Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 8, 1899, p. 1

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j oltjme xxiv nois -aojqk- q3szeablo jthubsd 8 juiffie 1899 price three cents be juctrm jrc firm ib pubu8hi every thuksdat morning at thb jfiee press steam printing office hllstbbbt aoton okt tames or bobsqbiptiom ono dollar per year strictly in advance all anbioriptious discon tinued when the time for vrblob they navo been paid baa expired the date to union every jabsoriptlon la paid is denoted on the address label aimranbino itiras transient advertlae raenta 10 oents per nonpareil line for flrat in- aertlon 8 dent per line for each snbserjoanti insertion bates the following table shows nor rate tor the inqorjuon of advortlsemonta for specified period 1tb 6 mo 3 mo hmo aolnohe woo 3900 9000 700 loinoho 8500 9000 1100 800 alnobea woo 1800 t00 sm llnob 000 sjo i00 100 advertisements without apeelflo dlreettans will be inserted till forbid ana charged aceord- nslyxranslent advertisements moil bo paid advertisements will be bhanged oneo each month if desired for changes of renw than anoa a month the composition moat bo paid lor at rofulau rates ns for oontraot advertisements moit be u lua uffiuu by juboii on iacadayi aooounts payable monthly hpmoobe bditor and proprietor snsttusb sircctorp strong in windbw big stock 15c125c 3sc 40 50c all colors and size shades made up on the prem ises to order best cloth best rollers- low prices good goods days low prices win every time 1 day8 book 8tore guelph days sella cheap the tradebs bank of canada capital authorized capital paid tip 9 1 000000 700000 cuelph branch we are now issnlnij money ordsrs payable at par at any branch of chartered dank in canada oxoepthg1lie yukon district at the following rates- under sid io to eao eao to esoto 960 scents 10 cents 18 oents 14 cents medical tohn m macdonald m d c m bdcobssob to j f urmn m d 0 m office and residence corner mill ft frederick roots aoton office hours too pm 1 to 1030 am 1 to 2 pm and d r fj r forster aucosssoato db a 8 elliott tie resident physicia and burge t vie tone hospital tor blolc children toronto forget is- us not if you want artists goods wall paper mouldings pictures frames nighest oubbbnt bate of interest paid on loni deposited of aland upwards interest allowed from date of deposit to date of withdrawal and paid or compounded hair yearly- advances made to rospooslblo farmers on their own names at the loweatf current rates no oharga mado for collecting sales notes if payable in quelph a general banking buelnoss transacted a f h jones afauttagor g0it bicycles for250o ca8h wtaers bros ladies and oents equal to many highpriced wheels this is righd we mean what we saygffiall or write and get pshculars this is something verw special wlipn ynn rpp thftm or and- lnow about them you will cana bono god bless onr canada god bleu llritannla i god save the queen i may wjb unitd be and ever ann and free be mistress of the sea god save the qneen i 60ns of the mother land men ot this northern band prom sea to sea yes of the peoples all gatbetd inhome or ball llit to oar oouritrys call a nation be f from oak and maple leaves gaobnea igsuland wearei oar chief to crown may god our bomes defend from stain onr flag fbrefend and pesos andplenty send at from hla throne god4 holy will be done by eaob and every one on him we lean baled byhje rlghteotuband may thu dominion stand fairest in all the land uwuwuleyueenl 1 quliclmat competition of montreal wrrinu ffthd family juajiittg tvo dune anighte tbe words echoed idly in brontodl mind as aaoapinn by favor o a freooh oasement from tha orowdad reoeptloo room he fonnd himself in tha pliasanoe softly the thrill of tha dlalant rnuio rose and fell upon the itill air hte taoofolly oanaea the nearer nom 01 oohtersation nd laughter olanol nj biok toward ilia and iboy wou hoiah nnder a robber well oppose i taka yoa somewhere for half an hoar or so 10 a tbreatro or a moslo hall my oab i waiting oh i a gasp of delight followed by the loevllable bat won id it not be wrong and i cant go dressed ilka this manlike branton rode rooghihod over both templet ob nobody will know 1 walt ker a moment while i ran to the hoou and forage my wraps