Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 4, 1899, p. 1

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i volume xxiv 3sto 44 acton ontabio thuh8day 4 may 1890 price theb1 cents 18 ruilluibued every thursday morning at tina free prcasstciim printing ofllce mill btrbet aoton ont taajia op souaonirtion ono dollar ppr year strictly in advniico ail bubsorlptiona duoon- tlauoa wbon tho tlmo foe wbioh thoy hive boon pud has oxplrod tho date to which every ubioription is paid is denoted on tbo addreib labor advbbtibinq kates transient advertise- tnenta 10 conta por nonpareil lino for qrst in- ertion 8 coats per lino tor oaoh subsequent imortion odtftbiot bit kb tho foil owing tablo shows oar rates for tbo insertion of advertisements for poolfled periods kpaob aoinoba 10 laches fllnohoa linob ilya fl mp 3 mp 11m0 w0oo 8000 aooo fl00 3500 aooo 1900 880 aooo 1900 700 900 9700 300 ara 100 advertisbments without specific direction j idberud tin forbid and charged aooord- i ugly transient advartlbemenu must be paid nadvaee advertiseraenta will bo ohaaged bnooesveh month if daslrod for ohanroi ofionor than aoooansonth tho composition most be paid for at regular rateo v ohanees for contract advertaomonto must bo nsne omeeby noon on taoodayo aoooants payable roobtbly hpmoobh editor and proprietor easiness btrictorp john m macdon alb m d c m aucoebson to j f tjbkn m d o m omoe andresldonoo oornor mill frederick streets aoton office hours6tol03bam l to 9 pm and to 9 pm d iv f j r forster huccebbon to dr a 8 elliott late realdoot fbysloiad and surgeon to vic toria hospital for sick children toronto otkoib mill street lutojy occupied by dr elliott -tv- dryden etb eab tnnoat akb nose uoloans block douglas st near p o ooelph offiob hours 10 am to 1 pm and3 tocpm bctndatb 10 am to 1pm iu bennett lds dentist am anpnabtowm ohtabio jcoghlan dds lds s dentist work cahotdlly done pniqbb wodkiutk ovtfiob ovab bnowmb dbtjq 8tobb hounobveny dat fhom oxofl jm bell dds lds dent1bt bnookvtllk iionoik qludtmth ov tobonto uhivbbflltt work toado satlflfaetory prices moderate vibitina datb monday afternoon camp- bellvlllo tuesday acton offlcoci arks hotel friday bookwood legal m olean mclean uarriaters solicitors notaries oonvoyanoors ac prlyatefandstoloan v dflloe town hall aoton wk a molkan jmo a mcliam a j mackinnon baniustxn boliarron oonvetamceb omce- mill btreot in watthows block jpstaira rb moleod babbistbb bouoxtob conveyance main street georgetown 1 monovtoloanatloweatonrrontrates r j mcnabb clerk fourth dlvlalon court county of hal on conveyancer agont kireaxid lif o ammnos bealbstate agent money to loan eto ovriob ferrymaoablook aoton ont miscellanxo vs henry gfitbt j3l otiiwa oasidi golloltor of fatenti for invontlon etc prepare application for tho canadian amor- loan aod european fatentorflom and for trie becuitratlon oj trade marta bond for pam phlet mutrtvo vean azperienoe w ranoib nunan bookdindeb wynohsun flc onelpfa ontario towwluamastore aoeoant books of all kinos made to order pdriodleals of every desoriptloncaxef ally bound baunvneatwnnapromptrydona m aebiage licenses nemoobe lmtrtkb oriulnnuon iiioenbbi private ouloo nowltheueareqnlrod iuood at xottdccoe in the evening froopreu offloe acton w m hemstbebt licmsid arjonoaem for th oonnttea of welunston and helton orden lefl at the faupiuub offloe aoton or tmyrwldenooln aoton will- bo promptly t- andedtofeeeredaoedto boo foepahjcbaijiis alio nioriejr to loan on tne moat favorable aumeand at the lownt raee of intoreit in eami ot o0and- pwarda budsoaibkd 8t00k capitai usoov thewelllrjdtbnmtjtijai p1rb in8whance company new combinations rln wall papers side walls- ceilings and borders to match tho nowesl and latestcoloringsand tones at 0c 7y 8 and loaroll some special late new york papers iho newest goods in the market low prices see them tij well to remember hat day has the best stock of fino new papers and he leads in big value days book store guelph days sells cheaj speight brady manufacturers of g dynamos zlxotsic motors watsruotors qasounb and oas engines brass mox castings to order repairing promptly done georgetown ont -acton- li veey btjsline tbennderslsnodxospeetfallysoiioitsuiepatrod ago of tbo public and informs themtfiat well equipped and stylish riga oan al wayaboseoured atnisstablea a comfortable bos meets trains between b am and 8j8 pm oarefnl attention gitentoeveryoraer the wants of commercial travel- lersf ally met john williams