Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 15, 1899, p. 1

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rtwyt j flpys ii volume xxitno 50 acton ontakio thtjksdatt junk 1 5 1890 price three cents ib pcdlishbd- every thubbday morning at the free prcsbstjam trlntlnb oblco uuilisinubt acton ont terms or bmisonrrtronono dollor per year strictly in advance all eubdidlttons dlsoon- tlnuodwhon the tmo for wblohthoybeve boon paid has oiplrod tbo dato to wbloh ovory subscription la paid is douoted on tbe address label advbbturao batbs transient advcrtlse- menta 10 conte por nonpareil line for nrst ln- nortion a cents por lino for oaota eubeoquont lnsbrtion ooiitiuotbatkb tho following table ahowa i our rates for the inaortlon of advortlaomenta for spflolned periods- epaoe 1 id 6 uo s mo 1x0 boinobea lolnobas b lnohos 1 linoh 6d00 3500 11000 600 3900 8000 1300 360 9000 1900 700 900 s70o 300 100 advertlsomants without upoolflo dlrootiom wul bo inserted till forbid and oburged accordi ngly transient adtertubmonte malt bo paid n adtanoe adtertluraenu will bp obangod once each month 1 desired for changes oltoner than emoe a month tho composition mast bo paid for at regalai rates ohangqi for oontraot advartlnements tnait be n the office by noon on tuosdaaya aoooants payable monthly v hpmoobb editor and proprietor sttfiincss biratorp medical tohn m macdonald m d c m buccksbon to j f tjbkn m d o mv oulce and resldonao corner mill frederick treats aoton office hours 6 to 1080 am 1 to a pm and too pm tr l j r forster bucobbfiob to dr a b eliiiott ijato roaldonf ihyflloian and burgeoc to vlcf toria hospital for blok chltdron toronto omd- mill street latoly oaoupled by dr bllloti ttr drvden bra ead tuboat and nose molieans block doaglas fit near p 0 gubiiph omen hours 10 m to 1pm and 3 to 6 pm buhdavts10 m to 1 pm dental l bennett ldb dentist j ohobabtowif ontabi0 jcoghlan ddslds dentist voiutcattbfullyionb pbiobb modbhatk orriok ovan dbovns dnub btobb jhonbbevebt dat pbom 0 to fl strong in window shades big stock i5c25c35c4osp- all colors and size shades made up on the-prerri- ises to order best cloth best rollers l6w prices good goods days low prices win every time day8 book store gnelph days sells cheap forget fs- us not if you want artists goods wall paper moudlngs pictures frames waters bros wrndham street new store -thb- traders bank of capital authorized- capital paid up 1000000 yoojooo cuelph branch bisopthia i tbe vukon district at tbo following ra uudorslo 8 cents 610 to 820 loconta eaotosao lacouta eaotodoo hconta highest 0uhbent bate of interest paid on bums dopobltod of 61 and upwards fnterett allowed from date of doposlt to dote of withdrawal and paid or compounded half yearly advances roado to responsible farmore on tbelr own names at tbo lowost ourront ratob no charge mado for collecting sales notea if payablo in guolpb a genoral banking buinosa transactod t a f b jones manager bicycles fors2500 cash ladies an oents equal to mariy highpriced wheels this is right we mean what we say call or write and get particulars this is something very special and when you see them or know about them you will agree with what we saju guelph w barber bros papeb makers georgetown qnt huut 1 bpxoultt or jmbeiiii dds lds dbhtist bnooktizlb uomoa gnaduatbo tobosto uniraabrrr work made satisfactory frloea jloderato vleltdio ditb monday afternoon canip- belltllletuoaday aoton offlce clarks hotel friday bookwood leoal m clean a mclean barristers solloltore notarlba convoysnosra fte prltateinndb to loan offlee town hall aoton i w- a moliau jso a molin machine finished book papbrs high qbacb wkek1t news tbe paper used in tbifl joorna ia from the above mills j wmbabber bio sun savings and loan go head office toronto ont- a j maokinnon t b1juubtkb botloitott cootetamcm orilobmul btroot in uattbews block upstairs rb moiieor liaaaibtbb bouoiiob convbtasinin main btroot georgetown uoney to loan at lowest ouxrentrates b 3 mqnabb ctefkfonrtu division court connty el hal- onsnraneoragontflreandluoaasurauo bei bstoti agent money to loan ete perrymanablook aoton 9 miscellaneo us migs williams music ofqkobpkowm bncobbsor to mlas taldlavrlb prepared to give tborougblnatroctlon in muslo plsno or organ hflsir for terms ap to john m bond co- hardware guslpb f ottx pluck and p tboro want any use o fret tins au i told obadlab