Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 25, 1899, p. 1

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vq1xjmb xxiy no 47 aoton ontabio thfbsdit 25 may 1800 price three cents nt mus ixabhxd daymobning at tot free press steam 1rlnunr olllce act0nont every mill street tsnus or bodsoniption ono dollar par year strtetly in ftdvinoo au subaorinblons discon tinued whoutho time i for wbioh theybwobeoa paid baa expired tha date to whioh ovary subscription is paid la deaotod on the address label axtxatibua iutkb transient advorusiv- meats 10 conta por nonparou lino for first in sertion 8 toanta por lino f or eaclx- subsaqnant insertion contbjlot iutks the following table shows oqr rates for tbo insertion of ndvortlaomonta for speolfled periods apaos am 6 ub a mo 1110 anincbear lolnohoa slnobea ilnob 0000 8500 9000 600 3300 8000 1900 s00 moo 1900 700 900 70 300 260 100 advartuements without specific directions will be insarud till forbid and charged aooord- ngly transient advartlaemetita most be paid n advance adtortlsamonta wlh be changed once oaoh month if desired for changes oftener than anoea month tho composition moat be paid for at regnlai rates chanbesforoontraotrdvortlsodiontb must bo n tne oxfloo by noon on tuesdays accounts payable monthly hpmpoilb editor and proprietor new combinations in- wall papers side wales ceilings and borders to match the newest and latest colorings and tones at 55 some special late now york papers tho newest goods in the market at low prices seetheratis well to remember that day has the best slock of fine new papers and he leads in big value tthb traders bank of capital authorized capital paid up 91000000 7oo0oq cuelph branch wo are now issnlnr monoy orders payable at par at any branch of cliartarodfisnkln panada ozoeptlng tbo yukon district at the following ftoettg uudor 610 8 cents 810 to 20 10 cents saoto dw ia cents 30 to bq u oonts day uetttss bwciotv john m macdomald m t cm bdccesbob to j p urkn bt d o m office and rosldenoe comer milla frederick treetsactoo offlee hoars to 9 pm to 1030 am 1 to 3 pm and p j r fqrster sdccessoh to dr a a elliott- xiate rosldont pbtsiclen and surgeon to vic- torla hospital for sick objldren toronto owwian mill b treatlately oooupled by dr book 8tore qnelph days sells cheap forget t5 usnot if you want artists goods wall paper mouldings pictures hiaaest cunitent bate op interest paid on- sums deposited of 61 and upwards interest allowed from date of deposit to date- of withdrawal and paid or compounded half yearly advances made to responsible farmers on their own namos at the lowoat currant ratos no charge made for collecting aaloo notes if psyablo in guolpb a general banking business transacted af h jones manager bicycles for2500 cash ttjr dryden eteabthb6atamd nosa moleans block douglas st near p o gublph ovnos hoona iff ajn to l pm and 3 to 6 pm buhdato- 10a4ntolprn s t l bennett lds dejntibt oaobobtowxi outabzo vt coghlan d d s l t s detli3t womoatutclly bonb pmoss modkiutb 0ioovnbbowsadnda fitobh hoima bvkirr rux rsou 0 to b t st bell bds lds dkmtist bnookvnui hbxbb qnaduatb ot tobonto trhtvxbsrrr work mado batlofaotory frloes moderate vwixiwo data monday afternoon oamp- i bellvllidjtnesday aoton oftlcegiarka hotel friday book wood legal im clean mclean bnmaierssolioitora notaries oonvpyancors it prltatefnnda to loan offloo town hall acton ww a molxiir jho a molein dpsi x maokinnon ijabbibtitb somoitob oohtbyakfisn priicxmlll stroet in mstthews block itatra m b moleod bahbtsthb socioitob gontbtamcbn main street georgetown ifoney tolovi atloweatenrrontratei jimonabb tofatkiotirul division ootirt oooatyv of hal- odoopveyanoerasontflra and late aasojranoe iteal batata agent money to loanoto orvios porrymanidlook aoton onr mtsctktrajfxo us tyrwesrr qbjbt t ottawa of boualtorofettentaforinyetitionoto kpraparea appllcatlona for tbo cabadlao amar- fe and ipl tbo isitration ot trade haru ban tor pam- jjt- thlnytwo yoara experttnoe cis nunan bookbindbb kgkooonvibbaka of all klndi mada to order kparidloalofotrtdejrljtlonoaretallybound ballmfteaalyiinrnxoniptltdqne iitiuaoe ijipenbes h p moobb liibtboibdaruaoa ltoehsbs piltatome kowitneaae reqnlrod iainad aretilnlntbe eronlng piaapraalollloe aoton hemstbbet i4ltfcbaabatjotloaa w of wellington and halton uia4mlpa omoa aoton or taldanmhraoton will b promptly at- dtoaeirelodedto vy tliraba8aib- jomonattlban on the moatatorablo tt moand nward