wwtfljfctj vtrwjwjtfl v are your nerves weak cant you sleep well tain in your back lack energy appetite poor i digestion bad bolls or pimples these are sure signs of poisoning rrori what poisons fron poisons tist nro r1- vcys found in constipated bovcls i j tho contents cf the jlivzli rre not rcmoveh fron tio body each day ns nature intended theso poisonous substances ere cure to to absorbed into tio blood cl- v3 causing suffering end rcqucnty causing severe disease r there 3 a common sense cure jyni theydinynsutoiwsp 1 and natural movement off the bovelsw v y6uwiuflndtlittlieuteo glth recovery htaeaeithoi blood from all impurities and u a great tonic to the nerves onxkaffteal llefestneat has ona of y nuaaaeelsfeijitaldadsj-i- in nulla statacremw pj t why he was in prison an old whltewaiher liooa belore court as a defm allnsta the lawyer for tho ifnsdau tiieitojdonfue firo are yoo the james miller who was sentenced under mitigating olrounnunoe for robbery i nb i are you perhapb the miller who wub sentenoed to two years imprisonment for theft then t i am not that miller either were yon ever in prison 7 yes twice how iobg the first lioie one afternoon afternoon and the eeoond time yon mail make a truthful statement for yon are a sworn witness if yon were in prieon lor so abort a time what did yon do i whitewashed a cell for a lawyer who abttited his clients the lawyer did not ask any more questions on that aubjeot why why isnt a wrinkle a nlok of lima why isnt a pony of brandy a fiery stood why are beads of perspiration the jewels of toll why does a lawsuit invariably wear ont at the pookots first 1 why does a man like to be mistaken for more than ha really is why fira the affairs of others always so interesting to most people 1 why shouldnt a wheelbarrow oome nnder the bead of gerdno traok why isnt it superstitions to pick op pins at the end of a bo wlffig avenge why wonld the average man rather be charged with nialloe then with making a blander why does the man who reiterates with emphasis that bo will never do a thing always do it it yoa give bim time hough laughed by accident oems of thought aiiiltissi thtjb8day june 16 1899 wit ijotrrtrr jfolku tsb tin lzttz zkt mother says shes awtnlbad oats so orosa it makes her mad wants so know if i eaiit do tonaethln little girl to yon thinks zbetter whip yoa well bays youre good and bad a spell i aint home all day to see bo dont know how bad yon be bat i eoaidat bear to whip her wheni see her sweet lips oarl for shes snob a very little snob a tiny little girl 1 wouldnt mind a word today r speet tfaata wbat her ma will say joat as bad as bad eoold be cept in little spells yon as uotber tails me that there child betaher sometimes almost wild wont i vanish her a bit thlnkvahe better after it bat i eoaldnt beer to whip her wiien i see her sweet lips earl for shes saoh a vary little baoh a tiny little girl thinun of her an day long with hsrlanghteraiodber song bat yoor mother aays its true bad titans got a hold of yoa how about it mue miss with uis rosy ilia to kiss couldnt pnnjah bar a bit and that lost oleen settles it bat ieoaudntbearvownlp bar when 1 see her sweat lips carl for shes saeb a very little bach a tiny utile girl i both sew do you think it proper said the man who was trying to keep his temper to langh at t man who hips on a bnnana peal by accident wall replied the spectator apolo getically i laughed by accident to i didnt think ol saoh a thing until i sw yon irat to eat a sure reward when the knowledge of ibo pa as ifl valuable beotuse without it pur knbwlodttoot the present and of tho future rauriij j but if tho knowladgio ofihewroenijfrttvnfa j wlioljylo itself if inwioitdjf mldfl niaie to boar upon thin ttrduut ud t bef whollyfeplatec from ihera aurt po oil by vaytienees und miaupprehoiial lo hjiptur inonpablo of illumiyntjog lhorri then indutfd it bocorann liitefllmwrh ittborioua irllliig hud they wo tofa ftaioat it iriny be fully forgiven ar the ooiunwn fluency of apceoh inmnny- moo nud mbst