Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 4, 1899, p. 2

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uorn id eiquealugou monday 1st may to rid ur alox tfprowl daughtr- ffrnowb mr kennkdy iu aoton on tuoaday sad may mr and mr angus kennedy a daugutar mauri ei btispnttnbon kttotibh at brampton on tues day april ihtli at the roaldonoo of the brides on mr ooo k i tolled main atreet north by ltov mr matmnb mr joseph stepbeoioo or woat flamboro to un anna melvlna kltobon widow of tbo late william kl tenon ol nasaasawpya died mattbkwii at guolpli on saturday bqth april tiheabqtb itoyoo wife of tbos matthews aged 48 yearn antickniip at groud valley on saturday 29 th april holla mills wife of john antioknapp aged 20 yoais denny at tbo borne of bin daughter id bramp- tonon saturday stub april bamual denny of fforval lormerly of aoton aged 87 yean tutsiix jtm nsi thtjb8day may 1800 notes a co the prohibition committee of members of the boqaevbtooinbaonainttvqrv balurdayjinddeoided to intrcouotf a bill iu parllosient rivlnn veterifbltioa to the provinces that voted infavorof it a hiobigan saloonkeeper i the defen- dnt id a 910000 damage sail brought by the gaardjan of a fonryoarold glcl whoae fathers death is blamed on the liquor deal er who continued to famish him with liquor after being warned to desist therewill be no more of those brutal sixday bloyclo races in new york a new statbte provides that noperaoh in a bibydla oonteat or other raps shall take part therein for moro than twelve hoar oat of every twen boors clean healthy sport will be bsneflted by sooha law the british government is considering the establishment of a national telephone service and the inventor of wireless tele graphy is olalmlng success for his system in view of these facta the british telephone company is willing tbbell out at aboat 4000000 about halt what it asked a year or so ago r young men get your names on the assessment roll it you deaireto have a a vote in the next provincial and domin ion elections shoqldeither or bothoconr within the uejtt eighteen modtbe ii yon area british subject 21 years of sgo by 1st september next tbo assessor will place yonrnarneontfaerollpfyon7caalce appli cation to him at nnoe the british bosrd of trade emigration retards for the flret- three r months of the current year are very flattering to canada the number of people leaving the united kingdom ports for canada shows an increase of 3t per cent over the corres ponding period of 1808 while emigration to the united states shows a decrease of 16 per cent and that toother british oolonlef inoludlng south awoa uai praollcally remained stationery or show a slight falling o our noble volunteers the first annual dinner of corn- pany no 6 halton batt lorne rlflee a deoldod 8uooeea it was a happy though t of ceptledgton when be conceived the idea of a dlnuer for the offloera andmed of company 0 and their friends as a mean of spendidgtn enjoyable evening and of popularising militia matters in town oq friday evening last the dining room of the dominion hotel was well filled with gnests capt langion oooapledjbs seat of honor to his rlgbii set xlentcof goodwillie major grant georgetown and capi noble norval tolafieltrere iilentcoi allan and iwarden havlll among the other goeita were d henderson 1l p hajbr m j moore of georgetown and councillors francis arid mnrray ateeara john a hii-juejajdle- h- moqrei angoa ifbdonald b a x si henderson w stark and others the menu provided by mine host agnew was one of the finest ever given in town amd taoladed ell the tempting viande an delicacies which oould be found to gratify the jnjv man iiivv in proposing the ulast of tue soldiers of the queen ctpt langton in a neat speech referred to the high position that haltons t battalion bad taken amontfthebattallonr oftbe brigade and eftphaalred partionlar- ly the good work dope by oompany 0 he thanked the bitisens bf aotop for iheir enootiragement during the past year and solicited an enlarged intereet on thair part in the fnture sncoesa of the oompaoy beterenoe waia alaornade to irnprovementa ihioh were being mngsa- tseobre greater comfort to the me of the baiallloii notably the eourlng of improvement id niohiig equipment and tbe dicing v telherof the battalion in alafgeinarqae cpl