Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 11, 1899, p. 3

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k the bank of hamilton charteb granted 1b72 anan obtioa hamilton ont capital all paid up 1 25000000 reserve and surplus profits 80000000 total assets 91200000000 j turnbuix cashiek savings department interest paid at best current rates and added to principal without waiting for pass book to be presented any sum may be withdrawn by simply sending in a written order with the pass bpok no formalities no delay the government returns show that this bank gives to depositors four million dollars of seourity oer and above every cent due to the public farmers notes of responsible farmers discounted money loaned to feed cattle etc tarmers sale notes collected promptly and advances made on account of same at a low rate of interest security courtesy fair bates every banking facility afforded which can be obtained in the city or elsewhere correspondence solicited the news at home mostly of a looal otiaraotsr and every item interesting ceorcetown branch utabtainsd ovsn twsntt tubs j p bell agent ft jtft0it fttb ttbs thubbday mat 11 1890 utile lo b whioh caught the byes or bars of free press reporters this week all day long the little drueae plays among the loafy trees when tbo san statu iq tbo west iilttlo breesos go to rest open sir flowers are plentiful frui tre ar ahlnnm s the put month has been exceptionally dry aprlng weather the little lambkins leap and run in the fresh green pastures j w colo has the oontr o sprink ling the streets of georgetown at 90 cents a day 1 mr e holmes drover is shipping two oari o live stook from aoton this week summer birds gladden the toiliog world agsin with their profoilve sylvan soog eaqueaing township cpnnoil will meet as a oonrt of revision on friday 6h may ji baysrs naaaagaweya la supplying georgetown coonoll with cedar planks at u pit 1000 it it the intention ol the council to lay another piece of oement walk on mill street this summer the orapgeville jjanner has been enlarged and otherwise improved bro mogqlre is an energetioand np todate newspiper man georgetown band hsa been voted w by ths connoil xbey mnit in return give s weakly open air oonoert nntil 27th september next the journalistic ohiokeu at milton was shortlived seventeen weeks was the the entire length of its lifetime the standard is dead uk the bank of toronlo has opened a braooh in stayner the private bank of j o mceeggie a co was taban over by the obwtered bank new timbers and planking are being pot in for the overflow at the power house dam and the front of the dam will be iaoejjl villi a dry wall of stone p a ease or two ot sows grazing on the treats ootothered aud unattended have ooourred tbs past week the mnnloipal officer has the ponnd key and look well i ou who say aoton isnt a pretty plaoe now clean streets 1 beautiful shade trees attractive lawns homelike homes and jpoipllable people all oharaoterjzs the if p 8 b ahoand which was mnob prised by w its owner dropped dead on tbe ooruer of lli and willowstreet on monday horning it gave evidence of having been x poisoned 1 1ti the township suoday sohool moonventlon- will be held at mantewood kiblrtday lotb a week from to morrow tqflodivprsotloal speaks and hearty jiospiuly are in store a- twn tennis olnb is tbe latest jjtgaoflltlon to sssnre qoarters in the pdbllopark tbe new court it likely to sttraofenomerous iovert ot this geiitle- paamyfiot la floe weather ssrterib bt abraham vb d of fbditldwtihaa nsl deollned an offer to jptwprlnolpalahlp of the brentford mlegevpreferring to remain in tbe alojllpgioii 7oe siistfondg nasri by the name of route tytaajne here from wiarton a oouple of as ago 10 work in the tannery got jjls iluooloaughtin thahout tbe otbet day kd hat been nursing it sinoe pl ajintms is on foot for the erection of ioldeidew ticket offloa and est of ommiuse and laoroase glob in the mat tar jointly 6kf afforded holiday for tbs jjobllobohoolt early in the mas wer planted and 100- j of the pupils went kaox church cammnuldu tho oomranuion torvfoea in knox oharob were very interesting liov a blair b a of noaaagawoya preached tbe proaomrnnnion aermons on friday morning aud evening the aaorament waa administered on bunday morning and in oonneotfon with tho service twelve new members were received the hew baptist church tbe bolldlng committee for tbe baptist chnrou bave deolded to employ tbo services of mr j franola brown archi tect toronto plans for tba new edifice will shortly