Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 11, 1899, p. 4

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7yt tv ijffli l fflffiv iry i i wjrt ii ii woirtayyijxi4 ityii riimiigppgsbip mbtt jest over one hun- dredhoamwijimeacach jday 1 oho hundred thouwndcuppllesofy good or bad- bipod to your brain fhch uit iv if bad impure blood tlien your i bralri aches you ere troubled with drowslnessyctcannotcleep you are is tired in ho morning as- at night you have no- nerve power your food dees you but i little good fl sflmuunts tonics hcsdicbeb powders cannot cure yea i jwtejji j wilt it makes tho liver kidneys i skin and bowels perform their m proper work ltremessh im purities from tbe blood and it makes the blood rich in its life- giving properties ttfhamton rooovony you wlibe more rapldjy cured if you will take a laxative dose of aybrs plua each night they arouse the sluggish liver and thus icure blllptisness ivoliavo las somao alio un b iikvo wratn uiul twiiw loslva aarrleaa of tbs man with too many irons id the ire is sort to take obo by lbs hot and rod and wnlta mat and bright bloom of tbaappletrd oer the sodv smile and nod b pnntlf at fair and tree throngh the blsht in thought shod bythe vernal nood- throngb the darin the ray oast by the ann athoon tynlte and reft overhead bloom of thaaple tree- at ray feet fair and sweet spreading- a rog for me qnlokly fled then inatead boon aball i looking ae treah addfalrrloh and rare fruit of the apple tree lalla hitchdl surprised t m lived therifcjl lithe girl who la rapidly eaneing her tauiera bar to assume the oolor o the driven enow the other day the looked op at him from betweenhii knee and salted papa was it a wlis parson who laid the good die young tim said the rousing man i gooee vs well she went on after thinking it over for oome limp im not so much aarpriaed about yon bat i dont eeo how mamma ever managed lo st grow id op wanted a pair of sovpeodera for tho breaches or promise r a barber to abave the face o the earth a bar for the bed of the ooean- and another tor the oradle of the deep a dentin to work on the jaws of death oea bbraea to feed from the trough of the eoev a few atedailroin tbo flower of speech a pair of corsets for the waste of lime h18 explanations my wife said the tall lanternjawed womanly as yoa cbnld oan hammer nails like man la aa find but aha lightning wbnderfql iv sang the chorus eilghtdlog the tall lanternjawed roan continued seldomhtrikeatwioe in the earns plane untimely nap what time did tho hotel oaloh fire midoigbl everybody get oat aafely f all eioopt the night watohman wo oonldnl wake urn up in time boston traveler a model yo ma virtues a model yooog mans characteristics are honesty of speech respectability of oarrlags industry of mind and oonaider- atloo for otbsrs with these a joong man la an model aw t la given for an earthly being to be edwjlbd box in laditthtmt journal the danqbr of it it la sometimes generally pretty near always hard to tell which wsnm vseatlon wbrbt the prisoner or hiaeonjraa7ailbbi iitii wiola area all the lima owing to impoverished blood ehonld take hooda sarsaparllla to purify and enrich tho blood and git him vitality and vigor iijsiiiivij a good spring medoino la a neoessiiy with almost everyone hoods sarsapii- illn i what the millions take in the apring its great power to purify and enriofa the blood and bnlld up health is one of the facts of oommon experience pftlnes celery compound does a wondrous work for every rimclovvn man and woman there ia no proflt in letting oowa open the paitorea too early while the groond is aoft and the graua bat fairly alerted wait until there la a good bile drlowa wonn byrhp is anoh avslmplei safe and effoctaal remedyfor worms of all kinds that no other ahbujdm uyed no porgative needed afterwards price 30o old we wither nnder the amile of an lady wb6 wears false frizzes aind cast derlson op an old man who dyes bla board i befnte all aqbatltotaa or imitations of thegenalnadrfowlers bxlraot of wild btrawkrryriiioatof thossareabsolotoly dangerons i that the woman who marries a man to reform him ehonld first learn the washing business in order to keep him in beeri vivi-iifc- vr ijbsk vjiaffpjei the oabmahdrivea away bla costomers