stib0b801ubhpb oa usooo company kfetrtitoiad 1840 v vatftft ffiiob oo oaabtand atotoartsanj km stblbibnloatlon forwarded tom addreu bitsor tolopboao tw will be promptly sw- john taxlobaenv onelph by bolndbll proprietor l aqolj rieolj alppad wltb all tb naeblnary swoilrmpi rnanoer wa ibbuiaant of any eirakdopa wpalr maka baw t i rthlq stffif ms jn woobtxu tfaiota lonjrtb i ajlway ali jgaliwfiwto mmm waters bros wyndham r btpeet tr new store quelph ladies and gents equal to many highpriced wheels this is right we mean- what we say call or write and get particulars this is something very special and w you see them or early 8a morning in dear old dsys up country before i went from borne oh very sweet and saintly did the babbath morning oomo with i footsteps hashed and quiet whsfoverwidmlbotbtyw and id hear father singing as he walked tond fro tbo fragment of a hymntune in tender lifting air wouidearlyhtbe dawnlight cqmo floating up the stair nowsfaartlal and triumphant now soft and sigblog low hut idknow twsa fatbersluglng as ho walked to and fro and lo the darkened ptr lor wuere be bad knelt to pray and cravo form a bloating at the very break of day id bear fala dear old voice lifted from bis pure heart aglow and it hallowed sabbath morning as be walked to and fro long years have passed alnce fatber- bsdb in thoso quiet boors hos found the happyooantry and the fields ot fadeless flowers but still on sabbath mornings i wake and sof t and low i yd can hear him singing as ho walks to and fro margaret it sangster iti on youths companion fled ifmnilff juahinij afierali know about them you agree with what we say twill hajtdwajta tioxtspb sfrfrightgrady os xbk motors motors am a as oinxsbrassaibon tods to order repairing promptly dpbe oeorkotown ont welland vale bicycles jvc hill agent acton call and see the new welland vaxe bicycles at the bicycle livery the per- fectpmgarden city and dominion are the leading grades while the perfect chainless has merits which will be appreciated by all wheelmen it is an un disputed fact that the welland vale wheels costless for repairs than any other wheel the single piece cranks ore the best attachment evef adopted the new de- partnro automntjc brake gives the rider complete control prices right for purchasers who mean business j chill spring has come andperhaps you want to replace your milk cans with new ones of blight new heavy sock made to order and to your satisfaction wdcan give you just what yon- want at very low prices v- t lumber planirrg v mills nassaiavyeya p sayiees prppzietoi has constantly on hand a full line oi lumber lath shingles cedar posts wood etc custom logs and bill stuff cut to order on short notice planing and nfatchkig done to the best of satisfaction prices very cheap and made to suit the customers pocket psayers iiing coihe in and sect samples and let me quote you prices ibr eavetroughiog for either yowr houseor barn our work has been highly spoken of by tparmaby enstomers jtxpaibs promptly attended to j c a pannabecker aim stipbet iioiok two kind of men there are two kinds of men to be found every where those vho are obligedto dress roughly while at work arid those whose occupation in volves no difference in attire forthe laborer we have heayyv substantial boots fpithe bvitaness rnan comfoirtajble sensible shoes 5 pr- tlje bjoys arid girls good knockabouts and for the ladies the latest novelties intfotwear vaujti ianpwtc6itfing in and eni- bracfes goods sure tp please our icustomers as to style alitytlravpricesl oalti and 811 our new lihi8 cash paid fokv farm produce slitter onions e poultry prk etc apples wanted- aikenhead peoduce co g parsons manager cor will and main sts acton opposite clarks hotel bring your custom logs in and take the lumbar home with you jyjfljhtrept planing mills acfon pnr john cameron archltebt and contractor manufacturer of sath doora frames mouldldgd lnallatyle dwcssma matcbzhq and uovldino to order on abort notloe aii aaiorted atoek on bans at prices to salt tha tiinaa john cameron prporiotor whpleaale and retail foi silo and eijsilage yellow horaetooth 62o a bushel mam south white 6o0 red cob ensilage 660 afly learning 700 taio manimbth cuban win earlv white dent salrars north dakota clouds early yellow comptojts early karly bntler and 20 other kinds i jrhty ffty largest stock in city 4v so ubliwheai rape seed turnips etc uaov ktle djuxa8 coming out of ohurob going home from alnglopjtohopl