Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 22, 1899, p. 1

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x ontabio thursday junjs 22 1899 price three chhts ib rdbllbukd every thursday morning at tub free press steam lrintlng office uiii 8theet acton ont terms op sodbciiiption ouo dollar por year strictly in advanoo all subscription a dltfcon ttnuod when tbo time or whlcli they bavo beoto paid boa expired tbo dato to whioh overy subscription la paid la donoted on tbo addicts label advbktibino rates transient advortlse- tnonts 10 qpnts por mauparatl liao for first id sartion 8 cents par lino for each bubsoqqont insertion oontqaqt bates tbo following table shows our rates or tbo insertion of advertisements for specified fori ods 8im0b 1yb 6ho 8uo solnohea loinohas 0 inoboa llnoh 60 00 83 00- 90 00 600 35 oo so 00 1su0 n ao 00 19 00 700 900 7 00 goo iso 100 advertisements without sneclflo directions trill bo inserted till forbid and charged accord- ngly transient advortiiemonts mpat be paid n advance advertisements will be changed onoe each month it deslrod for changes ol tenor than snoo a month the composition mast be paid for at regular rates changes for contract advertisements mas oe n the offloe by noon on tuesdays accounts payable monthly h p m0obb editor and proprietor snsiiwab sirfrtorp xohn m macdonald m d c m htjccebfjoe to j f urknmdo m offloe and rosidonoe comer mill frederick treots acton offloe hoars to 1033 am 1 to 2 p m and tqopm tr vfr forster bdcceaaon to db a elliott late resident physician and borgeon to vio torla hospital tor fliok children toronto office mill stroot lately occupied by or elliott xt r dryden etb eab tnnow and nose moijoans block douglas st near f o guelph orrcoa boons 10 m to 1 p m and 3 to 6 p m bqnbatfl 10 a m tolptti dental ii bennett- ldb dentist oiobohtown omtabio i jcoghlan dds dentist woftx oaobvuxaly dflnb pniobs mode bath omcb oven buown dnuo store honns bvxuir dat fbou 0 to 6 jm bexjxi d d s l d 8 dkntibt bbookvtuib honor gbauuatb of toronto unxtebsitt work made satisfactory prloea moderate viaitino dats monday afternoon camp tollvllle tuesday acton office clarks hotel friday book wood legal m olean mclean barristers solicitors notaries conveyancers to private funds to loan offloe town hall acton wm a mclean jho a mclxan a j mackinnon fiiaiustbb bouoiton cohvetanced oriiox mill street lp matthews block upstairs t b mcleod usyblubthb soucitob oohvxtahobb main street georgetown monoy to loan at lowest oorront ratos j j mohabb oluk fourth division court county oj hal- on goavayanoor agent wroand lite asaaraaoe deal batato agoat monoy to loan ota ornoh ferryman ablook aotok oni miscellanxo os m iss williams music of okouabfown suoeessor to miss laldlsw 1q prepared to glvo thorough instruction in inualo plsno or organ in theory and practice por terms apply to mis williams at air jas matthews roafdonoo on friday evening of each waok big stock 15c 25c 35c 40 50c allcoloks and size shades made up on the prem ises to order best cloth best rollers- low prices good goods days low prices win every time fotfrrj oxaopttng the yukon dlstrlot at th rates under 810 8oontb s10 to 920 10 cents to m0 12 cents 980 to 960 1 cents days book store gruelph days sells cheap forget is- ds not if you want artists goods wall paper pictures frames waters bros wyndham stheet- new store guelph speight brady manufacturers of dynamos slectric motors water motors gasoline and oas jgnozuxsbrjlssairolf oastmqsto order repairing promptly done georgetown ont cash paid for farm produce butter onions eggs poultry pork etc apples wanted aikenhe ad pe0dtjce co q parsons manager cor mill and main sts acton opposito clark s hotel wtaljfcjstfeet planing mills acton ont h nr gbist ovtama 0a8ada bolloltor of fatenta for invention eto pmpato appllcatlom for he owidlaa amor- innvmdbnrodean patent oloooa end for tbo boaukllllon ov tnde mirk bond for pun- phtet thirty two yoari upoxlenoe dibanoib nunah bookbindkb wynohmbt qnelph onurlo oyer wluumibtore aoeonni booke of ell klndl mede to orier rerloflleus of evettdeioriptlonoarefally nonna buunptieetlt promptly done meriaob lioenseb f h puoobb imttyi ojfnbob litaxhsss prite offloe mvwltnenee nqoired inaed u mldenerin tbo eyenlog i freoereh otaoeaulon h j7u hembtbebt f j ijipwud a0iiot vlii he oonntleeot wtulnstod end helton qdertlefttthefbrliee offloo aoton dr tpxyreudeaoelaaoton will be prompuy et n5h vetetedneedto 15 bo tor jtaric bales alomoney lojoen on the ynortfevoreblo nmitend the loweu retti of lnterertln ami of moo end pwerdt john cameron