o for of wo couldnt hold on to things wed juatgot to letom go there wore lots of folks tbatd auffqr along with the rest of us an it didnt seem to bo worth bur whllo to make such a dreflle fuu to bo sure the barn was most ompty anoorn an pbrtatersicace an not much of anything plenty and ohoap but water an applftrtass 13 ut then as i toldobadlau- jt wavt any usb to groan iovfl fotllebh an bloodoouldat stand it and bo wu nothidr nut skin an hone but lawel el youd onlybberdblm at any bonr of the aibt aprayln out of that closet there twonld have set yrfucrasy quite i patched tho jcnoea of hose trousera with clbtii that was noways thin bat it seemed as ef tbe places wore out aafastaalsetemii to mo he sajd mighty little of tho thorny way we trod but at least a doien times a day he talked it ovec with god down on his knees in that closet the mint of hi time was passed for obadlah know how ts pray maoh better than bow to fast but i am that way oontrairy that ef things dont gojaat right i feel like rollln my sleeres up high an getun ready to flaht an the slnt i slewthst winter i aint goln to talk about asnttilclnt een complain to god tboagh i chink that be found it out with the point of a cambric needlo i drnv tbe wolf from tbo door for i knew that wa neednt starve to death orbolasy because we were poor an obadlab bawonderod an kept me patehin bis knees an thought it strange how tbs mul held on an btrangor we didnt freeso but i said to mytolf in wblipers speight brady manufacturers of dynamos electric motors water motors oasolme axv a as engines brass dtlron castings to order repairing promptly done georgetown ont j wber6 llll gilt aeeeendr an tlent always tbat faith geta down aa far as tbe fingerends an 1 wouldnt bavo no one reckon my obadlah a sblrk for somo you know have tho gift to pray an otbera the gift to work jonphint pollard ga bod continued her acquantnoe during an aatomn trip with a parijror friebde she had smiled upon him riven him every enoonragement while writing and receiv ing daily lellero that kept hor love lor gardiner cawrenoo ever before him even io her own heart not deliberately was her treachery planned but little by little her aonld constant pleaafor tbe wealthy aitor her own love of luinry tempted her until he broke lier vows ol oonltanoy and aeoepted theoffer of her wealthy lover tbo eogaemedt bad notbeenannoanoed on that decbinberevenink when gardiner lawrence retarned to her tbe letters that had been addressed to him he was a man who loved deeply felt keenly the blow- that had fallen non ht heart but he was a prond man and bore bimsell brave ly before tbe yvorldj only to one trusted friend a fellowartist who shared hie studio did he open his heart folly and the first reault of bis ruptured enaejement was io yield to that frlsuds dearest wish and promise to aoopmpany him to italy be bad atadied there for three years bnt sidney allyard had never yet orossed the ocean a boyish man fall of enthaslasm six years younger than gardiner sidney was hotly indignant at bis friends wrong none tb leas that ho bad thrown hie own calflove at agnes warnoa feet and beeu- oontemptnoosly rejeoted he was sitting in tbe studio a few day after tbe interview between gardiner and agnes engaged in making lists of articles in tbe great open psoking qases standing around him when a visitor entered an old gentloman of oommanoiog presence and an address of formal conrtesy v mr lawrenoe 1 tbe stranger enquired mr lnwrenoe is out of town soon expebted back not for several vearn he is in new york aiid will sail for jsnrope on satur day nut bnt i oar writi or telegraph if value upon it that she had not held even i in the hsppy past npon wfaose memory ebo dwelt oonlinaoasly she knew at last that it waa the one absorbkie love of her life even poverty began to lose its hor ror as she folded her love oloser and oloaer to ber heart she heard oonatantly of gardiner a favorite in bis circle of friends aa knowing nothing of their broken epgagemeot lier friends talked freely of their news from italy of tbe aucoess the artist bad made tberr of the fame ho was acqniring three years passed and the few piottires gardiner ltwrenoo sent home some sold immediately at high prices while his name oonalanily appeared in foreign jonrnals amongst the loadldg artists otthe day hews oame al last of the death of his uncle and bis own