walking down the village street wherever bay berry was eeen now- adaye some one was nnre to touobanotlier on ibe-aimttud- wbhpa tbai-sbe-waia-a- hearueaeoreatnrewbb had jlltedooo of the bast fellows that lived for a man whose ouly recommendation was his money t then too it was at likely aa not that the speakers would meet arthur oifo nale molanoholy abdallont with little regard to anyone and wqold once mure oommeat ob bays hearilessnoaa and to orown all might see hurrying to meet the barilbearted girl her now aobapted lover mr modahleli a midaleagod bean sprdoe abd dftpnerdressadin the latest faihlbb with a rose bis- buttonhole and a dia mond on bis litila finger ah well any one can see her motive they wonld say mr modaniels was worth half a million- bay thought of these things quite as bftbb as any one else flho had jilted arthur oxfordrtherewsa do doubt ofihat- bot no one knew wby she had done it no one knew all the trouble there- bad been all the lying stories the bad listened- to and the weight some trnthr bad had with her r when she aaidido not love yon any more she meant it and aho gave back her ring and in a little while other lovers oame andiibe was engaged once more lovo was put ot tbe qneation she said to herself what weris mens hbarts worth she might as well make a good match from a peouniary point- of view mr modaniels was mooh respected ho said he adored bar and no doubt her annl kmmeline was right a love mslob wai exaotly like a marrags from motiva prudenoe in five years tlrne after that annt mmeline said fanning herself onosestablishmen ik everything who- ever he 1b he will think every one else prettier than his wife stay but nntil the smallboarsand eat hla breakfast behind bis newspaper so as wo have said bay aooepied mr daniels and now tbey were to be married in a little while she was sorry that arthur took u so hard bathe sboald have thought of that before oooe having lost faith in him what ooald aho do bat what she hddone plainly nothing if there were explanations to make ha shoald have made them it was all his own fault all bis own fault bay repeated aa though tome one had reproaohed her perhaps arthur would not have been ao miierable it be bad not known this as well aa bay did a olear eooiolenoe is a great eomtort when lovoaffalra go wrong bat nnder the oir- onmstanoes it would have been hard to sws mr modaniels oarry off the woman he loved be did not believe that the had jilted him for the other mana money he knew too welt all that had boms and gone bat still the fact ot bis rivals wealth added a sting to the wound if be could bat have forgotten her if he ooald but have funded someother girl bat it was out ot his power to do that he bad not even taltenpart jii gatherlog quill mat 1h 11 lilsi tigjlni river was talked of and be beard some one say that of ooorse poor arthur oiford would not go he telt too badly aboht bay berry then torloos at the thought of being talked over and pitied he bought tickets offered bis sebort to the moat ontragaout little dirt in tbe place and adorned him self as ho had never done before mr modaniels himself was sot more elegantly dressed nor wore n more costly flower in his nnbrkol the little flirt her name was nannie bawdon waa wild with dellgbl this stonyhearted arthur oxford who never looked at a girl nbwadaya was at she opposed at her fiet sbe published iter trlnnipb far and wide and on the day when tbe exonrslon barge lay at the dook the greatest object of interest wereotrlain- ly bay and arthur how wbold they behave wonld they look at oath other or be afraid of ctchdthert would she feel mleer now that btr rrioottd lover was paying attention to mannle iuwdonf it is bat- true to saytbat nearly every woman in the parly alncerely hoped aba would o y v bnt these two whose biarte tha people were eo nxlous to see laoerated were used to the thing now and were too bright not to know they were on exhibition artbie oime down lbs gangplank with the tender- est aolioltnda for kinbisifatj infill eyesao4wbm oplototfrrabojpnlsw jifpfep i 8t peopvtwartjditai in ttroas ware obilgvd trtiiaeiiwfjift last they reached the spot where the plo- nio was to to take place and landed as merrya crowd as one oooid see and obi the pain that shot ibrbnkb bays heart when sbe law arthur sitting on the grass beside nannie so oloie and with suoh a devoted air ob arlbur dont you remember our lasfplcnib she thought bay ive asked you five times