Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 25, 1899, p. 4

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l m so the fiairnpithblilrtelli of th6ppniicuilg9ljs declining power no matter how barren toe tree nor how leafless it may seem you confidently expect ieavei again ahdwhyp because there is hie at the roots v so you need not worry aoootj the talllnc- of your hair ihg i threatened departure of youth and beautyv arid why j- k because if tberols a aparkpft life remaining- in the the nftlfc will arouaeitlnt6liealthy actlv- ity the hair cease to come out it begnto grow and the glory of your youth is restored to you j we have a book on the hair and ll dlmmei- it is free mmj thubbday may 25 1899 slje oanjj joitta tuore via a youth who kepi store andthougnsomeinlghtbegrander ho kept a atore all through the wit add hi name waa alexander he mixed bui goodii with a euonlbj hand and wuaaklufulbrander while olt hli ingar half waa land- soma called him alexsaader oue day nia loved ono to him eamo thon lovingly bo ansoned her he eedber would ana bhangs her name and ring did alkhaiibor oh yoiehojawianmllliigllp if lean be commander the botb then formed a perlnenhlp and palled it aleanaher alex qeddetuthe baltimore 8m wr ioooo sprby h barts la qrlppa has mado them 8o but pi agnewe cure for the heart will bring j and health li grippo be leh mafif boejt weak and diseased dr agnewa gore for the heart because ol iti great merit aa a heart remedy the megioal qolokneaa to giving relief and the elmpet incredible onres it porforme ii roatohlqg trorn deaths door many who bad been given over as hopeless leasee its a wonder worker il a- speoiao for 11 heart deraogemeute and no matter how acute or eeemlngly hopeless will give relief ineido of 80 minnies hold by a t brown if pblloemen had to settle for drinks they would not keep ordereo mnoh batilde of saloon doors- for internal or external use hsgyards yollow ou oannotbe exoauedaa it palo rellotlpg an lootblog remedy fpr when a- inan gets fntbot water yon may be oerlaiu that he fqrnlehed most of the fuel todo fhe healing v i letnottnyitoroeehlsfie th with romblldg growling or irotalll 7 nor st thombeiownti aria from otervaelingo wiiaaat ttwiptammttisvn wfcahms stetaaabii bi men prow- loader whan they mount the ffrit roond of uie ladder than when they reach thetjip tauumrna bhe r mire wijwaasairttjpoitoijnne ttbnreeysijyorld oonflded to my room with inflammatory rbebmaltari and inlloiinunaer pain dootorefalled todo me good bire aoxaa of muborna bbenmatlo pills attired me prloeopfr rj liovi at first sight is like a welih rarebit delioiona when hot but yon muifnt 1st it oool i wormsol all klnaiare promptly eipallad by brlibtra fuumfyiormbjnii mlee in t fev liiistwhjiijfivhijlk topbuttbed yob know the stairs are hard to ollmbrt vsr ivui hollbways corn onro is aspeoiflo for the rtovajveioiinmiiilid wstirtiiv wevltsvta nerer liard of ill falling ierailinwrw tbeworatjiludrt-vt- rj- plbas po while i wks mnilng the fire burned davki wbllo i was amualng ibe pie bnrnojl myanadefitohaitktnm in thyprefenoell fulness of joy at thy right band are pleasures foroveruiorc ilavkc rliasnttka to avoid flssanrea that coat olbera palo flsainres tbat luvojve rlak of health pleaeorea that mlolitor to pmaeion plaainres io wbloh others oahnot abarei pleaitirea that hava wrong aaeooletlons pleasures tbat call for an interrogation mark plossares tbat make conversation about things of the kingdom seem inappropriate pijasonns to emjov ploaeares lhat make others happy pleaaurea that are truly recreative pleaiuroaibat give wboleeomo fan plraiurea in which all nan join young aid old weak and atrouk- plaainres that brpu the win and strengthen h obaracter srplesjqraa thajruinlrt intelligence isssnrosin vjib to talk of biro ws serve will seem fcrfeolly uatnral and in plabe etidtdvor fcrald an auth embryo a teacher of a school in the rural dlatriota itiilgnsd each pupil the task of writing an original story on the day when the storlea were read a bright little towbead aroae and started in as follows on the green slope of the inountiao stood a flntolass jersey oow with three legs that wont do johnnie interrupted the loaoher you are one leg abort no i aint replied the tntnre author you dont wait to get my plot whlou is that a railroad train oat off one leg and the owner of the oowgot s600 damagee an moved bia wholo family to paris in time for the eposition