Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 8, 1899, p. 2

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j afabrjbd tkaium lim in st josephs ouurab on tuesday jane otbby hot fatbor foody mr john tsabau of atislpb to miss augusta ijamb acton ooonlixhawtwiia the church ot out lady ouslpb on tuesday- jans oth by rot father kinney dr fred st c brother ot dr j i oogwan rom o haselton also of qnelph cofttalyn guofptn a aoton to miss plbb iumbuawac tho bootob block or monday morulas june oth isabella mlobla wife ol williamson llamahaw and mother of mr alex lutnana aoton aed to yean thubsday jtjne 8 1809 a limehou8 boy a manilla he saw natives killed off like birds sjnd oot aoouatomed to- haymraff bullets flying all around him one of the soldiers now at manilla under gen otis formerly hailed troth lime- hotfee thomas dun now upwards ol 20 years old in company with bis two brothers john and aroble want to manlstlqne mioh about is years ago from hmohouse ha worked in the mill that season and then went to south manlstiqae and worked f or hajl 4 boell in the saw mill about four or fire years after leaving south maniatiquo ho went to minnesota where he resided until tie enlisted with the volunteers from that state through the courtesy of his brother john we publish the following eitraot from a letter received a few days ago by him mltuuw april 18 16w deir bnotut 1 may as well tell you how it oatns about thai 1 am in the army last spring about a year ago i enlisted in the 14th minnesota volunteer infantry and served sve months moat of the time i was stationed at chattanooga and then in the fall zwaa sent to the leaoh lake indian outbreak and when that was over i was mustered out of the army nov 18 1898 fivs days after i reenlisted in co b srdtj 8 infantry then stationed at fort manilla by way of new york and got into manilla mareh at i bad a long sea voyage but i saw a lot ofthls worl ih flrel stn nnt from new york was gubrefter and the next waa in the mediterranean bea at a small island perm which is need as ooallng station and the next waa at port baid 60 miles from jerusalem we crossed the bed bea through wbioh moees oonduoted tho children of israel on dry land i saw the mount of olives in the distance and many other hlstorioal spots the neat atop tiascjojninbolobthe island of dalone these islands are inhabited by afritmlns hebrews and a lot of naked heatlien people the neit atop waa at slgnappre just one degree from the equator we arrived at manilla bay just seven days run from bignspore on the day after arriving there ws were put ashoe and hnt same afternoon marched seven miles out of the olty of manilla to a plaoe celled ooloquon got there about 780 in the evening and had supper the flribg line bising about hall a mile from our oamp next morning we werei awakened by hearing the bullets strllrink all around na we got onr breawaat and started out to rout the i nsnrgen ta whioh we did in proper style with bu little foes on bur side bordy and bunday 1 wss under heavy llriftlhs bullets hitting close ira t a them for five days driving tbsm out of one trenri alter another slauifhterlng thsni llesbirds oapturinglve large towns andtben the regiment wat sent baok to where we started to gnard a largo town and the railroad shops from another itaoo vv- we have not had mnoh trouble lately until las nlrht we were called out about 12 oclock but it was only a tittle neighbo news news items suspllaby corrai- pondarita and ex s in the latter part ot last week potatoo planting waa the order ol the day mr d keith has commenced the foundatlou of his ne barn mr a livingston and hired man and fleesbror were homo on sunday dufferln scholars had a rest last week owing to the teaebere convention owing to the abundance ol rain there are prospects of a good hayrophere this year oats and spring wheat are expected to be a fairly good crop bat peas are not so promising crewsons corners the thunder storm that passed over hereon bandeyuvornloitwae very severe mr b brown jr bad a sheep killed