inheritance of a large fortune then mrs pratt determined to spend a winter in italy since yon aro so absurdly constant and will not aooept any offer she said to agnes letne try if the bight of yonr face will win your lover book grief baa not altered you agnee j you are more beautiful than ever it a perfeot day just before christmas when sidney ajiyard endgardiner lawi renoe working busily in their studios in florence were interrupted by visitors two ladies riobly attired rustled in the elder one effusive cordial fall of delight at renewing an old acquaintance the younger one pale silent and with a pen sive melanobbly nponrber perfeot faoe gardiner lawrenoe looking into that faoe felt nt one quickened motion of his heart greeting her as oalmly aa if they bad parted but yesterday without emotion there was some obat of jbepast years of separation inquiries for friends in america congratulations upon tbe bnocess of tbe two arliets then agnes stood for a moment before a pioture the portrait of a thd yamilb juamruj gast aside- nv anna bbibljis acton- livery bus line aatborfseat cpitml 500000000 tenyear maturity shares are paid monthly instalments of 50c per share for 120 months when payments cease foooo paid in maturity value tioooo money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to r j mcnabb v agent acton the undoralgnodrebpeotfnllybolioita tbo patron age of the public and informs them that well ecmtpped and btyllsh bigs oan al- way be secured atblbsubles a eomfortable bn moots trains between 0 m and 16 pm careful attention given toeveryordor tbowantsofgommerolaltravel- lersfnllymet jofin wjlliamb paornjstton tat mi w m roi o friday evening of each week bring your custom logs in and take the lurrtbor hphiethjroij 00rn shvers lumber ov planing mills inassagavveya p say13bs proprietor has constantly on hand a full una or lumber lath bhlpgles oodar posts wood bto custom logs and bill stuff cut to order on abort notice planing and matching done to the beat of satisfaction prices very cheap and made to suit the customers pocket p sayers wholesale and retail for silo and ensilage yellow horsetooth bbo a bushel mam south white 6o0 red cob ensilage 660 early learning 7o0 ai80 mammoth cuban wis- early white dent salzars north dakota cloudseorly yellow comptonaeiwiy no man had aver spoused agnes warne of being a nervous person and shie- bad been on the contrary noted for bar cool ness tho composure with wbloh she could hear and calmly dismiss tbe most eloquent and impassioned lovers and tbs apparent hardness of ber heart the beauty that bad made bar tbe undisputed belle of two beasons was bl the statuesque order perfeot of form and feature bold and yet winning for sbe was without fortune and yet bad suitors who adored ber it was a nine days wonder when ahe allowed bar engagement to gardiner law renoe to be announced gardiner law rence i a man of genius- an artist but a man whoss total assured lboome was six hundred dollars a year and who had yet to olimb op the ladder to fame or fortone true he waa a handaoms man with a ready flowof oonveraatlon bad travelled and read and had dark eyes that many a woman had signed to have look tenderly upon her yet that agnes warns could marry a poor man an artist unknown to fame was an marvel to those who knew her best j have said she was not a nervous person yet on one deoember evening when her engagement was ill months old she was fidgeting around in tbe parlors of her annta house as restless as if every nerve in her body was onalrung she paced up and down the room struolc a f ew obords on the piano she read a page in the latest novel and every moment she glanced at be clookr as it struck eight in silvery tones the doorbell rang and a few momenta later gardiner lawrenoe entered thotoom thought you woold never come she your buslueuh is important the stranger wab walkiog aronnd look ing at the sketched on tho walls on tables and ohaira and even on tbe floor io prep aration for psoking no be eaid if mr lawrence ia going abroad ho could not paint the por trait i wished to order you have some tine psintingb hero your own some of tbem some are lawronoea some by barfriendj everything yoa see is in confualon is tbat yours said tho old gentle man pointing to w head most exquisitely painted only the bead and shoulders of a beautiful woman the hair falling joosely the large eyes