pbofrikton qash paid for farivi produce butter onions eggs poultry pork etc apples wanted aikenhjead peomjce co g faesons manager cor mill arid wain sts acton opposlle clarkshotel evebton and eden mills the plate lo go for the best flour bran middlings chop feed ac for sale chopping every day ateverlon mills and every tuesday thursday and saturday af eden mills always baying wheat no credit henry hortop spring has come and perhaps you want o replace your mccains with new ones of bright new heavy stock made to order and to yoar satisfaction wecan glye you just what you want at very low prices eavetrougliing copie in and see samples and let me quote you prices for eavctroughlng for either your hoilse or barn our work hasbeen highly spoken of by pur many customers rxpaiss fromftly attended to g 1 c a pahnabecker main street mm acton ont tub traders bank of capital authorized 1 000000 capital paid up 700000 jiofttg guelph branch wo ore now tssalbft money ordara payablo at par at any branch of obartevod sank in canada exoeptlng the yukon dlatroc at tbo following rates- under 810- soonts 10to320 40oent esotooix 13oonbj 630 to 50 licontq arcfiltect and contractor ifannfaatnrorof 8ashdoonframee uonldla e inallatylm drsssara ind mouldaa to order on abort notloe vftil aaurted took on band at prleee to idi tbetimei john cameron proprietor highest cuiireht itatb of inteuebt paid on buma deposited of 1 andnnwardi interest allowed from dato of deposit to date of withdrawal and paid or compounded half yearly advances mado to reaponslblo farmers on their own names at tue lowest onrrent raios kooharro mado for oollootlng salog notes if payable in guelph a general banking imlnosa transacted a f b jones manager parm how handy and convenient to know that the minute the beli is pulled every- body oh the farm knows it is meal time now that spring is here and the men may be in any cornerof the farm what is more necessary we will furnish prices on application and guarantee surprises john m bond co hardware ouscfb fmmr is usnot if you want artists goods wall paper mouldings rpletures frames waters bros wthsoam new 8thbbt 8tofe guelph wellandvale bicycles jchill agent acton call and see the new welland vale bicycles at the bicycle livery the per fect garden city and dominion are the leading grades while the perfect chaibless has merits which will be appreciated by allwheelmen it is an un disputed fact that the welland vale wheels cost less for repairs- than any other wheel the single piece cranks are the best attachment ever adopted the new de parture automatic brake gives the rider complete control prices right for purchasers who mean business jchill sun savings and loan co head office toronto ont atzthbrscaeotcsptraj 600000000 tenyear maturity shares are paid monthly instalments of 50c per share for no months when payments cease 4600 paid in maturity value tioooo money to loan at 5 straight loan o repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to r j mcnabb agent aoton cooper aki ms r artistic tailors reg to announce to their jriends andl the generally that they are now complete in their spring and summer goods consisting of the latest novelties from the best looms of the world and styles that are shown in new york ad tidhdpn see our laltdstfashfen plate9 tq show bur goods is a pleasure call andrsee us fit and workmanship guar anteed sole agents in acton for the celebrated bellwarp serge which does not fade or change its color in two years wear or money refunded obopsr a akin8 main st j- aoton till paxson going to mt ill tbo porsou sat in hli boaae one day while wintry storm did rose ihdb rant he drank la joky thought from hookers olaiilo pao but as he sat and holy breath into his breast did steal his sweet wif e opened the door and said my dear we have no meal with a deep groan and saddiued brow he laid aside the book and in deapolrupon tbo heart b with troubled air did look v people think tbat i malt break to thorn the bread of beatsa kut theyll not give me bread enoqgu tbcbo whole days out of aeren dut hunger is a serjoai tblna and it la sad to hoar sweet childrens mournful ory for bread load ringing in ybnr ear so ttralgtit he mounted bis old horse with meek and humble will and on hi meal bagpatoned and course bo journeyed to the mill the miller bowed to blm and aatd sir by your otaarcb iteeplo i vow i give you praise for this butnone to yoar oburoh pooplo tho parson mounted hli old horse ho bad no