Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 22, 1899, p. 4

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a b vs jnlzll err- mji jfe w poor clothes cannot make you look old even paid tbeolm wont do it your household caret may bo heavy and dlaippolnt- monta may bo deep but they cannot mk you look old oho thlnrj doea it ana novcr falls it la imppaalblo to look young frith tho colorof tlsb btoltifromltlung- out aai cleaasea the front i ovmtaurcslmuliwb i rteadtyivonriioolfoh ifto hair and its dlaeasesp viii flirt frfikr- was thtjb8day june w 1800 tflje igonng jfolks wrlto it on the workhouae gate- write it on too eehoolboys slate write it on tho oopybook ffbat tbe young raayofton look wlioretnaroa brink there aanjer write hon the cburebyftidmonnd where the rnnaelfthi dead ere found trite it on too smlom high write for autba paaaeraby wbere iherea drink theres danger wrlto it in the nations lans blotting ontthe lioenio claoso write hon eaob ballot white bo ltcan bo read aright where thefea drink theres dangor write lton the ahlpa that sail bbrnealong by etorm and gale write it large in letters- plain over every una and main where tuorea drink theres danger write jtororcveiy gate on the cnureh and halla of state 7b tbe heart of erery band on the laws of every land wherbibsraadrlnktheresdaxiger franca jr wulard whvhuu lfhj a man who ksepa a restaurant bis ble two children wait on tbe table one of them is a boy ten years of ago a oustomer was attraoted by tbe qalcknese of the little fellow and bald yon have a aplendid waiter j yea said the proprietor he is my eon i need to sell liquor but ho mado me quit it eon asked the visitor tbe father told the story tbe boy had oonae home one day and asid i papa we boys at school hid a talk today abont the bablneaa of bur parental each fellow wan baked what does your father do one slid wy fatherkeeps a store i said my father sells liquor that is the meabeat business on earth said one of tbe boyntsatberlslhat so and the father said yes john it is and qod help me 1 will get but of it add be did totiteoplet paper cuass pav the olty of lyons liu been experiment ing ih glass for pavement b kovembex the bae ao la repnbllo baa been paved with dovltrifled iglass this new ptoduot is obtained iron broken glue heated to a temperature of 1260 digress andjooinprobsed in matrloes bjr bydranllo force tbe glass pavenjeniils kid ira tbe form of blocks eight inches square each block oontalnlng sixteen parts in thsform ofoheokors these blocks are so olomly fitted together that water oannot piss betweenthsm and the whole pave ment looks like one glgantlo draught board as it pavement it is said to greater resistanoe than stone llii alpobr oobdootor of oold and ioe will not form on it readily dirt doesjuot aooomulate on it at easily as stone and it will not retain microbes it is more durable than atone apd joats cheap little 6yesrold willlo hsd been to the theater and upon lbia return i his motber ssked him how he liked the play ob he replied the play waa altrlgbl hot 1 didnt wjirwriy jail of 1j wh how olijbi happen aiked his mother beoaose snswered willie thjvollor most have been broke for the window hind fell down two or three limes bow orn pflqptib may be tieittht and happy paines celeiy compound will surely nisli their ailinibdts and it pebserybshbaxth and prblonlslife bvbb b tho soepes of this story as lbdioated by he title are laid in wales whoes people bayh been studied so carefully by the anthor the great saooess of the novels log with thorequest of many readers and the suggnstlonsot the press allen bains baa sgaln decided to take welsh soanesand obaraolers and by berwen banks wlr oertalnly be found to compare roosl favorably with tbe authors previous worki and to possess all thoiweetneiis sindt qharm wwoh hate made them so popular thereviewsfthisby tbe journals f both eogland and america are very obmpli- mentary tbe w 3 gsge ob pnbllshars