m bphbitfi krntmkii at tberesldenoo of robert ontuor burlington on wednesday bth judo f lie h j blllott dr a h bpeen to wsa kontuor burlington on wednesday 8th judo by itov it j blllott dr a h bpeers mlduie kentnar both of burlington mcouijxhjuh jjumdy at tbo residence of john moktnnon bu gn6lpb on thnredty juue tfltb by itov it w nallah nellie lundy to b frank moonllougb m d of kvortoo 4 itou modowaxiat the residence of tha brides tether op wednesday 14th jane by iter h a maopfiersou david bom to minnie daughter of james modoirell all of eeqneslng township ruixib jkaks la glovantille n y on v odnwday juno 14th by bot van valken- buruortboflratm b charoh mr william itudgo to ulsa mlnnla jeans eiater of harry jean acton all of qloverairllla hall uiuwiii0 ai the rftudenoe of albert protest pf a clbvbr hall trafalgar undo ottbebrtdeon wedoee- day jane ttb by the rev t b clarke otara u hal daughter of traenan hall orange vlilo to john f brownrtdga of aabgrore moeoinjoiata at norfolk street methodist obureb oaolph wednesday litb june by bev j q sootvo wubarmotrgato of london to carrie maud only daughter of hi h f jones manager of herald job department momjurran joknso at seattle wash on tuesday ftth jane by iter j m detoson mr duncan monaster of whitby island to mlaa eleanor jonnaoa daaghter ot tbo late dr luohardjolmsodof si4aalagnear aotoa bwitucvhbak at atanoai road methodist ohnroh toronto on wednesday jane tth by itay onanoellor burwaab tjc d l l d maod cnrran adopted daughter of dr and ursbahney of caistorviua to ber w b hmiui oaloarule baittt mooaut in the aiethodi oburofa obealey on wednesday mat jupe by ber t a moore hunuton anutod by ber o j dobson b a gbealoy mr frank j beatty winnipeg to iillllan dorothy daughter of tbomsa moore cfhealoy v john r barbr contlnuejs in his seat without th formality of anotfiar bleotlon np bvidbnoe offered for several mootbs there be been moro or leas loud talk reppeotinr the probable outcome of the protest against the return ot john b barber as member o ihn provlnolal lioktolatare for qalton in the reoent byeel eetloii the trial of the petitiou against mr barber came apmitfaeqorirt hoaae mil top at 10 oolook monday mornldk- no evidence was offered in support of tbo petition arid it was dlimiased without costs mr denton elating that b bad no loatraotions from mr barber to ask for ooete this endi tbe proteht noleenoe for the present parliaments at least in both hoawi author b and his died lupoicevth at tjmehonse on monday 10th june henry only eon ot h xjapolderln aged 13 years sifrrn at tale residence in euphrasia on friday 0th of jane hugh bmlfch a natlre of lalay scotland formerly ot bsqaealng near acton et utan ttz lxtxz thursday june 23 1899 geo r mr fred w barber has jua received the appointment of anperiatondent ot tbo b1j korthweet farm which lis now being establlehod by air william van horn chairman of the canadian faoiflu eailway boerd theepworth ttagae gave a deligbtral moeioal eveninfc on monday miialindsaywhohaabmdontbeteaqhing alafl of the hih school for flrn yean duridr whloh she bat given tbo board and pupils entire catlifaotipd haa resigned and this will be a oaaee for general regret the oitiaens generally of 1mb good town fare boob pleased with tbe reaqlt of the ejection trial on monday by whloh john r barber m p p wai confirmed in his crops in ontario aieat and very dwrvlng popularij oaine to mr henry 8mvi muiiman as reanlt ot bli olever booke the sovtursv with bdged toolu and rvdenji corners thle nopuurity in btinu erjfi mngbj eudsngered by ili planlnif ontbej market in tho tjnited butte ami canada of books sapreii8td mny yearn ag- by htm betfiuo they wero the prodnuls of bu immuture and yonthftil days hu english publishers meerrs bmiih elder fe co ette that priaonra and captive and yonnjc miatley were eupprtasrd some years