Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 25, 1899, p. 2

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born ulackiu acton ou monday may 18tb to mr and lire archibald ulck a bod mahaxab in erin on friday lotti may to mr ami mrs 1otor h masalta a ion tjiomjhon in glonwllliauia on thursday 11th may to mr and mrs james thompson a eon married button oku at the residence of tba brides mo tli or on wednesday evening 17ui may uy iliu liov e i crawford mr mark sutton to kino daughter ol mrs orr all of aoton plbmuinu mccut looh at tho methodiat ihrjiodmje north hdmouton on may ifltti by ho v a modourm arthur flouitnldffmrtfft to bugle second daughter of james mo- cullouttb eramosa itaittiktt woonifamu at tho residence of the lirldoa mother charles st georgetown on wednesday muy 3rd by rev g a mitchell m a alfred- ijuo liartlott ilrampton to joaohhiq woodball daughter pt the lata aiubroeo woodball diz bower at milton on thursday lhh may jobu w bowes agod 44 yean butlsn id erin on sunday may slat annie wife of john butior aged sb year giupjibxt in aotoii on monday evening 2jnd may archibald campbell aged 68 years uuiiiiihdat oakyllle- on friday may iflth laaao e husband aon of john husband jr aged lit years tyljz jkitan ffizt 1xtss thursday max 25 1809 notes and comments exports for april show a deorease of 8209000 while tho import increased by scoo000 for ten month import inoreaeed sql072i37 while eiports dcoroibed 84700000 report from ths froit farm ia tba niagara diatrlot are to tbe effeot that a great many yoang poaob pir and plum trees have died from ths effects of tns severe froata of last february having come out in in leaf and blouom first however esquesinq sunda schools theworkere consresate at manse- wood and 6pond a profitable pay togothsr the ninth annual convention of the township sunday school association was held at mansewopd laal friday tba two large eresbytorlan onnrobes and tba manaea were at tba disposal of tba dele gates and the friends of both oburobes did everything in their power to render the gathering an occasion of oombioed profit and pleasant social intercoarte the programme waa one tba diseasslon of whose subjects was calculated toald and encourage the sunday school workers in their important duties to secure tbe oo-op- eration and interest of tbe parents in the systematic study of the word of god and to eaifyaliclasaeaby thssplandld addres- ea arranged in one reaped the programme us carried bat was unique every section of it u presented as outlined in the printed form every speaker was present to uke his or her place at time appointed the president mr e besnlok bsllint- fad took the ohalr promptly at two oclock in the d p ohurpb where this session wae held thla charob as well as tbo boston ohuroh where the evening session look place was profanely decorated with hot boose and wild flowers and was basil ilfal in the springtime gloriss of bloom and fragrance tos treatment of tbe twin aobjeela tbe sonday sohool teachers prepara tion ol tbe leaton by mrs gregory of mahsswood and tbe scholars prepara tion of the lesson by bev w 8 hoai- plue b a of georgetown waa very helpful and interesting and in the diaonatlon whloh followed the beat points war emphasised bay h a maopherabn bl aoton gave a splendid address on individual kespon- aiblllty and placed upon ths proper persons the duties which are oletrly theirs and should be acted npon mlaa brlmatln of toronto took np the qnestiod of primary work she deals with the reqnlremenu of tholoaoher the equip ment ol the primary room and the gratia pottibilitiw for impressidiiaoriptnre troths npon the infant tnlnda and hearts and moolding thoyoathfol cbaraotera for god mlaa brlmsllna address waa rapoh enjoyed- a- mies binoblfnprvl ths painstaking statlstioalisecrelaryroported progress of ths achoolaof the township in a aery inter- v atlog njanner efforts will be mads to ecnraja report from evsrjtsohoel for tie neit oonvention word of cordial interest and eooooraga- ment were apokeo by mr