Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 4, 1899, p. 4

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in tho bahkf then probably the kidneys en tho ohot then probably the lunge bn tho joint a then probably rheumatism no matter where it is norwhat kind you need bare it no longer it may be an hour a day or a year old it must yield to bicyclb8 and dogs amf nfterepplyhuj it you fed its soothing warning strength- oalng power it quiets congestion draws oat inflammation it ts a new plaster a new combination of new remedies undo after now methods entirely unlike ony otlior plaster tho triumph of modern medical science tho perfected product of yeara o patient toil placed over tho cheat it is a powerful aid to ayere cherry pec tend in the treatment of all throat and long affections placed over the stomach it stdpa nausea and vomiting over the bowels it controls cramps and colic placed over tho small of the back it removes all congestion from the iddneya and greatly strengthen weakness ij f5ale byaudragffibts i ujxton frtt thubsdat may 4 1899 ffifyje toimjj jfalhs a bi tea miss mary ucgowaa mqgeo said oho d filve a bloyolo tea 1 nave tho until it all oat slio saiil and do doubt a lociat success it will be itoautifullyodd a bloyolo teat miu mary mcgovau mcuee bdld onto bit servant bocae each wheel aa it oomei you take in and plain on each wboel you will pin ttio namo of the owner b nfe odd o how odd it will bo brilliantly odd a bloyolo tea i uibb mary maqowan mcqe 6bo gave her bloyolo tea tbon bfer suetts said good bye and adiou and away on their whoel they all flow or woll each tiro had lioen prinked ai yon see cjoau through bymgacioaa busee mibi mary mcgowan mcgoe slio criod oer hor bloyolo ta i d thought it all oat bbo said who could doubt that a aooial success it would be i then sbo laughed yes it was odd sbe anyway it was odd aiidl ibe the civil tribunal of the beino recently deoidrd a point whkh viltbe of intenio intereat tocjolieia who have been postered and worried by bathing nnd anappin doa along the path of the city and country road a tho parle oonrt hau decided that the owners of the dogd may be held responsible for iujurlei received by bioyolietb when falls are due to tho j out the teit oaae was that of a don oelonj to a resident of the boulva who ran after the wheelman barklgand anapplor at histeetand legs jp obtiiog the troabletome animal the oyollat loat bis balance fell from his wheel and broke a very valuable cigarette oaso which lie carried in his packet the oyolfst claimed 509 francs damages from tbs owner of the annoying animal the case was hotly contested aa it wan looked dpon as a lest one and the ooort finally awarded the plaintiff 200 franca da mattes usually the casb there was once a poor boy who while walking along saw a pin on the pavement before him quickly ibe little lad staid his steps and picking np tbs pin etaok it oarefally and becartly in bis coat a rlob man chancing to pass at that time aaw tbe action and was ma oh impressed by it eo rnnou so that he took tbe boy into his bank and finally adopted him thirty years have passed and the erstwhile poor boy is a booth african nillionaire tbe other day he drew a ohcok for 2000 and gave it to a former school mate who had not prospered in the race of life all that i am now i owe to yon john said tbe millionaire bat i dont understand stammered the beneficiary simple enough if i hadnt bated you so at school i should never have picked op that pin to put on yoor seat pcaraons dont blame the waves day what did clara say ihe second out when she waa so seasick bhe said tbe man who was rooking the boat that way waa no gentleman and she wdnm like to tell him so hay burdens perils and disease and iii health should be banished this month kid sunday school oems stories of atrange and amoeiog answers given to elimination questions art frequently told bat we do not no often tea recorded the equally surprising answers given by obildren in sunday schools and yet they are frequently original enongh a teaober lately wishing to torn the young idea toward tbe minion field aaked what ara good men called who leave their homei and g4 to foreign lands to teaoh the beathen palnes celery compound la the worlds great health restoring agent triumphant reply a olass of boya when aiked what were tbe ten plagnea anawared with mora fervor than gallantry tbe ten virgins air westminster gautli there ia not