Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 1, 1899, p. 1

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volume xxirlto 48 acton ontablo thtjhsday 1 junk 189jk price three cunts ib pcsuabbd every thursday mornino xt thjb free prosssteam rrlntlnp office uuib 6trbbt aoton ont tkiikb of buiibomption ouq dollar per year strictly u advanoo all subscriptions dlaoon tlnnod wben the tlmo or wblob they liave been paid hu expired tlio date to which every cnbiorlptlod 1b paid ts denoted on tho address label adtbrtibina iuts transient advertise mants 10 cents por nonpareil lino for first in oruon 3 cent por line for each subsequent insertion ootbaot baths tbo following table shows oqr rates for the lnsortion of advertisement for specified periods bpaog 1t1i 6 ho a ho mo bo inohoa to inohoa olnohea llnoh iso 00 8500 so do too as oo so 00 12 00 3 50 90 00 is 00 too 900 7 00 a oo 850 100 advertisements without sneclflo directions rill be inserted till forbid and charged aooord nglj transient advertisement most bo paid n advanoo advertisements will be changed once each month if desired sot changes oftener than enoe a month the composition mast be paid for attegulai ratos changes for contemt advertisements mast be b the 0hpl hy nftnp nn tnapyfl nevcombinations wall papers sidl walls ceilings and borders to match tho newest and latest colorings and tones at i 5c york papttrswarj lot some special late new newest goods in the market low prices see them tis well to remember ihat day has the beat stock of fine new papers and he leads in big value day accounts payable monthly h phooeb editor and proprietor wusinm dirirtorp msdjcal tohn m macdonald m d c m aucoemon to j p urkn m d 0 m olfioe and residonoe corner mill frederick treets acton office hours to9pm b to 10 30 a m 2 to 9 p m and d r 1 r forster book 8tore guelph days sells cheap -thb- traders bank of canada lorlzed dp 000000 700000 capltalautho cabiutfaaui u guelph branch we are now lssnlog money orders payable at par at any branch of oharterottpauk in canada excepting tho yukon district at the following rates uuder 610 b cents lu to 520 10 cents 890 to sj0 12 oonta esoto fcoo u cents itottrg in thb spring highest 0obbent rate of interest i laid on flutes deposited or 1 and upwards nterett ajlowodf rom a j j withdrawal and paid nterett alowodjt rom dattfotdoposit to date of vitbdrawal and paid or compounded half yearly advances made to rosppnslblo armors on their own names at tbo lowest current ratos no charga mado for oollootldg sales notes if payable in ouelpb a general banking biuiuoea transacted a fhjones bdccesbon to b- dba b eluiott xato resident physician and burgeon to vio torts boepltal for blclt children toronto ojtiob mill street latofy occanled by dr einott lytdrf xvr pryden eyb eab tgbolt alfd nobb moloan a block doaglaa st near p o guelph orvios houbb 10 a m4o 1pm and 3 to 0 p m hundiybio am to 1 p m dental l bennett ldb dentist obobobtowlf bhtuftxo eqrgei us us not if you want artists goods wall paper mouldings pictures frames bicycles for2soo cash wtaers bros wykdham street new store guelph jcoghlan d d s l d s t dentibt work oansrcrly donb piuobb modbeatb ovfiok ovan bnown b daua sxobb boons evehy day vtnou 9 to 6 jm bell dd8 ids v dkntibt bnoosvzzxa honoa giudoatk or tosohto uhivbbsitt work made batfsfaetory prices moderate viflrtfflo days monday afternoon camp bell vi lie tuesday v acton office clarks hotel friday rookwood 7 m clean mclean barristers soiioftors notaries conveyancers o privatefonds toloan office town ball acton wu a molban jho a mclkan a j maokinnqn ilabbistkb solioitod cohtbtakced m1j1 street in mattbows block opllck dpstalrs f b mcleod p 4 uaiuustxn sougitob convbtahceb main street georgetown money to loan at lowest ourrent ratei b j mcnabb clerk fourth division court cotlnty of hal oh con veyanoor agent fire and life assurance ueal bstate agent monoy to loan eto ovviob forryman ablpok aoton ont mzscxlla2tx0 vs henry gbibt ottawa canada solicitor of patents for invention eto prepares apputatiorii of canadian amer ican and european patont onlces and for the begutratlon of phlet iitraticm ol trade marks bend for nam- tblrtttwo years experience tjibanois nunan bookdindbr wjndham bt enelph ontario over wlllimi store aoeount books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every description caret oily bound bulinffneattvwnrt promptly done h abbiage li0knseb n p moobp lasnod jwthtjt otminmaaii iaoxua private offloe mo wltoeaaaa