be aobmitted and it is expected tbe work of exoavation at the oornar of mill aud elgin streets will commence within a few weeks wflo has tie night 0 way it is a wellestablished prinoiple ol law tbat in- oroaalnk streets or highways tb parson on toot bat the right ot way driv ers and bioyole ridert should always bear this faot in mind it is law and if you injures pedetttrian by oarelesa driving or riding you are reaponalble lot it a person ia not required by law to rtfn across tbe street to keep ont of the way of vehicles and bioyalea tbe drivers arnd riders ars tbe ones to look ont for a dear traok lacrosse aore froepeots for a feat laoroaae team in aoton tbia aeaaon are bright judging from the intereat taken by citizens generally and the good form shown by tbe large tornout ot stick handlers each evening the cresoenta will be ooqaidsrably strength ened by msssrt shields and morrison of last wintera famous gnelph nationals hookey team who havs situations here at friday nights meeting the tesma manager will be appointed aleo a delegate to tbe meeting of tbe bojal diatrfot executive to be beld at guelph jbiectrlolnn beynolda successor mr q l kitchen of wiarton has been engaged to succeed mr w b reynolds ss eleatrioian and engineer in oharge ot the oorporatiou eleotrlo lighting plant mr kitohen will assume the position in a few daya be eotnes to acton very blgbly reoomniendedboth at to his tkill ip tbo rlmnnni nf itin flnll nf iii pnalunti a merited and popular appointment mr w h xonng of oakvllle took charge of the pott offloe of that town laat week having boon gazetted to the vaoanoy which has existed aevoral months the previous saturday this appointment is a popujar one not ouly at oakvllle but throughout the county mr young is a wortby and honored sneuesapr to the lute mr b aimer who beld the position for so many years he enjoys the esteem of the people throughout tbe county aud owing to bit long residence and ootivo interist in pubtlo affaira4there is no section of halton where bit name it not a honaeliold word we congratulate our titter town upon the appointment of so highly esteemed a gentleman to publlo office our canadian birds the nature study service in tho baptist church last triday eening nnder the auspices of tbs young peoples union deserved a larger aadiauos than assembled tbe subject our birds was treated in a vary interesting manner rev w 6 moalpiue b a the pastor gave an instruotlve geological hlstpry of fossil birdt the pspera by the young people of the georgetown union on birds and their relation to agriculture migration ot birds and hornet ot birdt were read by miss graham mist warren and rev mr mcajpioe t r forbes gave an excellent sddreti npon the alliterative subjeot sylvan bong and springtime sentiment much information of value upon tbo subject of our birdt wit crowded into the two faoore devoted to the service coming and going visitors to and from aoton and varlousother personal notes rockwood the annual meeting of the members of the mechanics institute was held on monday evening at the reading room the treasurers report waa read and officers for the ensuing year eleoted another concert bv tbe minstrel olab will be given abont tbe 24th of this month the annual report thowe the library with a balance on hand and no liabilities the number of volumps issnsd for tbe year waa 2871 the number of members of the library for latt j ear was 115 everton and to bis oharaoter at a trnstwortby and esteemed citizen ot wiarton of which town he has been a resident for a number of years the past four years he has had charge ot tbe plant of lbs wiarton eleotrlo iilrht co and the fact that be has not had a stoppage of the machinery while tbs lights were on in a period of nearly two years as stated in one of his testimooisls is ample evidenoe of his competency mr kitchen is a married man and will removs bis family here at once an expensive sptii contraotor wiijlami oommenoed bis sesaons work of sprinkling tbe streets early monday morning with a fine oew sprinkling outfit when coming np tbe mill street hill at clarks mill with tbe seoond load tho rear axle broke and tbs weight of water in tbe tsnk crowdsd tbe sprinkling apparatus into tbe ground both tbe tank and the sprinklers were broken end it took a couple of days to make the neoeaaary repaira dablraqaeeat birthday plcnlo the seventh annual dublin pio nio will be held in danoan modoogalls grove op queens birthday the programme will inolnde tripping the light fantastic games and sports and a