Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 15, 1899, p. 3

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nr cttunj the bank of hamilton chaster granted 1873 quad orriqb hamilton out capital all paid up 1 260000 00 reserve and surplus profits 9800000 oo total a seta 9 1 2000000 oo j turnbull casmlr sayings department interest pafd it beat current rates and added to principal without waiting for pass tys jrder with the pass book book to 60 preiented any sum may bo withdrawn by simply sending in n written no formalities no delay tho government returns show that this banv gives jo depositors four million dollars of security over and above every ceot due to the public farmers notes ot responsible ftrmers discounted money loaned to feedcattlo etc tanners sale notes collected promptly and advances made on account of same at a low rate ot interest security conrtesy fair rates every banking facility afforded which can be obtained in the city or elsewhere correspondence solicited georgetown branch xtabxi11i1u otb twbhtx xum j p bbll affont masaaamaaiwammsmiismsmmsajismsmismmawsiaamaaipssb sjj jlttoii xtt tesp thursday june 15 1609 the news at home mostly of a looiicftssractar and varv item intaresilntt little local brieflets whlor caught the eyes or ears of frea press reporters this week tho new sewer on churota stmt la being pat down r holmes drover shipped a oaf ot took on monday wlnn johnnie eomes msrohjng- bome on saturday new mown bay will be ihe farmers wslooms petfomeihortly the volunteers will return from the damp at kiagara on saturday the board ol eduoation will meet next toeiday evening at eight oolook eh inuni stock will be pretty well eat oat at browns ssw mill this week the corporation hay makers will soon be on their annual rounds on the streets imr james clark ol the aotos boiler miut is shipping floor this week to st johns nawtonndland the new bridge on obaroh stress over thamul stream and the apprdsohes thereto was oomplslsd last wook archibald mcdonald who died reoently uvetqnailng had resided 76 years on the farm 09 whioh be ws born the alkenhead prodo6e oompsny are baying large qoahtltterol butter and eggs from tba farmers these aays o m boyd of trafalgar bad a team of bones itilltd by lightning on wednesday night of last week the malt and empire correspondent refers to lite helton bsttalion aa a remarkably progressive battalion mr cbse sing of bnrlington was slruok by lightning wfiile in his barn and was paralysed from hu waist down 3 excursions enmmer visits driving and bloyollog tours are now being arranged by men and women of leisure the quelph pavement company will pot down another block ot graoolilhio pavement on mill street in a oonple of weeks the methodist sunday school orehestra bas been engaged to play at a garden party at norval next tuesday evening tbe tent caterpillar peat is worse this year than usual the caterpillars are to be found on almost all varieties ot plants sadshmbs the clinton sew record has been enlarged and improved lately the journal is one of the most progressive in thsprosiae mr matthew beatty oampbeuvule bat been appointed by the lieutenant governor clerk ot the 6tb division oodrs at campbell villa tb aoton home oirole no 60 la rsrtysddldgtdlu membership fifteen new membsrr hive been initiated at tbe laattwoineettngt wew campbell la plasteripg bis twestysmontt bouse and is engaged to tiavs u ttnaj for wi tenant by l first ol next moptb ics writes the fans wtbjtownsmpotbetsldg ian lifyerotff oh thai roat fros jtoo to jfns it is- in a most wntobsi oondl- io 1- 4 olrsotor john lawsools noallnfr mf omvsitia into swvln rtjheehnrpb f kjigsbjrgs a savage formely of fft baft d a i tbe it jswa with lnlsmfror himself jhipibsti aftbe ertjrnn1 jfdratbv haley tl maaon bas pswsoxfor a moniter plcnlo at tbat wertwrjssw jtnne abt tftas mru at 11 a m vrithvao potidad by lbs isesof iuhjand continues witt jfapsramaoawvjvtj aiament in waterloo jawtmpioim to be prtsratf imt sx5 lfoffi wjlf make 1 m owta a h hsllss jweu a it sraoant to 90 per gent and qmfnvbbtbday near iisbvistob hi 5 1a ostbsras fine new uarnb two fine new bank barns will be rtlse in this vicinity this weak this afternoon a structure 50 x so will be pal op for mr william plank wboea farm adjourns fairy lake aotons pretty sheet of water tomorrow mr oliver ltsby will raise his new barn 40 x 4s on the town line bomiaion c b convention tbe drat dominion christian uudsavor convention will be held at montreal commenoing oot 5th next the pro gramme is now being outlined