roqnirod aa realdenn id the avanlng frespnaa offloo aoton wm hbmbtbeet iiiothud auottombss tor mm oonmlaa ol walunstoa and halton ordaraaftattbafamafaaiab offlo aoton or sfcrayraaldanoein aoton will be pvomiiuy at andedto feeadaoadto 15 oo for fabfflflalia alao money to loan on tbo noat favorable iamaiand at the lowoil ratea of lntereat in aama or eqnana pwaraa fludsobiubd 8t00koapital eimooc the weulinoton mutual f1be insurance company eaubllahed 1840 head offloo ooi1lph ont tnstjbarob on oaahand hatnal plan any iinuulttatone fetvjvtdod torny addreaa w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont auxa abriouirr or machine finished book papers airo high grade weekly nkws the paper used in tbia jonrna ia from the above milla wm babbeb a bho everton and eden mills the place to go for the best flour ladies and cents equal to many nighpriced wheels this is right we mean what we say call or write and get particulars this issomething very special and whe you see them or know about ihem you will agree wtn what we say john m bond co- many a wild flower droops its bead as if too modest to be seen and tbo tender grass is springing into velvet mats of green whilo tho troei 10 lately leaoew now with morry songbtcrs rife feel again the inspiration of a brighter fuller lire in tbo bodge tbo noisy robin and the redbjrd el am or loud sheltered in a neighboring treetop are tho sparrows in a crowd evory creature feels the wild exhilaration of tho time in tbo spring a young mans fancy lightly turns to thoughts of rhyme i all around is nature smiling animation every whore and there comes an inspiration with the gentle southern sir and the young and hopeful farmer quit the little district ohool drills the sorghum drops the corn or plows with the jailer klckln mulo how delightful us to ramble by the little attroamlets side resting where the banks are shady fishing where the pools are wide l bu we w tog i t aotsa be about for the flowers all carry pistils and the trees are shooting oat 1 galveaton news who did all sorts ol horseback feats the two yoadgaters were at first so amazed at the georfteoaaneas o attire displayed by the frjdcitriam that they bad no emotions left to display on bending itself finally seek got bis breath and said with along sigh gee jerry look at do olooa i id be a got u i ooald wear kuld and silver like dat but jerry who had a vein of oyniolfltn id him wasnt id sure about it he aorstobed his head and said jaaybe dey dont own dera duds x j wouldnt wonder if de show owned em an j and day only wear em when dey ride like jimmlo- moohes big b ruder went to a bill in 101110 oloei he hired an got arretted cfcase dey roc tored in a scrap maybe dem ladies hire dem tings fley wear id redder be de feller in de middle wtd de whip anyway said tbo flokle seek hes bobiin de job ob hh b look at dat i bo exclaimed io a raptarooaarjuoakas a dozen clowns come dune or into the areni t pe room on u u w a- select jfamilij juahing hardware acton livery bus line 7be undersigned rospeotinlly solicits the natron age of the pnbllo and infonns them that well equipped and stylish rigs oan at ways be seourod at his stables a comfortable bus meets trains between 9 a m and 816 p m careful attention given to every order the wants of commercial travel lers fully met john williams pbopjuetort two oys at the ircus inaide the band waa playlns for all it waa worth indloatiac that the oirooe had begaa oooaalonal blaring of the braaaea ooald be heard on the aidewalk where two urchins of the atreetbred type etood mournfully oonteroplatlog the wall of madiaon sgnaro qardrni which alintuiom oni of paradise for if a olrooa ianl para dise to an 8yearold bo it ia at leaee aa near an approach to it aa la daairable one of them tried for a peep of the interior gloriea through a grated window bnt dropped baok dlaoontented with what he itharowol white jaoketa banding on the wall die ia a froit he aald to bit oompan- iod who had tory red balr wota de matter of active dlplomaoy to keep the two within boandi they wore for riling forthwith and following those entrancing olowna aronnd on the tunbark and inolined to tprn rebelliona when prevented nothing ooald prevent them from rlamg in their plaoea aa the laat olown paaaed and crying with one voloe bay onlly dont be in each arneh 1 they beoame aomewbat paoified when the cicerone promlaed tbem that the olowoa wonld oome again both annonnoed their arm intention of becoming olpwna aa soon aa poailblo to whiob end they