titne to log and rode like herb to bis homo right on bis old msslbair but as he rode he overtook a proud andrichlavman who with a oloie astonished gass the parsons bag did loan my reverend sir the troth to tell it makes me feel quits wroth to ie you oompromlietbls way tho honor of your cloth why told yon not my reverend friend yonr meal was tunning low what will the neighbors tblnkofns if to the mill you go my wealthy friend the panon said yaa must not reason so pbrboabsnredassetued thing my meal is always low if my dear peoplo with to know how to promote my bliss ill limply say a bag of meai will never borne amiss 5hkd jfmnili juffwitg a troke cf lfuck ny eskh k bexfond deaoon wade was hoeing in the garden olota ly the road on tho morning when the idea oirni to him that it would be a good plan fop him to get married again the way in whloh the lde oatmb to him mi tbii jnt s he reached the end ol the row nearest the road some one aid good morning deaoon wade in a- voice that made him think of blaokbird and bobo- linka and he looked op to e rhoda mason smiling over the fenoe at him good morning good morning respond- ed the deaoon delighttdly beanlifol morning isnt it chtrmlng answertd rhoda bows mrs wheelook well i snppou shes rone over to her- ions again answered the deaoon she went yester day some of the ohlldren alok i believe sollobandl are keeping bonu alone im getting about tired of it and 10 rob he was telling me thl mprnlng that he thought it would bea good idea for one of ne to bant up a new honsekeeper and i dont know but he wsl abodt rirht pretty rhpdas tape got a- rojr as the bloeioms on the damnk roecboih by the gate the deaoon wondered why he bad never notjoed hour pretty he wia before i boo youve got a line orop of straw berries said rhoda pretending to be greatly intereated in the long rows of ripen ing f rait oars are a failnre ibis year mother said ahe didnt believe wed have enough for shortcake t want to know 1 eiolalrnedtbe deacon thats too had i deolare well have more than we oanqse and ill bring you oyer some junt as soon aa theyre ripe enough toplck i thank yon ever ao maob responded rhode vi know mother be iad to get tbem but i most berolog or 1 wont got baok by dindertlme and she went her wayleaving be deaoon with a new idea in his held i spoieiolka wbnld say it mu foolish for an old fellow like me to marry a young girl like rhoda ho said to hlnoaelf a he tnrned baok on the next row of eweetoom bat other med older than i am marry young wlves so why shouldnt itwi need a good hoasekeepir here it getting so we oant depondcn mrs wbeelook shes gone half the time end wero likely to lose her altogether slmoet snj time of jouro folksll bay that bob ought to get married instead of me but be dont seem to have any idea of it and i cant pal the idea in his head bhodava great deal yoanger than i am bat ahsa a sebslhfe girl and itnsure shed make a good wife iwonder why i never tbooght of it be fore 1 the more the deaoon thought of i the more in earnest he got on saturday he picked a basket of laniboa atrawberrles and that afternoon be took them over to the mason homestead i deolare it ialnt lather excited said tbedesoon as he nesred rbodas home and felt bis heart beatlrjg ojolok and bard i fool this way now howll i feel when i get there t of ooarer im not going to propose to her right any ill just kind 6 hint at matters nd iblnge anonith tieel tier to thinking tlol beat to be in too aanor to ilhodaa question but theres no telling bow lopg shell slay what we need now is a bonte keeper we oan depend on one that belonga there and has an intereat id the work you see yea i suppose so answered rhoda with a most bewltoblog roilness i i want to see yoar mother aud have a good long talk with her about about in idea ive got said the deaoon byandbye she knows bow mnoh we need ahouie- keeper and i always thought her a very senible woman and im sure hed think jast is i do about it about this idea of mine at least i hope so i euppoieshed feel able to oarry on trio housework oh a plaoo like this alone wouldnt she she seems strong and boaltiy as ever ob ye mdthera menage that all right answered itbod a she i often telle mo ehe dont need any of my help sbsi got tlie idea plain enough thought he deacon in great delight as rhoda said that im getting along splendidly shes the rhost sensible girl i ever taw i wonder now roach farther i better ro now ma y bo id better wait jast as id made op my mind to an