architect and contractor uannfeoturor of sean doore prnnaoa m onldtng in ell etylee drjcssnto matching uxd moulding to ordor on short notice well assorted atook on band at prlooa to in the timet john cameron highest ouitrbnt bate op 1ntebeb paid on bums dopoalted of si and upwards interoit allonod from dato of dopoalt to dato of withdrawal and paid or compounded half yearly advances mado to responsible farmers on their own names at the lowost current ratos no obargo mode for collecting salos notos if payable in quelpb a gcnoral banking bubinoaa traubaotod a f b jones mnnaor iron bkrghins enamelled brass tipped always neat easily kept clean great for the child ren being practically mde- structable pncebfrem 350 up nothing cheaper than thlst will pack and deliver to any address john m bond co habbwarb tjtjs o ps f tor tbe manner of tbeold hynids slolaof muslolq the fialms tbo psalms of long ago i bon the minister roads out some one i used to know join with all toftmfllwuomlltho- note of praise ands to god in joyful sounds aloft your volcos ralso ro a lots of muslo la the piilms those dear swoot psalms of old li visions bright ot lands of light and ihln inrstreetaof gold iar tbem ringing singing still in memoir soft and clear lioli pity as a father ha tb unto bis ohlldren dear ey aoom to sins for evennoia of hotter sweeter days on lilies of tho love of qod bloomed white in all tbo trays id still x boar the solemn strains in the quaint old mooting row jrelly blessed the peoplo aro the joyful sound that kuow lsiirjglng books we needed thenterery well wo know lituues and words wo loved so well tbe doar j old psalm book tbroagb tjcoloablir at tbe saoranjant wo bang as t tears would fall ljof lalvation take tbe cup on qodb dimo j wlim call ajno i lovo tbe dear old fsslmi aud when hit tioqe shall oomo hire the light has left my eyas and myiiog 1 ins upa are dumb irtian only bear them tbon 1 11 gladly boar j away wpants my longing loul o god that oomo to j thee i may i joseph hamilton in wcttminulcr zzt yamiln uabing ae 5 nrbe aalifurfldimner mornlngrbont year 1630 several yoaths of bevllle pros oh ed the dwelling of tbo oelebrttod inter manila at wbioh they arrived at rly the same time after the oiaal dtatlone they entered the studio mar io was oot yet there and each ot tbe pile wanted op quickly to his easel to ami do it the psint had dried or perhaps admire bis work of the previous eonlog pray gentlemen exclaimed istarltz jnflnly wbioh of yoa remained behind h tbe studio last nlgbt t what an absurd question 1 replied cordova dont yon rooolleot that we all oarao away together 1 this ie a footiab jest gentlomed nswered laturitz last evening i m slcusn eret r we can give you just what you want and now it ie dirty sa u aoma one had paed it all nih look 1 exolelmed carlos hera it a small figure in the corner ot my oanyaa sand it is not badly dona i ahonld like to jknow who it is tha amuses btmaeu every morning with sketohlng figures sometimes on my oanvas sometimes on he walls spring has come jad perhaps you want to replace your milk cans very low prices eavetroughing come in and see samples and let quote you prices for eavetroughing either your house or barn our work has been highly spoken of 1 our many customers repairs promftly attended t g a pannabeckei siul street aoton seed cor1 wholesale and retail for silo and fcnsilaofc proprietor 1 bjawro btjmombgtteff oa 1so0o the wetllnqton mutual fire insurance company established 1810 head offloe j chjblvb ont insufunclb on oaah and matnal plan anjr eommunloatlona forwaraed to my addreae mox or telooboje 68 will h promptty indm attendei john tatlob agent anelpb aotom machiue and repair shops bbnbrabindblt praprietbr abb well equipped with all the tnaohlnerr neeewary teuevute all repairs to i maehln an and iarloultnral implements and to do all alsoa uf awamnttlng hmmheejm andjansral b awssukntoli v8m53isi bs ldaasfabtory twweeiv teyair any awy ri a irun i sibmoi0iutnoxiautb i tlioibmr s tkntt wood bio and rrempdy liatowual j k length always uj i ii klnda of wood instoek a m wo mnoleatuw two kinds off men there are two kinds of men to be found everywhere those who are obliged to dress roughly while at work and those whose occupation in volves no difference in attire for the laborer we have heavy substantial boots for the business man comfortable sensible shoes for the boys and girls good knockabouts and for the ladies the latest novelties in footwear 0uj spring stock is now coming in and em braces goods sure to please our customers as to style quality and prices oaij