volume xxiv no 5 i ib bubimuzd every thursday morning at tub frecrrcsksteainlrliiuiikoilico uiujbtueet acton ont w- s sonsoniptionono dollar nor your elkl advance all subiorlpuona disoon- kitaued whou the uino for which they kayo boon sfcesh t which ovary elbf v q oou addreis ii ij katjatranilont advortlso scpi ffikir cont nonpareil lino for first in- tartton cents pr lino for oaoh subsequent hoi 2sisff8 bows e ajsrts -thb- traders bank ff cai ofcon olfftiblb thijbska v junjfi 29 1 899 pt9fjextf capital authorized- capital paid up m inches jjl inobai m inches ftw inob 1 1 tn i 0110 fa no lino 6000 1 3300 8800 i 9000 4000 1900 800 1 ao 3000 1900 700 00 7j 800 260 100 ks ubssksisftiijsss s dlreottons ss j orbld and oharged accord kxtws omanta suit biild njrlrffli s b once each vnl5kt for banges oftener tban issubb composition muatbopaldfor affflbi tuna oa fsne bynoon on tnesdaya ttooounti psyable monthly jfev hpmoobb bks i hdltorana proprietor wp miftubirtdoxv- medical big stock x 35p4v5qc- lcoloks and size s made up oil the prem ises to orderi cloth best rollers- prices good goods low prices win every time kjpohm m macdonald m d c m 8dcobb80c to j- 1 tjkkn m d o m bttoteolo m1 fdriok rsspis v- i 1 apm and book store guelph days sells cheap rget cuelph bran wo are now issuing mqnoy orders pbyl par at our brand ofobartcred flank it t exoeptlng tlie yakon dlatriot at bo fof rates uuaer10 b cents 10toao 10 cents aoto 30 12 cents 30 to 860 u cents r r j r forster avcajtbbon to b a a blitjiott tpa hoapltal for sink guibral toronto isiott awflot ooonplea by dr highest cuiibbnt rate of in fiatd on bums deposited of 1 and n dteroft allowed from dato of deposit to wltiidrawal and paid or compound yoarly advancu mado to retponalbla fan tboir owu qtmoi at the lowoat current n no oharflo mado for col loo ting bales payable in guelpb- a general jbanblng lutlnobh transaotet a f bjou ps us not 1 want artists goods ailaper mouldings pictures frames ir dryden er eui tnaoit id nose scilobsanb blook dobllaa bt soar p o 9 quelph t hounsio ra to 1 pnj and a to 6 iun 6sojibimi0omtolimn dxlftaz ers bros vt am new 11ubt store guelph i jbeunett iis dewtibt oodtojri osttjuuo coghlan ddsmlds dbntist skoabhtolwdosk p modbiutk owiqa bvan bnowmb daoo btobb jodjia bveny dat fit6u oto 6 w arber beos paper makers ch jjetown ont mbell ddlb ldb pknt1bt bnooxvilu kowofl q3ubuatx oroboxto dtiivansitr yorkmado batutfaotory pilot uoderavts sffip aftornoon camn- nlajdv actodjomceolarka hotol zjsoal f ole an mcliliiij tfvatoftuidscolqazi oniotowbhallaoton jfjit a molaui jo a molkuc j maokiknon jkraurna rloxicrron oonvktaxobb iriiokmiu fltroat in mattbowa block the about this time of the so many people are g married that the qut comes what woul most suitable for a prese we have a variety of ar in which you cant help fi something that will p sure hfwehave sterling sil ver wai from tbe best makeri silvapplanri war iabpi0ultxov book papers akd hi oiiade weekly news tl ir aaed in this jodrna is from milhi wmbabber bdc ljmoleod baaaabboxanroii coiratajtcien s atalnbtroot georgetown ivaforier to loan atloweat onrront rates giiionijbb- ijoortbdluloa court oonntr of hal- ttnjaiiaarageat vlreand ufa aaauranoa jajnu monoy toloao eto acton oni ascklzadxo vs gss williams music or oltoaoatown t to him itaidliw la prepared to s n jgblnstructlon in mnilo plsfio or oman baory and maetlae for terms apply to wiiupjtr jamttlow roiidenoo bjayefentagof tub week i evjn and eden wills tfco plaie togo for he it- sbtiofilbt ryv dtor iipatanta f or inroouon oto viortbe canadian amor- aaitjpean patrat omoos and for tbe sutaortrad marts bond for pam- rtrtwoteaaexperlenee oisn0nan ibookbamsa noaaoastjjfj ouelph ontario fftff noi alt kinds made to order uatdona y 1 iddllriks clipp feed 6iorttalop every day at evertbn mills and lay thursday and snlurday nx uylng wheat no credit nry hbrtop brfngkur custom logs in anfake the lumber iih you- a llj rnmsaravvtiva prwiolred- jsiaod 5i- yft ajjkeir0fflesao7pi naapri tor iwailllnitori and hail ton arjrjtnmaa