Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 15, 1899, p. 2

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ggto m- j r wrjcrtttwfjwfivjp mars1bd hdtouinbom jacxsok at too raeldaooe of too bride pareute brio on wedsmdnr 7tb juno by hot wb beytorie alex b hatch- inion to maggie daagotor of william jack on roartb line kiln lunrxtibub uoxsitft at is kink or aw montreal on taetday 8th jane by be h uqdkd hill m a mr jum cameron lmtlrell eon ol joaepb tinttrall hea to carolina wilbeltnina daughter or mr froderlok voeeer townimn oitmuith at the raauanoa of tbeprldoa parenubtorjoj greek on wednee day jon by bobl davay mr bd ward townaandaon of wmtowiiaejd of 8t marie miob formerly of acton to jaeue daugbtor of brook galbradtb baq stkyenhon atmaplabank onalpb on taea day june 6tb win ataraoion axlf ayor agad aayaara hbrrsnnah at milton on tneeday 8tb mra dj hefforneo formerly of guolpn la her nityear allana hie borne lot 7 ooh 8 erin on tuesday jane 18th john allan ar native of berwloubire boouandaed8syeajrr wonuiiif athetbooji near ao ton on batni q daughter of tb lata yeare liil ii n neighborhood news news itmiuppir pondenta j svlcbrrae- bo th ontario government fees granted incorporation to harris and company limited of bookwood naianiaolorer of woollen goods the aharewepltel of tba company i f 25000 and tba provulooal director an mra marianne htrria wm harris and mia bcbecoa 8 bmilb isvlot as oohi ajsaonealog irday 1mb jonvcsailotb aujobn wordo aged 7 fbt 3tuittl3fiasr thubsday jdne 1 1899 i notes a co ainepenee tba other day a roan- w awarded 1700 damage at tba amlxea for the fraoturo of a leg oaustd by getting entangled in a defective plank walk jit the kent eaaiies ibe same week a resident of chatham relieved tba corporation of that oity ofhoo for injuries sustained by a fall doe to a rotten plank in a walk aooordiog to a return jaelbrbught down s33w000 jnbuee iteinpa and 7000000 oneceot jubilee pwtoards wan lamed by the government the cost ol mann- faolurlng being 112080 of the present iue of stamps whloh were place oa aale in november 1897 s1286o0 were printed and 80500000 poelcardl by general order dated 1st desember 1888 tba sale omntoxloating llgnora in regimental messes and oanteene at bampa of ioatrnotlon waa entirety prohibited this order is still in jorot snd the minister of mutliav has oanaad orders sobs iuoed tbat hsnoeforth iho generatorae above mentioned u io te followed in ill entirety a nnmber of public bohoo boards throughout tba province have petitioned ibe department of dooation to relieved of the border of a oolloglats inaulute on the groond thai u is a hlnaranoe to good work i in lbs pablio bobools zf la saggeeted thai there bs fewer collegiate and higbbohool better equipped and that tha popila be charged a fee she boston menufaoturere mntnal fire insurance oompany in response tov many lnqnlriee from its mambers has had ibe aubjml of aostylsnaiigbunninoltialh its advantages and dangara ar th proper vpjae9as to use for the rmrpoaa oaref ouy axamloed and as a resoll of 1u examination advises ita member not to try tba experiment of naing j at praaent onlll batter mstboda and appllauoea are available than any yet pat on the market the 5tfiia armtr apaper of national repotation i devoting oohaiderabla spaoe to oinadlan topic- in a reoenl issna it gave a oondensad reaanu bl hanltobaa agrionlloruprodaotlon and wrallb with oompreheoaiva ataustio relating to tba development of the province fxhif artlole is prefaoed with the statement that v0 farmewr farm servants and other with famlllee have left scotland to try their fortona amonirat the kith and kin in tha dominion na8 mr john kitoben jr near koatobbnll had cow killed by lightning on monday slh inst bit loss i heavy and there is no inrannbe as bin cows were patturiag on the road blatnte labor la now the order of l bo day bonn of the bttta have fintabed mr j b nlokle has the- eontraot for bonding a new bridife over the flrer on the knatcbballline boring the thandir storm on monday dihllist the lightning strook tbo aohool- haqs io no i beollon also mr jamas erwlna barn on the danieuv farm also tba telephone line near koatohbutl mb ertoo damage was done bannockburn th following sre tba