Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 25, 1899, p. 3

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the bank of hamilton ciurtlh gkantko 1872 head office hamilton ont capital jail paid up 1 26000000 reserve and surplus profits 80000000 total assets 1 200000000 turnboll cashier savings department interest paid it best current ratos and added to principal without waiting for pass book to be presented the news at home montlypf a local character and every item interestlns any sum may bo by simply sending in a writ order with the pass book withdrawn by simply sending i no formalities no delay the government returns show that this bank gives to depositors four million dollars of security tner and aboc every cent due to the public farmers notes of responsible farmers discounted money loaned to feed cattle etc farmers sale notes collected promptly and advances made on account of same ata lpw rate of interest security courtesy fair bates- every banking facility afforded which can bo obtained in the city or elsewhere correspondence solicited georgetown branch ktrrauuvnbd ovaa twkktt nuns y j p bell agent qflte jlttoit fttt thubsday max 26 1890 little local briefets jwhloh caught the eyes or ears of free press reporters this week in the tuesday was empire bay fublio bohools helton teaohera contention will be bold at burlington on jane 1st and 2nd the case ol lawson v beardmoro ia nmaneedfemriautonlphonoui the barns of mrs r balmer and 0 a section men on sfrieco the section men ol the g t r hero wont out on strike on monday morning with 1800 others employed by the g tit sybtem they demand an additional 215 cents a day to their pay and pay for overtime their present pay ia foremen 81 do per day men ii 00 from whiob ia deducted 2 to 8 cente by the company for insurance making the money aotually reoeivod 917 and 08 oeota per day cauiht at aoton in labt weeks report of the sapper given to george appleby by milton friends it was stated according to information received tbat the trout which were the prinoipat item on the bill of fare were oangbt at coltie cookbnrne pond near hlllbburg jas flrstbrook of aotou haa written to any tbat tbey aame from his tront ponds not from hillabqrgb and this we find ia true mr firstbrook having eo muoh to do with nab must know how unreliable fish stones generally are and will not be surprised tbat the champion was misled cttainplon what itow and why otpublia beading the monthly session of tbe georgetown ministerial association whose president by the wa audtseveral members reside in aoton waa held in tbe methodist sohool room here on monday the anbjeot under disaussion at the meeting was a oomprehenaive and oarefully prepared paper what bow and why ax publlo beading by tbe president rev t b forbes all phases of pabho reading were carefully oonaidered and the diecaseion which followed added to the interest of the aubjeot tbe members of the association wera regally entertained aft dinner at the methodist parsonage by bar aod mrs mclaehlan tbe neat meeting will be held at norval the royal district xjtoroaso sehedule tbe following sohedale baa been arranged in the koyal o l a interme diate aeries georgetown at aoton jane 8 gait at fergus jane ie fergus at georgetown june 23 aoton at gait jane 21 fergus at aoton july 1 georgetown at gait july 8 aoton at fergus july bradbury oakvflle were burned on snndsy tbe eerniona of bev g a iionry of hagersville in knox church last sabbath we v moohsnjo the annual excursion to tbe model farm gnelpb ander tbe auspices of the helton farmera inetitnte will take place on june 24th premier hardy hobsonized a little berlin maid tbe other evening when presented with a bouquet of roeee at a big political meeting mr fred hunt of fergua sang with muoh eooeptanoe in the methodist ohnrob on sunday evening tbe tenor solo the plains of peace mra alex beoord heda beautiful night- blooming oaotus in flower last week and wt numerous frelnds were invited to enjoy the s beaotlf ol spectacle mr john mcqueen agent baa j arranged a delivery of frost wood i binders elo and tudbope boggles neat tuesday both inst mr w br denny has sold the brfok nae on ohnreh street belonging to iriok kelly ot bqefalo to mr ruins ordto of georgetown for jooo p rsowing to tbe holiday