Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 1, 1899, p. 3

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the bank ob hamltqlt charter chanted 1872 hsiadobtioe hamilton ont capital eilpald up 126000000 s aoooo6o total aobeta 9 1 00000000 j tufvnbull cashier savings departmont 16tereslfiald at besr current rates and- added to principal without waiting for pass 1 book to bo presented any sum may be withdrawn by simply sending in a wntterf jrdei with the pass book no jonittalities no delay the government returns show that this bank gives to depositors four million dollars of security over and above evory cent duo to thepublic y farmers skotei of responsible farmers discounted vmoheyloaned to feedcattle etc farmers sale notes collected promptly and advances made on account of same at a row rale of interest seisuvityv courtesy fa ft every banking facility afforded which can be obtained in the city or elsewhere correspondence solicited the news at home montly of a local character and every item interesting ceorcetown branch j p bell affont itt thtjbsday june 1 lmfo jfirsfpjf the reason the ilratiaoroasp metpli on the sobeddle ol 1 ho itoyajjjiatrlot vul belmed lolbe parlrhereorbtn4rftooorbtwn aoton and- georgetown an exbitlog game ii anticipated no doubt a larkeeonoourae of oltlmuis will wlinmi the game game olled st three nolook dentil 0 foar elders ia 9jfr months tbehana of death baa been laid very luavlly upon the offiolsry of knox bhoroh dnrlnu the past few months within a ijjttle over tix months four elders messrs peter mann alexander grant lames e cobban aud arohjbald0mpbeli have beep removed by doilb these were all vorthy men and universally pateeoaed ulaxorqahipa yiklito 8t albuna the service in st albania ohurob on tuesday evening vyae one pf mnqh interest to the congregtion being ilia nratvlelt of bight bey j p damoulin bishop of niagara tothe parlih in the absence of rev j f goddeo m a the rector mr gordon the student in oharge presented the class to reeeive ha rite of confirm lion after this impressive oorempny hia ijordship- addressed words of encourage inentto the congregation and spoke very tenderly of tbe absent rebtor whose heart and prayers were with them at this hour an able and inspiring discourse followed tipplocmi brieflets whioh fcwubht thbyob or bars of freei tre8boportora this week june the first ni month of roses is with us again iblieeptwashlng time 1 has borne again jithe county cbnuoil will meet next r farmers are busy now putting in tbeir rooljerpps iayoroplillli3f to be a heavy one rolewuipn he soldier boysarc 1 getting ready for eieotrlo lighting has been installed ivlp 81 evibana church mondays thunderstorm was the heaviest of the season npisance has been pretty thprpnghly atamped oat the lightning on monday afternoon bnrrjji out several of the street lamps thebaianoeof theyoer to any address tfzfaimifaldtatiih fiial will be held atmiltooonuondaylolh june cihaltoii farmers initltntos anorial jsr mealing will be held in milton on saturday fci rrthe dam at the power house has been- put into a brstalass permanent condition vimr7 anthony mason had the ijpmisipviune lasiweek to lose one of hie ptajiji horses ffitiiir david mills received an ugly klok jmijflishoraeitiietday lityht aud ffas laid drysiterday vrhaboiiding commiltee of the new ibapmjtcburohexpot to oall for tenders ioheooiirspof a few days g virwrnunloklions wblch fall to hear thai g5 sttotnra of the writsr ire inrariably oon ts the wasto basket 4mr john a gordon is taking ordera tlrersbeafarsen sheaf and bed tag a quiet wedding waa oelebrmted last i wednes morning- 8ath may at the home of wro plank efq tbe prlhoipaja were miss ianra lie eldeal daughter of the home and john m meodorield h d 0 m tho wallknown young phytioian wbo anoceeded do j f tjren a year ago the bonds of wedlock were pronounced by bov w b bey tone the ocossion waa a very happy one and after the weddidg breakfast the bridal couple left for toronto where a few days were spent very pleasant ly with rolatives of the groom dr and mrs maodonald have since returned and settled doiwo to the aotivitiea of real life at hlllsen place where their many friends