names of thoaa who obtained the highest mark in each class for april and may v iram olua v myrtle watson olua iv james henderson oiih iii ina dsnney olias ii annie benderaon sr beqnel mabel moftt jr seqnel maggie mcdonald ut- qlasa iv jams btndanon oims iii ina denny oimsh aonls henderson br saqasl evert dsnney jr seqael maggie mbdonsld b the bridge co jnuhed aattlng the new brldg last week it is qnte ao aoqowtion to the plaoe thire wen over fifty vchioles at the foneral of the lata henry maud last thottday rev d bharpe oondnoted tba iarilsaiv for three weeks mln m blaok misa a abbot and others have been training the disciples 8 b sohoura for a ohlldrena say siurolses whleb was nicely given banday roorhlng the slngiok by the obolr and school was good tba ohoroh area beautually decorated with flowers the workers deaerve credit for their faithful labors on sunday evening we were fornlshed with an eroellerit sermon by rev mr draniton orboakirood mm harihsll returned monday evening altar few days visit with- friends in toronto mln bhanklln of toronto i visiting her friend at the makings home here- we all ezpaot to enjoy lha oonvention here this evening cbbw8 co death lies again made ita appearanoe in par nilghborbood and oarrled off one of our highly esteemed yonnjl ladles in tba paraon of aflat charlotte 6 wordeo eldeat danghtar of tba lata john warden whopmsed away on saturday eysnlbg notbb fro ca niaoara the brigatdai in deneral and com- party 0 lome rlflee in partloulr r dain ms euiiob i know you and your readers are intareeted lu the boy at oimp and oonaequmtly have pleaauru iu sending yon the following notee we liakad up theother ooropanie of halton btualion last tuesday at qaorgetown- btewarltown- milton aud burlington and as eaoh company was added a general renewal of aeqnalntanoes among ofbcers and men took plaoe and considerable hilarity resulted we left burlington about 1 oolook and got sattled in oampabont 080 p m we were about three hours on the lake giving ui an elegant sail our tenia were all pttohad for us and wbsn we got our knapiacks nnloided the bugle oalled for npper quite a dittlnguished feature for tbeflrl night in oamp we lined np and- roarohed to the mess tents the men going to one tent the aeorgente jto another here we were waited upon by attentive waiters and an btdoec came at interval to report any pomplslota and i believe the moil serlouswas tliat the tea bad been watered which in camp life fa not too serioaat least on first oflence tbesotb generally baa exoelleni ofboerr but no 0 has every reaion for believing they have the beet they are taking a keen intercatiothemen and thair sbooess and lbs men appreciate it and do their vary best to porno qp jq the highest ambition- of their opmmsndlng offloer the oompany has greatly improved daring tba past week and the men are determined to lead the whole camp in fact not to mention the 20th alone in general effiocnoy it is admitted tliatno 6 lead the 20tb in general pbyaiqno and will bring back to acton the honor they already hold and more alio i expect no 6 will flguro oonspiijionily in the coming oonoert of the oamp aa we have in oar mldtorne of the best singers and inalrnmental mualciana in this oamp of aome 4000 men the y m- o a tent at oamp la well attended bervioea have been oondnoted by evangliel oromble of london every ava the oamp had ohurob parade sunday morning ii was a fins sight to oe the man formed op in a hollow square for aarvloa ifajorgenersi hbllon addressed the parade after service but our oompny waa to far from the front to hear what was going on we expebt to be reviewed next friday by the majorgeneral binoerely yonrs anohcom camp niagara june 12th 1890 taklntc medicine in the then fell aa well aacver in to life i can eat all kinds or tbdd and it doacnt cause me auypaln iamyhtomach now aa it alwayi did before i toox dr p1er med icines lean cfietrlullr aay to the nub they need not hesitate ta uklng dr i golden medical dlacovery for ttyapepala it after a lingering lllnaasalthoogt bar bb waa not bneintrt she will betpresided her forover thirty year and haa the manitoba farmere who have beef oatlle to aell this spring will reap av harvest as price sre yerhlgbu ranch aa flvsand half