where tbeglrlswill be mar- ried to rlofa frenchmen and die happy ever afterwards as a blood p orlfler and health giver ranks some men bury the hatpbetwllb one jkndandreioh for the x with tbsolbof land professional men members of parlia ment business men bankers meohanios and oorfarinersv after haiipy reanlla and exjrlenomwlth palpojleryiponiponna empbatioally asssrtihs great msdlclne has bbiriyalijv as a blood puriser disease baniiber and health giver ii haa won the admiration and pralae of those in position and affluence ancl people in humbler ciroom- stanoeshave largely added to its extended rajolamoni i- the vast army of alok and weakly people itonrd to taaaltb and jrtgor by paloejs oslsty compoindbavi done niors tor the present worldwide ssle of the great bealth- bgildsr than all the press notioes ever pnbluibed i under sooh happy ausploer ths pro- prtetors opane oelery oompbond with folland bones oonadeuoe urge the nee of this noblest and beat of medicines at thils prsntsasoii ths work of purifying the blood oleanaldg the system regolatlog the nerves u an imperative one and ehould not be delayed a moment if ailibtj people would havi perfaotstralth v msn and woman dlilreaaed by haadaohe nervonineas aleeplessnaas dyepepsia nenrsjglairbsunutunn and liver and kidney obrnplaints osnnotsfford to treat thsli tronblea with jndlffehnoe this is the tlmsfor the taking on of new alrength and true vluiity and palnes cilery compound will never disappoint the sink andajbiiitadl vi toe old motto of palnoa oeler com pound makes alok people well is ss true today as it waa years ago h 16 moybv rtji tm stbbbts catarrh rorriedleb cost him hun- 4r4crsifrrooracfjmtlea qt dr ka hows catarrhal powder cured him fred h helb jr distiller railroad york co pa on jaunary ulit last wrote of dr aguews catarrhal powder like this j i hadoatarrb ofthebeadand storaaob for two yeard anl bad it in the worat form i spent sdveral hundred dollars in remedial and might as well have thrown my- money in the etrona i was recommended lo try dr axudwv catarrhal powder and two bottled of it have already bared ine i am a wall man and winh its mskera the greatest ql sucoeii bold by a t brown xberewards of heaven arenot baaed on the else of our sbcaveb but on the tlr glehearledheae of our service nearly all infants are more or less sobject lb dlsrrhote siid auoh gomploluiu whllo ttethiag and as iliis period of their lives la the rncitorltloal mothers should pot be without a bottle of dr j d kellbggs dysentery cordial thia ined lolne laaipeolbu or sooh oomplalnli and la blkbly apokon of by thoae who have nsedlti the propnetora olalm- it will oora auy oaia of cholera or summer oomplaint the girl with one brau to her airing standi a better ohauoe of getting married ibantbe girl viiha dozen sorofnlom spree mrs annie wright dereham centre ont writes i had aorofula ao bad that inyfsop was alloue rnoaing acre iiriod bntdook blood bitters and before i bad taken six bottles i was completely oured tbava a fine solid baby of yours mld- dletpo said a friend who was admiriog tboiret baby coyoo think heaaolld allied mlddio- tonratber diioonaolately it seems to me as if lie was all holler howcoal is made did ysu kftow that noil i made from plants notlooeohild iu a boudred knows lhaitj v hestitgrvrscutls whal thoant drat took lo bat la there more valuable tbancoal tbatwarma oor bouaea io nicely and glvea oa inch besot if ul gaslight toait by on oold wlntsr nights all kinds vof mabhlnery areworked by it f rprn tbb faalry to the veb iba th we amps oomel from remains of plants it you ukijapieje tnyonr hands ybo oonld ibej ie the tapreirlonof ieavea like thoee yon gatherin tbaeoqhlry iauss many hava items too they are very jrery hiuijjtnri even have ihvnijsrajs wkre the rooia grew i i many klndu of ferns and bogo treei of the foreit of ten make coal or ever ooal mine hxs move or lesa of thaae evehttie cones pfihe pine have been foond in the ooal peat ll the beginning of a bed of coal before ligrowi bard yon know what a nloe are l makes coke wbloh yon oflen see burning bo brightly in the grate is made by driving ont all the oil and gases fxmjb the coal they very gaa that ww ibnmi- taroften ooieapntof the inmps of ooal on a fire asking little black bubbles avbioh and bnrn paraffin oil is made from this very tar benrollne too ianillnp oomei from benzollne whloh i makes some of oor moil baaotifqt dyes ebsenoeilhat aroput in oandiea