apo by their author these nnfortunately are now being resurrected in canada ubd the united states and bought by ilm public an new books meban smith elder dvco eay that droaa is the only book written for publication thiu year and that there will bo uq other complete book frotn mr merriroan this year readers pf dross will welcome agairi tbe eparklin dialbune andfcdkroeaing plqt that did so muob to win the first place in oarrent flctlou for bodens gorners end with kdged tooih all boaknellerb sell ii- publlehed in canada by the w j gage go i toronto coth ftl23 pftperi 75 cent are free you wouldnt utop to ank wbether the key that opened the dootww the reprulation pattern or not if it opened the door that in enough tltoii- flanan of women who arc nick niid rtiflcrlnff milit rncedlly be nindc utroujt niul well again if it wan not for nn unrctihtmabk pre judice against any but itocnllcd rcguln- uon method three yearn sgo i wnn nlmont gone wllh womb trouble ay mrsj m y mr jenilc j jnckii of 5ssm wharf ile orsvlkji co 1 in literary notes tha crop in wartam j onurio r looking onimiuily wtlh tbi ipring drains wero xol in nthw utet than njnl ud mneh 61 tba und wunl od hggj and bird to g into proper hpe binoa wdiiig tha waathar hu oaaa fatorabla and tho growth haa bean itaady jane find overjthlng growing wau- tba tieni ara in splandid foliuta and tba graannati of tha f reih loavo vary bugtitnl fall whaat has picked op a good deal mooh of it ws winter killed and aome had to ba nuowdrhnt all baa improved the part taw na88aqaweya naeki tberobaa bean a large ana pat under peae thle perhipa beoanu it ta now the favorite crop to precede aatnmn wheat oata got in early have dona vary i well and nrbmiae an sbondant yield barley alto looks well- but ha a emali areaabwe some think there ha not been aa mnob corn pat in aa last year clover was mneh boit by the savers winter and orchard gran in many place waa also killed the may rootatore helped very mneh the newheyaelda and will raaks up in aome meaaore for tba loss of clover altogether the proapeot is onnaqally bright both for the farmer and hla atook notes a co the trade flgnrea of the dominion for tha eleven month ending may si enow an increase in the aggregate trade ot 14710860 over the same period liaat year donald haeniah liberal member tor weat elgin has resigned hie aeat the approaobing trial promised to reveal illegal aotipn on the part of overseslobs anpporters r the naahvillo advocate aaya the managers ot the great canadian railrosda aeven in nomber in reply to a letter aaking them ii they oooaidared the drinking habits of appllnaota for positions and what rqlea if any they bad regarding the drink praotloaa ot men already amploy- ea atata positively that they will not employ s man who drinks or retain an old employes who offends against this rale we notioe that in plaoe of waiting ro mnob pnhlie money annpally in tha building and tattle mending of plank aldawalks not a few of ths more important towns and vulagae artr these days adopting the mora modern andhn ilka method ot potttngdownrrmsimnt walks aneh as vitrified brick granollthio and aeoh llks tiot meraly on a few of tberoore important streets bot db atree gsnerally but this town alill goes on wasting money nailing planlu to deoayed atringera under the idea that it is practicing eoohoiny milton rifonur the tenth annual bloomibory plonlo will be held on dominion day in mceinnona grove lot 35 oon 0 nssaagaweya a new platform baa been erected and a programrna whloh williniurea big afternoon of pleaanre le being arranged the fonda are to be applied to the repairing of blobmabnry bohool mlnea maggie knd llazie ziniqiorman aletera ot eyangellat zimmerman wheeled oat from hamilton and apent sunday with theh aunt m iis m langrill who was anmrnoned to armada miob owing to tse illnets of her nephew