oenu arnd belojl pabl on ibe tarma- an enoxmons trade haa been done for amral numlhs psat in otookerav tba provinoe having bean aooured by buyers from tba btates and the northwestterritorlaa who bane paid fromtis io tbryeatlioga a prominent ranohsr aaya that tbe tentiloruuranobiw take all tea atooker that tba manitoba farmers bao ratsevvand vtbrttteyabedtjay parttcolar attenllon to ibis branoh tit bualnaiai among tba amendments of lb m ph lolpalart dorwgthalaetaesalob rt iguave assarnblyof ctacol wh lliiiarlinslbiiraisa uewspnittr of mbnibrpal b ixjardaare not lnasrlingvm5 rabllonotlbetj iharaforirfie i joortultawthapritonajb ireadjheeffambciidin the provlaelal klaetionaaefc v greuly mibhdjiojb rat home and by a wide oirbie of friends her sorrowing frlsndthalre ibe sympathy of all in ibeir adbirevalroew- tbs many friends of bav 8 w holded wfll wp to know that he i to remain bo tills olroull aribiber year and that tba obrirbb is lb be kspt opsn pb mr hufford of tor preach in tbeohuroh here next babbatb at the baiial boprlla m mrs orr of ortpn who is visiting tier daoghllisy gray and mrs lamb la in varyvpoor bealtb her msnyfrlends b lut sbs msysooo reooysr 7larodmrsjmimws ipent babdsya4mrdiopalandy georgetown days at bl brotbers mr jasi 8uujwatb mirtoljepaiin who baa been vultlng retoiiboiialastsek iaiai jjsrimodonald of orangvllle aratowaulwjbrownof aotoo vlilwd atmrvjaavoamkibsootqeaday sy v thkdiscipib8 op christ v thaannarfjowa6nttoro i corialudedwlmeat in momumxsitmmluut of ibe connsinon the disoipbieof ohrlsl wai v jlbevwbfiuiearph im jtetjywsr3i ijifisksiil- -i- an oper evaded mr r a size of inoerloll ont tells how it w don symptoma of appendloltla the way they were relieved the sufferor now well and working every day from lbs gbrnulele ingarmll onl rn february 1898 mr b a size wis taken very 111 and was confined to bis home for several week we beard that he was to go to the bospital to bare an operation performed but the operation never took place and asba hsaatartad to work again and in apparenty good health we inveetlgated ibaoas and foand thai be had been using dr william pink pills for pale paople mr blae la a higljlyj respected oltixen of ingersoll having en yon aee man old enough to be grandfather pick up a heavy trunk and inarch off with it on his shoulder you that a man may be young nt almost nny age if 111 blboil contains the elements that youth il ninde of that is jtlie sort of youtli that y pierces golden putfl into a mans ve3mititgive bfnt digestive power it tarns hi food irito good nourishing blood it enablestlic liver to keep thai blood pure and free from bilious poisons it fills him with muscular strength and vitality it makes lilni in the truest sense young again and keeps liiin ao i am pretty well nowtbranian of nlxtjr three- yean y mr john lnmon of anhhjr grant co minn i had irfert very boilly trai led for many years with lyicrla alj nal caurrhand gotao bud and wenk that i could not work i coutd hardly eat anythlnir without vomlt- inx mid a pain in uie monlnch and a burning attnotloq coming into the throat i look dr hercea ooldcn mnllnl dlncoverjr and pleniuiut pelleta and can truly y tllcae mcdldnra hav helped me wonderfully i commenced taking thera lu the mil and uled them all wmcr i- look nfteen bottlea of the dlacfyery and auc of the pelleta- according to dlrectlona and iccordlug to dlrectlona an ntuat aay that both are good honct medicines ilmnraved right alon from iheverybegl nlng iiliat atopped taklojc medldne in th latter narcor may gud then fell aawell a ever xcsn crteermlly aay to thejuiblic that 1 not hesitate in uklng- dr plerma ledlcal wacovery for dyapepala it will eradicate and cure the disease if anything will if you are in poor health write to dr r v pierce of buffalo n y it will cost you nothing whatever for bis advice although he u at the very head of hia profession in the treatment of obstinate chronic diseases there are tvo kinds pfmen to be found everywhere those who are obliged to dress roughly while at work and those whose occupation in volves no difference in attire forthe laborer we have heavy substantial boots for the business man comfortable sensible shoes for the boys and girls good knockabouts and for the