Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 8, 1899, p. 4

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thtjbsdax june 8 1890 hire tgrrrms jfolha doa b thomoatesfanyoiiveeveraeen is jrunpln rouhtho greet big screen an tendlnscs an bbbr at bob sn botly pteklh 2roo art nea they jumntfkesaythfn vanbbatoaneqnearslondeatneykln an nan we does it all aiin gertrude an me we seares the boys today we made the mostea noise out mamma ought shed look an see whatfearfrilrackltalooaiabe an whatyou think sue borneaaa seen us all aplayta wlv her screen an arenas soars qrstradaeuniel when she coined bat from beokof me we najeseull cent bob as doe weelkblfbauaeajiifeaesh at xnamma didnt luceher eereon aujbauled around ah mebbo tore- qneaswewont play that game no more its lota of ton but it dont pay to treat our mamma tenon that wayr an senile suu a half a day fiobext he aayiwegot to gay an rowland uys wed better play bome game wlroqt no fanoy atnff7 jee play wtv f uraehmrasni touatf aagafftrodaiajathetmtplsn ia play were all a growedbp man ant be the very lmrwaean maria tldtvn zte the wliiter who will not take a tip nopriypical waiter la hboimtln a auaireilayr fssned approtingof dlffirebt reginiantal marobee rioae of tbo battalions in this loiolty are iv ir- 7tb fuelljers british frenedlers iatbmaroh of the wth regiment airtfoiilumbriiuihrtenadlari 111 baililiorinlnetyflre arrtpb5tftinfcnv mthbonnie donsee -mtfciiqtobirists- morooboantrallon marob lolbfflgbland laddie 77lh a lfe on ths owao wave thb toro hx sllmalaied by ihs grand auoees of last yaar indoilrlai jirvtha blreoiora of the tpn1r1rb ne book a vary vroablestbryhtob is replete with thrilllno iniereil u kbonew book as a man oavtllnr william wmtall author of the phantom city with tba b4 ba to tbe old ooontry reviewers speak in high term of thia volornt and pronounce la aa we find it an exciting atdryrtawbltlrla mobh- esoelleot- reading without tho emotional extremes whlchaomo authors deem neoataary tba plot is an enticing one and ao well carried out that tie reader li led from agree able surprise to soother and genuinely entertained throughout the fortythree chapters business life and workingmena aparitnbaare olearly portrayed tho wj gae company toronto pabluhers paper 75o olotb 12o hugh qwyetb akoandfcead cavalier by banish marie dli his been brought out by the w j gage gotnpenys toronto prioei paper 75boleth llss toll ia an- interesting hlstorioal tale eowribg the period of the charles when the people were schooled la war and the gavalierev and boondbeada were much in evidence down to the early daye of amerloan history the praotloal aide of i soldiers life la vividly portrayed and the whole is woven into a story of intense interest those who enjoy a historloal novel will delight in the peraaal of hagb qwyetb oood reasons for ooino to church iihoold asy writes rev ambry s bradford d d on what la the qood of going to ohnroh 7 in the jane ladlta homt journal attend ohnroh tbat ybo may worahlp god that yon may learn of the thlouvof the aplrit that joa roaybe brought iaoe to f aoe with the dootloeiot ce wbloh in bdnrai deepeet heed alone can aetleiy eltbir the mind or tba heart if ybo aoawer i believe in none of theae tblnge then i reply attend ohurob hat yon may hear the loftleat ideala praunted by tboae who bate no selflah ndi to anbaine and thyou may belript eenaltlvei to the moral order of the world in wbloh all meni are inolnded the viol tlon of wbloh roeaoa rain and mitery and harmony with whlob is followed by benefit and bleaalng abe tod btill m suf- femnaawmlsery have continued disap- polnintsllfade you bespphdient paimbboblbiby compound quaxtantllbs safbty awd qood health there are tboussnda of wellmeanlog people in our dominion who aria either adding to tbelr bordena of pbyaical tnffer ings or who are making eo little progreaa in banlebtng dlaeaae from tneir bodies that they are oontinually daapondeof and mlaerable f the people we refetetare the men and women who arepuoldg their oonfldenoe in the many avortlaad pills tablets aarsapa- rlllas and nervines that have little or no tnedloidal valoe to bomrnend them the tens of thoutsnds in canada who are at present nslng palnes colery com- poond lot the banishment of blood dlwaaea narvoue affeotionajthijnmatiarn peurslgla dyapepala liver and kidney oomplalnta are the wise and prudent