decided to apply for a job ae soon as epon aa they oonld diacover the proper peradn to ace boot it ll btarfaller wii de oiobvtaio seekr an yoo be de odder mng with de nose jerry an ill paate yer one wit de end of it yes an ill kick yer in der jar like do feller doen retorted jerry iat waa their lntereat in the wrestling bran middlings chop feed c for sale chopping every day at everton mills and every tuesday thursday and saturday at eden mills always buying wheat no credit henry hortop sun savings and loan co head office toronto ont authorised capital 8000000 oo teij year maturity shares are paid monthly instalments of 50c per share for 120 months when payments- cease 160 00 paid in maturity value 9xoo 00 money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation lo r j mcnabb agent aoton j u kbbv box wl attandod to ortolophoae os be promptly john tavloh ajunl uuelpb aofon machine and repair shops bdmby antndbm proprietor a wall eqnipped wltts alt the maoblnarr arsto eaeunto all rapalra to maoninj adaarlonltqrallmplexaentaaadtodo all of ewarnouto j horseshoeing and lanarsl raltblnc woodnorat repalra performea aaatlafmlorr mandernw repair any leutna or imolenieni of any make saw turning and ollnadone blaealmltrilnc irjaar uaeiil gumming i f there are two kinds of men to be found everywhere thosesvhoare obliged to dress roughly while at work and those whose occupation in volves no difference in attire forthe laborer we have heavy substantial b6otsr forflie business man comfortable sensible shoes j for the bovs and girls gosfj t and for the ladies the latest novelties in footwear our pjlttng st5tfe is now coming in and em braces goods sure to please our customers as to style quality and prices oair and son oaa nbw tatikb bring your custom logs and take the lumber home with you in srivers lumber planing mills nassakaweva p sayebs propxietor has constantly on hand a full line pi lumber lath shingles cedar posts wood eto custom logs and bill stuff cutr to order on short notice planing and matching done to tho best of satisfaction prices very cheap and made to suit the customers pocket p savers a corn hthi bt skuu4iuniifa4wre uptodate btraloeei arauagbr pi rifles j wrle0iijl and praetleaiafli ft w wholesale and retail tor silo and ensilagl yellow horse tooth 56c a bushel mam south white 6o0 red cob ensilage 6 5o early learning 7o0 also mammoth cuban wis early white dent sn liars north dakota cloud s early yellow comprqns early iarly butler and 20 other kinds we carry largest stock in city also buckwheat r rape seed turnips etc garten seeds 3c pki 10 for 25c oeo j tiiprp r ciiewfr cooper jvkins the aptistiotailors jjeg to announce to their friends and the public generally that they are now complete in their spring and summer goods consisting of the latest novelties from the best looms of the world and styles that are shown in new yofk and london see our latest fashion plates 1p show our goods is a pleasure call and see us fit and workmanship guar- anteody bole agents in acton for the celebrated bellwarp serge whick does not fade or change jts color in two years wear or rnoney reiunded 11 o 8 aknb acton let na bot in far a quarter we aint so big we oonldnt bot aet on one seat said his companion aadly lets take do hull bunoh o tirty four oenta an go baok an giye him another brace nab it dont go wit deae show peop le aald hia companion oynloally zjeta go an look at de poatera bay i wlaht i waa anorphan remark ed the redhaired boy aadly wota a norphan 1 a kid wot aint got no family to help aporl every year aome goya takea jl big bonch of em tode shows ah ye hare t have a poll lo git into dat pnbh anyway even it ye was one o dem norpbana replied the other i wisht i had a dollar at this point the sun reporter who waa ou his way to the cirous and had heard the oonveraatlon having been in faot shamelessly eavesdropping suggested purely as an investment in enjoymenf that the pair go tp the show aa bis guests as a matter of faot so grown op can prop erly enjoy a oircna nnleai accompanied by at least one oompetenl oritio under tho age of ten yeara bnt the two araall hoys didnt oompreheod this and were distrust ful tho one who bad expressed that reokleaa wish for a dollar spoke jlrat and and tbere waa resentment in nla aooennts ah gwan i its a con wol yer give us dat kind of a game far 7 maybe he blonga to de ahow an oan take us right in suggested lhe flame- haired boy in a lond whisper to hla com panion the reporter explained that he