ladies the latest novelties in footwear ouk spring stock is now coming in and em braces goods sure to please our customers as to style quality and prices call and see our new linib w williams li7fltli8o mrandn i d mulhtalfarnr p colejbretothlhisbiiver j asorgajmalbbllaidibfl iberarm i0 tjilj 1 u bean a faithful employee at messrs perrtb a 8ons flooring mills fur brer nlnttntif years when asked by a caroafce repohiir whstber ha would give an interview for publication tailing the nature of his disease and hi oure bo readily ponmnted mr bin gave tba detail of hit iilnen and obre as follows v q in febrnaey i banght a heavy oold wbloh tsmed to aettle in my left aide the doctor thooghl it was nenralgla nerve it nmalned there for soma tine and than meved lo my right aide in the region of ibe appendix wo appiledovery- tblng and bad flyblulers on for fortv- irighl boors they never even caused a ulster and did the psln no good the doctor came to the conclusion that the appendix waa diaeaaed and woold have to be removed the pain was very greai at times and there was oob aeiiftues iu my aukle al i my hgn aud p my body theday and dsta was aetfor an operation and i eras rebonolled to it about a- week before 1 waa to go io lbs hospital ny wlfet wm wadlbjr cafciev bberaad anaocoabtbfj who bad been onred by tbnea of willisnis pink pills rbsbyroptoms a dissaa were somuobllw -mine- iw aba besam inieresled and waotad ma jrivbibtl pfllaaijlrlal i ldutthvfailbin uia- pills bat as my wife aeemod io b wxibelr ihatiabbbldvtae hhtmrnrsiibp 1s43 june ijtii 1899- hamiltons favorite shopping place iii s- dpes8good8 diagonal serge in brown fawn and grey 42inch allwool regular goc for 32c ahwool suitings in fawn 46 inches wide regular coc for t35c fancy checks allwool 44 inch in fawn brown cardinal and green regular 75 and 90c for 50c covert suitings 48inch in fawn blue green and tan regular 125 for s5c herringbone and worsted suitings in blue grey green and fawn regular tr for 73c silk grenadines 46 inches wide in blouse lengths only stripes and check patterns in blue mauve garqet and green- regular 223 ta j- for sj30 fancy french costumes in singlejdress lengths green blue fawn grey regular 99 and jio for 0500 immense sale of fancy silks in blue green garnet golored tottelns mauve and brown regular 65c reduced to 30c fancy taffeta silks various pretty patterns in pink blue green yellow and mauve regular 85c and fr now 65c striped taffetas in pink mauve and mandarin regular ft and fi25 reduced to 730 fancy striped taffeta silks in paeblue nile purple and mauve regular i125 tr vawiaajaawt en ftes and 1135 reduced to 85c jancy check and stripe taffetas in blue yellow mauve pink and black and white regular o150 rcducedtotibo useful remnants of plain and fancy silks selling very much under their regular value sdbouu values iri wash dress qbods knotted stripe ginghams this seasons in green pink blue gingham novelty mauve and purple fprmerly 30c reduced 25c fine tucked dimities in plain shades of pink blue and mauve formerly 32c now 20c tucked dimities in scroll patterns various shades including blue pink and grey worth 2jcfur iaic checked and spotted plane in white grounds with patterns in red jmen blue mauve pink black and lawn regular value 2jc for i2jc special lot of american organdy muillns 30inch in whito and colored grounds neat floral and scroll pattern 14 pieces in this lot worth 18c lor 120 french piques in various ilied stripes white and a ysrlely of pretty shadings 32 inches wide special at 35 and 40c white cordelle lawns in various striped patterns 27 inches wide ypleces in all extra good value at 23 18 and 15c plain irish linen crashes 36 inches wide value at 23 a very large supply special 20 17 aauf 57rtt tjmj u allif idt tj c the fact of your not being able to do your shopping personally in hamilton does t ivl x iii xf vjti oaaalxjiido debar yon from reaping the benefit of valnea llketheso use oar mall order department we prepay ibe charges to any railway station in ontario n all orders amounting to l5obor over king st east cor hughson st jbias c wfcibltai hamilton rockwood woollen mills establlshad 32 yoara mb fi p isivi the best you have and all you have a large clip of wool is