leaving sylvia in the aafe aeolaslon of the arbor be vanlhed returning speedily blad id a- light topcoat and orash bat and bearing a heavy oloak of velvet and for tbui breathed sylvia in a borrifled whisper when he shoae4bia spoil why yoove bronght grandmsmmas sable man tle i ob thats all right so long as its big onobgb replied her fellow sinner with a mans easy indlffsraooa to ooght bat util ity and s to tbe snobmpaising oapaoity of tha mstteir then oonld be no doubt swallowed op therein all that was vliable of bylvia was si air of wonderful bine eyas and a flnff of golden bair at tbabna end and two tiny while alippere at the other to sylvia the bsoiom was a chariot sent dlraot from fairyland for bar eon veyano to tbe noheoted world the gajlaty and glitter of ibe london nlajil dallgbttd and amazed her at piotdllly olrohs sylvia was entranoad in ioeater sqnare sbo was in ecslaoies and when having reaofaed the troluiion of aonrtalned box she boald gsza aoroti a valley of dim smokswreathed flgares wbioh the moving marvel of form and color defined ss si ballet sbe soled and moved as though in a dream world wiatthey witnessed need not be detail ob ye i is it not ibe interrupted eagerly and yon know ones olroumitancra alter new people intervene yes yes ao they do her tmexpeoted acqulesenoe was dlaoon- certlngbat ho dogiiediy slnmbled on and sylvia i wish to tell yon i know it seemi mean and ornel bol last year i met eleanor and hash i interrupted sylvia sdddanly railing bar band and tnrnlngln an altltudo of listening expvotanoy toward tha lighted windows of the house viilblo aorois the expanse of lawn as they panted mate from an open casement oust a feeble ory vagoo plaintive ssnding its menage into the night 8ylvjas eyes sought brahtons his wondering hers lambent with maternal eostaoy my baby 1 aha orlad best part of life a childs reproof ad is ltnot written in the daily papers boeith4allrhatsy4ia remained oblivion to all brnutoqa bints as to tha lapse ol time antll the boor nearsd eleven safelf in the hansom speeding homo- ward sylvia returned to earth again since aha fell like clnderalls in having to leave tha ball at its height and branton enls- llvely taggosjted that there had been no prince at br ball whereupon sylvia vowed hastily that of oonrae ha was the prince tbeu faltered and biuibedaf tor that it a company of yonog reorolta about to join tha army were wailing for the bars they were exolted ana noisy and evidently iholr mothers and sisters were not among the friends who walled with them for heir talk was liberally sprinkled with alang and swearing there is a perversa notion in slllyhsroio minds thai a soldier mast swear tbo train arrived and the young qtu atormed aboard shoaling bsok their good byes with interjections of oaths and vulgar lingo their rode manners of oourae drew tbe notioe of all the passengers for nearly an hour ibelr oonrae fan was kept op by that time they had abont exhansted their hearers patlenoo jbevoral of the annoyed and indignant paasengers were on the toint of appealing to the oondaetor w a lit girl not mora than seven years old a fair end delioata obild htllanoedlbsmedidraaiomeutr like the rest aha bad born their bad language as long as she oonld she slipped from her seat beside her mother and going straight to tha loudest swearer in the gang laid bar little poiket bible in bit lap not a word was said one appealiai look in the yonng mans taoer and the llttlo girl trottod1jcvt6 her mother j but aba had administered a rebuke that was keenly fel byhirnand hlapolayoomradai hot another oath was bsard during the joarnoy at the next stopplngplsoe the yonng man got oat and bought a package of oandy tor bs little friend when he gave it to her heatoopad and kissed her and promised that ho would alwaya keep the bible for her sake ibe act of a obild entirely of her own prompting as hsr mother afterward bald waa one of those insplratloni of gen tleneu that oheok lawlaas mlsdemsanbr when direct reproof would only make it more abnsive in the most impressive and tender way it reminded the yonng soldier and hjs companions that sooial deoenoy and jdjvint command still held a claim npon them and that profanity instead of a martial virtue is an nnmanly