and sub our hiw iohks wwilliam k ivifjilsr v 1 yellow horsetooth 65o a bushel mam south white 6o0 lied cob ensilage 6 5o early learning 7o0 also mammoth cuban wis early white dent salzars north dakota cloud a early yellow comptori s early early butler and 20 other kinds we carry largest stock in city also buckwheat j rnpe seed j turnips etc garden soeds 3c pkt 10 for 25c market lalv geoj tv sj guelph j d mckee dritgstlt agent for acton orders left wig villi receive prompt ntlcntion thti url it ma purity and ee them tbe standard forthei feral from finrpoaea and lie presence protests mlutlons and lnfnror goods- look i planspra peralauo kant spray oonlalna rtofieral polsonartanw pr psrls green bdre all inaeet we lungf ate barmlsw ta- tlon canadas only reliable apray sreep dip perllauobbsmdip la a drspsrau r tbo ears of dun dlieaaee and the ara6 n of vsrmmlniheap and settle it la hi odl elnal and does lie work with no ie or irtiuunfeffairii endorsed by lea ineep ralaersmtiwxij5il trif ijsoiisfssl rerilehohrisewsshu a speelau meaioamebi is ttethite of oj pillar to boriiv and for riddlai insect pasta and rermin it haa a iffitk9at i00poibioter- f uptodate 1 ilaslueaa unthoajs and fraerloe are taught thoroughly at the oufilph h indltiauattoluon mo olasaea trtrittrnir n tr- jlsiisae of wlsanol anftronnon generally m idlllon aud auaf 9mised animal in all troy ps tlio buhxpbii nonee bnray fa onltry ssmsrwenuifoonriartdt therod otllowmlorlo shads aaa jdlln f e4uriaras md m j je instant- destroylog faamm and pi rnrebass theeelooda from end to as direct for them wsjl pbodeneo 1 p h the pickhabt ben 8toiirvllle otft r aler or eorrea i rf ju mow am ioor 0pn btfltf ohlaag there was one yeiterday on yooreaiel ferdinand it must be ietnrits said ferdinand gentlemen replied ittnritz i pro- test- yoa need not protest replied carlos we all know yon are not capable of sketching aooh a flgare as that at least answered ietarits i have never made a sketch as bada that of yours one would think yon had done it in jeat and my pencila are wet said gouzilo in his tarn truly btranro things go on darlnjt tbe night do yoa not lb ink like the netfro go mez that it la the zombi who cornea apd plays all these tricks 7 said isjnrib troly bftid meodez who had oot yet spoken beiiir absorbed lu admiration of tho variona 11 go res which were sketched with the bund ot a piaeter in- different parts of the at radio if tbo zoinbl of the negroes draw in this manner he woo id make a beautiful head of the virgin in my descent from tbe crois with these words mender with t oare- leas air approaobed hie eaael when an ex- olamrtlon of astonishment escaped htm and be razed in mate sqr prise on hli oan vas on whioh was roughly sketched a moat beantifot bead of the virgin bat the expresnlou was so admirable the hoes oloar the oontonreo graoef air- that oom- pared with tbe hoes by wbioh it wa enolroled it seemed as if some heavenly viattant had descended among them ah what irtho matter said a roaffh voice the paplls turned at the soond and all made a respectable obeslanos to tba great maftterv ltwk benorllnrillo look 1 exclaimed the yoothn as they pointed to the esse of mendea who has painted this who hai pain ted this head gentlemen aaked murlllo eagerly speak tell me be who has sketched tbe virgin will one day be the master of na alls marillo wishes he had done it what a touch i what deucioy what skill 1 mendes my dear papll wae it yoa no seuor replied mendfs in a snr- rowfal tone was it yon then istnrlta or ferdiaand or carlos t bat they ftllkvelh aame replyas mendea it oonld not however oome here tvithont hands asd mnrlllo impatient ly i think sir said cordova the young est ot tbe paplls that tbeia ntfange plot- urea are very alarming indeed this u not the first qnaoooanlabje ovont whioh has happened in yoor atndio to tell the troth snob wonderful thins have hsppen- ed here one eoaroely koows what to believe what are they aiked murlllo still lost in admiration of the head of the virgin by the uukoowo artist according to your orders renor an swered ferdlnandi we never leave tba atadio witboat pattluti everything in order cleaning onr pateitw washing onr brashes and arranging our eanls bt when w return in the morning not only is everything in eonfuuiun onr btrnihe filled with paint oqr prtlotten dirtied bat here aud there are sketches beantifot sketches to be suremiey are sometimes of the head of an angel sometime pf a demon then again lh proqie of a yoon glrltor thaogare of an old man but all admirable as yoa have aeon yourself 8mkor j ithfe 1 oertatnly