they have been guided by the advioe of relatives friends and ualghbon who have found new- life health and atrenglh from palnea celery coroponnd the continued flow of testlmonlale from onred people ia tba strongest proof that faroes celery compoond is the only salvation of the slot the one true friend that never disappoints when disease threttens lif e v are yon dear reader one of the many tflaappolnted ones still in ibe death graap of some aerlona aliment 7 if yon are we woold oobnaal yon to throw aside the baeiesa medloins yon are now neing and give palnes oalery compoond an honest the graatjnidloine laa preiorlption-ot- owof tbe ablest medtoal men tbat ever lirsd and la endorsed by the blgbess praotllloners you mnal use it if yon woold have a new and bappy lease of ufa the woman who marries for spite invariably gate it pagyarda yellow oil ia prompt to rslleva and sure to oure oongba oolds sore throat paib in the obesl horaeneaf quinsy eto prlnemoenti trouble never trouble the oontenlea 8acrednb of appointment 8 thefaibne thing that is slmoataa aaored affla noarrlage relatloii tbaili itn apporntment a roau wlto iallko meet hla appointments unleae be baa a good reatoo la praiotiually a llari and the world treats him aa aiioh 1 give it as my deliberate and eolemn onvlotior aald dr j individual who a- tardy in meeting aui appointment will never be reapeoted or aoobeaafnl in life it a man has no regard for the time of other moo bald horco oreely why ahonld we have for tbotr money 7 what it the dlfferenoe between taking a mans hour and taking hla five dollars 7 there are miny men to whom each boar of the bqiineie day is worth more tban five dollars it is not neoearary for me to live said pompey hot it is necessary tbat i be at a oorlein point at a oertaln hour f franklin said to a servant who waa alwiya lite but always ready witb an- exbnae i have generally found that the man who is good with an eiopso l good for nothing eliej j on the eve of neleons departure- on a lamonbbrolse hie ooaohman eaid that the carriage bijuld be at the door pnnotaaliy at ail ooiook fa quarter before said the admiral i have alwaya been a quarter 9 an hour before my time and it has made a man of m napoleou onoo invited bis marshals to dine with him hot ao they did not arrive at the mbmentappointcd be began to eat without tbem trioy oame in just si he wilplrialngfrom the table gentleman said bo it ia now past dinner apd we will immediately proceed to business- sounded ominous it was soy thes wedding day and he was teasing his boy brotherinlaw iwali johnny ho aald lm kolng to take your sister away and have tier all to myaelf and you wont aee her sny more no reallyr- are you eaid the boy ourloualy -yas- i am what do yop think of it- nothing ifanov i oan atand it if von- sprains strain and injuries or tha baokofuintmnga eiilneytromble doits rdbey pills tile here la the proof t7- cube ttta s horning glosgow street gaelph ont saym doana kidney pills are grand 1 havo not been ill since taking them which was over a year ago last winter and cungivethem iny warmest praise t for they restored me to healttuafter aj years of suffering tijssstyrlye years ago sprataedmy and over since my iddneye nave been in a very bad atato tho doctors told me that my left kidney especially was jn a very bacf con dition a terrible burningpain was always present and i suffered terribly from lum- bago and pain in he small of roy back together withiptlior painful and distressing symptoms corrjmon inkidney complaints icould not alep and suffered much rpm salt rheum when i first comrnnnced taking doana kidney pills i had littloorno faith in them but r thought i would try themi and it roved thehest experiment i ever made had only taken two boxes when the pain left my back entirely thrco boxes more or five in all made a complete cure after 35 years of suffering- from kidney disease lam riow healthy and strong- again and will bo pleased to substantiate what i lj should anyone wish to enquire xjaxatjlvcp piha are the most perfect remedy known for tho cire of con stipation dyspepsia biliousness and sick headache they work without a gripe or pain do not slctccn or weaken orleavo any bad after effects m tojtaf r t is iyj drrrng a poet ird to the hsldfliwthe 33tb august to bi oth pf when aoma tutors attempt to sing there is no place like home ch x 1 rchoae