clyntop only son of dr l h aud mia wilaou returned home with the bereaved parentt to mra iiaugrilla mother of mrs wllaonf from whenoethefaneral proceeded to thelbbeneser oemetery tried ninny dlftcreut mttlicluert ntnt irot ter until i tried dr ilerccn nicttlctnrh the first bottle gnvc me pcwc 1 have tnlcen nibot ttc and ifccl ail well nn ever 111 my life my doctor did not have any faith in iwtent medlctnch but he hayn somrlhitt hnh done you good i knowlr i nadmiot inketi lr ketrcx medtduo 1 could not have lived loutr nvf wm- nothtnir but a nkeleton i wqh no tlifli lu flehh thatit hurt ine to lie down now i mil vell and can work hard nil day nml dona much walklnk naiever did and iileep well nlvuljrht x can never lie thankful enough for the gikxl dr fierce medicine did rue dr pierce is n regnbr rrnduated and bramosa mr fred smith eramoea hae told a fine pair of- oarriaga horses to mr wm wallace for shipment to qlaagow i vary aneoessful lawn- aboial waa held at the reaidenoe of mr w j rudd eden mills last friday evening an interaating feature of the programme was the- representation of the countries england ireland soolland united btatea andoanada in short addressee by beva 8 coooh aberfoyle dr soanlon and a- blair nasiagawsya j p kay quelph and 8 w holden eookwood an ejoellant lime waa apent by all preetnt thebrookvilta band was in attendance aooordlng to the will of the lata john olark eramoaa 185000 ot this estate goes to the uethodial mlaaionary boolety and 110000 to the methodiat book fond at the manitoba msthodiat oonfereooe the tooowlhg raouon was nnantm oarrisd tp preiuerclresbway and tna members ot of the- prsvioew of manitoba wy tea olarieal and lay hlagstesot tre ooa erenoe now asssiiilliil wish to ear appcsolatlonaodapprjr ottoaw given by yon to lbs trapetanoa ouatlpn whloh wel wvipbo wuohassrrni w nrilavstoe- to mean thai rohruuva of the pwvlnoethitbe doml rwmlt wrtn l aeie4sdoafoa t ion of the rass4l rjaglslaiil and waadnoeralyhorielknamliw the dominion oovsrrdt in m this great qoetloovrill the imroedlato orya by y dovernmani i6t the ovsrwhslmnln tamper- anoa oooviotton nt this provlooe into prohibitory ltgialatlon proverbs in aoverti8ino milton prior to their removal from omagb mrs clarke wife of bev t b olarke was made the recipient a parse of 80 the eleotlon trial osmonday sailed pot very quietly and john b barber remains the local member for haltob bev mr mahaflf was a delegate to the qenerai aaeemhlyat hsmtluo the hotel property at hornby formerly oooupiad by david iindaay will be offered for sale by publlo aaotlon on the premises on friday the ladiee aid of boaton church will give a itarden party at the reaidenoe of mr jarnm muarryxot 0 4th line eaques- ingoo toeaday ning jnnejyth bev d w hnlder who baa bean pastor of tba methodist chureh beirs for the past three years and who will go from here to bimooe preaohed hla farewell sermona on bonday milton lis to have a ooalome honie on small aoale poalmaater hannant will be theoollsetor rv the july number of the detiiitator is called the bummer holiday number and embracaaanecourate and comprehensive forecast and review of faahibne moat artiatioaim and tendenotcejvvarloty of literary features of singular exoellenoe and dtaouealona ot nnlverial intereat oneooial and houaehold theme order- from the looal agent lor butleriok patterns or addresa tbe ddlnealm publishing co limited 88 blohmond st weal toronto ont crutches thrown away the remakable case of a younq oir in wa for thre years she could only go about with the aid of crutoneshad to bo helped in and out of bodhor restora tion to health was unlooked from tbe walkurton teloiaoiie a couple ot walktrtoi reoently dlionasing tbe oaae of a mi friend whoiowing to the andden develop ment ofa bad attaok of soiatioa had been compelled to take to her bed whou a third lady