didnt belong to the show and that hia offer was made in good faith which he proved by presebtly landing hia newfonnd acquaint ances within the big entranoe then and not till than did they change tbate minda and recognize that it waa not a eon bat that they bad by a wonderful bit of look ran across a partioularlv profitable apeolea of lunatic bom misgivings on the gepondot hla being entirely harmless they had bnt they wars polite enough to men tion theae only in anbdned remarka to each other it developed aa the trio mads their way to seats near the arena that the rodheaded boys name was jerry and hla companion went by a oariona oognomen wbloh aoonded like seek it was not zeke aa the reporter at first anppoaed and whenoe ita derivation or what its proper orthography mnat be numbered among the myateries aa its owner oonldnt throw any llgbton the sabjeot and indeed exhibited a painful lack of interest in it having other matters of more importance trtoocnpy hie mind in fact it ia doubtful whether two minda were ever mora entirely hsngrossod than those of jerry and seek daring the next two hours the investment bore heavy interest from the first there was in progresa in the nearest ring when the reporter took his charges in a danoe exeouted by a number of trained elephants after watching ibis with bulging vyea for a period ol two minutes seek turned for information say whats them thloga say why ibems elephants reaponded jerry promptly having aome knowledge of hia own on the sabjeot 1 seen a lot of em on a parade onoet do dey alien nolike dat i nah i responded the more learned jerr with some dlsdatn moat rlmaa dey jua walka alone waggtnbof drr tails tho oleerons here etyerppled to explain that the elephants were trained by a man in the middle of the ring who bold tbem in wholesome fear of him this explana tion waa a waale of breath for after he animals left the ling the yoaogatere pot their beada together and decided that ibis theory waa ridiculous apparenlaly basing their belief upon the relative alia of the elephauta and the man why his nlba la dopy said jerry in a tone not intended for the reporters ears daffeile woolint be opvlwotree if dem elephants got sore on biro i amass day ilka to be in de ehow an data wy aeyuotfew wliht i haul ooej remarked seek islfplly wpqldox do k jrlng teti this laodablemdttiwnwfos ihmai from bhibrmwly several young woman lnspdglsd tlfcots bear who contested several bouts with his keepir jnlea carr all their sympathies wore with the man at flrat because of the motter wit that gny why he would jtreslly superior aire of the animal bat 1 in the wonderful performances of the animals was tempered by an illdisgufaed alarm every time ono of them wallowed toward the stage on whiob they did their trioka their one abiding woe waa that they oonldnt aee all that waa goint on in all the ringa eimnltaneonily anil they were codatantly impreased wllb a hideous fesr lest no matter how fasalnaling the perfor mance tbev wero watching at the time might be there might be something atlll more entrancing going on at the end of the arena nor oould they agree as to their ambitions jerry atuok to bis desire- to be a olown with barebaok hiding for geoond oboice and announced bis intention of borrowing faddy korrlaa black goat to practice on with or without permission as soon as he got borne seek since hla little experience with the autocrat of the ilog waa inolined to wearing ablninr boote and oarrylog a oraoklng whip and boaslng kings ss a ring master bnt be could also aee brilliant proapeata of glory in driv log thirty five horses at pnee while standing on the baokt of two of tbern like mr william german pleasantly dcaorlbod aa afoy and a file after watohlng closely a few minntea jerry announced bis conviction that the perfor mance waabt on the level bnt bad been fixed beforehand and that if be waa referee of the boot hed order the pair out of the ring and declare all beta off eatwraaalin game waa always crooked any wayl he remarked eagely wbrn the rdnolng doga in jaarneaa aame oo each pair bitohed to apnenmatlo cart driven by a boy only a little bigger than tha two bowery aepirauta tbq nnwisdoni of eatabllsb the offspring of that wellknown thoroughfare in an arena box again beoame evident for the reporters guesta straight way exhibited moat lively exoitement and gavethem advloe at tbo top of his voloe v igive em de whip yainl hardly ijwlre bay ill put our ole cat agiu dat out fit why donoher git a move on wotll yer take ter