toaldlbg little cankers in the month are aorea caused by indigestion t 2 those barnlngainthrostaairyod had drank molten lead are oaased by lndlges tlon 8 tboiejflblrigaitglnbvanilthoaa bitter or aeldoraotuatlona gaahed np from the atomaob are eauaadbyipdigeetloo v those alok beadaohoaarlslnilfrom a atekatomaohanoausrklbylndlgeetton o how liulekly all tbeae forma of indlgea hon are oured ayjrvon btana pineapple tablets they refleve ell distress in an inauntnlfasoenuaboj-r- box amall also w bents 60 tablets in a ikmobfltion i1bad8 to dyspeisia dr vori staneplniaapple tablefs mbodvths fruitpepsin of the pineapple with other oorrecttreewmob reetify the derange- manu oftbs atomaoh hive uiitant oomlort and ireiref from distress and always effect a jasung lours at eanta for s3 ubleusmall alas 10 oenta- they ere deliolona bold by at brown tiffyt sorrow is a stone that ornahes a single bearer to the ground- while two are able to aarryit aitheaae there never was and never will be a dnllrersal panaoea- in one remedy for al ills to which fjeahishelrtthe very nature of many eutatiyea being such tbat were tbegermb of other and differently bested diseases rooted in the system ol the patient 1 what would relieve one ill in tarn would aggravate the other we have however in qninine wine when obtained in a sound nnadulterated atate a remedy for many and grievous ilia by its gradual judiolons aao the frailest systems are led into pbn- valeacenoe and atrenglh by the infloenoe whlph quinine exerts on natures own restoratives it relieves tba drooping apirits of those wltbjwhom abhrbnlo- state of morbid despondent and- laok of interest in life is a disease and by tranqufuzinjt tbenervei disposes to sot ing sleep irnpssvtgotto the aotion vdi wbtont being stimulated- nottrses tnronghout tba veins strengthening the healthy animal fdnotions of the system thereby making sotivitya neoeasary reault atrengtbenlng the frame and giving life to the digestive organs wbioh naturally demand lnoreasod substance result im proved appetite northrop 4 lyman of toronto have given- to the pnbllo their quinine wine at the usual rate and goaged by the opinion of boleutiets thia wine approaches nearest perfection of any the market all diroagists eeillt a arasll boy wrllinga- compbeition on quakers wound npby saying that the quakers novenjuarrel never get into a fight never olaw each other and never jaw baek he added fa it a quaker bat i really dont think ma is a0ood itepbrt my mother was troubled with rheumatism in ber knee- for ananiber of years and it broke out into a ruoniugtore she haa taken three bottlea of hooda sartaparllla and now sheisalmoatentirely well she cannot epeak too- highly of tbla great medicine mrs john farr- oloverlawiis ancaater ontario every man for himself is a dootrine that girls do not lakeany slock in always rel evetl promptly by dr fowlers ext of wild strjiwborry varieties s55kvva mmffl jjoliconttdl over your ugjtyoiirimci becom- fstcdl kisicqpyy ts one novel may be anothers aquel with out bsliigltiqnal an afi wnrsrila ooffee but it lakes to jhtttif a bui biloa r somellroee the severiat britlomfforfcjao tj theqawtlon of lneai eetale of your jaool hraori profitabls thafl lha prioe of wayloii vv tba evil oooilldona within o irivo us obbspplnen than the evil ooudltlonai mta1rojfjriii 0 ftemtphfrssimiomskav thlnjtajmyatsrie inrtaad bf makib tollros wbl teeebi iwsaii lkrflqfeiartiiiilayinv- tbeiaa nodenylog the faot that boston is one of the hasvbrans obronlo derangemeuli of tba stomaob- xiver and blood are speedily removed by the aotive prinblpal of tbb ingredleiilij entering into tbeooiprmiitionoparmelem vsgeubis pills tesav apeblfloally on the deranged organs btlrnnlatlng to aotion the dbr rnahi anergisi of the ayatem thereby removing disise sod renewing life and vitality fb tbsafbowdinthiaiiea the great aeore ol tba popnlsrifjrof parmeleos vegetable ills wlien you nrircirawithnn attack of cramps or doubled up wlili colic you want a remedy you nru sure will givo you relief and givo it quickly too you dont want an untried something that mayhelpyou you want dr fowler extract r wild- strawberry which evelry one knows will positively cure cramps and vi colic quickiy just a dose or two mid you- have case vbutnow a word of proof to bockup these ilertions and we ve it from mr john awkc coldwntcr riff who writes t