qoodwllilo major grant and hajor brrmvkj vrtaprajsv sjkvmhetirv itrsped wiihvyintereebg aneodotea andremlnliodcea and relterat- ed tbaliolutloo of ctpt irtngiort that the leading cilirena do more to encourage an interest in tto local oompaoyj in roifoae lb the loaat oor gneta href and happy speeches niere rbofe by d vhebdereijn m pwaniepvhavili oounclllors francis apd murray jmeaara moorali waildie and moore peraboal rebriroloation for pait- remlsnes in overlooklpg the inleretls of the yolqntlfera were indalged in and namerboi promises of nwral soprmri inltue fotare paiujgtbnwm good work last year and obrdlaily thanked lorhmf knfiilsnicer i battalfoo wssreapondrf to by 0bl allan pare and hold gone ttioy worked ilrwy out of napanae jaltwith skeleton key a evidently aided bv accom- plicb8 naimoiiji may 8 pare and holdon charged with the robbery of the dominion bank and who gave qoeeua eviderioe against bank teller ponton at tho trial escaped from the jail here daring the night al ponton trial the jury disagreed and both prisoners were held to repeat ibelr evidence at the relrial to be held al toronto next weeki after wblob their oases will be dealt wilfa infarescell were found skeleton key and under hia oot a pile of briok dug from the wall between hi cell and the adjoining one through this bole he bad escaped and proceeding npaudrs unlocked thaoeli door in whlob holdon was oonfloed the pair then pried the door leading into the jail yapd sind escaped over the wall the police ere julokly liollned but it is thought that aooimpllom on ibe outside bad everything ready aiod that both are now in the united stttes the honor roll the standing- of the publlo school pupil in april the the the monthly examinations in publlo schools took place last week result in aoton was as follows mar namimrshi class v sen edith nioklin berllo bpelght 378 class v jan benie wallace wm iairdi 880 beble smyth m5 class iv sen etta mcdonald 378 mabel soper 274 erneet whsod 330 oollins s51-j- 278 370 ipiassivi junrmand ida lard 248 lena collins and george hynds 236 marks possible 300 t t mooes teacher bxcokd dkfaetmenr- class iii sen howland brown 300 mrytlo mallhew71m oioir brown 172 clasa iii joo harold nloklln and jennie smith 200 florence morray 186 joe arthurs and wilis smyth 178 marks possible 800 o moeiuil teaober tbibd depabthbxr seniorclass vldit folater 108 boby clark 194 annie oorry 184 junior class myrtle dill 107 charlie matthews 104 ethyl baker 188 matks poasiblerto rr- r i p pilisnsoii tesoher todbth dkpabthikt seniors merle friok 195 vincent goodeve 104 willie kenny 101 part ii frn brown and mabel arthursi 188 john mcdonald 183 eber williams 160 part i batle arnold 10bj madge chapman and lena hayward 164 leonard worden 160 marks possible 300 b f futnnatoiiteaahsr rarrn nrrietjnwt part t sen stella gnrney 186 clara bauer 172 ethel clarke iw part i intjennia allan 200 minnie mokeagoe and berllo molam loa jennie hynds and fred graham 101 part 1 jan pearl edmlston 106 merke poseible 900 r h mcqrjssai teacher thevluln council the aaeeeorriavit aaaln inoreuased sawers walke roads and repair on the tapla the couoolimet in repular aeariou on mnuday evening momberu all preaenl tbe committee on finance presented their ninth report and rroommended piynasnt of acoounta a follows h 8 holmes freight rind duty on coal ia co ii w okisbolm co 1 oar coal 33 05 john evans aarjiontor work oq power bouse 10 40 n f moore prlcllus and ddv 0 17 hamilton eoglue paoklag co for paoklog 3 81 r jr uenabb copying are bylaw 160 tbo azoaa advertising for eleo- trlolan 1 08 the uu and burma advortlaltig for electrician 1 108 sd9ss moved by i franc seconded by j a morray that the report or the finance oomrnlttee juatread be- adopted oarrltd hr t m henderson secretary of the oonoert committee of the orescent lacrosse club waled upon the joonnoil to reqaeat a refund of the amonnl df rant of hall paid for reoent concert moved by john clarke aecouded by jsines clark that the- amnbnt bfeeven dpllars paid for rent of town ball and piano by the aoton laorosse olqbfor their concert be refunded to the treaiqrer mr dm henderson carried mr thomas 8latbam walled upon the council to rerjnest that a drain be put down from his oellar to the maiq street aewer the street and sidewalk oomroltiee wai