Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 22, 1899, p. 3

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ldbajoy hamttxqts shead tiikfo granted 1872 hamilton ont capital q reserve t id up t 25000000 surplus profits 980000000 1200000000 total a si j rfndull cashier sitigs department interovaid at best current rates and added tcincipal without waiting for pass book tol presented any sum may be withdrai by simply sending in a written jrder the pass pook no jiimalitics no delay thefoverament returns show that this bank tea to- depositors four million dollars of seclty over and above every cent due to thopjkic farmers nfcs of responsible farmers discounted mojy loaned to fecdcattle etc farmers saljotes collected promptly and advances maf on accquht of flame at a lovit rate of jnti j purity fair kates every banking facility afforded which fi be obtained in the city or elsewhere correspondence solicited the iwrws ht home ceorcerown branch kstadulomd ovjin twbktt tbasi j p bell afiant tifckoitxu jrws thursday june 22 1800 littl local brieflets which caught the eyes or ears of free proas reporter this week yesterday was ihwt lougesrnay oradgevilloia about to double ill dog tunte few awningsare being pat op by jjmerotibrnr j mr holmes tuxflrover has ahiped suvedxrs oletook ibis month erin village wltujiave a big orange demonstration on the pith of july going on the farmers the model farm on m jyrarej oa excursion to baturdav i-tbe- waterloo chronicle tthgroph looks well in i tv dainty now dress mr bean ii tto be congratulated iht music of ibe mowing machine is card again and there are more than the farmerswbb enjoy ii tbo builders are jest now completing fan addition to mri henry bauers dence on arthur street mr frank perrln of milton wis in wn on tuesday preparing a tender lor painting the now baptist charoh i tbelaoro8eolubpiayedgrand valley alkaran party at orton on tuesday ravening and wonln a feoora ol 8 to 1 rmeoy fueb pares enbsorlbers are falready renewing for the twentyfifth volume which commences with joly a garden party at mr levi coles jssventb line tomorrow evenlngwlll take tthxny of oar cltisena outfor an oullug dont dodge when yon bear a bloyolo s bell j let the hloyojer do ibe dodging for be irmoro than willldg to and it is safer for i ijriilosneernaa number of tenders or the new apilet choroh are in thoy wll be by tbe boilding committee to- orrow evening jjjihe 8 8 oroheatra played at a very finisiiiftij- garden party at noival on jcuesday evening and will go to terra ibtoh next ijuay g artiatr bamshawa window bat been lltlly attractive the pait week a- amuer of highly oredltablo works of art avebaen on eihlbitlon ibrv t a ward has- purchaied a jitrberiog bailntm at llitowel and baa ernovetj thero with till famllyv he sold iuboa hate to mr w h daniels of j oronto y t heres a dollar to renew my ubsorlptlon for the fourteenth year said kfkfohn 8 coleman as he oalied at the ipt offloe balorday arenlng to par wlliwyeaii4nos-a- v- i i weather indloatbrs oarrled oo the iritimtorm ipdbxtirlg tbu foreoatt of tbeoarnniday ijih otara be carried lnauad v by iittiiiiuiflssiaay fevwraxreof hanled mjrfihtt jtodiiiiy oiinnihih wi jayvandaooonipheltd dsofblo nnmber will aaalal in tbs aifjs v j jqooa rnorniog i hao yon read the pjbjtem adtertimments ferwelopms to those wbpuke in the tm1anto iha 0 a 0 rjymertisement roin to jaly 5th j d wlllmakeablgoat ocinsllea apets it amonnta to so percent and fosutbvqdeenvbinbdayinoear m atowo sutlbn a ladiaa allferwatoh j jmroiy reooyer fame- by appl jlng at jainjib wikorona cameras jnfl gsilpb alle them for 111 nplll igttfiem are sold tnia- u vignoina tfap penifor a otiaiogna of photo roods i ptba baamtr term for tsaebara and tsbiirtjriiisaf nenoejnly 8rd atpilelpbbcilnais igj arid flhbrtband rnalltate j ff torarieh hycaredofker irtvflnofisrs f mteft moatly of a looal chatraotori and every item interaatlna children day snoday next will ba oblered as cfilldreiiu day in the bnptlat ohnrob at 3 oclock in tbe afternoon kov w b moaiplne b a the pastor will deliver an address specially appropriate for ibe oooaaiou tao choral club concert owing to the firemans garden party on tbe 29th iuai the choral booletya c6ncert announced for the oth has