Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 1, 1899, p. 4

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eirerjr morning bad l8io in my moulh my tongue is coiled my head aches and 1 often feel dluy i have no appetite for breakfast and what food i eat distraite me i nave a heavy fetltaf lo my stomach i am getting bo weak that sometimes 1 tremble and my nerves srb all uniming- i am getting po and thin t am os tired in the morning as wfiotuocs your doctor ayftji yob are suffering from lm pure blood rii csmiibs pba lbloteajrp ifdu must not bve ieontjf pated bowels if yon expect the sartapirilla to do its best worlii but ayers pills cure jcomtpa- m jxm ve bavoabook on paleness and wcsknosswhlcb you may have forthjsaskjng tflwflta its swsij ibtspsfaissfc rhmtqtt eeasalt emlntm physicians atwi- yea eopeu- tim w la yonr c pw trhubsday june 1 iii fl oitng jfolhs t17b vi pump tin a moot imporiatit objeot in a social iprtbt way im- the abject of attention in thie nlabt and in sua day a by tho tarmer from tba aarvaat wlto bet and perched throat by tbe yellow doe ot perkins and bybtinpons little beat by tbo banker itom ana dty by tile lovers from she lano tbey all smlls as they approach me i am never in disdain i receive no compensation working faithful nlgbtand day mid ube soothing winds ot summer or tbe wlloj of winters fray 1nibynatureipblianiabrople and iimpdaaerratbemme laanotipoken ofln talitory earner irecetveburiltile homsse and mygreetlnguatbnmp iai a snost important object quoth the faithful village pomp if vanburtn thonpton obeyed literally the officers and men of the garrison at brussels were recently invited to a leotaro iven by ibe may or the soldiers were lostrnotrf to keep sbelr eyei on th etfmmmdids foilowiiuaiample riling slnd applandlogi when be did uqheppuy colonel poodls had oooailoo to blow bis nose inslsntly the hall reechoed with the rnoslo of licoo soldiers noses being blown halton historical society i i dr robertson presidsnt ministers and editors- honorary imsjrribsjt- a filtly attended meeting wes held at tin town hall on tqesdey evening of last week tor the organization of a historical soolstyforthatpodnty of hartbii dr robertson was chairman an address was delivered by david boyle of ibe education depsrtmeut tomntobeoretary oflbeootarlohiiitor iqal soolety who explained the object of the proposed organisation vis to gather and preserve all the information available abonitbe early history of this part of the obnnlry r aftertbe address the work of organisa- tlon was aa follows j8beeeoo moved seconded by w j lcftnauooo that in the opinion ot idle mssting it is advisable to form a hmorioal bobiety for the oonnty of halton arid that it be affiliated with the ontario histprioal wstyoeurrleov geo emooraney moved aeoonded by h coatee that dr roberteoo be president of this tooleyoarried bdejaoon moved i by j irvloj that there be vicepresidents one jtotv each township in the county as follows john kamsey naseagaweya k h mann trafalgar daniel momren helson i and john warren erqneslng carried bobert costos was then eleoted leoretary treasnrer and the following executive p wa a i m ole bst w b white j s deacon 8 dfoej mrs gb bowes mrs t o mtbeedn hryoangjwbllloftflmomsstm qso black il g matheson and g e mecraney w j arrbitrong and hogh campbell were spjintedaaaitori j 8 dead moved seconded by tg matheson that local editors and ministers bo honorary members of the sooiety 8- deaoon moved seoonded by m fllsments tba tho annoal meeting of this sooiety be held at a p m on the third i toesday in mayin each year carried- 1 membership fee was uxod at 36c psrsnnnm j w elliott moved leoocdedjjy m ll that allhauonmorobwttof ba laglilstlve assembly and parliament be exofboio members of the sxecntlre committee cirried eev w e white moved seconded by t g matheson that a vote of thanks be tendered to mr boyleoarried t meet ad ch how to pewell jjainescelerx cpjmppund 11 oyeroome ail3toup troubles and dangers v frlendehip is worth more than its glfta irfts of snlraated thinkers are poor talkers il theres rnmy a slip after the cop tonohaa ttellp i now wil yoy b coop onrrenoy preferred oreditor ia ont who never tronbleayon ryjl the wordl of the lilent ixan are never repeated in ooarl r ly troth ilea at ihelwttdrsof tbawiuaod a4igwriiiisaurshds a baaabauplajarsaldpos stralos