women u owing to a soreity of matter and eosrclty of wards for whoever is a master of luanaaaa and birth a mind fall oftflf will be apt in epeabior to hesitate upon the choice of both whereas oommno speakers have only one set of idear and ona set of words lo olothe them ih aud these are always ready at the mouth so people oome fajer out of a qhurob when it itj almost enipty then when a orowd is at the door swift yoa reap what yoa sow nut boaiotuiok elie bat that an ao of ibye luakei the odl more loving a deed of bambleoftu deepeos hanibleneatr tho thing reaped ii the very thing bowu maltlpued i hand red fold you have sown the seed of life yoa reap life everlasting f w robertson thepaaoe of any mans eoal who has oatgrown jxiere self laddlgenoe eta only oome by going fortwdvon to the deepest pridoiples and final causes of things pat god aademeatb allyoar life and your life mast rest upon the everlasting arms phillips brooks he who walks through life with au even temper and atgentleatience patient with himself patient with otherb patient with diffio altfes andorossea he has an every day greatness beyond that whioh fs wtfn ia battle or chanted id cathedrals dr dowey tbraolbtd the stride of tlmq from flrat to last itoiurldg alow tho future croepoth anow awif t tbe froaont sweopotii and motionless tbrover stands tho paat i smicr rtiiiut a t i7wrr cfthtorlft la for iiifltntfl nnd oliudrcn castorla is n harmlesb substltuto foi castor oil paregoric diih and sootllliiff syrups it coittnlna ueltlier opium morphine nor otlior knircotlo hubtjtjiiicc it is pleasant its ffuarantoo in thirty ycarh utio by millloiih of mbtjuors cnstorla dohtroys voiiih niul allays ioverlhli- noss- castpria euros diarrhoea ami wind colic castorla slloyid8 toetiilmff troublos cures coiihtlputioii 4nl flatulency ctstorla ashlmilaton the fond tcgulntcs tlio stomaijli attd boviplhpf iiifnnth and cliiulrcn giving r healthy aiia natiiral slocp castorla is the 01 il jtircikh panaceatho mothers frioiicl castorla oaatorlb is an excellent mcjicine for children motttcttrtinvetcpentedlytold me of its good effect upouhhelr chlldreu kdn g crosabop lowell mats castoria caatorlttv in ho wlu ntlnplctl to cliililien tliat i ifconiiiietiilitdh miiijcilor to any pro scription knowiltoliic ii a aucimit hi djlroaklyn v j the facsimile signature of should take with them aanpply pat and thb donkey an irishman seeing a donfcej ready addled ail thiniiiig of haling a ride jnmped on hla bank he had not spaa fax when the donkey started jampin and kteklnf abbot an much ad that 1st jot us hoot hnng op in one ol the artlrmps bore swid pat if jronre going to gat odlm going to gat n the only medicine that is able to call a halt to au wasting and danger ous diseases a teacher ta one qt the clereland poblio aehoolssaid f be other day to her olsss in english composition now i wish erery member of the class wonia writeoot a ooniersatlon betwasn a grooer and one of bis onstomara inlrodoolng some palhsuo looldnl or teferenos among the oomposltlons handed in was the following by a arwmt little girl who may thanitorlkjary b wilkin hsgywdpa yellow oil jii prompt to rolletoand sore to care oonghs ooldssore ibroat pain in the obeit lhorsenesf qnlnsy eio prlne 25 oenu if slok people young and old acted with greater promptness and drolsloo suffering agony and misery wonld be vastly redooed to delay the work ofragolatlng and bracing the nerres and parifying the blood is a serlons mistake when the blood is sloggisb impure and poisoned when the nervosa system ia nnbalanoad when digestion is deranged and the appetite poor and variable he asaored yonr oondltlon is oritioal and calls for instant attention before the hot summer weather brings its many added dangers at this time the ass of paines celery gompoand will do a marralloos work for ersry rtmdowo aiok and dlssaaed man and woman its lifegirlng work first oom- metus with the blood which is mads oleao and pare thentba nisnres are qolok- ly sat in order dtgastlre rigor is folly- restored