nffleei aotoo m rfis propiietor oa antly on hand a full line ol lathbhlnglei cedtvr lato custom logs and notice matching done o the best oi prices very cheap and inade ustomera pocket psayers bbd b c tiuoo btriseurancb company 1 xjbm oasuandmutdal plan any nlmtlom fotwatttid t3taf addreaa or taleobona dav wlu bo pro mptly tobbiprlsior ipaohlnert tills lfoliaale wfijail- silo and ensilagi pwhorsetoofbsbo a bushel h south white bob i cob ensilage 6 6o bly learning 700 alieo llmmpthciiban k i early wbile dent s tars north dakota c uda early yellow lao other kinds o mnrylnrgest slock in city also kaaranteed qaajrapic cutlery for all the different m capvers with and witbouloaa canadi fo ver give tbankt to god tft all tha grace beatowed by bis almlgbty band j of franca and bnglauda martial raw ho planted ub with- firm command to do and dare and guard with oaro xbls canada oar native land cauadlaoi forever i no foesball dlaaerer otir glorona dominion tod bless it forever it is tbo land ma love the beat tbo land onr loyal fathers garo in battle fires hstood the test and valiant beroea dfedt to save- in summors glow in winters anow a people steadfast trna and bravo a land of peace for friends we love a laud of war if foea assail wo plaoebortruat id god above and british hearts tbat cover fail in feast or fight and oanse of rlpht our word and deed bill aye prevail from newfoundlandat break of day tbe ofaeer is weftward passed along a hundred bright meridisvni play like barpstrlngi to the nations long from sea to aoa unitedbe one great pominlonr just and rtrong capo ilaoe with lofty beacon lights oar ooaangatatvby tempeita blown apd half a world of days and ntgbu and lakes and landp la ell our own fronaian toaun- oar waters ran niagara taldway tbanderiog down oar axes in the forests ling onr rifles mark thabantars track oar boatnebblytbeln oadencasins upon the raplda foaming back 4 freedopi gives the joy that uvea benoath the glorlons union jaekl by apreadlng oaks andl towering plqos our loyal yoemen speed the plow an r tb fi an d th vlnes- 3t john m bond sa speight bra manufacturers of tt dvnj i electric mo water morom oasoulle anm xnq2nesbrai cabtufos to l repairing promptly done aeorgetov m acton- livery bus m tbe nndenlgnod respectfully aollel sag9 of the public and informa tl well equipped and stylish wa j be seoiired atblsatablea a oomfdrtable bu trains between 9 am and oarefal attention given toov tbo wants of commercial f lerafdllvmet john willtai v oal al- i artistic tail s toannounce hejr friends and tlii blic generally that they noy complete in their sp aad summer gobdscoji g of the latest ndvelties the best looms of the wi atld styles that are showi new york and loncjbn our latest fashion plates to shovy pur go is a pleasure and is fit and workman anteed sole agents in i for the celpbrated- warp serge which does n le or change its color in wear or money refu cooper ax main st ears vsritri it mall j i2zw i rarslauei poison arsenll adllnasemialvlt tlon oansf eors- varrnu teonl tn s-5r- t5 for from riu mineral jeetli to uforjtba feu aap mm frlijiiiir 3lwmvprornptifteitlsi l tygi yv-3i- wii and jovial fill tbe barleymow wltb sturdy toll they ulltio soil- andreatbeneatb tbe maple bongb tbon deok vletorlas regal tbrono witb may flowers and tbe maple tree and one forall aad all for one tbe watebwbrdot bar ernplre bo and baart and band united stand confederateand great and free 4 national bang by wm kirby no i oaonot ask her i cant think if raarrlsge for years and abe would hat e foond a hotter man before that lrotiand- ioariped at the very start unluoky fellow that iain i had no bubioeas to fall in lots and i dont sco how i oamo lo apeak of it t all i ewnro no to it waa the are i aoppoae i ilwaya lose my head over sn open flee you are good to listen to roe torla youve alwaya been good lo mo but you oanl help me this lime noons oan help nie hiia- time well it wont do for me to alt here longer mooning over ibis are goodness knows what i might lay besides the flreaout already im foolish