instrnoted to give the matter their atten lion mr john williams tntrodnoed tie qjots- the following report shows ths standing of ths poplls of grtenook sobool no 8 brlii class lvannielcnrrle ms willie near 658 bobble dufi 626 maggie johnson 817 fharvey leslie 888 misted two papers marks possible 0o0 class iii sr katie oripps 486 will forbes 478 hbwart xbrt i charlie allan 430 mks possible 600 class hi jrracemocutoheon 841 annie allan and herbert corrie 273 y clss if richard near 100 jennie orowbon 174 lela wanabroogb 171 ceoir mclaohlan 161 basu johnson 166 i james corrie 148 thomas mo- catobsboi 147 hobble carrie 140 joseph allan 129 j fredvorewabn xxi marks possible 300 i part ili8ribobbie allsb 102 elva molacblan 101 ada allan 101 myrtle mann 167 daley bennett 182 marks possible 200 part ii jr eddie allan 93 darwin cripps 87 i-willw-moatlhor- 87 r lorne i part i loniae oqrrie ids- mat tie crewsob 160 gaggle near 146 albert moootoheon 140 willie allan 126 eddie kear hot berbert lambert and harold moltchlao 100 mabel wokeown 76 lena ah 50 blarks poeilble 2o0 eurnxxu o ccbsiaiteaoher tlon of etreet watering and aeked if the counoll intended the eitigeog dlregtly interested to pay for the aervleess was it intended lo meet the oost by frontage tax the coonoil replied that if a petition was presented onbebalf of the property owaeraon the streete to be benedted they would take the legal aotiou otherwise the eourse of lasltyasr cyonld- have to be followed ooancillor clark referred to the neoesaity of repairs to the waste apron and dam t the power house pond she matter will receive the attention of the proper committee the si easor returned the roll tor 1809 andabowed that the totarsssessmenli waa 1385105 ais follows real estate s2042fl0 persooal property 120016 inoome jsoo pppnlsttlboi 1414 children between sge of 6 and 10813 twaveen 7 and- 18 years 225 bstween 18 and ai 104 dogs 67 v bltobee 2 moved by james clark seconded by john clarke that the aaaeaaineot roll for 1899 be accepted as returned carried the matter of improvements to the street and walks of the mnnlolpalily was dlaouaatd the sireets endwalks com mittee will make ibeir inapeotlon in a fear days a section foreman his lifh one of exposure and muchihardship- rheutribtlsm and kindred trouble tha frequent reisult on who hate been a great sufferer speaks for the benefit of othiere a who ebjoyed tbo booaalon folly notwhslajdlng odd yeara iikia e iiif tmtcasl to the meq of company 6 wjli sloneojomoera col sargt sottoo sergt gooldsinaasrgfc msvsteontj v i fit spyse jeans sorgi jboaapdapt laoglob and hanwvfi airhr thep uailootl anthem by ths oorb sss lkli hevwiluabij erajtlopll remari mrs mlohaeivonrtato plalnnsidiji makes the ttatsment thm alis oanght a cold which settled n ber jboga t aha was treated for a mpnlb by her family physlolanbut grew woirse he lotd he ii ivas ahopelias rlotlm o bonsomplion smd that no medicine conld care ber her drogglet aoegeatjd v- itt kingvnbw dlaoovery for consumption she boogbt a boltle-adii- to her delight found herself beneflled from first doe she continued its nee and alter taliiog alx boltlea found bersellaooudand well now does ber own housework ani la a well aeahe ever wsa jbold by j d mokse large bottles 6q oiollfp- a sorrow crown of sorrow may be remstnbericg happier things but be wdbld be apoor wreloh who had nothing happy volc r are grand but 8kf b erupllons rob life kjjpiiktojle4ilbslj i al old b ae p se pl0ets brulsbortairbdsiohapepi hands obllwalbi best plleodrs onsrth lrirey out palos bed aebea only oehts abox cor gosrantel sold by fyiiaifypyp y a man eight not to be judged by the oompany be keeps ii be is a politician looking for votes toe nowsnttr dpouporsolisfotrnerly mon opolised rrd bat ttieiemlotnereerta imiihpliam ao irykirillolhivmottvloua ipttlb remedy anvwo ivrdvpos vkriruvv iriiayebs need tfaoaelooaiyjor all ntrfa psvg anopp f3 dllsssh ipuimj w fromthe watohmani liqdsay ont wmmokendry a gentleman of ysirs ofaige haa for 23 years been respected reeident of fenelop fala opt for 23 years ho hae held the position of section foreman for the or t r which position he fills todsy and lodging from his present robmt appearanoe will be capable of doing ad for many years to borne durlng btirealdenoe at fenelon fallamr mokendry has taken