plonlo tea prizes wilt be given tor running high jump with pole smoking race three lagged raoc running hop step snd jump egg raos and turning the cable acton jubilee orchestra will dltoourse music tbe events ol ths after noon will commence at two ootoqk hbtr it happened how did this happen 1 asked the aur- geon hs dressed the wound in bfseheek and applied a aootbing poultloe to the damaged eye ot a ollisen the other day got bit with a btone replied thepatient who threw it my my wife was the reluctant answer hum its tbe first time i knew a woman to hit anything she aimed at muttered the snrgeon she was throwing at the neighbors hens whioh were scratching np ths garden wo bad just made exolalmed the sufferer i was behind her bolton historical society it baa been thought desirable to form a hiatorioal society for halton county to oolleet all possible information abont tbe early settlement social religions political and educational progress agricultural toolatlss fraternal orders early records of townships births marriages deaths or sny other records of interest wherever and whenever available david boyle esq of toronto bat kiodly promised to attend a meeting for organisation at milton and give valuable assistance on tuesday even ing may 16th t 7 oclock contmqnfon sad reception service sanday waa a day of muoh interest to ths oongregsllon of the methodist ohdrch at lbs morning tervloe tbe aaorament of baptism was administered to two candi dates and the right of iellowthip was extended to twentytbree nsw rosmbets sixteen other new members were received during ths quarter the eaorameul of the lords topper was dispensed at lbs close of the evening setvloe to an sensually large number of oomronnioants hot william bryere assisted he pastor in the various ceremonies during ths day st aubmna charon and scoter 31 1 mr g a abbott baa sold ber dwelling house and lots to mr g robinaon the ihil mr ahdehon the lives in it purposes bloksn sn engaged in other diversions jjrinior epworlh league will i tiifir seoond anniversary with an jjeol in the 4 methodist sohool jjtnorrow ovinias an eoter- gramme has been arranged and fcspeoplo are invited to be the fitjgblph pavement company flpltbt granoilthle walk hen last smtiolrfved lbs oontraot from ths frrjnoilboirdi el ameethu iss layiaoo00o feet of oemsol wisn town mosr tbe work will mpiiomrs champion 8p leavre vrnnrr ahoemaker who moving to erin the first of june when mr bobinton takes possession the local union of the epworth leagues and christian endeavor societies will be held at stone obnfobljn may 25lb tbe president and seorelary at craigsholm are sparing no trouble to bave ao interesting and profitable evening questions are asked for for the qaeatlon drawer our ministers are both making ex changes nextsunday bev e l orawtord of aoton preaohea for the diaolples and bev s vf holden ot rockwood for the methodistt a number ot apeckled trout aeekers arc to be seen around the dam and on the way tp the river these days mr and mrs wm foster of erin spent sunday with ber people wm abbotts ent rance examinations the exsminstion for the entrance to the high school and public sohool leaving will be held on jane 2hch 20th and 00th pupils may write on these examinations ia this county at georgetown milton and oakvllle notes and jottings wallace mathews abont 27 years of age oommitted snioide at rtdgoway by taking a dose ot laudanum ths tax rata in london qot baa been fixed at 38 mills whioh la asid to be tbe highest ever collected there the montreal cotton opperatves have accepted an increase of g per cent on their wages and returned to work tbe bouse ot commons estimatea inolude fm600 for ths dredging of oshvllla harbor and tho0o0 for rspaira to the plsrt at burlington beaob the steamer lake bjiperior has arrived at quebeo with about 1200 doukhobora on board tbo- brasilia has arrived at halifax with 1400 gallolant tbe silting of tbe division gonrt held herb lsst xbursday had a light docket ths crescent lacrosse club will play an exhibition game at gait on tbe queens birthday ths annual meeting oi tba synod of toronto and kingston of the presbyterian church ia in session ioaafinox oburob toronlo several local baseball admirers saw tbe opening game between stratford and gqelph at onelpb yesterday a meeting of all interested in the proposed lawn tenls club will be held in tbs counoil chamber on friday ovenlng at eight oolook tbs oariyoloiing movement is4 working well all tbe merchants who aptered into tbe agreement with the exception