give her time totalk it ovetvwith her mother before i oome right out with the qnestion i will and it was well that he oeme to tbia deolilon and adhered to it as he oou- gratolated himself afew days later the deacon might have stayed until mrs maaona return bat a yoang girl friend of rhode oame and that put an end to his visit toa can talk with yonr mother and see what she thinks about vihal ive been say ing he said as be took his departure let me know the tires chaooo yon have the neat wednesday evening robert wade wis away from home about one oolook bis father heard blm oome in i wouldnt wonder if robs got an idea of aparkingsomebody thoqght the deaoon maybe its like the measleswhen it gets into the family they all have it and ha chuokledto think his son might have caught the disease from him well robs a good boy tnd i hope hell do as well in getting a wifo as i shall if i get rhoda masbn the nextniornldg rob looked very wise aiheiai down to breasf asl opposite to his father ive got a measige for yon he said by- sndby when the housekeeper bad left the room i was over to the mason place andwhealoame away rhoda told me to- tell yoa that if yon wanted to know whety her mother thought about your housekeep ing idea youd better oome over and talk with her about it i was quite surprised to find out- youd got matrimonial ideas in ybor head but i want to say that i think the plan amost sensible one mrs mason woold make yo a tiptop house keeper and if yooll take the mother ill take the daughter indeed ive msde an arrangement to thtt effect rhoda and i oame to a satisfactory understanding last night robs face was quite red when be got through with his speech hat bis fathers waa redder he opened his mouth once or twioe as if trying to say something bat words maid not oome it was well for him tbat the housekeeper name in at this jnootarev rob went out and he betook hfmaolf to bis room to colleot his scattered senses well i deolare i the poor deaoon dropped into the first ehafr be oame to and sat and stared at the bedpost for as moon as half an hoar before he began to get straightened out i begin to understand it he told biro self by and by ive oome dreadfully near making a fool of myself all right eoongh bat what imean is i oame dread fully neiar geitingcanrbl i see how it le bob goiug to marry rhoda and hes been sparking her all along anil the girl thought i know it and she thinks it waa heir snother i had lo view for a honsekeeper and ai look would have it i didnt say anything thatll give mo away if it i oarry out the deception and marry rbodas mother if i dont theyll miatruil some thing it beems as if fate had ometbiog to do with it i never thought of snob a thing hat im forced right into it so to speak i oant help myself and oomet to think of it ilii the proper thldg to do it would have been a foolish thing for an old man ilk me to marry girl like rhoda- alul it laoky now that i didnt say any thing mors that day 71 stopped though jast st the right time and place it seems he told her mother what i said and im to come oyer and talk with her about it iflli when deacon wade made np his mind to any thing ho was prompt to act satnrday atternobh saw him setting oat tor the mason bomestesd with another basket of strawberries the widow was at home tho lime and she welcomed him with a blash thlt mado her look almost ai pretty aahetdaagster take a seat on the poroh deaoon where ueooovsaid the widow and ill sit here and hull the berries while we visit bob eomiog over byandby rhoda said and both of yah mast stay to tea i remember now fond you used to be of hortoake and well have one thatll mike you think of old thnea robert said the deaoon as hie son eamerap the path abbot 5 oolock l want to uehanse oongratulatlons were in look my boy anecdotes with a lesson in them the following oharaaterlstioaneodpteis told of bisnoarok when a young man and just beginning to olimb the ladder of fame he hired a suite of roorna without having personally examined them on taking possesion be diioovered hat the chamber he intended to inti study wee without a boll bnmmoplng the landlord bo asked him lo supply the needed bell bat said the landlord herr von blemarok has already taken the rooms the way they are and it ii be who mutt supply sny deficiencies which rnay ieem to hinvto exst so thats yonr answer iait asked biemarok vgertainly responded the boat bowing low and retiring about five minutes later the loud report of a pfbtol shot