an active pari in ednoalional matters- being an effiojsnl member of the- school board on different oooaaions many times he has bennornlnated ae councillor but owing to the poaition be held with an obuide cor poration felt it bis doty to withdraw alibpugh much against the wishes nl the rspresentatiye ratepayers as the public well know the dollea devolving on a rail way section foreman expose him to all kinds of inblemeni weather and it takes a man with al strong booatit otion tb aoooesa- fnlly fill the position mr mcksndry had nolllnessiuntllabout three- years ago when to use his own words be says i wail taken down with severe rhenmatic pains in the right knee and the muscles of the leg- i oould not sleep or rest night- or day i oonld not begin to tell yon what 1 sufftred i took many remedies both internal and external prescribed by doctors and friendly bus instead of im proving i was steadily going from bad to wbrleri oneday while reading the pre tcrfo jfertew 1 read of a bare tbrobgh tlie use of dr wtllim pink pills ip the bass of ia man who had not been expected to recover and this prompted me to give thll medicine a trial tbo aollon in my esse did not seen to be speedy and i was uelngujy fifth box before any decided imprbvesnentwb holed but by the vtlrne 1 had uaed eight boxes i was a thoroughly- well pian blpoe that tirne my general health has been i he very beat and i have no signs of the old trouble i mato this slalemon volnotarllyr beoause i think it the duty of those oared lu pot others in the posaesifon of tbo meana ol oblalnlng renewed jjealthabd i am satisfied dr wllllemw pink pills will do all lhal is clalmedicrthejn if given a trial jjthsse- plilalonrivnot by enrgju lb system a do ordirrsfy medicines but by nrleblnpl iwbloandatrengtbening ther nsrvtovtbeybbre rheojnajlsm sclatloa iooirnotetx rniralyais bear trooblof eryalpeia afadvm forma of wesknese tkdieasylll find jllheto an anrivalled r fo al allincule p u ax reetohngballh and vigor and bringlog rbsyr g to pale and aallow obeeka th is no other medlolne just willlamvpfnltlllsor ple people la on ip does not fteeptbebrj tbey will be sent post js-m- sejiev twsikwimciiri 2m by artdreaslnu ihe dr willlems neighbo new itoma 8unnllicl py corros- dondenta ana exokanges v milton the street watering part oommonoed its rounds luat weckr a new eurrey of oboioe lota has been mado in the new cemetery and fotsare now on eato tho ahco faotory is eo crowing with orders that anumber of the hands have to work overtime senator mokiqdsey ia lying very ill in ottawa whither he had gone after the easter holidats to attend to bis par liamentary duties he waa taken down abortly after his arrival tbereeormrr the pressed briok aod terra cotta industry is booming and both companies- are employing more hands than sinal with a larger output and are paying good wages ephrafm obapmab of campbellville has received the sad news of the death pf bia eldest daughter who waa married and lived in the united 8tats caalrnoion everton tbeepwortb lcsgne meeting was led last week by miss h jaokaon and miss peach at the olpseof the meeting the following offloora were elected for the ensuing year i honorary president rev p sharp president mrs d talbot vice fresldenlirm jackson mlas bmallborn f congdoo and miss l talbot the reader for this week la mrr janmaaaon the diaoiplea here propose organising a young peoples society lb the near futare the masons end framera nave com menced work at mr j tovalls new stable tbey are raising the barn and patting stables under mr and mrs william bortop of bdeu mills spent batbrday with their sons in the old home mr h and mia forester of guelph township took tea with mr and miss forester on monday the showers monday were thankfully received soft water is in great demand no horao would stand abuse it be knew bis strength but were bo to show that strength ouce be would be killed totbsdkas arich lady curedofber beafneiianl nvltet in the head by dr nicholsons arllnoal bar drumi has tent 11000 to blsioailtute ao that- deafpeople unable to proonro the ear drams may have them free apply to department k b the institute lbngcott gunners bury iondon w england when a woman says she will not tell a seoreti she means she will not tell it to more than ten or twelve people la tlila plain