Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 4, 1899, p. 3

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tee bjjlnk of hamilton charter gkantbd 1872 sidad officii v hamilton ont capital all paid up si 26000000 reserve and surplus profits v 980000000 total assets 1200000000 j turnbull cashier savings department interest paid at best current rates and added to principal without waiting for pass book to be presented any sum may be withdrawn bysimply sending in a written order with thepass book no jpormalities no delay the government returns show that this bank gives to depositors four million dollars ofsccu dyer and above every cent due to theputmc farmers notes of responsible farmers discounted money loaned tofcecvcattlo et farmers sale notes collected promptly and advances made on account of same at a low rate of interest- sccniity conrtesy a fiaim every banking facility afforded which can beobtuned in the city or elsewhere dmspohdence solicited georcetown branch inrrlugd ovaa t rmm j j p bell aeon t thursday may 1899 little lo b vhfoh cauaht th eyes or bars of fria pr r porter this week a flshsfor il via iinfcddothwlstitovdble and ft hook illw this to dtvnglp ha gait una fall tobt nd rtragg and book it fish about so long ar tbofitaotbfatondi doth itiigbtwy go and mills the length of dau wu io t-r-r- eot they wliovo lao flsbldg been will elmply tit qd wink wd erin the flabeftftvoe fall eolomngrom wbibnof thelrdoubtfalqeubeknowb the mrs at flqftb mostly dr a cooal oharaoter and every item irttereetlne the loth mti jcorne blutl liout col goodwiilie reports he liua received very favorable reporu from the captains of the companies compoiiug his corps and that all expert to muster full strength for the camp at niagara in jane there will be mote qualjlled offlcere and noucommlbsibned officers tbau at any previous oamp and the lowes eboald stand high in the competition for the gzowskixup in whiob theytvere beaten by only a tfew points in 1907 and 1808 jst of f no series the last in the series of nature study meetings will be given in the baptist ohutoh ueil friday evening subject our birds five short papers will be riven on the fallowing topics geological history of fossil blrdsby bev w b moalpino birds and their relation to apiculture miss eva bsrnos migration of birds mrherry deyfool homesof the birds miss clsra bessy i sylan song nd springtide sentiment be t b forbes the pnblio is cordially invited under a runaway boise feet a week ago use sunday evening mr john agnsw and family had a narrow escape irom serious injury while rolntf quietly rip main street together after spending an hoar with a neighbor a runa way horse and rig belonging to a visitor from bookwood rushed down mill street and was upon them before they realised its nearness tho baby oarruge was oior- turned and the babe upset in the fence corner and miss mamie was knocked under the horses feet the animal stepped -npdu-her- dress ent-beppllyrnerther-hsr- th6v lacros ciu concert a highly buooessful ponqejrt bafore a wellfilled house the conuart given by the cresoous lacrosse club last thursday evening was a decided suooeea sod was much enjoyed all tho talent apptured and did remarkably well too programme was as follows ijlut i pmludoi 720 cuopln etiiaono3 wollonbeupt mr b b jackson illtary bong and chorus bulllvap 1 piano the aotoa oototto 8 duot nocturuo donaa miss kelson and sir jackson 4 violluoollo athe swan 1sl ssona bia guerre iistto mr obis it crowe 0 song tlio swallows oobon mfss annie nelson 6 buns oalra as tue night dobm mr b b jseltson 7 boqs and bhorusonly to 800 thee again fc thoaotoa octetta weatoadorfl rxvtril 1 military song andobbrua r the aotonoetetto 9v bonsi igb nouore sweotbeart lynes miss aanle nelson 3 oust and bborusn tbe old hod cradle theaotoaoeuitto 48onga drink tome 0nly6ldedrllsfa b tbe holy friar mrei b jack lillaby kson by fottor poster the trees are tapidly coming into leaf sgsjb twenty daya until the queens birthday nowthojboya spend tljelr leisure