Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 11, 1899, p. 2

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jfobn may 3rd to lmvor in aoton on wednaader m mr an lun t foavoy a daughter ijimi in uquuln8 oil tuabdoy april until to mi aud mm j u iano a daughter married line jipnnomaat tuoaskln btrf 01 mothofllst rroimi loudon on wednesday may srd byuavtt hohua mr herbert b boomer on u i nmrw tsi m mm alloa b of john b llootuor kiq to mus alloa k dtuiuutut of j noyes kaq all ot ljondon woodlimd rotiubdat toronto on april 2blh at tlio residenoo of the bride lather 11 afun av by tho bov b d chown waaler woaloy qhuroh mr frodrlok woodland lor merit of olarkaon now of toronto to irano oldoit lnusbtor of b f pollard baq only twenty licenses ist died qinuonhat glonwlllianib on tuesday may joii oiim f gibbon ion ox patriok glbboni la iia isth year mjt qctan fxtt ftm thursday may 11 1899 tho liquor ljoenaes reduce bsf tho commleeloriers to twenty from oo t s 18tb the ijloanie cornmlaeiouere have takiin their boat actios in referenoeta the taverns ol thooounty for tlio preaont year an j ua a remit have out off another ten par ueut ol tho lioeneee leaving only twenty whero twontyflve years ago we had about sixty the following licenses were granted acton b agnew g o clark and t ouyotte burlington j boderlok w j bruah and paisley georgetown h a coffin john traiuor and s moglbbon wilton hartmau 3 moolbbon and kelly otkviuo0 h btrong m h williams notes a co it in reported that halton wett ilgln west huron north htstingsand south forth eleotion trlalajwiuvtake place in juno the vrovlooial government has received 635150 in lioense fen from the distillers ot the provinoe many browora are paying their fees under protest it thought the bill rooontly passed it nut oonslltntlonal after a thorough elimination of nepanee jail deteotive greer baa oonolnded that pare and holden bad oqtsido aaaietance in effeotlog their esoape the wire found in the pooket of pares ooat the detective declares is only a bloff the aammary report ot the geological survey for 1898 jaat leaned eatlmatee an inoroase ot aboat 97000000 in the vehieof the mineral prodaotion ol canada as compared with 1807 largely doe to the development of gold mining particularly in the yukon the dominion government baa been advlied from vanooaver that theodore ludgate ie now in possession of deadmans island the dominion tbe province and the city of vancouver are all claiming the island it is now likely that the oonrls will hsve to settle tbe matter the winter trade of bt john n b was muoh larger than in any previous season the outward cargoes of last winter were a7200000 at against 4888000 in 1807 98 the manchester line made six trips with outwardoafgoes ol tbe imports ot st john three million dollars worth were american prodooti three oar loads ol nursery stock were reoeivad on monday in winnipeg from fonthill ont thie is tbe largest abler ment yet made into manitoba and repre- eenta about 411000 trees brandon dealers are taking advantage ot the rsoent orderingoanoil and have placed orders for several thousand oottonwood seedlings in north dakota and minnesota the budget debate this session waa one of the shortest on reoord probably because tbe oratorioal force of tbe opposition bad spent itself on the address short as it was however it contained three notable speeches besides those ot the ministers ot i insneo and customs speeches delivered by three former plnanoe ministers of canada sir biobard oartwright sir charles tnpper and mr foiter named in the order of seniority of offioe sixtyeight million ot alitor dollare now in the vanlta of tbe united slates mint and postofooe bnildings mi phjiadnjpblt which seoare the issnesot silver ossificates will be transferred to the recently com- pleted vanlta on the new mink the begin ing this week the money is eoolosed in 08000 boxes tlooo to tbe box the silver weighs 2010 tone and eaob waggon earring three tone 680 losdp will be neoeiaary allowing six loads per day 118 conaeoutive days will olapao before tbe final transfer shall be made and w wynne balllnafad a p thompson gampbellvlllo j gnyetle jglenwillisms d