to bolbtr you abool this dont think about it maybe aomeibior will torn rip btfore wc grow lioary aud deoreplt he had risen abruptly and- be stood over her ao he talked still looking into tbe embers she waa about to apeak when at the last words be stooped- emd kiased her hair then with a second goodbye be hurried away and iu a raomenl the outer doorbadged half dazed ahe eat on tbe pile of ouab- ions her lipsalill psrttd for the words which his nneipeoted oaresaj had petrified she ralred jber hand lo her brad and let it rest on trie spat whlih hla lips had touched the embers wtre nearly deati suddenly abe jumped up aud seizing the bellows blew them vigorouslyuntil tbe firia revired again into transient after glow 8he atooitrwatoiriog it- her face kindling with tbaeageruesa of a now hope so this was- what it meant this waa why he had come lees and leas often of late and bad seemed lo avoid her ho was afraldftospsak aud sbe bad been too atnpid to gaeaa why even now abe hardly dared to dream it waa trne he was so proud poor fellow and- ooosoiautlouttoa fault but he also ahdnld have known a lorn engtuement eitberyou nnder- aiand people ao well dorla yen must be a mind reader yon are wnoderfa doris i yss lam very- wooderfal i surptie myself someifrnes bat i am inoh a mind reader that i know yon want to be gone this minute diok sod lhat florenoe la eipeoting you i musna keep yon any longer boo away- he- rose- witb ill oonoealed eagerness well i auppoie florenoe is waiting for me yoomaat go to sse iter tomorrow doris she admires you tremendously and thinks yon are eooh a wonderful girl and you are you koow i goodbye dorlt she stood where he had left her looking into- the ore and she dropped the little rose gently- upon the ooale new york pott ilofttfe i pbice theibgdnts ftehd yamjj juajbwj 9 jvlincl reader adutt sileuce had fallen belsreenihem tf yjh brtj bad sunk very low- and diek taylng absently with tbe poker ws gaa- ing moodily into tha embewi doris sit ting farther baok her elbows at her knees ber foo reatiog between her bands was staring blankly at the baok of hi head j sbe waa utterly nnable to break the ailenoe altbongh it waa terribly lobel a new thongbt wakened by theke last dlsoontenled words had al moat paralsyail rier pbyeioally while it set- ner mind toj work with lightning apeed- how when she had known diok so long had nhe never gueaseri ihik aide of him before t bowi- when ahe loved him ao well had sbe failed to read hla heart jntt ihen a ivttlo awanllke sang of flame borst from tbe dying are and as if it broke the spell of dickr unwonted silence be too hissed out sgsip into apeeob banc it doris nowadays man spends the best partof his lire working for the thlnjs hewante and by the time lie gets them lie ll too old lo enjoy them i dont waottowait till im flfty for iho good- things of tbe world i want them now imat my beat now tjqoonsoiously be expandisd his broad cheat end throw op bla flnebeal yjh aprotid kestnre doris esaaj ed tb apeak all rood things are north wailing and working for yes bat aapnose in itbe meant imo some ono else conicii along- and piekatip that- partloolar good thing that you have ael yonrieartapon what are yon going to do about it t bis still and let blm tain it f you cant say anything yooelf yon have no right to meddle yon are gagged anif boood belpleaabecanieyour grandfaiber- dldtil make a fortont i oat of old rags or aoap grease or- atotsblaoklosv dorlo was till silent and diok went on impetnbotly t then nowsdajajjrfriaeiptot ao moob of ooarse they bars arijibt to they are broodht op to have everytblog they want but it makes things ao raobh harder for a man who wantaabomeof hlsownforithe the flrat t iujo ha doesnu want to drlag the girl be oarea for into a ufa where abe will bate lo work end skimp and ol tbinijs hebaeehfuaed jtoeipet doesnl want to take her oat of tbe set where sbe ie happy and free from care aud ea her anabbad bf her filands who have married belter than aba haa i dont want my wife to1oie anything by marry ing me as ah would