koongu f if ynu have a nagging oongh and are losing fleeb gqtoadfqg stbre and get a bottle of dr shlloho cough and con sumption ours take tworthlrda ol it and then if yon are not benefited rehifn the bottle to ybnr druggist- and be will retnrn yoornaopey isnt that fair no one oould aekmore 25 cents 50 bentt and100 a bottle life burning m0nbv the moat precious possession on earth is perfect health it is thegroundtwork prosperity in 1 few people gtni any reasonable expenditure which will be the means of restoring it- but one of the most dishcort- ening thlpes in the world is for any one who works faord for his money to keep paying it out for doctors and medicines that do no earthly good 11 ia like throwing it into the lire apent- iota of money for doctor tllla andl had almost given upindeiipnlruiyk mrq blla bchalj of mooaehcnd ltucrne co pa tv a sincere letterto dr r v fierce of nuffala- n y then i told my hunband 1 wu iruiuff to write to you 1 am very gtnd i did so you rc- membfr my case wan almceiut of the hrtaat dr pierces gotdetr medical ducovery etired me in ouemoothaoundarid well your kludneaa tqrriet can never fbrget write mr joiie r clark or rnltrnmae shelby co mo icaunot eiprcaa half thy reclinats ot fcratefulnesjltoyou i had deitbaircuoreveriret- itug- well i had been inbnd health for twelve jrears hadacheaallthroughme nurnb handi 3pld feet and evcrythlnff i ate dulrcsscd me my bowels were eonaupated i waa very nervouh depreaaed aud despouilent when r first wrot to you 1 thought 1 could neverbeourcd inave taken alx botlleii qf np pierces golden medical discovery ami my nealth uruowfrood you kave my noueat recommendation to all aufferem think there fs no 4nedlcne in the world as good as dr rlercele its an insult to fnir intelligence fbr a dealer to attempt to palm off upon you a tnisluulitot this worldfamed medicine you know what you want its hl busi ness to meet thai taint when he urges tome shbstlthtr hes thinking of the larger profit hell make not of your welfare shun all audi dishonest deoleni every sick person in this land should possess dr pierces grand iooopage common sense medical adviser which jvillwnijreejprtherecpsjrjchs toms and mailing 31 onecent stamp 30re stqiie hprllgloses strong it has been another recorti breaker for drygoods selling the new fresh goods are doing their work and we are gaining trade every day because we never allow damaged or tainted goods to enter- our stock it is easy to understand if you buy tainted or damaged goods you certainly have to sell them that is why we never touch them at any price we need make no extravagant statements about our stock use your eyes and come and see it see ear blgatses see ear parabelf see oar rew wabli soads see ear dev bieveb newness and freshness is manifest all over the store half a loaf is better than no bread but it isnt better than demanding the- whole losf if yog are eplltled tp it blsniar irop h was the result of his splnndld health indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where 8tomaob liver kidney- and bowels srs out of order if ybq want these pjusliliea and ths success they bring bse tit kings new ljfe pihs they devolop every power of brain and body only 25 cents at j d mokees tell the troth and gel yourself into trouble not like iu you aboold remember that no other rnedloino is like bhilohs cough and uonsumptlon care in any respect if other remedies hvo failed to relieve year obaghbr bold that isall hc mors reason why you should try dr bhilohs always sold under a positive guarantee if it does not help yon the druggist must give bsok your money 26 cents 60 cents and tloo a bottle mangels and v we import onr direct from prftnoo thorotjgbly fjroah and trtio to nm mbmfflopa loop red pftwlsog qftiepost obftmploa yol iptrpaodlsto gpldea tadkturba yollowqlobs sto lbolb9biiforsiloo red or white sugar beet 90o ibb lbi yorl danish sugar beotfioo lb in pioicaeea ren- nlosbrand short and rooe wbito carrot 30c to oo lb trneitool lota of plover tlrnothy onof 8oed drain itll bnluntl owden beirdi or ell andard klnda only tro a paofcase andio for sso bemembek wo import iliroct geo jtflokp the only prabtloal seedsman to guelph vjlkkxtsq mad hacbokirsi1 st allklndq of seeds in gabden bulk for farm and tiimpifav9niawnajuss jrrc for our trees ushes