looking dreamily forward no that is lawrenoed it is a perfeot faoe dp you ihtnk be would toll it a week ago i would have told yen no no money would buy it sidney said bitterly but now i have no doubt he will destroy it it isa perfeot faoe and it cov ers a black treacherous beart you interest me is lite story a seoret t all the world will know it soon it is not a very original story only the old one of money against love with a broken heart thrown io the lady wboss faoe you admire has been my friends promised wife for alx months a wealthier man hat made her break her promise as yet tbs engagement ia hot public bnt it will soon be and then anyone in society can tell yon of the jilted lover who has gone abroad to conquer his sorrow and leave the field for bis rival ah i society then knew of- ibis old engagement i am a stranger here my liome is in washington and i knnw but a few membera of your society so i had not eardtbla interestlngislbry that you say will soon be common gossip well you see both parties aro well known here i seei i rogret having missod seeing mr lawrenoe but thank you for your most interesting little narrative go6u morning gobd morning returned sidney returning to bis lists and quite ignorant of tbomlsbhief his boyish gossip had caused warns in her latest 1srlallin cos yirl without aotnal beauty eha said what a lovely faoe tbat is it ii like a greuze so obiidlike so pore and eweet is it a portrait rx sidney allyard answered promptly it la a portrait of mrs gardiner lawrence be said exulting in tbe sndden pallor of hislisteners face she was kind enough to sit to me soon after ahe wss married mrb pratt oame to the rescue bhe saw that the blow bad deprived agnes of the power to speak ah i- she said allow me to offer ray congratulations i would call but we leave florence tomorrow we are merely passing through agnes love we most not linger in tblb obarming studio any longer somehow ahe never remembered how agnes warne spoke ber words of parting and bade farewell forever to the dream she bad cherished for three iqnk years three months later she married a french noble- man who had left tbs bepublio in disgust and brought bis title and for tone to italy her old dream of wealth and high social standing is gratified bit never again will her heart throb with love snob as she ones held and ruthlessly oast aside a buddino qenihs spoaklng of budding genioses re marked the editor of a new york periodical of tbo illustrated variety ibave one in my employ as typewriter and office factotum who will some day be really great i cant say whether he will attain greatness as a slalesman or a burglar era nilbnater or an anarobist but hell get there somehow and in order that you may keep tab on him i will say that bis name is hiromis hiromiii henry leo how he got hiromis i do not know bnt i susneot tbat he did it as be doee other thinf- ho ts about seventeen years old and is smart enough to have graduated at a pretty- fair sort of cellece aa a sample of the kind of gebins hisisiist me olte an inttanoe or two of bis methods not long aco in lookjog over bis obpy of a letter i had dioiated i found that he bad written yeaterday for yesterday an easy mistske to make aeeing that the a and v are aide by side on the keyboard i called his attention to it and suggested that he bad better learn how to spell therea nothing muoh the matter with that said he glanoingover it indifferently notbaid i with eomo saroasm no said be yeameans the same things b yes doesnt it i bad to admit that it did thought i mads him write it over again another time i had occasion to use the latin word for manservant i knew tbat ancllla wss tbe word for maid servant but i bad lost the masculine i appealed to hiromis ancllla said i beiog the ltin for maidservant what would the word for manservant be do you tblbk you see i wanted to approach bim gradoilly for i felt the need of impressing bm urn aald he scratching his head did you say aucilla wb the word for maidservant yob baid i well ssid ho if anotlla putting the accent on the an is the word for maidservant i should sa t johneillaor jimolla-or- vtht fa song ijoud our oalli resound from morning till tbo darkness settles down and tbo moist oartb from tlio plowsbmros turn lirwavos of furrowod brown aa we oloavo tbo bward asundor wbora in pleasant quids will vravo ilarvests boaring bopoa of plenty