now i cant ask a girl io wait for me knowing that it most be yeara perhapa berore i oonld give her what sho deaerves i oaiit ak for a long engagement it 1 nnt fair to the rlrl i entdolt fypim8iaimrtsmilyijitqiii word from bef doris drew a long breath who would have iioaglned tliai jolly happybearted dick whonevsr seamaii to tronwohlrmelf- about anything or any body bad evan tbodkhr or boss thlnga i wbaibail aalvnltn to tbining aljutt her eyes rested on hint tenderry- eje seemed very yooag tostr thdugb be was mllybverafets you are impallentvrlcahe said to himgentlkon olqgeliwitb joartleibetterbapny lobliiaebotdobueawnyyon vraimotaoe ijl jarht oanffejl bar belter was sbe a girl to dread giving up tbo lutlpld foriely of which ahe had taatedmore tban enough was she too proud or to delicate to work then as be had done sbe sriuared h jr strong yoang shoulders and glanced at the rosy arm face reflected from the mirror above the fireplace she bad al way a felt that ahe wai moulded fore poor mains wife sbe had the strength the physique the will lbs thought had no terrors she could work it would be no etorifloe saoriuoe to work with diok f sbo olaaped her bandranareatedber qushed face nptin them smiling if be had only asked her if she bould only have found her tongue to tell jlajsomelbing of what she felt wb the bint tbapiifkf vyitkijsudderrresuluilon ahe ran to her desk wlideeitfeil lerpen sbe often lacked the inpiralon vio aay tho rigbt words at tbe right timer but afterward mutually wtien it was too tate they oamv toberlnarriiiea she mroter withtio heel- taooy now i o baia oicb yon went so aaddonly i bad no obanee iospaiak ob dlak bad no idea you foltaotineverguesseidit how feel aayoud6almot grrl yon love it woold be no saeriqevif she iovea yon and aha navto rive- np all tbs world for yonrsaka- bejeremedtekeeenaa bear to wait aayoa bbe fa so impatient and abe la brave anawjllldgj eflier elfyoa itwb beadsare better tfian onetojoonder- tbe world and two bewrtslaorjaaro still stronger bbo is only waiting forou to aik ber pick i moat be awaytomorrow evening oonie tbe next one wrnjyjtitiopr- r the hour arept slowly daring the two following days knowing picks aversion tbwrltlpgleltrs sbewaa not disappointed at reoelvlnk no word from him and as only bis evsninga were free she could hot expeot toeeeblmamll the lime she bid named she sal again by the tire at lant liitan- ing for the doorbell sue bad dressed wltb annanai oaret and bad plaoecf a rose jn her hair jitil over the plane whlota diok had oonaeorated she trembled a little at the-tbonghtot- welft sbe bad done wondering wbat- bewqatd think whether be wouldconsfder ber note bold for essooa as li was sent ahe had half wished to recall it it wai still early whan the bell rang and then diok game leiplcg ap tbeataira 8be went forward to meat htm ball abamefaoedly half proudly a deep rose on ber ohoeka he took both her hands warmly and bold tbem in his big onei yoa dear aweet girl v he aald and beamed on her happily yongnt she wanted lo open the half palufnl snbjeot and have it ovor with bim at onoe vyes tttbu were dear lb vwte it yon dont know what alrengih and hope it pat salome i had apsot the wretobedest of rilgbts and your note came like showers lo the tblrsiy flower uperbapa iought not to have written what idld she eld timidly bqti oouidnt help- it you were- so blue and and wrelohed diok and and i was afraid you would nayer speak ot it again never bopld be laughed happily i never shoold have dared i do believe bnt for lhatnote doris tbeywefa aitttbg before ilia flrenowas on that last lime aldo by aide and he seised the poller for nil usoel onslaught bponlbeooala i xqo ycrn wersplsssed ihen vpiesiedl wby it gave me juat the aniadoe i nerded- 1bavevknownafrfew girls well except yoti doriirno sisters nor mother i didnt know how they really looked at these ibinga i auppoeed yob soblaty girlswere all like- those in booksbeyoiid tba resch of poor fellows jliaimgr illvktsijfon going to ask her 9 rlatk her why lvaaked ber already and it is juat