among the speakers already secured arerev ir wilbur ohapman philadelphia and j willie baer boston there are tblrtj five societies in tbe montreal o e union and they will all do their sbsre to render ihe sojourn of tbe visiting hosts enjoyable and profitable jmt babe in firry ycmrm the union jaak is llotintj proudly from the lofty fleg pole on the knox manse grounds today in honor of the arrival of a daughter at the manse a fast worthy ot retqark in this oonneotion is that in all the history of ihe ohuroh extending over a period of about sixty years this is tbe first ohild born to the minlstsr of knox churoh while ocoapjiog that position bev mr knowlts la consequently a very proud father gall reporter a fltbo jkceiial mr e w lee teacher ot muslo who hat bad classes in acton for several years will give a piano reoital interspersed with highoiss vocal selections on wednesdsy evening 4htbini variumbsr i mr lists aotoo paplbratd shoal a doxen from milton will take part in lbs recital miss bogers ot the metropolitan sohool of muslo toronto a soprano soloist of exceptions ability will render a number ot ssmtiaiuj particulars will be given by potters jfiss cnarlofie warden cmlled abate after a long period of long illness miss charlotte g worden daughter of the tale john worden 8r enjered into rest on satnrdsy last she suffered tram lung trouble tor several years miss worden was a young woman ot sterling ohrlihsn ohsraoter and much beloved by her associates the fuberal was held to falrvlew cemetery on tuesday afternoon her pastor bev w s moalpine b a and revs b b cook and h a meopher son offloiating an exalting jbxperlouoc the cheyenne wyoming datty tribune ot the 3rd inst gives a twooolomn report ot one of the most daring boldupt by desperadoes in the history ot the west whioh occurred on the main line of the union paclso bait way at an early hopr thst morning tbe partionlars are given by postal clerk robert lawaoo of oheyenne formerly ot aston the robbers signalled the train to stop then blew open tbe express and postal ears with giant powder and secured about 186000 in cash as a result ol their desperate work xf 8turdy xseroase jetatefi the lacrosse match on saturday between brampton juniors and aotoo resulted in another viotory for ihe home team with a score of 4 to 8 the gams was pretty evenly contested the brampton boys playing well bat tbe home tsara did sot pal op nearly ss good a game as thst of the week before the brampton boys have s nioe little team for their class end their combination showed np well in tbe latter part of lbs genu the game was notably clean and the absence ot slogging was appreciated tbe next leegua game for the acton team will be played in gait on saturday 3sth inst garden jparty next monday brealng in order to seoure lbs sunday sohool orehestra and aeton cornel band tba dale for tbe epworth lsagns garden pally bat bran changed from tuesday vrsslng to monday next 10th intt it will be hsld on lbs lawn of tbe misses laing at the cor ner ot qnelpb and agnes btreeta a very enjoysble end onlodata programme has been arranged mrs e i crawford ot georgetown mr e b jackson of toronto and mr htrry jesus aeton bavs kindly consented to render a number of popular selections tbe grounds will be illuminated and refreshments will be served entrance bom agaes4treet tie season at orimtby fsrjc tbs programma lor the present season at ftrtmehy pars- has jsst tttaen issu i hamilton conference 1860 the annual aatherlnar at 8t catharines during the week the snnosl tesriou of tbe hamilton oonferenoe held in tbe beautiful city of st oatbariues the garden oily of ontario the pasl week was a very enjoyable gathering the many attractive features of the oily and violnity its points ot hlstoriosl interest and fhe cordial hospitality of the citisons rendered ihe visit of tbe members of this importsut court ot the churoh a delightful one the services of the cunforenoe were most interesting and profitable tbe various anniversaries were largely attended and the addresses timely and inspiring tbe reception and ordination servioes were ocossions of greatest interest and tbe coming and going visitors to arid prom aoton and varlousothar personal notes indicates a list at event equal to that of any former season tbe most eminent preachers lecturers and orators bavs bun engaged arid will re tbs realm of theology science llteratare and boml- letfeef art and muslct illustrated leolures and pbyioal culture ii baa bean the aim otlhe managers to make the entire season ot 1809 special