mifcenale norval garbutt postvillej f baker the lioensea at the iiabeview bouse burlington and the hotel at stewartowo were out oft the lioense at bronte the only one in trafalgar township was transferred to postville the board favored outtlng off evory licenae in trafalgar had hey tbe power to do so bat tbey ware informed that it waa not within their power to grant local option wbiob would havo been the oase bad tbey out off tbe lloenae at bronte without transferring it to postville before loaal option oanie granted to a municipality it matt be carried by a vote of tbe people for their aotlon of catting ot lloensas where deemed unnecessary and keeping up their past reputation ot annual red notion the board of commissioners deserve and will receive the gratitude of tbe christian people of the aotfnty generally ha8 no iso m the fro library continues to add to its membership monthly the monthly meeting of tbe free library board for april was held in the library last friday evening members preaont j b pearson chair man j a molaoblan m a tbos t moore and h p moore xhe report of tbe committee on finance recommended payment of the following accounts william brlggs xnvoloe of books m 40- oopp clark co do 87 33 ijaseott fqb co do as 80 storey christie dc oo exchange 49 181 iso moved by j a molsohlao seconded by t t moore that tbe flnanoe report jnst read be adopted carried miss laird librarian presented ber report for april as follows new members enrolled 4 total present mersbertblp 160 books taken out 815 as follows history 68 biography 0 voyages and travels w science and art 2 literature 45 poetry 4 fiction 113 religions 9 miscellaneous 46 finanoea catalogues and cards 65o fines 25c renewal cards s5o supplementary catalogues 1185 total 88 10 moved by h p moore seconded by t t moore that tbe report ot tbe librarian be adopted carried the board then adjourned queens y l duohess df york sends the stately ship into the watera qay 8oene london may 0 tho dnohese of york accompanied by tbe duko sl oonnaughr mr george j goiahen tirol lord ot the admlralt and otbore lunobod the new roal yaolit viotoila and albert at pernbroke tliifl afternoon after lho uaotil prayere the duohoaa severed a cord and the yuollt glided into tho water amidbt voollerous cheering the acouo attending the launching waa one ol the gayest imaginable tho dock ilia reighborlng buildings and nil tbe vthmjia in the harbor were elaborately dooked with fliga and bunting among tbe spectators were many naval and military officers and members of the civil government in uniform or n their robes ot ofuce there wss au enormous oonoonree of people in spd about tbe yards and the greatest antimalarial was matifebtod it is to be regretted that the milton standard which commenced publication four months ago as an organ of the conser vatives of the county has found it neces sary to ditoontinue publication the champion takes over the suosorlptldn list in all kindness the furs psuna pointed out at the outset that tbe field at the county town was too limited lor three papers the standnrd was a newsy wideawake paper and followed its political leaders in a maoner whlch rpooh aallsfled its support ers we nnderstand mr f b elliott tbe editor and publisher baa seamed a good position in connection with one of the united states type foundries in which situation tbe fiun puss wishes bim every soocesa milton tbe misses deacon are expeoted borne next week mlllbn boyal templars swept the dominion last month and initiated more members than any olber oounoil tbe oounoil it buying oedar scantling for sidewalks at til par 1o0o and pine plank avarage 10 inobes wide ti8p0 o bownie has been appointed curfew officer and nightwatcbmsn at a salary of h74 throe members of tbe milton baud alonzo jones thomas mcdowell and frank biicoby will play in the 30th batt band while in camp at niagara the people ot milton generally will be sorry to learn that ex mayor mooollnm and family rill abortly remove to oak vlllo blchard hemetreet sr baa purchased a bulldiog lot on victoria etreet and will have a brick dwelling erected thereen in which he will tfrlde the band bee oommenoed lie weekly o a co