shame life after forty yeara of age is not the downhill road it is too often claimed to be bapeoially to the ihonghtful man or woman the beet years are those after two pore have been passed in preparation there fa ths satiifaotlon thrn of doiug tbs work with a nisater handrather than that of the apprentice the trained intellect teas everything more clearly and in batter proportions and the trained temper meets all obataelesmore oalmly and jodiolpasly the advafloe toward every stronghold is with the ordered psoe of boneeioas power and deliberate deter- mlnatron the stndsnt of solenoa thtn regards the world as thefrethiit and moil entioilg oeids everything has gradually taken on a new beauty at parts of a wondrons whole and tha pleaiora of advancing knowledge should inbrease with tbe ad vanning years- life is no more measured by the past than is the know ledge of the school boy by the pages been over the mora thoroughly lifoe lessons have been learned the greater will be the effectiveness and satlsfaollon of lbs real work aitar tbe oommenoemedt at forty bol how about those who never learn any leasonb whose lifea sobool days are all noses the real life after forty reserves for them no intellectual oonrjdests and pleasures superstiti and its effects i wish that some one would write an adequate book upon soperetillon and its eseots as dlttlngnished from and opposed to revealed religion and its effects this oarae of the world olvilhted or aavage deserves a worthy chronicler walking ronnd tbe eihlblta in the agrlcnltnre hall it was horns in to my mind that anperstltion id all its hideout phases is perhaps tbe most oonoreto arid tangible form in which the evil one is manifest upon xsan1w ok tb fbticx leanlnon the fencev chattldwltb a noliibbor qlvln rela to seuso on tbe rlgbta o labor bwapplo off ol lokes alrln what lain uf v ulppln up the folks that wo think agin ub often it gets hot things are aad that rllo us then as like aa not tempor apt to spllo ua bnt tberes no alarm for a guard to soroen ub from tbetoaoh o barm is tbo feooa atweonns talkln or er yotoi and tbb whims o tblnkon flntloouttbo motos in a neighbors blinkers ijoanlnonthefiirice that hi life kny brother chanssqoommori sense tradinwlth eaob other chat h ontm siihinesa jkttvs baton irsterest to find the exaot interest on any sum of money at a given rate for ono year multiply the sum by the rate and divide byioo v example 10000 at b for ryear 10000 multiplied by 8 equals 80000 soooodlvided by 100 equals 80o to find the exact interest on any sum of money at a given rate for any given number uf days multiply the interest for one year by the nnmber of days and divide the product by 805 example 50000ot 0 for 00 days 60000 mnlllplled by 6 equals 800000 800000 divided by 100 equals 8000 8000 multiplied by poeqaals270000 270o0o divided by 806 equals 1740 value of employment one of the resiona ihat aalrylng baa omoavafill streotrlacely oooopled by xr blltott- ttvr dryden era ean taaoat and moss moloana block dooglaa bl near f o quelph ornca hounslo m tolpm andsto0pm snrmatb 10 am to 1 pjn agree with wharve say wymbham street new store quelph john m bond sl co- basbwajvc ouxlpb evertqt and eden mills bsntjll t l bennett lpb dewt1st jli asobobtowir ohtabio jcoghlan ddslds dbnt1bt womtcabitjtltioira pbiosb modbbatb oryiox ovan bbownb dnuo btoob houna bteat dattbom 0 to 6 jm bell dds lds c dkhtibt bbooktixui homob qnadxtats of tobonto uhatbbbrrt work made satisfactory prices moderate viflrnwo dats monday afternoon oamp- bellwuo taodayao ton offlco clarks housl friday bookwood the place to go for the flour sjfelght brady bran mlddllnrs chop feed ac for sale chopping every day at everton mills and every tuesday thursday and saturday at eden mills aiways buying wheat no credit manufacturers of dynamos xoectbic motors water motors oasolinb anv a as knoinss brass jt iron pastznosto orvxb repairing promptly done georgetown ont henry hortop acton- livery busline lkoajl m alein amclean barrlateresolibitors notaries conteyanoers jkoa priateands to loan offloe town hall aeton wh a liolsah jno a mglbah j mackinnon babnistmb boliottob ooxtktahcbju oriica will street in matthews block opstaora bmcleodl f bauuustxb souoitob ookvbtahckb main