at trout flihing the burlington qcaetu has gone into the bean goesalog fake vaprti- showers were very infreqqen but mtay flowers aroprotoilvo iatiw mercery registered 85 in the- abado on bunolay and monday u iidar twtno is likely to be a some- what expensive commodity this summer edpatllow of burlington has been fined 1600 for riding bis wheel on sitlrijis pgl l the rake and the spade the puawtho hsrrow and the drill are all in i jthere isnow proposals ip many psrts topaas bylaws requiring wagon tires to be fooripohes in width ii y vthe monthly meeting of the free k library- board will be held on friday kevenlogat 8oolook isristioolins john duffs carriage f suilipnoarried off the first prise in bis silamattheasjph horse show risflw school workers throughout the townahlp sire arrangtog to attend the convention at mansowood on piiday 19ih taffy- vyyy k diildirj j b dryded quelpb has lsl epntraoisior a lino new residence at the soornsrof baker and woolwich streets fe- jrtjie traders bant at sndbury was kbnidm si former acton boy is manager of r5tiiinoh feipitisens who have- irees in ttielr t with black knot on them would life jobbtult their own intsrestsby having them 5liiisi v til vpoirolslior odayin the pubuo vday will be apspivitt trees and flb were abd beautlljlng iliprernlaep generally pmerohanlsj who hate been sglsiiiwiirijtiob coupons to itbeiyear or so have niatcally agreed on she 1st ol much obaracter and pilbteotitsmatter and typographloal sppiao sinoe metsriv bunt a bon tiibjjm0o jslhremonths iago- jithbiaaisprlaiitdbgs ta him id ioion during his aaseasment fluows oaeen others whiob were not hi riblhtbe owners will bs 1s i quarterly servioss of tbe wot ijwv wlllibe held in the llwtni best hnndiy the love sfll iolosriibe4nliursnottln anal lns sftll mnoladslhe iter 5murflreoook had jthe me mj0mm s sprain hi r issir a stone and 1npsmenvinsie- tbsl ibe jaifbidt platttoifciwb 1- ton5if stjt fir ft wm isistimejdr spraying frnlt tand hosnesuvldijjthsrprtii ikiiwwfslfliltils ksnwljsjmfllbqi msohlnsj on svsry isspjpton ckvw uand norths baby were seriously injured it was a badly soared but devoutly thankful family which gathsred themselves to gether and proceeded toward home the- wife ana mother gone sir weeks ago mrs albert eentoer of baillnafad who was very ill with ioteroal trouble and heart disease oame to anton to the home ot her slater mrs john 8 coleman for medical treatment and remained here several weeks to he near her physl clan after m couple of weeks the fell some bolter and returned home for a short time about two weeks ago lh returned having in the meantime grown worse since that time she has gradaally failed the tender oare of relatives and the skillol severs physiolena were ineffectual in restoring health and on monday morn ing 1st may she peaoefully passed away her home at baillnafad will asdljf miss her her haebanil three aons and daugh ter will have cauaa to monrn tbe absenoe of her loving care and ministrations she was a daughter of the late david moore esq orewsons corners and uolted in wedlook to mr kentneri nineteen years ago she was a christian woman and an active worker in the ohorob the remains were laid to rest in falrviaw cemetery on tuesday afternoon preaervnff onb tne lord day the meeting in knox ohorob ust friday evening for the organisation of a brapoh of the ontsrio lorda day alliaooe was attended by representatives from the varlons dongtegatlona in town bev h a macpfasrspn presided bev t albert moore of hsmillon beoreury of tbe hamilton district delivered a highly interesting address and msdea strong case in showing the necessity for organisa tion for the preservation o the lords day as divinely oommshded and to seoure the right olworkingmen to enjoy it as a gift from god mr moore cited in interesting detail this valuable assistance the lords day alliance bail rendered to looal oommlltees io a number of important oases which have arisen at vsrioos points in the province where worklngmen were being obliged io engage in work