let me drive em onoet asked jerry feeling for his capital of twentyfour oeuts probably they would have kept this up indefinitely had not a very royally appar elled ting master walked over and bidden them be more quiet a retort trembled on tbe lipa of jerry but hia more politlo friend jabbed him in the neok with a warn ing elbow i dont give bim no guff he aald in a whisper hes de boas of de show an if yer gits gay wit him it queers our onanot sw thereupon they turned their attention to the high sohool riding of whioh they didnt think rnuob movement waa what they wanted for their money and lots of it and the alow graceful paces of tbo splendid thoroughbreds didnt fill the bill at all jerry observed tbas they walked like a kitten wben yer tio ita feet up and seek suggested that weights on the horsoa hoots weald probly teach him to loss less tiros in lifting them to high and get more speed into bis motions he even went so far aa lo describe that horse as a skate whence it la eyident that even in a olrous there are some featarea that dont appeal to the email boy for whom the olrcua is primarily made boon they were diverted by tbe reappearance of the olowns who carried moaioal inatrnmeuts and gave an imitation of bousas band on the stage thai imitation ia something worth seeing even though the hearing of it la apt to have a distressing tffeos npon tender nerves for ia ia a bit of real comedy it waa jost a little beyond jerry and seek however tbjy listened eritioally while the clowns band scattered around the most deepalriog aod nerveepreading tpnes that ever were wrung from longsuffering brass and at tbe conolneion announced aerkraelv that it wouldn t do dem tellers la all right wen dey play deirgame esid the oritlcal jerry but wen dey play dere a bom german band back aald nothing at the time but wben the band passed him on the way out he leaned over and making sore that tbe ring matter wasnt in hearing called to the leader hay git a usw job donober kuow yere fired i v i respouae to whioh tbe leader made a hideous grimace of agony fell fist upon his faoe in tbo arena and kept on falling till 111 a mysterious fashion ha had come up on hla feet again and atalked oat behind the eoenes with hla nose in the air a plolore of injured pride while his two detractors but now hla ardent admirers clulobed each other and shrieked with glee thereafter tbsy sainted him person ally every time he oarne ipto tbe ring tbe horse raoes suggested a new sport to them and tliey began betting on tbem oeuts at a lime over the tandem fours raoatbey almost oarne to blows beoauae tbe teoond horse fn the four backed by jerry fell when halt way round was roiled over by the other three tore loose from the harness rote aod foiled on to the fluilb at tha lop of hia apted bia three fallows meantime corning it ahead of the other foar jerry demanded the money bat seek put in tbe plea that as bia full ouhi didnt finish b had no right to the slakes tbsy ware at the point of clinch ing over the argument whan the reporter olaltaed the bat off and held the stakes for lhjt event tbey forgot their troubles oinorarily wheu tha trained seals came on rnothlng oqqld oonwiuoo tbem that ibimvgoifv creatnrea with the anaky nscka warnl aeaaerpente and their delight the apollo belvedere of horsemen thers was also food for thought for both boj sin the gracetnl performances of the gentleman io golden scales who partook of the physical peculiarities of a anake and ooald weave himself into all sorts of aatounding shapes certainly it would be a day of glory wben seek and jerry oould make tbelr entranoe into oily hall park walking on tbeir bandar and each altting on bis own head aa this gentleman did with euoh conrpioloua eaaa and abandon they tbonght that hooky solan who bad been tbe centra of popularity for two weeks by reason of his ability to balance a broomstick on the end of his nose would retire into the depths of obscurity as a performer agalntbelr thirtylour cents were hauled np and tbey figured over and wondered bovr mooh the limber person would charge to give lessons bat wbeq hanlons oame on and farabove tbe heads of the speotstors flew through the air like birds from psroh to perch the two boye were no longer in douni iney would be flying trapeze performers snd after tbey had got the baog of it a little would go and practioo on the nnder aide of brooklyn bridge where there are plenty of cables among whiob to sport throughout the remainder of the cirona they never quite lost