needed to meet our growing trade as manufacturers of best quality tweeds friezes and home spunv the rules that govern our buying of wool gire these ight and fair inspection in eveica rice for your woolthe ruling market full agbl iiftl best yalue8 in finest staple goods in ex change the transaction could not be simpler nor based on squarer lines the record of the past is known to you arid may be accepted as an earnest of what is to be expected in present and future transactions what for thirtytwo years we have done for many old customers we are prepared to do for new customers who will find this a profitable place to do business mabe astray v abav uabb wllh wblte alar on forebsb and white off hind foot bai a spavlns onnlgb bind teg owner may noover hr bv proving property an peylngexpeniea m atjciiask vsa clarki hotel aotonjj catfle pasture cftttltt puturod chomp by tbo ipuod or modibod 900 ivtsroa netur orewwni contain with buh nd ipiitte ereokf good attedtloo- even to cattle aadrau mn a watan 8s indon bod gnelph or apply to mr bort bltton on urn premum for furtber purtloalari fishikft pbe3euve8 notice is hereby blvon that oibldg and ahootlnaon the stream running tnrourhi the east part of lota b do si and th west uar j oflotailn tbettheon rtaasagaweya are pro 1 hlbltod treapauera will be proaaouted- under v tba ontario game lawa wbtabk aeton may gib 1689 do you lissiux methodist a hit pabtie8 diids the driving abed ivt tlia motbodialvchtarohaotod ajrequowud to utlil fr boo injnwtos grtvv6l from mr john wftltoa sravolplbfor tfio lmpromtsb ol uia bed 00 stvtatrtuy of tbte woo 17th of nine vvm bltowh obalrmui of coinmttoe a tannery tor sale terms idf vfiry cheap easy credit brick buildings and complete good eoflne and boiler and at water katablubed btuloeai in fiood town plan abapdant splendid etaanoo for man with ignited capital for information apply to scott lm1j8 a hobson hamixtok wanted a gbrttsln every diatrlbt on the eontlnsnt xx to take orders for high grade oanaman grown nnraery btooa and beeax largest and moat oonaplete msortment in the- trade- fast- selling apeejaltles uperbaainplasfurndabed obrrespradsnoeviaany- lugoagej basa nhya ouraafar freatoori poaltloha ere roensy makers and temtorr stiould be ssearaa at onoslor tba season by all hostlers looking tor a good thin mission- offers interest ary eom not eanung aithxmx per year ust in bommusloatlon with our nearest offlee d an opportnnity to represent awaustabllabedhonae- ability more lmpor tut than sxperlsooe luke bbotheb8 oompany international nunerlee ohlcagto tjit afontrea qneboebmtar it y four parcels 61 valuable f sal tbb following tnvnerty belonging to itr pavbiok kellv row ol dnffalo hi offered foraato a low prtees and eaartarma fucna 1 that flnalirlek realdenoe snd two lot on tba eornsr of ohoroh and anelpti streets ooatalna sraonulhard and aofl water splendid orooardond good garden piaoax oood building lot xua on onalob street past to alex baauhaws new raatdenee upon whleb ia a roung orehard fiscal 8the store and dwelling on mill treat oooupiad byourney bros wbo earry on a gtnarajbnalness is in splendid location central ana convenient piioarr t three goad bnodlng lota at lha ooraerof younsf and tdlll streets a splendid alia for a majinxaetnruavwtabuabmentpwuig toluprolhnltytoottb depot for terma and paruoulara enqnlrs at the offloe w h db1 hdbnny young t aeton consented th day f or the operailon bad tow arrived and i told ibe dpelo thai i did not ihlnlt x would go to tbehosrslat wkilamlwaileallrit bonunned the pill and was ipreatly r iljrajrrifpiaaa roilleiia eel piaesiiieil thai oooilnoed u improve anbave long tlno jpg i robert nobles flour feed and seed tote jtenaleaxxartroveat now zaxuah 3 heilla onuli w able walk s daihai beeu tbrlngtbm s fote j aljlftfjliwhasta fciutgibilia j r and tbsy hae done me vvhat 1trepresents c enyonnj want the li to repiesept you properly a you sit to bs we wait the work lorepresentua properly burmprl- l8eeiv on nond but the best photo- liifaxtpv y abd ftjr our sake aa well as yours we aresure to give you lifelike satis fac- lory pholographs jphotoaralristi crott mmm aba branch mmlmffl aulwsuea that gratify vw teriid been noted in public ilonld have ln living now