the appetite ia mads natural sleep is refreshing and the despondent heart is made light and joydn it is mn to im inmlod thattalnes celery coinponnd owes lie origin to the most dlstlngoished pbyslelsn thai this north amerl oontlnsnt ever prodnoed and bis great aid worthy prescription is phbliolr indorsed by onr best medical or dp rowiera ext of wud strawb those who intend going camping this summer should- take with them dr fowlers extract of wildstraw- bcrryv getting wet catch- ihg cold drinking waf terthat is notalways purebreatingioodthat disagrees may bring on an attack of colic cramps ajiddiairhoea pranipt treatment with dr fowlers strawberry in such cases relieves thepain checks the diarrhoea and prevents serious consequences dont take chances of spoil ing a whole summers outing throngh neglect of putting a bottle of this great diarrhoea doctor in with you supplies but see that its tho genuine drfowlers extract of wild strawberry as most of tho imitationa are highly dan gerous appears every wrapper the okirrsvuit nom tt wumavttwtlt i von city v if adins people spent as nanoh time at work as they dpio oomplalnlog that tbsy are abnsed thvy con id boy their oritloa there never was and never will ba a nnilyersal panaoea in one remedy for all nudishearteaadsoersrars will start promptly with ptnas celery oomponnd their will be utonwsd and delighted with the speed with which this wboderfol rsmsdy is abls to call a bait to wasting and dangsrons diasasei it is now making ten of iboosanda well and strong for the hot and slokly sommor weather an onion odt in half is the best thing to use for cleaning gilt rimes use ibis to remove the dirt and then sponge the frame with tepid rainwater and pat it dry with a soft eldth the less frames are robbed the better parmelees pills possess the power of acting apeoifiwlly npon the dlisssed organs stimulating to notion the dormant energies of the system thereby removing diaeasea in act so great is the power of this medicine to oleans and iporify that diseasss of almost every mtfuo and natnre are driven from the body mrd carswell oarswell p o ont wriies i have tried parmelees fills and find ihena an excellent medicine and one that will sell well ills to which flesh is heir the very natnre of many curatives being snoh that were the germs of other and differently seated dibeases rooted in the system of the patient what would relieve one ill in torn wonld aggravate the other wo have however in quinine wine wboo obtained in a sdnnd nnadnlterated state a remedy for many and grinvods ills by its gradual judicious ose the frsllest systems are led into con- yalescenoeand atrebsth by the inflnenoe which qoinine exerts pn irtiatnres own restoratives it relieves the drooping spirits of those with whom a chronio state ofmorbid deepondencp and laok of interest inlifeis a disease ami by tranqniliaing the nerves dippoeeh to sound and refresh ing sleep imparts vigor to the sotion of the blood whloh being stimulated oonrseg tbrongbont the veins strengthening the healthy animal functions of the system thereby making activity a necessary roeall strengthening the frameand giving life to the digestive organs whioh hatnrally demand jnoreasod substance result iro- prbved sppetite northrop ifr xyman of toronto have given to the publio their qoinino wine at the usual rate and gnaged by the opinion of scientists this wine approaobea nearest perfection of any the market all druggists sell it glided articles coated with oil of laurel scare fllea away instant relief guaranteed by nilne milbarns sterling headaabe powders no dspreislng affect freddie ilf a gambler ia a man who betain wall street wbat is a financier cobwigger hes the fellow who the bets jnd takes dont think the woman who poses as a manhaler eant be indooed to change her dams wheqyoawant to out wbalebonewarm i a wax oavdle blokbeadnolie however annoylog and dlstresiing is positively obre3by laxa- uverfiila they are easy to laks and never gripe berlin booksellers are slriouv