prebsnt hot who waa o stranger to the young woman in queatiodmade the remark i would adviao yoor friend lo take dr wllllame pink pills asked to give her reawna for making this recom- mendalioo she prooeeded to give the details of a most remarkable onre that had been effected by dr williams pink pills on the daughter of her neighbor a mite bebeoda oreenhow audthe etory aa told by this lady having subsequently been repeated in the bearlog of the editor of this paper we deoided toinveatigate and find but from persona inquiry all the oircumatanoes of this seeming remarkable ihatanoe of the power of medibine over disease that evening we called at mr greenhows residence both mr andmre oreenhow were at home but their daughter had gone down town tee replied mrs oreenhow in anavrer to a question in regard to the reported cure my daughter haa been oared i believe dr williams pink pills saved her life she then gave the oircumatanoes other daugntera illness and cure as follows bebcooa is now seventeen yeara of age when she wsa eleven she was attacked with topiilltia and following this for the nestrihree years she never had a moment free from pain she began to bomplaln ot paiua all over her body bat ohlefly in ber babk 8be became so woak and run down that she was unable to walk without the assistance of a orutoh the doctor said she was euffering from inflammatory rheumatism brought on by an impover ished condition of the system he prescribed various remedies but nothing seemed to do ber any good end fituklly we deoided to try another doctor he also prunonnced the tronble to be rheomalltm lion had a more practical life long experience with nil forma of womens diseases than nny other doctor in this country his favorite prescription for ferhnle complaints is the most marvelously effective remedy for this purpose in the world suffcrinir women need not hesitate to write to him all letters are held sacredly confidential and free advice will be sent by mall in plain sealed envelope constipation la a little illness that it neglected builds a big one dr pierces pleasant pelletacure constipation there ia no point in the life ot a gbriatian man wbero he cannot eay that t ia better further on vv5ps55s can- be cured with tenvhofnhana ileadabhe powdera a almple prae- tlcnl perfectly anrei positively harm- losa aoclqo forallklndjof uendacbo whatever are ot eitoarue iliflr crfttcii uiey ralfavs aoaratoniacb sold liydrassula aveirwhei in loo envelope andlscboxta itfag co drldievarw ont rs lnioo01 1 tit lloftruan ftssass itoswflswillmvsjiaisukk exchange our business is the material you supply is necessary bring it here and in exchange we will include and homespuns sheeti ngs and yarns 1kderwear of unusual value jv innelettes sfflrtlnos cottonadi denims and towellimg white qiftts grey and bleached cotton tweeds flannel knitted prints not the least imirtant feature of doing business with these mills is the satisfaction assured rough our straightforward methods in every case full weight is the rule and fair inspection rocm0odmgolibn wills wanted b n fonnb oc ssv cbaaraotor in eaob towniblp of can qoolwafim buildu ezperiepoe notikfewati duadlkyaakribtbon coxxtnua brfctttfortl ont n- cattlli tastrmte gaittla paiturod ohead by tliaieiod or monib on 900 aafoi near crewtana ooilivn with buib aad aprlnff orook goo atteieitlon gtvon to cftttle addnwi mrs a wtn bo tondon lload onelpb or apply to mr botwrt buton on the premuui lor lurtbcr partloaiua assistant post master wanted a good opening for apboomakor or a drom maker position at onoa apply to jd oaldelt carluka ont warnins to the public the privilflgo ol ftablog on tba btroam rnnnloff throagb tbe farm of mr john a gordon lot s8 con 5 eiqnealng baa been leaaed for m t9rm ot yoara traspaaaora will be proaoodtod accordidb tblaw kjmonabb for tbo leaaoear aotod judo sust 