fcls- tr 1 jjatlui aar x i qommlttos od hprolpa sugar beat tobnis jjennies prlmt forpje top xltphut ball westhury mancles new qidni tteuovr afanunoth tttjlow carrots improved white valuable property in acton por sal bv t sealed under wul be received bv tbo beo- retary of th trnstoe board ol the baptist obnrmopp saturday 10th june tor the ssfsaw 1 znat most eligible building lot no 17 in a bating a trontige on jttu btrtet of m i on willow attestor 89 feet am ebont 87 inwiduiattb rear tt r the lev la- to hs tha most valuable amulablaballuuig lotlo uuaenterlirlalngtownfor meavaaulsipoxpeses ill very central boln a immedlaalyoppcalt aadlnuoesotnettbelraslnesa ill la entirely nnobslrnctad ltrse eld lupuitoliureh ajid tba lot binon wbuhltatands thalbt is about s mist and ualtoated on elgin bbeet and onli removed from mill btreet the ohoroh la a umbered frame- plaa freplaateedoubjl aimlsinrimeoold beoouvarle d welllngor would be suisabla 1 or a amall man- lbs oonvarledlnto a mil twejcjwtoak rpru u j iori of lot on hill and willow bireets immediately and of thohnrob and lot asaoonvaathenow edlnee isieonipleted taaata car baunvm parf eenvtol porobu money wbeu aie leeffmted the balanoe as mar bo arranged with tha trnawee the blgbost or any lendexnorneeeataruyaaeantm t v jamaalcelatoah samnsl b werdan aetoa its purchasing power was never greater dvnrtkmx ijano seed noted tba store jlk06bepitisbgb afeonlly obebf 5tba iwnltoolbmlwauin ihartiroohdvhloh otdadrvwiilia ibf onmarbtg lafaiw tfi hd rwiillama y fbero ibey will be sent poalpald el u oseu a box or six boxes for ttu byaddrealog she dr william meololue co brook vllleifjnli v 0wt vtvo if ri tfeaaaiiiijw spend everyay allal jfpoyptlt itarrfwjjfsatgiwiv agbnrs wantbdpor y ufa- and jtohuvamsnt of adniusllmwiir tna worlda oommuulons ume write qal r affoer oaxcbn bldg pblcago tvatjesanoea writs qnlek tba domlulon oompany bemarsta bn mrs mlobml ibbrtan plalnfleld iii makas ihavjlatsmanl thai sbe oanght boldihlah mlld on her longs she wtg lreaijlo5monin by yhe famliy phltn bulgrew worss he told bar smlaajiloilm of oonaumpllon tadtbal noraedlclnanld care bar hsr drogglsl suggested dr klvga hew liwwwir 6ptigbi mxwirvi j jto- rt amawnaat ia sol an and bat a mean and a large cdrimgnriient of freah turnip seed all yahetieb 166 peronnd0r 8 lbs for 1100 broad leafed ebbox sowing itape 16 lbs for w00 yisit oar china paluco aooojid- floor speoial bargains in din ner setts toilet softs and toa sette fer instant ygu 16 yard print fast colors i yard wide i j yards printed muslin n m wide ao yards fast color check gingham 25 yards linen towelling 20 yards crash towelling 5 yards dice tabling 4 yards turkey tabling x yards pnrejunen worth 60 cents a yard 34 linen towels 10 linen xovvels 2044 3 pair 500 corsets 5 pairs silk gloves 4 and 5 1 pain seamlesa heraadoridyed cotton hose a pairs ladks button boou 3 pairs childrens low shoes 2 pairs fine lace cortaln 15 yards gingham shining 3a in inouse wains were lias 2gbod parasoiev 1 durable silk covered parasol ladies wranpera braid trimmed childrens trimmed hats 100 eitenungrromlbeatlanuo seaboard to per metifer 100 a felthats 8 a jo ties 8 pairs aoo braces 3 balbrlggan guernseys atop shirls a white shins laubdried a unlanndrled shirts worth 75c 1 pair tan shoes worth 143 toniagaiaas delphla washington and all prlnlpipolnra in tba south andby its eonnecuon it reaobes all prlndpai poinu in the weatarn states and facjnoooast i witi tbronau tietala to all foreign folnta for ueaoripute dnlflea time cables etc vylpa hle and human itlelngs are two distinct larnlueo and cannot llva happily together fit your windows and doors with sceena frpmsymon and cnjoy life alone crooerlas fresh fish received daily cvt jywepjferihg special ijjs in miilfnery ibr the meirdvantsge tt lipibk aye space to tell tomatoes 7c vontit8c- salmon 10c best red i pk corn starcbj ajc beat american coeil oil 1 readymixed paints and tfiflijrv t ln for farm and fu0iijmpmjtqjaissstc- for stoke fte we are paying for this is we are selling svmiti yjsvsy or in other word keep our heshc ty mm frees b bushes xtinbrtrwtaiiv jwuukboiuc xtc a fuhatstriisnt bf books oarajrirslajjuts xtc

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