divfowlera extract if wild strawberry is r a wonderful cure for diarrhoea cramps stomach i was a great fimmljjfttawaitai trial but now i have perfect comfort y it ie surprialbg how praotlcal duty enriohes the ftnoy and the heart and aotion oleara and deepena thoa0eotiou8 fiefure bsttrlug tonirht take a ijaxaiilver pill it will work while yon steep without a grip or grips oaring bllioasnesi constipation and sick headaobe and make you feel better in the morning if you have a constant habking oougb that wont leave try dr woods norway pine syrup it cures the worst casei of ooagha and colds qnlok gimmn for next thirty days main st aoton have commenced a cleirlng sale for the next thirty doys wide rango if you want stout wellmaoe boots ok siiols we can supply you with ery suitable goods at low prices- if something lighter in neat and attractive stales we have and have confidence we can please you if you desire ruuijers for the wet weather our stock will supply the want if about to take a trip north south east or west we have a good variety of trunks and valises at prices lower than you are accustomed to have quoted to you we handle only the goods of reliable manufacturers as we have a reputation for honest goods and square dealing to sustain our prices are always right custom worlr anrf repioilajc nentiy mad promptly dono as- usual kxtrmcy bjtos acton econojyiic power is secured with a canadian steel airmotor farmers who study economy cannot ignore the fact that wind power is cheapest trie dlan we have supplied the c carta wf i pay for itself iu 2 years pump all your water run the machinery in your barn we cannot live hotter than in seeking become better bor mora agreeably tban having a olosr opnioienoe a port pfopt mtdy undernoea a ht3 liuil ftttd by the uibbf mllburn heart nd nerve phi mr f j armstrono ne of port hopes best known citizens speaks as follows my wife has had a terrible time with her heart for the last fifteen months the pains were intense and sho hnda smotiierirtgfeelingtpgether with shortness of breatlrweaknessand general debility medicine seemed to do her ho good and we had about given tip trying when sho 8tartedto takejshlburn s heart and nerve pills tncyhave toned up wonder fully she is stronger today than she has been for months thanks to milburas heart and nerve puia 1 am sue there can be no abetter remedy from their remarkable effects in mrsi armstrongs case laxauver piha earn oonttlpatlon lek rasdsoha and oyspepala iisoontstit la the want of selfreliance it ia infirmity of will bmeraon siok beadache however annoying and distressing la positively oured by laxa- iilver pills they are easy to take and never gripe cariosity ia looking over other peoples sffalrs and overlooking oar own a toronto contractor ilt733 martile 257 tanadbwnavo fhe well known bridge oon tractor waa anred by mliburns bheumatio fills of a aevere attaok of nheumatlam whiob laid him up in bed for weeks its so pleasant to take that ohlldren cry for it but ite death to worms of all kinds dr lows worm syrup pribe 26 ipente alldealefs the porn doctor should bay bis land by the f a the dentist by ibe aohero impure blood miss agnes faron athlorjo ont writes about two yeara ago i was troubled with lmparabloodbut got no relief until i took bordbok blood bitters whioli completely and pernutnentely oared me p r the last three years with about 20 ovitfits also the british government in cyprus and india as well as in england egypt australia c write the ontttrio incind bislg1m and pujiijp c6 utaiyiteo atlanti ave toro largest manufacturers of windmills under the british flag 1 bailwat timb tajblb obakd tbtmt hailttay oofho bibt i kiprcbs sasaa 1 rjiprcu 10 co aia mall 6 hjini mliod 10 0311 to qolna wist mall 10 02 a in express a 25 p in mall ikpm t1ue of ct0bino uailb going west 0 10 a m and 0 co n in going east 10 95am andcsopm tbla time tablo wout into ulttct on alondsy may i6tb lew w barber bros paper makers geobgetown ont uis a sfxoiaiitt or machine finished book papers jutd- hi0n 0radb weekly nxw8 the paper use3 in this josrna is from the above mills wm baebee bko sun savings and loan go head office toronlto ont autharursd csdjrai 8000000 00 umps of every description get it a parlor suite a sideboard a bedroom set an extension table a lounge a stand a mattress and springs or any other article in furniture requirements