whether you will have a eandwlob in rather a testy tone i hope my dear yon are not getting deaf im sore i beg pardon said bay and grewiuddenly very gay and oantinned to be so tuitbey started to return the day bad been bright but now as tbe sun set behind the deep banks of olouds si mist was rising soon it ensbrnuded the river like a white pall the little tag made mighty nee of her steam wbielle every now snd then some stronger one replied to her or it seemed so to tbe untutored ears of tbe passengers and now night badfalleu and they seemed to be groping blindly down the river tha patting oral t only revealing tbemselvee by their blurred and magnified oolorod lights and now oloae to them ab heavens r bow olofle the deep throb of a tremendous engine very few knew anything more thanthat a sudden flub of red and green above their heads shrieks oatha and horrible arasb bay who bad been loaning against the railing olang to it in tbe darknees this a lheeudehe thought to her- self tbe end of all what does it matter life is nqt worth so muoh only mother will feel it so she oldcg a little lighter then ehe was flang into water bnt aa ahe touphed it abme one olutohed her a voice ssid inher ear if yon do uot struggle or oatoh bold of me7tobraveyou7ltojt wettwitt-both- drowo i know she pauted and in her sonl ahe resolved that no act ot her should bring das t motion on the head of her preserver- whoever be was liukeawstgetbjmiave4jlllsnqiie cannot swim to keep quiet and to keep onea mpntb shnt bat ray waa no oowardandaoinslittle while two people were dragged into a boat the steamer had lei down arid bay lookedlnto iba faoe 61 the man at her side and saw that it was arthur oxford he was in his shirt aleevee for on tbe first inataot be had cast off both cost and boots snd be bad been hart in theforeheadand the blood triokjed over bis faoe a gbsvilly dripping objedt but ob how beautiful to by yon saved- rae i ahe whispered and oludg to bim yes thank god 1 answered arihur and dropped his face on her ehonlder- ajnd aobbedlikeaohlld there- were no lives lost thai atrange to say the exouraionibta wei taken house 6a the steamer terrified and dripping but very very thankful mr modaniels who bad accomplished tho eat of swimming to the shore bad a great deal to sayabpatthedarknesi the difficulty of finding bay batteib 1b what aha answerod ybodid riht you saved tbe one you- loved best yourself but there was one wholovedrno so well he came to me tbrbagh mislaud darkness came to me andsaved mo feiri was drowning in tbe black water and since be wants me i shall give mjaell to him oar engagement was a great mistake and it is is beat for both that it ihoold be broken so bay berry ia going to marry arthur oxford after all ssid one to the other in the village streets after all aiys arthur looking down in his darlings eyes ss tbey leave the ohurbh andshemeetebls look with one of honest love as she answers yes dear alter all pleoat with wine fledge with wine pledge with wine i oried the young and ihougbtlebs harry wood pledge witb wine ran thnbugb the brillladt crowd rj tbe beautitat bride grew pale the deaistve hour bad oomo- shopressed her white bands together and the leaves of her bridal wreath trembled on her pare brow her breath came quicker her heart beat wilder- frorn her ohildhood she bad been most solemnly opposed totbe use of winer and ilriaors yes marion lay aside your soruples for tbiaonoo saidlbe jodgs in a low toue golog towards bio daughter the bom- pany expeot it do not bo- serlonbly intrlngeon the rulesotettlquette in your new books a governors failure weoortia tells the following story in the ghloago record of gov theo boosevslt of new york which may enooursge many a boy who has had- simllarexperiflnoe a flrat failure sboold enooursge greater effort tbe story is as follows ons day while be was a schoolboy it cams his tarn to speak he was one of tbe deolaimers in the sohool his eloputlon was greatly admired by the sobolars and il wss equally a source ot satisfaction to his teacher v on this parllonlar rtlcjuy afternoon a number of theltbwn pepplebad bbmt in to witness the exarblses and everybody was expected tb do his best young roosevelt had selected for his deolamstion and carefully committed to memory the well- knowu poem maroo bozaarls be went tb the platform made aetateiyboarid oomrnenbed at uildotgbt in- hla gnanledtent tbeturaiwaedreamlok of tbe hour vbenoreeos uer knee and