Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 1, 1899, p. 2

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oaiirtiitrat tendon on satnrday hay joth toltr and airs harry campbell a daugntor starklsd bmomldj on quoenl birthday may wtn by mot lr rwory lbobtaoni aoloq to maggie mcdonald sooth block r uiownarlo li vureai the eeldonoo ortho lirisivparinu aotou on waanertairjam flltlibv tho rev w b seytone john m uiidouald m d 0 ix minora m eldoet daughter otwm flank acton died oonnilnat snollgrpve on wednesday 17th may william aoulolng rod 101 yean kltoblnoin naalaweys on friday t may john kltotlng ar in bis eightyninth fbniifck in aoton on thnwdy mtn may mirycempboll wife of tvilllam porbee agouusyeari oauratstoatbarlnoon thursday may kwllla m oaaaldy beloved wlfo of boy eva cesildyim a buutain oiovemlile n v on friday ay 17 baurawlfoj harry blake formerly ol aotdn aged hi veers pnics-fn- ksoposlng ra monday he margaret perellletrloe dangwer ot irioe aged 19 years b months a days news iteme buobwuc by corree- ponolentsi ardbxo1 the seventh annuel plonlo et dublin on tbo qotensblrthdey was more largely attended than on aby prerioosoooailon between 400 auovlloo guests assembled ind the delightful weather afforded a very eojoyable ontlng thecompetltlon in the various names was keen but the prizes were mostly taken by outsiders the supper was highly enjoyed and the dancing platform was oonslantly in rrqaleltlonf until the proceedings broke op early in the evening churchill qeorqetown mr james kennedys tine new barn was raised imi thursday the open air band odnoerts ate enjoyed by the olllseni iorfbketwiil betbe paiiiime of the moro elderlysports itt town ihla summer- bul qoodwilllo ie the preildonji of th olnb thebtinbn band and volunteers will no to geinpntxttuettday thuksiay june 1 1b09 notes a cp grout interest hss bei up throogta- out eoglbad in be iobtitotlonof empire day in cao ad the message md to the queert by the aohool obildred of hufx montreal and other poiohi wer widely tsubllbbed the celebration of tbo anpiversry ot attended service wi held al the home atid oonhoatdldthe jtfelbchlib charah at conldriby by bevt w- b beylohe ild t it forbei spevside we regret to bear tiiat mr j martin wu ken lit last friday evening and haa been very poorly or no me day dr elliot u in attendance we wish mr martin a apaedy recovery tmft trt- mul wu ionild odb priaipk tenant frmfcrs mountain baa parobaied baggy mr a liviogaioa baa moved bia tumpipfl oqtqi to meadowville where he baa taken large ooairao ot atompidr mr llviogatouaoomplfited a large job io ibe lima neighborhood aboal three yeara tlie weihrhelptd the lilg crowil who oarae to town on tbe iwentyfbarili w eujoy tbemielvee ksjleve kahra has resigned from th lo library board ilsv w s mcalpine dr raa nd it d warren were delegatea to the bapilat convention of ontario and quebec in toronto lint week wrttvanrl mrs maaoh lef laut week for olifcou springs n n where mr mfthon will trenihiu for some lime in the hope of an jmprpvement in her health op a recent night a number of the shade jreea just planted at the cetnrtery entrance wtreprn up by the roots a befereuoe wakmadelti laetiame of the fuse fiikts io tbedeath of mrs john buttler of jot 7 con 5 btln by her death a very happy home la bereaved and and a departed friend fa alocerely mourned by a larko circle of frtenda thefaoera ontaeiday 33rd may to the cemetry at oonlngaby was tory largelwrirewara of w ia offered for the conviction of the orlchlnal the aplendid weaihef brbattitt out lurge crowd to iheracei ntid oilier pporu held bere on qtfeent biriudiy in the morning there waa a faaaebttll match betweeh the retolotea of toronto and this town which reap med in a victory for the former by 13 to 0 the raven in the afternoon were all very oloae keenly