by lightning during the storm the ball storm on monday evenlngwai slso severe messrs iieiobman gamble xjolemao apd damper left on tuesday with no 0 oorripany liorne blfles tor the annual oamp at niagara lome bohool was olosed on thursday and friday misamomuroby the teacher attending the teachers convention at burlington mr wi watkini ol guelph spent sunday at his home in thlevloinlly lesli sch the following report shows the standing of the pupils of greanook bohool no b erin senior iv annie carrie 200 boberl doff 168 william near ml maggie johnston 209 jennie allan 118 mined one paper marks possible 800 junior ivwillio forbes 181 andrew murray 183 marks possible 200 class iii grsoe mocutobeoo 179 herbert ourrle 175 marks possible 200 senior ii richard near 285 tbomas dlocutohoon 269 jamea carrie 255 bobble carrie 2s9 jennie crewson and fred orewson 240 lela wahsborougb 221 oebil molaoblan 220 basil johns ton 207 joseph allan 177 marks possible 800- junior ii myrtle mann 161 daisy bennett 181 bobbie all 180 ada coobt rev two lontt seseloho but all appen the ooonoll jiiet on tuesday evening 80th may end again on thursday aveniug lt june as ia ioourt of revision the number ol sppoala wb not isrgf bttt oareful ooqelderstion waa given in eaoh base the mmlhrbvwofo all prepent heove paaraon in iheqbhlr the lieuttl vexed matter of the dog question was fettled by lno following resolutlou moved by john olarh oond- ed by j a murray that the assessor be and is hereby authorized to strike from the assessment roll doits disposed of or deed and to arid dogs dot already assessed carried moved by i fraucii seconded- by j olark that the aa8esmentot w a and j a murray at 81100 be confirmed carried moved by j a iurrayseoondpd by- 1 francis- that the anseibment warren at 41050 be connrmedcafried moved by xobn clarke seconded by james olirk that the assessment of joshua nortisb at 850 be oonfirmed- carried- ooouoll adjourned to meet on thursday june 1st allan 117 elva molsohlan 102 ethel bold 08 marks possible 200 tart ii mabel beid 100 wluie moartbur 85 lorne moartbnr 60 nellie thompson 60 marks possible 100 part ti aehlor msggie near berbie ltmbert and louise currle 100 mattie crewson and eddie near 60 marks possible 100 part i junior freddie lambert archie well john i hope that yon and mother and sandy are well and happy i will writs more next ttae good kye write soon- t hrplhsr taoui doairo the abovo letter was published last week in the manuuquo dtmocrat saturdays lacrq match aoton boy s vviri early with a soore of s to i fe the first royal district intermediate ohamplonsblp lacrosse match ot the season was played here on baturday resolling in an easy victory for acton a large and en thoslastlo orpwd greeted the boyapjnth homo grounda parasols sindlue and blsok ribbons were one ol the ieadipg featnrtsi 61 the game andoeruinly the ladiss did their tl ww titm iinaan g pi mluuus by the brllllsnt oombinauon work of bysiirwlnonlhebome acion ottitgoiug8lx mittuwtnois sndthebaagalriliyw nntgoal wa4 for a long time oooeriain lthtsumiipiayiog fast oombiualloo but brehtet gotbs ball and aoored time 82 mlnnfes the nut- two goals were melfitohr in 2 sod 8 minutes respectively tgams now stood owhen summer vllrsdforthevihtois in 12 minutes theihall wasaghd laesd and lo 1 mloote latt gwiwmbydersinpm b jli in ths oomhoexjlotj was quiet and their shooting atidtiiibmdidtraepwttyo wovk rgettownrefsnad the gsms to the pehwtaallarsollon ol all time of game jnfc jtj iirvv 0ts0ih oaiia iitiftoodreientsl sesonts ari in the lead siturt lotisfaotcnv dsfenos a iroanjplaysipolnt for aoton tansvwjiblngthatoame his ma ftj wndatsoo did good work for allan nbttiewansrronith7myrjleahrt annie crewson average attendance 41 ec cointie ttaobsr nas8a0avveya thofarmers are oomplaiog of their corn not growing caused by sewing seed that bad got heated in the bins at the storehouses the heaviest hall and thunder storm of the season passed over this vicinity on monday bail the size ot pigeon eggs tell bat fortunately there