there be atuok he bad forgotten tbe lines but lie started again at the beginning at midnight in hla gnarded tent the turk waa dreaming of the hour wbenqreeeeherknee- but be bdald gel po farther he oooghed wiped hit iip wlh hie handkerchief and blrjahed psjnfudry when oreeee her knee- be repeated sgiln in deipair when greece her knee but it was hopeless and he looked over toward his teacher for ay mpatby grteoa her tinea aaio theodore suggested hli teaoher with a wink and maybe ibell go at that the whole sohool burst into laughter and the future governor ot new york ted mortified from the bagv the difference budyard kiplloge matetnargrandfalber was the rev george emaodonald it it related of blm that in the days when he was courting the lady whom he afterward married the fatherinlw to be an aged methodist with extremely atriot notions in regard to ths proprletis waslnjudlolons tbddfh oo ope booaelou to enter lbs parlor withottl tiiying any warning of bit epprosob the oonsequsnoe was that be found the aveatbesrts oocupylog a alnglo lojialr deepry shoeked by thla speclsol the old man solemnly sldi mr mac- dbuald wbeli 1 was otartlns mrs brown pwnbome sot as you please but in mine for this onoe please me every eyo was turned toward the- bridal pair marions prinoipies were -well- known henry bad been s oonvivialist but of late bis friends notioed tbe obango in his mannere tbe dlff erenoe in hia babils and tonight tbey wstohed him to sea as they sueerlngly eald it he was lied down to a womans opinion so soon pouring a brimming beaker they held it with trembling smiles toward marion she waevery pale though oomposed and berhand shook not aa smiling baok she gratefully aocepted tho crystal tempter and raiaod it to her lips but scarcely had ebe dope so when every hand was arreaied by ber pieroing exolamation of ob bow terrible i what is it cried one and all ibronglng tor ahe bad slowly oarried the glasa at arms length and was fixedly regarding it as though it were some hideous objeot wait she aniwered while au inspired light sbone from her dark eyes wait and i will tell yoo i see she added slowly pointing one jewelled finger at the sparkling raby liquid a sight that beggars all deeoription and yet listen t will paint it for yon it i ban il la a lonely spot tall mountains crowned with yerdnre rise in awful sublimity around a river rbm through and bright flowers grow to lue waters edge- there is a thlok warm mitt that ihe sun seeks vainly to pierce trees lofty and beautiful wave to the airy motion of tbe birds but there a roup of indiana gather they flit to and fro with something like sorrow in their eyes and in their midat lies a manly form but his cheek bow deathly i his eye wild with the filial fire of fever one friend standbbesidsblm -i- bhoaldaay kneels for he is pillowing that poor head upon hia breast qenius ip ruins i our high holy looking brow i why should death mark it and he so young look how he throws tbe damp ourlai see him olaip bis handa oar bis thrilling shrieks for life i marjrifow he olulohes at the form of his ipanion imploring to bo saved j oh lear him ball pileoutly bis fathers came see hlna twine his fingers together as be shrieks for hie sister his only slater the twin ot bis soul weeping for him in his distant native land see 1 she exclaimed while the bridal party shrank back tbeuntaatedwine trem bling in their faltering grasp and theiudge fell overpowered upon his seat bee 1 hia arms are filled to heaven he prays how wildly for- mercy hot fever rushing through bis veins the friend beside blm is weeping aweetricken thecarkmen move away silently and leave the deadend dying together there was a hush in that princely par lor broken only by what seemed a smoth ered sob from some rashly boson tho bride stood yet upright with quivering lip and tears stealing to the outward edge ot her labbes her beantlful arm hold lost its tenaloo and the glass with its little troubled red weveb came slowly along the range of ber vision sbe spoke again every lip was mute her voice was low faint yet awfully distinct sbe still fixed her sorrowful glanoe npon the wine aup it is evening now the great white moon la ooming up and he beams lay gent ly on his forehead he moves not his eyes are set in their sockets dim are their pieroing glances in vain his friend whispers the name bf the father and sister death is there death and no soft hancl nogentle voioe to blees and booth him hia