contested and add another to the hit of laocesaful meeta held here in the avenlnp a very ancoewtful boneart wn it needs steatl t if tlierenp stentiiin a ngfne wont do itb work heavier pietnl or lorner wheels help it it la strmunr-wn- illialnjiian kdiie he niita new hie frenb tnlity it inakcr no iflerencc how lnrgc his line inaj iw or how the linibcles on ilia vm the inner power- nnd fprce of life is lacking he cant do his work he is procuciilv a sick man you cant mnke him well by feeding him with oily emulsions theres no use in flabby fat his proper weight will come after he gets well the first thing he needs is strength force tfciwt about a yeitr ngo ayn mr john llrookn or lloylfttoi i wni tnkcnmilh n had eold which bcttlt an my uhirs the uoctorn tutld i wan 111 ctitlhtitiiptlnit nuil cniim not get well i toolcemnlhiim of ctk hvcroit inilu did mciiogood after inking- u four niniitlih i heard ofpr imciect rnldrn mcilicnr iincovery mill wrote to him for ml vice i hnvc tnkcii thin medicine ami it mnvcti my lire i fctt ho nick when i wrote to hint i thought i would not uy the whiter tliroiiffh in the iiioniliir i would raise tin awiuj lot and pit nil tic time irilh pnimln my chert all the time my bowcu would iiot inove- more tlmn oticc or twice n wfctiiy btrenrth woa nearly nil gone i could not do n whole days work now ty bowel jre tcgiilnr every doy nnd x feel nbniore palnti hi mv client i fectn preflt ileal furoiijrcr x am working tinrd every dny driving- n team in the woods nnd i owe my tunnlcn to dr fierce golden med- leal nivcovery i know it wived my lire i cannot praise it euough i am prond to tell my niendt what aired nic the way this great remedy acts in bronchial and lung diseases is more fully described in br pierces great lopopagc common sense medical adviser sent kbtauusheu 1843 se jone 1st 1899 hamiltpns fayprite shopping place v in washable materials crash pique and duck a ch6joevsddption plain white duck skirts 7gored deep hem special at 100 whito pique skirts 7gored in two sizes of cording tahor stitched seams good deep hern full four yards sweep 9250 white piquo shirts 7gored with insertion in various pretty styles w35 a specitil liho oi 5ebred crash skirts in good quality ot irish crash full 3 yards sweep good-deep- hem tailor stitched seams we dont think youll find such anqtherxakirt for the money anywhere price v jiqo fine lrish crash skirts 7gored with flounce full 4 yards sweep tailor stitched seams special 175 bargains in towels pure ltnen towels size 18 x 30 inches some with red borders and some plain regular 10c special nt tic fine cream huck towels size 18 x 3g in very special value bleached huck towels good heavy quality some with red or blue borders and some plain very special value size regular for 21x42 inches 23ceach j8c each 22 x 44 inches 25c each 3tosjach table na an immense ranee o7fjne linen napkins in all styles- of floral patterns slxe 20 x 20 inches at 1125 150 9165 and i 85 per dozen wnen tabllngs cream damask 60 inches wide good range of designs 25 30 3 nnd 35c per yard up cream loom tablingn 60 inches wide extra heavy quality just the kind fqr strong wear30 33 to45c per yard wash press k goods an immense assortment of white piques 27 inches wide various sized welts prices ranging from 15c- up to 45c per yard colored piques in fancy striped designs in f fnlt blue navy mauve and cadet 32 aches wide 40 and 45c check ginghams in even and broken check patterns pink blue erf green navy and grey 27 inches 7f and ipe flannels and flannelettes 33inch flannelettes in plain grey and fancy stripes in various shaded suitable for shirts underwear etc 5c english flannelettes extra heavy quality variety of shadings inlancy striped designs special at 10c large range of printed wrapperettea in a arlety of designs including plaids checks