will no doubt call in due time to extend their congratolatlon jierossergaft va itetoir an sxbibition gains of lacroito the first of the season wn played by acton with gait in dickson park inthatlowo on queens birthday the gall team won defeating pur boys by 5 to 0 the first iwentyminntevtpis w brilliaiivr tie queena htrlhday talk about queens yiather j that of the iweutyfonrth was ideal in every renpeot the warm and delightful spring weather whs universally eiijoycd people generally observed the day loyally but look numerous wya tu 1ohu ndarl everybbdytoemed rfrbro their oostomary- labor irsomo- went iitit of towrrcto jarliulitu ipq ietna 13irihd cole 4io7isiiriirbitdjfrlmditaiihrji at home ib furbish up the home surroundhiks ur lu do ilie proverbfal plsnlluitof potatoei on the tweiilytonrth bbrhv gtlerinkii7 reunions wfrre numerous and liapplnean and good fellowship abounded tbe aweet strains of music by the aoton cornet band between vix and seven a m were appreplated the sentiment urgod save the qaeen was in all heart an interesting display the delivery of maohineryjby john mcqneen tbe local gent for the frost wood implement works oh tuesday was a surprise 10 many and was the largest delivery ever made in this section between thirty and forty teania yore loaded in the forenoon after which fbe farmers were entertained to aaplended dinner at agnews hotel a spread- highly oredilable to this cxoelleht hoqse after dinner tbe farmers drove in propessjon through the prlnoipal streets tbenoe to the park where they were photographed by his honest methods and obliging manner mr mcqueen daring the three years be baa been in business here has built up an iperesting trade in ithe maohlhery of this reliable brm whose prodnotlpns have been biloro the pnhlin fnr nlrty yrara health wu en dot ttyoit are no good koepitlio i kldneya bowels and bloodlieultliy by uie useof hoods sar- saparilln the fnqltleas blood purifier rumarttam- had acute rbeiimau tlstu in my lluib and foot i commenced il ad 8pparilla and s3 e shortrilme waa cured wttuw basixtt brentford out 8crpllilsi- iwa troabled wltb scrofula and inipuro wood a out on ray arm would not heal hoods sarssparwe was roooninicnded and afterl had taken three hotls i was wejl uajmnbbsrjiaok62 treauleyfltoeetiatoranf- itjpgys to buy at bollerjs it pays to buyatjiollert the taking of photographs by amateurs has bi late been so simplified bv imprc nli on cameras and photographing chemicals that the work of taking pictures irove- mentii on cameras and photographing chemicals that the work of taking pictures has become a favorite pastime with many young ladles and gentlemen of course the large majority only take them for the peasurelt gives themselves arid others who desire their pictures but many of these actually moke a profit out of it or at least make enough to pay for the material used and have the pleasure and the pictures to thegood cubuph rif ass hills theiitkiii who selected t cm saw only what was grass fair ri thb jbw3llbr ttsftrmtvwj x vlalto ris kti arid prornaotor ncl varlousothar personal notes jjbindsrtwine for bobertwoble aoton pivrthe liev e i crawfords home ic was burglarised one day last iwekso possessions of value were stolen levur yelryhol- election ughl jijr refthanpt carried the riding of north llswaterloo last tuesday by a majority of mb- v ktinlr allan molnlyro chairman of thai of license oommissioners for south feseuldgtohi died on thursday evoniog a mw piimrljobn b barber m p p has been svlihmkgfor a site in toronto with a view mreinbving tho paper mill of his firm from pjjjjijljwny y i jgjei j a molohlan m- a preaobed pjahkvfaermcro last sunday evening on ithaardshtpa and oompehaatloni of the iscirimgmao ctgiilutho absence of rev j a atajuaehtaa m a at conference next syjjbvit bprbea will ooonpy the ha mssbow chprob- holme was shipping stoolt ljodayuhibjtiejrj otlngpnapatirage about 13000 nilsno- 5w asbp ts b ferejw v af almost a fol absenoe oatt puuaboe op qoswsibjrilv- m bfi coswbowswetian m lt 1 jrea v -5- mpnerto patent good idessma jb dfbyopt aid tba patent becordt wmorefmd ptnioon the qocsans birthday nesw nstkll0d a ladles silver watoh jrjrwrwiamiby a a