eight of this ambition though there were other wonder in plenty to distract the attention and the hlppodronio races offered opportunities for bets which tbey were not slow to take with the reault that seek won seven cents from jerry by superior ability in picking winners and the reporter lost nine cents between tbe pair qf them after the arena pert of the show waa over tbere were atlll the animals to be looked at and tbe comments of tbe youngsters npon theae were matters not to be found iu the natural histories the camel they deaided was a oow one of dem tings yer get milk from tbe moqkeys delighted them beyond measure and they named eaoh one from real or fanoied reaemblanoes to fcleuda and acquaintances of theirs in city hall fare if olty call park had been there to bear here would probably have been a mqlti- tude of trouble for the hippopotamus they had little praiae he was in tbe heavyweight olais all right bat waa too fat for any sort of oonditlon and tbey didnt think hed get a look in at the money in a fair eorap with the rhinoceros aorosa the aibe- de toiler wit de spike aald seek astutely hed upperant him onoet and hed be out in a pnnch thereupon jerry offered to baok the wreatlipg bear against tha rhino for ten cents but as there seemed to be no wsy of bringing the two together this had to be given op though seek was quite willing to baok his spiked pachyderm againat any thing in the show the zebra the boys took no etoak in dem stripes is painted eald tbe skeptioal jerry i seen em do it to a goat oncet tbe liona and tigers fasoinftted them beoanse the big oreaturea happened to be restless and were ambling uneasily around their oages somewhere jerry had heard that a lion was a big cat and he said ao with considerable pride io hia knowledge seek scoffed spose yer tnk hed mew like a oat it yon poked him one said he indicating a big lioness who was wagjrng her head to and fro impatiently do know replied jerry doubtfully poka him yerselt an aee here the reporter hastily interposed and in tbe abssnoe of absolute proof tbe disousslon waxed warm and presently peraonal until jerry offered to make a monkey of seek and seek auggeated a comparison between thirty oenta and jerry at this interesting juncture a iionj right behind tho disputants lifted his voloe and announced in no uncartaia accents that he waa hangry the reporter foond bis two small friends on the stairway a minute later trying to look as if they were not soared bnt involontarlly jerking their heads in the direction whenoe the roar had been beard he tried to explain that it waa only one of tbe liona roaring aud that there waa no barm in it bat tbe boys wouldnt have it that notes was made by nothing they had teen thay were oerlain bnt by aome hags monaler hidden away from tbe pablio sight whioh might break forth at any moment and devour them the elghte they had seeu had so worked on tbelr imaginations that thay were ready to leave without any farther investigations as they parted from their oioerone at tho door jerry expressed one regret for both of them tree rings be said is too many derea nuttln in it i wont sleep lonlgut ter tinkln what i didn t aee while i waa lookin at aomothln else if a boy has any mecbanioal faculty if it comes to him to nae toole let bim be thankful suoh a gift of nature gumps tlon it is sometimes oalled deserves lo bo cultivated it will serve its possessor majxyjagopd turn though it may never aerve bim quite so well as it served a mau wbo tells his story iu the cleveland plain vmler he opened a door for himself in a really striking manner when i was fourteen years old he ssyb it beoame deoesaary for me to go out in the world and earn my share in ths family expenses i looked about with small sucoess lor a week or twu and then i aaw a oard hanging in a store window boy wanted i pulled down my hair brushed the front of my jacket and walked in do yoit want a boy i aaked of the olerk baok office he said j i walked baok to the little den with a high partition around it and putbiug open a door wbloh i notioed was slightly ajar oap in band i stepped iu it w a chilly day iu nuv and before 1 spoke to the proprietor who was bending over a deek i turned to olose tbe door it equeaked horribly aa i puahed it abut and then i found that it wouldnt latob it had shrank so that the aooket wbloh should have oaoght tbe latch was a trifle too high i was a boy of some mebhanoal geniua and i notioed what the trouble was immediately where did you learn to close