a more dangarooa olau of dieordera than thole whieh affeot the breathing organa nullify tbia danger with dr tkdmaa eolsotrio 011 pul- monlo of acknowledged effloaoy it onree lamenets and soreness whan applied externally aa wall aa awalled neek and orlok id the baokj and at an inward apeclfle poaaeaaei moat enbatantial olalms to pnbtfo eonfldeno it matters not whether year trouble be rheumatism neuralgia kidney diaeaae dyapepata nervous prostration or aoroe naaty blood diaeaae painaa celery com pound poetesses virtnea tomofent to meet yonr case and overcome yoar sufferings diseases of any kind thai have mani feeted themselves in tbe winter and have faatened their deadly grip in tbe apring months are terribly perilooa to ufa if allowed lo ran into the heat of anmmer this ia ibe time o grapple with diaeaae and paioes celery compound ii the obly are friend and helper of tbe aiok the work of diaeaae banishing and health restoring already acoompliahed tbia apring in canada by fainee celery com pound ii marvellous and aetonlihlng judging from the many islters received by eared people anpported by the endoraatlon of leading droggista and mer- ohanls to whom the onred people are known painaa celery compound ia the only medloine that oan honeilly claim pnblio recognition ita work ia neverfailing and lore it first oteaneea the blood caaaing the lifealream to ran pare in every artery and vain of the body it gnlokly reatorei loat strength it gives perfaot dlgealive vigor aweet sleep and laiting health a nervous break down almoat a phyaloal collapse but cornpletely restored by south american nervine mrs geo f qilttluenbuli n 310 vic loria street toronto w t gruiluully break ing down under an aliuok o extreme nervous protrntlon her appetite bad left lit r he puftered front insomnia here are her own worrib as uhe wrote them i took ilodlom advice but rcceited no benefit i commenced ublng booth amertoan nervine and three bottlea workod a murvelloua ohaiixe in me my appuitte oumo back i bleep buundl and my renorat health ia bb perfect aa ever it waa it ia a pleasuro to recommend eo worthy a remedy sold by a t brown when a man gets eo busy that he dosent uud lime to think ho ugually does something too weak aw w fcp vv a a an ottawa lady relates her experience for benefit of others mrs tvillinm a holmes 830 con cession st ojtnno ont testifies as follows for boino years post i waa greatly tvoublod v itli wenkness both of tho not efl and liotu t my hqart would beat very luegulnrly somotiraob throbbing ttiidnt other tiinoft seoining to go up into my throat thubcftubingatorriblosmotbor- ink sensation finally igrowsowonk that i could not sow although i tried many remedies i could obtain no relief and was nlmnst in despnir of a euro onodny however ihonrdofmilbums heart and norvo pills nnd began to uso thcin andainnowbettorthanlhavobeon for yoars i work right along now and tho pains and palpitation have left me xnnah to my relief my blood seems to be enrlohedandfall of vitality and my entire system is in ahoaltlry and vigorous state how to stop it ihereisacat who bite every triglit on our fenca be explained to ibe lawyer and be yowls and jowle now i dont want to get into any trouble with my neighbor bat i woold like to know if i am not jnatlfled in patting a stop to it certainly replied tbe lawyer i am well within my rights if i shoot the oat then be inqnired gleefully um well i woold hardly aay tbat aoswered the lawyer the oat does not belong to yoc as i understand it no and the fence doea yea well then i think i may eafely lay that oq have a perfeot right to tear down ibe feuoe a yankee teachers oall some people on tbe ether aide of tbe line are oarrying their insane desire to degrade spain pretty far an exohango eayi a gentleman vieited a school in new york state a few days ago when lie happened to piok bp a geography lying on a dobk of one ot the popils he noticed that the map of spain bad been oat out ot the book why ia this the visitor aiked o replied young uaole sam gleefully the teacher told aa to out it out there ia no spain now when did spain cease to exist the visitor enquired oh laat sommer i waa the reply and not one of the 80 text booka in the school contained a map of spain inv y an absolute v novelty tsngs it talk it plays can be jar0 oft acmild can wed pw6c ome record tra records 35 lx in a very town andvillaoe aoml f c i talking machine co ion ont an up to data woman