on the sabbath at the oonoluslon of the address a local branch was orglolted with exoounolhor william brown as presi dent and mr john m warren as secretarytressnrer seir jstr jbfoores sermons appreclatea acton always delights in the sacoess and attainments of iter sons and aooqrds a warm welobma to those who return from time to time to reflsit the soedes of earlier dsyaon sunday large oongregstlons greatsd bev t albert moore of 2lon tsbernaole hamilton in i he methodist obni- moore retired from the editorial ojialr of the fisspmseaod said adleo to actbnaa a permanent home tolhe lnfervenlng yearshy arduons work mr moore fits hid a socoessfol career and has suitained him- selfwith rnooh credit in positions of rsepootlbillly and trnst his seronons on sunday ware eloqaenlisoonrieeqlesrand iogloaliin their oomposltlotf and were delivered wlm an erbeitneasaoxi fores whiimvoonimiidsd 4iibidjuiaiitlod tbs toplo of the morning dlaoonrss was obrls7 the book mah it is rand tbaii of- ns evening fsol the hero ioor mr moore wll always be welobmed in bis home obnreh the appeal for aid to st jamea obnrob montreal was generously responded to by hgptttrsgatlpnyf j vl btfirjclotlet in etraemt xbjimerohants and business men in townhate toauitartted an early olosing arrsnsmenlwlblohgoesrln slanoe of the oonaldablj aud will give ijldtpnoss ihdiasfor rasllonasnjdyt intnesummermothsl jtha sgwentwmsnierwlntobyhowhosi naffiasare atlsoned tmnwterilgnsd lanl indgre one olott mna kmp6ioted0tir n ojz0ntmi nrst dyolmy tolhleenh 0 violluoollo b qavotte mr oqbj orbwe 6 tramp bpoocb where am we at brer bbcneser wiggles god bavb thsbqusbk miss annie nelson of toronto has never been heard here before and she delighted the audience she has a beauti ful soprano voloo ol large ootnpaas sings very smoothly and shows osreful training her singing certainly refleots oreditou her teacher miss qrahani of toronto her opper register is particularly wti developed and her hig notes were shown to advan tage in the eucorevishm andfiihei7 ah her numbers were well rendered but wishes and fishes was mdst appreoi- otated in the duet with mr jaoksou she sang exoeuently mr jaoksob is alwaye welcomed by an acton audlenoe and we tbluk be sang better than be haaever done here before hiavoioeia wonderlully smooth and full and hia expression is all that could be desired annie laurie one of his enoorcs was snog in flue voice and wis bis bestnamber his piano selections were specially good and showed excellent tech nique end expression mrs flcbram of toronto played tbe aoodmpanimenta for mr jaokson and miss nelson in a satisfactory and finished maudert mr obasb crowe tbe talented ouelph oelllbt played two double nnmbers sad an enoore oello moiio is sorhewbal new here but it took very well mr crowe sustained- the repotatlon he has gained elsewhere his playing showed great strength of tone and good breadth- of expression- mi olark played tbe aroimpanlments for mr crowe snd tbe octette and added to her already high reputation as an artist in tbat line i tbe acton octette an organisation of local gentlemen rendered their selections in good style the following took part tenors messrs w stark h jeone fh storey and e j moore basses messrs a modousldba e bossdm henderson and j smith in the military ohoroses they wore the uniforms of the- qovernortgenerals bodyguards and made qnle a bit in the soldiers of the queen mr stark took the sola in bis wellknown manner and in tommys tonrnament from the dandy fifth mr jeans took the solo as milligan as only harry can do in only to see thee again mr eddio moore look tbe solo in a very eredllabie manocr for a new soloist and the duet in the old mled cradle was takeri by messr stark and hender son they all did well and proved them selves a combination capable of rendering very entertaining selections mr harryaans as brer kbenexer wiggles gave a stump epeoob entitled where am we at it was wellgiven oonfained several local hits but was entire ly out of place tacked on the end of a hlgh- olass