was heard coming from the new lananta room just as tbefrlgbtened landlord threw open the door bismarck raised hi pistol a secopd time and dred point blank at the opposite wall then turning to tho ttonished landlord he said coolly oh its all right i am only letting my servant know i want him it is needless to lay that tho future obancellor had hu bell before tho sun went down that day not so profitable napoleon i bad anextraordinsry mind he appeared never to forget anything he oared to remernber and assimilated infor mation as the atomaoh assimilates food retaining ouly the valuable an incident will illustrate this remarkable quality of bio mlod when forming the code napoleon ho frequently astonished the council of state by the skill with which he illustrated any point in discussion by quoting whole passages from memory of the boman civil law tho council wondered bow a man whose life had been passed in camp oame to know to maob boat the old roman laws finally ono of them asked him how ho acquired thli knowledge when i was a lieutenant napoleon replied vi was onoe uninstly placed under arrest my small prisonroom contained no fnrnlture exoept an old oheir and a onpboard in the latter was a ponderous volume whloh proved to be a digest of the roman law yon oan easily imagine what a valuable prim the book was to me it was so bulky and the leaves were so covered with marginal dotea in mann- soript thslhad i been oonflnod a hundred years i need never have been idle when i recovered my liberty at tbo end of ten days i- wa batorstfld with justinian and the decisions of the roman legislation it was thus i acquired my knowledge of the oiyll law mr wimpley was dumb for a moment 1dt he pulled himielf together and eaid oh t guess you are looking al the wrong one i yoq thought 1 means the man with the obin whlshers didnt yon yes she anewered well he said as tenderly as he oonld i meant the funny old jay opposite birh oh yea she exolaimol isnt he fanny thats my father mr wimpley then asked ber to exouse him and went bat to the water cooler where he bathed bis temples i waa onoe ioldsaid anthony trol- lope tjie novelist tbat the surest aid to the writing of a book was v piece bf oobblers wax on my chair i certainly believe more in the oobblers wax than- in inspiration and by wayof -explanation- headda nothing is so potent asji law thainiay cot be broken it basltbe foroe of the wateroirop that hollows the atone a small daily task if it be really dally will beat the labors of a ipasnibdiq hercules it iathetortoifle wblob always batobeb thobaro it was hia custom to rise at halfpast five and write for three hour with- bis watch before him he required of- him self 250 words an hour- this at the end ot ten monthi gave him three three- volume novels themsn who everlastingly keeps at a thing is bodnd to make that thing what ever it may be a sucoesb the following ipoident wbioh ocohrred in the early llfo of thomas edison lbs wizard illustrates the wonderful avidity with whloh lie grasps an opportunity and tarns it into a practical advantage daring the- oivll war young edison was a newsboy oq the grand xrunk rull- road one morning he ohauoed- tbsee a- proof alip which told him tbat the first report ot the battle of pittsburg landing giving the killed and wounded at 00000 would appear in the fra preu in an instant edison saw his opportunity he rushedtb the telegraph operator and- hired him to wire to each of the principal stations albna his rbote and ask the station- masters to obalk op 00 the black bulletin bdard the newt of the great battle with the number ol killed and woonded then he mads a daab or tho office oftnejrveefvm he bad little cih and the euperintendent of the delivery department ref nfedlo give him eredii for the 1000 copies of the paper he asked for nothing daanted the boy harried to the offloe of lbs proprietor told him who he na and asked for 1500 papera on oredlk the proprietor looked al him keenly for a moment then wrote a few word on a slip of paper saying take that down stairs and yon will gal what yon want at the first itopplng place edison found an exalted orpwd on the depot platform who took ioo papers at 5 cents eaob the next stbrrhe raised hi price and sold 800 copies at 10 cents each at fort hhron he left the train and sold all hi remaining oopies at 25 oents each in referring to this inoident hdieon sais me then tbat the telegraph must be the best thing gbiog for it was the telegraph notices