the pass falsa wenato press on taesday evening benoe queena birthday news and personal aitems aril withheld uulill next issue h- the late samuel danny of norval left an estate of 18000 reality and tboo personality messrs w h denny and iiawreoce hnnter are tbeexeonlors bev e i crawford of the dlseiplea oburcb will occupy the pulpit of knox j chores- next sunday morning and bev wm mokay of norval in the evening the aoton faas pazss says it is the intention of theoonnoll to lay another piece of cement walk on mill street ibis summer when may wo expect to aee the first piece iv of cement walk in milton reformer aaoothernjournalwallsluthisfmbiont t peschea are jailed tbe strawberry crop is short and there is but little prospect for apples if anything should happen to the watermelons we will begin to hear aomsthirjg about tbe black mans burden x p smith ays specialist will be ia pf aoton 00 thursday jane 1st one jt day only rooma at agnswa hotel ifyoo s have any defect in your eyesight it will pay to call and see bim examination free call saly or you may make appointments at a t browns drue store 1 irfhj tbe sagging of n eleolrio light pole kauowing tbe eleolrio and telephone wlrea to nfelnto contact dr atokeagnes jisj4fspbone was burned out on friday nlgbt gjmsnegar mograils time clock waa also jhsimjesjoiis the council had all thepoite k straightened op and tamped in osttpaday rwpif2hsataaot of goo hoods a tore a pores containing 4orvjblnder will please return to r lland wishes to inform tbe mraijiwlll be at liberty to take r or goto thrlr bomas by the parties wishing her strvloes will call at the horns of airs john nkmill st 9i go ins dajor a rich lady eared of ber f sjtoltolsbaln thshesdbyrd bipuia artinoal bar drams haisent k tobfi inaulate aotbatdeaf people vk 1 jtoiprooura the jbar drums may w bsm free apply o department k be lose tote- loogoott gunners gonaod vt ebgtena irh those about to marry men p old men who intend to h pl 0 fcy thf la made qolts aimpls6y fcmfe l more imoer of marriage irjipajoffliie 01 tlieoeremony and have the jcf frltals offlos all ilj- private land oonfldsntial awsifn j 1 1 wci p lasjltvorss adalpbfis tbe trauqni at pnasni oqumsntilor 22 georgetown at fergus july 28 gait at aolon july 29 aoton at george town august s i fergus at gait august 11 waterloo has dropped ont ot tbe dtalriot tbe district refereea appointed illowsjqeorgetown h rtwnrierwon- o 0 boe and dr roberts aoton j h matthews robert scott and j iiawson fergus a nfohols w a blohardson and j m mo watt gait a j oardy b t kelly and hogh allan a o steal distrlot seoretary quietly wedded aa weejr a qalet wedding was consummated at the boms of mrs mary 0 orr last wednesday evening when ber youngest daughter kate waa united in holy wedlock with mr mark bolton bev e i crawford tbe poetor of tbe young people performing tbe oeremouv misa mamie maaalaa was the bridesmaid and the groom was supported by mr a t brown among the nember of pretty wedding presenti was a valuable mlbtary toilet oase from tbe officers and non-oommlssion- ed officers ot company 0 lome bluer of whiob mr satton waa color bergt mr and mrs sutton left on monday morning for glpverevjue n x where tbey will make their future home their removal will be keenly felt in the disoiplea church where they have both been aotive members for years hearty congratulations and beat wlahea for future welfare and auooesa follow them ability jceoojgnxed and rewarded tbe people of aoton are always proud of the aaocesa of those who bays bad their birth herf especially if that soooess baa been aohieved after removal and in competition with the outside world one of oar most able sons is mr i p snyder at present the manager of the traders bank at sudbury bat who on tbe 1st of jane will assume the position of beoretary- treaaurer of the sturgeon falls palp co a oonoem organised hy english cap tsliate who hare undertaken to spend 11000000 in their plant within three years while manager of tba traders bank at sturgeon falls whiob be eatablishtd early in the present year mr snyders ability attracted tbs attention of tbs pulp we officers and his services ware ultimately sought to take eharge of the financial affairs ot tbe company in canada when mr snyder decided to acoept their offer of a permanent