milton codnoll b t off baa won tbe f 100 orsan flrat prise in the grand ooun oil competition neil mophail and family late of camp- ballvillr have moved to towo aud now poonpy cbaa jones bouse on corner q foster and queen sis jodwjsolder garni from hamilton id mlltotfwcfrlday evening to attend the annual meeting of the milton fish aud game club of wbioh ho waa reelected president the olub daolded to but sons thousands of ninemonths aid trout into their poud near cambellvillo next novem ber champion y a girl who wouldnt harrn a mouse will murder a song in a moat bsirtlees manuri a corn phdttfabae6 bvty sbowaamajlbsrnjfl layers of hard kktap- wlrotjnglitjroi jpritlna corn bill ir famine inc in russia diseases follow in it trail claiming vlotlma toy t moscow may 0 famine in eastern ibbuia la increasing in sevarlty sod the diseases tbatjollow in its trail hre cleiro- ing vlotims by tbe thousand the osar baa inai appropriated 1500000 rubles 70000 to the ass ot the relief commit tee and additional oonlrlbollons are oom- jidg in from all goirters the ber alex ander franoia rector ot tbe anglo- amerloan oburoh at bt petersburg baa establiabed a relief fund aud baa invited tbe membere of the anglosaxon colony to contribute tbe first donation received was from an anomympite american who sent 1000 rubles the ojly of odessa hat flontrlbated0000 roubles to the relief work major bodlaoo an officer of lbs csarlnaa regiment of uhlans while attending to hit duties at submanager of famine relief in the simbirsk district succumbed to aenrvy and typhus he bas jaat been buried with blush military honors by hie comrades ot the general prinoe louis napoleon regi ment trace to co inspeotor drear follows trail of pare and holdep inapeotor wm greer returned from tbe east yesterday where he bos been investigating tbe escape of patro and holden m he tucoaded in tracing them as as far as coteao landing near montreal they oame in on a freight train early on the morning after thoir esoape and then disappeared no- trace of them can be found mr greer says that there is little reason to believe that they perpetrated tbe cornwall burglary crews co crowded ont last week the quarterly meeting of the boekwood circuit was held in bden mills laat sabbath oonstojaently there was no service in tbe oburoh here it was with muoh regret that tbe many frienda of mra a kentner of balllnafad beard ot bet death which occurred at the home of tier brolberlnlaw mr j cole man of aotod on monday morning tbe deceased was- well addfvorbiyknown here basing beena former resident her sister mrs nebrmri resides here and lbs sympathy ofall is extended to ber and lbs real ol tbe family in their sad lose bay b w golden delivered a very im mr tar il he will likely be obliged to rest from publlo duties ottawa may 8tho minister of pnblio works isc still oontloed to bia houio and ie seriouly if not dangerously 111 hia pbyadlant have ordered that no oneshonld be allowed to see him but mr tarts cannot be made to obey orders when be thinks hlmsejf well enough to worlrp and ooniequently he bas had bis dspaty and bis prlvste secretary with him nearly all day preparing supplementary estimates and snawerloa letters mr tarle is understood to be buffering from stone in the bladder which is a particularly painful disease and it is said he will havo to undergo an operation in about ten days time altos that he will be induced if possible to take a trip for tbe benefit of bia health spains greatest need mr b p olivia ot baroelona bpaln spends hia winteri at aiken s o weak nerves had caused severe pains in the baok of ills bead on oeiok bleotrlo bittera america s greatest glood and nerve remedy all palu earn i him be pays tbia grand medicine is what blj country needs all america kuowa tbat it cures liver and kidney trouble purifies tbe blood tones up the atomaob strengthens lbs nerves puts vim vigor and new life into every rausnle nerve and organ of the body ii weak tired or ailing you need it every bottlerrrinrranreed only jo centor sold by 7 d mosee notoriety is cbeap to get hot dear to keep out of sorta symptoms hesdaobe oas of appetite furred tongne and general indispoeiticn