floral arid stripes all shades formerly toe reduced to 7c formerly 15 reduced to 100 formerly 25c reduced to 15c marea8i a bay make with a white star on forehead v a and white oft ulna foot has a spavin on nlgli bind leg owner may reoorerherby proving property and paying expenses v r clarks hotel acton musig mi88 williams ofoeorgatown iccccisor tolmaa fcaldlawvft prepared to-ejre- tborougb instruction in muic puno oi organ in ibeonrandpraotloe for terms apply to hum williama atlr j ftuhliewa residence on friday evening of each week fishikereserves 7vtot10b la hereby given that flibfng and xt- abootlng en tbe streami running through the east part of lota s9h0 81 and the weit r oriotaiin the 7th con nsaagaweya are pro hibited trespassers will bo prosecuted under tho ontario name laws w- stark for xjesseea aoton slay 6th 1609 tannery fob mle very cheap easy terms of credit bbiok bdildingb and couplets plant good eobieb and boiler ana abundant water established business in good town splendid absnqs for nian wltt limited oapltal for luformatlbn apply to vbcott lkebtnodbon baulltom ttsir s a mpr ticthe fact of your not boing able to ia your shopping personalty in hamilton does jx hj j jix oawxx xjjilp not debar you from reaping the benefit ofvaluea like tbeae use our mall order department we prepay the charges to any railway station in ontario on all orders amounting to 5oo or over king st east cor hughson 8t tcxdias q lfeihs triiiltpn wanted aqbntfljn every district on tbo oonmnent totake orders blgb grade oapadlan grown knrieit stock andlmeda larget and moat complete aaaortmont in tbo trade faatv telling apeelaltloa superb samples jurnuhod free oornsdondenee in any language tbeaa pobittoaare money makers aodterrttory should be aeonred at onea lor tbe seaaonby all naitlara looking for a good thing oaraalary or oom nalmlon offers interest w anyone not earalnr f1fgfvnft tlmtltt rinmwnnlniftinn wtf i queen victorias birthday alporl tampa florida was the most elaborate affair of the ohsraoter ever attempted in the united state biouralon trains arrirad front all parts of florida and the throe adjolhing flutes brlngk jtiwnensei orowds the streets were proioeltelt deooratod with union jacks side by side with the stars and stripes below 1 fine the new given by the georgetown dramitlo club- which conoloied the days attrsotions the doctors puzzled rhek for 3 1 onercent stniips to pay the cost of cuatomn and liialliiif orify ad- dress dr r vpierce 663 main street buffalo n y he is always ready to rive free advice by mall the paculiar case of a nova 8cotian lady abchibal camp esq an eetoemad pioneer of 8lxtyflv years residence romoved by deatth to old realdents aoton wltboat arohlbald campbell whose death was reoorted in these oolqmns imt week will hardly seern milton natural for sixtyfive yssra he wsst familiar personage here and for most of that long period was oloeely identiflsd itilh pnbiio and rellgloor nutters tbrongboat the ooonty he wm a f mthfnl sernttit of chnreh and state arid performad hit doty as a loyal godfearing oltlaen with ahilltt the general sessions will be beldon taesdayr 18th jane james harrison is ereotlor two new dwslllngs on mill street ihe contractors have almost flnlsbed sltrratlng ndpalnhng the oonrl room the troubl bamt in a swel o the bis toe whloh 8prad to all parts of the body dootors could not aooount for the trouble arid their treatment did her no qood from thskewaiaibxtwenterprlae- loob broom is a plqtpresriqe farming hamlel sltnated abontthreeiialles from the town ofpiotbn n s in this hamlet undbil ome uanagembnt eitendlng from the attantle seaboard to pmcaoo and mnwioxia the the greattblilrist line nd had it nearly ready with nsw oak eats for taesday s metiosof ths conaty oonnoll its appeaxsnoe was ijreatly im- pror sd and it ia a