toronto prlbeolothih paper oof a welsh slpger and torn saus has shown opnoluslvely- that a capable writer of welsh storfes was needed and ooinply- iesrldoos lta wotjiivjilh legolsrlty nerve incfwikli itiamnnuk nt tmmwtm vmammm n fauta nlusns swalti i tbe most suooessfnl and popular pbysloiaos of our times arejhoee who can bluish the silmenu smdjdrftsses it men audrwbeh iqofdaije j tbreefourtba of all the aches and pains thitnniike old sgo miserable jajclsefroni retarded oironlsuon the alow blood is choked with acoomulaljons of waste nuttera that produce rhennjallmineurali gl mlatloa andi lutoastt lbloggialj olroolatloh srdlvprodn6es dlgeativi dlitnrbanoes and t or oomplloa tlons arise thtt in the hjor of osset nrowi itooidnebplj padne cetaryiniponod la a precloos boon to those advanced in years soon after its use la oomnenbed there lsn6tloed pin inoreaaeinthebloodanpply which la pore ruddy and aotlye in its ooarsing throngh thi body the brain beoomea clear digestion is easy and natnral the could oi 1116 w tbe tlnie when htnbrellas oould be afforded only by thrfoh is still wltlitn-the- tnemory or the tradition of some remote sootch neuboorhood and a bobloh newspaper qnoted some fifty years aso by henry howe in bis times of eminent mecbanlob relates how pride once went beforo bowlldermeht to one of them when umbrellas first came into blakrgrove it says they were sported only by the minister end the laird and were looked upon by the oommon olass aa perteot pbenomona one day daniel jd n went to colonel mopherson at blnltrowrie house when abont to return there oameon a shower the colonel politely offered blm the loan of an bmbrejlla whlob was politely and proudly accepted sps daniel with hla head two or three loohes higher than usual marohed off mas ipug sfterwsrd howeverto the oolomle sorprlie bo saw dsnjel poiun toward him still overtopped by his cotton canopy which be held butoalllllg v ae korndir do therea nodoorinail my house thilll take it in my verra bsrndobr vilnna tsteitln a loud imterbuption i deolare maria tbl is too irritating tobo endured i i told you i didnt want to be dlatarbed ana here somebody has anddenly sprung a most infernal clatter on me what does it mean jtharassaantany olatter my dear what waa it then why i joil happened to pasa throagb the room in my new red and yellow sblrt waist thats all welli dont do it ajaini6ievelsgd plain dealer rt i onests were eipeoted to dinner at little flossies bpme the other evening and she was in ponaeqaenbehiistled off to bed and- milk and breadeu boarwller than usual hovo you rrowo up folks abb elghed as she was baipi jed away are going to sit up in your best clothes all night and eat allhsnfbuthingswhlle ive got to go np aialrswitli hbinliigtb oat lidtold bread and milk never mind after m jefleotle paose after a while ill grow up and than tll have the nine thlnga and youll all foroe la aoqulredan isah is built up if old people dasuawbealth and strength to meet the enervating and trying weather of mldsdtemsritheytthonid build up at odoo bj the use of paines celery- oom- pobndmribhn iiwofijijolslpjpdt sfrjorontpraay r j iwalikeuslokisisl4nmmetandwas in bed for five weeks prmote and my phyaloian w as attending me all the time my case waa prbbounoed to be weakness of itbathisvrt aad iot75iorx am nor aetentyelrht yearaod i ktp getlingf mia until my reooverj wasoohsldered bnelsss doe of my ralrtlvh reobmmandtdf ms to use palnets oelery oompbuod tsbjoh i did with gorawillb after the first dose ifejt rtlevsoiandafter i waav able to leave my bad andfvalk around i paeid jfmr most ejajojuntremedy a i am how quits wifbppa6tneranhererawinfelva be dead there never was never- will ba a unllveraal nanaoea jp one remedy for all ills to whioh flesh la heir the very nature of many tioiallves bolba- such that were the jorms of other and differently jwaied diseases rooted in the system of th6 patient mbir wonldreueve one 111 in torn