theie bymptoms it ne gleotod develop into acute dlieaee it it a trite aaying that an ounce ot prevention is worth a pound of cure and a little attention at this point may aave months of aiokoees and targe doctors billa for this complaint take from two to three of parmelees yegetabe fills on going to bed and one or two for three nlgbte in succession and a onre will be affected did you ever notice tbat when s man ateala it la alwaja for blmself bnt when a woman doea so it is generally discovered that she does it for some man are ton harried 7 are you married to tbe oldtimo belief that consumption ic inonrabla f if so you are wedded to a mietaken notion shlloba cough and consumption cure has overcome many a serious oaae and it never fails when taken in tbe early stages one bottle will prove more to yon than a whole column of argument try it erery bottle guaranteed 26 ceute 50 henta and vloo be a gentleman and whatever elae yon can that throbbing headache would qulokly leave you if you used dr kings new life pills thousands of sufferers have protod their matchless merit for sick and nervoua hoadaohee they make pure blood and strong nerves and build up yoor health easy to take- try tbem only 26 oenta money back if not oured sold by j i mckoe a weakwilled man misses may oppor tunity to do wrong five tilings tbe five dtaeaaea for wbioh shilons conaumptive cure la especially recom mended are cougba oolda whooping cougb group and consumption no tnadiolne ever made by man ia equal to it in any respeot bold under a positive guarantee money baok if it fails to onre 26 cants 60 cents and 8100 a bottle a piott story auctioneer hbmstheet3 health renewed at seventy ho was aff noted with illness for a lontr period and thought hie days of usefulnees wore past he is acraln as hearty and robubt as ha was twenty yoare abo no man la belter known to the people of the counties ot hulton and vthlngton than william hemetreet a pioneer sbd muoh enteemed reaident of aoton mr hemetreet la a native of this county having been born in trafalgar townbblp iu 1817 his brother the late millar hemetreet waa the firot mtrohant to open business in aoton in faot big atore wae ppenep years before the plaee wss per inanently christened or even diguloed with recognition by the auiboritiea of ibe postal bervloe sa a poet village as a young man the subject ot ihio mpjrvellopt cure aims up to this part of the oonnty occasionally to visit ills brother and on one ot tbeae vielts iu hia eighteenth year deoided to make bin homo here and apprenticed blmtell to the tanning hnsineag with the late samuel smith this waa fiftyfour yetts ago and ever since william hemetreet has been a familiar figure in aoton and vicinity after completing bia apprenticeship be oondnoted a tanning buelneas for bimaell for twenty years he subsequently engaged in the droving and butphering business and some twentyfive years ego oivipg p bis superior knowledge of the vulno of live block he took ont a license at an anotioueer in tble calling he beoame at once popular and with the duties of bailiff ot two division courts which he also fulfilled he was almoat constantly on the road dritiog in alt kinds of weather holtjlpg auction aalea asveral days every week for several months eaob spring and fall although poeioesiog a strong wealthy constitution the continued expoenre end bard work of selling soma daya for six or eight hours at a stretoh be gradually loat bit strength and vigor and aboot three years ago found himielt a collupaed and wornout man infoonveraa- tion with the reporter ot the fbib press in this offloe recently he raid felt that my days ol uaefulneaa were aver my atrengtb had departed my voloe was gone i was too weak to do work of any kind and i was undeniably ueeleaa to myself or any one elne my symptoms were pecullsr and baffled several of tho belt local physicians who di very muoh in the d x took their medicines faithfully bnt no improvement resulted i did not enffer muob pain but wae a very siok man i had no appetite no strength oonld not sleep and both myself and my friends gonolqdpd that my days on earth were numbered and tbat my wormout system wonld in a abort