at a goalbpvtbsfoao ayosiif frnan- nwly- expresfton wbebmksagrl to beooma hiswifo- a provinc rep haroutonsmarbliiwprkaiflnalphlsthe scene of vsry siatif e operations at ptesenl he will ship shortly ioodoments for erection at sarnls bidgetown london berlin hamilton blratford gait aqd other rjoilou jno better inaituon the superior wotk and materlai sapplltd by this old arid rallable establish naentif nan the nnwllolted orders frofij aoliitanba whlob oome to mr j harnhnv the proprieuw alargeehlprnehtof bwsidfsb and scotch granite has joit been reoelved and loolnditi a nnmbir of attractive new dasigne r well people have pore clean blood strong nerves active liver and healthy kidneys if yon are a sufferer from headaobe or showslgnd of any skin dlaaasyonr blood is surely obargedi with impsrrtlasi anil needs cleansing by that grandest of all moo pnrlberspaln celery coin pound if you are norvoqs sofler from prostrs- tlon sleeplessness mental depression or despondenoy be assnred yonr nervous organltm needs repslr end toning yonr best aid iroest medloine for this work it painss celery compoond if the liver is leiadtiye if yoej soffer bom obnstlpalioii sinddefeetits dlgsstloo your only effeotive helper is palnes celery compound y jf you have backache iftns orlue is thlok or bricky in oolbr year kidneys need immedlste attentioo or brigbts disease taiyjisom i5elsj clerycim ponnd carets ail forms of kidney disease and wilt give health and vigor to all other inirrtantiirgans ths ablest pbyaloians in america are eoatldoenyprseoriblng and recommending painet celerylgompoond for the tronbes and dangers that have beers referred to and thonsands of tbankf ol letters from canadas beet people prove folly all thst it olsdrasdfor the matvalces medicine childrens qardens tbeworlds boss inen andwomen tob were resredln lipmee where flowbrs grew flowers insplrirtfiduelita pure and truer and noblo tlioubhta will flroatfblngs do nearly hii children re yory fondpf flowers a love which nhnutd be warmly enonraged noihlnii will give thorn a greaterand purer jeyv orreeffsotually nuroldthf huttcr part of theirneturoalhah to hvo ir iiulo spot to osll their own where they may sow beedejand cultivate plants and bulbs wntchipk their develops ment to peifcot flowers j my mind often travels back to the garden of my childhood and in reliving those bygono daya there ooraeo a great desire to encourage the love nf flowers in all the ahtidreofar and near they wh6 have become professional florists or ssrdenerb are apt to be people who have bad ibeir testes tarnsd in these direotlons wben tbey were children but aside from his faot all oblldren love to play in the dirt and it de doubtful if a more heslthy ooonitation- ban he tiven them a few rods of lend will be au hntcsld plettnre to the little folks especially dnringvacatlon days if they are furnished with small rikoij spades and boa and allowed to dig in it to their hearts content their- manner of laying ont the beds fertilising etc will no doubt furnish qniet anibsement id the nnobtrntlve looker on seeds of tome common annuals anoh as will grow all by themsolv8ishoold be glvertthe oblldren for planting the firs year for nntll a certain amount of exp is g noth e w b apt ip flonritbdn snoh amateur bands and the krst bonqnet fornlshed by them ehoold be received with congratdiatlons and kind words ot sppreciation abitop redtape great is red tape 1 a telegraph repairer was sent ont from great bend ind the other day to locate a break in hpo no 1 on cilmbldg the pole ho found a break thertalso in line no 2 after fixing no 1 ha bllmbcd down the pole walked two rahjmo the nearest station and telegraph ed to ibe tnperintendsnt at great bend for oiders to ox no 2 a toronto contractor mr j j markle 267 lsnsdown ave mown bridgeeontraotoi odred by milborns bhenmstio fills ot a asveattackfof bheqmatsm which laid hinxtap in bed for weeks some people seem to know- everything except the f set that they dont know how ntnoh they dons know its so pleasant to take that bhildren cry for it but ila death to worms of all kinds rdr tows-worro- syrup prioo-25- cents al dealers we are toldtbat aoat has nine lives and wo aire inclined to believe it spends effht of them in vocal onltnrc holiowayt corn oarois a speoiflb for the removal of corns and warts we have never heard of its falling to remove