situation st a very handsome salary the general manager ot tbe traders bank wrotejuim tbat they did not wish him to sever bit connection with the bank and would increase hi salary hy 1600 per annqm but the palp co offered indace- raenu which were not within the power of tbs bank to grant and be dcoided to aooept them mr h p buyder is the second son eli snyder for many jeara a resident here hot now of toronto after his school daya had been completed be oommenced hie business career with a v green an aoton merchant in 1881 he left ifr green with the intention of aladyiogfor tbs profession of teacher but subsequently entered the manufactory of tbe j b armstrong co guelpbas offijoa boy in tha course of a few months he was advanoedlo lbs petition of foreman of the shipping dspartmsnland a year or two later as ponfldenllal sabratary of the president of tbe oompany assisting him ia preparing drawings and speclboatlons forfhe numerous inventions in carrlags springs gears etc he oontinpd with lbs arnmtroogjoofouibontsliyfarsaxotptt inga few months spent on tbs offices of l a wsaton 4 co patent offlos draoghtsroen byracae- n x in 1kh8 he resigned with a view to taking a oourte in floe arts in paris franoe but nneuotai obstselst p themaelree and he gays personal ajpplioauon to the gsnjsrsl maiagstrijl ytbsi traders bank he iwas appojitedto a position in its servloe jjse wsntaoelinlra ut scojipiajat at tarn demtaa of aroblhald cntupbcll esq the death of arohibatd campbell esq poourred at hla residence young btreet on monday uvenlbg he hsd attained the ripe old ago of eighty eight years tho funeral will bo held on friday afternoon at two oolook tho next iseao of tbe fnru fibss will oontaln a bkctoh of his long and useful aarear are the potato buga anaillated jsb anyone seen a potato bug this spring f in former years these troublesome oroatares were generally turned up whilo digging oorporul webb erins pro rnineot gardener this year is pleaaed to report their total abkenue and vontures the pinion tbat probably laet winter was severo oooogh to oalise tbeir demiee it would be both interesting tend comforting to know if bis theory istforreot erin advocate ho iove for mother a very painful oabe oamo up before magistrates pearson and havill last friday mrs sarah johnson an old lady ot eighty four years baa baon living wi ber daughter mra john munn fairvjew ave for some 11 roe and it appears wore out ber welcome anil aooordiog to the evidenoe adduced in ooort waa ordered to leave notice wab brought to beeve pearson of the old lady being on tbe btreet without home or friends and he provided her board for a few dnje until he could enqaire into tho case he found tbe eons and daugbtera of tbe old lady who reside at varions points entirely devoid of filial affection and had 110 reoouree hot to oorouilt tbe old lady jrhoae odly offeoco waa that bbe talked to muoh to tbe oounty goal sb a vagrant a son and daughter were ia the court at the time of committal aud appeared unmoved at thia humilitalidg aotion the town soliaitor and tbe magiatrates endeavored in every way to melt their etony hearte but without avail and tbe mother was sent down to tbe oounty goal with conetable iciawson it should prehsps be eald in alight extenuation for the soninlaw resident here wbo ia a laboring man on small wsgee that some three weeks ago he parobased the old lady a ticket and bent her to a well tolo dmughtarat milwaukee bbe arrived there onfrlday evening but was taken to the train by ber inhuman daughter there the following morning and returned to acton the old lady may have the worn comes forth with point forward the thorn point tf disease is an achepr pain bat the blood is jthe- feeder of the whole bod purify it faith hoods sarsaparilla kidneys liver and stomach will at onco respond no thorn in this point severe pains i bad serere pains in my stomach a form of neuralgia my motliur urpjed me to take hoods sarsapa rilla und it made me well and strong i have also given it to my baby with satis factory results i am glad to recommend hoods sarsaparilla to others mas john la paok 240 church st toronto ont comreexhtwsnon- after treat ment in hospital i waa weak liardls able to walk my blood was thin 1 took hoods snrsaparlua until well end gained 20 lbs it