woalby aggravate tbe other we have however in qolnibo wine when ohtsined in a sound unadulterated state a remedy for many and grinvons ilia by its gradual judloions use iho frailest sybtemoani led iqto eon- valescenoe and strength by the inflnenbe which qoinlne exerts on stores own reatorativea it relieves the drooping spirits oftbbae with whom a chrbnlo state of morbid despondent and lack of interest in lite is a disease and by tranquiluing tbe nerves disposes toaonnd and- refresh ing sleep imparts vigor to the action of the blood wbioh being stimulated bourses throughout the veins atrangthenlng the health animal functions of the aystem thereby making abttvlty a neoesaary reault atrengthenibg the frame and giving life to the digestive organs which naturally demand inoreased substance result im proved appetite northrop 4 byman of toronto have given to- the poblio tqelr quinine wine at the usual rate and guagedby the opinion of scientists this wine approaches nearest perfection of any tbe market all druggists sell it alarm clocks are among the moat startling signs of the limes ijr lsvis worinejrrup la the aaf eat and most effeotual remedy to give children for worms of all kinds uto heed of castor oil afterwards as it obntains ita ownoatbartio a skinflint finds it hard to hide his eharsoter tell the deaf ur 3 t kellooki druggist perth writes a oustomer of anits baylpbesn anted of deafoeaa by the inseoj lr thbinak eoleolflaoli wrote ib jreland telling his friends there of thsoare rjnoonaeqaenje ireteiysdanorderto aeod jhalf a dot en by expreaa to wexford ireland ithla week tzus 33 33ti whatis cnstorla is for lajtonts nnd children costorlu is n liarituoss sabstltitte for castor oh parcgortc props nnd sootliliiff syrups it contottth uoltlior opium slornliiuo nor otlipr kiircotlo substance it is plchsaiit ite8nnroiito6 is tulrty years use by millions of mothers castorla destroys woriris and allays fcyorlsli- i licss cnstorla oiiroadlawhoaa and wind colic caiitorla bitovos tpetlting itroublcsj cuas constipation and jpintuienby rcftstorla assliullntos tlio food rcgiilafcs tlio stoihnch njmtbtsvtoisof iiifttnts aiid cuudreii givlns lienlthy and iatural sleep castoriols tho clilitlreiiu patuicen the motliers friend v gabtoria castorla is an excellent medicine for children htotliera hove repeatedly told me ofils good effect upon their children dr g c ooood zenv mast castorla castorla la no vcll fiitnptcd to chittlrcn tbnt i iccotiiincml l an mincribr to nny pre scription known to inc h a auciikk m brooklyn v j the facsimiie signattflre of apeafts cm every wrapper the okhttwii 0pwy tt muwwvtiikt i zj iibhadnt been fiqhting mother toa naughty boy youve been fighting little eon no mother how did your ololhes get torn and your faoe get eoratohed i wasjt to keep a bad boy from hurting agood little boy that was uobie who was the good little boy me the letter to john a ontioalty in the ahapo of a letttr malted at aroritl postofiloereoently- a sealed stamped envelope wsb following deau jonhrl write you this to bay got your letter on a tubsday morning ejcoriqmic ppwer is secured with a canadian steel airmptor parmers who study economy cannot ignore the fact that wlndpower is cheapest tho canadln alrmotor will pay for itself in 2 yearb pump all your water run the machinery in your barrr we have supplied the c p r the last three years with about 20 outfits also the british government in cyprus and india as well as in england egypt australia c write the onthrio anund bngin6 and pujukf c limitb atlantic ave toronto largest manufacturers of windmills under the british flag 1 pumps of every deaorlptlon for next thirty dava main btaoton have commenced a oloirlng sale for the next thirty days this la wrote tu you uui w uiijl i will expect you shore on a sunday you told me you dinduk want folks knowwhere you wuaat i have wrote t sealed your address on tho inalde soa tl poatmastor wont be none the