1800 t limehouse crbws co quite a hnnbsr frcm this vicinity intend taung to the hsjlbn sxnuraion to oioiovrjittelrjim haesrsv bobt wanebarocifh and wm ciajroi attended the ermmbai 8 8 idoventlotj at everton last thursday as you most have notibad in all the- news papers and rdghelaaa pablieatlona all over the bonntry tbe new- and orisloal adver tising of hoods 8airadrllla8onie provetbe wi n as t human eiperlenoa or ptabtlcal troth in a fordble r manner the arieatlorls of these ee of wladomln ths shape ot proverrmold saying wise aawvootiplets or ptbss- bjootmlonsta tbs cnerlt sod iralb of hood mperilla bae attract aiteniion avery where for orlitinstlily striking force and impressive jeflset while the quaint type in whloh tbay an s1 oalled lenaen iullo tnekee additionally peeoliar as well as- nwre attraotive kverypertoa who haa ever c and who reads one ol these no4mtad uptordata proverbs at ocm says to blmaelf thats iustsol nstrnsabostvpr many who bevensver takee sblsi ejsdloloe eay on reita rroverbe tbate eotn- dmb aensa take hoods if yea havetfeerioowtbemvrbav ut fs wbmira psbllsbed la tbia paper and bstj bev w e blafford of toronto dallverad ayery impr aerrnon tp a itrct oongregatloo in the oburoh bore on umiiky iv v o volnn arrived horns from camp nu abbot 4rfw saturday afternoon tbe bbya wars irellpteav with thalr outing the weather was vary hot most of the time and consnently the boys retunirfmuoh darker than uaual they spmik very highly of their ofnoere on friday last mr oliver jasby raised ane new rjara x 49 onhls farm nassiilaweya tbs atrnoturs wsnl to gather without a hltoh and reneola credit bnitba framer mr ohas iby sfdes were oaptalned y messrs angns mital fbrnjerssdde coming oet insdnecrihe- aeetrnblsa iiottpanyjj numbsred ovsrona lnndred of whloh a fair sprlnklln were ladlea is u needleas to say ibat those present wsretrealedwlih true oourusy by mr ijaabjrand hit son and daughter mrrai raised a flr barn on thursday adernoon mlts seta hatee ot aototo spent sunday wmifiyjdajaaiiii l mr bobert crlpps reiurned oo saturday frbnialrlptbbpffuo nmiairea jawsrson of aoton spent bstisitjpabllblirav fmr james bamahaw apeni bondayarlrnislolovrvllle wmroera0iinrlwaeln- hamilton on a imilnem trip tntsvrrtk spauuniaustnmd ilfcbf wr- but though he gaveihor bottle after bottle of medicine aba bbounued to grow weaker by the end of the second year she was nnable to leave tbs house and bould only move from one room to another by the use of her orutohes we were advised toget her an electric belt and did so but though she wore it for a long lime it did her no good whatever during the third winter ebsbeoameeo very badthatahe had to be assisted into and ont of bed snd could not even raise from a chairwubootasalstanoe we had given up all hope of her rtoovary when a mr john allsn who had himself been similarly afbotedbnt who had been onredby the nee of dr willlatoa pink villi advised as to give them it trial je bad tried so many things without suooess tl we heaiuted to accept his advice but hsfntlstsd so strongly that we flcally yielded the first five boxes seemed to produce no change but before iha bad nnlthedtbe sixth bos we were sure wo oould notioe some improvement and we felt enoouraged io continue i their hie from that on she oontlnusd to improve teadily and by the time aha i had taken eighteen boxes every traoe of naln had left her she threw awajr her orutohes and soon fontot that she bad ever needed them for months past she has been filling a posliion in the rattan factory and ban work ss well aa anyone indeed i do not bollevs that there is today a healthier girl in walkerton booh is mrs grenliowe story of the oonojuirjlaioghtsr thtpngblbsjiieof or wil pink pilla after years of t l ail m iartitais a very pretty wedding took plaqe on wednesday afternoon june 14th at the borne of the