a cdroan affar gen tleman obered mm hip bat we that i little mulatto boy about fourteen years old who appeared at hie osl did i pot desire yon to sleep here every night j yob maator as id tbe boy with timidity aud have you done so yes master speak then who wad here last night andhbis morning before tbeae gentleman came speak slave or i eball make you acquainted with my dungeon said murlllo angrily to tho hoy who coutinued to twist tbe bands of bis tr6uerb without replying ah youdjut oho3do to answer aaid muriltb pulling bts ear no odd master no one replied tho trembling sebastian with eagerness that la false txglumied murillo no one bat me i swear to you master orled tbe mulatto throwing him self on hu knees in the middle of tbe studio and holding oat hie little handd in supplication before bis master ijltiten to me pursued murlllo i wish to know who has sketched this head of the virgin and all the tlgurea wph my pupils flod every morning here on coming to the stndio this night in place of going to bed you shall keep watch and if by to morrow yon do pot didoover who the culprit is joa shall have twenty five strokes from the lash you hear i have said it now go and grind the colore j and yoa gentlemen to work from the commencement to the terra nation of the hoar of iostraation marlllo was too mo eh absorbed with bis penoll to allow a word to be spoken but what regarded their occupation but tbe moment he disappeared the pupils made ample amends for this restraint and as the un known painter occupied all their thoughts the conversation naturally tamed to the abject beware sebastian ot the hen said mendez and watch for the culprit but give mo the naples 5 allow you do pot qeed it senor mendez you have made it yellow enough already and as to tbe oalprlt i have already told yoa that it is the zombi are these negroes fools or asses with their zombi said gonslo laughing fray what is tbe zombi oh ap imaginary being of conrse but uke care benor gonzalo continued sebastian with a mischievous glance at his easel for it must be tbe zombi who has stretched the left arm of yoor 8c john to suoh a length that if the right resembles it ho will be able to tie his shoe string without stooping do you know gnntlemen eald ietaritz aa he glanced at the paiutink that the remarks of sebastian are extremely just and much to tho point oh they say that negroes have the faoe ot an ape and the tongue ot a parrot rejoined gonzalo in a tone of indifference with this distinction observed ferdi nand that tbe parrot repeats by rote while sebastian has judgment in his remarks like the parrot by chance retnrned gonzalo who knows bald mendez who bad not digested the naples yellow that from grinding tho color he may one day astonish us by showing he knovfs one from another to know one color from another and to know how to pse them sue two very different things replied sebastian whom the liberty of the atndio allowed to join in tho conversation ot the pupils and the truth obligee ns to confes that his taste was ao exqaleate hid eyo so oorreot that many of them did not disdain to follow tbe advice he frequently gave them respecting their painting although they sometimes amused themselves by teasing tbe little paulatto he whb a great favorite with them all and this evdning on quitting the studio eacb fflving him a friendly tap on the shoulder counselled hltn to koepaatriot watoh and cat oh the zombi for fear of the lash it was night and the studio of murlllo cm moat celebrated painter in seville this jit odlo wbioh dariug the day was so oboerfnl and auimated waa now silent as the grave a single lamp barned upon a marble table and a young boy whose sable hue harmonized with the surrounding darkness bat whoie eyes eprklcd like diamonds at midnight leanca againat an easel immovable and still he waa ao deeply absorbed fn his meditations that the door of tbe studio was opened by one who several times called him by name and who on receiving no answer approached and touched him sebastian raised his eyes whleb rested on a tall and hudaome nero why do yoa come here ftather said he in a melancholy tone to keep you company sebastian thero i no need father 1 can watoh alone but what if tbe zombi should come ul- do not fear him replied the boy with a pensive etnile he may oarry yoa away my eon and then the poor negro gomez will havo no one to console him lu bis slavery oh how sad bow dreadful it 14 to be a slave txolairaed the boy weeping hltterly it ik the will ot god replied toe negro with an sir of resignation god i ejaculated sebastian as he raised bis