wiser b one on earth will know where you are not if yon want stout welimade boots or shoes wecan supply jou with very suitable goods at low prices if something lighter in neat and attiuctive stvles wc have a wide range and have confidence we can please you if you desire robbers for the vvet wextiier our stock will supply the ant if about to take a trip north south east or west we have a goon varietv of trunks and values at prices lower than you are accustomed to have quoted lo you we handle only the goods of reliable manufacturers as we have a reputation for honest goods and squaretleallng to sustain our prices arealways right custom work and repairing neatly and promptly dona as usual i ksmnrr bwos acton he dlfferenbe between b oat and a a la that one hae the olawa at tbe end o paws while the other has the piosej write as soon as you git this atlant at the end of ihe clause- ir it birsjarnesconstlble afortb0ntvvtte3evernreianrlcmblr i baveauuered from weak action of thehcartv- for some times pnst it grew constantly worse ifrcquonmy had slinrp pains under my heart that i was fearful if i drew a long breath it would cause djalh lnjjoinjfupstalrs ihud tostoptorcstand rcgain breath avhenmyhlldron madea noise while plavihg i would bo so overcome with nervousness and wcfikncas that i cojldnot doanythlngnndhadtosit down to regain comrkisurc my llinbsore unnaturally cod ana iv and diizlnesv i wassubject to nervous headaches mash benefit a i received x uli i solanee tunnels mouniains while fi fiforinst on movingtbem faith is alrhopgb job is be wedding month tlieooodan wmaiine f n iia iedrren t liana has nothing particular to say ait oh ubjeoa fevertheleee the nitmbbriaad saft ntiraeilyeone oantalnlbg a splsndld abort 0aian bkatoheaby diferentwrlier twiniuloaeritsbf conllonesto nob qfplondid aruolas one of ana lmoe1pbwieubfcli iwublblfle and bod in the moose ianda otsiihnvpoiofv i it ialildalaud withnomerotb pho rajpldawnoeiogeperlenoesandfaropflre iarrhaorf oovirfsianpwin its tblrteenih volume j-r- ills eaalerto torn rold into anything else than itis to turn anything else into gold nu nmdohiuhiu 3jikffitiv -v-t- ihe horse doctor does not agree looure thviilblinare aibkbeadaohe however annoylog and ittwaiakiaiiivriytfivbyiu fvjrpalla tbayvare eaay to never sride never grips iihit is scotts ernul4 ttiyy r jtt is the best codliver oil barielrv digested r and peons taviwitktilehp f jtv pwsej and glycerine what glblw4theip ps iye nervous energy mm is 0mi jrwii aim nine times out of ten when a man tauja gfamnimrebtllyheraiwmb i p how a rhenmailo sutterer know whs atorotlal brewing afler he ukamik born rheumatic pills his wsalbar fortsaliigt is ipoiled thla remedy ramovis every trace of bbenmatlsmi- men admire woman not because tbey are tbonlidtjbossfci tiofeta atiitha aox-t- a womana way to boy a present is to ibrlng horhe tjroqr three to examine jl bummer conghaste often the hardest fo- shake off a bottle or- two of dr jypods norway tins byrop thongh cures mis severest coughs oolda horaeneaa or sore throat tf- 5 tbe village mlnlatera study is how lo make both ends meet mother graves worm exterminator baa the largeateale of any airnilsr preparation sold id canada it always kivra satisfao- tion by restoring health lo the little folks my memory hecamo uncertain and sleep deserted me i hitve been taking milburns heart nrd ncre fill sid asarcsult am very muchbettcr ihave improved in hcauhadslronpftli rapidly the blpssmgr of sleep isrestored to mo my iicart is mnli stronger and ihe oppressive sehsntipn has yahlshed 1 can now jxo iirvstairs withbut stoppinc and with the greatest of ease and i nolongcr suftor from dizzinessor headache it cecmi to mc thecircuuttlon of any blbodhasbccome normal thcrchy rcrnovtnp tho coidnes frommy limbs lean trutysay that milburhs heart nnd jforo piiij have dine rio a world of good liuuuvr lill80unc ohbonio cons1ttioj amd dvbaum a womans- idea of studying a mans