aiyn her huibaod ib iho very latest thtaf out dr von stans pineapple tablets at all drurfflsts 36c a box 60 tablets chapter v 1 havoyo heartburn 3 havo yanourbtomaoh j havo i o dutreai after oatlug i 4 thoao aro ilgos bt advancing djspeiiula at tbia bubo the trouble is oally ourod 5 dr vod btana ijneapplo tablets glo instant relief tboy aid dlgobtloti aud baolsli tho ciobo which produce dynpppuia tlieao tblots come sixty ia a box sold at all druggists price 35 cents dr von stans pineapple tablets aro pleasant to tho tosto convenient as a vost poekot remedy to relievo distress after eating aud for all derangomonts of tho stoaiaoh tlio quickly care the worst forms of dyspepsia sold by a t drowo tho man who fitfhta and runs away miy live to inn another da dr lowh worm byrap ia euoha eimple eafe and tffeotuul remedy for worms o all kinds that no other should ba nsed no purgative needed afterwards price 25c tho ooau who wants loyalty from bia employees ehould remember that moat men are loyal to a dollar the elephants jokt a very amnmng tiorv lq told of tin elephant and ti u m i hi j ho huy na very windy an i il b abla moid in tl o shelter nf a lare iiiiiuhim lookmu h oppoalto direction from that in which tho elephant wua appeiiriin plio ctrcui hud given ub porforintiiicu for tho week uud mou and amrnalti w re on thnr wuy to iho next town tlie iurformini4 ephunt whb started in advunou of tho otliurn ho and hie keeper woro walhint qaictlj alonu in the very early morning tho only disturbance waa iho tlfphtint h i ppareui determination to walk on iho footpath his keeper 3roe him from tho sidewalk several mmetr but like a mioohioouh httlo boy baoli ho woud no when the h pliant reached the corner where iho constable was he touched iho uouttuble on tho arm wth his trunk the eoimtubh turning saw tho huge beast at his bhoutder aud frihtenod almost to dutth began running down the street and iho elephant after him tue keeper called und called but the animl paid uo attention the elephant rao until lis reached nn opeu gateway into which the aonstablo rashed shutting the iron rata behind him the keeper eaja that tho clejihunt fuirfy obookled us ihoakh ha had had a great deal ot fan shewantedthe whole thl no an instant later the storm hufst upon them oh rose hoomd m this supreme moment will you notsiyyoix lovo me no answered the bravo cirl not for getful of ber maidenly reserve for while tho tempedt ipwls thro i the riging and the abip thrciteia to foundtr every moment the wnvew do not an jet roll mountain high as for the man buch was bis charfiim that he hadnt the presence of tniud to whistle for more wind a gtrl isnt necessarily an angel btoaase he is flightly xlver troobles billoaanes sallow com plexion yellow eyes jaundice eto yield to the curative powers of lux a ljver pills tbsy are sore to on re natures own dyspepsia qurc natures remedies are not llto mans thoy never tall of tho many remedies intended to euro dyopopeo rour bfomach distress after eatln wemit in the stomach wind on tho stomach loss of oppetito dusiness nausea m- poverished blood catarrh of the otomadi sick headacbo nmj similar results of indigestion only one i3 uniformly aid unfail ingly successful that is natures own ronody found only in dr von stans pineapple tablets the pneapple contains a large amount of vegetable pepsin gesture 8 most potent aid in digesting food mix meat and pineapplo sand agitato the mixture at a temperature of 103 and thcrpmeappls swill completely digest tho meat talie two of br von stans ptncapplo tablets after your meals t d they will digest your food without aid from thontomach tola of course rests strengthens and heals the stomach tho tablets 111 cure the most cnronlo case of dyspepsia thoy glvo ira- ediate relief toko them for a short time and your stomach rill be as strong and hearty as that of a farmer s boy they are as pleasant to tho palate as candy at all druggists 35c a box or direct from the von stan medicine co vtoronto can and buffalo ny i las see that the signature 1 -of- jbwvloramsbweebr jbmwwrw- mmstm aperfect remedy rorconsupar hon sour stomach diarrhoea worms convulsionsjeverish ness and loss of sleep j tac simile signature of oastorla is pat up in enanlse lettles only it is sot sold la balk dont allow aayono to sail roa asjuils else oa the plea or promlie tbat it 5tjnst as good and will answer erery por- 49- bee thai jcra get 0abt 0 ei a u dafla ar yxft uoa best 