forbidden lo sell to eohool oblldren books stlooed with ro as several cases ot blood polsoniiit htv heeii traced to scratches frbrorutyiiiirri v i a xlttla men measure thimielves by esoh othert g by ibaooldin role is scotts emul- a i itis the best cpdiiver oil ijjlf s c8indc glycerine what tne tor biod of the anemic lmij mr w t 8irad wrlle luiho iveojrif of 7telrt lor june on oller crorowel sod the natlbual cburoh of enulsnri apropba pr the cromwell oalabratad la jbnitiandhrrstaad advoeatee a return to cromwells ideas of oho cob establlihmen which wonld certainly dlspojee of the rjnarrel about rltnallzm in- lbspwnt enijlisuchurob establlahmsnl thsarllole islllnarated with rrprodoctldni of famous paintings dont tdjnk y ornbrelu handle tdrnstliefmiii dont worry yonridf ml others with whiilean be reniediedv doultliioka atandiiigarrny iahl made to lay dowitoooahloiially bpnilhlnbboujebratlly is tbe soul of wltthst curtiief s erribodlrt it dont llempt to play hamlet unlei s rl itl iijo a storm is brewing- your old rhenmatism telle yon so better get rid of it and trust to the weather reports sootta enolslon is the best remedy for ohrdnfo rheumatism ii olteo makes a complete onre wonld you say honest pohtio is ot are- is of oonrse honest politics la alwaysslngular indianapolis journal weat tro how arhenmatfo bdfferer knows when a storm is brewing after be takes mil- corns bbeomalio pills his weather ibreoasting is -spoiled- this remedy removes every trade ot nhenrnalism what are pauses the teacher asked the first disss i in grammar things that grows on oate and dogs answered the smallest gir illfitting boots and shoes cause oorni holloways corn cure is tbeartlolo to use got a bottle at onoe and oure your oorns the people with cold olammy bands always insist upon shaking bands very time they meet you las so pleatant tcftabsthat chlldrom cry for it but itsdnath tn imi of all ulrica br lows worm all dealers syrup price 25 cents nobody baa tronbla equal to nalue on can all sign tble btcjcluls 3hould keep on hand a bottle o -hag- yards yellow oil it iu clean to noa and will not soil the clothes cnrea cola and brnises takes out pain and timbers np stiff sore joints and masoles a barber who would cux a mans hair as he nants it cut would get all tho business sale for next thirty days kenney bro main st- abtoh- have commenced a cleirinfj sale for tho next thirty days y3w i if you want stout well-made- 9chts or shoes we can supply you with very suitable goods at low prices j- if something lighter in neat and attractive styles we havo a wide rango and have confidence we canplease you- if you desire rubbers for the wet weather our stock will supply the want if about to take a trip north south east or west we have a good varietv op trunks and valises at prices lower than you are accustomedto have quoted lo yon wo handle only the goods of reliable manufacturers as we have a reputation for honest goods and square dealing to sustain our prices are always right custom work and roptlrine aeatly tad promptly dono as usul jcxmrmr bros acton ecoiiomic porssrer is secured with a canadian steel airmotor farmers who study economy cannot ignore the tact that wind power is cheapest th nadii jni or run the machinery in your barn canadian alrmptor pay for itsellin 2 yearn pump all your water we have supplied the g p r the last three years with about 20 outfits also the british government in cyprus and india as well as in england egypt australia c write the 0nthrio mind and pu l bngin atlantic ave toronto largest manufacturers of windmills under the british llagl pumps of evory deserlptlori getlt mix follot earth nd cold water to tepiov grease from mall paper tenhowmibiirns heart aid barve latowea people strong mill kitf a b b st 1 dont be too aore its aoomplimentlf told you sing ilka aliird the eoreach owl is a wrdi mrsailhula tvdve years wweliwbeui ilhuu wife of the- pusirnaster of bint ton ont waa taken ill with an obscure stohtach trbublo which her physi cians pronounced cancer of tho