doore v said the man at the desk i turned around qaiokly at home sir well what do ou want i came to see about tho boy wanted i answered oh 1 said the man wltb a grant he seemed rather grnff bnt somehow his crisp speech didnt discourage me sit down he added im busy i looked baok at tbe door if yop dont miudw said i and- ifa little nolae wont disturb yon i ii fix that dwijstibjp there is no uulollcf wuoovor plants a seooirsoneatli tbo sou auu waits to uoo it tmali bwny tbe ood uo trusts lu uod whoever says vrbon olouiji otto lu tho sky bo patlout boart light brookotb by aud by trusts tbo most tllrli whoever soes uoatb wintor s iriond of snow tlio sllaut barvost of tho future grow qodfl powor must kuoir wboovor lies down oa hssoouoh to sloop content to look oaeb botxao iu iluuibor doop knows ood will koop wboovor says to tnorrov tbo unknown tbsfutare trusts tbe lienor slono bo dared disown tbo heart that looks on wbon oyallds closo and daros to live whou lfo bat only woos gods oouifort knows tboro is no untaouof and day by day aud olsbt by nltbt uncou botoualy tbs boart livoa by tbat fuu tho llns tlouy qod knowoth why from ih ncu vod tnliunt isnsinm ftts soma commission eh he said qaiokly all right go ahead i bad been sharpening my skates that morning and the abort file i used was still lo my pocket in a few minutes i had filed down the brass sookst so that tbe latch fitted nioely i olosed tbe door two or three times to aee that it waa right when i pnt my filer baok io my pooket and turned aronud tbe man at tbe deek was alaring at ms any parents be aeked mother i answered have ber oome here with you at two oclock he said and turnod baok to his writing at twenty five i was a partner in the bouse and at thirty five i had a half- interest i slwaya attrlbnted tbe founda tion of my good fortune to the oqly reoommondatlon x then bad in- my possession the file to find tho commission on a sale of goods wben amoont of groes prooeeds and rate of commission of halo are known multiply tbe amount ost uroas proceeds of sale by rate of commission and divide hy 100 example find tho oommissiou on a sale of merohandlso if tho gross proceeds are 180 00 aod rate p commission 2 160 00 multiplied by ssccqnsis 460 00 0 00 divided by 100 canals faoo amount of oommissiou loosem1nd forgot mr iiooeemlnd sat before bis desk earnestly gazing at the finger of bis right ha aroundtbat finger jast below tho kuuokle was tied tiglitly is piece of olring it was at the string particularly that mr loosemlnd gazed ns what iu than dickens was it h muttered that she didnt want me to at the book bargain sale ohesp you a drawinq card jim writes home said tbs old man that bs has drawed on me fer 120 agin whats op know college dinner last time he drawed 10 fer breakfast yes an 30 fer supper youdbotsay faot bon an hitch up the bay host quick i wbkr air yon agoln to im agoln to throw myself into lbs bans of a reoalver an take jabs bankrupt aot before jim draws on ms far lunch ij i atlanta coftslttutvoii mr b worm hvo edition of the iliad miss jenkins first saleslady shitting gum who by mr worm homer miss jenkinb we got a cheap edition of the idiot by a man named homer miss smltbers mr worm hot the idiot the iliad illce ad mies jenklus4the illy add queer name that dont think i ever beard ot tbe book sounds ruotian bout eooala is it mr worm no x think not greek moatly miss jemkina oh 1 its a greek stojry lizzls i think ive beard ot it tolls about the war tbey had between greece and japan i blieve misa 8mltbers second saleslady the name ot the book yoa want ia the idiot you want it iu paper oover mr worm- no im euro ita the iliad miss smitbers well i think youvo got it wrong j it might be the kailyard ive heard ot something like that who do yoa say the books by homer dont know bis fall name do yoo mr wormtno that is thata all there la to tbe name miss bmllbers ob i aee norma de ploom i never beard of him muat he aome new man aint got hia reputation made we dont lieep none but tbe real poplar hooks miss jenktqo spose yon look through that pile in the corner mits jenkins after three minntea searoh no we aint got a oopy ot the iiisard thb monev some men make first man hello bill what are yon driving jitlbeae days yoa seem to be on the jump all the time and walk as though yon bad important bnalness on hand 1 second man well tbe faot ia jack a little prosperity pnts tbe drive into a man i have struck a position at itat after a year of hard lnokj whioh is panning out oral rate