xacblan qranl tba honored prealdent of the oonnty aaaooiation hj empbulied lbs impor tance of organisation from the indlvldqal tobobl op to tba great international and worlosjociuomjli the oncers for tba toning year were eleotadae folio we presliantj brownrtjfo asbttovs ittyi4apresflt metaon 1xds qeorga- neighb0 news news itema supplied by corres pondents arid exohangea crewson8 corners farmers in this vicinity have completed their seeding rev mr harrla of guolph oiioiipiol tht piilplt of tho metiiodiat ohuroli hint sunday at the buainbaa meeting of tho ipwrlerly board ot the methodiat ohuroh iu rookwood the ocowaona coruera appoint ment wasfoundjo be in aii gnol a nueuoial poaltion ua my iipoinimuul on tbe oirouit we are sorry to state that mr oto knox i oouuned to the onelph oecers1 hospital with au attadk ol rbeqmatism hie many frienda hope for bla apeedy reoovery mrs win mima of aoton visited friends in this viulnlyjuul week mlasea agilie anderson and lily haw of aotln spent sunday with friends here na3 mr henry mocleod raised a sue bank barn for mr bubinabn anderaon of naasagaweyalaiitthnreday sides were captained by tieaars john mofhedran and wm h crawford and when through there vaa not five minutes difference mr crawfords aide being slightly ahead tbia barn whenhnlabed will be one of tbe floaat in thia aeolion mr matthew simma of qnelpb township railed a fine barn for mrs roberts of eden mills on monday afternoon last there was a large gathering of neighbors to help raiae the frame everything want together with out a hitob the tides were captained by messrs geo lamb of naaaagaweya and wm j lalng of poalioch the former woo by all the rafters several of tbe farmers are planting their potatoes there is not muoh sport near hare for tht s4thi quite a nnmber of the boya purpose going fishing 8peyside milton und mr david henderson m p has takon very oommendlblo ateps in drgiog the goveromont to take immediate steps to reoallall the twentycent silver coins now in circulation the busineaa oommonlty and tbe pnblio generally find them a naisanoe and will bo very graternl to mr henderson if hie calling the attention of the qthoritie to the mattar will bv f theeffeot oa jilnwtnntnatrtoolt to break a pair of ooln yoang ooltsto a boggy and after driving np the aeseoond hoe about a mile tarned sroand to go borne the team became obmadagabla and ia trying to hold them np tho traces became anbltolted and let the tongue down they ran against a stone breaking the tocgae and tbrowlog ibftt yoaog man oat- npon bis head hugh reoelved a bad out on his forehead and several broieee about the faoo a badly sprained arm and a general shaking up he was taken to hit home by one of bis kindly neighbors where he is being cared for by his parents and friends we see a nuuiber of oattle on the dooglas and brown commons thla spring about twentylive head belonging to some farmers in trafalgar have been brought op for a aheap anmmers ran pasture mutt be aoaroe down there some tblbk a pole tax ayalem might work for farmers cattle and apply it to fixing roads along ahe qommone mr henry bayers parobaaed sixteen ateers laat fall wbioh he feed all wlnterand and by bis good care came throngb the through the winter in good shape he bat jost tarned them out to great they are a fine herd if prices keep up mr bayers will be well repaid for bla troable farmers in the vicinity of speyaido who are interested in horses woold find it to their interests to call at the stable of a mcdonald spoyalde on tuesday and friday of each wesk as- there some fine boraes stabled there on those daya mr aod mrspeler qibboos were visiting at the borne of tbelr daughter ellrabetb mrs bynnot of oaatip a few days isst week vanflesl bros have gone toaafagrovr where tbey have seenred a oontraot for atntnping from mr john wright oeorqetown tbttown counoil has voted oompauy 7 volnuteors 915 for milk and butter at camp milton court of roviaiott will bo bold on monday may 2tb the bell for the lluy schoolhouse arrived intowu ou saturday