evtn the worst kind the man who has nothing to say lont always oonsolooa of it until he has tried to ay tbue and t what better evdenoe of eff icaoy than those words from ev hibh mdloalautbor4tyohtjrvon stans pine t cniptbn ix i in an artlolehn the american journal oiheaitb bnutled plain truth about propria tary remedies by a prominent obyalolan syon will and this said nfur flneapplstsblets tjvne merita oftbeni have been india- pbyalo von stans tm iratably sblyprovodand or the household which pi ictbls remedy will not go astray le household which pieces its talth iemedy will not go astray ovr a true and tried spooiao far the core of dyspepsia sonr atomaoh- tndlseatlon aleacneadaobe 7flatoleaoy and catarrh ol the stotnaeb i faots warrant ouej endorsement for nosonl y have we discovered that in a sor rtainaly largo nnmberofcases i- os the cure was remarkably rapid bnr the- long list or patrons of this remedy tnelndes very many persons 10 belontlna totne best aad mostedu eated olastsi 61 tbe eommuulty they are deueloaaitii oeota a tbox60 tablets small also id oents sold by a t brown- relations with his wife beoanse bis wlft forces mm to be his vrifehai ajotofh foolish notions abont mm snd the bosband in his early sotbnsiatmi tries to live qp to tbemh cannot do it and bscwtms a siningyrooritsi miftf hs is ohsrjed with being vsneexlbg riypoerite si few timss sod nieted be beccmst stirly snd trouble results a wife who expsots a lot of foolish things of hsr hosbandissirnply putting bat a rap in wbloh bs will sorely bo caught snd aftsr hs has been caoght he will be found sb ngly onstbmsr if a woman will treat her hnsband intslllgsntly arjd fairly she will flod hni a good fellow and he will be of great aisistantotner it is equally important to be ears yon are wrong before baoklng ont as it is to be sore yon aire right before going ahead impure blood mist agneifaron athlone ont writee abbot two ye ago 1 was i bl with impure blood bat got no relief until i took bardock blood bitters which oompletely aiad piermsnentely cured roe the belt friend ybq here on earth is better frisdd to falmsilf iban be is to you to th dxaj a rich lady cored other deitpesa and riolse id the head by dl nlohblsons artlfloal ear drams has sent i0m to lliibstliotem that dsaf people nnsbie toirconre the er drums rosy havatliemfrr appy tobepartmeoi k b tha iualllute lortitoott ounnsrs peiryjixsnilotlwbnglaod the harow american 1vno ljs mad rotmma 7 why that is yonr father wllllr don yoa knosf blin mb its over two years sluoe you tookmstoblsoffioe tcmiyr cfiises riiitri p mftohtti the se3 mi blrsiu sniii his wife ilo jon blsve in this new a ay of killln fnkr ballid leotrooulloii f i liaiuttj atndicd nibcherbuni it was lbs trt5piy- my family ntost inglnrlly huog em atlanta comflfa- -xvv- iwormt oannqt exist either in children or adulu when dr tows worm byrop is ntwimo all itisjjsirsvxwi- iii f mmhitalor it lanovhiao t8haci1intc0 invqut grit the teeth ppittie first ihdiea- tiifh oiidiarrlicea or 4vr- i3site0 afe wdps2s fcsvlers ext 0 f w ild straw- berry promptly check the advance of these dangerous dis eases it has been over 40 years in uso an4 h- no equal for the car of bowel complaint of young or old thtire aro many danjiciroua imitations on iho market so it would bo wim to wsb thattho full name dr ftrvhf mt- of- wild rr strawberry is on ovary bottle you buy rop my the minds tbe measure of tba man frbapi that ia why aoine men re to hard to flad fever end ague and buiooa detange- menl are poiltively eared by tbe u of lrmeleeefi1ie tbey not only cleanee tbe etoroeoh pd bowels from all biliotib btrt ibey pea t e qiftliteri vesaeli oaonlor hem to poor copioni effqslona from tbe blood into tbe bowelp after which the oorrapted raasi i b thrown oat by ibe nataral pabaare of the body tbey are peed is a general family medloipe with he beat renal tb many good people prefer to take all tbo rlake thomielyea rather than let iho oh or oh catoh any diuase from tbe root otii ovii v shell fruit jtilberte are a apeolefl of hazelnut thkt grow in qrecoe fiktaohfo nuln cotno from syria and iho g rook a were very fond of tbem tlazeloatb ftrbw- lu kuropo nuasia aula north if clot and norlh araeriou walpota rrew orikinblly in peru in tbe ounoasue ohiun north araeiloti and earopr aloaondb are fouud in abjm baibury andilorocoo those no