head jinks baok one oonvnlaivo shudder heisdeadl a groan rati through the assembly so vivid was her description so iispired her manper that what the described seemed actually to have taken place then and there they noiloed that the bridegroom bid bit face in hit bauds snd was weeping dead i she repeated agalta her lps quivering faster sn her voice more arid raore broken and there they scoop him- oat s grave snd there without a sbroud they lay hirp down in the damp reeking bartb the only son of a proud father the idolized brother of a fond sister and he bleeps today in that distant oountry with no stone to mark tbe spot there he lies my fathers son my own twin brother a viotlm to the deadly poison father she exclaimed turning suddenly whilo the tears rained down her beantiful cheeks lather shall i drink it now the form of tbe old judge was ooovulaed with agooy he railed hia head bnt in a smothered voice he faltered no no- my ohlld in oods nama no i she lifted the glittering goblel and leting it suddenly fell on the floor it was dashed into a thoutand pieces many a tearful eye watohed her movements and instan- tapebusly svery wide glass was trtni- flerrod to ihe marble table on which it had been prepared theb as she looked at the fragments of orystalshs turned to the company raying lei no friend here after who lovesi ma lemptrme lo peril niy soul for wine mot ii rmer ihe everlasting canada is gradually winning a place in ihe world of literature and has writers within her bordera that rank vory creditably with those of the older lands among thorn is miss lily dougall tbo talented daughter of the editor of the montreal witnat mies dougall is tbe author of the mermaid the zelgeibt the madonna of a day beggsra alleta sad ber publishers have jnst brought out a new work the mormsn prophet this latter volume is a most interesting history of the ourions beet named and correats certain miboouoeptians deeply rooted in tire mindaof many oonoerniog thoir original tenetsandboliefd notably tatstorraaa- ieps is synooymono with polygamy and that brigbamyouog was its obief prophet the wetlwrltten narratiye goes to prove that mooh stated- about these people in purely fauoiful that orthodox mbrmooa revere but one prophet joseph smith junior who while many of hla teachings and alleged revelations were peoultar they were for tho most part unobjectionable he never saw utah nor would be uave oountenanoed the monstrous doings ot brlgham yoang and his disoiples there and his followers are stribtly monogamons in aonolnding her preface io the book the writer saye i mbrmartiem affordb glgantio proof of tbe orylng needof an effoil to afol people ot the socalled vmedinmiatio temperament to anderstaud rather than be swayed by their dolnsiona prioe paper 75o oloth j125 the w j gsge co pabllahere toronto tub i and of prbttv soow i know of a laud whoro tho htrotts aro pavod willi ho thing whioli wo meant to aehlovo it is walloa witb tho mouoy wo meant to bavo savod and tbo ploosures for whtob w0 yrlevo tho kind words unspokou tho iiromlios broboo and many a oovotod boon v stowed away fboro in that laud souiowharb tbe land of protty boon thoroarquuout jowols of poublbio fatno lying about in the dust and many a noblo and lofty aim covered with mould and rubt anolobl this place while iti sduib so noar is farther away than tho inoob though our nurpose is fsiryct wo novbr got tboro the land of pretty boon tlioroad that loads to that myatlo land is btrowed wttn pitiful wruokj andtheshlpa that have alloi xorlts sblnnlng blrand r uoerakoletbnson tbelrdoblu it hi farther at noon than it waa at dawn and isrtbor at night than at noou t obi letus bbware of that landtabwn tboro tbo land of prolty boon ibasatmsb mtn jortier one of the new books jnst put upon the market is thebaggedlady a novel by- w d howelle the wbllkbown writer theboenaof the book is laid first at one of the burbmer hotolb in new england and the story oehtres around a bright abd attraotiveryoung girlwhose homeisnear the hotel one of the summer gueeta takes a fanoy to her and she is taken from home andehown the world the round of bummer hotel life is gone through andtben the soeue is changed to europe whore ahe is introd to th fae cir the soolelyrlife in- the italian oontrcj florenoo and venice are well described and the young ladys snooebboe in the society world and other features of her life are interestingly dealt with the oon- ciution of the