Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 8, 1899, p. 3

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tee bank of hamilton charter gkantcu 1872 tttbadoprioa hamilton ont kcadltal oil paid up 1 2eoooooo 80000000 rbtol asset i 200000000 j jituunbuljshjbk sayiugs department rest paid at best current rates and added to- principal without waiting for pass 10 be presented any sum maybe withdrawn by simply sending in a written nrder with tho pass book jf formalities no delay v government returns show that this bahvgives to depositors four million dollars security over and above every cent due to gtae public farmers l3hbtes of responsible fnrmers discounted iafojteyloaoed to feed cattle etc farmers ifaunptescollected promptly and advances ipmft oh account of sam at a low rate of wbutityl conrtesy f0i fefevery banking facility afforded which grbo obtained in the city or elsewhere brrespoodence solicited eorcetowifbranch sbtiusmu ovaa twbhtt ibabs j p bell agent the news at home montly of a looal charaoterand averv item interesting- a hornier pastor honored jf at i ho oloullon of offimhol tlsj li ndi h ouufereuoe al windsor last thbrsday ltey j01 ph ejge o london formorly of lajjto w elect presid the tnujh w egcm brieflets rilbh caught trie eyes or ears of sej press reporters this week rtrawberry bocsiiaaro nowin season gmondaya showera were very acceptable cr0 the shade on monday hows i ssthe small frnita give indications of a opd gfeflohlli and excursions are being talked fjljmany quartera ggrhenderpn a oo have added a now the farmers are retting everything i shape for baying oonblderablehomber of new wheels me pomoto town this season linumei one georgetown tnppor tors omo 0n saturday to see the lacrosse game rthe firemen were out on friday anlng au3 filled the tank on young si4 ii- jtxhb park appears quite lively theso obvenlns with labrbsse tennis and obroerous wheelmen things seem quite pv v v fta lacrosse match will ha played inthe frk oh saturday at 8 oclock between the smplonend aoton teams an exaitiag amots expected jrfeundstloos are completed for the jbew offices at the aoton tanning gos orki the spaoe now oooopled will bo utbtho finishing room a garden party under the auspices of epworth league will be held at the iniapt the mines lalng qnelph street suesday evening 3une20tb itbebeardmote elding at the g t tjfyard will likely be extended about ten trlengtbs eastward and be connected with rvatrtllne by a switch ktibe -eaat- end ina ronaway accident at lowvlllo on yijsiii margaret thomas of that llaoe wai killed and mrs maurice ibtartsv of carlisle bad ber sbonldsr parted the pupil of miss mopbail misb atterjoo and miss mcqueen enjoyed hatrsdayad friday as holidays last week riqgto the abatnoe othe teachers at the filbbi 6v7 a molachlan a pooupied igpulplt ot the methodist oharoh tawaboalhi lor bev john 0 bspn former aoton pastor on pfarenot soaday 3nrj soldier boys left on- tuesday ilngfor the annnal camp at niagara appear4 to be in good shape and jpiptaln labton at their head should 6ll tbe honora gained jast year a jrowdwaa at the station to sea them tfohevto patent good ideas may be by par aid the patent beootd npie mdv cunfereice tbia honor is very appreciated by mr jsilgea aotbo friond a talented vonng man at the rebent trinity medics examina tions mr wm lowry of qnslph a son of dr lwry formerly of aoton passed hie second years prlrnarien with honors mr lowry obtained a percentage of over 70 he was tqe youngeaf of those who passed with honors his friends in aoton will hesr with ranch ploaaoro of his anoossa atlhese examinations caorua club concert the oonoert under the anipicea of the methodist qhurohoborus olob whioh waa to be given on the evening ol may 21iu and was postponed baa been fixed for friday eyeuing 80ih june a well trained ohoriis of about thirty volcei will givo a number of seieotlpna and will be assisted by several toronto artists as well as home taleut a concert above the average ia expeoted and as good aborus singing is somewht new in town it ought to be interesting jmwiion court chaajes the division court of the coqnty will meet on thursday lbtn inst in the court home milton to consider certahi proposed alterations in several court limits the proposal ia to enlarge the areas of the first and fourth divisions by annexing to them parts of the fifth divlalonr the latter beibg abolished the limits of the fonrth division may be further enlarged by the