street georgetown money to loan atiowosttoarrent rates bring your cystom logs and take thelumber home with you in brers lumber planm m i nasa ara we va the nndbrslgnedrespeetrnllysolldlte the natron age of the publio and idfornii them that well ettoipped rind styluh riga dan al- at bis stables a comfortable bqs moots trains between- 9 am and 818 pm careful attention given to every order the wanta of oommerolal travel lerafnllymet john williams faopbikton ft j monabb olarkrvoarth division oourt county of hal- on oonweyanoer agent giro andlife beal estate agent honey to loan eto orrxoa ferrymansblook aotton ont mjscsllajhous renby gbibt oruwa oatuna p satees proprietor has constantly on hand a full line of lumber lath shingles cedar posts wood jito custom logs and bill sioff cuttolotder onshort notice planing and hatching done to the best of satisfaction prices very cheap and made to suit the customers pocket psayers corn v bouoltor of fatsnts for invention eto prepare applications for the canadian amer- icsd and european patent otboea and for the bilatratlon of trade marks bend for paxo- nbtst 37biztttwo tsars sizpealsnoa itsarn street planing mills immm2 acofwt btoawoib ndna3s v bookbihdbb wvndhaxnbt qoelpb ontario over wmiams aeeonnt books of all jtinds made to order ferlodrealsofevarydaterlptionearefnllyboand ba4nrneaslvandproinpaivdons bmfbudbwsbb stty i atoobb vprlvamomesh6wltaessse repaired issaed atreememeeintiesvsbing- i- grae grass 0m autoh svbmbilto sifvfe ii4onrnpai0mbbaut mdotlylthaafcpsaolbco aoton or tmyristooelnaetott will be promptly t- l ter isradoos4to oo0 foe tabmsexllb also sstoney id loan oiitte most favorable smaitdvthlowea rati of ntarassln nmsewafi5ala a n r john cameron architect and contraotor wholesale and retail for silo and ensilage yellow horsetooth fi5o a bushel mam south white 6o0 red cob ensilage 6 50 early learning 7o0 also mammoth cuban wis early white dent salters north dakota clouds early yellow complons early early butler and20 other kinds we carry largest slock in city also buckwheat rape seed turnips etc garden seeds 3c pkl 10 for 25c mannfacturar nf flash doors graaaeamonldlpgal inallslyles drxssnro mjitcaara and movldjno to order on short notioe ivall aasorted stook on handiat prloes tosa tha times john cameron proprietor lighted windows the vsguo yearoltig tot avmpatby that hid lain iiks a cord ronnd his heart gripped him dose then an affeoted langh stnnghtaear and branton turned afrett for solitude under w feet lay the smooth grass of the trim lawn overhead was the bias black summer sky starfleoksd and blondless dower the fsiry irgbts red green and gold twinkled like jewels among the dark foliage about himbhtflio-frgrnemhollotropi- 77 brunton wag young his soul new- fledged was immature nabnlons and his amotions were still ot the orodeet yet ss he looked skyward bis spirit sank at the thought of leaving so mnoh bsanly and bweotnoea for he knew not what to morrow he would leave england to join his regiment and few seamed to know or care for tbo flnl time he felt oonitralnisd to mourn tbe laok of near relatives to f ass and weep over his departure his oomlor to mrs derricks kt home had been a mistake too having a few boors toflll in ha bad oomo with the idea that it would pass tbo time pleasantly now he fell annoyed athia folly in doing so taking oat a elder lie lit a mstob which a sporting zephr playfully extinguished among tbe shadows was hid a ruitlo arbor and stepping inside the shelter of-lts-dooi- way he eiruoktfrmhgra6i ilahng-op- brlghllyit revealed hhddled up close to the baok wall of the arbor a ahrinklor girllahform for one startled moment bis keen grey syaa looked amazement into the frightened blue ones v why by jove 1 oh i say i he ejaou laled inoonasquently the chlldiih face set in an aureole of golden balr waa raised appeallngly to hii ob please dont tell anybody i i oply came here io get away from tbs people bidyoa welrteay that should be a bond of onion between ni for so did 1 tbb dying fliekerjf the wax matoh saw an expression of relief oome across ths gtrle face and yon wont tell anybody about any oomlog out here 1 it wonld seam so rnde to mrs derrick you know not a aool honor bright but surely yoa didnt reave