time lie down in eternal rest i had to give up all my boeinesa intereete mr hematreet in the oonrss of bis conversation stated tbat be had been a oonstant reader of tbe fbse fnb6s tinring its twentyfour years of existence and had read many testimonial in its oolurons relating to wonderful cures as a result of the one of dr williams pink pills but tbcae were adjudged to be upon par with the statements of other patent medicines and paeend over without con sideration when his condition was most serious however hie attention was attraoted by tbe published testimonial of bev mr proeraap a miojiter with whom be was personally acquainted relating to hit reatoratlpn to health after uting dr willtame pink pilla be waa particularly impressed witb ihia testimonial and ooncluded that these pilla must poilseta singular merit and healing powers or bev mr freeman wonld not lend hie name to their approbation tbe same week a lady frlepd from a distance the wife ot a droggiat wss a guost at hia borne and daring the vlsc he virtues of sr williams pink pills was a toplo ol conver sation the lady referred to their suooeea in tbe towo wfaere ebe realded and tbe demand fdr ibem npon ber buaband tbe droggiat mr hematreet then deoided to give ibem ft trial be first got one box then three then half a doaen and took tbem regularly no very marked effect wae potioeable hot witb charaoterietio persis tence be pnrobaaed a further aupply by the time twelve or thirteen boxes had been taken he felt that new blood waa oouraing through bia veins j tbat he possessed renewed vlkor and waa able to perform all tbe duties his business calls demanded for a year i oonttnued to isks the pills be said i knew i was regaining my old all kinds ofse gabden da in bulk for farm and tutpnpmallqei lawnorass etc our trees and ushes spraying b copper sulphate pabts green hellebore etc fishing tackle a full nssortment of rods loies books outs jlys leavers etc a t brown mhngel s66d evan- inqprorod aummoth s17 log mango ooidonpjoshodloijbkod mungol uaromatbliooyltod mangel grand intarmedlata yellow mango onamplon yollow globo manuel intermediate bod uangul auo- improved danish sugar lieot wblto blleaian lied top boat mrs rorer again mrs rorer says there should be no housecleaning that a house should be always clean all very well for mrs rorer in theory but what canadian housekeeper will agree with her during the cold and stormy winter when every crevice is chinked up and families gather round the registers while the wintry blasts are howling would hardly be a time for taking up carpets but when the gladness of the spring time manifests itself and the buds and the beasts undergo a thorough renovation is it not time for housekeepers to bestir themselves the goods you need are here from the carpet tack to the lace curtain at 8 per pair or at 50c if you want lower qualities art muslins are well colored this season they a works of art and surprisingly cheap 5c for good patterns 8c for others and 10c for best qualities art silks and sateens youd imagine they were handpainted so fine s been the engraving cretonnes and jute covefrings jap mattings and oilcloths curtain fringes and curtain muslins in white and colors our range was never so good curtain department upstairs come when you need the goods 1 urhi ulmtinentrttts one hoeewaqion for sale aliant ouq horbo wagon ia good repair for bali at a b renin niiply to tiiomab hamilton cor mill aud frederick btroete fishing preserves notice ia borcliy lon tbat flblilnaand enootlur 011 tlio atreouv ruunlng tbrouab tboeaat partor lota b0 01 and tlie ytctt part of lptailrftbe7thcon naeogawoyn are pro molted tfbbpaasors will bo prosoeutod under tbe ontario garuo laws w btaitk 1 or lcshccb acton may bui 1809 wanted agents in ivory district on tbe continent to take orders for blab grado canadian grown nursery btock and rljods largoat and most complete asaortmont in tbe trade past awlllqg pootaltlee aoporb sawplea furnished free correspondence q any langaago tbeae eoiltlona are money miltera and territory should secured at onoo for tlio season by all huatlor looking fot a good thing oor safatry or com mission offers interest to