of a couple who claim to have miaunderstoood the intention ol iho committee are religiously obaervlng the matter etvcioslng at six p m tbe faaa pnasp invites all lit readera to oon tribute to tbia column if yon or your triends are going away on a holiday trip or if you have friends vlalting yon drop a oard to tbe fnxos pnssa mrs nolap left latt week to visit btr son at bar harbor mlob mitse freeland of waterlod visited aoton friends this week mr 3 o matthews returned from a months viait in toronto mr luther lyman of toronto is spending a few days in town mr 8 powell ol guelph visited bis daughter mrs t 13 bsoord this week mtyor deacon ot milton was in town on monday vleitiog ths public sohool mr a e nloklin left laat week or a business trip to montreal and quebec miss momaster ot onelpb was tba goost this week of bor litter mrs 1 d moeee mr john matthews waa in brsnlford laat week and returned home on monday miss mina walker came home ill from berlin a week ago she is alowly recovering bev j k godden m a attended tbe pioceaan snnday sohooj convention at milton on tuesday mr era hamilton ia home from the school ot prtotloal science toronto for the anmmer vaoatlon mr j c dunn returned last week after apending a oouple of weeks holidays with triends at montreal a number of acton friends attended the funeral of tbe late charles f gibbons at glen williams last thursday mies prisst of toronto returned home on tuesday after spending a week or to at the borne of btv wm bryere mr thomas gamble and family bave taken np their residence lu their newly acquired home on church street mr aea hall returned last thursday from penetangnishene wbero he waa ths guest of hi son exmayor z a hall during the wiuter mouths miss lisse qardlnat who baa bsea- home for a week returned to toronto on monday evening mrs gardiner has gone with ber for a visit judge mdglbbon of brampton and bailiff w h rulledge of cookavllle were up to fifstbrooks flsh reserve for a day s sport on tuesdsy they got it mrs mokesgoe ar and mian mckstgue left latt week for their home in wsltsnd- porl master herbis moksagua went boms with them to spend a month or so there mr and mrs f h smyth oame np from toronto saturday evening mrs smyth and children will spend a tew weeks at the home ot her father reeve pearson mr cbss r crowe tbe cellist who played at tbe lacroias olnb conoerl reoently is one of the leading rifle shots ot canada and a member ot ths canadian bialey rifle team tbia year mrs rosa who has been visiting ber daughter at st albans parsonage the past week leavss in a few days for harriston to preside over the rectory of ber son there bev j h boss b a mrs mann who is leaving today to to join her brother at nsw tork desires to express hsr sincere thanks for the kind sympathy and help received from numerous friends here during the recent illness snd desth ot her fstbsr tbe late wm itmond a wtll as for their aid in settling np the affairs of the estate sinoe leaving ths continent the misses deaooo ot milton spent three weeks in the british isles visiting bldeford bristol birmingham stratford edinburgh glas gow tublin belfast aud londonderry whence they sailed on the 5h lost by the dominion steamer vancouver for quebec and montreal they were delighted with stratford it was thronged with visitors from all parts of britain and tbs united states to join in honoring shakespeares memory during festival week april 23rd etc tbey spent a bight in ths old falcon where sbaketpeare bad many johnson entry wettman haiti his iii day a doctors examination might shotu that kidneys liver and stomach are normal bat the doctor cannot analyze the blood upon ivhich these organs depend hoods sarsnpnrllln purifies ltallzcq and enriches tho blood it cures you when a bit off or when seriously afflicted it netcr duappomtt rheuttiatlern- i bulevo hoods sar saparilla has no equal for rheumatism it haa done me more good than any other medicine j have token mas patbicx kekniv ilrampton ont noted tea store ohika palace and bad c0hbtlatter my long illness i wes very weak and had a bad cough x could not eat or sleep different remedies did not help me but hoods tarsaparllla built me up and i am now able to attend to mjr atoik mfhf nt jaooxs okbsno ont iitiiijiiijumiitisrattt itatlbsaaj clover and timothy seoj clover and timothy seed is cheap this year examine our samples before you buy china palace special in tinner sets 5 only 97 piece dinner sets while and a traced regular price sio do special it pays to buy at bollerts it pays