ibe boos to orouoh up hare in thedarkt oh it waa lovalyamong tbs-slars- and flowers and thing i then i beard soma one coming and ran in hare till bo should go past and so yon oaorhlmo he oonld tell that sho was smiling now though there wal atlll a llltlo heeltalftlg oatoh labor voice wont you oome ont again and walk j be waa longing io see her the darkness of the snmmer house waa tantalising and i iwz if d mckee drugttfsi a our agent foracton orders loft with him yill receive prompt attention rorjprn b oa emooo firb insusanoejioompanv fbstabluhlbwv head oflloe wjslk omt imbobanob on datb aod motaal plan ay wmtnunloatlont forsrarfid tomy ad dress bdfsrator telepfoae 08 will- b promptly 9b5 indea to jobs aklobaient aaelpta aeliine aiiifrpair irtyoblndbtil proprietor 4tlriiw8t5l2a spring has come and perhaps you want to replace your with hew ones of bright new heavy stock made to order and to your satisfaction we can give you just what you want at very low prices qpmein and see samples and let me quote you prices for eavetronghing for etthbrypar house or barn -y- oar work has been highly spoken of by onrimanycristomers nxpajbs promptly atttsndkd to viir standardtor thslr several tmrnoses sedlts tnaseaoaproteota yon from inuuonsandljxfemorjijvlookforlt jfino mineral ibore death to jtojsaa to vegeta- l6jnraj vtnuu9s9sbwhv9ptmob for the cote of smndrsmsm and tne eradication of veimlo in sbesii and eattlo jtis highly medi cinal met dos iw work witu no- drasuo or itbrffjtiaanfi br leedlbg sheep rajsertivrtlls medic cab norseaandor rlddlnsvabsjm of all s andverroln itbts aaurpamlnbly vbrlghtenatli paliapolpnta tbe hlyhseltoytondwo1i ftiea naed in all -jifoeldsstroy- on gsosrally keep tbs and eitsmres a healthy animal for market ppv5ppp uptbpate ii m at ddllbsllbu and prrlloe jarstaobbrtnaibjatbo ff lltsfl bprar and poultry lnpeonnartmiaeatberea sheds aeteaa aduin iksvsrt sin- the jsfrom your dealer or for tiism- we- invite oortos- y if i pondsai 7rtr ii v 1 ohlvalrv rebelled at the rudeness of strik- ing another light 7 and you will imoke she asked rising in reply to hisqnery and walking to the door no thanks 1 dont oara to now sop- pose we stroll around the starlight revealed to sylvia a eol- dierly form with abort ofoppedjark balr and a qoiteperoeptible moustache ttnl ihowed branton a petite agar whose rob of shimmering white eatlo drapea looeely from tbe old lass that outlined its square oot bodioe and k string of pearls round tee ijender nrok the only ornament for a momfpl oonventlon trlnmphed and they wsre bashful togeher thert- after the inflojnee of the june nlrbl prevailed and they inclined toloonfldsnot before they had complataly snolroad the lawn sylvia knew that brnnton was a soldier that io morrow hs wonld jail for india to join the renlrnenl and ere they emerged from ths iongarohway of roeae brnnlon knew that this waa silvias flrat petty that she was en orphan and lived wile her graodmarnma thai at that moment grandmamma was playing wblit in mrs derriokl antedrawing room that bylvia herself passed iradlsa a avemlngs play- ing whist with gmndniarnma m d son tbe mmrirtonjtna a tlurnray also that a look lb grandrnsrhmasejat which teamed to sylvia to hold a snggsailon that in the event mhivimil fortbcomiogsyitlsmlghtu called upon to miaka up asslbad led bbylviastkiog refuge in the garden thus showing that oat of her narrower llle trie woman haul more tolellv 7 aqdyoahavi never been any where r this pitlnglj from the belghl of his exper- ianwv a winter hut thavsnetwiyjostlhs same ia bsdng at boms do yoa ktiow tva oevsr nayipoebmn ont of doors at nigh hifbilte6 notsven toathaalrof iporihsfiati muitbo confessed that the trees fringing begonle park witnessed tome oallow love- making yea silvia was sorry very vary lorry be wn going and perhaps when he returned io three years he would have forgotten her and brnnton was equally oonvlnoed of his own faithfulness hot feared the strain of time and absenoe on hare bruoton thought he would like their next meetlnb io take pleoe as this one had in a garden and bylvia remembered that a pertain green door in the high wall anoirallog her grandmother grbundopen ad on a quiet aide road it was quite near they oonld drive around that way