anyone- not earning 1000 00 per year uet in oommuplcation witb our nearest oqldo at opportunity to represent awenmtablisbed booae ability rnoro impor tant tbftn experience luke brothers company international nurseries chicago iii montreal que iloebester n v tbe ontario agriculture coll ego report saye f fatnong twentyiseven varieties of mangels grown for seven years id suooession at tbe agricultural college g sol ph tbe evjlh a max morn baw loo mamsbii occupies first place in averago yield ot roots per acre tho public are warned against dealers offer lng bvnn s saw log mangel seed for sale as i am tbe only- seeds man in goolpli that jou can purobase this seed from takv no otheh you want thm hmst james ucwer seedsman 46 maodonnell st quolpji- the insnltauts the frank doizsrler co cuelphs greatest store oxfords during tbe bol summer months when our cblef occupation is trying to keep cool we welcome tbe low shoe there is always a demind for tbem the comfort and happiness of some people make them a necessity two lines or special vazvx ladies oxfords pat tip pat facing 978 la tw b th aelftlp hoo- we keep the largest stock of highclass the shoes in the city tfeill the shoe man we give trading stamps cuelph 8 stores new prints at 9c five parcels of valuable property in acton f sal the follovlnaproperty bolooalng to mr patrick kbus now at buffalo is offered for aale at lqwnrfoes and easy terms fancar l that nnotitlok realdenee aud two lota on tbe corner of oburoh and quelpli itreeta oontatna 8 rooms bard and aoft water solenoid orehard ond good garden rents at from c7 to asjier month putoax9 the brlokjionse and lot on obnrah street bas seven rooina aoft water flood stable pincer s o5od bnlldlns lot 66x133 on anelph street next to alas llamahawe new realdenoe paaou ftta atore and dwelling on lull street ooenpul by unrney dros who carry on a general dainoas la in splendid looatloo central and convenient faboxi 5 throe good jinlldlng lota at iha oorner of yoang and mill stroeta a aplendld altefora manotaetorlnaeatabllahttient owing to ita proximity tao t b dopot for terma and partlonlars enqnlro at tha oflloa w b denitx yoqng st aeton of no matter whether you wont an interior or an exterior view of your home or one of the inmates we can insure you a pretty picture one that your friends will admire and carry realism of your home to those absent we take photos cither by sunlight or flftsftligtlf h rrihtshku photo ktist rcton preesive snndsy sohool addresl on bunday last he took for ilia subject lbs vrord habit andh6re tbe ttna ooo treat between good and bad habits tha atten dance is growing largereaoh bunday jfr ohaa oamble aitvnded lbs drat aonaal dinner ot company no 0 irne bffles given by capl iiangton to the n o otsoara and men of his oompaoy at the dominion hole aolorr on friday aranldg laat a very erfjoyume lira was epeiit by- all oapi iiinktonr la very popnlar with bia man and it goes without aaying that be will take a tall ootnpany into oamp at niagara ou jane dill unit orswsoo jr haa joit ooatplelwl tbe ersotlon of usw suutm grilling rnaoblne isli bulla oiktbatniav plan as the editor of a wlaoonain paper aaya wednesdays mall broogbl to ha a letter addressed 4 another tbe hon another ool one htv and the laat biq on tbe waytodionsrlaeoldoutally stepped on a womens dresa and aba addreited me tbna yon brdtel if all yourig women conld have the light sort of motherly advice much of fhe unhoppiness of the world would be f avdlded kr there arc two troubles in the way the girls hesitate to consult the nlothera arid the mothers really know onlya little more than the girls- coun- 1 sel of the best sort is at the command of ev ery woman and if the will promptly avail rtweerfi 1 t7 w he o it sh will won be re lieved of jier troubles tliousands of womenevery year write to dr r v fierce telling their symptoms and asking hia advice which la freely given without cost t for over thirty years dr pierce has been and js today chief consulting phy sician of the great invalids hotel and surgical institute at buffalo n v he b a specialist in the diseases of women and iajt favorite prescription has had the greatefteale of all