bridoa father rf r jamea modowell when hie eldest daughter htfnhle was united in wedlock to mr david roea of the fourth line- they were married in the bay window under a beautilul floral hell in tbe presence of about one hundred and fifty guests the weddiug marob which was played on the bag pipes sounded charming tbe bride was attired inwhite brgandyand looked the pioture of lovlinees while the bride- groom wore that happy look whloh all men wear on snob ooosslous misabiltott aoton acted as bridesmaid while mr jno mabowell brothor of the bride supported ihegrbora mra jno v ksnnawlu ie at present visiting frlendjb in- shelbourne mri john moore viiited relatives in toronto last week death the grim reaper haa visited our little village again and tbia time hai carried away one of our brightest and best- beloved little sons in ttfi person of henry lavoldovln aged thirteen yeara only son of mr h lapoldevin foreman of the lime works just one week before bis death henry complained of a sore knee he went to school as usual hot when he retnrned homo be acted so atrangely that it was thought beet to consols a doctor and dootor nixon of georgetown was oalled in he worked moat faithfully on the case and called in bis partner dr webster and also drhowitt of quelrb inooninltitlbn however all tl icidmu i c not save hie life and poor little henry passed away after a week of tronble and raftering the gloom whloh has settled down over oar village ia proof of the esteem in whloh henry atthongh only a boy was bald and also of the sympathy whloh is felt for the bereaved lainlly ja meeting was heldet mr mcdermtda home on monday evenlog to make final arrangement for the garden party whioh is to be held on tnesday 371b jane but owing to the death of little henry la foldevin it wsa postponed robert nobles flourj fibodlind seed 8tor ronnies improved new banish sugr boot turnips jrenuietf jrrire jpurple top elephtnt baws westbury manclea jvowolant yoifow afammotb yellow carrots improver wmte d wart essox rape seed on saturday june 24th everyone should take advantage of the cheap trip town arid country should turn out in one grand procession jind visit noted tea store and china palace just a litrgo consignment of fresvi turnip seed all varieties 15c per pound or 8 lbb for 100 broad leafed essex sowing rape 16 lba for 100 visit our china palace second floor special bargains in din ner setts toilet setts and ten setts p come and buy big parcels lots of time to do so fter seeing the sights ithe street cars frcrm the o a g will leave you at our or if you tell the conductor to do ifso our whole establishment is your service make urselves comfbrteible while viewing our grand display of silks dress goods muslins millinery hosiery boots and shoes parasols umbrellas lace oilcloths housefurnishingsy groceries tiprqits glassware etc it will beonebf the sights of the city be sure arid ftne v t 7 phe mi0si- go cuelphs greatest store f resh fish reeeiyed daily great suffering we may rilittjjajr or two later the writer oalled onoe mora as fba oreenhow abode in the hope of leelbg the youog lady herself thlt time she waa iit homo and she ome into the room she pteeeriied n eppearenoe of the mott perfect health she repeated the story of her safferlniti in obstantlallv the same terroa as her mother hart done and like bar mother gives all the oredit to dr rtiiuik vsvtnmlpi sclttlea neuralgia partial jarltilr locomol or ataxia nervous liead- sohe iieryppi prostraiibu and diseases depending apon humors in the blood soob s aorofula ohronlo eryaipelas elo all disappear before a fair treatment viih dr illlantiinkij thejitibbalihy gjow pate and sallow onrpplsiionr sold by all dealer und popt paid at jooi a boxbr six ifciinja for 1880 by addressing asrrvilm put do not be fwrsoaded to lake some gpbajliat vj vjmaity a nio leada a women