oonoert j mr john h malthews the president of the club presided visitors to and prom aptoh anu various other psrsoria1 notes tho pass fnass invitee allita readers to eon tribute to this column it vou or your friends afb going away on a bollday trip or if yon bays friends visiting you drop a bard to the fasa faxes air fred jago has taken a sltoationat toronto miss ettle laird toronto last week mr james brown visited friends in g a fannsbeoker tinsmith and stove dealer has removed his business to wiillsma blook nsxt door to williams shoe store mr t a beynolds lioense inepeo- tbr issued a writ against the town of oakviue olaiming 110000 for wrooglol aelsure of goods rev a blair b a will preaoh the sermons at the preparatbry services iq btnurdbareh at 11 a m and 7 80 p m tin friday itis a pleasure these beautllul spring days to take a walk abooi town and see the beauties of the place as well m to- obstrre the efforts ol oltleens to render tidy and attractive the surroundings of thel premises i the booster on tb awltoh board at the power hqine got ool ol order monday highland aa a reanltthe street lights on the east olroot were out off it was taken to toronto toetday and the plant was in good working order again that nighlv v ri hugh byder oitme down frorn gnelphf lastfriday to view jbe remains ol bis home he values hlr loss on furnltnre household goods and carpenters tools i at ha bad no insnranoe had thought it foolish to spend mbney on jtmiiranos eyeing mr william planks torso jbjftaptb a round stone and ell pstlpftatiog himself and danghtsr to ibgrotind forlnnately both esaaped pent a couple of days litis week with friends in toronto mr obarlrs havens has removed id ingersoll where be hsa secured a situation bev t albert moore aud mrs moon were guests at mooreorofl during the week bev father feeny is now ocmforlably eettled in the new parsonsge o john strem mr joseph laaby baa been suffering the past week- from a very painful sffebtlon of the left hind mr will brown of hoijand landing visited his brother mr brown willow st this week bev father feeny is attending tbe induction of archbishop oconnor in toronto this week miss hannah stafford who spent several weeks in qnelph returned to mr george leslies last week mr john a moffat son of ohrlstopher moffat esq bat taken a situation in tbs machine shops of goldle dt mboniloob gait rev d a moir b d has been unanimously invited to return to tbe pastorate of walkerton methodist oburoh a fourih year tbetbamri of mr brain of hornby appears in tbe list of sneoessful divinity students at tbereosnt examinations at trinity college toronto boy besobtt of st pauls methodist churob toronto who has aooepted a oall to tbe homer avenue methodist obnrob vancouver will leave for his new charge next week mr and mrs wh denftey were in nerval last week attending lbs funeral of mr dennys father the late samuel dsnuyiwbo was for a number of years a resideutof abton mr wvv hilts o bllnafd was the wlonor of he reoeut oratorical oonteat ol ibe outarlo normal oollrge hamilton mr hilts received the uoaujmous deolslon of tbs four judges mrs o s smith arid mrs h a msopherton went to woodstock on tuesday to attend the anrinal meeting of the western division of the vv f m s held there this week mrs b bberlook and the misses sherlock mrs patterson mr and mrs thoa thompson and mist thompson of parkdale were la town on tuesday attending the funeral of the late mrs kenlner rev robert phillips ot oanboro a former aoton paator has been tranaferred totheliondou conference tbe transfer will take effeot on june 1st 1800 and mr phillips will probably be stationed at wardsville miss laldlaw has discontlnaed her classes in music here and has been aooceeded by miss violet williams also ot georgetown miss willlsms oomes highly reooromended as a moslo teacher of splendid ailairimentt mr willie monabb went to tbe general hoipiui toronto on saturday for treatmsnt he has nsvsr tally reoosred sinoe the recent operation for appendloills but the doctors there