spvayiiigr coppsbstlllbats paris ombslf bsllsbojts xtc fisiijrigf tecklo a full assortment of rods likes books aursimirs zjcadsrs xtc and a man it known by the oompany he keeps away froin a man often eeoapee from danger by not realising that the dariitar exiats msdono ob brookvllle bcbeneotady new york ont or btory bf a slave to be boand hand and foot for years by theojlalneofdleeaae la the wor form ofj ittjitryifclitofbjyliati ehetryjmicbllhoweha mdlrs hs aayro my wlff has been sojielpirsia fornvwytsrt thai abs ooud not 4tlwipii6titaftfrnltig itttrleriblilsw aha is wqndrre tmelsbto to do her pwn lirtm m v1 fv amyi- trt at brown theirs an p6jim r no matter whefher you want an interior or on exterior view of your home or one of the inmates we canlnsure you ia pretty picture one that your friends will admire andichrryl realism of your home to those absent i we take photos cither by sunlight or flashlight tpvancik i3oiszier go guelphs greatest store 60 pairs at that sounrls low sizes 6 to xo a mans dongola bal half bull dog toe fair stitch slip sole for 6150 we think it good value at 5175 or 2oo all pewgoods will rush them at 150 weill the shoe man we give trading stamps guelph 8 stores jfohf 2tbbttiisfmtnts diles85iakin6r the mlaaas moartbur latoly of erin nave opotied ireumaklnr roonia ovur halitadi atoro onpoaito knox church and will bo dleaaotl to rooofvo ordura from tbo lodlos of aoton and vicinity cflosses clipped by ha p apinstolass horao olipplbo outfit iii boon seonrod aod honeb will bo clipped any afternoon at reasonable cbrgot james bai1ry aoton tbo dairy farm brick h0u8e to bent that comfortable briok houae on arthur atrsat haa eeren roomi with pantry ballvoxdabedaavndlubleauwoodiitorlc nowfy i ted and gralnofl bard and soft water qaniblo wbo baa pnrobatod a bonse for tbtvflnt of may whau apply for particular to itjmortabb ealnted and graln r qaniblo wbo 1 blmaelf mom about poaaeaaion oan be bad a qbnts in o very dlatriot on tbo continent rxv to take orders forblab grade canadian grown noraorjbtook and thteda jarseat and moat oontaletemaiortment in tbo trade pait- aelltng ipeciajuoi aliperb aamplea furniabod fim oorroapondiinoe in any lanffaaae tboae poauonaairbioneymakerandterrltoryahoud be oared at one for the laaaon by all noatlera looking for a good tblng oar aafary or oom- mlaalon oifen intaniat to anyone not earning 100000 per year ietin oommanioation witfi onr neatmtofflbe an opportnolty to repreaetit a vumtablubed hptue ability more impor- bbothbrta company l j international nuraerloa oblcago 111 atontreal quo boobaster n y tant tban eznsdasssswa five parcels of vainable prope in aetori f bal thb folfowlbs prbperty belonging to hr fatbiok smjivt now of boffauvls offondfcrsalrariornricea anaeavy tennst piboanl tnatflnalrlok residence and tva lots on the ooraeref obnreb and ouelpb straeta oonulnasrooma sard and aoft water aplendld id good g orebardondg lgarden fromatto xuaoals tbe briok houae and lot on ohnreh street baa aeven roomaaoft water- good atable fabcn a flood building lot etxiai m gnelph street next toainx ltaxnshawaiisw roaldonee i i- piscmh t tbe store and dwelling on mill atreetooeqpiedbyanrneybroawbo earxr on a general business- is splendid location oentrel end convenient- paboar 0tbree -good- bnlldlng lots at the- oorner 0170002 and mill street a splendid slteforamsoiuramrurlnsatabllabxosnvowing a toluproilnoltytoq tbdtpot ic m vat terms auid parucblais eqqaire at thepflioa mkisbistiffj ypj carpets our stock is so complete and comprehensive as to satisfy tsvery possible demand as we cany them in stock you can have them matchtsd while yod walt mice iiains complete stock of swiss nptt aod nottingham lace curtains at lowest prices cloths black and floral patterns large stock to choose from cloves in black cream and all- new- et shades ilntbehs it iswobsd lai rmtvrebtobpiaooii intb promlnenee altuatedasftlsln tbebnntlngsmdndsofhuskoka 1 by v oband tbtjkk kahwat bybxbk iwbvypointii- tf ntevitiie tbanoe by itaaraer over thk beaotlf ol wstoav of fabry and peninsular tjaliea to ioiaasanera where every faellttyexlsts for reseluaouiratsni parts of the lakes by means of tbetjase of bays nav co angleora wul find tbla a veritable paradise and oan aaaly be konussd abnndanoe of speckled tronl as the remit of their