tobrlng blosslogs on our trade aud wbdn dayeof fall andsutnmer toll ofswops to bo brought in and waltkg to rocelvo tboxn empty aland oaob barn and bin then wofll roap tbo worth of labor tbat fp oarlysprlug was bonn 1 won from timo tbat novor pauses claimed by industry alono we tbo stewards bteartha largou spread tbo tablofor mankind and tho town and city dwellers when thoy ask forbread shall find tbetfitaiit suppliod from treasuros fraflusldo and from plain while weluank cod for bis bouuty tbat wo labor toobtaln wirnrtm retts bmtwp isolated peoples perhaps tbe most isolated tribe of people in the world is the tshnktehl a people oobupylog the northern portion of the peninsula of kamohatka and the country northward toward bering strait these people are praotloally independent of bussla who appears to have reasons of her own for lotting thorn alone they have praotloally no oommunlcation with the onurdo world and have pnjy been vieltfla two orthree times the last time by msjor dewindtob his journey through slberlb the inhabitants of tbe new slborlao islands are also praotloally alone on earth for they oan only cpnimdnioate with the mainland and tbgrefore with the rest of the world ones loar and a suoosssion of bad seasons might isolate thorn for years the pygmies of tbe great central african forests if they oan be oalled a tribe have also been a people apart for ages their perhaps diokollla ought to ba tbe word for manservant he never willed and i didnt but i sent bim out after a lexiooo one inote and 1 am done 1 bad boen trying to get photographs of old things kind of a freak ahow exhibition yon know and hirpmlswaa mnnh interested aa he had twoor tbreo cousins who were amatedrcaroeribts at various times they sant in by bim a basketful of pbotogruphe but thoy were not to the point sit all and when i turned down the last batoh that he presented i told him to get odd things something for instanoe with two heads to it oan you tell me just what hoaaked no aald i desperately get a pbbtc- grapb of any twoheaded thing you can find and ill pay fifty cents extra for it hiromis smiled softly and went away it was saturday and monday morning he pamn in to my desk still smiling and laid a photograph down before me i looked at it a second and looked at hiromiii then 1 banded him fifty oents he had hrought me in a photograph of a barrel which mamma i juat saw unole charles riding up lbs avenne on his new horse you should say bo was driving my dear it he was in a carriage- but he wasnt driving the coaohman was driving all the bame darling you should say he waa driving it is an english custom icould i bay uncle charles and bis coaobman were there and unole charles wasdrivlpg no yob neednt say who drove others will know what you mean the neitnay ob pips i saw you driving toiey i think nol beebie iyes in an omnibus but i waa not driving i was simply riding in au omnibus mamma saya we drive nnlosswe are on horseback or holding the reins oarselves doe she woll or tbl-s- all 300 day method to find the interest on any buei of money at 6 raid for any number b dsys inltiply onethird of the days by one half of tho prinoipal and divide by one thoueandv example 500000 at 0 for 93 days 250000 multiplied by 81 equals 77500 7750000 divided by iooo equals 7ro9 to find the intereet on any stxra money at 0 for any number of days divide tbo priuojpil by four and moltlply the quotient by nnelhird of the produit of tbo rate by the timo in months and divide by one hundred example liu8 at 0 for cj mouths 1148 divided by i equals 802 802 multiplied by 22 equals 8082 8982 divl led by 100 equals 8982 in ubing tbo 860 day method if iulcrcst is required at a rain other than 0 divide tiietebbfro1irsinbdromtboroleitiiby and multiply tho quallent bji tbe required rale when interest has been computed by the sco day method the accurate interest may be determined therefrom by aula lug 178 of the amount how monevcumulats you ou examine tbo following lablo wbiolt is based bo4 per oent per annani makeup your mind as to tlio amount you oau sive out of vour hilary or barnloge and see at si glauoe just what yon will bave at the cud of uvo yeara there aro 305 days in a year take out 62 sundays and it will leave 818 working daya in u year now if yon save eaoh working day the following amounts you will at tho end of five years bnye a per day for amount