and she would point it out thereaftisrthe stars witnessed a tfblemn onmpaotbat that day three years sylvia wonld nnloqk the green door to- give brdn- tonehlranov they war vary mnoh in earnsat two real tears glistened in silvias eyes as sbs spoke of ths years that the green door moil fimain closed and brnnlona voice got hmkyand ha bad- dlffioalty in ren dering bis farewells as manly a he would have wlibed bo as becoming yonog lovers wars lbs twain delightfully disconsolate reentering lira djrrloka garden can- tlboily the pulprlts had aoareely gained the safe yaolagaof the shrubbery before encountering en emliitry in aearoh of sylvia lady martingale waa going had bean going for qolte ten minutes and both her clotk aod granddaughter were to seek athwart the little green door the moon light glinted loflly and branton standing in the shadow of an ilex would willingly havs droppsid the ooming boor of hie ufa rinoiwerahmi to england a fewdays before th memory of htrtpproaohlog assignation bad paralslsntly recurred to him as a man of honor he knew be dare hot shrink it and yet bow painful to be forcedtojsme sylvia to look into those innsotnt trataf ul eyes for of her con aanoy ha had no doubt and to confess how he had obanged and to tell boldly that their masting hecv prosed hqt an of no earth and 1 tntna that those wno nave mixed mnoh with native races will not disagree with me here is an instance of its working which has just oome to my notioe not long ago two matabeles were tried at bulawayo for the murdorof their grandson a obild of 2 poison having failed he waa held beneath the water and drowned the orime was admitted hut the defence railed waa that hchiatvent fti to t children being unluoky and the oause of ill look to others u was customary to kill them and a witch doctor on being consulted badordered that this dne should be put to death 1 well only a century or so stnoe wedld things almost aa bad in england rider haggard in longmans an added burden 7 cann profeuor roberuon oommlsalonor of dairying in canada has had lome paokagee of butter sent to japan in tins and as ths reports regarding them have been favor able it li proposed io paok one two and five pound tins in asimlllar mannecfor the klondike tha butter is wrapped up in waxed paper and- then placed in hermetically sealed tins which it it olsimed will keep the batter good in any climate a number of tins have been manufactured- in montraal and a shipment baa bean senl from calgary to the yukon tinned batlsr has been a greataucoeis in france and there seems to be no good reason why ii should not be so here professor boberison think a large trade may be developed with china and japan bat as nelthir chinese nor japanese include butter or cbeeee in their bill of fare it wonld appeal that tbey need ednoation io tba direction drat a large trade intin but has existed fo teats in ireland i was taking dinner ono day at a mountain farmhouse ou tbe headwater of tbe cumberland river and the lady of the houarv who bad four ohlldfen piajlog aronnd the ffont of the establishment waa inclined to repine at her hard luck in having so mnoh work to do i ran this her whole farm she said in a tone which indloated that abe waa ready to resign how many aorea jiave you i inquired ii a hundred and forty 20 in wheat co in corn 10 in madder an palter an the balance aoalterlnan woods gotany itook tan head uv oattle two bows six hogb an work oriilors far the plsoe and yonrun ths whole bneiness t indoed i do every hide an bair uv it aha sighed dont yon hire isome help in course but taint hired help that takes the load of en a body there was philosophy in that statement and i paused a minute havent you got a husband i next asked with a good deal of sympathy 1 yea aha responded very slowly pot i have to ran falm too washington star py iejaw bmiotnaon rbomebl in the orderlpg of his lifs he roust undeceive her as tenderly a posilble speak of eleanor regretfully at least not let bylvia goess how entirely happy ibeir union wis or that she had long ago ceased to be aught bnt a pretty aehlintental remembranoe to him- even as he pchooled himself a distant olookllrnok the hour and with ths first fatal ohtma oamethe stealthy sound of an opening look bbe was