as yon said she pretenda that it ii no aorifloa at all and so im sngsged ddrlatbaokslojoo daer jijbjsfqre hereyeatbe flretseenlod- to flare lridiipred atid euveldplkll things iti a soorolilnghati and she herself was in the niltuilof it anil her lieart waaits iveryj osniarrmeohanloaliy ahe raised hsrnind jwiytfnis liikjrrpa i lobsr hair and took out lb little roi bod boldiuiillto herllp to hide their trerrib- iiifrrv f i v ixi3torwaflaraajrl her voloo aportdedj lbihia to him bnt itrssmtorak asftihinw rilhsipbi dhjl 1 gut last ulghi and ijast dropped in srsftaliil yooijoudoarcirl before going to bsjji ytifjxktmszix ft vrfwijnjri m- a mb9saoe to oarcia inajl this cuban bnsipees there is one man standi out qd the borlxon- of my memory like mars at perlbelion v7ban- war broke out between spiu and the united states it was very- neoeaaary to oommunioate qofokly with theleaderbf the insurgents oaroia was somewhere in the mountain fastness of cuba no one knew where no mail nor telegraph message could reoob bim the president must have bis oooperation and quiokly what to do i some one ssid to the president theres afellow by tbe nanie of bowan will find garoiafor yon if anybody oau bowan was sent for and given a latter tq be delivered to oaroia bow tbe fellow by the name of bowan took the letter sealed ii ap in an oilskin pouob strapped it over his heart in four days landed nff the ooast of cuba by night from an open boat disappeared into the jangle and in three weeksoame pot on the other side of the island having travelled a bostile oounlry on foot and delivered bis letter- to garcia are things i have no special deaire now to tell in detail h the point 1 wish to make is tills mckinley gave bowatia letter to be delivered to garola j where a he att by be eternal i there ii a man wboie form shoild be oaat in deathless svbnsa andtbs blatoe placed in every college of the land it isnot- booklearning young men need nor instrootfon about this and that but a stiffening of tbo vertebrae- wbiob will oausa them to be loyal 0 v trust to act promptly conoentrate iheir energies do tbe thing garry a message ioqarolal general garcia is dead hat there aredther garciaa mo man wlm has endeavored to oarry- out an outerprise where many handn were needed has has been well ulgh appalled at times by tbe imbecility of tbe aveta man tbo unwilllngnwa to conoeulrato on a thing and do it slipshod assistanotj foolish iuatlondod dowdy indifference and halfhearted work seem the rule and no mjtn sqeceeos uoleas by book orbrobl or threat he forces or bribes other men to aisist brr- 9r maybap ood in hla good- cesaperformsa mlrabe andlsenris him au angel of iiight fo an asaistaiii you reader pot this matter to a teat yoa are altting now 1q your offloe7sij olerks are within call summon tiny one and make this request please lookfn the enoyalo pedis and make a brief memorandnni for ine concerning the life of oorreggio will the clerk quietly aay yes sir and go do the taek on your life be will not he will look afyonoot of a fidiy bye and aak one or more oi tbe following qaeatlona who wis he whioh enayciopvdia 7 where is the euoyblopedia wail hired for that dont yon mean blsmarok whats the mattes witb charlie doing it is be dead la there any hurry shant i bring you the book and let yoa look ii op yourself wbetdb yon want to know for and i will lay you ten to one that after yob- bave answered the questions and eiplairied hsw to find tbe information and why yoa want it the clerk will go tsgaud get one of the other olerks to help him try to find gkrbiaand then oorbo baok audi tell you there is no such man of coorse i may lose my bet but aooording to lw fjaw of averago i will not now if yoa arevise yoa will not bother to explain to your assistant that correggio is indexed nuder tbo or not in tbe ks but ybu will smile sweetly aud say never mind- and go look hip yourself and thin iuoapaalty for ludopotdenl aoliontbu moral atfipidlty this infirmity of tho will this unwilliuguoaa to oheerfolly catch bold and lift aria ihelhiogi that pet