bdtkeeps thematill v afi dr asnews ointment will soothe coql willi the skin f abl from kohjng bhrainghndlaeasfisso1i asfossmaj tetteit itch aalt rhoom soald head and olher dlatrestldg eroptlons one appylbatlon of dr agoowi oiotmont will 30ahoh jthe are ijiveinttarit relief and oomfort tired feejlngs i theae two worda oover a mnltltade of dangers and perils and ebonid when fa jly comprehended be takebaa serioas warnings- tired feelings result from a vitiated and deranged ocoditlon of the blood- and nerve which causes a general weaknete of the entire system conatlpation is ninai- ly one of ths dominant iroobloa digestive iigor is laoktagysppetito is poor and sleep linijwfwainjjei to unlah tlredeoellngp the bipod mnatbo oleaoaed and purified and the nerveei toned and hrsced the foundation work is eaaily and qnlok- iyrexwbmpllahed by using pslnes celery compdobd the worlds femooa apring tnsdlelne thlt noted remedy porely tegelsvbls plsatant to the tsste is in every ease joatwhatlboiaimed for it it is the mesprinamedjolne that bur beat physi- esns vonoh for it is the great health restorer andstreogtb giver that the best people of canada talk about in the home and on the atraet a few bellies of painos celery com ponrd- hied dnelng the month of may will banlalt all troubles thai regnlarly eohtrib- ute tb and iii health if yon are nervoaeileepiesa have lodlgeetion dyapepsianenralgie heart tronble kidney or liver affeotloor yonr dootor or drngglet will it asked promptly sdvise the nee of palnee celery compoond when hopes oonb lifes not worth the living south american nervine restoree hope end perfeot health four years ago annie paiteruou of baokvllle n b bad a veryaerioua attack of la grippe which left her wiih a vory aonte form of atomaoh trouble she bail abonk ittven up lippa of aj permanent onre when svnth american nervlnowaa reoom- mended tp uer she procured i aod in a very abort time experienced wonderful relief after taking lx boltlea aha waa abaolntely cured shenja i believe it to- be the moat eoeotive remedy fur atomaoh trouble in lbr market sold by a t brown mans fall la ofteu attributable 1 banana peel pain censed firat dny mra mary odell 262 dunn ave toronto wriloe i have uaed milbnrns bhaumatioplllaand they cured me of a jovero allaok of bhenmatlatn- the pain osaasd after the fint days trial of the remedy a woman la never so pleavetf that it ttorms aa when ber newfrock has tailedto come hoinend ahe couldnt have worn it anyway 1 la o v will in tnousande of cases have to flbht catarrh unless dr asrriews catarrhal powder i used to prevent the sowlnar of the seed the wife of a prominent pnyetoian of toronto was a victim of catarrh in its woratform she tried almost every treat ment known in the world of jroediqine without receiving any lasting benefit hearing of the slmoai miraculooa cures made by dr agnews catarrhal ppwder sbeproenred fti persevered in ita nse for sight months and waa fully restored and allsynaptomaof the disease eradicated from her system bbesaya afler years of suffering i rejoice to be freed name given on applicstlon sold by a t brown the shah of persia a very amualng story ia told about the shab of perais it sppears that daring the winter months the litte oolony ofj sixty or ieventy english people at teheran organise oohoertt for ope anothers amaae- tmentt therehai dsnoe now and ti lha ijegttion and on cbristmu night etery kngliahmsq in the plaoe la a gneat of sir mortimer sniliady dorand when the weather is cold of conrae here is skating bmtlng is the greatest marvel of all to the psraisna a few yoara ago the late shah nairidin taw twenty skaters twirling and curling and spinning grace- folly on the ice ho waa amuied- he thought it wonderf nl the next day ho sent id the ijegationahd borrowed a dpxen psirs ofskalea these he made his mlniaters pat onsnd then attempt to skate da the lake in ike pelade groaqds- the poor miouterswere terribly diecomflted- bat it waa twice aa much as their heads were worth to refute his majesty wss morcamased than ever andbe nearly bad an apopleotio fit f rom ianghing of course moat aonlptorsobuld oarve a joint moat foondera could cast a abadow or a glsnoe mosftblsoksmitbs could forge a obeok it they wanted most artists