there i ganily tnrnlng ths handle be passed throulh the green door and entered lady martingale garden beside the great stone basin of the old fountain stood syl via the moonlight sparkling on bar hair and adding an ethereal glamour to tha sheen of her robe abont her the tall madonna lilies sent their fragranoe io the nlghtva a swift pang smote him as be sawthat as when they first met aha wore white forgetllug that bo too had songlt to recaplbre his former sspeot for hsr view hsrayes metbla in queatlonlng appeal and7pr- a mad rash of pity romance s0eotlon call it what yoa will ovaroaroahimand springing forward ha caoilillier hands syivta iv vw yoit had not forgotten no aod you ism bare aftir the meeting there fair a eensa of constraint which buroton realised was not all of his making bits was lovely ayn mora lovely than of yore taller loo with the lapse of jears and with an addilloul ararasthlng in hsr expression tfcat to him behind thamlhe fountain splaahad and murmured then bylvia broke the slljirioe speaking a if in answer io hi thonijai4sif yob you are obanged ars not tbe atto of ooareo you look older and towajf mikimwalmklilmltminltm j f btfscfssjjwwav- lmimm a long pneumatic tube a pneumatio tnbe to transmit mall between new york and philadelphia is under aerlons consideration and the project will probably be introduced lo the next congress a pressure of eight pounds to a m inoh tnbe would give a speed of 85 miles an hoar and 300 pounds presiure a speed of 160 mile an hour eaob carrier 81 inobes long and 11 inohea wide wonld obnvey 100 pounds and dispatched at intervals of ten seconds giving a carrying oapacity of 482 tons daily at present a letter mailed in one of these allies for the othsr is seldom delivered on the day it is posted themonby some men make first man hello bui what aro you driving at iheae days yoa teem to be on the jump all the time and walk as tboogb yoa bad important business onr band t beoond man well the fact is jaok a little prosperity puts the drive into a mso ihavoltraok a position at last after a year of hatd look which is panuipg out aral rate flrat man woil lhati your inok for lam doing mighty little these days but what have yon struck f beoond man i have taken a book agency from the bradley oarrateon co limited of branlford ool they have been at me for months to oanvaa but i laughed at the ides and at laat they made me a good offer eo i thought id give it a trial i have been at the work now two monthiand i like it firsi rjate aud am going to sliok so it first mm bay bui do you think i oonld do tbe work for i saw the adverlllraenl of this flrm yesterday tar more men f beoond man i dont eee why you oonld not but wrlle and gel them to mska you an offer first man thanks old man i will and ill 1st yoa know how it tarn out she op th money in berlin they tell a pretty short story about fran blnnienthal the popular wife of the witty play wrlght and director of the leislng theater herr blumentfaal it appears had great mlagivlogs regarding the success of bis new place zdm ayelssen bosisa 6n6 day when ho waa nearly ready to throw the mannansipt aside his wile who did not share hie view said to him if i had only 30 marks 15 f e l ypb i should be qalteeontodt vail right you ahull have them said herr blumonlhel zum weliien boesie white horse lno mot with an immense suoocis every night tbo iran dlrebtor for in germany the wife shares in her husbands titles if not in hla tin went to iho cashier andlevlodonber so mark per 1000 on one occasion after the piece had been running some months bad weather caused a falling off in tbe receipts below tbe 1000 marks and oonwqqently fran blumentbal waa not antttled to her untlams of 0 marks how mnoh have you taken sbs naked thecaahier only 007 marki waa lbs reply well give mo a seat at three marks then said fraublnmsnthai laying down ths coin now yon bare 1000 marks give mo my so she got them wmwi five yonog mn to ravel who wedld nofobjaot to epsndng part of tbslr limt wvssibgitoreiwesi- jv bbadley oabftetson co iilmll a steamships china 81lvbr and bpring tiredneea is due toaepii sdoondlluiiotths blejandi hoisaraaparllla which m itouvv 7vvxi v trv helen ci oandee gives an intereatlng view of housekeeping on an