firat man well thats your lack for i am doing mighty little these days but what have yoq strnck seoond mtn i have taken a book agenoy from the bradley garretaon co limited ot brantford ont tbey have been at me for months to canvass bot i laughed at the idea and at last tbey made me a good offer ao i thought id give it a trial i have been at the work now two months and i like it first rate and am going to atlck to it first man bay bill do you think 1 eonld do tbs work for i saw ibe advsrllarasnt of this firm yesterday for more men seoond man i dont aee why yon oonld not bnt write and get tbem to make yon an offdr first man thanks old man i will and ill let you know how it turns out five young men travel who wonld not object to spending out ot thtlr time al canvassing etarenoes bbadleyoabhetbonco limited brentford on borofula salt rbaum and all diseases l0orurs oared by wbloh is americas oansel byi jmpnve uooolare oared by hcaarpvill r forget 7 long and earnestly bt thought pin ally be rose and said to him a elf well for the life of ma i oant rommbflr i know it wu bometbiuf well nil tbrt rtoainafor me to do is to con fees tfciit even the bit of string ahe tied aronnd nay finger was loit to me in ita significance bo mr xioobflmind vent houie empty handed deareat he eald o tho wife of bin bosom jl mnat confess it waa all of no avail now tell mo whit yoa tied that string around my liofier to remind ma of why nothing deaar waa the reply only to remind yoa hat you a took your finger with a rusty pan this morning i pnt it around you know to keep tha blood from tlowmg baok elroit fttt press he aoxrr he httd the air ot a man who waa particularly wbli batlaed with himself l tell yon he said tlieros potbidk like having sickness iu tbe karally to ooovlnoe a man that he oau do a good many things that ho never would bawe dared to attempt before mow today i earn rolog at buy a gown for my little rlrl her mother oant get oat yoa know and sol am going to do it myself on the day following lie bad tbe air of a man wbo was partloalatly cjuaaatiatted with himulf n what the mattes be was asked couldnt you got theatgqwn oonldnt i get 1 1 1 he repeated couldivt i get it i jbrmg it all the trouble u that i did get it 1 something wrong with it sometbiogl ii it- was only some thing i wouldnt mind- my taste ia wrong tbe color is wrong my jqijgement is wrong tbe aisse ia wroog atid the nrioe is wrong medical students primer what place ia this rbu is tho path ologibal society how loea one taoow it is tho pathological eociefy ton know by the specimens und tho smell what does that gentleman say lie says he has made a pot no or tern all tbs gentleman make pot naortema they would rather make a pen rabrteno than go to a party what ia that on a plate that ia a tumor it weighs 112 pounds waa tbe turner removed from ttao patient mo the patient was removed from the tumor did they save the patient no bnt they saved tho tumor what ia this in ttio bottle it is a tapeworm it is a lovg tspeworni it ia three quarters of a mile long ia that much for a tapeworm it it indeed rouoh for a tapeworm but not rauoh for the the pathological society indiana medi cal journal scientific cooking mra hoodless who loot ore a on sofentiflo cooking tell hawjo cook oggs on scientific principles for eggs tbe water altonld be brought to tbe boiling point ttau eggs pat in and then plaoed on the rir of the atove in six minntea they wonld be ready dont eat fried eggs nho saidl for aolentlflo toast t- ho bread should be put in tbq oven until it is dry do not allow ittto get hard ba biniply leave it in long enough to hvo tbe mouture and gaies driven off two minntea la the toibler will com pi ole the operation instead of potting in the ovon tbe bread tnlitht be lurnsd scjwm times while tossting before it is bsrownscl in making it tho knaok is to lceept it irom getting too hard didnt like the land let roe see said alio btoak apeoalator didnt yon once eta tor a traot of land in the mining region of tbe upper mioljigan yee and llko to iowa my little fortune answered the rural oillr tbe tarnal plioo wsa dry as a bone snd every tlode id try alnkln a we11 im strike copper there waa no drlllln ibrongb the plaguy eteaiessn id buy a lot more tool- so i jsst tajrowod op tbe olilsn and klm baok where icojjld rslis ssnililn and get plenty ot water gratj if ed6liv a man may dodge fao earthly collectors bnt be must pay tbe lb of nature aa he v ulw vt tr

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