ocimprito 1jjm0briii betwsw ftisw wei oblige by leaving at mr actons combination was almost perfect gait did not play together and aoton had slightly the better of the- argument still the home bpya scored and after that putqlssaed their opponents was stewart who set tba ball rolling two goals atandirig to his 6redlt campbell pot through the other three toward the close gall was entirely on the defensive bnt acton was unable td score it was a rough game several players getting hard- knocks bixtyfoqr tlokets for gait were aold here tfaak morning jsne welcomed the tranalmtiotk v abopt four- years ago after- a severe cold mro william forbes was found to be suffering from a tnbercnlar aseotlon of the iqngs and though a devoted husband and loving friends exerted tbemeslvia to minieter- to her and to seonre evpry pptslble remedywhioh was- thought wpnld possibly effect a cure or even gfve relief lbs laroads of the diesis continued sbe bad many weary months of snfferlng but she bore ft with ohrlitlari fortitude bar trust in her heavenly father growing brighter and stronger continually jotbat ft was a benediotlon to visitors to witness her unwavering faith sbe longed to be at rest and weloomedtpe oell when it came on thursday morning jast mrs forbes was thirtytwo years of age the daughter of mr william p campbell she was milled in wedlock to her- sorrowing husband eleven years ago freddy the only liiing child eight years of age will aadtjrmlts a mothers loving cart the fubarsl on saturday afternoon was very largely attended it was conduoted by her pastor rev 3 a mcliscblan m a who was assisted by bevs b b cook and wm bryers v- ajtlntucnuth case idr a number of yearj the tarmera resident pn tijestrsam which spppllea tanneries here have been making eomrjaiuu of the foaling oftbssrarii of ibe unpleaaaplodors sxperlepbed in hot summer months in cmnplianoe wj the reqarements of the provincial of healthy messrs beardmore 4 co hslanvjlsg oomry fllterirbedsstbn dlfflbolty waslo a large extent 6erporne some nave not rjeep- btttfledh6 qrahamijawaohissnsdteritagainst t iwbiotinijiixthe oksawaiioiiith dmelfprriog srna ncgemmoith t gulphot peslay andup sixty jiad mshlsdlindvteaiopi oase probable irt defbrebsiingcailea the prlnoirsan thittijegaivlstthildasto flnuiy sffeoted a opmprolw effeov prppvwlfpn pfmrlawaons hbeyshopldpvsesdatonpotbextenlb dheir fllterjngsysteffli brot p spflmtldnspyeparsdibyjthsj aujrltlee and thalmrljanwil iogdainagea tiim ij tbsistrssmbave had eaosforvanooyanoe 1ifttfereis w i fooehrs w nps1iicifpoilpir 2j ineerely hoped iiruouppof ihedsw rwlllbean endfo th sboth ths farmers and ths ui mcqueen wasasiiated in the delivery by messrs 3 j alliiton and e eorsman general agents of the firm the mun council the docket at monday evenings meotlnb albrriall one the connoil met od monday evening promptly at eight oolook as usual members all present except councillor clarke reeve pearson in libs chair the committee on f inanpe prosented their eleventh repptt and recommended paytnent of aooppnts sa follows bsmllton sewer pli co sewerplpe sm 23 i mjllb stone teaming eto 63 65 j b faaraon eleetrio light auppllos mm iwo john harvey freight and eartage 15 05 wjt johnson bleatjrleco it 85 wb smltb labor it 50 i5allils park and oeraetery 3 85 h p moore dverualqg 0 2 it d graham postago and tramps 9 to auved boper labor 185 fred peayoy do thofaaa pasts iutltea all its readers to eoo tribute totbis eolumhivllyou or jourfrlshda are going away ona belldajtrlp or if you have frlendivlsltuig yon drop a card to ths pass pans mr krlwatri j brry h iwn lln keeps in stock cameras nndcomplete oulfils of llio best tnakera and during the past year has sold ovefilty cameras the prices run from fifty cents for the niagara junior up to say ibe reversible back premos and kororrasat fifty dollnnfc we sell most at5 and tio though andkeep every kind of materials usedv ouretpck of cameras is as large as any kept in any large city and are sold at tho tame prices send for catalogue siio ot moved by i franols seconded by j1a murray that the eleventh report of the flnancp committee just readbe adopted carried messrs- james mpfnloah and h grindell in behalf