interest total five years deposited earned amount right- then you were driving in the omnibus well no not exactly one shouldnt say that pot we ought to tell the troth yesi of conrre but i am busy now- life 05 i t833 mlt 85 07 10 150 50 1485 171 84 15- 284 85 222i 257 01 20 818 00 29 08 312 08 25 891 2b 87 10 428 85 85 409 60 41 52 514 02 40 026 00 59 30 08580 60 782 60 74 20 856 70 75 1178 75 111 80 l28s 93 loo 1505 00 148 40 1718 40 1 26 1950 26 186 60 2141 76 1 50 2317 50 222 00 2570 10- 176 2738 75 259 70 2098 46 2 00 8318 00 290 80 3126 80 every young man starting out in life prefers to succeed ralber than fail many fail becaube their education in the lino of ravings has been neglected tbe opportunity is open to every young man jqhn drv un his eleotlon haa been- voided for illegal a by agenta- wurruv ay 20 south ontario election waa voided by juuticos osier apd ltossand the trial brought to a poaolaiion this morning several oases ot perstonal bribery by hewitt morrlsb apa cpt bnlllvan lu piokering township were proven and respondents counsel admitted age hon john dryderi the iskin- dent at the eud of the several castes which were proven was eiamjnadby mr slake as follows i never hearajui iheens men except mr titus until their names ware mentioned in the examination for discovery i know of ho improper sxpendlture of money in tbs election their lordships thereupon declared the election void with wits to the petitioner before his time while passing whitehall the other day a stranger to loudoo bhked a pslioarraan if be bonld point out the window through yoloh king oharlrs passed oat to exeontion the pjliosrain aekcl wlo waa he king of england ofoourae the answer but when waa lliut over 200 yoars ago ah ah i that was lonn bjforo my time sir i only entered the force io 18il2 waa the polloomanb roply sorry i cant help youy enby gbibt ottawa oasana bolicltbr of patinur for invention ate iff prepares applications for tbeoaubdlan amer- ioanvand european patent otboea and for the litnaionos xrads warka bend for pam- t miurtvtwoyeaoexperlenoe pb ianoibndnan bookdindeb walhunbt ouolpb ontario wj account books ot all wds made order periodicals of every deaerlntlonearelollybound k promptly done vliiljrabbia licenses pl v h v hookb imiraua orwalnsllbaiibb privateoffloe mo wltnosios renlred issued at realdenoetu tbe evening a preefraakroffleeauiom mi m hum8tbeet lioxsssd atjotioiiaia early butler and 20 other kinds we carry largest stock in city- also buckwholt rape seed turnips etc garden seeds 3b pkt 10 for 25c j d mckee druggist u our agent for acton orders left with bim will receive prompt attention cooper ai f ho v arvtistlo tailors iit the cbuntles of wellington and helton ssfnissnr bprops anaetbrssjassato 6tjtotiiatbjsavubbv- samsot s5o0 and pwar bub0biaubstqjpkoapltai ail0t the wellinatonmutuat fire insurance company bstabusbed 1840 head omos qmlps ont w mailblnob on cash and mutual plan any atundedto j tiylob agent aoton ilftchinet auu eepajr shops hbhbxabwb i itball tbe maeblnert rfeg to announce to their friends and the public generally that they are now complete in their spriqg arid summer gppdsi consisting of the latest novelties from the best looms of the worlid and styles that are shown in new york and london see bur latest fashion plates i eo sbovr ourtgbods is a pleasured call and see us fit and wprkmanshipuar aritecd j s in actpn foj the celebrated bell warp serge which does not fkd ot change its color in two yr wear or money refunded opopkr akins main st acton this word u bur cwpyriibtedgnaranted for purity and strength when seen on our goods itmekesthsm the standard for their several purposes saaltspjeeenos preteot you from fmltations snd lnfearfo for it perslatle wsntvspray oontalns no niineral nolmnaraeau o parts green sure death to allinaeetufeluugfew harmleaa to vegola- uou canaoaaonljrellabloipray an shep dip l yjxmi m- iviiisssoioo5tttsd rrompi rrtisv btobk and rromptly tbstowual ii f jeiigtb always upitddate business halbortaand praotloa are taught tborcjgblyat the iaubtprl rliforu ffianluttbbrsts audlor rudlngttism ot all kakwaast andvermln it baaa sarpaaalngly rafnibbinsrrlort brlgbtena tb palt abdpuutho aalnlb inobghly bsaltby obnlltlon pries eiwla iiawirsit hit w arfn siri t stnt rirtf ifii w- iv- tvi-twv- a i- skmetsalal ksnoceetfullyised io all onajausuris a healthy draessd animal