was no serloua damage done it is onr sad duly to record the death ol clynton only son of dr x h wilson of aimada mlohigan who died on thursday 20th may aged 2 yeajrs the psrents brought the remains to book wood where they were met by the pra father mr thos whson ol everlon antdcrongvirto kuatobbull the funeral took piece on sunday at the bbeceter oemetery rev dr bosnian preaohed the funeral sermon and conducted the burial aervioe the bereaved parents have the sympathy ot the oommunily dr abd mrs l h wilson left on tuesday tor their home in mlohigan aooompanied by the dootors sister miss emily j wilson otevertou still the old pioneers keep dropping off and leaving as this time we have to reoord the death ot mrs jvihn kitnhlng sr of corwhin who died on friday 26th may aged 90 years the funeral took place on monday soth may tojhe ebenewr cemetery where the remains were enterred there was a very large foneral the deoeased waa known and highly esteemed by all who knew him the widow and family have ths sympathy ol the community council met last thursday evening at 8 oolook for bevition 0rt membere all present thj remainder ot the assessment roll was gone over and the following motion oarrled moved by john clarke eecouded by james qlsrk that the assessors boll be confirmed as returned carried oodnoil adjournod at 1180 thh docisllstakb tlie doctor msjelmlistavfc in the mini- the her and called at the yiong house no wtjanicalls a- doctor after slic is once jtfcisf i acqudlhted with k44lli v remedial vnluc of dr pierces la- vorite prescription in all dibeaset and druins common to the sex without liumhiatlup ques tions or lpcnl ex- amlnhtiotis the cure is accom- pliyhed by the use of the favorite prescrip tion sup pleutent- ed by free rncdlcal advice if needed th llcli elnc is harmless in any contlition of tile system nntl cau be taken without the slightest fearof bad consequences it con tains no whisky or alcohol there isnbt an iota of anything narcotic in it the relief it gives is permanent lit thisit differs front many mepnriltionij which oa dy i i temporary reflef ojily by deadening ol john titer sense of feeliivg with narcotics and the dangerous stininlnnts they contnin create on appetite for strong drink when- a dealer offers a substitute for dr pierces favorite prescription re- when tnw alseases are deepseated and of longstanding wohten will find it to their interest to write to dr rv pierce buffalo n y who has had won- deriul success in curing diseases of wom en he gives advice free and invites nil to write him prompt careful vml per aonul attention is paid ta ouch letter anil the fullest advice i always given after ove months of areat luherlng lwrlle thu for the benefit of other sulterera trom th anrne olllictloii nyi mrs h aaibrook ol aunttn lonoke co ark i doctored with our establish ed 1843 jcnbbth 899 hamiltons iavokite shopping place a home made happy mrs tucker of nlaqara falls tells what ditj it her daughter waa afflicted with st vitus dance and helpless as in infant dr williams pink pills cured her after speblallsts had failed rr from the beviewnlaksra fails it is a horrible feeling to know that yon have lost all command or control ol your llmti nfl must depend nnon yoat friends fahilty phynldau without any good results so my husband urged me to try dr pteicea medl- dues which i did with wonderful results am completely cared- i took toitr- bottles p4wfcwwo 1 pleasant vrqcityvopdi a llttlo nonsense how and then is relished by the beet of men arid women too judging by ibis large number of both sexee that floclrsd to the town ball m greet thsseoon anrraobedf our oooni and wsil indeed were sdl repaid for attending the programme from atari f6 sniib was dailgbtlol as melody auooeed ednielody thsdayrjisndbke folio wrf joke thsm lis audlenbe inorsssed until if became became a tumult and if to laugh- is to grow fat there mfat needs have been many fat people i tflwobdyimdtioiolijr inoe veriiy a great deal ol unsuspsc ted talent in minstrelsy has bean lying dormant in