addition of a portion of tbe third division the opinions of all intonated persons will be heard and considered at the meeting of the board tbji will be of interest to nasaagaweya people as the proposal is to abolish the court at oampbollvillo peelm oldest resident bema tbo oldest man in the ooonty of feel died on wednesday of last week at over a bondred years mr wm oonldlng was the man wbo passed the century mark 0p to within a few months of bis death he waa able to get abont last year be was able to saw wood for the home mentally and physloally he was remarkably well preserved he was a native of cardiff wales we believe and came to canada when a young man and settled a snellgrove he was a atons mason by trade and many of the old time mod brick houaes wore built by him in that neighborhood mr ooaldinga exabt age ia not known but is planed at 101 106 and more there is no doubt that it exceeds 100 for he hat a daughter aged 88 who was at the funeral on friday dooeased was twice married and la survived by bis sooond wife there are five daughters and foar abne two of- whom geo and william are travellers for w jot storey 4 bon of acton tbe departed centenarian was a fino athletic man in his youth brampton banner a bmppy wedding at st joseph on tuesday morniug a very happy event took place in st josephs chnrobijjibn mr john teaban of quelph was united in marriage to miss gussle lamb acton mr teahan was assisted by mr james lamb of toronto and the bridesmaid was miss teresa flablf of paris the ceremony wss performed by bev father feenyin the- presence of a very large ebpfiregatiou after wbiqh fao celebrated nuptial mass miss m byan of guelph presided at the organ with eiqnlalte- skill a fqllobotrwaa preasnt ahddid bredit to themselves the soloists were mrs john kennedy miss angola tyrrell and miss minnie mplntbsb miss maria feeny also i rendered the holy city in a moat pleasing atyle after the ceremony the wedding party with a number of friends were given a sumptnous breakfast at the homo of mr mlobael iiamb the brides nncle the happy couple left on the 296 p m train for obloago where they will spend tbelr honeymoon after which they will reside in ouelpb on ilonday kven- tng the choir of st josephs preaented miss lamb who was formerly organist with a pretty set of china and silverware rev mr ooddens sojourn at the sanitarium at clifton sprinsa n y ah intereatlnjr letter coming and going vlbtorsito and rrom apton and varloufiothar pronl notes 1 huv j k oiidddti m a ihv u1im il rcctur ur st abtiid cligruli in till iov wbo hutt bntjii lttktug w uoiirku ut iretatuicni at ihu ylifion bpiinuh sauiliiriuin m oliftjui f5iitjniii n y ttjirihi ijiu immt nioutti hi id purgioieh iintiiniiti rjumo tllllf liutt fftvured tilt fit kb lltkkh wuh the fullowiug iiiteretid iljriitun ol iiih present eurioundiilh whiulr our readers will all tppreoiato tba fita pjiehs oomeii to lmud rlular- ly and i read it with much iotereet lookiok forward to receiving 11 every week with ploubornblo antloipatiuu 1 send you a brief account of the bauittrium whioh you may tua in anyway you please although- i have never been in the united butea or in a bttnitarium before yet i tbibk this b oue of the prottiett places ihaveeter beou iu the village ilielt ib an cxooodiorly pretiy place being situated on two- opposite hillti houiea tretobing out into either bido of the valley as well tbe dweluug honsea are altogether with one or twd eioeptlona irame baildiagi and the grounds aroand esoh beaatifuliy kopt thidfdct etrook me forcibly as soon aa i came for whilst we in our own dear little town in oanada and here i say oanada forever pride ourselves on the oleaulloesa aod bqanty ol tbe same still weoan easily take a lesson from aoob a villaijo as this tbt popula tion ia about 2000 and almost every villager from one owning a botno aioailar in size to yoqr own to the moat humble oottiger takes tbe greatest pride in having a pretty grassy lawn in front or at the aide of his home- always nicely out and his house well painted in suitable oolors the episospsl ohnoroh as the oburoh of england is called over here btanda on the brow of the oabt hil and is built of very floe stone it is of a most beantlful design and is tbe handsomest ewesiaetioal baltdiiift in the town the methodist and bomaii oathbiio ohurohea also add to the beauty of the plape- 3vith tbese attraotlvo features the walks around the vilsre are very pleasant indeed and svre enhanced by