july will be found as attractive as august and august will sustain its former high reputation banks cmmtena mlmmtommry xhty interesting servioes were held in tbs disoipw onurbb on sunday the annual obtldrens day programme being carried out tbe- key note of the servioes was misslona add to ihe imputation ot mistionerv tnthgsnee and the inspiration ot missionary seal ihe efforts ol the pssior bow b i crawford and lbs sunday behoof workers wen directed jjnjijeniiig servoewa very largely attended tlwas a sonar servloelntst sptrsed witherttftoiiwadaressesjrbe oborosss ot the sebolarsyware awy jsoppteineuied wtb ke bymrnwwforot tbe oburob was bsaullfalle decorated with flowers and tarns a half houh s the ivttinrolpeifoanoir transaot ffisf of the council evening alj- liaoditf their it oofockt ineas of imporlanoi of lbs oonimiilsel in the jtsriort ot the oonlnuu payment ot accounts iff ete supplies jsteettio co work an streets wbjrfflflc fil ylseaeawmln fctaya lumber ids asm largest congregations which ever gathered in s paul street cbnrch where tbe conference was held the ardinstion eerraou ws 1 reached by bev or qrifdu of toronto aud was a powerful disoourse from romans 6 15 this sermon was unique in tbe f sol tbat it was preached on the fiftieth anniversary ot dr griffins ordination and was therefore his jubilee sermou thougli in active ministerial work for half a oentnry dr griffin is ttill vigorous both mentally and physically and is one otlhe most honored ministers of tbe ohuroh iu canada tbs visit ot bev dr carman the general superintendent to tbe oonferenoe was appreciated by all his comprehen sive address at the opening ot oonferenoe was a strong presentation of the questions of the day in their relation to tbs ohuroh and bit appeal to ihe conference to do its almost to sustain a high moral status throughout its bouunds wss vigorous sod tinuly dr carmans sermon on sunday evening from romans i 21 32 23 wss an able and eloquent dlooourse and dealt prinoipally in making plain the way of salvation and showing elesrest method of its presentation the business of the session was transacted wilb preoislon and despatch and was oonoluded on tuesday evening the offioers of the conference were slsoted upon ihe first ballot bev j h h nf p w e president the fans passe invites all its readers to 000 tribute to this column 11 you or your friends am going away on a holiday trip or if you have friends visiting yon drop a oard to tils vans fasts mr john burns ot toronto visited at pairview plsee this week miss annie stephenson is visiting toronto friends this week air and mrs thomas esstoo visited friends at weston this week mr and mrs wren tuekerernitb are visiting frlende in tbe old home mleses agitie glover and annie monsbb visited frlende in erin over sunday mr bollsnd w smith of oalt epent a solemn ceremony of ordaining elxjnnns a ut mnk f pimob men into full oonneotion as ministere ol the gospel was witnessed by on ot lb aoo phololng ol mo nelson ililh whtch ever csthered goiph appears in the last issue of lbs of lbs conference a striking 00 inoldsnoe in the sleotlon to the presldenoy and one of peculiar interest to faxx paass readers was the faot tbat tbe two ministers polling the next highest vote to mr hsrelwood web bev geo w calvert of tborold a former aeton pastor spd bev t albert moore of hamilton a former editor ot tbe taxi pans who was last year tbs secretary of tbe conference their vote was exsetly equal bev a ii gee ph d hamilton was elected secretary and ben b j traleaven of brentford and o b morrow of alma assistant secretaries tba list ot stations of the ministers of this seolton was as follows acoordiog to tbe flntl draft oceuu distblct guelph norfolk street francis a oastidy m a william b griffin d d treasurer of tbe buparsnnation fund office wealoy buildings toronto resi dence 08 madison avenue toronto wm savage david cattanach john mills superannuated guelph dublin street jamos s boss m a d d james harris uuperannuat ed guelph paisley street j fred kay b a ponsonby henry j harnwell elora thomas w jackson fergus william h harvey matthew swann superannuated eramosa henry brand aberfoyle samuel conob orton john w gilpin belwood edwin ii flsgg nasesgaweya blobsrd w apn d bockwood samuel w hodlen aoton james a molachlan m wm bryers aopersnnuated erin edward wbitwortb worrell belfountaio robert j moldtyre college ltmxolc distblct milton george richardson oakville john kay burlington w o henderson d d georgetown john saunders m a freeman joseph arthur waterdown john