to buy at bollcrls gob price 87 00 blue and pink dor- 5 only 97 piece othy regular price u 50 special price 910 oo 5 only 97 plexe royal green cromar illuminated and cllt 11 00 5 only 97 piece pink and hop and rose big snap brown 7 00 10 groba tumblers regular price 30c doz for 25 full aaaortmcnt qf tgifot sols at all plcai j a mcorea qtoitsto- w jhlbtatio 8hb9p dip 4a iho mott highly oonoeotnfttxl ud ijlroona utufmtory dip in th jnkifor odiiqg iub dtseww id ctua and dmtroj 3 itii powerful without twins barth and imnaoahte la alnot it irritating rotolu claret bore brnum shear cqu blnaworm qangrue bad lice skin worm and scab qolokly rldi tbe tanlmal of all wfibou any vermin mr a a brodla batbaida ont taya i oied 1 with groat aaooew ia oaitrating iambi the waah dealing the wound rapidly and keeping the magaota away i ihall nevorbe without it and oooaidar it lio boat prepara- ratlbn of ita kind in the market orvromstmaar the pickhatilt benfrew co limited stouffvlllo ont chas l nelles wal1 paper with us this year is the vastest never before that has been very general regret la tell that owing to lit health bev j k godden m a the popular pastor ot si albsns ohurob is obliged to give op bis work entirely or at period of rest and special treatment hi nervous ayatemia seriously affected and kit eyes sra also giving serious ironbls mr godden left last evening or olifton springs n y and will romsln at the tanltariorn there at leaat three months duilug bl sba ths te at h albans aoton and 81 johns ftooksrood will be conducted by mr gordon of trinity ifaoliere ht ijordou preaobed here last sunday and tbs oopgrsgatlon sra delighted with him it la tinesraly hoped tbelbsv mr godden will return lo his ohargst wllh rjnswed health and vigor i anbtkeraged kemidant gone oavbnbdsyvefling the sprit ol jebb- mppoliguiiwvwded with his ton hnjh breatfatd htt iau he bad retehsdsie hfl mf p wm j a halt sfr modoogallwaa bora n thfj ills of ftlay 8ooind esme io ada pfsgops ortt ssttl cblngaoouay arid tbeu rtmovatd to 0n mmuvat to tr7 36t bttiv ifvwi j i ii t to tub dur- a riob jady cored of her deafness and noises in the head by de nicholsons artlflml bar duma haa sent 000 to bis institute ao tbat deaf people unable to procure tbs ear drums may havs them free apply to department k b tho inatitute longooll gunners- dory london w england mokar to loik fsoo lo 115000 to loan on farm property at 5 per cent apply to i b moliod solicitor george town miaaea beld and eattsrson ars prepared to receive orders lor dressmaking at iheltr rooms in dre niokllns boast oornsralan and mill streeu aoton v jrf ju1- ryproyinc rep hijnlitoils marble works quelpb ia tbe sosnvulnatvaolivs operations ttj present flijwtlljilp hortly monunints lor jmfibainla bidgetown iiqndpn pmpltoiibkratloed gait and ipiptlf iolletler indieatlbn of the itvirprk and mjiterjajaupplltdby reliable eatabllshntenfi than tworasrt frono atohunoe w ivtatr jjubu4i1ln tbs algi shipment oiwssdlsh b oranltshmfaet bwn rserind idtt a nnmber of iltraclive new whasje b ths rldtrt f tt isnt tbs hush krfj suoh quantities suofpq ual ities r suoh prioes suoh designs suoh colorings j d mokec is our agent in acton and shows the complete line at prices that excel all he also has lovely mouldings to match l-sehim- at robert nobles flour feed and seed 8toro ronnies impjnved newdmniah sugmr beett turnips senates prir purple top xlephmnt htlps wcatb tiry mamcie8 jvewr oiaat rellawr mammoth yejloir carrots improved w2ie the populhr store illustrations are not needed to show how this store with its brightness and persistency and low prices and strict atten tion to business is making itself felt in the community and then there are the other stores they are be tween us arid some of you they are not asleep they would like you to thjnk t sellr fnr li i than wernow and then some inferiwrre may give the semblance of truth to such a pretence but good reliable wearable goods never conflict with us in values the simple fact is we do better for you than others because we want to and can were not greedy after big profit prices are reason able and everything we advertise is exactly as represented you can judge this store by values in lace curtains carpets art muslins oilcloths window drapings rugs aiid flousefurnishings of all kinds suppose a merchant concludes to add to his business tactics sincerity does the best he can for his customers on the whole and manages so that every salesperson can and shall do his best for his customers every one of them is there any