onr midat whloh it only rsmslned totut slrachsn that enthusfaatlo lover olmuaio and song that irldslatigable instructor to awaken into resuh 1s v good bsokneyed as la that phrase so dear to the newstiaper writers heart where all did so wiell is invldloas to partionlsrlio yet 0u this ooosssloh it is exceedingly applloablb as eaoh abd every number was admirably rendered but mr btrscriana imyoreoie bqev aod mr herbert lees klwo7o i i fiijiii the sralk- toodeservsv spsetai mohllon bring oha of lbs most atfiilngihlngssver served up for tbs dsjeetatlon of a robjjwood aodlenoe mirfcv8traohsn drooka toaovsplendid end men while mr fahey give pirfeot saiisscilon svt ihierloootor jfrpbfarrrtym j lirieattsis to waft upon and serve you the bame as an infant ibis was the condition ot miss myrtio tucker for nearly a year and the jlcview learning that she had been wonder- folly benefitted by tio use of dr willianjs pink pills for pale people sent a reporter to bear her story we called at the residence of mr edwin tucker ot the village of niagara falls airs tucker rebeived as very obrdlally on aeriainlng- thbobjeot ot our visit as nearly- as poaiible these are her exact words in speaking ot her daughters oaso my daughter myrtle is in her tltteehth year about a year ago alarming symptoms of st vitus danoe made their but tor some hme we did not know what was really the matter she lost the use ol her arms ber right arm was oompletely ptralyrsd she had to be dressed and undressed being totally unable to help herself the bsst loosl physicians were oatled in and prescribed for her but they appeared to be unable to afford relief we made a trip to buffalo last january and a speolsllal was consulted who recommend- ed that myrtle bis abut up in a dark room for three mouths allowing no one to see her or speak to her but the nurse in fact the doctor insisted upon her being sent to ooeof the olty hospitala arsenib was one ol the speciqoa used it belpud toquiet tor a time but no permanent relief was obtained after bur return from buffalo my son urged me to try dr williams pink pills for myrtle ho said he was anre it would do her good as it had bored his boy of sirnlliar complaint i then determined to try them as i was oomolons the treatment she was getting was doing her no good i porohssed a box and the effect ot the pills was almost marvellous from the vary beginning before the first box wam a improv waa plainly dlscernlblerfne titea1n all have been used and myrtle ia how- able to rait ana enjoy herself in a manner she oonld hot do for months and months back two weeks ago she commenced to attend aohool after an absence br nine months i wantlu dlalinotiy understood said mrs tookerf that the physlolans all agreed that my daughter was afflicted with st vltut daneei lhat the treatment of the medical attehdanle dunotbeneflfberau thatuo other medlolne was taken after com- roenoldg or williams pink pills so that here is no doubt her recovery must be aitribated i to the use ot these pills hsr state bt heal tb is now most exoolljent her appetite is rood and 1 arnpnly top pleased io be able to certify to the above facts in order- that others similarly tfflloted may heeononragettlajlryjjxwlluamspink pills an impoverished condition of the blbod or a disordered state ot ton norvos is the truilfal souroe ol most ills that affeot mankind and to any thus affected dr wjiltams piok pills offer a oeruin and speed i core no other remedy has ever met with auou continued success whiob is one ol the strongest proofs that- dr williams pink pills accomplish all that is olalmsd for them they oure locomotor atalia par liar paralysis stvitot dance sciatica neuralgia rheumatism nervous headaobe palpation of the heart nervous prostration diseases depending upon vitiated blood sooh arsorofula ohronlo sryalpelas elo tboy are are alio a speolflo for troubles psoullar to females coring all forms of weako ess inmon- tbey effebt a radical cure in all bases arising from irientel worry overwork or sxbesiei of any nature sold by all