eyes to the dome of tbe stodlo throng which the stars glittered god 1 i pray constantly to him my father and he will one day listen to me that wo may be notonger slaves but go to bed father go go and i him 1 1 go to mine there in that oorner and 1 shall soon full asleep good nfeht father good night are yoa really not afraid ot zombi sebastian my father that l superstition of oar country fnlher fugenlo has a as o red me that god does not irmit on per natural beings to appear on earth why then when the pupils aaked who sketched the fluureh they find hrre every m irnitiu did you say it waa the zmtui to amnaa myself fa her mid tn make 1 hem ungb that was all then wood nm my boh and hav ing kilned the boy thu nettro retired the tnonunt sebastian found bfmitlf alone he uttered an exonmttion of joy theu ffuddrnly eheokinu himself he aid twonty five lashes to morrow it i do not tell who aketobsd theta figures and mrhkpa more if 1 do ob try godcome to my al i and the hide otalatio threw only threo oclook any olhe boy would probably have gone to sleep attain not so with sebastian who bad bat three boars be oonld call bis own ooarage courage sebastian i ho exolaimed as be shook himself awake three hours are thine bnly three hours i then profit by them tho rest belonging to thy master si own master for three short boars to begin these figures mu be effaced and seizing a brash be approached the virgin which viewed by the soft light of tbe morning dawn appeared more beantifal than ever 4 efface thisl he exclaimed bfface this 1 no i will die first i efface this they dare not 1 neither dare i no that head ehe breathes ahejpeakb it seems as if her blood would flow if i should offer to efface it and that i should be her murderer no no no rather lot me ttnitfh it scarcely had he ottered these word when seizing a palette ha seated himself at the easel and was aoon totally absorbed at bis occupation hoar after hour passed no headed by sebastian who waa too muoh engrossed by tbe beautiful creation of bis pencil which seemed bursting into life to mark the flight of lime another touch p he exolaimed a soft shade here now tho month yes- there i it opens those eyes they pierce mo through i what a forehead i what deltoaoyl oh my beaotifal and sebastian forgot tbe hour forgot he was a slave forgot the dreaded ponlsbraeut all all waa obliterated from the soul of the youthful arttet who thought of nothing saw nothing bat bis beautiful picture but who can describe the horror and consternation of the unhappy slave when on suddenly taming round he beheld all the pupils with his master at their head standing beside him 1 sebastian never onoe dreamed of justify the tramps prayer ing himself and with hie palette la one hand and his brushes in the other he hung down his head awaiting in ailenoa tba pnnubnient he believed he josfly merited for some momoute a dead eilenoo prevail ed for if sebastian was confounded at being caught in tbe commission ot such a flagrant crime murillo aod his pupils were not less astonished at the d i boo very they bad made murillo having with a gesture of the hand imposed silence on his pupils who could hardly refrain themselves from giving way to their admiration approached sebastian and concealing his emotion said in a cold and severe tone while be looked alternately from tbe beautiful bead of tho virgin to the terrified slave who etood like a statue before him who ifl your master sebastian yon replied the boy fn a voice scarce ly audible x mean your drawing manter stld murlllo yon senor again replied the tremb ling slave it cannot be 1 never gave yoaiesaons said tbe astounded painter bat yoa gavo them to others and i listened to them rejoined the boy emboldened by the kindness of his master and ou have done better tban listen yoa have profited by them i exclaimed murillo unable longer to oonoeal his admiration gentleman does this boy merit punishment or reward at the word punishment sebastians heart beatoulok the word reward gave him a little ooarage bat fearing that his ears deceived htm be looked with timid and imploriog eyes toward his master a reward senor 1 orled tbe pupua in a breath that is well bat what shall it be sebastian began to breathe ten dnoala at least aaid mendez fifteen i orled ferdinand no aaid gonzalo a beautiful new drees for the next holiday speak sebastian aaid murillo looking at his slave whom none ot these rewards seemed to move are these things not to your taate tell me what yon wish for i am so muoh pleased with jour beantifal composition that i will grant any request yon may make