e hockey palermo w a strongman ph d l b a b d soanlau m a w a h d trafalgar thos amy geo bmlther man norval john h moarthur b d fcowville jabes wass carlisle t webster kelly 3 a freelton andrew hamilton b a bev g a mitobell b a of george town goes to waterloo bev b j elliott of bnrlington to norwioh rev j e hawaii m a of waterloo to beamsvllle and bev d w solder ot milton to bimooe rev henry caldwell remains fit xer and bev h b christie st niagara street st catharines for another year tbs next session ot oonferenoe will be held in hamilton tbe second week of june lbooj and by a special resolution the dslegites will supply tbair own billets prowdad out lest week story op a s to be bound bud and foot for years by tbs obelus of disease is toe worst form of george d williams of manchester mion tells how snob a slave wasjnacafreahajayslhywlte ht been so betpless for five years ibst aba ooutdnoiturnin bed alone attar nslog two 1 bottles ol eleotrio bitters she is reproved and able lo do her amakijouraa atnoftoeu vtasjanobnly hsauauhe fainting spells this ulnvole imioine is a godsend to weak pstwa people every bollls only so cents bold by 7 to eppreoute a spontansous l he sure token of a low and nature tonacxotliers thonsande of we 1ohs 1lke vlmnk ikar vry mrs frank arnold of johnstown n y is visiting at ihe home ol her father mr alex f smtlti mre oke of uxbridge is visiting at lbs home of mr william brown and other friends here mre b simpson ot toronto epent a few days at tbe borne of mrs o s smith during lbs week mr thomas dsvidson of teeswaisr is spending a week or so at the home of bis grandson mr j d mokee mr allia brawn and mr callander of toronto were guests at tbe boms ot mr jsmes brown this wsek mrs fred h smyth sod children returned lo toronto on monday with mr smyth who oame up on saturday mrs john matthews and missmaltbsws left on tuesdty for brentford where thsy will spend several weeks wilb relatives miss msggls smith returned from the institute for the deaf and dumb belleville where she is taking a tull coarse of instruotloo mrs n f moore was sadly bereaved last week in the death of her father mr lane of erin he bad been ill tor soms lime bat death oame very suddenly mr john a moffat is en vd in patting in a very large engine analwllsr f his firm oo ihe berlin furniture co preston mr w b reynolds ot slayner paid aoton friends a brief visit on friday he is now at work installing an eleotrio plant at elmvale while here be engaged messrs erdesl hamilton and ernest pearson to sssist bim with the work of installation tbs bev wm kinnawin m a of sbelbouroe ont has received a very hearty and unanimous call to omomee and mount pleasant in the presbytery ot peterborough wm kannawine aoton friends will sppreclate bis settlement in tbe active work ot the ministry mr john o allsn son ot col w allan aoton bas been appointed sanitary pharmacist for the oily of denver col the sociji ttounlian druggu in speaking in of the appointment says tbe eleotlon of an experienced pharmacist like mr allsn for oily chemist is a happy one and we trust will serve as a precedent by whioh foture administration may be governed eaa it pays to buy at bollerts it pays to buy at bolleru june smle rt the highest quality axle gresaeosfcsaxle greast contains grounds mice which forms a coatjbg on the axle and makes n perfectly smooths atairfec after tbe surface is formed yon need use only nehalf as hw mm1 axte areauve as snyother nresse sold every wh je iu conveul shc a5lflteev hot weather goods ladies hot weather underwear they also relievo distress from dy irvdlgestion and tod hearty eating a per fect remedy for dirtiness nausea drovrst- nets badtastcuthmoithcoshdtongng pain to tin sld torpid uyer they regnlatolhobowels ttudfcptok mall pill tmall doaee tisitalt lrlo substitution tho fraud of the dnj sec you get cartels ask for carters insist and demand carters little liver pills ths fsot that your neighbor is a pharisee is no good reason why yon should be a libertine bi8maw ibo nervb was the resnlt ot his eptendm health indomitable will and trsrnsedons energy are not found where btomaah suvsr kidneys and bdwels are out ot order it yon want tbsse qnalltei anl the success thsy bring use dr kings ntw life pills they develop every power at brain aud body only 38 ospts at j d mokees drug store to ins dxst a rfob lady cored ot bar deafness and noises in ihe headby dr jstjoholaooartllloal ear dnlmswhas seal loo0 lobls inshtote to tbm aspfbpts xtnsbts to procure tbe esr msy hays thsm free apply m department