it la quite a laruo onn itnil hua sounding capuoity bufnuieiil i ularrn the wholo saotoh dlook the amiiversary ol tbo opening of knox ohuroh will ho celebrated on the lltb of juno tliullev prufmhor rob d d ol prcebjlorirtii colleih hloritreiil will cunduot the heivloex unci on mnniluy evening lollowiug will deliver a uoturo the ohuroh on scottieh llfo olaraoler tho annual meeting of the hulton farmero institute will bo held ou satnrday juu 8rd- in the town hall at 180 p m g13 diy b s a 6 a c guelph ivill deliver a icaturoat 830 p m admueion frtre all invited weare happy to say that news had btii reoelvcdlrom ottawa that the hon g o mokindaey who baa been in a critical eondition at tlitl oity for eomo weeks has takeaatarnfor the better and that thcro are grouuda for hoping that he will soon bo atito to leavu c7iampion rev t j parr m a accepted a unanimous methodiat ghnrch here owing two the ilium and death of the motherof bov d wsuider he waa at her home at brentford the paat two sabbaths the pulpit of the methodist chnrbh was ocenpied on the 14th by by mr robert goates and last sunday by mr hpmooroof aoton the hoapttal morrltonj oallt to baa tbe limehouse mrs kdmondson returned home after spending tbe winter her eon- duncan at spabiah river mr bert moore of toronto spent sunday with bis parents at bis home here mrs charles kilpatrlok who haa been very iii for tbe last week is not improving as fast as her many frienda wouldllke however we hope to eoou see hr np and aronnrt again we andaratand that mr jno brown- bas purchased a very fine thoroughbred durham bnll to add to his herd we notioe mr d m madermid onr thriving mernhsnl is still iprrsasing bie buafneaa by adding every nloe ksaortmebt dry goods boots andsboes etc to his alresdy fine stock mr and mrs morris gardiner of aoton spsiit sunday with limebouse friends the pan of sciatica mr8 paumer of fenelon falls tells how she suffered sod vicepreuua annie blaok uanaewoos 8e6treaso b fraasr anion but8eoauaii nobis noival eieonuvs oommlltee its bsstets and sop- rmtendante of the township i au next annual mestlpg will be held at hornby 1 evening session vt by rev mr mokay of norval the retiring prssldsct made a brief address and then introdooed bla adccvssor mr brosnrldga of ash grove mr brownrldge made alvery worthjr opening sdarwt in wkloivbt exhorted tbe workers to renewed dillgspoe in teaohlpg the irntb of the word of ood 5is 11toslioi kwa1lijjajahiilvoilifj tc a pcrional knowledg of the bsvfpnr xhajptsior of the oharobiltev ar orsgory followed with fervent words opod ths seme topic bfl jrasonof flejorgetown then lsiafrartbtsi- npon bible alqdy holes new midliter in ths boun ty and ms presence was bsartlly sppreoi- sted v j- wyt given by be viftjvwi the court of reviiion will be held next tuesday evening a new laundry bat been alarted in town lee bhan is the proprietor ths annual meeting of the milton diitriot of the methodist ohuroh wis bold hsra on thursday iaat with tho rev john kay of oakvllle president statistical reports were presented from eaob ohuroh to be tabulated and forwarded to the oonfereooe the bev j b hookey of waterdowo wat elected to the alationlng committee inepeotor desocn represenle the sunday sohool interesu and dr molaohlau brother of bav j a molaoblao m a of aolon represents the epwortb league ra o a mitchell the sosteotatlon fond in dsaoon aod henry momsstar of milton wars elected as jayrpap to attedd oonferenoe also g h kenntdy esq apt and capi johniton of georgetown and mr greenswsrd of norval with eleven others from the sooth side of the district aoonosrt given la thejntereats of ths eplioopajlan ohnroh on tuesday of laat wtskln the town ball was enjoyed very -mbob-lry-ihn-asdlsnos- bnsooonntof ths rain the attendanoe was- not as large as expeotsd ths rev h b arid mrs mason left on mondsy for clifton springs n x mrs kaion will remain for a lime for ber healib pur volunteers ari beginning to talk up aammer camp and are making their reparations for a good ontlug tbebevoamitohell b avs