thatdld the trick i determined at onoe to beooms a telegraph operator they were sitting back in a quiet oorner while the others were danoing qauadrllle mr wimpley didnt oare for iquare dances and miss wadlelgh laid she deteited tbem im sorry mr wimpley said that 1 have to be robbed of the pleasare of waltzing a step or two with you but i know that i ahali profit by a jlttio chat with you here the baloouy he haid jus1 been introduced to bar by hi filend mill hemstloho who had whispered her father has loads of money fn addition to her rich father mies wadlelgh wss pretty and the young man felt that he most make conversation in some way it is very nice ol you to aay that she ssld in reply to mr wioapleys remarks i like to sit and watohjheold folksdance dontyon they seem to enjoy ft- so tnuou its a pity thoy ofct learn the newdaucev yer he replied lta as good aa a clroo sometimes to aec the oapers they col by the way look at that merry andrew over there in that setat theleft end- bid you ever see nob awkwardness la your life he thinks hes fanny too you see tho one imean dont you i think i do thats my undo george kiplino8 first reportinq i see the paper are reviving the story of rodyard kiplings san franoisco experisnoe in jotirnaliam remarked a yirltor to the new orleans timet democrat who is familiar with the tradition of the coast but they have it all wrong the facts were simply these kipling truck frisco when he was overburdened with neither money nbr fame and applied at one of the morning papers for a job the olty editor was not mnbh impressed by his appearance but he happened to need help and he gave him a ohanoe on the foroe the first assignment he got was to write np a mercantile failure which he did in bis own peculiar style he made no reterenoa to the asset or liabilities or any of the essentia faota but oonnned himself dhleily to a striklog pea portrait of the bsnkrnpt whom he derjdoted as sn bleoginoub rasoal ripe for a oell when the city editor read the copy he osmeucar having a lit here you man with the apeotaoles i he bawled whoever told you you were a journalist mast have been joking go and try ihoeraaking i that was the way tho creator ot mulvaney oeme to be bred and i was never able to see where the joko oamo in there aro plenty of great literary artists who wouldnt be worth their eait on daily paper and kipling belongs to that category he nil bounced and ought to iiave been bounced and would have been bonnoed agein if he turned up incog and took a staff assignment robert louie bievsnsoh had almost the aame experience in san fracolabo in his youthful days he sent soineof his manusbript to one of the papers and it was promptly turned down unmitigated rot he used to say after ward that the episode gave blm great reepebt for the sagacity of california editors that book agent the pastor good morning bro robert what makes you look sad this morning bro r i have oome to say goodbye mr brown fori sm out of- employment snd most go baok to england the psutor go babk to england to get employment what noosebel i oan get lots of work for young man like yon in tbia oonntry bro r well i have hnnledhlgh and low and oan get nothing so what am i to jo the pastor i tell you what yon oan do bro robertij lake an genov for good book for there is money in canvasr- ig bro r do yon think i woald stoop to book oanyassing tv the pastor somewhat warmly stoop to oanvassing i belter men than you have oaovassed i put myself through oollego with a book prospectur and i know many saooesetal men who got their tart in life a canvassers my youngest ton canvassing now and he makes enongh at the baeineaa to pay his way at the university i indooed a man who failed lo baalnesi to take up oanvatssing and lie made enough money to atari boilnei again i gave the same advice to a yoong meohanlo who was out of employment and he is now a proiperoa publisher why some of the biggest men in history have been boost agent 1 stoop to- oanvasiing 5 you ate very- fortunate that jots can stoop op to it i advise you to write to the bradleygarrelsoo co limited toronto oot for this firm publishes fast aelling book and i know this devrv dr1 song horoe a fair young boy hunt him dowu llliuttiiiuuown llue bis motbera joy hunt liim down womnathavo rocrulta whoui it killj littlo boots hunt hltn dowu uuut blm dowu huutbiui dowii dowu down boo tbatoloevn ycuurj man hurl hltn down hurl him down gtvobltn his first drain hurl bltn down toll him