et uro imporudj from malaga ooeoanata uoiue trom iho eixt iudien tbe weit indies and iho lelands of the paolflo near the equator ghee taota form a portion of tha daily food of tbu mediterranean nations thoagh in amerloathey are not ground into flour bat are eaten eimply aanntf hickory nuta are an american pruduot and we export tbem in large numbers to europe where tbey are found to bo good eating fcoam belong o the hiokory family- look out for schemes people who have a little tnihey eaved opagaioata rainy day oarfhot nowadays be too mqoh od their ruard aftalmt novel eoheraea that offer at the same time safety and anaeqa rates of intoreat or profit daring period of ffeal prosperity capital is eailly drawn into epeouution or vleion- ary eobemea which oannot aaooeed enticements aro ranltlplled to lore the anwary into ventorea bat po dlacernink baflinesiwan oould for a moment approve hnmm rt thnnn strn nrpttnlttsij hy hilniripbh men who mean well bat laok the percep tlon to bee the dinaeter whiab is bare to come while othsrs are devices of deatgoiuc knaves who well know at the start that their scheme ia unsound- from a business point of view but who fancy tbey oan utilize it for their own speedy opribbment before it ollapeea corpora tiona and 00m- binatlpnb by whatever nsmea theyjnay bo oallfld that seek to handle the money of th n aiti heed to be caatioabr wmffikhfi wwm docfciim milbnrns heart and nerve mils cure a disease hitherto rcgrarded asincuirame thecnaoooir g o atyhlbald of hopewell cnpc mu n cut of whom appears bctaw is 010 of tho scvorust and most inlrdctrbto that has ever been reported frin the eastern provinces and u a cureby milburns heart and nerve pills tho mora remarkable from tho fact that lie was privenupna incurable by worthy hnd rcaocctcd phyuiclans the diacoio locomotor ataxia vfith which mr archibald vflxfl ftfniclcdis considered the most obstlnntoanu incur- ablo diseiuc of the nervous system known vlicn once it starts it gradually but surely progresses paralysing tho lower extremities and rendering its vic tim helpless and hopeless enduring the indescribable agony of seeing himself die by inches r w that milburne heart and nerve puis can cure thoroughly and completely a disease of such severity ought to encour- age hose whoso disorders are not so loustb try tjiisremedy b folio wing ia mr archubaldalcttcri messrs t mimivrn jt co h icnn nssunyou that my case was a very severe oiio and hnd it not been for the use of riilhurns heart and nerve pills i do not bjiicvo i would bo alive today ido nitknow exactly was thrf of tlsis disease but it grndually affecljd my lcrjs until i was unable to walk hurtll tiny for five months i va3 under tho caro of dr morse of melrose who isrid i had locomotor ataxia and gfivc nic u as incurable dr solomon navcllhnown physician of boston told me that nothing could bo dono for mc every one who came to vbit rrio thought i never could get better i saw ptiilburi3 heart and nerve pills advertised mid thought twould try them anyway as they gavc rhoro pro miiaof hclpimgniolhantinyihlnglknewof if you had seen mo when i started takinpr thoao wonderful pills not able to get out of my room and saw me now worhlng hard every day you wouldnt know me m am ajent for p o vickey of aujusta maino and havo sold 300 sub scribers in 80 days and won a fifty dollar priece nothing else in the world saved me but those pills and i do not think ihey have an equal anywhere the sevenboxes i took have restored ma thfc full use of my legs and given mo strength and energy and better health hhaa i have enjoyed in a long- time g o ancubatd hopewell cape n b in addition totho statemerit by mr archibald we have the enfdorsation of two wellknown merchants of hopewell cape n b viz meisrs j e dickson and f j brewster who certify to tho genuineness and accuracy of the facts as given above muburns heart and nerve fills are 50c a box or 3 for 125 at all drug gists or sent by mail t muburn co toronto ont mftnnyer really perceives tbe light of trntbtlkth u flashes against the darkuor a of his own evil will there never and never will bt a qnliyersaljpahaoes in one remedy for al ilia to which fleahle heir the very natnro of many cqitivob beinr snob that were the germs ofpther a fll eated oieeaaee rooted in fce bystem6tuitpatieht do yon notion yonr children grltlog or grinding