also benefited my wife annua mills dresden ont hood w c llrar insvlqs imitatlttan nil only catiiartlo lo uka with booaa barsasmritjat coming amd going visitors to and prom aoton and varjousother personal notes faults but aha is mother and the treat- ment aooorded ber by her ohlldren- le heartless indeed ouelph district meeting the methodist churches of the dletrlu in ann fleaolon at fergus the annuaf meeting ef ministers and lay repreaentatlvea of guelph distrlot was held in fergub laat tuesday and wednes day y bev j g scott chairman oooupled the chair and thos rev w jackson tbe financial seoretary had charge ot tbe fineness the linanoea of the ohnrahea of tbe district were found to be in a satisfactory oosditton while tbe various departmente of ohuroh work showed progress in the matter ot obaroh membership there wab a small net deoresse on the distrlot tbe elections of members to tba varions committees of tho conference to assemble in bt catharines on tho fimt of jabe reached se followe stationing committoo tlio chairman and j s bean d d bnnday bohool oommltteo ltov w h harvey b a and air h p moore bpwortb leogno committee itev e i flafig b d and mayor nelaou suatentatlon fund committee kov t w jackaou and and samuel harris oonferenoe missionary committee vr james mills with mr e b bollort alternatet b the lay delegated to galliano 090x0 dr mills judge jsmieson g b ryan f w galbraith mayor nelson 0 w kelly b o kerr j a davidson e b bollert 0 g groves j j oassidy f martin t s colepland f 8 near h p moore jamee brown b harris j kltohing 3 town- send j near and n leslie the reporte of aolon church which were presented at the dietrict meeting were read at a congregational meeting last thursday evening these showed tbe changes in membership to be as follows by letter 20 on triol f total reoeived 51 removed by letter sb died 8 ceased to be members 4 total increase g present total membership 809 tbe oouneatlonal fundi aggregated 805 10 the monies rsised for circuit parpoass inoludfng trustees sunday sobool epworth league ladiea aid 11868 ministerial support 1850 total 12518 10 tbe fobb pnssa invites all its readers to con tribute to thla column u yoa or your friends are going away on a holiday trip or if you have friends vlaltlng yon drop a eard to tbe faas pases dr j f uren of toronto was in town on friday mr will monabb will spend a month with friends in southampton mr john matthewa left on tueiday to lake a eitaation in brentford i mrs archibald campbell visited friends in georgetown during the week misb sophie colenaao waa a a at the methodist parsonage boakwood dnrlng the past week mr j n kilgour of guelph wss ip town last thursday attending the funeral ot tbe late mrs boyoe mr d henderson m p oame home on saturday and remained over the qaeens birthday holiday mra b w mlokllnwentto pontonby-oo- tuesday lo attend the funeral ot her oonsin lbs late charles nioklln mrs w h storey waa in guelph on saturday visiting at tbe boms ot her daughter mrs dr drydon bev f w holl of washington dawson city swtpt by flames a 4000000 conflagration ooou- red on the 2 1 st of april ylotoau b o may 22 an extra ot tbe skagaay 1asma was reoeived at mtdoigbr oontaining the following brief report wired from bennett to bkngnay just previoui to the uhii g of lllu tluttmer another tliihslrous lire vifud dawsou city tills lime fairly wiping tint the entire business centre of tba town creating loeaoa that will aggregate 0000000 with not a dollars worth of insurance on any ot tba great losses the bre occurred pn aprf 31st in the vary heart of the business centre of tbe olty between 2000 and 8000 persons are homeless sj 1 jm ysarswewinienitas in deoepber 1880 j took unto himself s wlfenem1891i and lb june 1894 in ordtogainsfidar sknerfanos in btnk- inftwcgpjaeea 4itfi tbs aocouuiii outhe ltxtiol trm wjth hebanvi js aoljrsdio v j ms nta rol mfm opabrlbtanbm hsi mpbjto jw aptnom ppou ntafrlsfaelfsis with ns this year is the vastest that has been never before suoh quantities suoh qualities shflhjbclqes 8uch designs suoh colorings j d nfokbe t hr agent in acton suid sbonrs the complete line at prices tbat xeafall he also hat lovely- mouldingsto matoh see him f ho froaa th qua vm the bal that hit o b susdooan of bio oo cftvi v 1 niy ont has obtained