bharaoter la to hint around to try to find 00t if he has ever been- in love f oan a ship with two owners bo- catted partnership -hsgyarde- yellow oil is prompt to relieve and surdtpoursoongbsbolds sors- ishroat pain in tho ohest horsenesr quinsy etc trloesooents poela paint with words and painters apeak with pencils jcllaiallvbr pills hayetbeborne tbe ladlea javorliehtharllotrbeyaot without any jpriplng parglngbrriilckenleg and- if jfaralatadlo for a lmo onre- habitual- cobattpation j mm longhoursof barovheven ending- work makes kidncj trouble si commott comi plalnton thp farmpninl fill weak or- lamoiibackt and urinary disorders arj toairequonu tk- p1 the average wotnan never quits growing 4as soon as she quits growing up bhe boginb to grow sideways pimples ou tbfl faco oan all be perajagentoty removed by burdook blood bitters mr e p barnabymerobatfi tailor shelburne n si says after paying out money to doctors and not getting cured i tried b- b b after using it for a time the pimples all vanished and have neer troubled me elnoe a man invariably feels put out when he finds be has been taken in help a farrnerto bottbrrtrapnshaveperlodloal attaoka of oauaulan oholera dyaentery diarrhoea and have to use greafpreoautlona to avoid arttind itecp hlajiis qao offuirii oooking a parlor suite a sideboard a bedroom set an extension table a lounge a stand a mattress and springs or any other article in furniture requirements at a livthg prdpitomy all goods delivered unfjertaking in all its branches calls day or night attended coffins delivered prices to suit every ones needs shbiqbht go acton take tho achei nndpaln out of his back and gke him strength and vigor mr iaaiah willmot a retired farmer living at 138 elisabeth st barric orit said j b and pain in the email of my back anu aloea lolsohtkl aarreataealof nearalfirlapalll in w temples nnd kaa aubjeot to dlasy apells tlrr- when in doubt the best tbing to do is jteep quiet ubfuands ofthoriidjb iavery sum jeiiiq could baved hjf th fjrfiiy u3o of dp foflrjera ext vc6ifvviit rjijthero la hot at mother p lavo berlnfniitibvt jfald keep on hand dur- febdtyweitfaira woldrfvfoiver5 jatctt- of wllrf ssrttw- jtii- ii rtsyrejla isjca rerqedy so ijind s effective for sfswrfhw oflpfanta awehaa theendqr- ofcao many cans yak ibnve been a sufferer with kidney trottbll ii ofroy back analn niboiiuu afrreatdealof near v nnd kas aubjeot to dli- ielttfrsd and womoutrnostorthotlmo hlnce jaklnp doans kidney pills i have had no pain elliier in my back or sldei thev alao tho tired feeling v t leaattonyears younger andjean only aythat doana k idneyhliaare tho moat remnrlohlo kidney ciire andln addition art tbe beiit tule lever took i laxalivarpuia ouro oonatlpatlon thoklngdom of heavibti large enohgh when you get into it but the gate is so low that you oshnot poma lb save on ypur kiees talrabge i j f blr y i shuuld keepnn hand a bottle of hag- yards yellow oil it is clean lb use and will not soil ihe clothes oorea outs iind bruises lakes out palp and limbiirs npatiff aprerjpintb endjnoicleb and greeofrpltaia sure to bring on the attacks to auah psrsons ws would reobmmend dr j p kel logos dysentery cordlajssbolng the best msdioinn in the market for all summor complaints if a few drops sre taken in water when the ayrnptoma ato noticed no farther trnublq vilt be experlenoed a woman who would never toll a lie would pad her form dye her hair and eenoeal her wrinkled face beneath paiut and powder whlob when dlaoovered would oooaslon rldloule a bto is b your pld rhenmallsm tells you o better get rid of it and trust to the weather reporla sootts emulsion is the beat remedy for chrooio rheumatism if often makes a complete oqre a c othing talk l w 11 dressed have a decid- c over the slovenly tli cd jiilyiv notice uie reception given a man who is careful of his appearance- he is preferred hr business offices in social ae aj everyplace where men do coiigrcyate our cheaj