been postponedto friday evening 7th jaly it will be hold iu the town be i and mr jaokaon and his choral- elasa will ba asalted by aeveral prominent toronto maalciana and favorite looal vobalists the trackmmnh strikols- ended it waa a very general satlalaotion to see the q t b iraokman retorn to work on monday moroing and to understand that tbe bli strike wua ended the intervention of repreaqntativas of tbe government with the general manager had cod tffeoti and while the demanda of rift men wlve nnt been aoceeded to in all rtspeo assorauces have been given that their poaltlon will be materiallybettered in iberiaak fatnre public solioof exmnil nnitonm the aemtanaaal szamiitiaaioda of tbe pnpila ot aoton pabllo sohoolwill be held next tnoeday 87th ldtt in thai afternooo the five deparlmeou will be open to visitors and it will be of interaat to the parents and gnardlans to be present to observe tbe standing of tbe scholars as they enter upon tbe long summer vacation tbe high sohool entrance and public 8ohool leaving examinations wlirbebeld in the various high bobools the laaitwo daya of jooe an jjyonlujgof qenulno pieasnre monday evening was aperfeot moonlight jane night one of which poets might have audg a large oonooarse of oltlzenk and visitors spent the sveniqg delightfully at the epworth league qarden party on tbe lawn of tbe miasasalog agnes street tbe pretty flower girls the attentive waiters the tempting viands and tooth- some refreshments contributed to the even ings enjoyments this waa intensifitd by thetweetietrainaofimmo rendered by tbo acton cornet band and the sunday reboot oroheitra the oeleclions by mrs crawford were rendered in a maolaer which reflected high credit and they were enjoyed by all the event was snroeiafol from all standpoints and financial receipts reached the reapeoiable sum of over 14800 tbotfiro xmdiilea garden jpurty acton fire brigade wlllgive a big garden party in the park next thursday evening 29thurr whloh they propose to make ibslitvent of the maaon a series of blowjie races for whloh prises will be and a matohed raoc between thrriarapid looal riders will take place a tng oawar between eight members oi tho hooks and laddors and the hose real companies will create mnob merriment andutit anoonuoed that the wlnuert are to poll against chief harveys dray horse diok after tho games a programme ol mosio will be dlacoursed by the eden mills quartette olob mr fred h storey in a nnmber of the latest cioon eongs jtaffertys string band and aoton cornet band the brigade will no doubt be liberally patronized at this ocoasloo board o6p education a short seaslon tuesday evenlnfr to atrarurs for minor improvement the board of trustees of acton fubllo sobool met in tbe coauoil obamberon taesday evening at eight oolookaa per aljoornmeiit membera present hiram bwackhamer chairman eobert wallnoo robert holmes a a beoord w r keouey the fourth report of the oominittee ou finanoe reoommendod payment of the following accounts s p w oennoll realatlug urn black boards sia ii qrlndull balance duo on piping 27 18 moved by a a 8eoord eeoonded by w bkenney thai the report of the com mittee on finance just read be adopted r- oarrled tbo matter of new oloaets repairs to stairs sod other improvements waa reported ae nnder oonelderutlon arid the board as a whole dealded to iupect the- premises with a view to theonntemputed irojprovemeuw the board then adjourned halton fa institute the annual exburslon to the model farm ouelph next saturday 24th at tbe anunal meetiug of halton farmers lnatitute the fallowing ffilcera were eleoteav preldent dr bobertson vioepresrgeo gsstle bee troae j tj wsrren reeleoted dibhctottb aoton jamea matthewa jaj molam eaqaesing c f prestoo alex waldie j f brownridge a t mann w h shottlll nassttgaweya a c momilldr jsa beld bj moffat nelson d hartley george gastle w f w fiaber a newell john miller and james wilson trafalgar john dleken henry rob- insop w h spieer john hope a b modcugall and b a fleming milton dr hobertedn 8 dice georgetown l grant b d warren barlloglon job aoland geo martin oakvihe t a reynolds m felan wh bpeerk laudito johnaon harriso and w ming and going jrs to mnd prom aoton and rlouaotrtsr personal notes omm fasss invltw all lu readers to