tha degree of b d at tbe victoria university toronto mr w h stewart who went lo toronto recently has a good eitaation in tbe mall order transfer of the t eatou oo mr butohart of toronto saturday night attended the funeral of tbs late mra boyoe hla grandmother last thursday mrs graham lawsbn of glen lawson aud mra john k brown ot the 5lb line are viaitiog monde at orillia ibis week mr fred hunt of fergus was a guest of his sister mrs maolohlau at tbe metbodiat parsonage several days daring tbe week mrs wm p brown toronto bad lbs mlstortnns one day laat weak 10 take a miaatep and falling broke ooq of her limba at tbe ankle miss jeasie waldie daughter of mr john waldie exm p for helton left tor an extended trip lo england and the continent laat week frank beeooby ot t mortons barber shop has secured tbe position of barber on the steamer caieorn running between toronto and queeoston milton ktforster mr hugh campbell who was deputy regietrar for hslton for upwards of a quarter of a ceatary has reslgoed he filled tbe position with entile satisfaction to tbe puble miae robertson snoceeds him the reeult of the 07ib annual examina tion of tbe ontario college ot phermaoy abow that c a bamabaw ot ibis town was among tie five who paaaed in dispensing presoriptiona materia medio and botany milton jitformer the fax pnxaa oongratulatee charlie who in a native of aoton the hamilton correspondence of tbe globe sava zlon tabernacle quarterly board baa voted the pastor bavt albert moore with whom the board is exceedingly well plesaed a months vacation and to pay for supply tha congregation whose numbers have been increased considerably aoder his psstorste rsised fas0o in tbs put year they also relievo dfitremfrom dyspepsia indigestion and too hearty eating a per feet remedy for dirtiness nausea draws nets badtarlemtheadwthcostrdtocigue rotolntbesiderokpidllver tbey reguhtettob ynrepft small prio substitution tho fraud of the day see you get carters ask for cartets insist anddemand carters little liver phls love laughs at locksmiths but it seniles at lbs goldsmiths bra men j viotlma to scomaob liver and kidney trouble as wall as woman and all feel tbs results in loss of appetite noieonfinjthe blood beekaobe nervwttoevsjhsadaehe and tired listless rnndowb m tti red p to day andcgodsforyea 1 a dainty ustlieel b for dainty m women the daintiest bi cycle creation of the year is our ladies pays to buy at bollerts it pays to buy at bollerts red bird special model 51 fitted witji our new caged bear ings it is delight fully easy running beautifully finish ed and with every detail of construc tion given the most careful at tention by thor oughly skilled me chanics it is a wheel that is not only exceedingly handsome but one that will give good service for years after the majority of wheels have been relegated to the scrap heap the peerless brantford red bird is sold in every canadian city and town from the atlantic to the pacific and can be seen at youn r b agenc if yo a prospective bicycle purchaser you might make a tour of inspection today ady toii ft v itli parasols a beauty apot of tho bturo is tho exhibition of parasols tho trebbness of tho stock is o rovelatton jnuuty sunshiny ohicscjssa things audaciously new and qncbbivontional oxact duplicatotoi what re winning favor in tho old world wo cant help compli menting ourselves upon tho display wo dont moan to suegest that everything is here but theres- a first sight of tho boat from a hobt of loading makers phngy phrhsols will bo the rage and ovory color will bo allowable tho stylos and colors of these are what you call very boat ot best bonie of them like flashes ot a prism or a suncheckorod laue stroaked with splint ered rainbow think of such things in parasols if there are colorings or combinations ol colorings joji want to match a suit or costume with and we havent got thom in oqr stock ot parasols wo can have tbom toade you on a days notice o there novor was a time in suushudo history when parasols were as captivating and cheap as today its difficult to argue about tho goodness of our assortment it illustrates itself the goods aro bettor than argument see for youraolf i i e r bollert fe co 25 w 27 wyndham st guelph hew prints at 9c the goold bicycle co limited j d mokee agent 344ttmilujm