he teeth at night its a ears eign of wormi jdetter ailye them dr tiwv pleaisoi worm syrap which la almple est and always eflcotaal iv- lr there lisnythioif la the theory o lbs survival ol tbe attest a lot of people we baowrnuitbsve been overlooked sprains slraino eontraolrd oords or painful swelllntia are lwiya promptly rollover- iy liatiyarda ttellow oil it it blean tqiisst prior u oenls what would relieve one hi in tartf woold aggravate the other we have however in quinine wine when obtalrjed in a sound unadulterated steto a remedy tor many and grinvont ills by itsrradnsl jndlelons use tbe bsliett systems are led into pon- vsleteenoe snd etrenrth by the influence whldb qoiulno exerts on nalnres awn restoratives it relieves the drooping spirits of those wlib whom a bhronlojsials ot morbid despondsnik and labk o interest in life la a disease and by trsdqnllllldg the serves disposes to sound snd refresh ing sleep imparts viror to the sotioo of tbe btood wbloh being stimulated courses ihrongbopt the veins strengthening the healthy anlintl faaollons of tbe system thereby maklnit activity a peoeasary result strengthenlns the frame and riving life to tbe digestive organs whlob naturally dsmand inpreasod aubatsnoe res all im proved appetite northrop t iivnue of toronto have itivsn o the publlo their quinine wine al the usual rate and guaged by the opinion of sdentlsts this r i wine approaches nearest perfeotlon of any tbo market ill drouglsts sell it troublels like a vrnudhole its- easy flnongb to get id but takes all ones power to get out itnover olbapiioluts people who are troubled with any disease qaussdor promoted by impure blood or a low state of the system may take hoods bsnaparllls with the utmost conodenco that its faithful use will effoot a oore millions take it as a spring medicine beoaase thsy know by esperiedoo it is jast what the system needs hoods pills are tho best family oathartio anl llvsr toua gentle reliable sure hell would mike us impute all oar misfortunes to causes ontildo of us when in teality ihey are f roan causes insffle of ns the best pills mr wm vandcrvoort sydney crossing writos we have bean using farmeleee fills and find tbem by far the best pills we ever used for jdslioate and debllatad oohstltutious tbeae pills act like a charm taken in small doses the effect is both a tonic and a stlmalant mildly ezaiilngths seorollonsof the bodyglvlngtone and vigor tbe joo nnoil wjltduhsksriyj yj 3 dry pities are all well enongh in a bbolografrfstuiln but mlulstsra do not think favorably nf them lu chirqh hagjardvyollow oil is prompt lo relieve eiid flare ticureobnuh ooldvtore ihroxt pslntln ihe ohel horrensss ojainsyi ejev prine 35 oents a msn will jferllo the 10 alnt oigsr that is presenied lihim bnt he never marmors sibout the aloisl one he bi papbffha no bv machinery 4ntijrybir honii ty iiftmstjiosryi biuilikrod oniwlilotfa jrph of tbe seoret of happiness is the assurance that ibe ruler of the universe desires our happiness no ons need fear cholera or any summer oomplainl if ihey havs a bottle of dr j d keilogas dysentery cordial ready for use it correots all looseness of the bowels promritly snd oantes a healthy snd natural action tilts is a medloine adapted for the yonng andom tiohor 1 poor aril is rapidly hohilhg invwotv popular medloine for oholers dysentery solo market a new york oleriiymsri tells ths following i and ths other- gnests were offsrsd wine at a oermao wedding where ioffloiated i never drink wins in irobllo a little while alter i fawlmltssbosv beckoning ms tbian adiolhlblryrool thsrehs bal two giassrs ons of ivhioh he cireredmoisylog iheardyou taythalj you dldol drink in public here nobody still setou y f gviarviiieed bradsahe powders dont hide inlho cellar of oomplslnt and talk as though tbe sun hari gono out of business slok heftdaolie hbwover snnoying and dlttresilnp is positively ourod bylaia- llver pills they are easy to take and nstrsrgrlps ciihtoria is for inftuits unl cuudroit oatvtrin is a imrmleus btiustlttito for castor oil paregoric drops and soothing- syrups it contains neither opium morphine nor other narcotic substance it is pleasant its btiarantoe is thirty- years uso by millions of motlieth cnstorin destroys worms nntl nllays fcverisu- ucss costorln cures diarrhoea and wind colic cnstorin cllovcs tccthtnar troubles cures