dealers or sebt post paid at 60 cents a box or six boxes for 1280 by addressing the dr williams medloioe co brookvllli 6bl v itjndbb onb uanaobiljbnt extending from theauantiosoaboard to and mttwamrab the lebirtboipuiar novfcrr thje creat line in niagara falls uuflaio mow iorlc friila- delpbla washington and all prlnotpal points tho bouth and bylta eonneeubnshreaetressll principal points in tho western states and faelno coast throuiihtlckets to all forolgn folnu- for uesoriptlve ouldes tlroo- tables qte apply to agents gtebyltom h 8 holmes agent aoton m oijdiokson -ry- r ll8trabbragt toronto cash paid for farm produce butter onions v eggs poultry pork- eti6 i wanted aikenhead pi10i1ice co q parsons manager cor miliand main sis acton opposite clarks hotel hoftmans beadaehe powders 1 are tndispensnblbila my house 1 liaveglvon them tbmj friends and they all want- toget them bead me a halfdozen boxes bilaiisoir coat aitdaarmontourfaus k y- wlll eureony klrrd of headnehe lit 90 rnlnutea without causing any dlsagreeablo after eftocts they are sold by alldnigglaurln loo envelopes and kb boxes xtntinqtrfrvviai9 sihsns i l i it j f ft3aiilliia5tittfcct js i mammoth southern tfweot ytsllowdent bujirleamldg i mmtpoth cuban wdtooiinvihittorrr oloridv bftrly yellow poht wbltocisp yellow dnt uutodon tallow dent ansql of uidnibt bitlifdatler ctompton early tiongfaljow balsmhorthbftkou thbroughbrod wblco flint ate oar took u ofoicoelltmt quality call antj 00 it and gat prtoe uame8 hwer 45 uaodonnell bt- crnelph- mlistof 37tro music mibs williams of grorkdowu klcctmor to jlllvh ijaldlaw i lt iirrimrcrt to rive uiorousb inbtructlod lo uiupic ftatio or orcon rr- fax itnut-bpplytq- miai willi a 10 a ntwr- jan mattluwti rinldunro on prltlv avouing of cacli weclt 1 1 is our coatom of continually offering such bargains as these that accounts for tho poi tho districtitsurrouncllnft hamilton tho adviniages ofjjuyinc in a city store must be plal the store in hamilton for you to do your shopping at is emphasized by such bargains as the following r of ths store among the residents of in a city store must be plain to everyone and the fact of this being press goods at 25o navy serge allwool v2inch regular 35c for 25c colored dress goods 4 inches wide all- wool in green fawn reseda navy tan brown and cardinal regular 40c for 25c colored lustre in green blue purple and mauve 46inch regular 4oc for 25c special yaiues in blouees large range of cambric blouses in plaids checksand stripes till the leading sjiades fast colors only 50c sphiial lino of light and dark colored cambric blouses nssorlmenl of new patterns made in the newest styles at 75c pique and zephyr louses a full range of patterns and shades very stylish blouse and extra good value ioo shlrtinga heavy canadian shirtings best quality indigo blue dye large assortment of new designs also english oxford shirtings in a big range of new check and stripe designs all special value 12 jc dress goods at 35 and 6o0- pophna allwoo 46 inches wide in brown grey fawn and myrtle regular 60c for iv 35c canvas suitings 0 inche wide in fawn shades only regular 66cj for 350 fancy checks 44rinctes wide in green brown cardinal and fawn regular 65c to 90c for 50c romnantb big bargains inremnants and short lengths of dress materials suitable for skirts waists and childrens dresses all qualities and prices prints and feroalen 900 yards cotton delaines large variety of striped and 6gured designs in blue pink cardinal and mauve for wrappers childrens dresses and comforter cover ings would be good value at 8c for 5c 475 yards american percales- fancy patterns in bltto pink and mauve 36 inches wide regular value lajc for 10c oottonades an lmroeus variety in checks and striped patterns all good reliable qualities at x6 124 1 ih to 23c tttotrp17 tt o a tiyf pt tg the fact of your not being able to do your shopping personally in hamilton does w tilxft jwjx oawfi xijlio not debar you from reaping the benefit of values like these use our mail order department we prepay