oould draw a breath most bnildert oould build a oaatle in the akv bat tailors never measure ahonae for a oostof paint pjcjb if e up tsiiiii siory iif iioiulon tliifb contnlnlng condonsod wlstlojua for thousantlfl abakor living at 357 dundns stroot iiondon out goo roberts by name eooomraond doans kidney pills becaueo they cured him ho had pain in tho bauk his uriiio wa vedcolored and- painful in passage the cure through doans- kidnev pillb was qulok ahdoomplato thats how thoy always act beoaubq theyre for kidneys onlyi if you hnvo slok kidneys dont experiment with an unknown rorpody r- take ne subatltutii fop doans kidnev pilla j time is money bqt we nave all we want of it- jr do you wnut comumption are yoa really look in k for it iuvitin it t then py no attention to yonr hacking coogh and your weakthroiit you can prevent it tboukh tke hoot fa emulsion early when the dough firi besinb blience in golden but lb pays agents to talk oo liver troubles biliousness itillbw oom- plezlon yellow eyes jaandloe eto yield to the carat i ve powers of laxaljvet plls thoy are sure to cure woman maynotbe able to throw stones and hit the mark but bey are all right babvs t m our baby got biillukorrookrd bp today ha wfcb crawling ubontpver trjo floor after bib red- andwhite lull yben suq gave bor rookiiirohair a su ilrn lilt and then we heurd from baby i ho cried aa loud an il the flbfiers bad betti cut off and that provoked sue nqw robert weil font kinii nuo imicf ih u pretty bharp voiut what in the ueo of makidg all that noieo i dont brieve it harts half as raqoli hb yoti make bellove do slop soreamid but the bttuy only cried louder ihnu before never mind rubby mid fan if youll letop orying ill get you a bqrur cake a real- big one the baby paused a mine to and looked arouiidont of the cdrnera of hiawet eye- lttihes but aa no oukea wt re in eight he kept oo crying fan went cffdigaettds if hell not fit op for a oake ahe said uoif not stop for uuytbiug im judt ki to let him cry till he gets tired then little fred titsgow carae in fred iiour u xtdoar miubor wbyi baby ho cried wliuta the matifrr there exclaimed sue are rouihg the nclkbborbood hobby t and then baby took a fresh start hold on dob said the newcomer ive got rdraethin between my lips that will oare the wort bart that ever war want to try kt baby rubbed the tears away with bia well hapd and nodded but yoa must shut yoar eyes said fred if yon see what it is itll not do any good baby sorewed up lit a eyes tight and then felt something aoft fall on hia fingere like a rose leaf and heard a gentle sound like only one tbiug in tbc world its nqffin but a tias he cried open ing his eyes but he was a mil log ftll over bis face and lh qogero were well viwijatssfei what is castorla ts dr sumuol ivicuors proscription for infents and children it contains ueltlior opium blorpltino nor otlicr itarcotlo substance it la a barmlesb substitute for paregoric drops sootlilngsyrups and castor oil it is pleasant its guarantee is thirty yearsaso by millions of mothera castorla desiloys worms and allays feverisuness castorla prevents vornlthig sour curd cures plnrrhcoa and wind colle castorla relieves tcothlngr troubles u euros constipation and flatulency castorla assimilates the food rcgrulates tie stomach and bowels glvlnb- healthy and natural sleep castorla is the childrens pauacea tho mothers frleud castbria castorla is on excellent medicine tor children mothers have repeatedly told iuc of ita good effect upon their children dr g c osgood zowtll matt the lcsimile castorla ia ao well admpted to children that recommend it superior to auy pre scription known to me u a- aacnsr mr brooklyn jv y signature of appears on th bsst rsmsds for spring wssthsr wssknoss psople who kaoir tbs less alwsya waoi to ttll tha most palbln the bask trtitsptihr oter yea and ooaia get iv eiirsdi tbr bottles of hsgyards tellovf oil ridjovid vbs palp sntirely marshal mulsrmogrsgor p 0 man 1 h yoa slsp on a msns too hwlh ackdowlsagslbs oorn dr von dtansypinaappla tablets at all pruislathv30o box 1 00 tblots obllrmi vi rhii iis blood the blood is tho very essence of lips a3 it courses through tho system it carries with it if pure and rich nutritionto every cell in ihbvbody if impure