story is rather novel but entirely satisfying the illustrations by a l kollor are also very good the w j qage oo toronto fabliahers price paper 75o oloth 1125 how tumblers got their name every day we drink oat of a tambler wby ie tbe large glass that holds oar milk and water so called years ago professor max mailer was giving a lunbheon at all souls college oxford to the prinoeis alios tbo wife of the grand bake of hesssdarmatadt and the seoohd daughter of queen vloloria there were not a dozen gnesls besides the prinasss sud ber hashand and a very agreeable lunobeon waa had with talk on all klnd ot intereal- iog subjects but what excited tho eoriosity of all the strangers present was- a set of little round bowu of silver about the size of a largo orange tbey were brought round filled to the brim witb tbe famous ale brewed in the college these we are told were tnmbiers and we were speedily shown how they oame by their names a fitting lesson for tho guests of a philologist when one of these little bowls was empty it waa placed upon the table month downward inetantly eo perfeot waa lie baianoe it flew back to its proper position- is it asking lobe filled again no matter bow it waa treated tumbled along the floors balanced caret ally on its aids dropped suddenly upon the soft thick carpetup itrolled ajala and stttled ittelt with a few gentle shakisga and awayings into its place like one of those india rubber tumbling dolls babies delight in this tbeb was the brigonof osr word tumbler at first made of silver aa are all these all sonla turn hern then when glass became common therouoded glaessa that stood on a flat base superseded the exquiaitoly balanced silver epheree and stole tbbir names so suooesif ally that you have to go to au souls to see the real thing ji i vv v vvv wrillfirfe thsiiueiifewik oobr ursvbrqwh isir btsrio preasrve health than 10 isiispis billa than my resolve qod helping me never lo tonoh or talte that terrible pole on andhe towhom i have given niy band who watohed over my brothers dying form lo that last soletrln hobr and buried the dear wanderer there by the river in thai laud of gold will i trust sutmin me in that resolvs will yon not mybnebandf his glistening eyes his sad sweet smile washer answer tha judge mtthha room and when an siwsrvsqrnt subdasd maunertook pari in the enter tainment of behrldargoest no ono r to dtxjsj v bad dsur- ahd that book a the paatorj good morning bro boberts wbat makes you look sad this morning bro b i have oomo to say goodbye mr brown for itm out of employment and most go back lo england tbe pastor oo back to england to get employment- what nonsense i 1 can- gel lots ol work for a young man like yon in this oountry bro b well i have hunted high and low and can get nothing ao what am i to do- the pastor i tell you what you can do bro roberu take an sgenoy for a good book for there is money in canyasi- ingr v bro b bo you think i would sloop to book oanvassing t the pastof- somewhat warmly stoop to canvassing t belter men than you bavo oabvatsed i pat myself through oollsge with a book protpectos and i know many soqcessf ol men who got their start in lits as canvassers my youngeit eon is oanvassing unw and he makes enough at the basinesb to pay his way at the university 1 indaoed a man who falladin business to lake np oanvatsaing and be made enongh money to start bnelneaa again lgays ihjy smi ad was of who measure of capacitv to find the mean diameter of a cask nearlj add lo the head dianieter j or if staves are hot little curved 25 of the difference between the bang aod head diameters to rlud lbeoatne ot a caak in gallons multiply tbe eqnare of the mean diameter by the lenglb both in inobee and thia prbduot by 0084 example find the nnmber of gallons in a oaek with a bead diameter of 2i inches bung diameter so inches and length 81 inobes 24 plaa so minna 24 eqaats 28 inohes niaau diameter 28 multiplied by 2h maltjplied by 84 multiplied by 0031 equals 110 ga gallons oapavity he made hammers 10artfntlg mebhtaia employment and ho is now a prqiperaub publisher why some otlbe blglm in history bavs been book agents i 8000 to banvassing you are very fottuntte thai you can stoop up to it i advise yon lb wrlte to rthebradlaygsrrelsn limited toronto on for ihliifltrii publiaheb fast selllpg books and i know many who are doing wall in its employ bro b i atn sorry fpr speaking as 1 did for 1 osftainly wrottg- tslll write be