speak then do not be afraid oh master if i dared and setae tian olasping bis bauds fell at the feet of his master is was easy to read in the balf opened lips ot the boy and bis sparkling eyes some devouring thought within whioh timidity prevented him from atterjug with tho view pf encouraging him esoh ot tbe pnpils suggested some favor for him to demand ask gold sebastian ask flab drosses sebastian aak 10 be received as pupil sebaaiian a faint smile paised over the couple nance of tbe slave at the last words but he hung bis head and remained silent ask for the best place in tbe atndio said gonaato who from being tbe last come pupil bad the worst libt or hie easel oome lake courage aaid marlllo the master is so kind today said ferdinand balf alond i would ilsk somethingsask your freedom sebastian at these words sebasiau ottered a cry of anguish and ratatng fail eye to bis master he exolaimed in a voice choked with sobs tbe freedom of my father the freedom of my father and thine also aaid murillo who no longer able to conceal his emotion threw bis arms around sebastian and pressed him to his breast your penoll he continued shows that vou have talent your request proves that yoa have a heart the artist is com plete from this day consider yourself not only as my pupil bat as ray son happy murlllo 1 1 have done more than paint i have made a paluter mnrlllo kept hu word and sebastian gomes better known under thu imrae of the mulatto of murillo beotu a one of the moat celebrated painters in spa there my yet be seen in the ohurolic a of seville ihe celebratfxl- picture which li hid been found painting by hu mthttr iilm a 81 anne admirably done a holy tjph whioh is extremely beautiful nml others ot lbs highest merit tbtire bad been a railroad wreak two peeee tigers were klllodv and five or bix injured and among the latter waa a professional tramp who bad been stealing a ride to the doctor who examined bis injuries he said smiling feebly aud with that manner peculiar to his class well pnrd w t rerdietofrtie jury- you are tery badly burr was tbo reply are my leg off ijio you are are fatally injured however that means im a goner my pard wua on the oar ahead la he hurt v no litre ho is at that moraeut a ragged unkempt and typibal vagabond aame forward aud bending over tbe victim bald well jim they bay you have to jo bow arc you feeling over it sorter i no use to kick tom km i do anything for you thedj tug mail griscil a moment in silunoe aud then whispered pom yoa are the only pard nor i ever had as kuowed the lordd prayer juet say it ovor to me tbo old tramp pulled off hi cap aud knelt down and ue the bystanders uncovered and bowed their heads be repeated tbe prayer word for word and with euoh feeling au uetoniahed everybody when be had fluiahed he rose up and said thats it jim and kin i do anything more otbiug more for blm auswered ttie doctor as he looked down opon the pale fact your partner is dead who will say utter reading this incident that there is no hope for the tramp and that it is nvelosb to work fur him why the very tramps them bel vea would put no to shame if we did as in this iiiutanoe for our part we wool j rather ie the ragged wretoh kneeling by the side ot bts dying partner and holding joet bofore him the fainteat rushlight ot hope to illuminate the darkness that waa eettliog down on him than to stand in the pulpit ot the rhymes of thjb kings and queens of sc now lads aud laiiios tako of what i gather oomo pluck a tblatlc opon mijo your oars and get your hearts in tuuo for pnrplo boatber t or ornoo s snider and quoon mary s tosrs lliton young people wlitlol tell tbo story of bootland a king and quooua in olden times a talo of bard blows poverty aud glory of stirring noblo doods and blackest crimes of scotland ruggod land ot aid romance blob with tbo blood of inany a woll rough t field tbo land of sword aud battle aio and louoe fit tartan plaid and plbjroofa dirk and shield land of grim cos ties catavtota and strotins mountains and stormy bills torrouta and lakoa land ofoldballad atorlos uoulo droatuh hand of broad tongue warm hearts and oateu cakotf of ulgbland flings aud roela aud sword daaoos of boroainluk pipes aud xuuatoblokorlug burn ofliaggls athole brobo and wild romanoos of qoronaobs aud walls highland korno of fairy folk and witubes flora crosses of ruins all alive wltb ot eworld lore of brokou paths oor troaobtorous poata aud uioaaob and groat rooks juat aslutuo days of yor jiund or brave lands and vory bonnlo laasos of obocked aprons audofbounotabluo of bloody dlxks and bogs aud wild