oredil to tho ooonty ths teachers will sttsnd ths teachers fnstltnu a burlington this week bs w may d a mr h momastsr will attend gpnferenbe at st oitbarlnes this week id a oosy farmhouse live mr and mrs bleolor mpeinnon x fsw years ago mri moktanon was taken with a diiease that parried several dootors who attended her ii wai generally known that mrs mokinnbn owed bar ultimate reoovery to gond health trt thwiiae of tr wllllm to nligara valla buffalo maw york phlla- delphla waablngton and oil prldelpal points in the soutb and by its conneotlonslt reaobes sll principal points in the weatern states and paolflo ooaat throuflh tickets to all forelim points for deeerlptive guides time tables eto appl to agen b bystsui h 8 holmes aefent aoton m o diokison dlist passr agt toronto rockwood woollen mills establlshsd 32 yoars jv i-v- i j wkr afej isw get togetheryour whole wool clip nnd vou will fiad a good customer in these mills business is brisk here in these olaestabliehed mills because we have made tor a record tor thoroughly dependable goods we rest on you in the quality of wo61 you bring us to maintain the good name earned by good work for 82 years past we do not pay more than tho best musket price for wool but the best rate thav is ruling with full weight and fair inspection absolute is yodrswheh you bring us y your wool payment for your wcol is made as 4n former years in stocks out of bur own store staple articles that are of necessity in every home including a choice assortment of tyreed friezes hornespuns flan- nels blankets sheetings yarns uur own manufacturerand the best lines in knitted underwear prints flannellcttes shirtings cottonades white quilts grey and bleached cottons oar nearest ofllee an opportnnltj to represent a wellstabllabed bouio ability more impor tant than experlenoe v lukbbbotbebs company international morserlea obloago nl hontreal qne boebeater n y motclpaiittxm acton court vision njotloe is hereby given tbsfetbe ooart ol- berlslon lor the ylllago ot acton will be bemon tvzbdjcxi 30th day op may 1s99 at tbe town hall at 8oeock pi m interested will please govern accordingly all parties themseltea aoton hay 10th lew vt moore clark dour parcels b valuable f property in acton v for and olrcumapebtlon arohlbald oampbeu was bom in fernann pariah of keamore perthshire soollaod on tho mth april 1811 he earns to canada with bia parents in 1888 and a fair months after their arrirartbs family aettltd onlot m mdoession 7 nassagaweys aboqt two miles west of aoton- tj was bis homestead for npwsrdspfiytstct when he retired and settled iri acbn eleven years ago the hotaeteewajknownmffcowebead farm darned after the farmwoh his blrtbpaos in soqtlahd somervllle is the present owner h v mr campbell was njsrried in 1835 to ann daughter of the late di oampbeir of pnsjinob and natlveaof breadaibano spouand and the twain lived happily together for fortysix year seven sous andtwodabgbterwem born to them of whom duncan and bobert of armowbraoe county hugh of nasssga- woya and donald of manltou msbltbba snrvlie they wars all present at the funeral last fridsy to pay ths isst tribute of reipeot to ths memory of a ftbar beloved in 1878 mr camphell waa married u mrs ijtldliw who nai been worthy helpmate and who in his declining years ministered to biro rijost tendsrljr often owing to his falling health and f souliies at keen personal dlscomfortand loii o real the oommqdlty nrobgnixed ibis devotion with genoino admiration during hig years of sotlve lifs mc campbell was not only a sneceesfod yoemio lint he foond uma jo look afte the pnbllb interests of theommuhlly in lmieirm3leobjcf77mb mnnloipsjcpanoli of naeaaawyai tnd the following twenty ysanneyvrualgtaen timeseleotedtothectondoiliforhfneyesiii nockwoop a klckspoo indian company have been giving oonoerts in the