pora 86pbilisn so far inlo the foturo if men will not aol for themielvea what wil tbey do whentue benebt of their effort is foralj a ffrtmato with knotted oldb seems neoeeiary and the dread of letting the bdonoo saturday night holds many a wbrkelrto hi plsoie adterllia for a stendgrapber and nine out of ian who apply can neither spell nor pdnotuata and do not think it neoeaaary to- can sdoha one write a letter to garola you see tbat booklieeper said tha foreman to me in a largo faotory yesat about hint welwes a nno aoooununt bat if id send hlminp tbwn on an errand be might aooornplutli tsid l tigtiliand or lbs otter band might aibp at four saloons on luvwayiin whb he got to main btrest would forget what he had been sent for cansuon a man be entrnate i lb carry a message togairole ki7r have recently been much maodlln sympstby expreaefti for he dbwntroddsridsnlaen of the sweatshoi and the homeless wsndsrer searohlng for botfssternployrnsnt end with it all often goes mtny hard words for the men lo j iholhlbg is said abbui the employer wno grbwvbldbefors his time lu a vain attempt j toleviroweyeaiowellstoddinfslllj bslp ibat does nothing wi loaf wftsffwk fjatdsdrnsirrvimtf ii the survival oftfie litest belfinterett prompts every employerto keep tho best those who can carry a message tb garoia i know one man of really brilliant parts wbohasnot tbe ability to manage a busi npgd of hisovvb and yetwho iiubioiutoly worthless to snyone elao because le oarriea witb hiin constsntly tbo insane eaaploion that his employer ie oppressing or intending to oppress bim he cento give orders and be will not receive tbem sbould a meeaagebe given bim to take lb garcia his auswor would probably bv take it yourself tonight this man walks tire streets looking foir work the wind wlnstllug tbrongbhis threadbare coat no one who knows him dare employ him for he is a regular firebrand of discontent ho is impervioqs to reason and tbo only thing that can impress bim is ths toe of a tbick- soled no 6 boot ofooursel know tbatone so morally dsformed is no less to be pitied than a physiois oripple but in our pitying let as drop a tear loo for tbe meq who are striving to carry on a great enterprise whose working hours are not limited by tho whistle and wbose hair is fast turning white through the struggle lo bold in- line dowdy indifference alipahod imbecility and the beartlets lngratitnde which but for thelronterprjbe would be both buugry aud homeless have i put the matter too strongly possibly i bav but when all the world bas gone sblurnberiug i wisbyo speak a word of bympatby for- thafnau who aacoeeds the man who against great odds has directed the efforta of others and having sneoeeded bads theres nothing in it notbiiig bat bare bosrdand- olothes 1 haveoarriod a dinner pail aud worked for days wages and i have also- been- on employer of labor an i know there somstblng lb be said on both sides there la no axoelleno- per be- in poverty rags are no recommendation and all employers ere not rapacious sndbighbaudecl any more- than all poor men areivirtuona my heart goes out to the man who does bia work when tho boea is away as well aswhob bo isat home and tbe man who when given a letter for garcia quietly takes tbe missive without masking any idiotic question and with no lurking intention of ohuckiog it into tbe nearest aewer or of doing aught else bat deliver it navtrgete laid off nor has to go on strike for higher wages oi villa ttion is one long snxions boaro fo juat euah lodividnsls- anytbiug sooe a man aaks ahsll begranted bis kind if so rare tbat no einplnyer can afiford to let him go uu la wanted in every city town- aud village in every office bhop mtore and faotory the world cries out for buob bo ii needed nnd needed badly the man who oau oarry anoasslnuwlaroi exchange marked protjiv in tem- nowhere is progress in- the oauia u temperadoe more olearly enown than- in iheftttituaebf theoburohes toward strong drink within the memory of ifviittt nten the decanter the deaaouviidebaard were in fall fellowabip to