6teel wire woven wire fenginq ww rope sblvaob prodigal aona waa tbe prompt anejrii wid whioh breaks dowo tbe sturdy trees whose growth baa been for oentarleaor more leavea ibe pliant sap lings nnbarmed fain in the back fain ceased first day mrs mary odell 203 ddnn ave toronto writes i have nsed milbnma bheq matlo pills and tboy cored me of a severe attaok ot rheumatism the psin eeaaed after tbe first days trial of tbe remedy there is nothing troly god foraaken in tbe world dr j d kellogga dysentery cordial is prepared from drugs known to the profession aa tlinrooghly reliable for the euro ot oholera dysentery djerrhoea griping pains and eatnmer oomplalnta ii has been used snoeesifnlly by medical praolitlonera for a number of years with gratifying remits it suffering from any sammer complaint itltjoet tbe medicine that will onre oa try a bottle it aella for 25 cents i suffered with pain in tba back for over a year and could not get it enred three bottles ol hsgyards yellow oil removed tbe pain entirely marahal wilier moqregor p 0 man the individual who stands still is anre to lose ground it does not obange ths troth to look at it wth oolored glasses the sprlnij montbi aro moil likely to find yodr blood impure and lacking in tbe red oorpaaolee wbieh enable it to carry nourishment to the nerval and other organs therefore yoo feel weak tired and listless and are troubled with apring humor belief la given by hooda saraoparllla wbioh porifles enricbea and vitalises tba blood mailed lowell it la always easier to recognize a debtor than a creditor weak women con bo msde strong aud healthy by uilburn s besrt and nerve pills mist bholllon so turner bt otiaw y hoods pills onre biliooineas for 36 cents by oi hood 4 co maes eed any fool can talk bat only wise men know how to think wealth couldltsave him deadly kidney disease had him in its clutch south american kidney cure snapped the cord and made him whole again by even in private we are overheard god mother graves worm exterminator doea not require the help of any purgative medicine to complete the oore give ii a trial and bvoonvlnoed bigotry is not peooller to religion milburna heart and nerve fllla enriohed my blood strengthened tny nervea and restored me in heilth and vigor loviin fluweis are odr feolln its trolls are our deeds sk your doctor how many preparations of cod- liver oil there are he will answer hun dreds of them ask him which is the best he will reply scotts emulsion v then sec that this is the one you obtain it contains the purest codliver oil free from unpleasant odor ancj fste yolx also get the hy- pdphosphlteij and glycerine aj1 three sre wended into orie 4riahkhilg and jipurj hjngjrsmtfdy fo iti ana ohildrel iront those- torriblo bldo aehes linck- nohos bond- nchos and tho thousand nnd one otlior ills wliicli niako llfo full of mlsory moat of thoso troublos aro due to impure imperfectly filtered blood tho kidnoys am not acting right nnd in eonsoquonco tho system is bolng polsouod with impurl- ioan pills are dairy proving tiiembolvoa womnna greatest friond and bonofaclor here is an instance mrs harry fleming 8t marys n b says tho ubo of donns kldnoy pills restored me to oomplote lionlth iho first symptoms i notiood in myonso wore severe pains in tbe small of my back and around the loins togetlior with general weakness and loss of nppotito i gradually became wbrso until hearing of doane kldnoy plhs i pmt a box from our drnggiat i am pleased to testify to tholr effect iveness in oorrooting tho troublos from whloh i suffered a oang man a eon of one of oansdab wealthiest citizens two yeara ago contract ed kidney disease by taking a cold plunge in tho lake when the body was overheated specialists conld diagnose but ooald not care ibe malady and when half the globe had been travelled in hope of help and a anro he returned to his borne apparently with but a bhort time to live but the printed testimony of the cure of a eohool boy day acquaintance attraoted him to south amerloan kidney cure ho pro cured it and persisted iu ita use and although it was a stubborn ease to day he ia well and healthy bold by a t brqwn if a painting is not a work of art it ia a work of art to sell it alonnf ectured and sold er th ontako wire fencino co 1 5 icton ontario the best la the cheapest mcmullens poultry nettings are unequalled in quality and their fencings are the best prices loiai hardware merchants sell these goods