to tbe aharaud then resfgoiulslfadrshlp salvations free but its probably because tha attention of the trust promoters has not been oalled toll an ent finn tberbare few men morevrtdo awake and enterprising than j it mokee who spares no pains to eeoare the beat of everything in hfs line for their many customers he now have the agency for dr kings new discovery which surely cures oom- somptlonoongbs and oolda thiris tbe wbnderful remedyttbat ia now prbduolng so much eioitemenl all over the bonntry by itimmy startling eures it abaolutely cures asthma bronchitis naqeea and all affmtlons of the throat abesjljhajlinngs xou can testailfotebjyjbgbyoal jng af the above drag stere and gtla wuihotjii free or regour siarir goaranteed to odro or prioerefuhded tliouiib it ie never quite safe to take man at his own stimats yet if you would form a correct opinion of him yob mult know what he thinks ofhimielr that throblllng ileadaelia wbuld qulokly leave yon if yon used dr kings new life fills thousands of anfferers have proved their mgtohlessmsrlt for sink sod neryous headaches they make oure blood knd strong nerves snd build op your hsaltb easy to take try them only 96 bts money baolt- if not cored sold by j d mokee droggtst aman may ahut bis eyes to a painful truth but he seldom ibuta bis eats if the aforesaid truth happens to b about hla neighbor t lonay seem very strange to you that auothsrman should dlfier from you bu an imporubirjueetlon of morals fer religion botlt ia really no stranger in bliilgbl in ve are offering special bargains in miiltnery for the nott i all those in need of such will find it to their advantage to call arid inspect our goods before purchasing elsewhere j one s2nd 1899 1 y j- 1 hamiltons favohlte shoppikg place jjjthaivodv vwhen- yoalt for phbtograph you want the likeness to iepteaent you pmperly yhwyou sit to ua wo want tketwbrk iarapresetit naproperly oufi ilmprlnt is soon on npnut trie bt photo- sttoiftronr sake a well as yours we are sore to give you lifeuke aatlshc- tory photographs vrvwfisrraic photo klf 1st rcton i-iiifftii- riwfr liowisiron iijiuh pffijini tfshi iui m issrvfplsit 4 ii ltfeaajd reins itf 4vvr i organdie muslins 32- inches while cbrdettb lawns in various small neat floral designs in striped patterns 37 inches wide ted ide smal r ue pink and mauve extra value extra good value at rjjc ijc 20c v ti t 250 and 25c ly piques in white grounds with scotch ginghams in plaid and check ilored patterns in various pretty patterns variety of colorings regular lades ij inches wide regular 30c value 38 and 40c for 7c iztc knotted stripe gfnghsms in green y tucked muslins 30inch in pink blue rnanve and purple ay inches ie green and brown regular value wide formerly 35c redoced to 30c reduced to iajc white piques in fancy striped and e lawns 40 inches wide toe 120 dotted patterns ao 35 33 to 750 t 17c to 25c white pique plain wells 27inch at 1 20253110 f sllka reduced good quality linen with fancy stripes j velour rich qballly in yellow else aax 44jnches regular value 35c mauve sky cream and nile for 23c kilar value 1 150 reduced to i 00 special values in pore linen hnck jualty japanese silks 37 inches towels red bine or plain borders e inr pink sky nle jnd manve good heavy qualities iced from 50 to 35c sire regular for silks in plaids and stripes atk 41 inches each l8ceach lous shadings including mien 22 t4 inches 7350 each 30c each r bluo mauve mandarin arid huitudrollleib k and while regular prices 1135 for idtesi v 150 reduced to t i1o0 while irish an hatnstltched hand- strlrd and plaid taffetas in kerchleaspecw at 5c irple pink cerise crimson res irlsti ijrfewaiidlrerchlefs hand yellow good quality regular ernhroadererf sad hemscltched at 13c reducedtp v6yiimirmwmil y striped pstlems irish linen harjdlrerchiets initialled lue green mauve nile snd- andhand