end to the business he will gather when people find them out e r 3611ert fe go 25 and 27 wyildliam st guelph r dwart essex jtmpo seed sprhy rutors to spray to buy right to strike a snap during may we will offer a bargain in spray pumis vi-s- littjle giant same as cut or the america barrel 350 cod 900 cod merry meeting with fisp i they also relieve distress from dyapeptla indigestion and too hearty eatlnj a per feet remedy for dlnlness nausea prowsi nets badtasteinthe mouth coated tongue pain in the side torpidijq they regulate the bowels puidyjvefrtabte mat pin man dow mall prloo substitution tho fraud of tho day see you get carters ask for carters insist and demand carters little liver pills write the ont wind engine and pump co limited rtlrntic rub toronto mk-l- fl- illwslms m iss isi ssfc a clothing talk the well dressed have a decid ed advantage over the slovenly notice the reception given a man who is careful of his appearance ho is preferred in business offic jn social life aud everypkee where men do congregate our cheap suits fit as well as our best ones because they are all shoreys ready tailorc i make the cloth is thoroughly shrunk in the cheapest as mell as the best aud the same c tec card accompanies all we sell this make cf good because experience teaches us that m thing topj ioj f the customers v li ve and it 113 to gie value h6nd6rson si co weill st bcton yulg fesiestsellmg we have ever known ha left us with en assortments in nearly every department fbf our business of course theres new goodsfi constantly coming on but these broken assort imenta must go in our housefarnishingq department we offer for this week more thanm tme hundred pairs of creams white and ecri ace carteinsjjn z 2 and sometimes 3 dairiom mt f iheife former price m 0es jfhis gffer inresjf y8u d e mfr ialddaro golden jlion guelph fljmrks mqiiev for you there is money for you in buying tefl clothing it will cosi ybtlllcsilj tlicycar and you wilt be better dressed in the bargain than if you wear any pthcr wake ents ar orn put j t slv wears well it lioldvit shape there is 110 stinginess of iiiaierials tliera is no slciifiipiiie j in its woajkwnship 1 n s u 1 1 i 1 rn 1 4l sail thottsndstliojbcat dressed men and boys m canada woroy8 owuiug j r v i v i tho taking of photographs by atnati ts on cameras and pnotogrnphinj become a favorite pastime with many young meats on cameras and photogrnpl become a favorite pastime witn nu majority only take them for tho peasure it g pictures but many of these actually make a pay for the material ysed and bave the pleasure and the pictures o the good ilmplified by improve if taking pictures has of course the large themselves and others who desire their pictures but many of these actually make a prdfit out of it or at least make enough to trial t fingib thbjbw9llbr guelph keeps in stock cameras ail complete outfits of the best makers and during the past year has sold over fi ft cameras the prices run from fifty cents for the niagara junior up to say the reversible 1 ifty dollirs we sell most at 5 and 10 though and keep our stock of cameras is as large as any kepi in any largo back premos and koronas at fifty dollirs we sell most at 5 arid 910 every kind of materials used our stock of cameras is as cty and are mid at the fame prices send for catalogue sale io percent discount kenney bros dominion boot shoe store main st acton have the largest slock ol dots and shoal ever put in their store and are determined to dispose of it in the shortest possible time to accomplish this they have decided for tho next thirty days to sell at io per cent discount for cash this will ghe yon boots and shoes at vcrv low cost and in the case ol supplying a family will amount to a very material redaction our lines of all styles and sizes are complete and we can suit every customer we have a good variety of trunks and vaiisos at prices lower than you are accustomed to have quoted to you ctttscom warjr anot repmirinjr neatly and promptly done as usual laamarr bros acton a deoiped aik of distinction t characterizes the man who wears our swell style infine hats you can pick our fine quality fashionable block and rich colors in derbys alpines and blacks from the crowd every time for style and finish they are un excelled our perbys at 200 250 anljour r llqhtfedollas at 250 are prices that should tempt the good dresser and they do7 judging by our hat sales this season on price raw merchant tailor j and mens furnisher

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