driritbiioarrelompany and see what they have to osviaamipms- pons my deparluro in the meaitiime upward of thirty years ago when david maydolo waa a roadside blacksmith at norwich n y six carpenters oame to tbe village from the next eouhty to work on a jtew-obttfoh-qne-oltberajiaving-leftl-hls- bammsrbobind oame to tbe blacksmiths to gel one made there beiog none whioh gave aatlefaotion iu the village store imske me a good one said the oarpenter as good sb you know bow but said- the young blacksmith who had already considered hammers and had arrived at some notion of what a hammer ought to be and had a proper bonteinpt for cheap ness in all ita forms perhaps you dtmt want to pay for as good a barnmer asl can make yes i do i want a good hammer and so david meiydole made a good hammer that perfectly- satisfied the carpenter- the next day the mans five companions- oame and each of tbemwantedjast aaoh a hammer and when they were done the employer oame and ordered two more next the storekeeper ot tbe village ordered two dozeo whioh were bought by a new york tool rnerohant who-ibft- standing ordere for as many suoh hammers ss david maydolo oould make and from that day to this be has gona on making hammers until now hd hsb 115 men at work ii never pushed- never borrowed never tried to- oonopete with others iu price besause otfaor men had done ao uie only care vat to make a perfeot bamruer tomahe aa many snob aa people wanted and no more and to sell thom at a fair price boyb whateveryou undertake do it perfectly witb your might and yon will succeed i the letter from home i feel as though i had met a whole roomfal of roy old ftiendb said the girl who b irjinj in spite of homesickness to make ber own way in the bity ive juat had a letter from aunt louise it isnt filled with ber own aohee and pains and trials and troubles the home news la all here but there isut one aelflsh whining word she writes eight pigea sbe t shes mentioned most of the people and places im interested in and told me dozens ot things i wanted to hear abont i dont mean to say theyre important things bnt it is nice to know the name of oonsin oarries baby and tolearntbal etta mayo is taking music jessooa and to heivea description of tbo new ministers- family and even lo hear that theyve bad a new sidewalk pat over the muddy plaoe above llje post offioo i gossip perbsps it il bat it isnt mean gossip i wouldut hesitate to show it to anyonowbo is mentioned bere and it makes mo feel an though id made a visit home and found that i wasnt forgotten i know how aunt louiee doee bhe makes a list of the people we know and when tho time oomea to write she just looks at tho list to make sure ebe hasnt left any one out she says she doesnt pretend to be a latter writer bat her letters dome lots ot good for all that little things look large when ones away from home and everything is new i perbsps there it a bint bere for yoang people and older ones who profess they woold he gladto write to absent friends it they only knew what to lay the bi pe dear brothers ot the earth we your little brothers of the- air wlah and hereby reqaest you to otiow tbe little kiadnetiet wblon we ask of you whenever yon go on to tbewoods in wlntoror early spring always take with yousome corn or bread for as as oar supply ot berries will be nearly gone by that lime never take a gun or alingshdl into the wooda with yoo pleaab never destroy our neets or take our young and eggs forivwjrffrsmiklbw- iilmpreisidnsbsolbrnnly rtm thai hour forswore the johsjiatksaiilsmfe wby it a husband ilkedohgw ileexpeoftd shewonld glve ttqpilitnksvirsit going to tellber itis ibioinhibwhenedslilrnbatho lafd il lii ow6itfnicisibitdie gtloff her unas i a blllbi iwplneet fblltfwett wbehever yon see a younfl bird on ihe ground lilt it up into ita little home tell your mammas and anuties never to wear feathers on their hats ss thousands of ue are sisngtieredevery yekr to deoor- atothslr hats and bonnota and we promlss you that we will repay your fsypreby dsllghllng ynn wllh out quaint pranks and bvm aonga signed robin bluebird sparrow ghlokadee oriole and many others a qood reason an old lady who a very snuch of a bore paid a visit to afamllyotheracnainlp bhe prpibitigea ber ttify jtndflnallr one orrheobliaftn golrj dlrllybtaletand i wsnt vbor part pt leiayjviih tni oan- o aregolog to have dinner as oa istyevienlled slinley t 1

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