town hall for the last week tbeehbwls very good and u receive good patronage iovmbog the visitors in town for queens bihhdsy were the following miss k 8ngnelph the missies blrsohie ptistph i miss k stewart toronlo ilifolareii gnelph mas d mcgee j mrs a 8mllh aoton mr pfjumer hamilton mr t darsung tosteink- 0 mrs m p barry has favored your correspondent with an interesting and well written report of the free library coopert twersuttbst owing to the onjmed oonditlon of our columns- ibis itpjin is unavoidaujyrif4iotr until next jsaatllenj djavedlire on tuesday morning to linifswioomi of whloh lie sat mils xallfolboirhp- taaowhereshs7wahotoogilme alirammft i riii iir ths raves cu for ninysaralisy a msmber cif the clonnty coottdlofhsltoov aod in tha years isrfandvlbo eldtaled to the highest ppeltion id the ciouhlirthyarrl5 mtny years a jtnsilesof but withhu asuvjiysin pbbiio life u wjdhyniandnoioegleo the hignerintermur hswasoneotthorijlnmmm knox preabyfiiiarit laedlalmt thsmrabothiiii mrajbmxorlinji campmlaoiiilei roiiatldgfjampl sldsr for nearly jbsu areabbry and bald ipomijha mafn tomb lsstsrayaltsrooo tymxwhw uowden psfobsi m mrs dr soulhsrlanil who has bean visiting frisnds in goelf ie home again p mr and mrs 8 qowdy otoostbb wre the guests mr jno uoosstton the witt- dr lindsay of ocalph wsa home during the week visiting his mothei mrs jnoiiinisajriv mr geo lane of the island is visiting jrlndflhsre mrsbeaty vfaasunitnvoed to the death ledof heraister in hllliburg who died a iiiioriilbiiarisq t onlivlliil arasldsnt- hsr many friends wlir be glad to hear of her safs relnm i- crigvvib v a nu1iderof hllsr barns will be raised id tbiwottlhwujrv a number of oar boys will leave next week with theyolontters for the camp at mliraa v tbeitookwoodmstn grawtivaoji pio w the can sod goidsnos of rev 8 w hold- en durfoftw peat year mr howen u pnwibj 6sopnlarwith his oongrsga- wswi sansxiohatfi bonday splpvemljtogliere sntmsfbolioolwiiinlestssosiralat 10 a asditiawbstoprd there may u a missahje stone oinorwiob visited llfitls oolsman of toronto spent ilwth it her borne hsre visiting friends in ajivivri- -iv- ljjytsjfcdjmr wanshtigh of gars- fnixa spent a few days isat week wlu friends hare pink pills for pale people and a reporter of the enterprise being in the neighborhood called upon the lady and asked her if the had any ohjeotibns to rslallng the partio- olsrs of her illneis and oure indeed i have not replied mrs mcklnnon i think that thoae who ari cured owe it to the medicine toat bring them hack to health always tuasy a good word for it my trouble spparenlly had an ipsigniscant starting point it came on with a swelling in the big toe aooom panied by intense pain gradoally the swelling extended to my limbs andthon to my whole body acoompanled by intense pain which made my life a harden a doctot was called in hot ho did not help me then another- and another nntil i had foor different medlbal men to see me oueofthem the most sillied physician in the provfnoe yet my case seemed to ptuilo every one of them and none of them gave mo more than the merest tem relief one docto said ths trouble vss inflammation of the bone another said it was aggravated solailca and gpht the other two palled it by other names but whatever it was none of them heiped me by this time i hsd got so low apd weak that i conld not lift hand or fool if it would save my life and no one expeoted to see me got better in fact the doctor said it leans any lower i oould not live and yet here i am today as well as ever i was in my life while i was at the loweat a minister balled to see ins and asked why i did not try dr williama pink pills i had tried so many remedies tnat i hardly thooght it worth while to experiment any mop however i was persuaded to try them and after being a few boxes there was some