iiirvestiug hoasbraislngs weddluua i even funerals intosibtlng bevere were regarded sa indispensable liquor by ihe was one way of- dis- pensing praiswortby hospitality to those trayelilng to gbarbh gatherings nigbicap and eyeopezier were considered neoeaaary even by the miuisler whole farms were devoted to railing grain to be marketed at the dislilery distillers and wholesale liqnor dealers and keepers of inn with bars attsbbed weresbdorded the rightband fellowship withbnt luooght of qnestlon or objection renting premises to bensed thellquor bnsinesb wassocepted ss a thsaer of oboree batnbw ail thin u changed in every evaligelloal cbarob drinking knrl trsrhok- intf dlreotlvor indlrealiy are in iuf raotionb of discipline all aiid severally theprsc- tiaiis above enutrierated are condemned end feilowabip withheld from those indulg ing in- the strue our own ohnroh is empbatioand clear on the snbjeai the woluot street bsplliit cliurolilonlsvlllr is ulkiiighigk arid nobe grbnttd seme of lis riohest membbra and mot liberal supportera are dlsliilera and wliolesilo dealers tbese are affectloually- urgtdtb qntt thebnslness andthus to stvolhe church tho scandal ihelr 7 present roemberanlp iuvojvss they are giyeti one year in wnioktp work out bl lite buiinrsa at the expiration of whioli lime they are olthertoqoito the bnslnehsor to quit the bhurbhrcariiuit adpuwu wjjll fixed a woman llviog in khikoi oily sued a man fpr breaoh of pronoisoandbeoured a jadgernent then she aaetl a ratlroad for an alleced injury aniwaa aucbesdull and tbeusaed the city for an injqry sjijev sastaiusd pn bad sidewalk and was aackaasful again she now haa enough to keep ber aloblaon tfoi what to pb with the boy a conversation was hold a short time ago between husband and wife concerning the fniure welfare bf their only son tho mother was for uiviug him a profession bat the father thought tbe professions were crowded end buigeeted starling the boy lu mcroanlils life v the fathers reaaan for being opposed to bis son entering professional life waa that behad brother who while very clever had nothing to ehow for his years of labor but a mm living aud a gnod big aeoount oil the debit side the niuney fpent in sdneating himself ths lalhsr although not haying the education f bis broilier hail some years ago engaged with lite llraaleygarrstaon oo iilmltad of brautford ont first as oaovasslpg sgent being prorrioted from time to time niilil nowihe was in thb very icoot rdk willi this oumimtny and making lote ot fbhey he haw aao seen rot of ute world having bmn tenl-lo- aitralia ibsmtthafrloa england and the tjnited ftss ilirarore not ho wondered ttwpppbsedvb his sob timnupw sjanbuinthanl gniiwyand iravel it was finally wiiyjutighttbifbllow- in tinl- slbis fmmrani enllatwlihitnis ilwljaoifhinghodfr wpeoiklly answe top tby way la in tbo soaand thy tiath lu tbo nroat wators and tby footsteps aro not known lsalni lxxvll 10 i asked for eraoeto lift mo iilgh abovo tboworlda dopreeslug oaroa ood eoiit tno borrows wltb a sigh i bald ho baa not board my proyerb x asked for light that imlgbt soo my patlrslong liroa thorny road butoloudssuddarkneaa shadowed luo when i oipaeted light from qbd x askod for poaoe that 1 mlghtrgat to tblnkuiy sacrod djitloaoor i wbeniol anobborrorafliled uiybrbaat- as ibad noverfelt berore and 61 i orlod oan tbl be nj wbbso plaints tho atoadfaitmouutins mbyop can this bo lloavous prbvailing oaro and o i toy opd is tbls tby lore 7 butsoon i found tltatsprrow worn as dutys ruroaont strengtb buppllos and out of darkness meeklyboroo unto tborlgbteout ligbt dotb rise and soon i found that fearawblobetlrrd alystartlodsoul oodswlltodo on mo more real neaoecouferrod than lu llfoa cajini evor know then ijbrd in tby mysterious wsys- load my dependent apirlt on and wbereaoor u kneelsandiirays teaob it toiayirttbywlllbedonor xtitbonothoughtbnuopeono thlno imaqo aeolc tbyglory soo y lot every othetwishand-oaro- lio loft oobrldjnglyio thee dr monttll c m in chicago livery seat in the north htata street bar wa takon aad four