x b tbs iviututs ioegcott gunners sory iiondon w england from june 15th till july am e makes the fdljcfwinc big cut on the pine wubaper samples of c l nelles guelph jc papers now c were prepared as never before to meet the demanda of the season extra value in ladies gowns ladies skirls l slur waislsr hot weather corsets dew fast black hosier special value in wash goods the uptodate store for gents pnrnishings gtxb3swt fe co mill st acton store closes monday tuesday and thursday evenings at 60 clock the best is tho cheampbt mcmiislens poultry nettings are unequalled in quality and their fcngiiids abe tbs best prices uoitv big trade in dress goods you remember tbovaatneea of our dress goods importations tbe bigger the cheaper thats logical und makes dress goods talk practical you serve yoursolvi s by shopping hero and making our imports bigger dress studs hold tho strong place 111 this store s business tito pensus ot the stock shows it to lo udll 111 iitlvuiico ot anything in our own past and thats the only competition we kuow ot new goods galore wo never attempted tho a sortruont never bad the room and facilities huo now every possible taste bas been considered trom modebt styles to luxurious novol- tieb including blrck rnd color9d orbsscoods isi3int styl9 slfrcs mbin wrsh goods no guess work about any we pick tbem ns- tho best and for the most part control the patterns for this market fresh dosigns and new fancies 111 tho wash goods ure turning up attire counters every day patterns invented this season pat terns entirely our own itunuing vines with delicate tondrils daisies in the clover and a tbat like a breath of tho country amid city streets leaves and buds and blossoms scrawls aud scribbles sprays and spots and graceful curves everything thats cheap and good and btyhsh whutovor yout choice turns to our june dress goods 8ale holds it out iu tomptmg fashion e r bollert tfe co 25 and 27 wyndham st guelph now qektfremen heres cool comfort for the summer months and it wont cost yon mu money the lion will help you to be economical ancllceep cooft white duck trousers 100 white flannel trousers 125 for tennis cricket or bowling goats and vests of crash linen flannel worsted lustre and silk start a i and go up to 6 linen coats for boys ages 10 to 16 years 85c and 1 d e macdonald fcbro golden lion guelph pin6 xrtfjnetch rp7tiring hardware merchants sell these goods and can supply you if they fall yoa write the manufacturers at ficton the b greening wire co c0nbrrl hltnilton kno rcbnts montrbrl sold also by canadian hardware jobbers isbblsalbbblbbblbbblbbbibblbbblbbblbbmbbbtbbblbbbrs he wad bird best to day and cood for year 2 ipiheel the daintiest bi cycle creation of the year is our ladies bed bird fitted with our- new- cagedbear s f j j ed and with every m detail of constrtc- jtion given the most careful at tention by 4hor- oughly-ukilled-me- chanics it is a whee17that is not only exceedingly handsome hut one i that will givegbod service for years after the majority of wheels have been relegated to the scrap heap the peerless braritford red bird is isoldjp every catwdian city and town from j y9aosfi h are a j prosectivebicyclei pufqhaser you might make satoorowmiwtpay co hmalcers ph are determined to keep up their old reputation for fine watch repairing it has always been said that they were the best watchmakers in guelph their son being naturally mechanical has been attending the school of watchmaking in toronto and getting the very latest meth ods in watch repairing savage co have spent between two and three hun dred dollars in fine watch makers lathes and tools if yo have a watch that others have failed to make go bring it to as and we will make it go satisfactorily watchmakers jewellers opticians perfectly fiyli8hly d hre th9 yisuko 7wcen when they fit themselves with the elegant furnishing that we are showing in fancy colored shuts in all the new shades of goods in hard and soft fronts and our new kipling neckties bows puffs and imperial styles in all ihtf jatest novelties of the season exquisite colors in stripes and checks our bicycle hose belts and sweaters are complete close prices in all lines at roietprloe only jeus j jsrlscr and mens furnisher gtuetph sstihhvv vows i that we havo the largest and best atockj in ton 11 bat you dont know it because you did not nek bur ware in lost wook tiorao and eeo it and fimttaifffipilieiiko ftnilwe nmstspenk of it sagtan andyou will bewrs to buy ia wt w t t krts ju a

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