of the building com mittee of the baptist chnroh applied for permfatlon to remove the shop op the jrbnt ofthelr new ohurohlot to tberear and oouvert it into a chnroh ahed the ojunoil informed the committee that there- would be no objiotlon to tfio proposal if tho provisions of the flre- bylaw were pomplied with colsergt qoold applied to the council for the uansi grant to company 6 lome rifles to prpvidehutterand milk while io camp moved by j a murray aeoonded by james clark that a grant of tie 00 bo given colsergt gould for eupplylpg milk and butter at eamps- carried chief harvey eaggeited that the onlildo tanks on young aud unid streets be filled to the top there is at preieni 8000 or gallons in eaeb tank the question was asked as to the erection ofthe propoied now ticket 06b00 and dressing rooms reave pearson stated that the plans submitted- were fpr too expensive a building and saveral members suggested that a- temporary dreaaiug room be built under the grand stand counoli ad joorneit pfn oclook tlon in orillia mr arthur e moore was home from toronto last week wm molpod esq of georgetown was in town on monday mr harry noble vielled aoton friends on queens birthday mist ada francis was home from toronto for tbe holiday miss m fraser of toronto vliited friends in town lakt week mrs frank harrii aud children viiited relatives in toronto last week miss evelyn moksown visited erin friends on the queens birthday mr david moseeimao pi brampton v ith red bird- best tbpiay tsrid coodfor yea ysrsvllla morning bit blak7jho3 iaiaspf they also rewetepijttessfrom dytpcpsla bdlgeitkm and too hearty eating apcr reraedyfor directs nausoodrowil hes gpated tongno iii in theide torpl iiver they isjegiscweli potbijrvebawto maumm smahdoe tiimprlpei v stitirtfen tho fraud ot the day see you get carters aslt for carters insist and demand carters xittle liver pilii oiir ohfto l nelles the big wall paper ipealer in gueiphasks you to- see the immense hue of wall hang- ingt arid window shades at tbe4rgsjprejifr j- d moeeb aoton- ho will quote you prieesi his prices are correct no one has betier prices m ijiiafitf spent suhday with acton friends mr bolland perrymsn waa home from toronto ual week for a day or so rev father feeriy oondooted service in the bc ohurcb milton last week mr and mrs t james moore and miss pearl visited relatives here lees week mrs jdbri brown and three children visited friends at newniarket faat week r mr and mrs adam lalnrpfbrambion were guests of lbs misses iiaing last week mr david bobb ol oipringe visited sit at the home of mr j n warren on be 21th mra e thortell of harrliton is visiting relatives and friends in town tbis- week mr ampa and the mlrses mason visited relatives at meadowvillo during the week misses maggie end ada fyfe and daisy nloklin were home from guelpb last week mies mabel little of toronto is spend ing a week or so sa a guest of mrs john walter y counoilibr and mrs clark and miss iiexle visited relatives in guelph- daring the week the daintiest bi- cycle creation pr the year as our s iadiesz red model 6a a qftly what was sweet scores of ijnewr und ngured gay nd merry blameless work of weave and dye roses lijies violets and thousand liosies resting among the bnsy bumblebee mikhrwell frowroiitf r amongthem perhaps cheaper ones somewhere if youd ad soon get styles a3ear old note just a few bright things among jhc scotch lappet muslius floral design 12 l2c wtiyeii stripeij bijtesoiid lois 15 1iiefinc 15 nrjiiipim ij tajclibaatt 20 liolinhiiis v23 noroitsiiiwes u- 20 vlfvhij4av v 15 19 23 silkhjmi y 25 s- seeing them costs you nothing and gives us pleasure- m a ui mr arid mrs wm cook of toronto weregdests of mr wm gurney and other friends list weak v mr and mrs david beattie and children and mist flora monsbb visited friends in guelph last week mrs forest and miss floreno of waterloo were gueau at tba methodist parsonage laal week mrs edw matlbswi and illtledaoghur of berlin are spending a few weeks with friends in the old home altheannual meeting of guelph board of iftaolastswdajmrb b bpllertr trap rtejeetrfpresident mri angus mcdonald b a ml last week for boasund b c where be wul spend a couple