oossn stsamsblp in juqezkuiies uomt journal thue dseoribing the veasel ohlna and allver there are a thonaand spoons forsoop the same number for tea and half thmrmmieroonesand dessert t huvlstt forkdrawer contains a tbodsand dinner fork and nasi to that i the same panther of breakfast forks for rw oyiters there are three hundred forks provided and for flab abont tha amstoumhsr knives follow olosoly the aamsagorsi one thousand eaoh of dinner and breekrait liases six hundred for dssssrt abd two hundred pd- sixty fir froll the pan try is lined with shelves wbleh undlilghief bflpav ismbpt there joblna shop iqtiioiittieij atessre oniy been profitable to the wisconsin farmer la the fact that thll industry gives steady employment throughout the entire year not only to the- farmerhl thself but ln some measure to bis obildran largo and small ae well this f aotpr is often of the blgheat importance and brings the dairy industry in strong opntraet with grain growing where labor is employed only a part of tbo season to ba idle the reat of the ilme jlnere are rarnicra wno have no ohtldren to assist with stock aud vho own considerable traote of land such persons if they do hot oare to pay heavy help bills naturally turn to stook- operations in which orie persod can manage a large number of oattle with them dairying in not a favorite line wliie steor feeding or the handling of sheep may bo w a henry quite as near a oatlle ebow preparatory to chridtmaa was beiugheid and two meu were gaaing with dndlsguiied admiration at au exneed- iogly finelooking fat boast i wonder what bis weight might be observed one of them who as it turned out wae h town resident wlthbot any pretensions to practical koowledgn- of cittle and the like r ob its easy enough to guets pretty nigh it said llio other man a strapping soltsnolctent farmer who evidently regarded hla companion with aotbe contempt ah well responded the townsman i- thinki can gueas as near as yoa oan can ye lndeodl roared the farmer then ill tell ye tht ill botye sovereign that ye cant done i wv tbo ready exclamation how mnoh did yori say after a oritioal survey carried out- with the utrboit oare the farmer replied a hundted andninetepn stone well said tbo townsman ill say a hundred and nineteen stone too mow hand me over the money t what dyo moan asked the farmer angrily welli said idgness as neat as you and ive done 10 ive guessed the very same and the byttanders with ono aooord taking tbo townsmans part the bnmptloua farmer had to reluotautly give him the money browni wo out the oitlaens of a small letilexnent in whlob there were no sobool facilities deolded on a literary club or debating aooiety for the improvement of tbs mind a drummer oanjo along and gave thom tbe aral tubjeot for debate- who was the oreateit poet tenneyaon or browning as a majority of the hnmher knew nothing of either an old inhabitant rdao in meeting and said beein as wo aint sot no books here do go i move that tom green an bill spmlin git out in the middle o the meeting an see which thowt the other down fast well give eaoh one o them the name o tbo gehileimn were debatlo and deoide tbe qusitlon that away -then- browning and 7 tennyeon ln ihe peraoni of tom green and bill fipnrlln oime forward and want at it bpurlin who masqueraded as browning throw green four times after whloh tbe president announced brownln as a greater poet than tennyson and the teoretary was instructed to ieodre mr brownings address aud tell him bow he cam ont atlanta constitution r vssii wmimiimmmmz bca oxyoe for b an eminent medioal authority on childrens dlioaiee says in ths philadel phia moiiirer now- the time for mothsr id keep ibelr babies 00 1 of doors all the day long when the weather la decently floe let the little ones shielded from ihe sun and draught take their naps out of doors evan in ths northern latitqdel they may safely sleep in the open air in the daytime nniil thanks giving children thpi treated will have little jsoplblllty to colds sore tbroatv eto end will 7 withitahd almost spy disease parenm seam torgs thatichlldren are born wltb the hbupnd need fovp oogirb laniisr al lljt the majority of babies too much this peiswriwyfrf a t

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