improvement by the tlmel bad used a dozen boxei i trsrdteftmy bed and was able to move aronnd abd altera few more bores i was sgaln perfectly well and able to do all the work that falls to the lot of a farmers wue ajithib i owe to dr williams pink pills and i think that after what they have done fot mo i am jaetiaed in meomnisnofing them to others dr wlljlama plpk pills give new life end rlchneis to the blood anil rebuild shsttsred nerveatbus dfrlvlng out dlease doe to either pf these twooausesi andtbii means that tbejt iffeot a pure in a large peroentige of the troubles whloh sffliof mankindsome nnscropulods dealers impose on the pnbllo imllatloni of this great medicine the genolns dr i wiiiiamstiink ipllis arepevdrjisld in bnllt or by the hundred or bunoe or in any form exoepl in the oompanys boxes the wrapper aroand wblob bears the lull trade mark dr wllusms pink pllla for pals pfle npmatter whal the oolor bf the pill offered in any other shspelsja bogn theie pills pare wheq other medlolnes fall belonging to air riow ot buffalo la offered for saleatlow j rloesandeasv tennsf opurity and sfreogtorwhenlal itmueatbern tbeatandfuxlfori j and its presence pr6teots tor feoods several ftnrposes and its presenos protects yoafrom mluuonamdldlerwrgoodtojlxkiktorlt fhahllirpfiiy ferautlbplsntbprayrstsiimno mineral rmuonarmnloortigreep bur death to au lnseel llfofgnglto hajniless to vegeta- uon cnadsonlyrliallspray ilspplp ienlaaosbsaplpl apraparauonlor the cure of akin dlieeses and the eradication ol vermin to sboep and cattle it ishjgblj medl oloal and does its work with no- draatlo or irritating effeeta indorsed by leading sheep raisers tbb followlhg patbick kljlty etered for sale atlownrli piaosr 1 that flnotrlok rcldenoe and tw lota nt tbe corner of chnrobsvndanelpbstraats contains 8 room hard and aoft water splendid orehahlond good garden jpaagni aqoda boudlns lot ebxiat on qpslpn street next to alex bamsbaws new resldeneenpoxiwluohua yonngoiebard paboxl stho atore and dwelling on mill straelooonplednyinraeybroawhooarryon general business is in splendid loeauon oentrslsnd convenient piaoai s three good balldug lots at the corner ot young and hill streeta a splsndld site for a mannfactaridgeetalushmentnwuig toluproilmltytoo tb depot for terms and partloalars enquire at hs bffioe wbdenny i young sbiaeton fsi hdisibliv btsuyviireparad skftl du poralaudrbt medloanient forthe onreof loullar to bonis end lor ridding- them ol all sect pasts and vermin it baa a surpassingly relreibldg effort brlgb ten tbe pelt and puts the skin in a tboroawy healtnyeondltlon prioe 100 per 81 osesoivtv peralauepivfauulsaeewtfuily used in all eases of akin diseases of swine sad for destroy ing nlta lies andverroon generally keeps tbo akin in healthy oondltioriena euinres a healthy srearilolb1bearsed animal for market in ben home spray and poultry esnoy varmln peculiar to thai eathered foepni and kfodred diseases pnrebaae tbeie goods from yourdealerror aeod to ul dlroct lor them we invite oorres- the p1ckhart renfrew com limited rqoksniqdd woollen 7rills w f9ds9s3cs58sssk mile ben house spray and powder desrmy varmln peenllaruthafeathl stoek on fowls or in sheds aotsss a dlaln- fsctaat destroylob aerma and purlrylog the lore uioallberally thoy prevpnt mup rifz robert nobles flour feed and seed store ih there pan be no pesos in ibe heart while we are nghllhg ag sinst thealu of god dliept anplhm grt dieooveryhm been msde andtbattppby a lady in t dlaeass f aliened it olatobea jipoo her sod for seven tsars ebe wltoiiood lis seyjrse hu he vi bitlths tdnnmanaaith smmedtfinmlhenl fpibwniodtjissbsoonghed iqoessaotly ed tvray jo rooyryby pnrohaalng of us oxmeamptlppand wsssb roooh nlaved on apd wlthjwbotllepas- been abeolntel cored hsr mrne is mrs lnlhar lots fcjjnmma vf ambirtdb bold yfr andellpo