the abundance of bade trees in the greater part of the yillsge the business part is not very jpromaentyethwobldraileia to be done though the stores are not large nor particularly attractive yet neat in appearance p now the one great motive power whlob keeps ibis town alive and makes it any thing at all is the aanitarium here we have ebuildlof of solid brick aitoated notj ai yon would expeot on one of the hill i bq t in the valley and thereby commanding abetteciobnubijtthfljgli3hor stream -that- iliu iiikh riiksa invlten all iu rtwlurm bi uou trllmio to this coluiuu ii you or your rluuds am ffoiuk away on a holiday trip or if you have triuudavlbltiug you drop a card lo thoeasb 1nkaa j 1 mish mluuiu llnliieh nl noryul waa iiuiiiu ftir tiuiiilwy mloa jbmr mldjiimm ul oiigiille ib visiliiii frletirls in iowii miaa m byan of guelph visited miss m feeny during tbe week mrs brioker of berlin speotaday or so with aoton friendsthla week mib lottie speight is spendipg a days this week with friends in berlin mr lawreson of dandas spent a few dsya last week at the- home of gonnoillor clark mrs w h pearson of exaler returned home last week after spending a week with frlendsln town mr and- mrs a boner- returned home tuesday after spending a few days visiting friends at streetsvllle dr j p coghlan was in quelph on tuesday sating as- bast man at the marriage of bit brother mr fred w plankrepresenlod tbe aoton disciples oburoh at the annual meeting at toronto during the week rev s 8 oralg formerly of oakville ha been oahed to itis pastorate of zron congregatloffll ohorob toronto misses mophall patterson and moqneen of the poblio school attended the teachers convention at burlington last week mr and mrs john williamson of appelby and mr j walker of burlington visited at the home- of mr david williamson last week mr will watkins guelph but sucoessfuiiy ptssed his oral years law examinations the taking of photographs by amnteurs has ot late been so simplified by tio work of taking pic r gentlemen of tiourei majority onlytakc them for the pleasure it gives themselves and others who desire their meats on cameras and photbgrnphlqg chemicals that tho work of joking pictures has become a favorite pastime with many young ladies and pictures but many of these acfuaily make atprofit out of iti or ot least mako enough to pay for the material used and have tbe pleasure and the pictures to the good cjubufh thb jbsnzaiutbr keeps in stock camera8 and complelo outfits of the best makers and during ihe past year hab ay the reversible we sell most at 5 and tip though and- keep every kind of materialsused oar stock of cameras is as large as any kept in any large dty and are sold at the rame prices send for catalogue the prices run ffoirtfifty cents for the niagara junior up to i back prempsand koronas at fifty dollars f the red bird bost to- day and codd for year roll of honor may misses keid and patterson are barjdto receive ordors foe dressmaking jjnrsrmma in mrs kloklins house ser main and aoton r jiijot on the queens birthday neat eiowi station a ladles silver watoh jjntsly reraauiefbyappiyinat iipl jirdenavei toronto aur cured of her aovqlseintbehedbyvdr uflwujiariromsrhassent liivrountisrs tvk- j ittotsroimiltrlbyi emenetrl6idtend to 3w5uwpwd io tn j tbfaii paxss istniovi vawisfiwaau blribtly private and bbnfldehiial jsldence in evenings o m v v lbrjyimc bbr chiltons garble works goelpb is the of uijf auitv operatlonr at pnatnti n rvstts men or standing of pupils at the examinations in tho publlo 8ohoo tbe mpntlily examinations in tbe various departments last friday resulted as follows naai dmaarkikt i senior v bnith hldkiln 857 i bertie speight 860 lillian cameron 310 junior v wm laird a88 smyth 410 wm pearson and benla vtallaoe 108 behior tv mabel boper 2fls ettle modonald 462 ernest wilson 310- x junior iv ids laird s80 floranbe bopsr 206 j bertie smith 200 marks possible 800 t t mobaa teaoher sscosd dipjumurkt senior 1ix jennie mcqaten and how- land brown 033 ethel coleman 310 myrtle matthews 307 junior iii philip holmes and jennie smith 310 harold nicklln and florence morray 201 wuiicsmylh 191 ltartapomlbib3s s o mopnan teacher mibd dsraatusar senior eiasvidafolvet 198 tidmv btewari and daniel bitchle 187 annie gorrytrh y rv junior clasemyrtladllli 300 msmle aoswim edna coon and ixue molsohian 100 v marks pomlble300 i l b pattsasow t lorriespelght laura oooi v- i arthhrt 1881 fl asl uattfatws sad oi 3riinwli71i