con tritotbu oolump it you or joarfrlsndi ig awfty on tm bolldmy trip or if jroa b frib visiting yon drop wrdtvo thn pan fred brotvu haa gone to newmarket fdlnonlb denial smith visited friend in hler last week fettiford a mate lady visited mita iyu smith over 8uudy kaatnerand babeol wiarton were at corry ball last week boliend ferryman- was home from i to this week for a day or ao e k oook of palermo visited hit bev b b oook ibis week a sopar spent a few days lait visiting friendsal brampton o mabel brown of toronto came to les3gk visit aoton relations adreuriukof waterford is vintlng homeof mr e b collins this week s j kgodden aud daughter visited ds in the old borne at hespeler- last wilfred of blyth and mrs foreat iltuo vtajted acton frienda during the and mraflobert craiue ot toronto t a day or 40 with aoton frlnnds last nioiau lindsay of georgetown a gasit a the home of his son last y- si mayms mooonoell of georgetown id her sister miss msggie mcdonnell tnday a j johns of the arlington house 1 ton la been the gueat of mrs john iarna the paat week p mattio btocaon of the toronto iw spent a fewidaya holidays at bit iters boms daring the week its ann je smith of kelso and miss es of glasgow scotland visited at lomc of mrs arnold on tuesday rs john laing and master clifenoe ot ks falls arrived on monday to spend eub with friendein acton and other j it clementei the annual exouriou to the agri- oultnrat college qnelpb will be bald on saturday next 21th loot fare from aoton is 85 cents refreshments will be provided at tbe college grounds as usual everton it pays in ffuy attjaurtts it pays to buy at kpuetli setting a iaefyce to half tte fun of business is buying goods at prices below regular and selling them st prices that make bargains wevo a large outlet here for nil classes of worthy goods money enough to pay spot cash for anything we want thats 1i10 why and wherefore of many exceptional chances that come here and nowhere else compared with guelphslores onr prices are considerably lovvef on the samo uality of goods compared with the toronto stores these values arc vastly better iske your own comparisons 15c 15c 29c 5 the highest quality sxiegrsb6psslioaxlegren- pontainagrou mica which forma a coating on the iaxleiand mokes i perfectly smooth jrsurface after the surfnceis formed you need use only half as much g4caaxle orease as any other grease soldeverywl c in convenient m ts sp ev and mrs ii a macplieraon anddt rles davidson- aiteudod the meeting of general assembly at hamilton during week v r wm denny ot plokford miobigan pending a oooplo of weeks with rslartons e his old friends will be glad to- see again v dr campbell of renfrew wait ted at the general assembly meeting at mllion last week to taooeed bev dr bromopromcanfp about four oclook last saturday afternoon tbe members of company 0 lome rifles arrived home by speolal train from camp niagara as the boys marched down mill street en route to the drill hall their military bearing and brbnaed cpnntenauoes were tnnofa admired the members of the company were indoh pleased with their exparienoe in the camp this season the 20th battalion was ibe envied one of all the regiments of the brigade beoiuse of- their very oniqns and highly aatiafaotory arxangemeni for dining tbenew cooking onlfit and dining marque worked to perfection and gave the volonteers the oomfortot wholesome well- food to a degree never before experienoed the very kindest things are said of capt langton and bis offiosra by tbe moo who who fully sdpreoiated the efforts madeiln their behalf provincial bleyete meet jmr gib petrle seoreutry ot ihei proyiooial bioyole bsoe meet was in town yesterday booming the big gathering of tbs canadian wheolmaua aisoolation to bsiraattheleieattlsuapu dqfriouy and saturday jarietmtbsu jaly 1st ths eventwlll rm oobt iillraos a yssy urge boorss of oyoluiisandheir tjunol waa eerved to the aeaembly at- 1 olose of the programme oqr dootbr hasfollowed tbe example the aoton one in bringing home beaatlfal bride miss laody of gaelj we all join in wishing them prosper and happiness among onr visitors this week aud i aro mist miss gorow and miss slokort goelph mr and mrs r millard toronto at mr wells mrs m millj winlerbonrne at wm abbotts mr j