efforts bxeellent hotela and boarding- bouses will be found bare bates audup wards per day tickets foidens and all information from atbaenu or write v h 8 hbltnob agent aoton v dl lsr agt- toronto rookalk iiaifiitaiasj3w arjtt tpe2tjor mill st acton laces and silks but we have bought goods that we feel will supply that demand and give satisfaction lo all especially is this so in regard to laces for summer goods valencien -totehbifwn6rsioi- ammipmkwwlsei plain fro m a a a j aaaa aa k jv a a iaauaaaaaiaatlxaaaaa- frtaxb rtst kcton earmtokent in rjaa rprfira wellknown farm waat half of lotsa x eon t naasagawaya oomprlalng 100 acres between 60 anatoecm under eultlvatlon tbe plaoo lawell watered batlok a never falling srlng and a good well there are fair buildings soanorebard on tbe place losaeailon glvao 1st april apply ontbeprsmlsestb btjob m6tavi8h or address wm at aoton i p 5v aotiybbolloll hlshaat qashprloefor wheat oats peas barley rye buok- vwheafiibtp porths ebnveblebeeotrisraars iwni keen tbe following xdada of goods on band wblebl wulseu at sk bottom qoslphploafl com bbl aadsaek salt land bali dairy and nw a j tfiyiomr or table salt bvetton and obldls oornmeal beams pot barley oilcake dlover and timotny salu saltpetre ate oatmaal lax sndlual 8ulpbur geo j thoep aitswb madsocxwood 60 for 30 three left we have only three bicycles leftandhave determined to clear them offal giveaway prices tbey were sold at too you haye your choice today at 3o remember these wheels arc fully uptodate 8pray your fruit trees we have for sale a large double hose sprayer will spray ioo trees in one hour retail price is wo will sell t for ia grssd opportunity for a man who will make abusiness of spraylngtrees we have also small sprayers at too to i125 potatoes wantedhighest price paid for potatoes in exchange sqfsrp35- cormtliakrainin s3ts kcton aivtetiltbsv mx store may4th hamiltons favorite shopping place mis l a special display of these is now being mode at the right house following is a list of some of the special lines that are being offered and which are worthy of your special allentlon if you require anything in the way of carpets and housefurnlahlngs you cannot afford to miss seeing what we have inquiries by nmujirom those who cannot conveniently come to hamilton will receive prompt attention xannltimzmtmradnewnmnish fwkfete leungnax jjennes jvxwe top jujxbiuir bmitmwsmtbwnr- y vewr 0aaialiowi atammoul xejfbwi friggsi- jinnroveot w3ut5 dynrtbamx rmptt send krngbl s66id mafieup carpets a large variety of good patterns of brus sels tapestrys axminsters and velvets here are a few ol them lae bagular now 6 ft 9x11ft 9 i1373 950 9 ft x 10 ft to 1900 iteio jfilkjf fed sb34 153j it ft3igiari s834 6oo bwa8el8rapeoia luslrjrsdsiel carpet in last aswllpiasrlrnont or shades uimvhmto nd holi and 6hiirgqrift3j ill effects and colorings 3 yards wide special value per square yard 30 and 35c english linoleums in a complete assort ment of new floral block and conventional designs 3 yards wide special value per square yard 40 and 45c tapootpy 8d80ial best carpets last seasons goods in variety of good patterns in brussels ehects dark shades with borders to moteh regular price 90c per yarn cleat belter lines al higher prices speclsl white nottingham curtains goodpalteansslxerjo inches by 3j yards special vslfie worthfi35 per pair for i7j worth i130 per pair for laoo igb- i arlajgo variety of good pictures much onder rwdlar prices jpmune with 4 inch whlttarid tfartiitwlsduto ysrloua pirtty subjects worth ft50 for rv rikiausliiji- vj-ft- wvx- i ttam of prittj 39 inches wide lsjiviis 3 adtwyour nearest railway or jitnples v m bvanw improved mammoth saw big mangel oovjaa vleabtd xnigted mangel mammoth loog bed mangel arandiniermedutesallowmansol obamplbn tallow oloco maogel lntermikllatarhl ilangol f improved baatah sotrat beet white pllsalanlted top beet tttatawvassbiitaiu college roport saysj amonitweaityaarenvarleumof mangala srown fb saran years lb abooeselon at the asilomtimfelleooelpbtbebtxws mav- barliplcaiiti ooonples orifplaoe in jtspapaore iblleara warned acalnat dealers offer uwfiof ltaagai8eed jorsalsaai- is only badsmselta oaalpb ibal yooeabj potass this aerd from iv tw vou wm turn mjiti 46 mit b ionnu

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