his c a svcppetsof the report farnlthed by diatriot meeting for ths conference oo sunday 1175 was raised for lbs mlaatbnairy fond wo for soperan- uatlon food w for educational fand the total smpnnt raited for all purposes waa- nearly i00 he also reported having received slghtyfonr new members daring bis pattorsts the bpwprtu leagns of the methodiat chiroh haa juat porobssed a new piano which is to arrive this wtsk confined to her bed for woeltb her limbs beoame so numb that a red hot iron could be plaoed upon them without her know ledge only those who have folt the agonizing paiua of aoiatloa can form any conception of the torture wblob the viotim nndergoes tbe case of mra job palmer of fecelon falls wss one uf nnuaual obatlnaoy and severity iind she niakes the following aifadavit in reference to ber cure for the good ofhnmanlty i am twentynino years of age and have lived intbisyiolnity all my life i bad always enjoyed the best pf health until novomber i8b7 when i tooka stinging pain in my right hip which seemed to be ip- my very marrow aa it affeotsd every muaole and joint i kept up for several weeks although suffering the most intense palnireely naing liniments and many other internal and external preparations that sympathiz ing friends would suggest i was then compelled to stay in bed as i- got ab weak audrnn down that x could sit up nolonger i received several courses of medfoal treatment suoh as electrio batteries ppalticlog etc bat got no esse from the exornolatlng pains wbioh would shoot down throngh my leg into my veryheel wbere it bansed a burating feeling often iprayed that my heel would burst think ing this might give relief the limb at last became so numb that a hot iron could be plaoed upon it without my having sny knowledge of it ths cipelng or opening of a door or anyone entering or moving aboat in my rpom seemed to inaresae the pain for weeks i ooald not move any part of my body and bad to he iaone position all the time my hrotber wast oared of rheumatism after every other remedy had failed bylaklng dr williams pink pills so i thonghl as a laat retort i would try tbem as the dlrebtlona laid that in severe esses three pills obald be ssfely taken as a dose i took this nnmber three limesa day for aboat aweek altboagh i got the relief i so long prayed for iu thiee days after taking the flratdbae then 1 kept on taking the pills two at at oae in a week after commeuoiog the pills i waa abla to gel put of bed and dress mysslf and a few weeks later when lhad gained alrjngth euoogh i was able to attend to all my honwboid dptles and i have ever alnos enjoyed the- best of health friends and neighbors whowere con- variant with my case can also tell yob of my terrible suffering and the remarkable dare reflected by dr williams pink pills mbs 8oantpitsn taken and declared before me at fenlon falls in the county of victoria this 11th day of may a d 1808 j4ks diokson j p no ingenuity of barbarism no devil ish invention of the musters of torture during the time of the spanish inquisi tion ever de- vised an agony so intenac so persistent so long enduring bo nerve hara rowing ob that which is suf fered day niter day by t lie- women whose distinctly femi nine organism is deranged or diseased there are three most frying times in every wom ans life 1st when firlhood blossoms nto womanhood 2d when motherhood is achieved 3d when the capacity for motherhood ceases the change of life dr pierces favoriteprescription was devised to make these three periods safe and painless by restoring to vigorous hettlth the orjyans involved it soothes heals nourishes it gives nature just the help it needs itis the only prepara tion of its kind devised by a regularly graduated physician arid skilled spec favist in the diseases of women me- too medicines are- preparatioria without standing pr success they are the substitutes sold- as just as good having no record of their own when dr pierces cures are- referred to they cry metoonietoo like the cuckoo in a ohrlaa clock dont accept rfletofl