tboros no bsxiii- lot btm fool tho slrodacbarui hurl him down hatlbim yowq hiirl blm down dowu dowu and tho pure youuft elrhdrag bor down drag her down drag bor down into fashion whir drag uor down j blethleh bur fair uamo btainbor doop with all our alistno drag her dowu drag bor down drag ber dowu down down hear tho proacbor ulu pull him down iull blm down all our plebs hed bslk lnll him down twietour uiutnbaorbwe dowu till wo starve him out ottown pull him dowu pull biui down pull blm down down dowu and tho aged motlior ljrlnc bor down lldng her dowa down down rdma horn business fblms bonter measurement of freight when a- freight- rate lo made on measured tonnage 40 oubio feet to 1 ton the- freight oharfzos are determined on the exterior dlmemioos ot the package example what fa the freight aharge on a paoksge s feet g inches x 8 feet x 3 feet 0 inches at 25 shillings or 800 d per ton 42 mulliplied by 38 multiplied by 110 equal 45860 oublo inohes a cubiafoot contains 1728 oablo inohes 45300 dlvided by 1728 equals 2025 bubio feet 800 divided by 40 exjuala 7jd equal 152 cents per oubio foot 2625 multiplied by 8162 equals 0890 freight on package story of a jackknife more than seventy yearsagoaybudgman owned ajackkuife wbioh be sold for a galled of rum and by retailing it by the glass mado enough to bay twogallocs and by selling that he wae able to increase the quantity he purchased he got a- barrel vuen a oask and at last a large stook and having torn for business and indubtry he became ridh lad wbon hediod left 880000 to bis three soos and one daaghter the daughter meirried a man who spent her money and ahe died the sons entered into folly aud extravagance and two died of dieipation sndin poverty the lastof the family livod for many years on the charity of tboao who had known him in bis prosperity he died a dbort limo einoo buddonly ip abarn where he laid himself to take a drunken sleep on hia pockets being ex- amined all that waa found in luoui was a string and a jiokknifo so a jaokkuife bogan aud ended the fortune of that family this is a truo story andtbo father who bought and rout ruin no donbt had plenty of it in bis hoilbo arid on his table in giving and recounmeuding it to others his sons learned to like it thoy were llko the littlo boy who was following hia father ihroouh a field of potatoes the lather several times caation ed his son not to tread oq the potatoes at last the boy said father i am walk ing exactly in yonr footsteps lot every father ask himself ij i wieh my eon to walk in myfootsteps and let every boy ash bin father do you wish me to walk exactly an your footatepe father 7 the american friend a jack of all trades many w a d we i il etnptoya bro r lam sorry for speaking as i did for i waa certainly wrong t will write the bradleyqarrelaon corapsny and see what they have to offer and will poat- pons my daparlura in the meantime have no usb for cents fannies are not need by the banks of new orleans in the payment of oheoks if a obeok for example is drawn for 16218 the holder receive tolso it the amount is 10217 bo get 16216 the split is mad between tho aeoood and third cent and the system whiohhas been in vogae for maby years it very rarely the sabject of any oonipulni it makes an xaot balanoe of coppers at thoeod of the days boslneas rather unlikely bt the dootrloe of averages operalea to eyen tjtlngi upto wlihln a few oenle in the long run abbusss many obejk break on onehalf of the nlokl a rjnlhsi oiher wiieuj in times long goneby aotivo men 00m- bioed many vocation the barber in tboee days was also the dentist and per formed other dbtiee a sign discovered in southern france rocently ebowa how versatile it waa possible for a man to beoome theign dato baok to the last oentury and roads leaao maoalrie barber wigmaker heal er saarlatan eohoolteaoher blaoksmith and obstetriaiadhhaving one son hairout- ing 2 -sou- powdering and pomading very oheap for pretty well bred young womeu lamps lighted by the year or quarter teaches the mother tongne in the best matbodsipstraets in blnglngwlth a- mas ter hand makes apd repair boolsand shoes teaches the ybung to play the oboe and jowahrp onts oat oorns and applies blisters plasters aud coin at lowest prion vlelta hoasee to tetob tho ootlllion and other dances sells saohetpowderfl bf all kinds at wholesale and retail also all kinds of statiooery shoe polish salted herrings spiced bread bristle brushes mousetraps heart strengthening toots