mrs d cnrrlo and ohildreu and m carrie sr at mr s congcons sunday last rev w r soytono ata with tbe marsvllle people after the dial meeting and bev carney of that olro preached hero morning and evening next bandsy evening olosss bev sbarpes ministry here he mons dnrbam next week aba bav hef brandoomes here f mi ww wotda matffmdmjf sntertsinmmu in oonneouob wll nsatlsopaofibein arrangathleuo groaoasfnoansd hasa fllihmlle hoypje trstck ark giudn sdsarrtnndlng wltbsattagi ioifonirttigooi parsons im swimmlns 1 pool bttbraoms showsrbmb dressing rooms eto all combins to make athlallo s sanitary premises of grevtvalvstny oityortbwn the location of the llpot the street railway and in close proximity to the oentre of the oily and the railway depot is a feature of advantage a dumber of eioltlng raoea with big prises wlirwoontestiidby leading riders of the ooontry at this meet tbftxale join jlarj jbi ihe continued resldenoe tn a oornmnnlty jotevlyifcantor reoessniari familijtr tostiirgs circle of friends and belgodors slnoeisso tie1alijohn allan oierld whose mmalns werslnwred wftviacemeteryaotrlssil thursday made his borne 00 ibe nt7hmwvdisd he wasaxi lndastrlduieosrtio- farmer and krnirrlsndisttrtmsd hrhnrhftiitmfst aftfailarfrndp bfaitairiinv hage ad4allhla sdnrjis but he prtf jalogsndapsntbli iw jphnaiwunofdar uirvivcamsi inbumlitonifji los ewftabr sirhi w oar 8 fl convention last tharadsy wad a grand suooets every part of tbe programmo was well given as well at the singing by the village oholra reva mann l u moderator andpollooksang two duetts in thl d mokee bad the misfortune afternoon and mr j strwbn a jolo ij tnbtiq to ton rusty nuupnii utanooa and evening 11 very choloer he t w f the ptlnoipal leaders and speakers weref medical treatment averted any revs seytbne pollook mann dr robbf 1 and hiudly of gueiphjd bi scott mrs 1 i s b coulsoo mrs d talbot mr hi 0n m biaekrm clancy jlbeuhamanr to camp niagara to attend th wm tovell the offloera for the yeaf ui blw 0 oooneulor a preawm leslie 1st vlebrwmi sunday with his son and the bott j is the cheapest mcmuilens poultry a unequalled in quality and their arathabb8t fricies l65a ake youfown com pari beautiful french and amerion organdies regular art pictures only 50 pieces scotch cambric soft fin ish only iiclasp canvas corselsj steel fstyinjis only r3 inch gloria silk parasols steel v rod paragon frame with lovely j ca handles only plqu silt wlourc waists beautifully made in netwest color tints at 295 350 365 umk dress goods advertised for our june sale at lttc 25c 29c and 39c have had new additions in colors and materials worth double the money boys summer suits in canvas unen arundrlll well made and 4 q- trimmed oiiqw xsio mens cool sumrnercwitb7alpaca p- ptain and fancy pat ternsonly li mens balbriggan underwear light ihin coul nnd strong per suit r v 0c 75c and 100 mens and boys canvas and straw hats and capsatvery at tractive prices there is such a thing as playing with facts which makrs k friction and juggling with words to give them a double meaning our advertising is something to go by tbo drift of what is going otlday by day in the store never any exaggeration here put us to the teat r fe go 25 anil 27 wyiidliain st gtlelph wmtwsm hardware merchants sell these goods anil can supply yon if they fail you write the manufacturers at picton theb ng itflreb co oombtimi hotlsiutdn rntd rcbnt wbmthbjtl sold also by canadian hardware jobbers jl ladles hot weather underwear harris 2od vloe james blaok jr laughter in toronto seotreasorer j siracbao meeting to b mr asa hhreturned home on monday held at first presbyterian ohurohh speudlog three weeks on a visiting eramosa lour to toronto obarchville hiltoa and friday evening ihe eramosa metbodlfther pointb dnring ba trip tbo old choroh was full of people gathered aeutleman celebrated his nlnstrth witheis ihe presentation of a beantifplhday he is enjoying remarkably good gold watpb bytheeholr and-rjbngregatiopalth- to miss sharps as an acknowledgemeot i the home qf mr alex f smith bet her services during her fathers tbrj years ministry here they had a nb progrsmme mr t baddell preeldojand ohildreu of monok mrs frank arnold been tbesceneof quite a family reunion the past week mr and mrs john xaverty