frtparket anditeoultry powder is kw 4 t torn yoortlmlar or in woilqvlt corrw r aioyiirym ieonv- said impatienllyiyst ooldly your notvld eight oolook he replied trying vainly to matoh her own lay tones agnes look at mo i it oannot bs tbat all is at an end between as i lovs yoa so truly so devotedly and i believed in your love sb firmly as i did in my hope of heavsn i thought we bod settled all tbat 1 wa tbs reply still in that odd tons of irnpa- liorloa and coldness you promised to return my letters there are here rinoe you no longer love me they bave lost their value and i do noli desire to keep them heplaood a seslsd package upon the table and turned as if to gov for an intunt she stoid quiet and then the forced compos ure nave way stay slie cried yon shall not bevtlhaverdecelvedyoniho fafi i did love yon gardluef i do lovo you i no do not embraoe roe can you not under- stand i i oannot live in poverty i oh i oannot i beliovod that love would com pensate for all but i did tint nndbrland i bus nothing of my own but i have lived altniy life inluiury m aunt denieat me nothing aud i believed she would iu llme become reconciled to my marriage with yon but shs nsvsr wlll and now ainoe iff delmayna has offered hlmsbliionie fwbygoovelr the old grbnnd again t gardiner said io quick paaslooate acoents you ban bs the wife of a rnlllitoalrsi a nian old enough to be yonr grandfaiber ton oan have oont ml of wealth all the luxury yonr heart desires what matters 1 that you tramnlsanon as pure as dsvot- ed a love as wastfcr icffererl tsi woman tbat yon orqah a bsati was all yontj ownbllgbted an arnbltlon that hid worked only for yoa i lettlsss trifles ge yon will be john dslmayues wife and i i shall sorvlvo it i am not made of the slnff that drives dsspalrlng lovers p sol- old e believe me i can jnrtlrasio pile eooismptunonmjrlooaesbati shall be quite burled it imnaiis and stings ins now but i wllloooqher that and no guest aiyour aball havo- abribtr srolle thsnmlnsv he bowed formally and left the bonse to walk fait and without aim till lbs gray dawnoirovs1ttisji iuy agoes wrbjtlijnnd bi bisnwisibnala jlt turns a very dream of beauty was sitting in ber annta parlor awaiting the usual evsnldg visit of her elderly admirer mrs bratt hor aunt was talking in a mono tonous ripple of the trosseau already in preparation the bridal tour and the wedding party with wblpb she intended to astonish society and agnes listened in silence wondering if tbe rumor that gar- dinar lavvrsrioe was going abroad wastrbe a ring at the door was followed not by the tall commanding figured johnjqelmayne but by mrs pratts msnservant with a note a nolo opened languidly bat which stirred the reader to oonatantaolmstlon agntsl she brled hsten i- what a horrible note i existence was little mors than legendary and only two expeditions commanded by white men have ever penetrated into their abode t iadrav mover dewey tbe worlds uorm halstead sua t efmasiiuons idol madam when i roqiioa ted your permlaslon to payyoar addreetos to yonr nleee iwas total ly lgnorsuitllbbimporiahtfbtibat aba waa already bttrotbad wbklng upon a promise of marriage as quite aa binding aa tbo marriage vowa themselves i ana borrloed at my own action ibeg madam to withdraw my proposal with my moat oarnoit apologies for the wholly unpremsdltatod intuit to yoornlooa who will i trust pardon mo for ray error aioet slnoerely your friend joirh dslmayns there waa a moment of prof oond tuenoe then mrs pratto said witba sigh how fortunate lha engagement has not been announcer no one need know of this there was no answer agnes seemed stunned perhaps under the olroumstanoes mrs pratt aidwsd better say nothing yet of the brokeneugeftomeot mr law- renoe has gobs abroad thsy say j so there will be rib apparent quarrel tnor real one i cried agnes i have been miserable ever since i saw gardiner last butt will go and write to him and and ibla wretched estrangement 1 i beswd tcwiayi mrs pratt said that hlabnoleoharles gardiner is immensely wealthy and has uo sbildrso he lives in florence having had weak longs did jbn ever hear of him i yes i never hssrd of his wealth bnt gardiner la very fond of him yon are tore not st all but it might be well to en- qulr about it v ithswlbtsryaaa gay bns and annas vwrnstwidfiarounbsltloa ii hevtnoft best wav to make ice cream wbere oream alone is used in making