and can supply you if thoy fall you write the manufacturers at ficton the b greening wire co 09nerki rgbnts hrmilton khd montrbhl sold also by canadian hardware jobbers you can get it railway time table dr woods ib the moon any iobb beautiful or useful because it shine by reflected light milburna sterling headache ponders are amy to take harmless ip action and anre to care any headache in from 6 to 20 mloutea use wit th falre joyn bloom whnre the bitter tat learn have fallen severe bait it ileum bordook blood bliier can me of 8tt rniort 8 jewrit mjto and x havo had no return of il since 1 was so bad with it i oonld not slmp it only look two boitlee olfibb t tffeot a core mre welch gmnbeiik ont itaj dootori healer fur internal or external use uiyarda yfillow oil oaitnot be excelled hh n pnin relieving wiirl ooilihitf remedy for pfn tho far ictwg itibu usually sees so much tbat ho a too timid to undortake any tluoc dyapepeia and indlftebuon 0 w sdow a go syracuse n y writo pleabo sand ub ten ftross of pllla we are soiling moro of par melee fills than any other till we keep tboy have a great reputation for tbe cure of dyspepsia and liver complaint mr chae a smlih litidhuy wrltoi purmoloos pllla are sn txoolluut medioine my aiier has bcin troubled with severe headaohe but tlieeo pills lisve cured her norway pine syrup a posltlvo euro for all tbroot lung and bronchial diseases hcaliag and soothing in its action plonsnnt to tnko prompt and effoo- tunl in its results mr chas johnson bear rivor n s writes i wrui troubled n ith lionrnoncss and soro throat which tho doctor pro- nounood bronchitis and rocomntcmli a mo to try pr woods narwny pino sjijip i did so and nftor using threo bottles i tfns ontlroly eurod take a laxnllvor phi before retir ing twill work iihilo you sleep with out a gripo oi pnin curing biliousness eoustipatton sick huaduclio and dyspop- sa and ntnke ou fuul bottor iu the morning price 25a a parlor suite a sideboard a bedroom set an extension table a lounge a stand a mattress and springs or any other article in furniture requirements at a livinq profit only all goods delivered undertaking in all its branches calls day or night attended coffins delivered prices to suit every ones needs jt a speigbht b co acton a clok often proves n charity nililtt veaub of torture helped in a trloeand permanently cured ita man were to wail for experta to argnson liuplan ot notion ba roluhi be able lo oarry it ont iu some far distant period of ttathllv mr t j hamas oolumboa olilo wrilaai bars two affllolad fpr ma prhitent una of dr agoewa ointment will erdiaalo almoat every kink of akin rilxrasi- no matter how loutf atandink or dlslreaainir it allays irritation with one apilloatlon its the qnlokesl euro known forooxema and salt rbeum and will onre blind bleeding or itohipk plies in from 8 to s night sold hy a t brown tha ttreat wouder la not ilia mlrolor but the miracle of himself worms punas eilst elihor in children or dalte when or lows worm strop is aredwo- all dealers god oannol help ibe man who doea not tba ntfi of hlahelp atti imlutlodbrof ttotof tlitm are absotbtely id- never wil b a tn i vernal panaoea in one remedy for all his to which flesh is heir the very nature of mtny carttilveh tvaintf eaqh that were tht torms of other and differently seated dibeaxtb rooted in the system of t lie patient what would relieve one ill in turn would agsirttvate he other we have however in quinine wine when obtained in a sound unadulterated state a remedy for many and grievous ills by its gradual judicious use the frailestsatom4 are led into con valeecence and strenuth by the fnfloenoe whloh quiuine exerts on natures own restoratives it relieves the droopiuk ftplrits of those with whom ehrouto atato of morbid debpondeiee and lavok of interest in life is a dieao ant by lranjailizfn tbe nerves dispose to sound and ro train ing sleep imparts vigor to tbe action of the blood whloh being stimulated worses throughout the veins strengthening the healthy atiltntl functions of the ay stem thereby mahintt aotlvity a necessary result strengthening the frame and filiog ufa to the- digestive organs wbioh naturally demand inoreaiod substsnooresall ftd profed sppetite northrop a lymap of toronto have given to the jinbllo their qalnne wtne a the uiuai rate anil aby ttmoplaion of adenlisu this oapprmhmnearaimwrsmoo of any be market all ofst- ir it u hunger may sharpen ihe with puts a roufth