mc41t dues for favorite prescription mra mnnroca of italia perry ahaata cocal writes mynhyslcian said iwaa auffcrlug from the effects of change of ufa i bad heart dis ease and female trouble and rheumatism my headvntaaodizsylcouldhardlyiundup when i begon dr fierce medicines 1 improved nght along i took seven or eight bottles of the fa- e prescription a teaspooarul three times a and the mpleasant peltetaat night x feel hhtaiilisiigd wcie kigrht house hamiltons favorite shopping place may 35tu 1b99 big sale of dress goods one of those tockstrorhtcnink transactions vyhich afford prudent buyers siich excellent opportunities for money saving a stock lilteours where such an immense assortment is kept and where such lirisk selling is done requires a straightening up now and then theres an accumulation of shortlengths and the assortment of shades in some lines becomes broken we have gone carefully through the department making reductiohsin the prices of such to ibe extent of onequarter to onehalf thiilr value theres nothing inferior about the goods mind you but theyre lineswe think it advisable to sell under real ticularsr 1 worth in order to adjust the stock par- allwool plrviu drob matorials in vfcrloufl colon iqoludioh cadot mvrtlo roblda aol brown fawu and navy 43inob regular prloo 406 roduoed to v q fanoy cheoka in oirdlnal greuu brown imvy and fnwn allwool 44iucn regular jrroea 00 b5 and 75 reduood to lj piuofrenoh sorgo in jiavy allwool 40 lochoa wide regular yatiu 75o or ioa hillolani in varioas abadoa of blue and fawn in ttiort lougtbb do inohob wide regular 1bs to oloovr at coo covert suitings allwool in fawns eadot uluo gray retlda and brown 48lnob formerly q1a5 now 63o navy borge allool 06 inouea wldo good quality formerly 1 now- 75o ullk gronadluo suitable for blouse walsta rugularly 1360 and a3 reduced to 1c0 allwool navy lqatlog bfcrgo 0 inehei wldo regular b5a reduood to aso fino frouob kergo in navy brown and myrtle i myrtle 850 broya brown and myrtle iqlpcb allwool formerly 60o now- orite prescription a ttmipoonful three time a day and the pleasant peltetaat night x feel recoramcndlug jor plerced mcjlfllncn to hhff lng women i think that they are the bctt medicines to the world fewer propotiala woald undoabtodiy resbli in fewer matrimonial fauorei beatithe klondike brusaelb oarpets at b5c a good tunvlity uruaaoln mado by tbe boat englibbmaaufaoturura latest pattorns hj iaile shades ofbluogreonrad andlorra worth at ajloo abd 1 15 eogllah brussels in various bandsomo pattorna and oolorlngs all now goods with borders and hall and stair oarpota to match at 8125 a good wearing quality of engl lab mramo bruscela new dublgus ill term creony blue and brown vltttliordeni and and cd inob rogularfioa now fu bbopbord obockbin black and wbite ave atalr carpets to mateli at 13j the very boat quality of oroasleys and templetonsfrframabraasela in handsome now patterns and oolorlngs we dont know of any better valuo anywhere than tblp line and it can be had only from us in hamilton outaains still a number lolt of those special nottlng- iiu labe curtains ir wldo by 8 yards lone worth 225 por pair for ham labegurulnsingbod patterns so lnobes ei-7av- different ilaed obecka good qnallty allwool regular fioo for 35c fanoy dreu goods in silk and wool effects a few short lengths of these that were marked at l and 125 we have reduced to a clearing nrlob ot 00o wonted baitings in srey fawn and bine all- wool 48 inch formerly 1 now 75o fanoy stripe fldltlnes allwool in grey and fawn formerly aiw now s100 pine sedan oloth costnmee in single dress bdgths applique trimmed ia fawn reslda and blue formerly lhweaeb now 1000 ayortb48j0psrpairfor bsqo nottlngbam baea curtains in very floe laey effeots large range of designs slae 60 lnobes by 0 and four yards ax tra nalae at mjx per pali white frilled mnsllo oortalns very daint nryardssztravalne atmjo per pair t frilled mnslln oortalns- very dainty for bedrooms bitting rooms etc iu spotted and dgured ivtubt hsu iu buu items 8 yards long