medicines ever devisedafor the cure of the trouble iec3ufeniriiiie i svery- letter addressed to dr pierce is heldaacredly confidential and has the mqst careful attention 4so teeumonial letter if ever publlslied jtirtfll fhef wttten consent of its author srv tsmaereiltnst co j mfteenjrtanjralllnedua time strength and good health and i was determined ibe onre should be complete and permanent and i give them tbe credit for making me tbe new man i feel myself to be today 1 ceased taking the pilla over aix montha ago and alnoe that time have not taken a pill nor have i taken any other medlolne and why thonld if i bave no nnd for medlolne hoar ae evidence that my recovery is oomplete i have only to state that this iprlng i bave oondnoted a number of anotlon sales in the open air with perfect ease and with entire satisfaction to my ollents at tbe sale of tbe stock implements eto of tbe lata thos 3 booti eiqoeslog laat month i stood aud talked for live bonrs and oondnot ed a large and most auooetaful sale without a feeling of wtarinese lam as moon averse to making personal matters pnblio as any one could possibly be but my long continued illness wat so widely known and my recovery hsu been so marked and latiafaotory tbat i feel that i owe a debt of gratitude to tha simple but affeolive remedy wbioh oured me aud this is why i tbna aoknawledge jt as well st to ibdw to those who are op in years and in 111 health what tt williams pink pilla did for me t hcntmana hssdqebe powders are lndlapenaajle lu my honae i have given tbem to my friends and they nil tnnt to gettliem fiend me a bairdosen boxes p u iahson cut aeidra montour falls h y new english prints 1899 productions both as to cloth and patterns regular price iajc bargain price 9c blouses four dozen indies blouses worth 75c 65c and 50c sale price 35c summer hosiery our stock is complete fast block hosiery at lowestprlces new swis muslins lawns embroideries new waist silks bells belt pins blouse sets ribbons bargains in white wear will care any kind of hertdnolio z iti 90 minutes without cimihiiik s nny dlungrppablp after 0 licet v they nro pqtl by nil druggitu lu w lt9 ouvqlopesnuascc boxes q tiik iiorrif an iiilo ci 0 12j qub3siet go will st acton store closes monday tuesday andtijcrsday evenings ot 6 oclock an oakvillb enterprise we ebould not trade onr griefs for other psaplea jnya a friqhtful blunder will often oauao a horrible barn soahl eat or brulee aeklens arnioa salve tbe beat in ths world will kill tbe pain and promptly heal it cares eld aoree fever eoxes dicers bolls felons oorna all akin ernpllqne- only 3s ota a box onre guaranteed bold by j i mokee messrs hedley bhaw geo andrew john maooonald wm h rpeers jas matthews allan b ohiaholm and thoa 0 thtgaman are the provisional directors of the oakvllle navigation company limited whioh baa been granted a oharter by tbe ontario qovernment ths oompaoy in addition to carrying on the basinets of a steamboat and navigation company pnrpoaee eatablitbing a summer hotel and summer resort at or near the town of oakvllle tbe share capital of the oompaoy is plaood at 110000 divided into 4000 aheret of 10 eaob when birds sleep on tbe wing tbey nse feather beds white goods the season is nqwonlforwhite goods and we have just got in a large supply of the same we would be pleased to have the ladies come and inspect out stock and see what we can do for you this is our first season for these goods so our stock is clean and fresh they come direct from the factory cf ea thie lntereetttg plioo la now rapidly eomuw into promlneoee altnated aa it is in tbe heart pi tbebnntlntgronndaofuuakoka it la rtaehed by abakd tbunh bailway system from any point to rtonfavllle tbencoby turner orer the beautiful water of fairy ana p eolnfalar ieakes to graumero wberfl btery ftmflity ttclfta for reublns dlforqnt batrtv of the lake by mena of tho lake of tufa ay co anglera will find lbi a vritabl paradise and 000 wtoly be promised an abnodanot of ipeokled trout u the tmou of their efforts bxoeuent boteli ind boarding boumm will be foand here batei 91 and op- ward per day tickets foldara and all information from a t b agents or write h 8 