cgustipatlon and flutiileiiey castoria assimilates tiit food regulates the stomach and bowelsof infants and children givlnjj healthy and iiatiinil hlecp costorln la tho childrens panacea tho mothers friend castoria castorla is an excellent mcilldtie for children mothers liavc repeatedly toliliiic of us good effect upon their children dr g c osgood loweu mais castoria caatorlals so well adnptetl to children that i recommend it aii auperlor to any pre scription known to me h a akcuru m d brooklyn v v the fagsimile signature of appears on every vvrapper thstdsthtaufi company tt s0fy the best la thft cheapest inequshedinqualityr and their frit ontario wref rtnoinoi lj picumontatlo abe thb b1bsx hardware merchants sell these goods and can supply you u they ail you writethsm the b greening wire co cetslbrku kcents hhmjlton xnd wonthbhl sold also by canadian hardware jobbers a parlor suife a sideboard a bedroom set an extension table jiunge a stand a matkess and springs any other article in furniture requirements ga livinq profit okly all goods delivered undertaking in all its branches calls day or night attended coffins delivered prices to suit every ones needs j a speigbht coe acton railway tlmtrf tablim uuim fpnvit miunv a0inq3vkht- qontlkabt jo 02 ajn rxprobb d os pm kxprobb 10 coan 7 lqptn mail mtjll isxnrosb mull time of clokisa majij going wart d 40 am and 0 co p in o9id6 east 10 25 iim am 6 co pm ttilfl tibia tahlo wuut into ollfot 011 mondry may 16tli ifltw speight fe brady manufacturers sof dynamos electric motors water motors oasoltne and- o as engines brass tjroh castings to order repairing prbmptivione t georgetown ont wellandvale bicycles 7 chiil a6ent- acton call and sec the new welland vale bicycles nt the bicycle livery the per fect garden city and dominion are the leading firades while the perfect cnainless has merits wmen will be appreciated by all wheelmen it is an un- disputed fact that tho wellnnd vale wheels cost less for repairs than any other wheel the single piece cranks are the best attachment ever adopted the new de parture automatic brake gives the rider complete control prices right for purchasers who mean- business j chill gash paid for farm produce pork- etc apples wanted aekenhetid produce go g pabsons manager cor mill and main sts acton opposite clarke motolt main street planinc mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor manufaoturorof8ssh doors framoamonlcudga inaustyles dkbssnto matcbxno to ordo od short notice wnll assorted stook on hand at prlcos tosa the times john cameron proprietor spring has q0me and perhaps you want to replace your milkgans with new ones of brightnew heavy stock made to order and to your satisfaction we can give you just what you waritat very low prices eavetroughing come la and see samples and let me quote ybii- prices for eavctrougllsfljj for either your houso or barn our work has been highly spoken of by our mnny customers t repairs promptly attended to g a panhabeckiar eet aoton m- troaraliiilon may find its diuini table lo the ohorob but its workshop villi be in ths word 1 uef bntir tonltht take a lsialiver pill i- wlll work while you iwp ililious a trip or snips curing blllouncs ooustipsiiou and slok ueidiolir and make yoo feel better jo lbs iiioriiiilx the higheit quality nlcotsnsamfsaitvgrtsse contains t nilcn which forms n coating oil tbe axle and molcei a perfectly smri surface atbcrtlie surface is fpiroedyouneusoorilyjihjlls- srsmlcst axle oroaso sa aoy vthwt mmm vrinlt fjtffi hllbqrnvblerllilit no depressing 1 ffeot- im 5 theology may ohanke bat tho tosptl clsintifvvv a strtdka little animsl upureutly ot an unknovtn rpeoles vraa on nbililtlbn tot sifarialsn museum and drew isrits crovds at ooe sou a hed oue day a vlsltorj entered wiih a dot and at sliiht ollt ll curious animal curved iis hank and betjttv lojlijas and spit then tha rnsolators diooverej that it was merely a ihstsd 6s tv ths brliibteti flower mnt fedr but bung hvqiendsukered by asyers and mus may be preserved by ift thirpa- eultoirlo oil croup wlioflplnjty ooogh broqchltls in short all suanilonsijftfc lhsjtutoisrci lougt are rellsvsd y thljj stfrllngprspatstloni wbloh alo rtmedliiij htnbisjtlo pains aorea braleei piltsi kidnir difnoultt snd is most soodomloi tii iy ws will only love 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