and 60 inohes wide fli5 per pair new snowflake oortalns washable in white with silk cross stripes in various shades suitable for libraries badrooms and sitting rooms from m75 ap to 45 per pair write for samples- department we prepay the charges to any railway station inontario on ail orders amounting to 9500 or over the fact ofyour not being able o do ypur shopping peraonally in hamilton does not debar you from reaping the benefit of values like these use our mail order klngst east cor hughoon 8t catns h h mr a 0 tbornas of mirysville tei has found a more valuable discovery tbap has yet been made la the klondike fpr years he suffered untold afiony from oonsnmptlopi aooompafned by bemor rsges and was absolutely onred by dr kings new diacovery for consumption oiilnaand flnlde he declare that gold is of little valno in com par i bod with this marvelous core would have it even if it oost a hundred doll are a bottle asthma bronobitis and all throat and lung affeotioha are positively cored by pr kings new discovery for oodsamtion s61dtt7dm61te co oenta and 8100 guaranteed to ouro or price refunded this word is oqr yrlgbl gitee for purity- and strengtu when seen on onr goods it makes tbem tbe standard for belt soveral fiurposes abditpsanoeprotaots yon from mitatlons and itjftulorgoodfcpoplc for it plant spray i plant spray mntains nc senfo or pacts green bure ife lungl etc harmiesa 1 tdas only reliable spray sheep dip rerslatlo plant spray eonttima no mineral polaonaraenfo or pacts green bure death to all insoot life lungl eto harmiesa to- vegeta tion canadas only reliable spray perslatlo bheep sip 1a s prsparation f or tho aura of skin dfaeaaes and the eradication ot vermin in sheep and cattle it la highly nicdl- olnatand does its work with no drastic or irritatlog effectia endorsed by leading sheep ralsers horse wash peralatid ietbrse wash is vnoiaiy preparad mtidtcament for the pure of t skin diseases skin in a tborofftily healtby eonditlqn price ei0opersosenl ftwr- persiaucpiwwilsrsueoeimlplly naod in all eases of akin diwaseaof awfoa wd for destroy jna pit was and vermon generslly keeps the aldjiltt healthy eondltlon and eusores a healthy ha dref aulmsl for market andtbujtry p6wder mbil dpray ponltry ulir persiatleben hones powder destroy vermlp peculiar to the feathered atookhra tome or in anode aota as a dfsln fectant deatroylng nerma and purirvlos the atmosphere usehtltberauy thoy prevent routi and kindred dlaeaaes putohaaa these goods from your dealer or aeud to u8 direot for them we invito oorres poudenoe the pickh art renfrew co limited stouffvlllo ont rjamaaij the anatomist ought to be able to furnish iosidtiuforrnation a man named smith had a terrible cough people said he vras golog into ooneumptlon as a matter of fact he was already in the esrly slag of that terrible destroyer but be had sense enough to take auiloha codgb and oon- aamptioo care and today there iaata healthier man in canada 25 ou wots and 1100 a bottle if it fails to oars the drdggisltvlll refund joar mousy i y con be cared with ton ilomnanii ueadacho towders x almplo prue- tlcnl porfeotly anre positively hnrin- i lessspoulnororallklndsof huadaoh i hatevertpcaasoii- rj niasnbiiinii b hea hes i artfwl 51terofflspr m rockwoo0 woollen mills established 32 years but going about it in a very energetic fashion nothing dreamy about our methods these mills cannot be kept runriing without a supply of wool no more than a saw mill can run without logs to the farmers of this section of the province we look for a good supply of wool for 30 years we have been resting upon them and for all that time many in this section have brought regularly their clip to these mills year after year there is reason to belie vetriat our dealings have been of a pleasing and satisfactory character we believe in square dealing on both sides we want your best wool we will give you in exchange for it our best goods in no former season have we been able to show customers afiner assortment of tweeds friezes homespuns