sdrlsed him to defer any stars- operations for a few weeks sinoe leaving bwitserland the misses deacon have visited slraabcurg mayenes frankfort cologne dusaeldorf amster dam the hsgue botterdsm and antwerp after visltipg brussels ioclodlng waterloo they will recross to lindori milton anotard messrs t j edmlston joseph boyd a b garnoy wm gnrney and miss jennie gurnay attended the funeral of their cousin ibe late mrs jno antioknapp of braeebrldge the remalni were brought by trslp ou monday and lnterreol in tho family plot in the cemetery at grand vauey wa afai outside pod substitute good health iirwardfy of the kidneys liver and bowels is sure to come if hoods sar- saparltla is promptly used this secures a air outeldo nnd a consequent vigor in tho frame with the glow of henlth on the dtieok good appetite perfect digestion pure blood lost of appetite i was in poor bealtjitroubteawith dleslness tired feeling sndlossof nppotltc i was completely run down i took hoods barsapsrllla and after awhile i felt much better hoodts sssrsapa- rllla built me up lizziu a bteaxxl old crises near ottawa que jnhoumewrri have been troubled wlm headache and biliousness arid was much run down trlsd hoods dauwparllta mtoaaison sedefoe street toroni noted sa 8torb china pacapb and 15 ftp a itont clover and timotliy seed clover and timothy seed is cheap t year examine oursampleabeforeyou b it pays to buy ql bollerts spcial in dinner sts 5 only 97 piece dinner sets white and gold traced regular price 1000 special price 5 only 97 piece 1 othy regular price fia j only 97 piece royal green croinar illuminated and gilt 7o0 dor- 1 price 910 00 5 nnly 97 piece pink- 1 roe v 11o0 j j f t and brown hop and rose big snapv v 7 oo 10 gross tumblers regular price 3ocdofcifor 26 full assortment of toilet sets at all prices v iioodwlttlwavatlluritiwii eiil gatharttete sane wlthlloodi latssttbng j avmccrea outoffipjat it pays to bttyat bollerts o neiar driass goods we never hid a better stock of cheap dress goods we never had a grander assortment of medium priced dress goods weoever expect to have more novelties to sell for so little mone seems as if the market had been flooded with new and choice creations and the best are here picked out with more care than if the supply were limited but what single rriind knows what is best what pleases one may not please another and for that reason we want vour judgement on the display of new blister orepona new 8uk orenadlnea uvw koialr brooiies new 811k warp jbfteote new satin cloths mew popunettes new victoria suitings new broadcloth saltings the taking of photographs by amateurs has ol late been so simplified by improye- mentson cameras and photographlnr chemicals that the work of taking pictures has become a favorite pastime with many young ladles and gentlemen of course the large majority only take them for the peasure it gives themselves and others who desire their pictures but many of these actually make a profit out of it or at least make enough to pay for the material used arid have ibe pleasure and the pictures to the good the jbw9ilbr cublph keeps lostock c amejtas arid complete outfits of the best makers and during ihc old oyer filtyci past year has sold over tjlty cameras the prices ran from fifty cents for the niagara junior up to the reversible back prefnos and koronas at fifty dollnrs we sell most at 5 arid stolhough and keep irtoi every kind of materials used our stock of cameras is as large as any kept i city and are bold at the fame prices send for catalogue any large insvennlp itja pei witttontany irritauna results unras oorav jsmuwa danar uaw iajwonji gsngrsne bed uoobklnworsni and scab quioklr rids the animal of all vamtlm atrqa brojie bothoada onfci savs i used it with kreatsueesas in eastratlaa lambs ths-waabltiealldg- the wounds rapidly aud keeping maoout away ishall never be witbout it and eonalder it the best prep f ration of lfs kind in tho market v f i 7ronui the mcujdt beofre oi timited stoufffville ont and a hundred other