you boy and 1 tests so good oomoifrom lar so yon see that from ooal wo got nearly all bar beat sad light oblon and pieaianl flavors isnt it oblfnl though 1iuiutra- icdhoitt journal mllburna sterling haadaohe powdara arsasay to wehajrmlesa in aolion sura to enra any baadsoha in from s to 30 minotas v 8be pontlng oh charlie bow can joubssobrtiel j we have been married two days and ywarssmldlpgtna already be trtie dearest but jqat thuk how awfolly iqngi have waited for tbeoiportu- nyr rvv the man with only one idea is far rqore dangarona than ths man without an idea at ai yj j heartttaease bas baoorpa frlgbtfollj prsvalsnt of late if year heart palpiutes throbs skips beewor mibnrbab and narva pills they itsbeatyandrestorsu to hsaltby norrnal abtton l misbjahsmmy notgstalong without ibe old man to settle thiwiisjv bsgyards yellow oil sppllad rxteroally ralravss palo allays lefhvsnaitatipo rsdoose sw heals catb mrawapralni lame atiav itlftjbintav taken internally cares oroop pain iqlbe alorriabh kidney ebmnialiit etc loe8so r thirsty wfttcr a ri tho samtf jtt 10 ilicijl if arsjfisat eamjie cawaaaajfunaas aport homsvsidy fjlnii bxpoplene t rmiiwhloh a phlst taina 1 mr p j arsoitaoxooneof rort hopes knowncitizaruhsriikaasrollovya 1 my wife has had aterriblp time witb her lieart for llio just nbfcn ntontba v tho pfiina were inicne and she had a amotbering- ivetingttogvthtruitli shortnras of breutll weakness and general debility medlcinu pierned to do her nogoodfaiid wve had about given up trying when ahn atnrtcdlo take milburn a heart arid tjcrve pills they have toned her up wonder- r- vw she is stronger today than aho ha been for months thanks to muburnvheart andjyeryepiilsr i amsaiy-iftrfespiri-jp- no bftter remedy from the effects in mrs arnmtnsigdi v hy should take with them a supply of dr fowlers ext of wild strawb those who intend going camping thin summer uliunltf lalfo with thcin dr fowlers extract of wild straw berry getting- wet cntch- ing cold drinkinp wa ter that is not ulways purcoreatingoodilmt disagrees may bring on an attack of colic cramps and diarrhoea prompt trrnlmcnt with dr fowlers strawberry in auch patci relieves the pain checks tho diarrhoea and prevents serious consequence dont j take clmncca of apoll- jpit 5 whole summers quflnpp threiigh neglect of putting abottlo of this grtipt cliarflioca doctor in with your puppliea put cj thnt its he gfnuino dr fowler extract of wd strawberry a trtost of tlii iinitatloiiifro highly dan- parous uaoaily a man feeltf light on foot when be has a heavy loal on apubiliervsutfiuaiit wo have used hoods parilla in oqr family isa epriog modloine tonto aqd blood pariflbr anl hoods fills for billouanoin and liavo found both very efifootivo romediee wo believe for impure blood hoods barparllli la a rood medloidb ii fi felton publisher of the bfo atwoort ontario hooda fills give atrongtb even whlia their oalhartio qaalitles are ut work easy to take there it a world of diflorenoe between lettioft yonr light bins bbfore men and making a fire worka display curious a koodl story la told- of the bishop of atlanta oeorgin ito raoeuily addressed a larno bhsembly of bunduy abhool ohildren add wbuid lip by asking fu a vety parteual and qondea cording way and now is tbero aany little boy or aany httlo girl whp would 1ikotp abk a question a little shrill voice culled out 4 lease sir why did the angels wslk up and down jaooba ladder vvhef they bad wangs oh ah yes i bee said the bishop und now id thero aany little rtrl who would like to anuwer marys question their nationality the looal nr national titles attributed to british regiments are not much nuido to their ttctuil oompobltioit when lord speucer was lara lleutc6nutof ireland he inspected the soots oroya in tho phoenix park ho stepped bfforo the tallest man in the rekinieiit and said my- rood man what nationality do you belong to sootob yerhanner was ijhe reply lord spencer further unktd what part of scot 1 find do you dome from vtipperaryiyah the answer irish wit borne amuaiu instance 8 of irish wit are given- in olkodonaghs irish jjife and cbaracter why ure iriehman always laying bare the vyrons of their country asked someone in the houbb because tbey want ihem redressed thnndeed major ogorman au iris n th h hea b was complainioft of hie foreman hod not btir a finger himaelf to lift a red herring off the gridiron bm hed sbk you to shift therooko qlbrauar a great joarnallut