flannelsblankets sheetings yarns of our own manufacture nor better stocks and more perfect choice in knitted underwear prints flannelettes shirtings cottonades white qifilts grey and- blcicnod cpttoos current market prices full weight and fair inspection is paid you for your wool and whatever you want of the necessary articles go in payment this is the whole matter in a nutshell if you have dealt with us in the past youknovv how satisfactory it is to trade here if the business is new to you come- and see us and be pleased as others are pleased wb m z roqksjvirood sutoollbnmills ont m n music mi6s wiiitlams of georgetown taceessor to alias iialdlaw la prepared to give thorough instruction in- mmlohplsno or organ in theory and praetloo for terms apply to mm williams attlr js uattbevrs rasldencs ou friday evoulng of eaob week fishing pbesebve8 notiqbib hereby nlvob that nshlog and shootluron tbotrtun ruunlng tbroufih tbo oast part of lots 20 b0 jli ana tho vest par orlptltlln tbe 7th con niisbosawcya are pro blblted ttonpaibera will bo prosecuted under tho ontariogauio laws w btaik aoton blayfith ibm forlsyw tannery foe sale very cheapeasy terms of credit blitok buildings and com pi oto plant good englue and boiler and abundant water established ibuslneea in good town splendid ohabco for man with limited capital por information apply to- 6cott lme8 hobson htthlltok v wanjejjd a gbnt8 in every district on the continent i to take orders for blab jgrade canadian grown nursery stock and moos largest and most obmplote assortment l trade fast selling specialties superb aamplea fornlsbod free correspondence in any language thews eosiiions ore money makeriand territory should e secured at once for tbo season by all hustlers looking for a good thing our salary or com- mission offers interest to anyone not earnln g 100000 por year get in communication with onr neareatofnoe an opportunity to represent a wellestablished house ability more impor tant than eiperienoe luke dh0ther8 company international nurserloi chicago hi montreal que rochester n y municipality f acion court ision notioe im hereby given that the ooort of bevlalon tor tbo village of acton will b held on v tuesday 30th day of may 1s99 v- at the town hall at 8 o61ock p m all partios interested will please govern themleltcm oeoordlngly t t moobb olerks acton may 10th lew property in acton f sal ironerty belonging to mr j- aitw xtlly now ot buffalo offered for sale at low prfoea and easy terms v pauwaial that fine brlok residence and immlh joukmtbcreerneiihbrobat the followlni patbiok oontalna 8 rooms bard and soft water iplendsd7 orchard ond good garden bents at from t om f8per month pabokij good building lot baxlsioa gnelph street next to aiox nmshaws atwi residence v- pisomx ft the tore and dwelling on mhi street ooonpred by garoey bros who eury on- a general business is in splendid central and convenient pjlkoju 4 three f oorner of young and rsoia parcst sthreespod bnlldlng jots sv usaif rner of touna and hill streets a anleadld- s alte for a manufaotarlng establishment owinsiv to its proximity to ottt depot t- for terms and parueularsenqnlreaatheomos w-btdbinf- o in soar atomacli eimby droaslsta avtitwbtm e i loo envalopsa aqd jso buss e t nofftsaa ra co brldpaars oat wsasassmmmsma see3corn mammoth bonihsrn sweet yellow dent barlyliamlng manlmou cuban wisconsin white dont olondabsrly yellow dent wblte cap yellow dent mastodon yellow dent angel of midnight harly butler oomptons early longfellow sauera north pakou thprougbbred wblt flint etc onr stook is ot eioollent quality gall and oe it auid getprleos a jaaibshi 46 maodonnell st outilph noted tea store and j pinajalaoe y y friday and saturday qf this week we- will put oh sale- 100 pails 7 pounds- each of aylmer jam raspberry strawberiry and ipiuni- not inore thair two pails to ariy one customer special pries forthia week 40 oetits n pail do not forget our spring opoii- ing diiiney bet solo cprametices this week js as otteisph- ytrwrbrmoalplnstando a mitchell atuiiled