jvvv dpe namprt hrhaibaovoflils ibijjiitv rsenyiejs poor iysrwptlos whose 9tomanbbdllveramont of order all tpibrmffcbj6ahm vjlvitiifiiojiii2iivi52rt thabpffliphj6hidbgv ntf jlirpvpjinhewdwfolbtotnaob and l7rtl rtbjinnr per feci hthapd aqulotrvsnilkjslt itorvous klekj imdnsnralgleheinrkf j uchestbyexprnaran teed not ipfl contnin brpmldesnjnrcolibs rrif i thnrtleabr anytblnglhat cnnctfll j rnnge the shomaehpr nfleet flip j nerves sold inlocenteuveipiksj undsjcentboares ask ypnrdrngglst for them tnenoppaiawdntm l pan- jyfjsfiizi jvfawliyj mammoth southern bweet yellow bent bariy beaming baammoth ooban wisconsin white dont 01onds yellow dent wblu cap yellow dnt mastodon yellow dont angel of midnight j -balybntler- 7 oomptdnsbarly xiongfsilow balsetsfhorih dakota thoroughbred white flint et our itook is bfjixoslloiit qqallty see ltand getnrleie otm and vv jtirvi 4s maodonneu sti i htnntfa improved new banish bug-af-beat- toriiifa xennlem prtie furple top ktephaat bulls wastbury jvw oanf yellohr assinmori ytllow ztaroved white dwstrfxssex rmp9 seed valuable pstipiifty in acton for sal by t sbaiibt tenders will bs reoelved by the fieo- retary of abetruatee board of the daptlat cbnreb np to baturdsy loth june for tho paronsseor 1 that most eligible building lot no 17 in block a bavins a frontage on aflll street of 60 feetlonwulow street oibs feet snd abont 07 feet in wwtliatuierartn lot is ooneeded tobe the mosjrvsluable available building lolln utteepterpvisidgtown f6r mereantllephrpbsm ills very central being immediately opposite tbe paetrclttoe and in tneoantjre of ths builness- itt entirely unobtiuoted sttwrauandths lot npi aadlssltoassd on bit removed from m1b r isatimhe- in street and only one lot tbeehnrebbnlldtng- dfxsmsplaatelredoutblds and in slnn else eouldbe oonvarted into a would be suitable for a small msb- toreboese with very little expanse o botb mesepmimrtles is vlndupnt- able r of lot onmutana willow btteetsno sndof tbeehnxehsndlot as soon ss the asw edluos ls oombleted umbered isabontaiz dwelling or ufaotory br atorebonse with very little expanse tbetftlotobotb mesepmperues is-indtipnt- njmstana willow iple taaiu orbauatten per osniof nnrobase moneywhenfbjslaafleeteatfaedalanosasmat be arranged with the trustees the highest or saytendernotneeessslllyapted t jameslafblntosh bamnsl b worden 1jamesd warren 1 r seotreas aotanuay tbi8w trustees files arid human beings motbd tea 6tork amd a large consignment of fresh turnip seed alt varieties 16o per pound or 8 lbs for 100 brpadilieafed essex sowing rape 16 ilbsrfwroj visit our china palitce second floor speqtal bargains in jdin- ner setts toilet setts and toa setts every family must havethem it is one of the big put- lays in every tiquseliold wfc are sellers 61 shoes for tnany years large sellers and large buyers we give you prfcfis from time to time and satisfy those who wijaevyith wear and price if you dont get the worth of youir money in wear out of our boots your v money will be refunded what more can -you-ask- our- stock is very complete in mens in womens and in cbildrenvfotwear weseji shoes at dry goods profits you can economize by buying family footwear here blxguelph lads wsredllpailoo and ooita esbbiuie other day for playing lpnbpnjay y r vy vv fresh fish- received daily j a il attention to the bntwlne nd ibwosyongp iyiafeimklbgifprev are twodlstinct iamiliesandcanqot lii hagpily together fit your windows and doors with jsceens from symbns and enjoy life alone crooerles tomatoes 7c corn 8c salmon roc best red ipkg corn istarch 25c beet amei lean coal oh 18c resjayimlxod paints and parlsgreen f-i-sfi- w and best stok town but you dont knowit because yoa did not uk thet lwiw 5 mm jut week dbineftndbjelt v -j- yimltsm 1- -j- oft i iui

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