edfto on tho temper permanent cure of salt rheum the permanent cure after pnr- ginf of eureka harness oil will tafce stiffness out of old harness and mat it soft as new it will look like net it oils softens blackens anrj preserves the leather you can keep new harness froa wearing out and reneyj the life of old harness wit reka ess cltam tltl mi italim ay i0isi wl ht ooinn i ai il i 10 j u 111 i i xi rcra rthb j t i 111 i i xi 1ifch 1 7 j5 j in mull ii i u ii 10 t o q ni a up 111 10 03 i m ridl oi lohino ma1lk ftoiiiwott 0 40 a m and f co j m oolimlttbt 10 2j a in mid 6 go i ui tli in tiruo tiiljlo went into tfflct on moodn may lftli 1898 w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont kikk x sreoialiy or machine finished book papers akn high gbade wjiekty news the paper used in this journal is from tho above mills wm barber 4 bros bring your custom logs and take the lumber home with you in shy9rs lumber planing mills nassaeaweya p sayers proprietor has constantly on hand a full line oi lumber lath shingles cedar posts wood ilto custom logs and bill stuff cut to order on short notice planing and matching done to the best ol satisfaction prices very cheap nnd made lo suit the customer s pockct p sayers tyjajfcnsjomweji there are two kinds of men to be found everywhere thosewho are obliged to dress roughly while at work and those whose occupation in volves no difference in attire forthe laborer we have heavy substantial boots for the business man comfortable sensible shoes for the boys and girls good knockabouts and for the ladies the latest novelties in footwear our spring stock is now coming in and em braces goods sure to please our customers as to style quality and prices oaw and see otjr new limes w williams mill st ir opinion tree f jwtsntable oomroualea riouy oonddmuw itanrtbopk on patents ont free oidmt atrener for immmirjsatents putonu taken through muirn co reotrire ipfxwnotfcfs without ehfnra in tba scientific hinciican a hmidsomoly llinntrntad weeklr cutatlon of any fotontioo jnarnal t rokti foub wbntha l gold brail fleri u ffrasfli ajgasasfeu tjseitonallyourhsrnossaodon corringe top put up in cans froi yi pint tojtgyon spldeverywhei mancnt cure that is being published week by ucclc has placed burdock blood bitters far hbote ail other remedies in the estimation of tho sick and suffering even the severest and most chro nic diseases thit other remedies fail to rclicye jicld to the blood purifying blood enriching- proper ties of b i b silt rlicum or eczema that most slubboi n of skin diseases winch ciuses mich torture and is so difhcultto euro with ordinary reme dies cannot withstand b b bs healing soothing power the case of mrs jts sanderson emerson man sious how cfltec- ti ebdb is in curing salt rheum at its worst and curing it to stay cured this is what she wrote i burdock blood bitters cured ma of a bad atlafkofsalt kbeuni three years ago it was so severe that my finger nails cams jp ssfirjiw rm know f tnqr ia iiijit j a til grain wo sizbs 0r anv ower no i has hncb raver jlo barrs a has ifnch alngli rmn power a hal given aont v oth have illbearing trf plates lloi springs dshskofoed srind fine and fsal fkltvaira tgnranteed hoqrtrodainuse il3 shapelv ftmuir co iptlrnljecl vt coraplets una of farm implement a y h and all kind of repairs absence mr joha t elliott whe resides oa tba property will attend to tba wants of enstomara john mcqueen fsfotonrlntorosthur books jolp and homt you nro mv luaronkhskstoli or incdtlofrou invention or iniprooniont nutl o will ten you brea our opinion w to vhetherltla probably putontablo a nmko n npeclalbr xri- ln olbcr lianas juslwsritmajtiolc fatimt souorrobs rfhtti clvna keobattlcat knptnrrs orottnatra of taa rolytechnlo school or rutin iiu iiachtlonla applied sotcncri ijivft ltumlly sinbm rstfnt tsw afaoclnllnt milcaii wntrrworxs aispctstlon h vr knilnn i w ntr w orks aiaoo f o bulveron torn i tllon aim slumber cu sodtttyof civil pnolne dmeu 1 mew y0 uft b 1 0 0 mohtstal oa jakrst aa i 720 bottlesli a this is i nood miii but as it it wyeths wont i ast long v gbwbim i tbiitisihobest ionic rodulcs strenirlliens ihc hik ic n low of milk end milken tba litue chltprk k neallhysnd struiir v reficahlni tonic bever- hs f lone lo the aytten i whatever nature it may be w pvlpa ich it oroduce relllh for feyir- i pull dozcn eoo tl trffa t bko ww chemist pr otitsiiai

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