jtarrfedt seattle v the tollowirig marriage notice is tj from a seattle paper the bride referrei leingm6s nellie johbsbn daughter late dr joboabn and sister of ri johnson esq erin at the reeii of mr wyontbe oorner of boren a noshairison street last ta eveni 810 jonemr danoan momfr a promment farmef ofwhly islauatl eleanor johnsoni of seattle were mi i bav j m dennlson of haven c ofnolatlng mr johnson brother bride vras beet man and miss la momastef bridesmaid after tbe rnon y and tha obogratalatlons de bisij refreshments were servwi mr ani momaster left for tbelr inland tharsdsy morning isat oh the falrhji ot johnstown n y and miss maggie smith of belleville wars all at borne together mr and mrs rodge of gloversville n x arrived last thursday lo spend a few days on tbelr wedding trip at tbej boms of mrs- budges brother mr harry jeans they left on monday for tbelr boms in qloversvllle where mr rudge has a good aitnatiou mrs budge is a former acton maiden aud the hearty congratulations of her manyrf heads liere are exteaded totbe young coiiple t col w allan and mrs o 9 smith spent aayeral days vary pleasantly at camp niagara last weeks the col enjoyed the review on friday any old veteran wonld ho met many former ellowbfboers and spent the time in reebootlog numeroui interesting reministooqoaisiiqa by the pass psweam tha profiejeaoy oi the sptfai patlte appstlawih attainments of were prepared as never before to meet the demands of the season extra value in icadtes gownb liadies sktrls iradiesv shirt waible sof wealtier corsels rew past black hosier special value in wash goods the upto store for gents fnrnishings mill st acton srore closes mofldav toesday add tjhjrsday evenings at 6 oclock june lh gtftob the finev wallper fi red bird- best today iitwplesbf clnel s jc papers now hjc ny- fbeyalso indigestion indtotf feet rqiedyfjcl rabks8 mallpl vsai wm iplf substitution ttoivaoitiioivj see you get cartels ask for carters insist and demand v crterjlittlc iiiverpflla 7 je one ol liifsrsrhyi iyaaihslsonaofvirlwimbjea of mmmuiabickobks j v- the daintiest bi- cycle creation qfjljssi the year is our ii ladies bdbird- pgm5i fitted with our ncw caged bear- itfp iri9 fully easy running 1 lseamtially ftnigh lrsflwtt fiytji detail of cphstrucil tibn g v ve- hthe to6sv careful at- tention 5 by thor- oughly skilled me chanics it is a jheel that is inoti orilyekteei ihandsbtneibutme lilaiipglyoltervice foryearamafteithcl pilijtiihmofvwhes pflganairi tjity iti 3ton lntc totbepacjfic and ifianllirdeeh heres coot comfort for wont cost you niucli money be economical and keep cool the surnmer months and it the liqn will help you to iwbite duck trousers 1100 wmte mtinnel trousers 125 for tennis cricket or- bowling coats and vests ol crasn7linen ftawel worsted lustre and silk start a i and go up to 6 xiinen goats for bpyisi ages io to 16 year 85c and si aoijijen xion otjeuph a sbij is spiw in ihi telllni why is it that we have done so largegbusiness this season guess we arte acknowledged to be the largest retail shoe dealers in the dominion that is why the dollars g0me the shoe man guelph 8 stores slnwrfch rphi ri ng are determined to keep up their old reputation for fine watch repairing it has always been said that they were the best watchmakers jn guelph their son naturally mechanical has been attending the school of watchmaking in toronto and getting the very latest meth ods in watch repairing f savage co have spent between two and three hun dred dollars in fine watch- makersjathes and tools if ydutiave a watch that others have tailed to make go brfng it to us and we will make it go satisfactorily flhtiwjqhrnakors guelph watolraakers jewellers opticians ifpspy 7v5en ir whenthey fit themselves with the elegant furnishingd that we are showing in fancy colored shirts in all the new shades 1 of gopdsin 7 hard land soft fronts and our new jkijpling- styles in all e in stripes and checks our bicycle hose belts attdiswoaters are complete close prices in all lines at ffxaas morohant tailor 9 and mens fornlaher ii gpg0gpsgifsijvv mi lit- t m twa sj i christiev biscuits new c tools pailst brooms wasli boards scrub stove blacking and whitewash brushes lipiey 5

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