it spreads disease if thin ond watery it fails to nourish hence we have weakness debit ityaad decay t jsthe wonderful power 3bb has in purifyiikr impure blood making thin witcry blood rich and red that is at the bottom of its jiiurvcllous success in curing disease those wlio arc p thin weak tomskei a man look nnattsroitly silly and to wip his everlasting hatred present bin with boqqnot almost in desrair my wifo snflered with pain and distress from an sffeohon of tbe throat oaheed by impure blood bho was slmost in despair of avevabtuiqing a oate bat finally proanred a- bottle of hoods sarisparllla and after taking six bottles of ibis mediolnashe was- oompletely oared john wookrar gall ontario that distrpes after eating is prevented by ona or two of hoods pills they dont gripe troubled with botches pimples or erup tions of any kind should take bbb itmstkcs the palo chcckrosy tho akin clear andsinocth and ihluscs newehcrgy iiito jweak vyorni run down shattered rccastitutions i beg to state i have used burdock blood bitters for rm- jvpure blood piiuplci on the face ndv derived frrcat benefit from it doctoral hoi cdf sod isavs tno sain clear and tors- in thrto ioilve nlnhis lrwllionresny kind of piles bold bfji t brown tbe liloomerxlrl i proof lhlolotfam do not make a nasli jx itnulsibiitdonealn ltjsbwnslyij3 a ancl liealiiig agent tltje irtliceodllvr- f o reollltu fj thin rbjjes and how itsil ron bafllled with tbe know- l tablets sshiiwi oorreetlng all dinsmsmauaflttaatomsobaba abeolatelr cars worst tprnj of djipnls toseubieu wonssn and all dronrmsiaaafoabox stu esnta or von 8tns plnaappla tablets m8i l smea1srhs4uio tbs 1 trapmrrrallsf tbauon ctuasufsttjiemtblasraaabesunsand the tlt pfpln of the plnmppl tiufllms tb mlsralalsasun inlora to sahstin nataral cars i-iii- sold by at brown som0 sre never taed heasaps are not worth a inr hey xnersi npver was and never will b a onllversal pno in oie rsmeclj for l illl to wbloh flesh is heir the very natore oi ntnyoaramyei beintc vnuli visas virerf theterrnf of nthw and dhtrently atfd lllssaieja nsstita jii iho sysleui of iho patient feltoadirsljtiyao4ejj inqiilnirie wliis whenoblalnsd loaaoodd skin coar jtcant sly skin is now very clear and tree from nil eruptions i only used four bottles ctf the bbb ahdciirt si ronfrly recommend it to any person suffirin from impurities inthe blood oreruptions ofthe skin mas g b helkoar pences isridgebc livory- i have taken bbb every springs spring- riow for aome years to purify my b1ixd and keep- my- sysreminvxod order find can honestly any that i do not khoiv of its equal anywhere mrsatoik barnes lunenburg- ns ciroqmstsnces makejsomfiof usubat anmsks nsore if attaoked with oholera or summer oomplaldt of anykind send at once for a bbtlls of j d kellokrs dyieotery cordial ludoit ii according to direollons it acts with wonderfnl rapidity in suhdalng that dreadful disease- that weakens tho strongest man and that dsstroyea the young and d elicale those who bavo used this oholera mgdlolne saylt sola proitiptly and never fails to effeot a thorough qure 1 a man has somclimes missed the greatest good of his illo by looking for it too far from home thsman who j saws wood dosant got into much trouble mllbnrna sterllug haadaoba powders are easy to ukf bsrmless in aollon and sure to oure any headache in from 6 to 20 fnioolesr- m v happiness is a wonderful beautlfier unwuflsmuied iilie if rsmmly for ntauy p- j ir l i li i whi6hqulnlna rxurta un afure owii ewtafes toopti ptmikfi otiwjii imkof intirssl ifnifiarrll juta iiwvws slisaa fa sniiiiq refrosh- llfmsrpvimiwris vmor ii lisotlon of ha t w- v jv ismsaf finds laxallver pills a perfeot oare for skk headache some woman wear a mans hair in a looket to remind them that aiid mm onoo had some dyspepsia or indication is caused by the want of aotion in the billlary duots loss of vitality in the slomaoh to secrete thegastrio juices without whioh- digestion otuin6tgo on also being tbe prinoipal cause of headaohs pdrmelees vegetable fills taken before going to bed for a while never fail to give relief and effeot a onre mr fw ashdown ashdawn out writes parmoleos pills ate lakiug lbs lead against ten other makes which i have in stock thofathionablo woman is beginning to