as a rule ladies know and appreciate the merit of such high grade dress fabrics as a black hen rietta at 90c a yard or a good soleil at 100 and 125 a yard can you think of abetter appearing or more servicable material at like cost weve secured a fairsized lot of these qualities at a desperately low price and put on sale today the 90e henrietta in blue black mid black and jet black at 69 ct8 tiielo0btack soleil at 79 icts thei25blaek soleil at 89 cts we only bind onrselves to supply these qualities at above prices while our present supply holds out if you cant come to the store write for i samples at once d e m acdon ald 8ro goldenlliofe guelph new english prints 1899 productions both as to cloth and patterns regular price i2c bargain price qc blouses four dozen cadesblouses worth 75c 65c and 50c salo price 35c summer hosiery or si ock is commktk east blufkhojleryauowest pris nev swiss muslins lawns embroideries new waist silks belts belt pins blouse sets kibbons bargains in white wear qttrfty fe co mill st acton store closes monday tuesday and thursday evenings at 6 oclock a decided air of distinction characterizes the man who wears our swell style in fine hats you can pick our fine quality fashionable block and rich colors in derbys alpines and blacks from the crowd every time for style and finish they are un excelled our derbys at 200 250 and our light fedoras at 250 are prices that sho temp the good dresser and they do jud sales this season one price 13 t ivtol qfwt merchant tailor only e jojlx5 and mens furnisher guelph the taking of photographs by amateurs has oi late been so simplified by improve ments on cameras and photographing chemicals that the work of taking pictures has become a favorite pastime with many young ladies and gentlemen of course the large majority only take them for the peasuro it gives themselves and others who desire their pictures but many of these actually make smfitout of it or at least make enough to pay for the material used and have the pleasure inathe pict f i- 1 pictures to the good hsingue tub jbeltbr cublph keeps in- stock camera 8 aid complete outfits of the best makers and during the past year has sold over ony cameras the prices run from fifty cents for tbe niagara junior up lo say the reversible back prernos and karonas at fifty dolhra we sell most at 5 and f to though and keep every kind ol materials used our stock of cameras is as large as any kept in any large city mflare sold at the rame prices send for catalogue r p 4a aecuced with a an steel alrmotor linay economy cannot ignore the fact that cheapest pay or ltsell in 2 years pomp all your water kun the machinery in your barn supplied the c p jr the last threevears with about 20 outfits also the british government in cyprus and india tfs well asjni england egypt australia w imamm largest imfsilnrert at wlndrollu under toe bhflahijag- for next thirty days kenniflros 1 main st cton have fmmenced a cloirlnr sale fur the next thirty days if you wint stout weli madb boots or shoes we can supply jou wilh ery suitable goods ai low prices if homo thing liqiitbr innea1and attract ivii styles we have a wide range and have confidence we can please you if you desire rudbers for the wet weather our stock will supply the w ant if about to take a trip north south east or west we have a gooq variety of trunks anx valises at prices lower than you are accustomed to have quoted lo you wo handle only the goods of reliable manufacturers as we have a reputation for honest goods sad square dealing to sustain our prices are always right custom work and repining neatly mud promptly done as usruai kktnvky bros acton a clothing talk the well dressed have a decid ed flih tillage ovev the slovenly notice the jrcceptioil given a man who is careful of his appearance he is prcfci red in business offices ill social life andevery place where men do congregate our cheap suits fit as well as our best ones because they are all sbiajbs reiady tailored make the ns well as acconipuijio we st tills make of goods because experience teacliedus lb it uotliitig i 1 too goo i for the customers ti v i h is lliorbttglily shrunk in the clieapest best aud the bauic ouarantee card 3 all 1 n bo jjil mmgmiimm sa

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