potatoes aautage and other kinds of vegetable ons would naturally think that all theie talents and oooupatione would bo enongh for one man bat not eo in the oaso of m maoairio apostsarlpl on the sign read t teioh geography and arrdoregn cbmmoroe every wednesday and friday with gods help i am ibxao mlcaibis refbeothons of a bac head offloe gtoelph ont i nsubanob on cash and mutual plan any oommanloatlona torward4 to my addroaui bos a3v or telepbous 68 will be promptly ttsnsato j0hh tay ag oaelph aoton machine and btepair shops bliirbyaiie7dbri proprietor tbb well equipped with all th maehinerv asary toecate all repair to mmhln an and asrloulturol implement and to do all klnofi otsmntuoghbwshoexngmassnml b aetsmlthtng wosdworkrepedr oerlonned in uelutorr manner we oa repair any intonus im imrdefient ot any maftt saw i im axfl a ii tin rlnna ptodeite r biislnaa methoili and praotloa are aasut thoroagbly at the v fpfs sfets rtaw tlma 1w sjasjtfmi great a hurry about suoh thing rhoda was aittlng on the f rout poroh bhellihg pea pretty a she had looked that morning on the road ida ahe looked far prettier today the deaoon thought ob youve broaght tbose berries you promlssd ps havent ybor orled rhoda its 0 kind of you mother was delight ed when told her whvyoo were going to do im p sorry aha isnt as home this ailarnpon she went to call on mrs perkins she alok yon know but oome in andu down and maybe shell bs baok before you go 1 hop the will for i know ahell be real dliappolnted to mis yonr visit f oh thats nothing eaid the deaoon i i ban oome over again yon know i wlb yoos woalej aald rhoda mother ifram ajnawf aisjtiliii jr vffisiii vstrrj neighborly she didnt remember when yondntenbemvvv wllioiktrv ib to coming may b rilojimacritsnijdttj he msdetf wtenjtrsainnvtnsri that about the way i look at it said boberl giving the blushing mrs mason a rooslug kits jast then rhoda appeared on the oenetb annoaaoe that tmt waa walling and the deaoon stepped np to her snd kissed her in a fatherly manner and then pot her hand in roberta snd said blew yon iny children in a most approved stage fashion m bat wasnt i inoky though to getpff so easy be said to hlmaolf more than onoe after that as ha thought of his narrow sseapsi it makes me solver 10 think how near i oeme fo being found optfof fool bat by the greatest etrcke ot loot i ever had i oatnb oot cf the wrape loll rlgjii and got jail the kind ot a wifo that i ougnl lo have i shall always believe in iuokatisriblsr tbe ledger hbb loyeuv lithp yonra a liar and a thcamp ihyyoare liar and a thoamp rljoareiiltthtt7 invififr i-wlll- youre at liar and a aeattips i frv- filrv whela lovely lltbp you uiftxirniffri the chanqe of air curb there ls no sense eaid a new york phyalpiao who has passed the days whsn he must praotloe evn if be doe not wish to in the haphazard way in which a patient is sent awy from home to exbuat his strength and spend hi money in the hope that a ohange of air will do him good there is no ate in sending a person away to dr many physotana are not all considerate about this nott ol thing there are some oasts in which the inuuenoe of the olimale is a potent laotor in the treatment of oertalo diseases but riot half so mauy of them a is genertlly supposed quiet and rest at boflb plenty ot tonthlte good food and ppre allr are worth far more than a obange of ollroate that is so often recommended a a oare sill new york heraut otivnoes bvbry day stag manager lo istsee of theatre our nsljlimttsyhlcssi onestgeticbaogojy soensrycsnobkh terkrjjira v y f irvlseilstbe hiao who knowe that hs ibavan kiiow all man propoies god disposob woman wlaheo ahe did both babies moit bo a lot healthier than they look or none of them would live there it only one exouse for being an old baohelor and that la nobody elses business the man who kloks his way through life pay not have as many friends bnt he gets a lot better treatment from those ho does have- its only iu books that girls would- die of hams if the men thoy wero iu lovo with suspected it ii blow came with every kiss a man would take the blow brat and the kits afterward a mau would take the kiss first to as to risjte tore of it new york prem jif hii enoces in a flnanolal way has been apmething majpvellous yss yea air ive often hoard him tell how when m obmehsre about fifteen yearaago aihb owed in the world waa a dollaranda qarter and last week ho falledior aroillion

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