holmes agent aoton m o dickson dirt passr- agtv toironto aotiya bolloltors wanted everywhere for w e8ti7orthffpbllippldesby klnrat hauiteaoommumonedby the ooterninsiib aa official historian to the war departmenlvtbo book waa written iu army oampi at ban fran cisco on thepaotflo wlto general herritt in th hospitals at hopolaln jn bong kong in tha amerfoan trenohes at manqa in tbe tnsqittent oomps with aralnoldo on tbe deejt of tho olympla wjth dewtty anl in tbe roar of battle at- the fall of manila bononta for agents brimfnl of original plotares takpn by gotern- wuui uon auuctaami f du star insnranoo botldint ohleogo speight a brad y mabufactnrera of sfe ztyxamos kltxtkic motors water motors aasolimcum oas sttaimtsbitassatbotr castoras to order repairing promptly done georketown ont ektauliiiibd 1b43 e uae may 11th 1899 hamiltons favorite shopping place a choice se of blouses our stock is complete nritl comprise n very large and comprehensive range of fashionable well made garments in all desirable fabrics including prim cambric muslin pique nnd sillc andtho best part of it is tbat tiey are selling at a great deal less than it would cost you to make up yonrself a few items elaeimxr at a t jr station h ighast cash prtoe for wheat oats peas barley rye buck wheat etc jl eonyenjenea ot farmers i will keep tbe i following klnda et goods on hand whleoi x s rook bottom qnalpb srleeam oornbblandsmlt salt land balc dairy and talbaltktrunanofaoldlpronroatnil oornmaaj bamfot bsrlvr uur and steal s andhmotby baed solsnr salts bsitpelre etc geo j thoep auxlpr mat roamood only three left we have only tared bicycles left spd have determined to clear tbem off at giveaway r prices they were sold at too yon have your choleetoday at 30 remember these wheels are fully uptodate t spray your fruit trees we havetor sale large double hose sprayer will spray 100 trees in one hour retail price us we will seir jt for graiid opportunity for a man who willjnaao a business of spraying trees we nsvealso small sprayers at f 100 to ixaj potatoes wanted highest price paid for potatoes in exchange sytcon bros con mill atiwun mrkl 7rqi t oornelina vanderblu has given ap tbe ase of wine ttbii meals and now drinks nothing bnt water a nar escape- thankful worda written by mrs ada e harti of grown 8d waa taken altb a bad oold wbiob settled on my longs oongb sat in and anally terminated in oonenjriptlod four dooiore gate me op r live bat short lime i jkntfstm r imin4 ltrtb i wonld meet my shunt oqe above rsrt noinpllon oongbt we have quite a large special lot of silk waists that we ore able to offer much under their real worth particulars silk walats various pretty colorings in fancy check and stripe patterns with full front and plaited back well made and lined worth 5 00 for 360 worth 3 75 for 250 1 worth ts 73 for so0 print blotises with full front yoke back adjustable collar new style sleeves in a large variety of patterns and shades fast colors so0 dress goods bargains navy serge all wool 40 inches wide regit lar value 33c special at 2oo shot lustres 46 inches wide in seven different colorings regular 40c for 2bo shepherd chock dresa goods in black and white five different sited checks good quality fast dye regular 50c spools 26o departnwn 1 we prepaythe charges 1br tyfo vlgoraaux suitings all wool 31 inches wide in fawns greys bines and greeha peclalat qoo cambric bloases with double pofrlred yoke back and front fancy plslds and stripes in bine mauve pink and green 750 chambrsy and mtdras blontet in beau- ilfpl new ttriped designs lam variety 01 colorlngi perfect fitting thoroughly wejl made sloo a patterni very much under regular value 68 inci redar soft tor jflivo 6s nch mnlar oocr v lng v made of or ld unbleached 800 ly in hamilton does use our hail order for slld yellow horaetooth rqo a bushel mam south white boo red c6b ensilage 6 60 early learning 7o0 also mammoth cuban wis early while dent stlzars north dakota clouda early yellow comptons early early butler and 20 other kinds we carry largest stock in city ai so buckwheat rape seed turnips etc garden seeds 3c pkt 10 for 35c im

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