stdm ach and informed hor lliit her lease life wuuld beahorr on the autylgeof says 1 iswieatk a goodword for mil- burha heart and neryo pills witli pleasure they provect tonfe a most excellent renedy for nervousness nervous debility and exhaustion aud i can heartily rejcona xnend them mrs poland brunswlok street saysi my husband suffered greatly with ner vousness complicated by heart troubles afjlbbrns keart and nerve pills have cured him and hd now is weu and alrongv jj m pillsa work while you sleep without grip or the body to which it is applied recmessiiess tiq nnurrl exuberance of youth often loads to rcclclcss- ncss young people dont tnkp care of themselves get overheal cd catclicoki and allow it to sctilo on the kid- njys they dont renins tho alpnificarice of backache tliinlc it will soon pasi awiy iiut it docahu- urinary trou bles come then diabetes brfchts disease and shattered health a youhglifo has bon sacrificed atoyhdptorltp yes dmppftney pills these of kidney ills aro makjnjr tho i-isidg- generation healthy and strong- icrs o griamftn 503 adclnlde st london oat nays my aaijbhter now 13 yenrs old has had woalcltldneya inc infancy and her health aa twiuoquence hu olways bcon poor two- boxea of poan- kidney pilln bnvo removed bvetyaymptomofltldnry troublennd restored her to pertect health i am truly thanktuthor tbe ktcat bencflt they hay conferred upon hcr vhen people are ploaeod they bay oolbior when they are dlsploaaod hey grumble dr ifowd worm syrup ib tho bafeat and mobt effeotaal renaody to filv6 ohlldren lor wormi o alt kinds no need of castor oil aftorwarda a ir botlaiqfl ila owd cathartic a parlor suite a sideboard a bedroom set an extension table a lounge a stand a mattress and springs or any other article in furniture requirements at a livino promt only all goods delivered undertaking in all its branches calls day or night attended coffins delivered prices to suit every ones needs railway wyn m uuano tuikimilway ooino west mall 10 02 am kxnroiu 2 25 pm mall i 7 10 pm aoiha east eiprceb 0 s9atr kxiiroes 10 60 m mull 6 hpui mixed 10 03pni timk ov oloblkll 1xa1lb going wot 0 40 am arjfl 0 00 pm cloliig bant 25 am aud 0 go piu tills tlmo talilo weot into offoct oii aondty may 16th 1bd wellandvale bicycles j c hill agent- acton call and see the new wellandvale bicycles at the bicyclellvery the per fect garden cltj- and dominlonvare the leadldr grades while the perfect i chainless his merits which will be appreciated by all wheelraeo it is an un- disputed fact that the wellind valewheela cost less for repairs than any other wheel ihe single piece cranks are the best attachment ever adopted the new de partire automatic brake gives the rider complete control prices right for purchasers who mean business j c hill everton and eden mills tho place to go for the best flour bran middlings chop feed c for sale chopping every day at everlon mills and every tuesday thursday and saturday at eden mills always buying wheat no credit henry hortop cash paid for farm produce butter onions eggs poultry pork etc apples wanted a1kenhead produce co g parsons manager cor mill and main sts acton opposite clark a hotel main street planing mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor j a spelgbht tjo acton 4he ohbaper the tmn the aoonor bo begirts on his grievances when you tallc to him this is unhappily an age ot skcptloistn but there is one point upon which persona acquainted with the sabjeot agrse namely iha dr thomas boleotrio oil is a medioine wbiqh oa be relied qpoe to euro a ooagh remove pain heal sores o varions kinds and bsnat any inihmti portion ol kn curing- biliousness sick headache constipation and dyspepsia said make you fcel better in use snorttlng- an irhh pi lest had labored bard with one of his flock to indnoe him to jive op the habit of drink but the man wah obdurate i tefl you michael- aid ihe print whikey is your worst anetny and yon should keep as far away from it as jon can rsmy liilmy is it ftber responded mlohaelt land il