ofmonlhs tthe presbyterisn churob qakvlus has extended a uoaplmons call to rev john jfyaiiife mr and mrs mark button are now ppmfortably settled in their hew home at 10fpnolalrst johnilpwn ny f mrs jas molam and miss ilie visited friends in tptpnlo lap week mrs mciam remained fprssvet days mr h mokerrahan andmiaa emma moore pft6wswaiatbe home of prlrilcjial tt mc last week mrsndmrs bobsrl hydeofbprlogt flelduthecredi irnl a few idsti during the week witbfrisnds in ktqueilnit muoh syropatlry rs fell for dr jahd afri dryden in ths serious lllnsas of thair aanfreddy who wa quite a favorite with jlolon friends wv tj- berta ha va removed from elmira and are now pomfortably settled at t8 bpringhurst s mr allan bimpbellwmhotne from johnatownnyilatlwees at the death bed of isjtniius m he returned or jtaayi ri revs j a moiohlan and william bryers and storsaaoa town atth p moore wul ta ferenoe at si ftharuiesdqrtnjlbe wesfc mrjgtexbifeiaiff in aoton and vlolbityi this week iswlpg acqriantanoemvmnfariahd uforsm iwnvwptksi k0i yfji r bsrllhwlnarens rttuitprsgihjirttsn guelpb general hoapllalforaewrai weksj hot w repoisiirl sswviaefcjrv waiprdslus4i cauiearatoorij olorlon comes fromprifdb washita i 1p jmlksimil ofblsetriobhmm mn fitted with ourve new caged bear- k ihgs- it -is- delightig fully easy running g beautifully finish- gz edy and with every og detail of construe- 9 tion gi v en t h e5 most careful at- tcntion by tbor- 2 oughly skilled me- 33 j chanics it isra j5 fe wheel that is not fz only exceedingly i3 handsome butne2 ihajszqttxsjotjs after thei rrrttpliii i i t iulla ikr majority of wheels have been relegated to uie 2 s scrap heap the peerless braritford red bird is sold iii every canadian city and town from g the atlantic to the pacific and can be seen at your nearest red bird agency if you are a s prospective bicycle purchaser you might make g artbur of inspection today y toiijilsls co uiiitld yz y oj a p isrerrwrrswrwasrasw psrhw pyf wf tj ttiw tjt st 7isipml st gtjelph i new english prints 1899 productions both as tocloih and patterns regular price ize bargain price oc blo four dozen ladies blouses worth 75c 65c and 50c sale price 35c m st uli iii b hoswiy a ookstockis commete fastblock hosiery at lowest prices newswiss muslins lawns embroideries new waist silks bells belt pins blouse sets ribbons bargains in white wear im arid rawr go on ale tdd weve sold you some good ones before but this lot beats any of them qne price and that the lowest m r l afefeiiiai iftwp f iwfatlthat pifsjkaiawiiiv i v ipay for ltaell in j years i r pomp all yourwater- rnujhe machinery in yopr born vvw njst pdsii- uppjid the last ifiiif vf stsspwwjndjntlislppulrwiialii fjs f w r mill st acton storecloses monday tuesday and thursday evenings ot6ocloek characterizes the man who wears our swell stylecin- w n e h ats pfck oyir fine quality fashlesiaiettjloqk arid rich colors in derbys alpines and blacks from the crowd every timei for style and finish they are un excelled our at200 250 anddtjr are prices that should and they dot judging by our hat sales this season one price only ttvvititlsski merohaat tailor xve j2i x4pxovu9 and mens furalsaer lthv r 3i s you want stout weumade boots or shoes we can nippl ypn with very suitable goods al low prices i if something lighter in neat ano attractive stvlbs we have a wide range andhave confidence wo can please you if you desire rubpbxs fok the wet wbatiier our stock wfil supply tho want 4f about b talte a trip north south east or west we have oood variety of trunks ad vauses at prices lower than ypareawustomedtphaveiqtioied loyou we handle only the gpodi of reliable manufaclurers as wi hive a reputation for honest goods an pfluare dealing ip sustain our prices are always right cturtam orjrand jtsjalrfnr aeacly mprompidoievmiay v vi- i kyiyj i tfrm8k tlie welt dressed nayfi adecia- ed adyniungc over tliie slovenly notice the reception giyeii a ihaii who is c i j til of his ajiparanfie he is pruf e r red in busiuess offices iiisbcial lifjndeycryplacehere nieuvdoeoiigrcgate v j y0ura ourbcoic3ljceaus tji ls ffifflsw ifjfemjgobdiibrnsei ifc-fe- pvv

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