the monthly msotlod of tba mlnlaterisl association in aoton last woaayo vv althonnh ihuladoll weather our aoklora arebuay aod report tome very larne flan jilpiltii opr cyclists have kept tbelr weather eye bpsnbiit their wbeela are waltlnp for a aiptufmejoit swiiiso srs bora jeadrs bat lots ot wtsmiirow epandbsooma drivers fiiii- ljsmck liiriloat m iwffii wooded hpadar ahoold prodqoa burnlns ihonithla but they dont worklug nlglt and day the- busleat and mightiest little thing that ever wae made it dr kings new iilfo pills every pill ia a sngarooaled glohnle of health thai change weakntia into strength llallssaneaa into enory brainfag into menial power theyre wonderful id building op tba health olily us oenta a bii bold by j d mokee wheh a man dlapntes vrltha fool the fool l fflfpyonr j feiilfcdtprsjllfiisntryrpalbr 1tsk-sbi5rsihil- aodlsvomenta of aomlral dewer wa worlda t imtma tlopldol l7etgbtbt lllostra- sreatest naval baro lifelong friend and a bltnaat and beat book tealnensarnaarlr w uona qnry tla r eommlsaloos patnl time wrlteaulek the oorolulon oompany trd floor oaaton bwg ohloasp by marat balatead tfas pormooa deroaud bit rmmlaa improved aevv danish saararfiirat tltimip8 ninnies prime fifrplo top xlnpbiwt btum wtstbury iwahcles maw fffsnl jtauaytx- munmpayor cahrot8 improvodwhiim more oliaiiic fte many who bought and many prospective buyers during fridays and saturday ale of boys suits expressed their regrets at not being able to take advantage to the full at the prices offered to give all such a chance we will continue the prices advertisefbr saturdavvtui after the 24th hpdrvcldyotli7i forilhe holiday trade our cbun with special ipfferings of silk anclkid gloves knd cashmere hose li silk gioves were 35c will g at 25 n sizes 6 to 6j as wehaye tll have ever offered and jgobdvalueiipr3 s- a 2c seamless gents xjumbrelfas will be a feature of tlie furnishing department and ladies parasols of the millinery depart- nient bay as earltas possible and flle asachance ibserre aflt thla interesting plaos lt into nromlaenoe sltaated au itftjlntne nesrt ot the boo tins grounds of moskolu js rambsela qrand raun battwar imram to huntavilte tbenoe by steanisr ovamnsbeantirpl waters off falrj and peplnsnlar lajtos to oraiamorti where every facility exletafor iwsenldaduterent parts of ths lakes by means off tba eakvor nav co anslorswilt onl thla avs paradlas auid ean safely be promised- abundance of speckled trout as theiaaat1tro their efforts biollnt botala anavfisardlnsr4 bouaaa will be found bare uaaar tlullkl opa wardsper day f nsid tickets folders and all inormatloi ironls ptit7gents fj 1 holmes aent r aoton m0ink3itaocvs dlflt pflratoronto flies and human beings are two distinct families and cannot live happily together fit your windows and doors with sccens from symons and enjoy life piano crooeries tomatoes 7c corn 8c salmon joe best red pkg cora starch 25c best american coal oil 18c readymlxed paints nd parisgreen symonbrqsi iijs cpretuamkim aro rctonj o dvw jcssix mpo seta fml fu sssstsw vlng tpeciol attention to the wevegr sale of oents flna shoes blaok and colored oodda our showindpty is rfnll with alce new goods showing prices and styles- vj if we are looking fpr overy pair to bfjt trade winners the wejivi wi fcikj t7n7ffisiif ikkjjmv im england a large crate of yvmte stone- ware consist ing ofeljs cups mwoi oomiiaai oomihoi tsillhjttolilt huluale new vok rwkdilpiila abd tofooto optical collate call early and kvaiiyotirself of his valuable services as tilt is arare opportunity- to have y our eytfpmpcr ly tested free of charge no guesjj workbut a scientific certainty jjiffij cult cases aciip rately fitted attji wohk ouarantbbd astz asvev sulst aetvakawaea rjwliijijji agnevvaiwelabtbn thursday jtjmji jut ifloal all kinds of seeds in balk for farm end gar6en v t5t tmnsmalissljjliinra v rf- for trees an paris or mcitxboiix jctc ivirtiiisi a full assortment of noiis zjnxs nooxs outs jys ucabkhs im riw a tm w-

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