inaiaworfsiij st0sst0tol tl jltsmdi telia oprney imnlajiri ba iminnja m fuaia- m i makes its way through this part of the town the building itself it a magnlflqent atrootnre oosting jj5000000 and is fire- uproot frpm top to basement the boors of the different departments are made either ol beautiful vermont and georgia marble or oement tilinge whilst ths doors and window ailla are ooyered with brass sheet ing tbss giving the fiery element a poor bhanee for life it is marvallooa how any mind ooulu vroratbiit buoh a beautiful and commodious building having nnder one root all kinds of departments parlors library chapel dining rooms tor guests for servants who number 160 for narses three kitchens and many other aubh rooms down to the varions kinds of bathrobmb the grounds around ths building pebiatlythbpart lolhb oastj are moe ebioyttbleplaoob for the goosts where they oan inhala plenty of fresh air and ail tbe most disagreeable odors one ever imagined of tbe sulphur waters chiefly in tbe evening when the air ia fall of them there is perhaps no more boantiturbpot forrest and fresh air- than the solarium attsrhavinga botbrjipbur baib or salt rob or maetagei there i is nothing so deligblful as to take the elevator and fly to ine top of the building and ojjd yourself in an immense glass enolovure where you oartiirelt or else go out en the open- roof and their lis down upon a sofa and enjoy a delightful sub bath for an haurorsb there are from 860 to 400 guests here all the year around the majority are like those around the anoieht pool of bethesde whllat many may be said to have the stnltarlnm crass and oome to have a simple headache treated but i moat bay with very few exceptions the worst of the cases have gone away wonderfully bsnaflited or entirely cured jast here permit your correspondent tortay that he is progretslng very favorably and hopes to leave in the same oared condition 1 most not admit to say a word about the rroal feeder to this ibstitulion tbe banitarium farm tho farm is situated about a mils from tho village and i took the pleasure of vlaltiug it the other day there yon find flrat of jili a qpeamery which supplies the jahitarlum with one hundied and twenty gallons ofmilk eighteen gallons of oresin and ten gauons of joe cream a day a beautiful herd of borthoru oaltie folly two hundred iu number of the halstein and qurnsey breeds are here fed and pisturod but they do not supply all the mils used the farmers around sella large quantity to the institution aleo only one beef a week ia killed from the herd the main supply being brooght from ohloago tho pork and hams are however obtained from a drove of two hundred hogs which have oofnfbrtatle quarters at the farm toe ookt foe milk and egga amonnts to over 9000a7ear meat to oyer 138000 and obai 10000 the ambnni nald but for wages to employees and salaries to doctors ojae000 yr- reailslng these laaexpndltores we oanuhderslandwhy thslehsttlplrueed to ambunl to over 606orbboum to meet all expenses i wbbiwcterrtm the terms 5fib btuattiaisvtcf lt is knovroltbat lhbglbltrtiopiliut us simply tk parifesiy it uftmtj-r-w- abetter instltutiot ot the fopiidfetbs dllrwplifmv- onod sit chiton fsprioge rhey also relieve puinmfrbm tyepsla indigeatioh and too hearty eating a per- fectrcniedy fprr diitxtoea hataeai lknrav nos badtastein the mouth coated tongue pain in the side torpid utveri the regulate the boweu iehi small pill 8mn dcj smau prle r substitfltlpn tho fraud of the day see you gegartei s ask forcarters insist arid demand carters little liver pilk st m irliabddirk i austria is ths only empire in the world wbioh has never had oolonies or even transmarine possessions a tho ton could not express the raptors of annie e springer of 1135 howard street phiradeiphla pa when ehe found thai dr kings new ptobovery for iooor sumption had oompletely flured bar of a haoklngwiogh that for many years had made life a burden all other remedies snd doctors could give her no help but shessys of this boyal cure it soon removed the pain in my cheat and i oan now sleep soundly aomslhlng i oan scarcely remember doing bsfore i feel like sounding itspralse throughout the universe so wlllevery one who trib pr kings hew blsoovery for any trouble ot the throat chest or lungs ptioe 60 oentsend tloo at j d mokaes every bottle guarautesd j tijzzr v the daintiest bi cycle creation of the year is our ladies bedbirft h modml m it pays to buy at bollert it pay to buy at bolhris