or ave poronb were stand itk ooo of the jailor was n yonog woniwii whu stood near the middle ot the oar a tail young mn rttlikr looalini for hi lieigtii from an jiuieiio point of vlew roaisvtioai ijb rest near the rear door and ateppid forward to inform ilio yoang woman vtio looking theother wfty lit there wa a seat for her ai ite did so it iusn tlroppedfirtu it 1 by your tirjonhail the young mau i dltf ul get up lo rive yoti a sent bnti tot ft snitilhe rpanv- v i inleiilfcil ii for the yountf ify tid the yodok mllpwv v but i pot ii retorted lheolber with av sueer lie wbb tbo bigger mail but- the onni felowii hinjd descended iiu hid uuouidef and lie wui on liia leut aud outhw pliatforpi before ho knew jt- v cundactori ouutjuourl heorfed but the cdnduatorhau a furaway look iu hifl eye and waa i ut ere- ted in eometuinic gnin on down the at root thu inan was in the htrcfrt lfureheliadtinihihl cliv aaiu tub liuro for liewnv u hero he eyee oftbu iiafsfuneru by ill its tiuio rcsulered the oar and lifting his hit politely aid iladni therb a ueat for you and the jaabuntere wcrosb tickled that they actually beait to op tlieir l7udrj the yon uk man simply miiiiled mil haiuti athlotioa mm of aoone vaae ji then then lie luauud up fttvinst iltu front door atiruivoanie abaorbedin- a paper while the wunmn watched him adinirinj chioaro ffribant a boys es3a a hornet u tin- sm irtesl iiugt7ltt tfa auy where lio coinoa when lie pleaien and goes when ho gets ready oua way a hornet hliowoliinsinartuesa ia by tfttccd- iugto hiovvri biisfnesb atidvmakfug everybody who liiterferea witlnhim wish they had done the rame thing when sjtornet etiugs afalibw he bnowe it and never stopttalkitig aboiifit as long aahlvfriendswillliaibiflo liini oneday a hornet stung my pa my pa isapceaclier on the nose arid be- did not do any pastoral visiting for a moothr witnobt talkhg aboutthat hornet another wky hornet ehowa hie smart cess la by not prooraalinatlng f be liaaany business with 3 on he will attend to it at once andihen leaveybnio think it oyer to- yburaoif ho dont d 1 like the mbeqaito yihnoomemftudinir around fni half in hoiir rlrivintk otinsin oonalii and hen whenhs lias uilyon all he-cab- dash awaywliiig no un a hornet never woodo you bat if be etidke you you trill gnnqff on a swell 1 dont- know anything more about horneti oiilvliij wb blllingiaye hornet ienti iiiilminible joeii waa a iibor spellrrj buxar ndden iirtiia tmprerhums and rather hasty- in his ooticioalonf or ond kpttfoith ltraltis 1 7 i- theres a breeze in our -at-i-by- bome pooplo norm t takoa rnorbtd delight in making tbeinautvwnml other people miaerablf iflhey hav h rial trbnbie to worry about they nhvuuf dbtnre artilloialones ami their mills uevar shut down tbey giludolirjuiraejiftiiou misery whether the market lobrina ux dull tbey aro like old rdaty piauos have not beeli tuueil for fciirjy years tbe are tbfuil of diiuordant elements that iib liarmony bail lie mvbkeil front them ilaj on aiiy key aiuiyou evoke tiotlnug- buta jiarigle thby whiuo and sigiiibut they never slog and yet a oprltiau abotb all oihermj eliculd bb fiirevuv aiiilu ttbi heariv aaure reblpbfbruheorfiiliieflt l s always on tnoiilirt fur aoitio jilraaabt lliing ihat miy liappeti ib us a wasbv wornaii iiia ihieerabis teiivnieiitlidase was asked hovshe kept initing in her disheart ening burrbundiuga ob- became tliere is always a breem promalley she might baveeaia itwai ooouaaabe bad a singfjig- heart fiibnbefr5bvyery auoli soul god- night havtook the paper i r tha oaso bl tba lweslbrooke n y globestar agalnal waiter igrsff wan decided- in favor of the pobllihorrf anil sir grao tin pail lp op jitdgornont and 0oat fnr a bill for two y bubsorlpjioii v the publllhera ailtnitled that ipraffani neverordertd the paper the facta were 0 dlsvqjed that yhijitii jvesjtbrooh hob bqgghiin orsffaros iims vrae itii ttj i fni-il- ml iiiiis ijffstrlbstr fmlftjllinxuj i sparedhite ilni ynaatiog unth siajjsiorlbiriwbhjj bffrinu slop ims papjraw akfhwatittk ffsiprl ffif irjr ts-ivbihln- aitt iisp