embro special vtloer larln regular prices 75 arid85etatv to jck about 300 doten of ladlec pure irish linen hemstitched handkerchiefs hems from inch to 1 inch wide very much under real worth 8 13i 1518 ie following fcr snecla mention aiidirtivivwrviiims show the kind of values were j handkerchlels berasiltched and initialed in fancy boxes of six each wels christys famous make of extra value per box 30c towel 1 pur immense stock of these wa t- 1 few a issll iftiii si jljm vi w vanted a oentfl lif evei dlitrlot on tba oodtlpsbt x to take order for hlaa grmdo oudun- brown nnnary stock sod fckadt liartfmtr and mmtoomplbtaauortment id the trado t fait- selling pecfaltlm inparb aipplm faroubed fre eorraipoadanoss- faaay laqgaftfie tbu poaluodi aremoneymakeraanduitltoryihould be aaanred at onoe lor tba huoq by all ooitlen looking for a good tbtog our auaryor oom- mlatalon offers loteroit io abyoqa not mralug 9100000 per year jet la oomolublcauon witb oar nearest ofllee an oppoitanity to represent a wellintabllibed bouse ability more impor tant tlun experience luke bbotheb company interostlonal murserlei cblesgo ni hodtreal qao boobester n y jjoui parcels ot valuable prope ia acton fob 8 al tbb followinjffoperty bfllonglng to mr fatbigk kbluy row of bofftltf is offered for sale at low prices and easy terms parcel 1 that floe prick reaidenoe sad tw lota oo jtbe ooraer of oborob and ouelpb straeta ooduins 8 rooms bard and aoft water splendid otobirdondgoodgardeti u- pieokz s goo bnlldins lot 66x133 on qnelpb btroet nest to alex hamtbaws new realifanee apon wblcb u a young orabard batitmi bthp store and dwelling on mill street ooenpled by unrney broev wbo carry on general baslness is in splendid loeatlod central and cpnvenient pabcbtj 4 three good bulldingr lou at the corner of youog and mill streets- a splendid site for a msvnafaetorina eetabushmenti owing toluproxinaity too ttl depot for terms and dartlonlars enqnlre at tbeoffloe w denny youbr flfc aoton single flrttt class far bewejm stains in canada ah statlbna in canada toand- fromsetsois mtob pore horonmjcb island pond vt bsaasauasprlngb if t0eledan7h bombay jewn t forslovlngton n y booses rtetut- aliitauonin canadato but not pbom bnffato m v black book n y niagara falls ny bod oonto jinntson aknott 1st good returning from destination not later than jbiit arm 18w fertuurtleulanretheredueed fareaiopblnta on other ca unw tlokets blmptag-and- parlor car abeommodatlon and all-loforma- tlon apply to any agent of tbe grand trunk batlay byatam h s bolmes agent aoton rfmodiqksbnv dlst passr agt- toronto wellandvale es jci hili1 t actqnvs coll and see the new wellakd valpl bicycles nt the bicycle ltery the ipepa feet garden city anddominionfare the leading grades while the perfect chainless has merits which will be appreciated by all wheelmen it is an un- disputed fact thatthe welland vale wheels cost less for repairs than any other wheels the single piece cranks are the best- attachment ever adopted the new devj parture automatic brake gives the rider complete control prices right for purchasers who mean business v- jchiliu files and human bolrigs are two distinct families and cannot live happily together fit your windows and doors with sceens from symona and enjoy life alone3 groceries corn 8c salmon xoc best red plcg corn starch 35c best ameilcan coal oh 18c readymhed paints and paris green yu cosillimitikstakcnj imss fweffltorfxmim lamtiaweya p sayers proprietor j r7t y has conitanllyon hand a llyon hi oo4let0 cnihto0a vtuff cut mordetrn short inobfc- planlngandmatclilngdone lo thobestol satlafactidn prices very eheapaud to suit the customers pocket v p save all kinds of seeds in bulk for farm andj garden tmuop itahasl la wit grass xto spraying oushe vjitisv cotviat suwbatk pjausosxkk hktixbonm stc a full assortment of rods lnrss booms