will go with great vigor this wtek the various lines atepietlonepiratotables note the following list which is correct in every particular the only pressure 16 buy is the pressure of irresistably low prices at i o cents fancy checks 40 inches wide cotton henriettas 36 in wide oatmeal cloths 36 inches wide the regular prices of the above run iron 5cs to 30c per yard fancy tweeds 40 incnec wide fancy broches 40 inches wide- cardinal navy green and black serges 40 laches wide usual price of above 35c to 35c atgii4ts pure wool casbmere44 inches wide light tonbsrnall checks 40 inches wide scotch tartans 30 inches wide block alpacas brocades small figures 44 inches iide worth 3jc to socper yard aseiits shot mohairs 48 incbeawlde silk effects brocades 42 inches wide small check tweeds 40 inches wide black brocades figures and serges many goods in the above pile are worth 65c per yard at 39 cents black goods in many different makeju traverse stripes and elegant costumo cloth fancy cheeky and figures in many different kinds isilk warp hrocades elegant tweed effects this is a grand line containing many goods worthygc per yard v ayf4int lch plalb and figured hhck goods colored brocadea very rich covert street suitings fancy costume lengths silk warp and mohair eflocis this is a superb collection of- really beautiful goods of groat merit in prices fr6m7jc to goa vriim83 fahbyfrench drepbiis french figured henriettas french wool serges rich black materials no richer goods at i per yard are being shown in the city today than are contained in this grand line 25 and 27 waw st gliliph scw-ftv- lad i esot weather underwear why should deojamin msrry annlel beoaoae ho would be bennle fltted the annie mated i topi of the d every one is surprised althe rapidity and effloaoy with hloh nertulns nerve- palnoure relutes neunthjla and xhsnm- allam nervlliue h a psciflb for all nerve pains and ahbold be kept on hand by bveryfanbtly y a girl who wouldnt harm a mouse will murder a song in a most haartleas manner files and hurtiah belrig are two distinct families and cannot live happily together fit your windows and doors with sceens from symons and enjoy life alone groceries tomatoes 7c cornic salmon ioc best red 4plrcornstrch 15c best ametlcan cool oil 18c readymised paints and parisgreen j su v jf- rv coi jnituetiatfiih ta rcton juno ial lv koue theblgvylper dealer in guelph aaks yob to see the immense line of wall hang ings and window shades at thedgi- v j d uokbb aoton- he wlllquole you prices hlo njrjcsins correct fitted with our new caged bear ings it is delight fully easy running beautifully finish ed and yitk every detail of construc tion gjv en the most careful at tention by tkor- orqily sfcilletd me chanics it is a wheel that is not only exceedingly handsome but one that will give gbpd service for years after the rnajority of wheels have been relegated to the scrap heap the peerless brantfordjted bird is sold in every canadian dty and town from tjie atlantic to the pacific and can be seen at your nearest red bird agency if you are a prospective bicycle purchaser you might make a tour of inspection today 7 weveprepawarasevef4eforehomee of the season extra value in xtadlieri58wnbr ladies skirlbr ladleo jskirt waisls hew past jbiaghhosiery special value in wash goods the uptodate store for gents fnrnishings mill st acton the goold bicycle co limited vj jfd vavr wv vlrffii sgds srefr fmt aijd breyrn srixtures and fgr j go on sale today at a weve sold you some good ones before but this lot beats anyoftheni v one price and that the lowest sitjsisl v- a siasfc storecloses monday tuesday and thursday evenings at 6 oclock j4 ieoitbi aie of disxictipn characterizes the man who wears bur swell style in fine hats you can pick our fine quality fashionable block and rich colors in derbys alpines and blacks frora- the crowd everytime for style andfinish they are un excelled our derbys at 2004 2i50 andour liqt fedoras at 250 are prices that should tempt the good dresser and they do judging by our hat sales this season on moo only merchant tauor 9 aiidtxienstnrnlbher gtffilph oxford shoes vijowrbubes footwear for summer popular styles at big bedno- tions iiadles at 76 tadieaat 99 iiadles at 10fl today tuesday we put on a epeoial ladies ohocolate oxford vesting itop american manufaoture 250 shoe for aia theshoe ma cllwlph we give trading stamps 8 stores wmi m iri sill vsl

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