i not always s great liar but be generally is the lees a man stays at horao the more his wife finds him oat bfoa brown iuhuvar inla an lak hssaaabe and orspaia4a r it girli dont marry aome men for their money we would like to know what tbsy mwrytlierntor r sprftoa sttalns bridtoonrlw f th g imib ii hfo litho proofs- some meodo not know what tboy are talking aboat nnlil sffer they bave said it therenever was and never will ba a unliversal panacea in one remedy for al his to whioh flesh is belr the very nature of many curative belnk such that were the germs of other and differently seated disoanes tooled in the syitem of the patient whai would relieve one ill in turn would agdravate the other we have however in quinine wine when obtained in a bound nnadniterated atate a remedy for many and grievous ilia by its gradual jndiqlohs oae the frailest systems are led into oon- valeaeenee and atrengthi by the ln3aenoe whioh i quiulne exerts on natures own restoratives ii relieves the dropping spirits of those with whom a ohrodio slate ot morbid despoudonuf and laok of intereat iniife is a diseaae and by tranriniliilng tbi nerves dlsrioasa to aoond and refresh ing bleep imparti vigor to the aotlon of the blooaii which being stimulated oonrass throughout the veins itrengthenlng the eaianinial fjtnollons of the system tharaungaotlvityaneoeasaryreiuh slrengtheniog the frame and giving life to the dlgbiifte organs which naturally demand increased inbalanderemll im proved anpelite northrop a ciyman of toronto have nlven to the pahlio their qnlnino wine at the usual rate and gnaged by the opinion of aoientlite this wine- apprpaohesi nearest perfection of any the market all drokglitseell i tbe rnalq oauie ot so many dlvaroei is beosuso there are ac many marriages pitv thbwo whoia a nervous wreokbut olbry in a bbrnady that will cure her a south american nervine bldthla pno bin a fnllflfer pfonodbflea autiltkird qisj flonthia iatheope i 8ablnaamy eleven year old boy hal hlv fil bally irljured by bfing run over by aoybiile mmiriovoij lii hing- the io with if wwiw f t and fapwardajs k mriild nsa his foot vv sys mrs 8 horning glasgtiw street guelph onuaayat doanst kidney pill trrrand i have riovbwm 111 since i whldh was over ayeir ago auid can give them niy warmest i roe to health after twentyfive wars a yerianoover have beenln a very bad doctors told me that m loft jtally waa in a very bad con- hiiam bago ahdipnui in the niiuievifrnybseic logelhcrfith dflicr painful end dletresslnbr syiiiplbnia jrirnon in kidney etnnpbrlr 1 could nptajeep and suffered much fi jaidt rhcj9favj5gf j til srijr w- irst commenced tajctngr jposhe i had llllloortofalthtn thero qi4rwttmrw odd isnt it that a man walks crooked as a result of taking wbuiky alraigbt rsn6fjttalks xplmfis can actikarut on vacmltdpan ippatralriymp 3se8 pri6e wih1 r0 trartcoros i n bvaisry town and viljaob amirasrmtauflng hacninn co london out bomb forma of bible study aro attempts to satisfy soul hanger by eating the dishes instead pf tho dinner mrs middleton wray writes from sphnmberg ont dr fowlera extract of wild strawberry is the belt remedy i knbwof for summer complaint and bowel diasaaes of children i have used it for aeyenteen years when yon sab a fiveyeirold boy with onrls and sash it is safe lo bay the father doea not boas tbdv honbe 7 wait to keep your neuralgia t of oourso ypu dont j so you bbouldtake boottsemulalon it is a faot this remedy onres it j and it cures nervousness nerve debility and in lomola also avegelablcfrcparalionror as similating ihetoodandrcgula- uilgltffislqmadisnislbcrweladf t facsimile signature raiiway timd intd tbisk bailway aolho e6t ooiko vntar hail 10 os am exnrosa 8 so pm moll 7 10 pm rxprcbb kxproefi mn mixed gsoair io oo em ltpro 10 os pm tiu1 of ul0h1nu ua1ib golug woit 0 40 am and 6 co pm going boat 10 25 am and 5 do p jn tiiib tlmo tablo wout into ofttot on monday slay lotb lbob acton- liveky bus line tho undtaralgriodreipeotfully solicits thepatrob age of tho publio and informs them tbat s well equipped and stylish rigs oan al- ways be secured tbis stables a ebmfortable bus meets j trains between 9 ani and bis pm caret nl attention glveq to every order the wants ot commercial travel- lersfuliybaet john wjlitcurs pnopbieton w barber b jios paper makers qesqbgetowni ont best steel vy1bb woven wire fending wirb ropb bstyiaa is the cheapeat mcmuliens pout nequi and their are the best tht