suits fit as well as our beat ones because they are all ready tailcrcd make the cloth is thoroughly slirttiik in the clieapest s well as the best and vlio same uiiraiitee card cconipanies all we sell this innkc cf jjoo-i- because experience eaches us that notliiny i i j 10j for tis customers e serve atidit pays loj- tie mjijifo rattway timhk jband tbvnk kaill cjujlweht mottt 10 02ani i ciproes o i bxprobb q 5 pm kxnro0aio fi mall 7 15pm wall ajj i mixed 0 0 txuk ov closivj iailb going avopt 0 40 am aud 6 50 pm going bast 10 25 tim and 6 go pm 1 thtt tlmo tablo wont into effect i may 16th 1608 loddny acton- liver bus li tho undonlgned respootfully solicit the ago of the pabllo and inform tbem til wall equipped and stylish uifli cafit ways bq secured at his atabtea a oomfortablo bua mocl traloi batwoon 9 a xa and 818 p gatul attention given toevoryorat tbo wants of oommorolal travel- he t fully mot ww williams laornnitor w barber brofc paper makees i georgetown ont lis a araoultt or macmna rrilsiied book papl 1iigh obaoe weekly hews the paper nsod in this toorna is from ihe above mills m wm babbbb bn6 evertoh and eden mills the place to go for tbe best flour bran middlings chop feed c for sale ghonping every day ai everlon mills anot every tuesday thursday and saturdays at eden mdls s always bnylng wheat mo credit henry hortop sun savings and loan co head office toronto ont1 anthoittsorf capitaj b000000 ml ten year maturity shares are pad monthly instalments of 50c per share ioi 12a months when payments ceaserfoo c aid fn maturity value ftxoo 00 money to loan at 5 straight loan cn repayable in monthly instalments on appu cation to r j mcnabb agent ac vi 1 f- cooper akf the artistic tailors beg to announce to thejl friends and tfie publtt generally that they are no complete intheir spring anc summer goods consftlgt the latest novelties from th best iqoms of the world and styles that are shown in nev york and london see odj latest fashion plates to show our goods is pleasure call and see us fit and workmanship guar anteed t sole agents in acton the celebrated bellwa serge which does not feded change its color in two yes wear olmopersfunded t cooper a akitms klain t i soma isibllliy rnsns brains of njqoh the formation of preclude llm posalbllity iinforaialfun j its so pleasant to lakmbat ahtldrenlcry for it bftt its death to orms of all hinds drlowaworm syrup ptioo 94 cants alp dealers an eaoliaute sayaf tbanlau map koss why from honitt toduhla ieatnring tuestid hspfion liooa homo iil ata hia- i 1 j j isuturinij chronio perankmeqts qf the bfoniaoh imlwm ll whsnaulrl tells her esuort that aha feels a utile faiut it meant that she fa hungry jji as parmeleus vaustafals flla contain mandrake and dandellntt ihsy buret jlves and kidney oompulnta nlih unerrlojf certainly thsy alao coulaln roola and herbs which livo bprrlbo tirinea irqy onclerfollnilbelr aotlouoii the itomaba and bowclii mr bi shakeppaare wiitea coiialdeparoai leea phs an exceileiif iemedy tot billouanraa snil derauurmtbt of the liver bavliig naedilum hit self for aiime tithe s jal cw the vnoh alwayn ovrrraiaa lirnqlf anal oodetratea oilier men inatant rllil unarntivi by using mllbnrua blcrlluu aradsaliti rowders hpapaingitfla cjlfrl t i 1 sojaby jjsway mjght be ludueed to w maplt taf- sizes 6r any pflneiafldl fpia4 mssmif0itf ont asertt lnb rootim wmlwfc eicfc 0iriay prhsfiaa conjplele line of- farm implemenla w-bc- fsidwlldhdsofi w- timvsajohv rrmaite who resides bn thelproperty wlualend jip4tbvnlsof qartanamt moqueeni- r steal efi ot ororlinprpveiuont nnd w ie0ortipmntui lo vllothm ihlb woninwttrwksa rolooted in otiiprhan jojtrcferonu fnnilahod tfl wuuiit ibubioir limaift ouorrobs sffl iltnihamorahfl lnmaehnlb heltoot fit kiitilitmitiiirbdohtn et acumen urn tmivessti- it law araoetatlen arniitoan isuon wtlasl water wotlrj sawfaiw viki iiri i ffo mosryrj r gv r

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