morasses mind and remoiubor all 1 toll to yon the above is a us leslie a introduction tn her new volume of kittys and queens of scutland to ha iuurd ft 0171 the prtm about the endofuie year nearby church and to preach a gospel of good taste to a congregation of a hundred and fifty pious souls who had their calling and eleotioa eure the missionary no excuse allowed a aaooesbfal business man told me there were two things be learned when bo was eighteen years old which were ever afterwards of great use to blm namely never to lose anything aud never to forget anything an old lawyer sent him with an important paper with certain instructions what to do with it bat inquired the young man sappose that i should happen to loio it what then shall i do you must pot lose it said the lawver frowning i dont mean to aaid tbe young man but sappose i nhonld happen to but i say yoa mut not happen to i shall make no provision for each an occurrence yoa must not lose it this put a new train of thought into the young maua mind and he found that if he waa determined to do a thing he oonld dolt ha made each a provision againbt every contingency that he never loat anything he found that equally true about forgetting if a certain matter of importance was to be remembered be pinned it down on his mind fastened it there and made it stay he used to say when a man tells me that he forgot to do something i tell him he might as well have said i do not oare enough about yoor business to tako the trouble to think of it again i onoe had an intelliient young man tn my employment who deemed it sufficient excuse for uogeotlng an impor tant tank to bay i forgot t told blm that wonld not answer if he was enfnaicntly interested he would be oareful to remember ft was because he did nut care euoagh that he forgot i drilled him with this truth he worked with me for three jearn and during tbe last of the three he waa utterly ohansed in in this repfiot he did not forget a thing his forgettiog he found was a lazy and oarolods habit of tho mind which be red country gentleman a pack of fox hounda tbtisae invariably the time when ails are wagged for the com oqo n ood tho wajiging is an almost 4 invariable aqoompiniment of this form of pleasure winch is ouo of the ohlefest among the ugreuab e emotion when in the wild state owing to nucne iooaontallon of the nervous tieohhrjiara which at preserttr we cannot unravel xbo association ot pleasure aud wagging has become so inseparable that the moveononl of tbe tail follows tho emotion whatever may call it forth an explanation of a similar klud can be found for the facst that dogs depress their tail when thretatentd or scolded when running away thro tall would bo the part neafoit tbe partner and therefore raobt hkely to be esized t was therefore eeourely tuoked away between the bind legs the act of running away is naturally oloaely associated with the emotion of fear and therefore this gesture of potting the tail between the legs heonmea an invariable concomitant of retreat or submission i a tho presence ot superior force popular science jupnoily sources of contagion a little girl fcix years of ago was taken by her mother into a btrret car tho oar was orowded and a delicate onklnff roan lifted the little one to hta kneen she sat there a moment then slid down mid clung to her mother skirls after they hid left the ear aht stld mamma i couldnt sit ilnr that man breathed in my frcn and made me sick for days afterwards vhe complained that she could not get that dreadful tastq out ot her mouth in due lima she was attacked with typhoid fever and died there was no question wbatevorfin the mind of the pbysioian that tho raau who took the child op waa in the first stages of typhoid believing that thitt d ideas could be transmitted by the breath be took pains to make experiment a sufferer from typhoid breathed a number of ilmrs intonglass vessel oontainiotf sterilised walor from this water oultoroa were made and the true typhoid bacilli developed in enormous qaantiiee it is generally supposed that typhoid is due tocontaminated water but experi ments ot this sort have made it certain that tba breath especially it tbown out suddenly as by coughing is likely to be laden with the deadly germs reforming a parrot r bltosell upon the mat blah wvad him for noon lenrvwbo tjils nuhliy vl j ibed whr h uoh ml faktvsterp ssheillao he oonlmoed ajjretug a s basils u awoke at daybah tt was it is not tbe deed we do though i he deed be pa vex ao fair but the love that the dear lord lookbih far hidden with holy oare in tbe heart of the deed