the charges to any railway staiion- in ontario on all orders amounting to 9500 or over king st east cor hughson st thomas c 9 hamilton m yw34s m rockw established 32 years mollis what it is worth and all it is worth you can secure by bringuig your wool to theae mills thebest price that is ruling will be paid you and prompt payment made in a selection from the large stock of staple goods found on the shelves of our store including v tweeds friezes and homespuns flannels blankets sheeting knlte riisiann cottonades denims and tpweulngs white tiullis oreyand no misgiving in anyones mind when trading here for thirtytwo years we have been buying wool from the farmers of hereabouts and selling them staple goods in payrnent v the proof of the pudding is the eating of it and the treatment you have received here during these long years is evidence of what you rhay expect in other transactions with us full- we that ever and alwavs govern our buylria of wool v ockoodqollbn kii sjltei m abe astray a bat malte with a whlto slnr od fniclicd nl itbtte off bind foot list a vptvvln dd nig hind leg owner id ay recover ber bjr provlog property and paying cxnonnca q o clapk clrk uotol aoton rishikft pheselives ndtiob is hereby riven that flililng cd bootlnflon tbo sfream runnlug tbrouyb tbo caat part of lota so too ill and tbo weiit par of lot hi in the 7th cod nassaeawcya oro iiro- blbltod treapatrerb will bo pronecutid uudor tbaontarlo rbtno lawi w stailk forlcibccb aoton may 6th 1630 tannery eos sale very cheapeasy credit terms of brick buiifdlkgb and ccmnlota plan goodebxlne and boiler and- abundant iffttr zbtadllahibd builneei h rood town splendid ohaooo for man with limited capita for information apply to bcott lbes hotibon hamilton tenders fob building cbajfjed tenperb will bo received by tbo o secretary of tbebnildios committer of tbo baptlit churub up to monday 19tb inal for the oreotlon ot a baptlat obarob bulldlog ooroerof mill nd elgin streets in acton renders may be for part or lapon tho e town of it be for part or part of tho fiolo plans and spi at mr grlndeub m bbop m11u street acton tintweit or any idor lserk or for tbe wbolo ilona maybe aeen at mr orindoua maoblne mini tender not necenarily accepted j i wani becty building committee aiwis jcomn wanted a gents in every district on tbe continent xx to jtake orders far high grade canadian grown nursery stock and beedi largest and oqost ootnplete asiortment in the trade fast- selling poolaltioi mper samples famished free corresponaenoe in anylangoage- tbeie pobluooa are money makers and territory should beseearod at onoo for tbe seaaon by all bustlers looking for a good thing our salary or oom- million off era interest to anyone not earning 1000w per year got in communication with onrnsarestvoffloe an opportunity to reproaent a wellmtabllsboa hoiuo ability more impor tant than experience lxjkb brothers company international nursorios cblcagoilll montreal que uochoitor n y jbom raicels ol valuable prcperty in acton for sale thb following pstb10k beloogldff to mr jw or liullslo la offarsd for salo at low prices and easy tonus now robert nobles floiir lfod and 80 r taniiies jdaiproved now damsh sugar baot turnip8 namta p ru xlophaat mancle8 xewatkniypuoyr mammoth yellow unpravadlyollte lbh prty ley ric w price pabeaxa that fine brick residence and tir lots on tho corner of ohuroh and quolpb streets contains 8 rooms bard and soft water splendid orchard ond good garden pabokz 8 qood building lot 60x133 on qnelph street next to alox jlamsbdws new residenoe upon whloh is a young orobanl pahobx 8 thw store and dwelllug on mill xeet occupied by ourney a general business is ii qnraey bros who carry on b is in splendid location central andoonveofent pjlbobi 4three good building lots at tb corner of yoons andtuill btroets a splendid lite for a manufacturing eatahllahmont owing to 1u proximity to q t b depot for terms and particulars enquire at tho offlco wh dekny young sl aoton valaawe property in acton for sal by t sbaxsbd tenders