at a uvin profit only all goods delivered undertakings in all its branches calls day or night attended coffins delivered prices to suit every ones needs j speight co acton ivfiv i-y-i- f uk jt3wawnexbnsliibls good atnrev which hprebirjbe gift of heavbn spreading itself like oil ovar the troubled jw 9jft4w4nd aseplnc thd rnlna imooth rfj rauablo ln thi roaghsit restbbrwaibusbn irving the reoelvr is often as bad as the original board of rdireolbrs inatant relief guaranteed by using mliburns storling heajaaho powderit no depresalni effect that issrst jiipfft mmiiiicmurli flwn aigesuyo leirtts ri ii xy it0 bitters hnsbeekperaiarfenly thovnlj swell thing about some men is located dlreotlynoder their hats asurecurb there is no suob a llilnit boults emnlelon oomea the it bnt dven that will not dare advanced oases but taken in lime it viloura this dliemse- satsiu la the father of lies and matrimony la ills mother of esantea if yonr ohlidreri are troubled with worms give them mother orayet worm eaterrrtlnalor r aafej earey and i vnvotuel ry it and mark th improvmeot in yqqr ofilm hotnetimes flihermen oatoh nothing- and sometimes thrycatoh a good eel or the tee do yoaboube your children griliogor grindlna the teeth at night r its a tare algn of worms better ktve them tr lows pleasant worm syrnp wbloh la simple safe and always ebeotutl r a bonventlon of noisy crows is more like a cawous than it la like a orooua cholera morbni pramps and kindred oomplalnta annually make tbelr apnearauce i at the aarnetme aijtho hot weather green f rujt oubumfcera melons eto and rnsny jperabns kr dsbarred from rating trjes irmpting f rnlti but they nerd not abtain if they have dr jd itetlbrge dyifntsr abrdlal and take a faw dropa lp water i burea the oranipc anrl oboif ra in a remarkable manner and la sore to brieok- every dlstnrbapoe of the bowel ybbn wbmsiila anrterage bnally arrive womans suffer ate rhual ro spralus strain onntraqteil coros or paloful swelllnga are always prornpllyj i relieved by haoysrda yellow oil it l olean to nee prloe 95 oenls a clothing tiajk the well dressed have a decid ed advantage over the slovenly noticclierecepiion givorannan who is careful of his appearance he is preferred in business offices in social life and every place where nien do congiegate oar cheap suits fit as well as pur best ones because they are all shqreys itady tailored slake the cloth is thoroughly shrunk in the cheapest as well as the best and tlic aame guarantee card accompanies all we sell this imkj f noo bcn use experience teaches us that nothing i g o i for the customers we serye and it pays to ivc value 1 tenyear matunty shares arc paid monthly instalments of 50c per share for o months when payments cease 16o 00 paid in maturity value 9ioo 00 money to loan at sltraight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on nppli- cation to r jmcnabb agent aoton coop the artiotio tailors qeg to announce to their frjends and the public generatlypthat they are now complete in their spring and summer goods consisting of the latest novelties from the best looms of the world and styles that are shown in new york and london see our jl latest fashion plates to show our goods is a pleasure call and see us fit and workmanship guar anteed sole agents in acton for the celebrated bellwarp serge which does not fade or change its color in two years wear or money refunded copper akins main st acton twjkinds31j5n there are two kinds ofjjrrfirt to be found evenysahere those who are obliged to dress roughly while at work and those whose occupation in volves no difference in attire for the laborer we have heavy substantial boots for the business man comfortable sensible shoes for the boys and girls good knockabouts and for the ladies the latest novelties in footwear our spring stokt is now coming in and em braces goqds sure to please our customers as to style quality and prices call and bee our new linib w williams bt hjsdiip0h cos twllt st kc ton s jttojtoinont nndwo wutu sir opinion n to wnctherlt ntnwc avoiiako n irpbotall fjrooetorl in other hand furnlholis-i- vfti jwatooitom eilatpjmlw rotyjlanmiifwtva 7r t jiwyosr fjf 1 ritm wimrsimal hrwjjo awunan wsalotmju7 msj i ajlwyar will nndertakb any case that f ffjifjfl fcsv asbafjneiyfi mhtvri jwrjfttiasyft0nilaln piiisi mmmimmi

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