ice oroam onehalf or onethird of tbe quantity need should besoalded the suar dissolved inthe aoalded portion and whan cool added to tbe remaining quantity of oream wherb oream is not obtainable milk may be used enrlohed bylthe yolkt of eggs allowing fonr to saoh quart of mlk scald tho milk in a double boiler beat the oggaandaoaar together add to tbs hot milk 000k for a momsnt then strain into the lea oream mould and freeze june ladif ilomeouriial the money some men make lirat ilau hello bill what are you driving at these days you seem to be on tbe jump all the unas and walk as though you bad important business on hand second man well the fact is jack a littls prosperity nnts lhsdrivointo a man i have struck a position at last after a year of hard luuk which is panning- out first rate first man well thats your luck for i am doing mighty little these days bnt what have you struok second man i have taken a book agency from tbe bradley garralson 0o limited of brentford ont they have been at me for mpntue to oanvasa but i laughed at the ideebnd e last ihoy made mo a good offer so i thought id give it a trisi i have been st the wofk now two monihs and i like it first rate and am going to eliok to it plrtt man say bui lo you think 1 ooold do tbs work for i saw the adveitlamenl of this firm yesterday for mare men second man i dont aeo why yon could not bnt writs sud gel them to make youanoffer first man thanks old man i will ami ill let you know how it turns put the mibaoe of wealth it la pliable beyond words to see myriads of yonng msn missing the wellspring of a joyful simple life which rises at tbo door of most men in their mad rash for the mirage of wealth how many have confessed within my knowledge to tbe mistake whioh io their oase bss been irrstrlsvuble i higblyatrnng nerves the inability to live wilhont stlronlaqtt the hatred of the oountry for itey qaiotpand-of- children for ihilrnolaej tbe habit of seoorinij aervlpe by gifts of roonsy or blgb wsge the memory ot tlioie who have been orubhed down in tho oager rash srs not tho best conditions for lis enjoyment of rase andresi even ff as is not at all certain they are obtained young men the ideal life consists not in the abundance of things yon possess but in what yog are 8eek odd purity wisdom a knowledge of books science and nature and all other things will be idded onto yourbev f b meyer dimtiorjjapael jimiltitiiotpakii br epid wantep ii- ms jjjs ypungtasq rrro pv r losnsltssin jseis iinstsrlbwirti vv r v profit i lost notes ii is a hot that to many minds no doubt most bo very curious that lbs bank of england has always bad a pretty steady source ol proflt in the lass and destruction of its bank notes says tbe condon nsws what it has gained of late years in ibla way we are unable to say but during a period of fifty years proceeding 1882 the bank had made a clear ilwooofrom outstanding paper never likely to bs pretsotsd for payment when the dsstrootlon or ihe lirsvooabls loss of a note oan bs proved as iu tho avsfit of a fire or a wreck ii oan the bankjof oourst will always pity twbobsy u reprfsssnts and ovsn when ihers is doubt aboutlt the cash is paid on secoritybelnj given tor inrfemnifylrig lbs bank ibljuld the nov hrwww worth biilaiperttiimv1 w bsbe pllwiwukwlsirtiw rossuni the ojj6lllhillsibavi some awibmbtfijrwm mimfy msooffefsoi thstfnndered bank i maxims about eatino it is seldom a man dies from eating too little but often from eallng too much through a surfeit io eating wisdom ia hludered and the anderstaaiding is darkened tbe rulo ii never to sab or do avnythlog from the mero inapralts of pleasore bat nbt immndsrately he whe eats with most pleasant is lis e7ho least requires sauoe eating and drinking not only maintain life but are tbs cause of death met his match boblngereollxeoenlly was talkipg with an old colored woman in washington upon religious matters do you really believe tunllei said he that peoplo are made qosotdubt yas aabl thu dlblo says day is and sq i blieveo il bqt what is done in wbl weather when there is nothing but biud dsu i apeots dsy make inbdelt an snob truck at straltordonavoo the potts birth- plaoe it desk said to ibvo been jtsed by idhhiipear the desk looks aathenlio it arllhbte gsnersllone ot sohool- twiwhimn r jfc ii tilifi iiimb ppppfpff isivi jtkii idslt

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