look more and more like an insect for internal or external qia hagyarda yellow oil oannotbe excelled aa a pain relieving and soothing remedy for pnio tbs never failing medlcioc holloways corn core removes all kinds of oorns warts eto even tho moat diffioult to remove cannol withstand thia wonderful remedy the- woman who has a aiuobrb dsilre for grabs sbonld taka up fencing severe salt illicuni burdook blood dillers eared mo of bait bboano 8 years ago and i have had no return of it since i waa so bad will it x oould no sleep it only took two bottles of bbb to sffeot a ourc mrs wolou grsenbank ont the botober is always glad 10 meat a anewpubtoraer t worma oannok exist either in children or- adults when dr lows worm syrup is nsebl 25o all dealers all goods jdel1veiied undehakfn in all its branches calls day oi flight attended coffins delivered prices to suit every ones needs some say that tho oausc of many nil hap mnrr i liatrjoeawilsla ju propoin rofated wbon they expect to bit jfrejngiiwp fully nlitoty per cont of the woimsn of kihj country snflor from sick hesdaehs wvsftlduorder nud oojistipatlon are at tuojoflftiiltiptuietroublo laiyjmvbltplllsciiitjtlio headache by aortetlti8f the omiso raotvittalrrltii jrorfttao without any grlpo pain or alekenlnj itfi bhttho hamilton lady irr nferreato v hbrnans is mrs joliirtohjilnsbh ivi htn address is 10f btoton btvnoruj m tils llfivbatfsbo snys srjgitojss si ho that is sorely for anolher is never sore of himself oamrou atatss i w oonflned to my bed wlh infl immotlin nf the longs and was nlven np by i he phyiicini a nrfghhor silvlasd rnetn try dr thomas bdlsstrio otlj stating ibas bis wire had rsed it for a throat ironble with tbs btsl rinnllii aoting on lii sdvce i procured tlie rnrdlolnr nrt leas thau half a bottle cilridmo i oerialnly believe ii raved my ijlfiv ill was with reluotanoo lht 1 olpssnyriimjirlsiu- fwaij riidnos1fd itnlihjists liifat 1 duiihtml ilia inwfr of aiiyfymedyforiomustiyih 5ieil f of eureka harness ouwill take stiffness out of old harness and nje it soft as new it will look like new it oils softens blackens ntj preserves the leather ytg can keep newharnessl wearing but and rtriefl the life of old harness vrffl railway tlmejta 4uakd tnilkk maiiway ooino eat oolka wkbt mttu 10 02nm exjirobb ahsptii mall 7 10 pm kxpreib exprcbb mail aliicd 0 so an- 10 50 am 6 hpm 10 08 lidi tiuk ov olobiwtl ma1lu aoliuj west 0 40 am and b 00 pin going boat 10 29 om and 6 60 pm thia time tblo weut into offoct on motfda alnylgtta 1808 acton utvery bus lilne thendortlgnpdrtmpmtfullybollcitatepatrod age of tbe pnblloaad informb tbtnivtliat well equipped and stylish riga om al waya ba bocujrod athlsstables k comfortable bui moots trains between s fcni and 818 pm oarefalattenttonglvantoovetyordor 7be want of commercial ttivel- lertfollymet john wliillois phorniktoa sur savings and loan go head office toronto onti authorised capital 500000000 tenyear maturity shares are paid monthly instalments of 50c per share for 120 months when payments ceasejcoo paid in maturity value 810000 money to loan at 5 straight loan 6 repayable in monthly instalments on appti cation to shoes -fvi- qeorge st0vei hai purchasied tbe premises and boot 4 shoe business of tho late thomas agaew and for thirty days is offering jm omiins in oil lines of boots and shoes call and see tlie goods the prices will undoubtedly attract you tbecustom work and repairing will receive iho same careful personal attention as heretofore oae stover mil sti actonc v iv useltonal rrrageiopijrje miss margnrot brown 637 colbomsjl st london ont snys my njothstffl has bssn nfljloed with nervousness and gonrnl debility for a long time she suffered a great doal with insomnia and m p ststsiitt vclfeibtroff drnsratoro f cvrh onoutqr r0mi mulls ills wlfsv mouii i ffixgoitiplpt iiurcvifkwj inervflimffliwilwniwfiiil row8bm and got n box of milburnvhoartsni noie pills trhlbhsliotoolcanddrlv6l id mnoh hortdflt iron uiom uwtlbouglii nnotjiorlforierthyridoh9hei ti toirtomttl i0m6 wjimflflr nervcjiillfitfsttw hniomsfrbbi restfulilseiiirtd removl iaisbji eglltsst fxtiv has- irover3 bnmijt gsprwi iisr jtti wm mm s3- amii jmtohl miii wb 1 rt iiotr

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