ontario wire fenoinq co l plf qtatlqs hardware merchants sell these goods and can supply you if they fail you write the manufacturers at ficton rices l0sm the p qreenilsp stflre co genbrsl rcbnts hk3wiuton kd 7lfjontrb75l sold also by canadian hardware jobbers cetlt a parlor suite a sideboard a bedroom set an extension table a lounge a stand amattress and springs or aiiyother article in furniture requirements at a livino problt oitiy uhdertakihg in all its branches calls day or night attended coffins delivered prices to suit eyeryohes needs auzsaavkolllttof machine ffnlstisd book papers vun high obde weekly nkw8 the paper need in thie jonrna is from the ahovo mills wji babbeh btto everton and eden mills the place logo far the j ftetir i branmlddllnks chop feed ovc for sale chopping every day at everlon mills and every tuesday thursday rind saturday atederimills always buying wheat no credit henry hortop sin savings and loan co head office toronto ont authorized capital 500000000 tenyear maturity shares are paid monthly instalments of 50c per share for 120 months when payments ceae 6000 paid inmaturity yalne 10000 money to loan at 56 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on apphrj cation to s r j mcnabb agollt aotolu isj ivtr ftfsvti kidney especially waa in a vasty bad con dlllot tertblejjumlngparnwiaalmyi present buffered terribly from urn rajamwjtalji n b wis a wreck from btpmaohtroublea and nervous prostration after she bad tried rhanyremedleiahd was treated by bast phyilolina only to be disappointed in a enre she was reoomrnended to oae sonth american nervine bhs did lo with the result tht today after jaara of suffering alia is a oared and happywoman and procuima thll great remedy saved her 110 old by ajlbrowu l absent minded profeiior to his yoong wife as ihey oame ootof bhnrsh after the wedding 6v now we are eaob others for ever emm iii wife yei ferllnandbutou had belter make a lit 1 1 of it or eliejoull forget it i liver i roubles billomrifn fallow oom- pleilnn jilluw eyee jundloe aioivylald to the oorkllve powers of lixalfver pllla tbey are aureio onrs some prope nr 101 liimmi to steal bat baok tr tbsrrilj iaiirtjw mil iibver payi baok t vr thnnnis naljrj bvrabiise n 1 mrs brlrjhl johnny did tbe doctor oomewhilej waa out johnny inipsnding his play yes ma he felt my pulse looked at my torigne andahoblrhshbaa and saldit waaaserious oaae and ho left apresorlptlonand said hed ball again ibla evening mrs bright graoioos n i it wasnt you i sent him to see it was ibe baby ask any doctor ana life will tell you thit next to caiicerscrofulft is one of tlio liarctcst diseases to cure s yet burdock blood bittors applied oxlcrnally to the ports dftecleil and- taken intcrnnlly cured rev wmii stout of klrkton ont permanently after ninny prominent physician ji failed icured mrs w bennet pfj crewapns corners ont perm an- ently when everyone thought shej vuild die now mr ti ipotesi vvinclpr mills pq states his case asjioijrwsvi f vvv aan lihvlnguae4 burdock blood blf- m m of eureka harness oilswili talceil stiffness out of jd harness aiitf mu it soft as iiew it will look likeiim it oils- softens blackens an preseryea theleatheiv hl can keep new harnessf wearing ou6 and tbejife of old harness t uaeitooauj cooper akins artistic jai i ors jgeg to announce to their friends and the ptiblic generally that they are- nqw complete in their spring arid surnmer goods consisting of the latest novelties from the best looms of the world and styles that are shown in new york and london see our latest fashion plates to show bur goods is a pleasure call and see us fit and workmanship guar anteed sole agents in- acton for the celebrated bellwarp jerge which does not fade or change its color in two years wear or money refunded cooper akins m iwl to sizes 4pm any bj bj nolvt inh reveryah nbnrrabh sth- singjjbbj sasaasaafstlll pfftmah fpilh uuaairhi jlimulrco illlllt bwrwvvi w setollne iv of farm implements inlswssmisrynjnfy sbirpewbw i k i4mitnrpjrtyliy1ma vrsjtowstivi wffifbwv ai4 agontfor arnt urarpft sketbjvqr n nprpvomont nnd wcs opinion ns to whotb ntawowo hmkon jbertrtifokmcoatturnwiod gwtjalook kabiomi awat gpiaottobb wr felabtebtib ititainrrr oradl vjrisoaraabanooriirkiihift aisoelasloa kw bnnlnml water wort vksatttvonamoctahda atwmman rdtrrpivubiilnprr j miw voik uft dm du moifttrfv sfej4tr p v iy -5- kciwfafctiwm

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