olotha and raakeb now is the best time to see the choicest styles the makers abroad have done making for the season theres no scarcity but there will be a scarcity of good patterns probably before the buying time is over our policy is to have everything thats wanted youre quite sure of the best styles here we exact from the mak ers the qualities we want and induce quick trading with teasing prices the stock through the best dressing this or any city affords is done here try us u b bp6rt cfe co 25 a 27 ixjrc sellirtg we haveever known has left us with broken assortments in nearly every department pl bur business of course theres new goods ljboristaiitiy coming on but these tjiokeii assoltr men ts must go in our housefumishihg department we offer for this week more than one hundred pairs of cream white and ecru lace curtains in i 2 and sometimes pairs of a patternat just twothirds of their former price ilqes tos gffeir interest y0u tpey areuerodjsbtsafioin sapsuam iruliuonabdtoohoartyeattog a per fect remedy for blirlneisnsusea drowal nets badtsjtcinthemouthcoated tortgno pato in tbee tomrnx ifrtiisi aiotti substitutferi- the fraud of tho day y see ypii get carter s ask for carters l insist and demand icarters little lrveir pillav taet ajmply rneana a reaay power pi appreolatlog and doing what is required by ejrannlatbpesrr a clothing talk the well dressed have a decid- ed ndvaiitage over the slovenly notice the reception given a man who is careful of liis appearances- he is preferred iu business offices in social lifciaiid every 1 ace where lnen do congregate our cheap suits fit as well as our best ones beccuje they are all- shoreys ready tailored make the cloth is thtofoughly shrunk in the cheapest as well as the best and the same guarantee card accompanies all we sell this make of goods because experience teaches us that nothing is too good for the customers iro serve and it pays to give value e m acdonald bro golden lion guelph st co kltust hcton 1t to spray i to buy right pyjbi to strike a snap daring may we will oiler a bargain in spray pwmis viz san as cut cod american barrel 1900 cod wrilotbe it wiip jehicine ami pmp cq- v jliuiiet ktikntic rub toronto j opeir cent kenneybross dominion bootshoe store mal8t acton havethe largest stock oi boots and shoe ever put in their store and are determined to dispose of it in the shortest possible time to accomplish this ihoy have decided for the next thirty days to sell at io per cent discount for cask this will give you boots and shoes at very low cost and in the case of supplying a family will amount to a very material reduction otjk lines of all styles and sizes are complete and wo can suit every customer we have a good variety of trunks ahdvalises at priccsjower than you are accustomed to have quoted to you 1 custom wbrlr and repining neatly aurr pnmptly dons as usual kennsy bros alctoll mm aejds grow tadr alvkyi the jst that grow u prdvftft iby tltoiisnibits of trlnli ai ou inmont fjjcifhabm 1u0 larffw trial gntnils si imahedfreetoall dftomenew bbeir of jopsses tells sicii iiiciiiarnir- iumlrriiliriitiitsicilliicliiariitrare- fovctllc wtili-li- rnliliot itc linil elsewhere bcaulirtil colorvil iilrftrs nnd liunilrms of lllut tnillons from iiiilnre rivlii prndloal informs lion of real vslneiln nllwlin ivontil raise the cholccstvckelslilcnniiil mw bmiitirnl flowers whtoapiiulcartjtoday i w atlbb b0rpebcophlladcjplila mmbk hjffcjjvuh t l i j- v tfry v j- i v-k- rysr io- characterizes the man who wears oiir swell style in fin e h ats you can pick our fine quality fashionable block and rich colors in derbys alpines and blacks from the crbvvd evtiiy time for style and finish they are un- excelled our diijbys at jo0 250 iffislrasat250 dysdjmtefecfts asshpuld tempt the good dresser anriheydo judging by oiir hat sales this jjgb nteronaat tailor an mens farniaher fimftag flffr rkesln isstj mt raifcifr 0jy l 1 lw latisjt jlfciaftf j ftf tit ilviia- ffiawi m mix- si-

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