was jour rlverenoes ailf tbst was tellln us in the pulpls only sunday to love onr inimlss i bo i was michael rejoined the frleit but w i anywhere telling yoa to swallow ihrm when i looal dootor osns tool a patient any longer he lends her off to au -ncooni- plioe in the east aclptfiingtialk tlio well tlrcsscd have a deci4- ctl ptlvaiiuige over the slovenly notice ihe reception given a man who is crrcftl of his appearance he js prcfei ii d it business offices in sociitl iit- and every place where men do congregate our iieip suits fit as well as our best cut- because they are all 1 4 re um fivchervous fcnerg w yon have atleaa oet bootor vonatan driiarirl ichdi sho comnnuced tiikiilir burdock 4iimml tvsre lino short of w r srahfeihand vijrttrp luriudaud inashori tlmo bho comiuely cured airs vrimiila is lolxy isjujilie lull cnjoymeiit of 2ol iikii ih imfl- nil lioarslherehas iiot bon llu sli irssblw fn ii ih letm mn gllhulamnu at ht line ofher curt- i vaimaiiour j- oro i wns taken sick in hie vrimahti fills dr prmelee has rlvh 10 ihe world the jlrolls of long soiiitlho rrrtarch inths whole realm of hit f jl a r iriic- comblnid with new cud r ipan for dsllcate and dbilted con- atllolions paruaalias lllseot like a otisrrn taken in irnalirjoae the iffeoi is both a tonlo and a etlrnulant- mildly xrtlng the seorelloris of ilia body glvlti lone and vlor f- isiakaiiiaw aj ahabsoluii novelty 0xhvpf1 omepord mmmrmr wnjsjvlrs and vilxaofl the cloth is ilorcv as well as the list uudi accompanies all we sell this m teaches us that lirvijr we serve aud it ys lo tn weired make j hrk hi the cheapest atc quarantec card 1 ctrse experience lor the customers afanufaotarer of 8asb doors pramos mouldings lo all afyles dressing matcbilto and houldino to order on short notloo van assorted stock on bsnl at prioes toss the tlmos john cameron proprietor spring has come and perhaps you want to replace your milk cans with new ones of bright new heavy stock made to order and to your satisfaction we can give you just what you want at very low prices eavetroughing come in and see samples and let nte quote you prices for eavetrougbtag for either your bouse or barn our work has been highly spoken of by our many customers juayuns promptly attsndxd to g a pa n nabec ker 9 hwuqmgpqn ooa mibc st hgton mapl leaf grah boy isnt father irtser what way f little boy dowtiiriylhlngfor his pa he doeanl m snythlnfl hot it snotlier mans vpji h nioklaaibtlon are often the hirdest 6hskettirf lavbalils iwos dt awwsyrwovbajehobiii wtstetiiglisiieoids horstness sore p what do jou want siliorl the merchant the lady replied a pound ot loa oraenbr pjiok aaksd the meroliant i think ill take blaok she said its for afanerali i ilrnnl facj otn all be psrmanenlely removrd bntdook filood blttorf mr e darnaby msrohnnl tilpr shelborne 8 says aft paying dijt motiay dootore and not sitting cured i tried e h- b afier using it for a tlno th nlmpi all vanished and- have nover irooblsd m tlnoa l at first a hoy wosrs his fathors clil pant made over later the fathsrwtsari he aonvoiapilli oholaralinflallinnimtroomplalots sato ioqoloi 10 tbelraollonthi oold hajil wvv iljjftssgptokaxi no lb tft berh puf jdfli lwayi uarntood runcltadslnjist old httjly mulr co llmltod tfotd i ont corhplele una of rami impleraeots ttnd all modi of repair m9 tbewatsofost9mrs jjv rlii i j6lbn mcuken 3b3bgii toor lltell jwlntotesunglla bra help ftxniioa von nre rmii tsenduaatvwnskoton or xncalo lntontienorimprovomont nnd wo will ton free our opinion as to vliother it la probablr patentnble o mnko a anodaltr of applloatlons rojoctetl in other bands hlgbest reforonoea xumisluxl y- marion mabiowrr aatwt sou0itoks ixplvtb orftl a veehantoal knglrirrri orsrtnansbtths ptirtschnlo bohoot or ktiaiiimikir nachalen la apvim sctenam mral tlnlvenllr mmbns raunt taw anootrllen ampileaa water vrerks asmelallon nw bnttlaml water works astoe t q bmvfiyors aawclatlou anoc uemrar oaa boowotcltll knalmxii mtn j w toss ufi rice mokrarai a utiiitianuiuiwsmmw 1 f t isf-