbr uitj c ijellw serge which doesribtfede br change its color inrto years wear or money refunded c33d5era maint v it is very ssldain that a woman that tier baby orles aclmits tobbm heart mr w juton cuirlla 8t st tin ma out lays i hail troubls with my heart for two yasr oauied bysicsttlva usa of lobscob i oaed odo box of mllburtvs ileart and nervo pills snd havo iiiot tiitterad trorh palpltlon alnoc wliena man biijs sometliiiik lira to aat his wtfe alwayawnts to put it sway till oiirnpiiy oorocs 1s8 shattered nerves and weak ened hearta st john lady v r mrs joiin iiiricy tvno resided nt do s3horlttstvistjbhnjnnstnle8soiiio time ngo lvns iittnckcil tea soyorb ooid tvhlob oiiilrd up inrtbnd ntlnpk of lit grippe slnco tint tlmo i imve wverla rejralnetl ray honltli helng weak nervoub il smcl iron downj ti i sufforotl vory much from indigos- of bttreka harness ollpt- tatq watiffness otit b blijiarneis ndink fe it soft aa new it wilt holt 11 jfeinl it oils softens blackerjbt preserves the leather y can keep new harness ft wearing but and renea thelifoololdhameswj tjaaltonally mm is this cllj- but got no roltiif iinlll i tmjran lisliijr jlllbumb tlcnrt ilnii jncrvo 2h hlloi lifidiain plehsoa to snj thnt 11167 j tsvo complotely ovired ruo my tjppotljo is roslorcd j thy nervousa stysfeitilinsliocn roiiwl up tolu pldtlrnsf oonalllon nnd j imvo no moro troubls from the indlgeatjoni and pan eat anyf tnjft vfcjaijipniy too ettlfyto tlk mlhttm ohaiiiarvsllous remedy ns5 fiilbbrni njw tvnct nerve pjlls for i1 irootabrrenins lienrt trouble indlfa lm pile cio box aag rsvei yatttgsr slm w seravorninajrss 4aitoswat kvliwn8sii v wmmt asteetnttoui j toihitlnovia injhlwtoskupibidoloinilrm wm m- nrvt cradlt for ljlloolitjila 11 to v 2

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