will be received by the seo retary of the trnsteo board of the he baptist rotary of the trnsteo board of rcb up pnrebase of 1 tbatt most eligible bunding lot no 17 in blocks bsvinga frontsygo on mill street of 66 feet on willow street of 68 feet and about b7 foot in width at tbo rear tho lot is conceded to be tbe xdoet talnablo availablo bnllaing lot in this enterprising town fpr morcantilo purposes it is very central being immediately opposite tbe poatoffloe ahdlbtbeoentroof tbe business section of the town it is entirely unobitruoted belnaolearof bulldlnb s tbo old baptist ohuroh and the lot upon whloh it stands the lot is about 40 x 00 feat and is situated on elgin street and onlyona lot removed from mill jtroet tbo ohuroh building isaumberedframoplabterod ontaldo andlu is about 30x43 in bleoould bo converted into a dwellings or would bo suitable for a mull jbu ufactory orstorchoubo with very liulo expenso tbo title to both these properties la induput- ablo possession of lot on mill and willow streets immediately and of the ohuroh and lot as soon as the now odlqoo is ootnpleted tbqmbor ham ten per oont of purohase money wbeu rale is effected the balanoa as mar be arranged with tho trustees the highest or any tender not necessarily accepted f james melntosh trustees i samuel b worden t janes r warren boctreas acton may soth hmo wellandvale bicycles dwvj essex rapt snd noted tba stork ohijti paiiaoe and denver ijoij ran into a pool of wall oq itaslrest in hloh lha broken endsii aiislhtrfo wlr lay and waa instanllj killed robb tlii 0r -t- a surhion noldsnl ot wbloh mr joho ollmr of ebiladalpbla was tho jnbjsct it narrtud bf mm aslolloar itvatjo a infsidrsadfol omdulon mjr skjpwasj 1rriol jsltow syss snnksn tongos ota- wwton6ijlfjiml bank and side no esjw rovtti tatadr tjjrspw rthelolaiiria jjlvsfc ina srajlmrsr- just i a largo poilbignmbut of frcsli turnip- 8eod all varieties 15c per pound or 8 lbs for si 00 brond lenfed bbsox sowing lpe 16118vfbr- 8100 visit our china puluoo sooond floor special bargains in dinr er sotta toilet sotts and ton ett8 ourgreat sale of white vfehr in the sptine will be fresh in the memory wednesday we will hold a big sum mer sale of white wear white night dresses chemise drawers skirts corset covers white laqe curtains embroideries t7 white cottons muslins organdies lawns and piques our counters will be lined with goods and people on wednesday morning and all day as far as possible price- tickets will be on the goods get your- summer outfit of white wear and white goodsnpw iiss3 j chill agent v acton cnli and see the now wellandvale bicycles rt th6 bicycle livery the per fect garden city and dominlonaro the leading grado while tho perfect chainless has merits which will be appreciated by all wheelmen it is an- un disputed fact that the welland vale wheels cost less for repairs than any other vheel the single piece cranks are the best- attachment ever adopted the new de parture automatic brake gives- the rider complete control price ri for purchasers who rhrain business j tshltl- m lii general as usual iw vrahvvuiftilftntsijjyqtryo prbmryiyiji ydil sit tjowswrs wsnt ur sake as well as yours wo aro sure to give you ufa ulce satis fac j wry 1 mfjtnfiji fresh fish received daily -af-i- m xi- are o ifi i v that we have the and boat stock in town bat you dont know it beoaiise you did not ask the price of pur om itndtjnff uhd fiiibji inv last week m y ittefoyiitl err si- i riefi arfe determined to vkeep uptheiroldire finewatch repairirig it has always beeji said that they were the best watchmakers in guelph their son being natprally mechanicalhasbeen attending the school of watchmaking in toronto and getting the very latest meth ods in watch repairing savage co have spent between two and tlire hun- dred dollars in finfc vvatchi makers lathes7aibjsvvlf you haeaatcj navei failed to make bring ittiisiapsvw it satisf f seeds in bullcfor farm and jen t tfcwbi zavnross8 xto fnrji afu otttf amr is3

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