so fnitr a flttebnrger who spent a part of last summer in england tells an incident which sadly dlsturbd the rrlgtoos peace of a parish in pensanoe a maiden lady of that town owned a parrot whioh some how acquired the dltagreeaba habit ot observing at present intervals i wish thai old lady would dlo this auuoyed the birds owner who apoku to her aerate about it i think wo osn rectify the matter replied the ioud mtn i also have a parrot and he u h ilnhteom bird having been brought up in the way he should go i will lend you m parrot and i trust that hjs influence will reform that depraved hlrd nf your- tbe curates parrot was plaoed in the name toom with the wicked onr and as soon aa the two had become aoctistnmud to eauji other the bad bird remarked i whh hfo old lajy wonld die m whereupon the clergynans bird rolled up his ees apd lo solemn aootnts added we beseech thee tt bear nsgnod lord i the mary got ont in the pariah nnrf tor several 8ondaya it was nrotaaary tn omit the lltaqv the ohnrth serviqsh thti language qf tail tht ooqs there oao be no quesfciou that the chief delliibt of wild dogi is la the abase and its ttooompauying exoiteuient and tbe consequences one of the moat thrilling moments to he hnonu h outer and doubtleps to the otiiiue hpd one i ig with that most poikuaut of all delights autioipatiou of peaurdbte excitement combined with mutolar activity id when tbe presence of game is flrat detected as wrrhave bean tn wmobfrn tho behsviorin- curious fact a down east mtn tells of un amuilng encounter he had iu u uarberd uhop in a western town the burhor waa u very tall very black negro who rejoiced in the eaphonlous name ot oaroliuud washington he seemed disposed to 00 saver eatioo and in course of his romarks he asked bid new ouatomer from vhat part ot the country lib came from maine7 ihu gentleman briefly i was sure ob it uati i aaid tho barber with enthusiasm i otoroe from bangor me myself eah and theres something about a maine man yoa cant mistake we all look alike ash in a way an jou might eay we dat s horn aud brought up lu de state ob mufne llt a moot cuous fact aahl youth s companion master of the situation j11 the das of nitvrry abram was a great favorite with iiib matter whom he served na aynlet front km jonth at his master death hid mieilreei granted him many privilege and at the period ot emancipation he rclated every temptation to leave tho um plantation in the exercise of hid pi i filegea he beo tme obnoxious 10 ihe other throes and fteir frequent 00m pi mot a exultaq remotutmnoa on the part ot his muteae hut abram pursued blri own way in ppli of eipoitu- latioo fiuttll his in terfereuoe with her own puus exhausted she jaueuce ot his mistress who determined o dirmiie him abram said she one fty to him in a very kindly toue i iee that you and 1 oanuot live m peace on the sacxe place and i have decided that we roubt jjaart- but beforo she aonoludod hor romarks abram exclaimed law mist in whar yon gwine yoa aint gwine git not bottah plan t ash un than die take ote abee ndvioe mirttu en stay right whar ou is what to do with the qoy a conversation was fcield a abort time ago between husband and wife concerning the future welfare of their ouly son tho mother waa for giviufj him a profevslon hut the father thought tho professions were crowded and suggested hiarliog tbe boy in mercantile life tfae fathers reason for being oppoeed to bis son entering professional life was that he had a brother who while very clever had nothing to show lot his years of labor but a mere living aud a wood big account on the debit side tbe money spent in educating himself the father alihotih not havlug the education af his brother had some years ago engaged with the bradleygarretson co limited of b rata i ford ont first as canvassing agent being promoted from time to time until now lia wae in tho very front rank with this company and making lota of money he ha also seen a lot of the world having been sent to australia south africa eogland and the united states m it was therefore not to wondered that he waa opposed to his son taking up a profession and the son la question had a liking for motieysnd travel it wae dually deofded that he oaht tu follow la tba footsteps of hit father and oulfst with this old rullable publishing iiquc o peoially as he had juat rvosivetd a good salaried offer from thf m sometime a baby fa moit peaoelql when its op in artpv 1 1 this is not what fits slacked up to be as tbe miner id wfaao klverlaed quertr for gold and foabdoiiryrnloa v

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